_Jean François DUTOIT _+ | (1630 - 1694) _Pierre Daniel DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1730) | | |_Marguerite DUTOIT ____+ | (1635 - 1716) _Jean François DUTOIT __________| | (.... - 1769) m 1753 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Anne PIOT ____________| | (.... - 1725) | | |_______________________ | | |--Françoise Marguerite DUTOIT | (1763 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _David PELLATON _______| | | (.... - 1753) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Elizabeth Magdelaine PELLATON _| m 1753 | | _______________________ | | |_______________________| | |_______________________
_Samuel DUTOIT _______+ | (1697 - 1751) _Sigismond Philippe DUTOIT _| | (1729 - 1806) m 1756 | | |_Jeanne Marie MARTIN _ | (.... - 1771) _Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT _| | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 | | | _Jean Daniel SUGNENS _ | | | (.... - 1765) | |_Rose Marie SUGNENS ________| | (.... - 1793) m 1756 | | |_Susanne TACHERON ____ | (1692 - 1755) | |--Françoise Marguerite Olympe DUTOIT | (1804 - 0846) | ______________________ | | | _Jean François ROBERTY _____| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY _| (1780 - ....) m 1801 | | ______________________ | | |_Marie Esther BESANÇON _____| | |______________________
_Samuel DUTOIT _____________+ | (.... - 1794) m 1740 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _____| | (1750 - 1813) m 1771 | | |_Susanne Marguerite GOUMAZ _+ | (1720 - 1794) m 1740 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _______| | (1792 - ....) | | | _Samuel BORSAY _____________ | | | | |_Susanne BORSAY _________| | (1748 - 1814) m 1771 | | |____________________________ | | |--Françoise Marie DUTOIT | (1819 - ....) | ____________________________ | | | _Pierre Samuel BERROUD __| | | m 1818 | | | |____________________________ | | |_Jeanne Elizabeth BERROUD _| | | ____________________________ | | |_Marie Louise CARDINAUX _| m 1818 | |____________________________
_Isaac DUTOIT _______+ | (.... - 1728) m 1685 _Jean Antoine DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1738) m 1711 | | |_Anne Marie MONOD ___+ | (1668 - 1733) m 1685 _Jaques Daniel DUTOIT _| | m 1739 | | | _Daniel VEYRE _______ | | | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______| | (1688 - 1738) m 1711 | | |_____________________ | | |--Françoise Susanne DUTOIT | (.... - 1797) | _____________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Ursule DECREVEL ______| (1717 - 1807) m 1739 | | _____________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________
_Sigismond Philippe DUTOIT _+ | (1729 - 1806) m 1756 _Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT _| | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 | | |_Rose Marie SUGNENS ________+ | (.... - 1793) m 1756 _Marc Frédéric Charles (Fritz) DUTOIT _| | (1817 - 1863) m 1841 | | | _Jean François ROBERTY _____ | | | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY _| | (1780 - ....) m 1801 | | |_Marie Esther BESANÇON _____ | | |--Frederick Eugene DUTOIT | (1845 - 1922) | ____________________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Elizabeth GRESSET ____________________| (1824 - 1874) m 1841 | | ____________________________ | | |_______________________________| | |____________________________
_Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT _+ | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 _Marc Frédéric Charles (Fritz) DUTOIT _| | (1817 - 1863) m 1841 | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY _+ | (1780 - ....) m 1801 _Frederick Eugene DUTOIT _| | (1845 - 1922) m 1882 | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth GRESSET ____________________| | (1824 - 1874) m 1841 | | |_______________________________ | | |--Frederick Eugene DUTOIT | (1883 - 1963) | _______________________________ | | | _______________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Anna M. KUNZE ___________| (1858 - 1942) m 1882 | | _______________________________ | | |_______________________________________| | |_______________________________
Occupation given as hoste (innkeeper) in several documents before his death. His testament was recorded twice in the minutaires of Benoit Giraudet:
Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon, 16 apr 1659 - 09 jun 1659.
Confession pour honnorée Marie Fudry et assignal a elle passé par honnorable Gabriel Dutoict son mary de 300 fl.
Le Seizieme jour du mois d'Apvril mille six centz cinquante neuf, honnorable Gabriel Dutoict hoste bourgeois de Mouldon Estant affligé de maladie neantmoins de bon sens memoire et entendement, A confessé et par cestes Confesse en bonne foye et en parole de verité avoir heu et reellement receu d'honnorée Marie Fudry sa femme en la premiere année de leur mariage, Assavoir la somme de trois centz florins, partie employé en rachept de plusieurs meubles et le reste en traffic. Et ce oultre les habits et linges qu'elle avoit, laquelle somme afin qu'elle lui soit preservé pour elle et les siens, Il la lui asseure et assigne sur la generalité de tous ses biens a son choix pour la pouvoir realizer (?) sur .... le cas achevant sans difficulté, opposition, ni en empeschement qui seroit requerant que la presencte confession et assignal soit sa derniere (?) stable et ferme en tous jugements et dehors, Daté et faict soubs toutes autres Clausules et Sections (?) a ce requis les jours et ans sus mis, En presence d'honnorable Jean Crosat habitant audit Mouldon et Vincent Duperon bourgeois dudit lieu testmoings a ce requis.
