DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Pierre SIMON       (ID #I6092)

Family 1 :
  1. +Ursule Esther SIMON (d. AFT 1721)


At various times listed as "expert surgeon", justice, councillor of Rolle, etc. In 1700, with his son-in-law the minister Gaspard Dutoit, he purchased citizenship in the village of Tolochenaz for 300 florins (Pierre Aymonier, notary).

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Ursule Esther SIMON       (ID #I5367)

Father: Pierre SIMON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Gaspard DUTOIT (b. 1659, d. 1708)
  1.  François David DUTOIT (b. ABT 1689)
  2.  Estienne Elizabeth DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3. +Jean Matthieu DUTOIT (b. ABT 1692?)
  4.  Susanne DUTOIT (b. ABT 1701, d. 22 DEC 1771)


A document dated 19 nov 1709 (François Dutruict, notary at Rolle) shows Esther Simon, widow of the late minister Dutoit of Rolle leasing her vineyards at Mont, witnessed by Elisée Robert, minister at Perroy. She also purchased a house at Rolle in 1710, au Rang Dessus, on the north side of the Grand Rue, between the houses of Salamon Dutruict and Jean Bochaire. She names Jean Gabriel Croutaz of Essertines, chatelain of St. George and justicier at Mont-le-Grand, as her cousin.

A number of documents recorded at Vevey by Pierre Dutoit, a relative of her husband, shed more light on the family. One of these is a separate sheet of paper that was inserted with others at the end of the notary's minutaire for 1720. A few words added in the margin are not completely legible, because of the way the extra pages were folded:

"L'an de grace courant Mille sept cent dix neuf et du mois de Juillet le vingteseptieme jour, Es mains du Notaire Juré soubsigné en la presence des tesmoins sousnommés, S'est en propre personne Establie et Constituée Vertueuse et prudente Dame Ester Simond, Vefve de feu Spectable et Sçavant Gaspard DuToict en son Vivant Ministre a Roolle au Canton de Berne, aussi Bourgeois de Vevey du mesme Canton [marginal insertion here:] < authorisée du Sr. Jean Benoit DuToict l'ainé et du Notaire soubsigné dudit Vevey ses parentz > laquelle sçachante et bien advisée et de ses droits bien informée pour Elle et les siens, A fait et Establi son procureur Special et Général l'une des qualités ne desrogeant l'autre [marginal insertion here:] < en vigueur de la procure [illegible] le 24 mars (?) dernier passé [illegible] de la Mag. Secretaire Baillivale Berset de Morges>, Vertueux et prudent Jean Greu (?) de la Grange, Bourgeois, quoy qu'absent, Assavoir poir agir au nom de la dite Dame Constituante, vendre, transiger, négocier les biens qu'elle a au Royaume de France [marginal notation inserted here:] < soit en biens, fonds, meubles, obligations, cedules, du autres papiers de quelle nature qu'ils soyent, > au meilleur mode qui sera possible pour le bien et l'advantage, exiger et [one line not visible due to the way the pages were partially unfolded for microfilming] que s'il la passoit elle mesme, Et pour faire les suittes et instances Juridiques en cas qu'on refuse de payer amiablement ou que l'on s'opose a cela induement, En ce cas paroitre par devant Tous Tribunaux requis, Tant en damandant qu'en deffendant, produire droits et griefs, apeller, renoncer a apel, et en fin tout ce qui sera requis de faire jusqu'a jugement definitif ou de payement entier, Elire domicile en sa personne, Et pouvoir de substituer une personne Capable de pouvoir diriger les droitz de ladite Dame ainsi que ledit Sr. procureur faire pourroit soubs intention toutesfois que l'un et l'autre Rendront fidelle conte de ladite Négotiation et recouvre ainsi que de droit, Avec promesses que ladite Dame Constituante fait d'agreer leur Négotiation et procuration, Et de les relever de tous damps en cas de succombance soubs l'obligation generale de ses biens. Ainsi fait et passé audit Vevey (lieu de demeure a present de ladite Dame) soubs les clauses icy requises et oportunes, en la presence des Sieurs Jean François (?) Dumatz et Antoine Robert, tous deux Bourgeois de Vevey, qui se font signer pour les deux procures tesmoins. [Signatures of Esther Dutoit née Simon, Jean Benoit Dutoict, Pierre Dutoit the notary, and the witnesses.]

