DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Charles BURNAND       (ID #I6411)

Father: Daniel BURNAND (d. 5 SEP 1699)
Mother: Magdelaine Elizabeth PETITPIERRE (dates unknown)


He is no. 50 in the Burnand genealogy. Testament recorded by Isaac Dutoit, notary, 12 mar 1708, notes brothers Olivier, Abraham Samuel, and Denis Guérard. Baptismal date from the Burnand genealogy.

                                                            _Daniel BURNAND _____+
                                                           | (.... - 1630) m 1618
                                     _Denis BURNAND _______|
                                    |  m 1651              |
                                    |                      |_Claudine RICHARD ___+
                                    |                         m 1618             
 _Daniel BURNAND ___________________|
| (.... - 1699) m 1676              |
|                                   |                       _Jacob BIZE _________
|                                   |                      |                     
|                                   |_Susanne BIZE ________|
|                                      m 1651              |
|                                                          |_____________________
|--Charles BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1708)
|                                                           _____________________
|                                                          |                     
|                                    _Olivier PETITPIERRE _|
|                                   |                      |
|                                   |                      |_____________________
|                                   |                                            
|_Magdelaine Elizabeth PETITPIERRE _|
   m 1676                           |
                                    |                       _____________________
                                    |                      |                     

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Charles BURNAND       (ID #I22662)

Father: Auguste Adrien BURNAND (b. 9 OCT 1857, d. 25 JUN 1918)
Mother: Lina CRUCHAUD (dates unknown)


He is no. 268 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                                     _Albert Paul Frédéric Louis BURNAND _+
                                                                    | (1788 - 1827) m 1811                
                           _Louis Guillaume Henri Thierry BURNAND __|
                          | (1813 - 1870) m 1841                    |
                          |                                         |_Alexandrine Elizabeth TACHERON _____+
                          |                                           (1793 - ....) m 1811                
 _Auguste Adrien BURNAND _|
| (1857 - 1918) m 1884    |
|                         |                                          _Marc François LERESCHE _____________
|                         |                                         |                                     
|                         |_Caroline Frédérique Catherine LERESCHE _|
|                           (1818 - 1902) m 1841                    |
|                                                                   |_Pauline Elizabeth NEUSCHWANDER _____
|--Charles BURNAND 
|  (1890 - 1895)
|                                                                    _____________________________________
|                                                                   |                                     
|                          _Charles CRUCHAUD _______________________|
|                         |                                         |
|                         |                                         |_____________________________________
|                         |                                                                               
|_Lina CRUCHAUD __________|
   m 1884                 |
                          |                                          _____________________________________
                          |                                         |                                     
                          |_Marie HALLBERGER _______________________|

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Charles Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I2299)

Father: Abraham Daniel BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie Louise Charlotte DE TREYTORRENS (b. 24 AUG 1763, d. 13 JUL 1844)

Family 1 : Françoise Marguerite Olympe DUTOIT (b. 21 MAY 1804, d. MAY1846)
  1.  Esther Louise Henriette Elizabeth BURNAND (b. 3 APR 1822, d. 21 DEC 1895)
  2. +Henri Rodolphe Adolphe Alphonse BURNAND (b. 30 MAY 1825, d. 1891)
  3.  Françoise Louise Caroline Augustine BURNAND (b. 17 SEP 1828, d. 9 FEB 1829)
  4.  Julie Elizabeth Adélaïde ("Ida") BURNAND (b. 25 MAY 1831, d. 15 DEC 1832)
  5.  Emile Louis BURNAND (b. 8 JAN 1840, d. 8 OCT 1915)


He is no. 157 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                                     _Samuel Abraham BURNAND ___+
                                                                    | (.... - 1766)             
                                          _Daniel BURNAND __________|
                                         | (.... - 1794)            |
                                         |                          |_Jeanne Elizabeth MESTRAL _
 _Abraham Daniel BURNAND ________________|
|  m 1796                                |
|                                        |                           _Philibert NICOD __________
|                                        |                          |  m 1720                   
|                                        |_Susanne Catherine NICOD _|
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |_Christine BURNAND ________+
|                                                                     (.... - 1730) m 1720      
|--Charles Daniel BURNAND 
|  (1797 - 1870)
|                                                                    ___________________________
|                                                                   |                           
|                                         __________________________|
|                                        |                          |
|                                        |                          |___________________________
|                                        |                                                      
|_Marie Louise Charlotte DE TREYTORRENS _|
  (1763 - 1844) m 1796                   |
                                         |                           ___________________________
                                         |                          |                           

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Charles François Louis BURNAND       (ID #I22466)