Testament de feu honnorable Gabriel Dutoict.
Le Seizieme jour du Mois d'Apvril en l'an mille six centz cinquante neuf, honnorable Gabriel Dutoict hoste bourgeois de Mouldon, se sentant de quelques temps griefvement malade neantmoins de bon sens memoire et entendement appres avoir faict ses prieres a l'Eternel pour le pardon de ses pechéz et pour le salut de son ame, et faict ce testament et declaration de sa derniere volonté, par lequel il a institué pour son vray et legitime heritier, ce que la loy souveraine luy permet de disposer, Assavoir Pierre Dutoit son fils. Et quant au reste de ses biens, il a laissé et laisse en iceux tous ses enfants Sçavoir ledit Pierre Dutoict, Marie et Anne, avec honnoré Marie Fudry ses Mere sa femme, en esgale portions pour eux et les leurs, consideréz qu'entre luy et sadite femme il ny a aucun contract de Mariage passé. Item, donne et legue au Charitable hospital dudit Mouldon dix florins pour une fois qui se payeront sur la prerogative dudit Pierre incontinent appres le deces dudit testateur, Ordonnant et voulant que sadite femme comme ayant recogneu le bon mesnage d'icelle soit jouissante gouvernante de tous sesdits biens et tutrice de sesdites biens des Enfants sa viduité durant, sans aucun compte rendre et sans qu'elle soit obligé a aucun Inventaire, DeJectant tous autres pretendant son present testament estre stable et vallide en tous jugements et dehors, revocquant tous autres qu'il pourroit avoir fait. Daté soubs le seau a ce requis et Signature du notoire soubsigné les jours et an que dessus, En Presence d'honnorable Jean Crosat marchand habitant audit Mouldon et Vincent Duperon bourgeois dudit lieu tesmoings.
[Assignal pour Marie Dunand, not related to this family.]
Testament de Gabriel Duthey
Le seizieme jour du mois d'Apvril en l'an Mille six cents cinquante neuf honnorable Gabriel Dutoict hoste Bourgeois de Mouldon se sentant des quelques temps en ça griefvement Malade, Neantmoins de bon sens memoire et entendement, Apres avoir fait ces prieres à L'Eternel pour le pardon de ses peches et pour le salut de son ame, A fait son testament et declaration de sa dernierer Volonté, par lequel il a institué pour son Vray et legitime heritier de ce qui la loy souveraine luy permet de disposer, Asçavoir Pierre Dutoict son fils. Et quant au reste de ses biens, Il a laissé et laisse en Iceux tous ses enfants sçavoir le dit Pierre, Marie et Anne, avec honnorée Marie Fudry leur mere sa femme en esgale portion pour eux et les leurs, consideré qu'entre luy et sadite femme il ny a en aucun Contract de Mariage payé. Item, donne et legue au Charitable hospital dudit Mouldon dix florins pour Une fois, qui se payeront sur la prerogative dudit Pierre Incontinent apres le deces dudit testateur. Ordonnant et Voulant que sa dite femme Comme ayant recogneu le bon mesnage heu d'Icele, soit jouyssante, gouvernante, de tous ses dicts biens, et Tutrice de ses dicts enfants sa viduité durant, sans aucun Compte rendre et sans qu'elle soit Obligé a Aucun Inventaire, Dejettant tous autres pretendants en ses dicts biens moyennant cinq sols, Voulant et entendant son present Testament estre Stable et Vallide, en tous Jugements et dehors, Revocquant tous autres qu'il pourroit avoir faits. Daté soubs le seau a ce requis et signature du Notaire soubsigné, les jours et an comme dessus, En presence d'honnorable Jean Crosat Marchand habitant audit Mouldon et Vincent Duperron bourgeois dudit Lieu tesmoins.
Le quatrieme jour du mois de may an susdit, pour satisfaire au .... souverain, le sus escript testament a esté produict judicialement au dit Mouldon par la Vefve et frere dudit Testateur du quel lecture ayant esté faicte, leur a esté concedé acte de decretation d'iceluy pour s'en servir de droict au Besoin, et la dite vefve l'a accepté en ce qui la concerne, Et le droit d'octroy a esté reservé. Daté judicialement au dit Mouldon, soubs le seau de Noble Seigneur Chatelain et signature du Curial du dit Lieu, soubsigné, les jours et an que dessus.