"Ledit jour es mains de moy notaire et des tesmoins sousnommés, s'est establie Damoiselle Susanne fille de feu Sp. et Scavant Gaspard DuToit vivant pasteur a Roolle et Bourgeois de Vevey, et avec authorisation du Sr. Jean Benoit DuToit et du Notaire soussigné ses parentz en presence aussi de son Curateur d'y apposer son authorization comme estoit estably en ... [text becomes confused and illegible here, as if words were drafted, crossed out, and a blank left for later corrections. A line is again lost in the fold as a result of the inattention during the microfilming, but it is clear that the text largely follows the preceding document. This allows a partial reading of the section that was apparently obscured in the first document:] " ... advantage d'icelle, et [illegible] d'ecrire passer quittance qui vaille autant que si elle l'auroit passé elle meme..." [and the document finally signed by Susanne Dutoit, Jean Benoict Dutoict, Pierre Dutoict, and the same two witnesses.]

From this we conclude:

  1. That Esther had recently moved from Rolle to Vevey;
  2. That Gaspard was recognized as a citizen of Vevey in his own right; and
  3. That he was recognized as a relative of both Pierre Dutoit the notary and of Jean Benoit Dutoit the elder, thus implying that these two men were recognized as being related to each other as well.

The other documents were recorded in the minutaires of the same notary for 1719 and 1720:

28 jul 1719, Susette, daughter of the late Spectable et Docte Gaspard Dutoit, pastor at Rolle and bourgeois of Vevey, authorized by her brother Jean Matthieu Dutoit, owes her brother Discret François David Dutoit 8 Francs of France...

21 feb 1720, Susanne Picot, widow of the late Louis Philipon, in his lifetime bourgeois of Vevey, rents furniture to the Dame the widow of the minister Dutoit, in his lifetime bourgeois of Vevey, signed Esther, widow of the minister Dutoit.

12 apr 1720, Marriage contract, François David son of the late Spectable, Docte, and Sçavant Gaspard Dutoit, in his lifetime bourgeois of Vevey and minister at Rolle, assisted by Mr. the Advocat Juré Dutoit his brother of the first part, and Anne Susanne Dubois daughter of Jaques Dubois and widow of Mr. Tondeur of the second part, witnessed by the above and by the minister Aguet.

25 jun 1720, Jean [should be François!] David Dutoit doctor of medicine and bourgeois of Vevey and Anne Susanne Dubois his bride jointly owe to Susanne Picot, widow of the late Louis Philipon, for the debt contracted by their mother and mother-in-law Madame the minister Dutoit.

19 sep 1720, Madame the widow of the late minister Dutoit of Rolle, authorized by virtuous François David and Jean Matthieu Dutoit, her sons, owes to the widow of the late Louis Philipon etc. (together with a reciprocal acknowledgement of debt, noting that Esther is living at Vevey.)

28 sep 1720, Susette daughter of the late Spectable Gaspard Dutoit, with approval of her brother the Procureur Juré Dutoit, apparently deeding an interest to her mother.

01 dec 1721, Jaques Blondel, notary at Rolle: Matthieu Dutoit, bourgeois et Sr. Procureur juré de Vevey, with Ursule Simon his mother, widow of the late Spectable et Sçavant Gaspard Dutoit vivant ministre à Rolle his father, sells vineyards at Mont-sur-Rolle, "Es Agnelles" or "Es Coquettes", for the benefit of the heirs.

Another document apparently relating to Esther is in the "Inventaire Blanc", a collection of parchements and papers originally from the archives of Bern, now at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises (ACV IB, layette 226, item 765): a sale by the widow of the late minister Dutoit of Rolle to Their Excellencies of Bern, her domaine at Tollochenaz, 1714 (not yet examined).

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Pierre SIMON _______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Ursule Esther SIMON 
|  (.... - 1721)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Françoise SIMONIN       (ID #I24796)

Family 1 : Daniel Humbert CORNAZ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean Isaac CORNAZ (dates unknown)


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Rose SIMONIN       (ID #I7535)

Family 1 : Benoit GIRARDIN (b. ABT 1521, d. 1571)
  1. +Pierre DE CHAMBRIER (b. 1542?, d. 21 FEB 1609)


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Joseph SIMONS       (ID #I122)

Family 1 : Margaret URAN (b. cir 1768 ?)


The identity of this person has not been established. He may possibly be the first son of Joel Simonds Sr. who came from MA to the Pawlet area perhaps as early as 1780 (his brother Col. Benjamin Simonds may have been there as early as 1777). Joel Sr. was b. 1744, d. 1821, his wife Patience Hall b. 1746, d. 1832. Joseph would have been born about 1762. There is a possible match in the 1790-1800 censuses, Hartland, Windsor Co., VT.

[14396] Date of intention.