Father: Abraham Léonard BURNAND (b. 3 JUN 1798, d. 27 MAR 1863)
Mother: Elizabeth Jeanne Dorothée BOURGEOIS (b. 14 APR 1804, d. 7 APR 1872)


He is no. 175 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                                  _Samuel Philippe BURNAND _+
                                                                 | (.... - 1766) m 1740     
                                        _George BURNAND _________|
                                       | (1757 - ....)           |
                                       |                         |_Esther Judith JOSSEVEL __
                                       |                            m 1740                  
 _Abraham Léonard BURNAND _____________|
| (1798 - 1863)                        |
|                                      |                          _Jean BRAILLARD __________
|                                      |                         |                          
|                                      |_Jeanne Marie BRAILLARD _|
|                                        (1764 - 1811)           |
|                                                                |______ BADOUX ____________
|--Charles François Louis BURNAND 
|  (1823 - 1829)
|                                                                 __________________________
|                                                                |                          
|                                       _Antoine BOURGEOIS ______|
|                                      |                         |
|                                      |                         |__________________________
|                                      |                                                    
|_Elizabeth Jeanne Dorothée BOURGEOIS _|
  (1804 - 1872)                        |
                                       |                          __________________________
                                       |                         |                          

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Charles Gérard BURNAND       (ID #I22605)

Father: Louis Charles Ernest BURNAND (b. 12 JUN 1845, d. 4 JAN 1890)
Mother: Pauline Fanny BISCHOFF (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marie Louise TANQUEREL (dates unknown)
  1.  Denise BURNAND (b. 8 NOV 1904)
  2.  Simon BURNAND (b. 9 NOV 1906)
  3.  Jean Claude BURNAND (b. 9 DEC 1907)


He is no. 240 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                                            _Benjamin Paul François Charles BURNAND _______+
                                                                           | (1791 - 1868) m 1813                          
                                 _Alexandre David Charles Edouard BURNAND _|
                                | (1814 - 1892) m 1843                     |
                                |                                          |_Adrienne Emilie Georgette Françoise TACHERON _+
                                |                                             m 1813                                       
 _Louis Charles Ernest BURNAND _|
| (1845 - 1890) m 1874          |
|                               |                                           _Pierre Louis FOLTZ ___________________________+
|                               |                                          | (1792 - 1865) m 1814                          
|                               |_Henriette Louise FOLTZ __________________|
|                                 (1821 - 1894) m 1843                     |
|                                                                          |_Henriette WARNERY ____________________________+
|                                                                            (1792 - 1821) m 1814                          
|--Charles Gérard BURNAND 
|  (1877 - ....)
|                                                                           _______________________________________________
|                                                                          |                                               
|                                _Eugène Louis Henri BISCHOFF _____________|
|                               |                                          |
|                               |                                          |_______________________________________________
|                               |                                                                                          
|_Pauline Fanny BISCHOFF _______|
   m 1874                       |
                                |                                           _______________________________________________
                                |                                          |                                               
                                |_Louise Françoise Adèle NAEF _____________|

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Charles Henri Jacob BURNAND       (ID #I22442)

Father: Jacob Rodolphe BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Sophie Dorothée STOCKMANN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Pauline Henriette Cécile BURNAND (b. 12 NOV 1789)
  1.  Cécile BURNAND (b. 14 MAR 1814, d. 12 MAR 1814)


He is no. 163 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                             _Denis Isaac Guérard BURNAND _+
                                                            | (.... - 1737) m 1709         
                              _Barthelemy Daniel BURNAND ___|
                             | (1710 - 1779)                |
                             |                              |_Esther Catherine VEVEY ______
                             |                                (.... - 1742) m 1709         
 _Jacob Rodolphe BURNAND ____|
|  m 1775                    |
|                            |                               ______________________________
|                            |                              |                              
|                            |_Sara Salomé Lucrèce HENCHOZ _|
|                              (.... - 1788)                |
|                                                           |______________________________
|--Charles Henri Jacob BURNAND 
|                                                            ______________________________
|                                                           |                              
|                             ______________________________|
|                            |                              |
|                            |                              |______________________________
|                            |                                                             
|_Sophie Dorothée STOCKMANN _|
   m 1775                    |
                             |                               ______________________________
                             |                              |                              

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Charles Hubert BURNAND       (ID #I22807)

Father: Francis Cowley BURNAND (b. 29 NOV 1836, d. 21 APR 1917)
Mother: Cecilia RANOE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : May NELSON (dates unknown)
  1.  Cyril Francis BURNAND (d. 7 MAR 1915)
  2.  Monica BURNAND (dates unknown)