Traicté de mariage entre honnorable Jean Dutoict et honnorée Marie Fudri Vefve d'honnorable Gabriel Dutoict.
Le quatrieme jour du mois de Juin mille six cents cinquante neuf, traicté de Mariage a esté faict et passé Entre honnorable Jean fils de feu honnorable Jean Dutoict Bourgeois de Mouldon d'Une part, et honorée Marie Fudry Vefve de feu honnorable Gabriel Dutoict vivant bourgeois du dit lieu d'autre part. Par lequel traicté, Icelle Espouse s'est conjoincte en mariage avec ledit Sieur Jean Dutoict son Espoux avec toutes les pretentions qu'elle a sur les biens dudit deffunct son mari a forme de la confessions et assignal par luy passé à Icelle, que de Testament d'Iceluy Emologué Judicialement par elle approuvé et advoué et qui demeure stable en ce qu'il la concerne. Item a esté arresté que tous acquis, prouffits, et esparguites qu'ils feront durant leur Mariage seront par moitié entr'eux deux pour eux et les leurs, Et afin que l'advenir on sçache en qui en sera, Inventaire se fera de tous les biens meubles et immeubles delaisséz par ledit feu Gabriel Dutoict le plus fidellement que faire se pourra. Afin que la part de ses enfants leur [seroit?] Preservé. Item, que ledit Sieur Espoux sera tenu d'entreppris nouris et Vestir les dicts enfants avec leurs .... sans leur precompter aucune chose, sauf que quand Pierre fils dudit honnorable Gabriel Dutoict sera mis en apprentissage de quelque mestier, le salaire promis se prendrea sur les biens des dicts enfants, desquels il sera comme le pere et tuteur. Si l'honnorable Justice ou Lois par actes l'approuvent ce conformant qut aux effects dudit traicté jouxte La Coustume de Mouldon, lequel Traicté de Mariage les parties ont promis de bien observer et tenir pour stable sans jamais y contrevenir, et pour le preservation (?) d'Iceluy ont Obligé leurs biens. Daté en presence d'honnorable Jaques Dutoict frere dudict Espoux, Daniel François Vayre leur Cousin, et Jaques Dutoict frere dudit feu Gabriel Dutoict, tous tesmoins bourgeois dudit Mouldon, tesmoins.
Le neufvieme jour dudit mois de Juin, estant survenue mes Intelligences outre les surnomméz parties Jugales et les parents dudit feu Gabriel Dutioct pour la Condition des acquis, proffits et Espargnies sus mentionnéz, Et ayants mutuellement declaré leur Intention estre et consenti pour esclaircissement que telle condition sera pour eux et leur enfants qu'ils auront durant leur present Mariage. Et en ce les dicts parents n'ayants opposés et les dictes parties ayants advoué tout le reste du dict Contract avec la Condition telle que present escripte, A esté ordonné judicialement que le present esclaircissement seroit inscript au bas dudit traicté et que le dict Contract demeurera stable et ferme.
A settlement made after his death (Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon, 15 mar 1661) notes that Gabriel was the "maternal uncle" of Pierre Duc. This relationship has not been worked out, but it would presumably mean that Pierre Duc's mother was a sister of Gabriel.
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1515 - 1574) _François DUTOIT ____| | (1568 - 1602) | | |_____________________ | _David DUTOIT _______| | m 1604 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Gabriel DUTOIT | (.... - 1659) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Pernon _____ _______| (.... - 1624) m 1604| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Moyse Gabriel DUTOIT _+ | (.... - 1752) m 1715 _Samuel Philippe DUTOIT _| | m 1746 | | |_Françoise PIACHAUD ___ | (1690 - 1750) m 1715 _Abraham Antoine DUTOIT _| | (1751 - 1812) m 1778 | | | _Antoine LOUP _________ | | | (.... - 1746) | |_Magdelaine LOUP ________| | (1718 - 1782) m 1746 | | |_______________________ | | |--Gabriel DUTOIT | (1787 - 1796) | _Albert DOMBALD _______+ | | | _Jean Samuel DOMBALD ____| | | | | | |_Marguerite GOLAY _____+ | | |_Jeanne Rose DOMBALD ____| (1750 - 1811) m 1778 | | _______________________ | | |_________________________| | |_______________________
Noted at baptism in 1819 as brother of Pierre Daniel Dutoit who married Susanne Marguerite Durussel. This would make them both sons of Jacob Dutoit of Chesalles. Known as Jean Gabriel.