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Alfred SIMPSON       (ID #I17436)

Family 1 : Sarah HEMPHILL (b. 1796, d. BEF 1880)
  1. +Alfred SIMPSON (b. 1836, d. 1898)


1880 census, Shelby Co., IL, ED 185 p. 32 (listed as Alford). 1850 census Mt. Sterling Tp., Brown Co., IL shows name as Alferd. Wife Sarah on 1850 census, second wife Hannah on 1880 census. Name in the Adams Co. OH marriage record is Alfred. Cemetery record shows Alford, but his son's tombstone says Alfred. The dialects of those times may not have distinguished among these spellings.

[6405] 1880 census shows parents b. VA and age as 76, but 1850 shows age as 49. Cemetery record shows age at death as 84 years, which would make the birthdate 1796.

[14849] Also marriage license 27may1826.

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Alfred SIMPSON       (ID #I17434)

Father: Alfred SIMPSON (b. 1801, d. 26 SEP 1880)
Mother: Sarah HEMPHILL (b. 1796, d. BEF 1880)

Family 1 : Mary J. MCCOY (b. 1837, d. 1893)
  1.  George W. A. SIMPSON (b. 1870, d. 1929)


He is also called Alford.

[6401] 1880 census shows parents b. VA and OH. Birthdate listed in cemetery records is 1833, but 1880 and 1850 census indicate b. 1836.

[14848] Listed in Brown Co. marriage records as Alfred, but 1880 census has Alford.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Alfred SIMPSON _____|
| (1801 - 1880) m 1826|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Alfred SIMPSON 
|  (1836 - 1898)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Sarah HEMPHILL _____|
  (1796 - 1880) m 1826|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Alice (Allie) SIMPSON       (ID #I21758)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Alice (Allie) SIMPSON 
|  (1865 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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Beatrice SIMPSON       (ID #I21760)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)

Family 1 : Nathaniel K. GROVER (b. SE 1869, d. 1917)
  1.  Gerald Dean GROVER (b. 3 AUG 1891, d. 4 SEP 1971)
  2.  Merle GROVER (b. JUL 1895, d. 1957)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Beatrice SIMPSON 
|  (1870 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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Bernice SIMPSON       (ID #I17597)

Father: Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)
Mother: Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)

Family 1 : George H. LENZ (b. 1895)


                                                     _Thomas SIMPSON _____
                                                    | (1804 - 1888) m 1830
                             _James E. SIMPSON _____|
                            | (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
                            |                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____
                            |                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830
 _Henry P. SIMPSON _________|
| (1874 - 1927) m 1895      |
|                           |                        _John KEES __________+
|                           |                       | (1812 - 1852)       
|                           |_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
|                             (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
|                                                   |_Lorinda HULL _______
|                                                     (1816 - 1888)       
|--Bernice SIMPSON 
|  (1895 - ....)
|                                                    _Alexander MCCOY ____+
|                                                   | (1815 - 1897) m 1837
|                            _George W. MCCOY ______|
|                           | (1839 - 1887) m 1861  |
|                           |                       |_Emily HEMPHILL _____
|                           |                         (.... - 1846) m 1837
|_Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY _|
  (1876 - 1948) m 1895      |
                            |                        _____________________
                            |                       |                     
                            |_Huldah BRIGGS ________|
                              (1843 - 1925) m 1861  |

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Bessie SIMPSON       (ID #I17601)

Father: Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)
Mother: Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)


                                                     _Thomas SIMPSON _____
                                                    | (1804 - 1888) m 1830
                             _James E. SIMPSON _____|
                            | (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
                            |                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____
                            |                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830
 _Henry P. SIMPSON _________|
| (1874 - 1927) m 1895      |
|                           |                        _John KEES __________+
|                           |                       | (1812 - 1852)       
|                           |_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
|                             (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
|                                                   |_Lorinda HULL _______
|                                                     (1816 - 1888)       
|--Bessie SIMPSON 
|                                                    _Alexander MCCOY ____+
|                                                   | (1815 - 1897) m 1837
|                            _George W. MCCOY ______|
|                           | (1839 - 1887) m 1861  |
|                           |                       |_Emily HEMPHILL _____
|                           |                         (.... - 1846) m 1837
|_Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY _|
  (1876 - 1948) m 1895      |
                            |                        _____________________
                            |                       |                     
                            |_Huldah BRIGGS ________|
                              (1843 - 1925) m 1861  |

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Carl SIMPSON       (ID #I17602)

Father: Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)
Mother: Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)


                                                     _Thomas SIMPSON _____
                                                    | (1804 - 1888) m 1830
                             _James E. SIMPSON _____|
                            | (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
                            |                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____
                            |                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830
 _Henry P. SIMPSON _________|
| (1874 - 1927) m 1895      |
|                           |                        _John KEES __________+
|                           |                       | (1812 - 1852)       
|                           |_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
|                             (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
|                                                   |_Lorinda HULL _______
|                                                     (1816 - 1888)       
|--Carl SIMPSON 
|                                                    _Alexander MCCOY ____+
|                                                   | (1815 - 1897) m 1837
|                            _George W. MCCOY ______|
|                           | (1839 - 1887) m 1861  |
|                           |                       |_Emily HEMPHILL _____
|                           |                         (.... - 1846) m 1837
|_Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY _|
  (1876 - 1948) m 1895      |
                            |                        _____________________
                            |                       |                     
                            |_Huldah BRIGGS ________|
                              (1843 - 1925) m 1861  |

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Edwin SIMPSON       (ID #I15865)

Family 1 : Louie Ann MCCOY (b. 27 APR 1864, d. 12 FEB 1942)
  1.  Harold SIMPSON (b. JUL 1904, d. 1905)


Son of F. M. Simpson and Mary Thomas.

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Elizabeth SIMPSON       (ID #I21762)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Elizabeth SIMPSON 
|  (1879 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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Francis SIMPSON       (ID #I21761)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Francis SIMPSON 
|  (1871 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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Frederick SIMPSON       (ID #I21759)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Frederick SIMPSON 
|  (1868 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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George W. A. SIMPSON       (ID #I17437)

Father: Alfred SIMPSON (b. 1836, d. 1898)
Mother: Mary J. MCCOY (b. 1837, d. 1893)


                       _Alfred SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1801 - 1880) m 1826|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Alfred SIMPSON _____|
| (1836 - 1898) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Sarah HEMPHILL _____|
|                       (1796 - 1880) m 1826|
|                                           |_____________________
|--George W. A. SIMPSON 
|  (1870 - 1929)
|                                            _Alexander MCCOY ____
|                                           | (1770 - 1841) m 1796
|                      _Alexander MCCOY ____|
|                     | (1815 - 1897) m 1837|
|                     |                     |_Hannah MCCULLOUGH __+
|                     |                       (.... - 1815) m 1796
|_Mary J. MCCOY ______|
  (1837 - 1893) m 1860|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Emily HEMPHILL _____|
                        (.... - 1846) m 1837|

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Harold SIMPSON       (ID #I15995)

Father: Edwin SIMPSON (b. 5 SEP 1860, d. 9 OCT 1923)
Mother: Louie Ann MCCOY (b. 27 APR 1864, d. 12 FEB 1942)


                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Edwin SIMPSON ______|
| (1860 - 1923) m 1903|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Harold SIMPSON 
|  (1904 - 1905)
|                                            _John Wingate MCCOY _+
|                                           | (1794 - 1877) m 1828
|                      _Joseph MCCOY _______|
|                     | (1838 - 1912) m 1860|
|                     |                     |_Elizabeth SMITH ____+
|                     |                       (1810 - 1880) m 1828
|_Louie Ann MCCOY ____|
  (1864 - 1942) m 1903|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Mary J. STINSON ____|
                        (1840 - 1912) m 1860|

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Hazel SIMPSON       (ID #I17599)

Father: Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)
Mother: Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)


                                                     _Thomas SIMPSON _____
                                                    | (1804 - 1888) m 1830
                             _James E. SIMPSON _____|
                            | (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
                            |                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____
                            |                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830
 _Henry P. SIMPSON _________|
| (1874 - 1927) m 1895      |
|                           |                        _John KEES __________+
|                           |                       | (1812 - 1852)       
|                           |_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
|                             (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
|                                                   |_Lorinda HULL _______
|                                                     (1816 - 1888)       
|--Hazel SIMPSON 
|                                                    _Alexander MCCOY ____+
|                                                   | (1815 - 1897) m 1837
|                            _George W. MCCOY ______|
|                           | (1839 - 1887) m 1861  |
|                           |                       |_Emily HEMPHILL _____
|                           |                         (.... - 1846) m 1837
|_Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY _|
  (1876 - 1948) m 1895      |
                            |                        _____________________
                            |                       |                     
                            |_Huldah BRIGGS ________|
                              (1843 - 1925) m 1861  |

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Henry P. SIMPSON       (ID #I17594)

Father: James E. SIMPSON (b. 14 SEP 1843, d. 27 JUL 1931)
Mother: Sarah Elizabeth KEES (b. 26 AUG 1848, d. 11 NOV 1925)

Family 1 : Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)
  1.  Bernice SIMPSON (b. 1895)
  2.  Hazel SIMPSON (dates unknown)
  3.  Roy SIMPSON (dates unknown)
  4.  Bessie SIMPSON (dates unknown)
  5.  Carl SIMPSON (dates unknown)


Son of James Simpson and ____ Kees.