_Antoine DUTOIT _______+ | (.... - 1718) m 1688 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _| | (1692 - 1753) | | |_Jeanne ROSSET ________+ | (1666 - ....) m 1688 _Jacob DUTOIT ___________| | (.... - 1790) m 1765 | | | _Pierre Nicolas MOSER _ | | | | |_Salomé MOSER _______| | (1694 - 1755) | | |_______________________ | | |--Gabriel Jean Daniel DUTOIT | (1775 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _Jaques BECHOLEY ____| | | (.... - 1765) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jeanne Esther BECHOLEY _| (1740 - 1786) m 1765 | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
Catechumen 20 mar 1766 at Bern, where his father was then minister. He was a sponsor at the baptism of his nephew Eugène Dutoit in 1793 in Lausanne.
_Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | (1638 - 1695) m 1662 _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1743) m 1697 | | |_Agathe BOSSET ______+ | (.... - 1734) m 1662 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1790) m 1746 | | | _Pierre LYONS _______ | | | | |_Marie LYONS ________________| | (1671 - 1746) m 1697 | | |_Jeanne AUBERT ______ | | |--Gabriel Jeremie DUTOIT | (1749 - 1793) | _____________________ | | | _Jaques AGUET _______________| | | (1682 - 1752) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Louise AGUET __| (.... - 1756) m 1746 | | _____________________ | | |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________| | |_____________________
Also called Victor Gabriel Dutoit.
_Albert DUTOIT ___________________+ | (.... - 1746) m 1697 _Jaques DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1762) m 1725 | | |_Susanne Elizabeth (Marie) FABRI _+ | (.... - 1746) m 1697 _Abraham Antoine Charles DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1772) m 1753 | | | _Antoine NICOD ___________________ | | | (.... - 1718) | |_Sara Benigne NICOD ___| | (.... - 1785) m 1725 | | |_Salomé Marguerite ROTH __________+ | (.... - 1718) | |--Gabriel Victor DUTOIT | (1768 - ....) | __________________________________ | | | _Pierre Philippe LOUP _| | | | | | |__________________________________ | | |_Anne Catherine LOUP ____________| (1725 - 1807) m 1753 | | __________________________________ | | |_______________________| | |__________________________________
Noted as catachumen at Moudon, 1813.
_David DUTOIT _________+ | (.... - 1764) m 1739 _Joseph DUTOIT ________________________| | m 1774 | | |_Magdelaine GILLIÉRON _+ | (1702 - 1790) m 1739 _Pierre DUTOIT ______| | (1777 - 1819) m 1796| | | _Jean Philippe ROBERT _ | | | | |_Susanne Françoise (Fanchette) ROBERT _| | (1753 - 1811) m 1774 | | |_______________________ | | |--Gabrielle DUTOIT | (1799 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _Louis Nathanaël PANCHAUD _____________| | | (.... - 1796) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Rose PANCHAUD ______| m 1796 | | _______________________ | | |_Jean BOURBOËN ________________________| (.... - 1796) | |_______________________
There are two baptisms of Gaspard son of Daniel Dutoit in 1645. The one dated 20 mar 1645 names the mother. Another, in the deacon's register, is the son of Daniel dit ès Andrey. Gaspard son of Daniel Dutoit and Jeanne Wagnières is most easily identifed when he appears with his cousin, Anthoine Dutoit, Lt. de Chavannes. He is definitely the Gaspard who is noted several times as being "absent du pays" (1694, 1695). Could he have been the Gaspard Dutoit of Moudon who married Louise Tavel in 1702 at Corsier-sur-Vevey?
_Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | (.... - 1595) m 1565 _Daniel DUTOIT ____________| | (.... - 1618) m 1598 | | |_Anteine DUTOIT _____+ | (.... - 1592) m 1565 _Daniel DUTOIT ______| | (1611 - 1680) m 1638| | | _Jean DEMIERRE ______ | | | | |_Schere (Suaire) DEMIERRE _| | (.... - 1622) m 1598 | | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | | _____________________ | | | _André WAGNIÈRES __________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne WAGNIÈRES ___| (.... - 1685) m 1638| | _____________________ | | |___________________________| | |_____________________
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (.... - 1609) _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1587 - 1649) m 1605| | |_____________________ | _Jean DUTOIT ________| | m 1641 | | | _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___+ | | | m 1582 | |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _| | (.... - 1634) m 1605| | |_Ursule PERRET ______+ | m 1582 | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anteine CORTESY ____| m 1641 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Marriage contract recorded 10 dec 1597 by Jaques Richard, notary at Moudon, indicating his father is Jaques Dutoit, merchant, and that his bride is the widow of the late Pierre Frossard.