                         _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                        | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                        |                     |_____________________
 _James E. SIMPSON _____|
| (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
|                       |                      _____________________
|                       |                     |                     
|                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                             |_____________________
|--Henry P. SIMPSON 
|  (1874 - 1927)
|                                              _John KEES __________
|                                             | (1775 - 1839) m 1796
|                        _John KEES __________|
|                       | (1812 - 1852)       |
|                       |                     |_Margaret DONAGHE ___
|                       |                       (1775 - 1829) m 1796
|_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
  (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
                        |                      _____________________
                        |                     |                     
                        |_Lorinda HULL _______|
                          (1816 - 1888)       |

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James E. SIMPSON       (ID #I17596)

Father: Thomas SIMPSON (b. 12 APR 1804, d. 22 MAY 1888)
Mother: Eliza A. _____ (b. 10 MAR 1811, d. 20 JAN 1877)

Family 1 : Sarah Elizabeth KEES (b. 26 AUG 1848, d. 11 NOV 1925)
  1. +Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
| (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--James E. SIMPSON 
|  (1843 - 1931)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Eliza A. _____ _____|
  (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Oscar SIMPSON       (ID #I21757)

Father: Robert C. SIMPSON (b. 9 FEB 1839, d. 20 JAN 1922)
Mother: Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)


                       _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
                      | (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert C. SIMPSON __|
| (1839 - 1922) m 1860|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Eliza A. _____ _____|
|                       (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Oscar SIMPSON 
|  (1862 - ....)
|                                            _Elnathan DAVIS _____
|                                           |                     
|                      _Howell F. DAVIS ____|
|                     | (1818 - 1864) m 1841|
|                     |                     |_Rebecca BROOKS _____
|                     |                                           
|_Perlina J. DAVIS ___|
  (1844 - 1915) m 1860|
                      |                      _James TOLLE ________+
                      |                     | (1793 - ....) m 1816
                      |_Harriet TOLLE ______|
                        (1817 - 1848) m 1841|
                                            |_Lovey H. TOLLE _____+
                                              (1800 - ....) m 1816

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Robert C. SIMPSON       (ID #I21756)

Father: Thomas SIMPSON (b. 12 APR 1804, d. 22 MAY 1888)
Mother: Eliza A. _____ (b. 10 MAR 1811, d. 20 JAN 1877)

Family 1 : Perlina J. DAVIS (b. 1844, d. 1915)
  1.  Oscar SIMPSON (b. 1862)
  2.  Alice (Allie) SIMPSON (b. 1865)
  3.  Frederick SIMPSON (b. 1868)
  4. +Beatrice SIMPSON (b. AUG 1870)
  5.  Francis SIMPSON (b. 1871)
  6.  Elizabeth SIMPSON (b. 1879)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Thomas SIMPSON _____|
| (1804 - 1888) m 1830|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Robert C. SIMPSON 
|  (1839 - 1922)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Eliza A. _____ _____|
  (1811 - 1877) m 1830|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Roy SIMPSON       (ID #I17600)

Father: Henry P. SIMPSON (b. 1874, d. 1927)
Mother: Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY (b. 11 JUN 1876, d. 1948)


                                                     _Thomas SIMPSON _____
                                                    | (1804 - 1888) m 1830
                             _James E. SIMPSON _____|
                            | (1843 - 1931) m 1869  |
                            |                       |_Eliza A. _____ _____
                            |                         (1811 - 1877) m 1830
 _Henry P. SIMPSON _________|
| (1874 - 1927) m 1895      |
|                           |                        _John KEES __________+
|                           |                       | (1812 - 1852)       
|                           |_Sarah Elizabeth KEES _|
|                             (1848 - 1925) m 1869  |
|                                                   |_Lorinda HULL _______
|                                                     (1816 - 1888)       
|                                                    _Alexander MCCOY ____+
|                                                   | (1815 - 1897) m 1837
|                            _George W. MCCOY ______|
|                           | (1839 - 1887) m 1861  |
|                           |                       |_Emily HEMPHILL _____
|                           |                         (.... - 1846) m 1837
|_Emma Leolia (Olie) MCCOY _|
  (1876 - 1948) m 1895      |
                            |                        _____________________
                            |                       |                     
                            |_Huldah BRIGGS ________|
                              (1843 - 1925) m 1861  |

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Theophilus A. SIMPSON       (ID #I19381)

Family 1 : Hattie Oliver DONALDSON (b. 1870)


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Legend: Protestant minister.

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