His widow appears at a baptism in 1619, apparently the same Sara, in spite of the 9-year gap between the children attributed to this couple. He was already dead at the time of the marriage of his daughter Clauda, 05 sep 1618. He is identified as a merchant at his partage with his brother Jaques, notary, sons of the late Jaques Dutoit, merchant. His testament of 07 oct 1617, Denis Pivard, notary, is unfortunately so faded in places as to be illegible.
[14431] Conract recorded by Jaques Richard, notary at Moudon, 18 dec 1597.
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1465 - 1528) _Maurice DUTOIT _____| | (1503 - 1559) m 1522| | |_Anteine _____ ______ | (.... - 1524) _Jaques (Jacobé?) DUTOIT _| | (1545 - 1593) m 1569 | | | _Jean TROLLIET ______ | | | | |_Anteine TROLLIET ___| | m 1522 | | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | (.... - 1618) | _____________________ | | | _Antoine PANCHAUD ___| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Aimée PANCHAUD __________| m 1569 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
A baptism in the deacon's register at Moudon, 26 oct 1639, indicates an unnamed son of Jacob Dutoit and his wife Antheine Berzin of Thierrens. If this record is in error as to the wife's surname, the record could be the missing baptism of Gaspard. Numerous documents recorded by the notaries indicate the Gaspard Dutoit who married Claudine Veyre was a tanneur and the son of Jacob Dutoit. A document of 23 may 1740 (D.A.Jossevel) identifies Gaspard's children as cousins of the officer Louis Jacob Dutoit.
_Jean DUTOIT ________+ | (.... - 1583) m 1572 _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1638) | | |_Françoise COVANOD __+ | m 1572 _Jacob (Jaques) DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1662) m 1638 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Magdelaine BIZE ____| | (.... - 1640) | | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | (1638 - 1728) | _____________________ | | | _Jaques BERZIN ______| | | (.... - 1638) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Antheine BERZIN _______| (.... - 1649) m 1638 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Gaspard appears at a number of baptisms outside of Moudon, e.g. Lucens and Granges. As early as 1644, he is noted as conseiller de Moudon, and by 1653 he has become the "châtelain de Mr. de Marnand" and has the title égrège, signifying his capacity as notary. While he and his wife appear frequently as sponsors at baptisms, they seem to have had no children of their own. The next known Châtelain de Marnand was Pierre Estoppey, guardian of the notary Isaac Dutoit about 1665.
[14447] The month is left blank in the marriage record at Granges. Also, the year might be interpreted as 1631 instead of 1636.
_Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | (1490 - 1550) _Claude DUTOIT ______| | (.... - 1609) | | |_____________________ | _Pierre DUTOIT ______| | (.... - 1629) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | (.... - 1656) | _____________________ | | | _Augustin SOCQUET ___| | | (.... - 1610) m 1564| | | |_____________________ | | |_Catherine SOCQUET __| (.... - 1613) | | _Nicod JAQUENOD _____ | | (.... - 1564) |_Claudaz JAQUENOD ___| m 1564 | |_____________________
Son of the previous minister at Rolle, cited in 1686 (Jean Fornet, notary at Geneva, vol. 3, p. 106) as Jean Dutoit, current minister there. While it is tempting to identify him also with the Gaspard Dutoit who married at Corsier-sur-Vevey, 1702, to Louise Tavel, it is hard to believe that he would not have been identified as a minister, and not simply as bourgeois of Moudon and Chavannes. This is ruled out by the discovery of records naming his widow. Biographical details exist, La France Protestant (2d. Ed.) and Livre du Recteur de l'Académie de Genève.
He studied at Geneva and Lausanne at least 1675-1679, and was consacrated in 1681 in France, where he was pastor at Meysse, Ardèche, 1681-1684. He was a refugee in Switzerland, pastor at Vich 1684-1691, suffragant for his father at Rolle in 1691, and installed as his successor 03 mar 1693. He is cited at Lausanne as "Vallonensis vivar. simulque Helv. Viviacensis" (Louis Junod, Album studiosorum Academiae Lausannensis, vol. III, unpublished). Henri Vuilleumier (Histoire de l'Eglise Réformée du Pays de Vaud, 1933) notes his tolerant spirit toward the pietists of his day, resulting from his personal experience of persecution in France.
His citizenship is directly stated by the notary Pierre Dutoit of Vevey in several documents from 1720 relating to the marriage of Gaspard's son François David, and financial affairs of Gaspard's widow. In a separate document dated 27 jul 1719, Jean Benoit Dutoit l'ainé and Pierre Dutoit the notary appear in the capacity of "relatives" of Gaspard, authorizing his widow to sell his estate in France. It appears that Gaspard's son Jean Matthieu had entered the legal profession and moved to Vevey by 1719, and the rest of the family also took up residence there about that time. (Pierre Dutoit the notary was thus related closely enough to Gaspard to represent his interests, but not so close as to present a conflict of interest. This is an important point in working out the parentage of Gaspard's father. When Gaspard's son eventually married Pierre's daughter, the bride and groom were second cousins, a permissible and popular degree of consanguinity.)
The document in question, consisting of two loose sheets of paper, was folded and inserted in one of Pierre Dutoit's notarial registers, and microfilmed with it:
L'an de grace courant Mille sept cent dix neuf et du mois de Juillet le vingteseptieme jour, Es mains du Notaire juré soubsigné et en la presence des tesmoins sousnommés, s'est en propre personne Establie et Constituée Vertueuse et prudente Dame Esther Simond, Vefve de feu Spectable et Sçavant Gaspard Dutoict en son vivant Ministre a Roolle au Canton de Berne, aussi Bourgeois de Vevey du mesme Canton, authorisée du Sieur Jean Benoit DuToict l'ainé et du Notaire soussigné dudit Vevey ses parents, laquelle sçachante et bien advisée et de ses droits bien informée pour Elle et les siens, A fait et Establi son procureur Special et General l'une des qualités ne desrogeant a l'autre, Vertueux et Prudent Jean Grex de la Grange, Bourgeois ______ [left blank], quoy qu'absent, Assavoir pour agir au nom de ladite Dame constituante, vendre, transiger, negotier les biens qu'elle a au Royaume de France en vigueur de la procure .........(?) au meilleur mode qui sera possible pour le bien et l'advantage, exiger et ........... [an entire line lost in the fold of the paper here] ............. que s'il la passoit Elle mesme, Et pour ce faire les suittes et instances Juridiques en cas qu'on refuse de payer amiablement ou que l'on s'oppose a cela indeuement. En ce cas paroitre par devant Tous Tribunaux requis Tant en demandant qu'en deffendant, produire droits et friefs, apeller, reconcer a apel, Et enfin tout ce qui sera requis de faire jusqu'a jugdment definitif ou de payement entier, Elire domicile en sa personne, Et pouvoir de substituer une personne Capable de pouvoir diriger les droitz de ladite Dame ainsi que ledit Sieur procureur faire pourroit soubs intention touesfois que l'un et l'autre Rendront fidelle conte de ladite Negotiation et recouvre ainsi que de droit, Avec promesses que ladite Dame constituante fait d'agreer leur Negotiations et procuration, Et de les relever de tous damps En cas de succombance, soubs l'obligation generale de ses biens, que soit en biens, fonds, meubles, obligations, cedules, ou autres papiers de quelle nature qu'ils soyent.
Ainsi fait et passé audit Vevey, lieu de demeure a present de la dite Dame, soubs les clauses icy requises et oportunes, En la presence des Sieurs [crossed out: Jean DuToict de Vevey] Jean François Dumats, et Antoine Robert tous deux bourgeois de Vevey qui se sont icy signés pour les deux procures (?) tesmoins. [Signed by Jean Benoit DuToic, and Esth. née Simon, Frantsoits Dumars, and Antoine Robert, tes.]
Ledit jour Es mains de moy Notaire et des tesmoins sousnommés s'est establi Damoiselle Susanne fille de feu Spectable et Sçavant Gaspard DuToit, vivant pasteur à Roolle, et bourgeois de Vevey, S'estant authorisée du Sieur Jean Benoit DuToit et du Notaire Soussigné ses parentz et priant aussi Monsieur son Curateur d'y aporter son authorisation.... (much of the rest of the document is not clearly legible due to tiny insertions and the fold in the paper, but it appears to follow text of the part of the document that concerns Susanne's mother.)
A number of documents relate to his dealings in Rolle prior to his death and to the settlement of estate:
Pierre Aymonier, notary at Rolle, 22 jan 1700: Pierre Simon, "expert chirugien", bourgeois de Rolle, Sr. Juré dudit lieu et de Mont-le-Grand, et Spectable, Docte et Savant Gaspard Dutoit, fidelle ministre aux Eglises dudit Rolle et Mont-le-Grand, accepted as "communiers" of Tolochennaz for the price of 300 florins. 23 aug 1707: Noble Benjamin Dalinge dit Bocquis of Saubraz owes 210 florins to Mr. le Ministre Dutoit de Rolle, in cancellation of a debt of Dalinge to Mr. Simon, father-in-law of Dutoit. 08 jul 1710: Claudine Archanget, wife of Nicolas Dumont bourgeois de Rolle, maître chauderonnier, sells a house in Rolle to Esther Ursule Simon, widow of Gaspard Dutoit, assisted by her son Jean Matthieu Dutoit, for 1950 florins, the house aux Rang Dessus, jouxte Grand Rue de lac, maison de Salamon Dutruict de vent, chemin public de joux, maison de Jean Bochaire de bise, témoin Jean Gabriel Croutaz, châtelain de St. George "son parent".
Philippe Favre, notary at Rolle, 04 mar 1704: Gabrielle Bodin, widow of the late François George Billiard of Essertines sells to Spectable, Docte, & Sçavant Gaspard DuToict, minister of Rolle and annexes, vineyards in Mont-le-Grand, "es Petites Cocognes". Also 15 mar 1704, Abraham Olivier Perrin and others sell him more vineyards, "en Cocogne". 23 apr 1704, Gaspard and his wife Esther Simon, with her father Pierre Simon, justicier and councillor of Rolle, rental agreement for Jean Estienne Panchard of Tolochennaz to farm their property. 08 jul 1704, Noble Daniel-Henri, Abraham-Frederic, and Jean-Antoine Del'harpe owe Demoiselle Paule DeConches, widow of the late Jean Dutoit, minister at Rolle, represented by her son the minister Gaspard Dutoit, 3000 florins in cancellation of a debt of Madeleine Preud'homme, widow of Noble Matthieu Del'harpe their mother, to Jean Dutoit and Paule DeConches husband and wife, dated 01 jan 1692 (the original debt may not have been recorded, the notary Philippe Favre says that it was shown to him, but he does not say that it had been recorded by a notary). 07 aug 1716, Esther Ursule Simon, widow of Spectable Gaspard Dutoit, with her relative Jean Gabriel Croutaz of Essertines, guardian of her children, sells property in Rolle to Egrège Jean Elie Preud'homme.
François DuTruict, notary at Rolle, 19 nov 1709: Esther Simon, widow of the minister Gaspard Dutoit, leases vineyards at Mont-le-Grand, "en Cocogne", to Discret Jean Fontaine, French refugee living at Mont, but he is not allowed to plant squashes, cabbage, beans (fajeoles), or other crops that are harmful to the vines.
Jean de Ribeaupierre, notary at Rolle, 20 apr 1710: Esther Ursule Simon, widow of the late minister Gaspard Dutoit, with her close relative Jean Gabriel Croutaz of Essertines, Chatelain de St. Georges and justicier at Mont-le-Grand, sells property to Jeanne Magdelaine daughter of the late François Aguet, minister at Bursins. 26 dec 1710: similar sale to Egrège Abraham Malherbe of Rolle. 27 jan 1714: Matthieu Dutoit son of the late minister Gaspard Dutoit, with his mother Esther Ursule Simon, by a procure signed yesterday 26 jan 1714 by her son David Dutoit, theology student in Lausanne, with their relative David Preud'homme of Rolle, sell property inherited from Esther's father the late Pierre Simon, to Claude Baptiste Valier, Chatelain of Rolle, with a separate authorization signed by David Dutoit, student, dated 26 jan 1714 at Tolochennaz. The original of this authorization is also preserved, and the signature shows what appears to be the letters Fr worked into the intial D of David, implying that his name was actually David François Dutoit. 31 jan 1711:Loan to Esther Ursule Simon from the estate of her husband, approved by her son David Dutoit, to arrange for the apprenticeship of her second son who is presently at Geneva.
Jaques Blondel, notary at Rolle, 01 dec 1721: Matthieu Dutoit, bourgeois and Sieur Procureur Juré de Vevey, with Ursule Simon his mother widow of the late Gaspard Dutoit minister at Rolle his father, sells for the heirs, various properties including vineyards at Mont-le-Grand "es Agnelles" or "es Coquettes", etc. to Benjamin Monnard, councillor of Mont-le-Grand.
_Thomas DUTOIT ______+ | (.... - 1595) _Pierre DUTOIT ______| | (1570 - ....) | | |_____________________ | _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1692) | | | _Pierre RUBATTEL ____ | | | (.... - 1611) | |_Salomé RUBATTEL ____| | (.... - 1629) | | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | (1659 - 1708) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Paule DECONCHES ____| (.... - 1704) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Unless this is an error, a Gaspard son of the late Daniel Dutoit son of André appears in a document of 26 dec 1668, selling on behalf of his co-heirs to the heirs of the late Daniel Demierre (Bernoit Giraudet, notary).
By 29 jun 1674 (Faucherre, notary at Moudon, ACV DL 40/4), we find a Gaspard Dutoit, assisted by Anthoine Dutoit, Lieutenant de Chavannes (referred to as his cousin) and Balthazard Crausaz, Officier de Chavannes, entering into an agreement with his father over division of property subsequent to his marriage to Pernon Favre. However, this is a different Gaspard son of a different Daniel, because in this record Daniel is still alive!
_Claude DUTOIT ______ | (.... - 1594) _André DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1629) m 1619| | |_____________________ | _Daniel DUTOIT ______| | (.... - 1665) m 1643| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise PIDOUX ___| | (.... - 1629) m 1619| | |_____________________ | | |--Gaspard DUTOIT | (.... - 1668) | _Guillaume BUTTET ___+ | | (.... - 1625) m 1588 | _Pierre BUTTET ______| | | m 1626 | | | |_Eve NICOD-ARNAUD ___+ | | m 1588 |_Christine BUTTET ___| (.... - 1685) m 1643| | _____________________ | | |_Jeanne _____ _______| m 1626 | |_____________________
_Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT __________+ | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 _Paul Emile DUTOIT ____________________| | (1809 - 1847) | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY __________+ | (1780 - ....) m 1801 _Paul Emile DUTOIT __| | (1847 - 1913) m 1873| | | _Jean Charles Louis BOURGEOIS __________ | | | | |_Marie Rose Lydie Henriette BOURGEOIS _| | | | |_Catherine Elizabeth Henriette NAEGELI _ | | |--Gaston Emile DUTOIT | (1878 - ....) | ________________________________________ | | | _Albert FRANCILLON ____________________| | | | | | |________________________________________ | | |_Elisa FRANCILLON ___| m 1873 | | ________________________________________ | | |_Louise Jaqueline BREITTMAYER _________| | |________________________________________
George and Pierre are mentioned in a document of Clement Butty (DS 106/113) 10 jan 1596 at Vevey. Also numerous other documents of this notary. The earliest indication that he had died is in a document of the same notary 15 nov 1602. By that time, Clement Butty's handwriting had degenerated into a marvelous obscurity, but we noted several documents where representatives of both the late George Duthey and the late Maurice Duthey appear together. This Maurice would be George's brother.
[819] Alive 19 dec 1601, dead by the end of 1602, from various notarial records at Vevey.
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1465 - 1528) _Maurice DUTOIT _____| | (1503 - 1559) m 1522| | |_Anteine _____ ______ | (.... - 1524) _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1583) | | | _Jean TROLLIET ______ | | | | |_Anteine TROLLIET ___| | m 1522 | | |_____________________ | | |--George DUTOIT | (.... - 1602) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
His testaments of 08 feb 1765 and 30 apr 1770 were recorded by Louis Freymond, notary. They name his wife but no children, and his siblings and some of their children. Catechumen at Bercher, December, 1721.
_Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | (1605 - 1666) _Jean François DUTOIT _| | (1630 - 1694) | | |_Magdelaine BECHET __+ | _Moyse DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1721) m 1703| | | _Daniel DUTOIT ______+ | | | (.... - 1642) m 1630 | |_Marguerite DUTOIT ____| | (1635 - 1716) | | |_Claudine MAURON ____ | (.... - 1658) m 1630 | |--George DUTOIT | (.... - 1770) | _____________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Magdelaine DUFOUR __| (.... - 1714) m 1703| | _____________________ | | |_______________________| | |_____________________
_Marc Frédéric Charles (Fritz) DUTOIT _+ | (1817 - 1863) m 1841 _George A. DUTOIT ___| | (1847 - 1923) m 1887| | |_Elizabeth GRESSET ____________________ | (1824 - 1874) m 1841 _Dana W. DUTOIT _____| | (1889 - 1977) | | | _______________________________________ | | | | |_Marie L. DANA ______| | (1860 - ....) m 1887| | |_______________________________________ | | |--George A. DUTOIT | | _______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________________________ | | |_Louise T. _____ ____| (1894 - 1992) | | _______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________________________
_Sigismond Philippe DUTOIT _+ | (1729 - 1806) m 1756 _Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT _| | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 | | |_Rose Marie SUGNENS ________+ | (.... - 1793) m 1756 _Marc Frédéric Charles (Fritz) DUTOIT _| | (1817 - 1863) m 1841 | | | _Jean François ROBERTY _____ | | | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY _| | (1780 - ....) m 1801 | | |_Marie Esther BESANÇON _____ | | |--George A. DUTOIT | (1847 - 1923) | ____________________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Elizabeth GRESSET ____________________| (1824 - 1874) m 1841 | | ____________________________ | | |_______________________________| | |____________________________
_Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT _+ | (1758 - 1820) m 1801 _Marc Frédéric Charles (Fritz) DUTOIT _| | (1817 - 1863) m 1841 | | |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY _+ | (1780 - ....) m 1801 _George A. DUTOIT ___| | (1847 - 1923) m 1887| | | _______________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth GRESSET ____________________| | (1824 - 1874) m 1841 | | |_______________________________ | | |--George A. DUTOIT | (1888 - 1969) | _______________________________ | | | _______________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Marie L. DANA ______| (1860 - ....) m 1887| | _______________________________ | | |_______________________________________| | |_______________________________