He is no. 358 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                 _Lewis BURNAND ______+
                                                | (1773 - ....)       
                           _Francis BURNAND ____|
                          | (1807 - 1874)       |
                          |                     |_Antoinette SAPTE ___
 _Francis Cowley BURNAND _|
| (1836 - 1917)           |
|                         |                      _____________________
|                         |                     |                     
|                         |_Emma COWLEY ________|
|                           (.... - 1836)       |
|                                               |_____________________
|--Charles Hubert BURNAND 
|                                                _____________________
|                                               |                     
|                          _____________________|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |_____________________
|                         |                                           
|_Cecilia RANOE __________|
                          |                      _____________________
                          |                     |                     

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Charles Léonard ("Etienne") BURNAND       (ID #I22469)

Father: Abraham Léonard BURNAND (b. 3 JUN 1798, d. 27 MAR 1863)
Mother: Elizabeth Jeanne Dorothée BOURGEOIS (b. 14 APR 1804, d. 7 APR 1872)


He is no. 177 in the Burnand genealogy. After completing his studies in Lausanne, he became a teacher at Odessa, where he drowned in 1850 while swimming with his students.

                                                                  _Samuel Philippe BURNAND _+
                                                                 | (.... - 1766) m 1740     
                                        _George BURNAND _________|
                                       | (1757 - ....)           |
                                       |                         |_Esther Judith JOSSEVEL __
                                       |                            m 1740                  
 _Abraham Léonard BURNAND _____________|
| (1798 - 1863)                        |
|                                      |                          _Jean BRAILLARD __________
|                                      |                         |                          
|                                      |_Jeanne Marie BRAILLARD _|
|                                        (1764 - 1811)           |
|                                                                |______ BADOUX ____________
|--Charles Léonard ("Etienne") BURNAND 
|  (1830 - 1850)
|                                                                 __________________________
|                                                                |                          
|                                       _Antoine BOURGEOIS ______|
|                                      |                         |
|                                      |                         |__________________________
|                                      |                                                    
|_Elizabeth Jeanne Dorothée BOURGEOIS _|
  (1804 - 1872)                        |
                                       |                          __________________________
                                       |                         |                          

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Charles Louis Auguste BURNAND       (ID #I22568)

Father: Albert Jean Baptiste Louis Edouard BURNAND (b. 18 SEP 1808, d. 8 AUG 1848)
Mother: Pauline Louise Augustine FRANCILLON (b. 9 DEC 1809)


He is no. 224 in the Burnand genealogy, which notes that he emigrated to the United States in 1856, where he remained. The family in Switzerland seems to have lost track of him about the time the Civil War began.

We found his arrival in New York on the passenger list of the ship Samuel M. Fox, dated 23 aug 1853, as Auguste Burnand, from Switzerland, age 17. He lived in the Swiss colony near Knoxville, Tennessee during the years 1855-1856. During that period, he made several pencil sketches that have survived in the collections of the Tennessee State Archives. Digital images of these sketches are available:


                                                                                    _François Louis Benjamin BURNAND _+
                                                                                   | (1747 - 1820) m 1775             
                                               _David Louis Benjamin BURNAND ______|
                                              | (1777 - 1812) m 1807               |
                                              |                                    |_Wilhelmine Louise LABAUCHE ______+
                                              |                                      (1754 - 1807) m 1775             
 _Albert Jean Baptiste Louis Edouard BURNAND _|
| (1808 - 1848) m 1830                        |
|                                             |                                     _Jean Baptiste LEJÉAL ____________
|                                             |                                    |                                  
|                                             |_Louise Adelaide Emilie LEJÉAL _____|
|                                                m 1807                            |
|                                                                                  |_Adelaide Françoise TREMET _______
|--Charles Louis Auguste BURNAND 
|  (1836 - ....)
|                                                                                   _Jaques François FRANCILLON ______+
|                                                                                  | (.... - 1806) m 1766             
|                                              _François David Abraham FRANCILLON _|
|                                             | (1773 - ....) m 1810               |
|                                             |                                    |_Anne Pauline AUBOUIN ____________+
|                                             |                                       m 1766                          
|_Pauline Louise Augustine FRANCILLON ________|
  (1809 - ....) m 1830                        |
                                              |                                     _Auguste PENSEROT ________________
                                              |                                    |  m 1800                          
                                              |_Jeanne PENSEROT ___________________|
                                                 m 1810                            |
                                                                                   |_Louise MERCIER __________________+
                                                                                      m 1800                          

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Charles Louis Eugène BURNAND       (ID #I22545)

Father: Alexandre David Charles Edouard BURNAND (b. 27 AUG 1814, d. 31 DEC 1892)
Mother: Henriette Louise FOLTZ (b. 28 JAN 1821, d. 15 SEP 1894)

Family 1 : Julia Antonine GIRARDET (d. 8 MAR 1921)
  1.  André Egon Eugène BURNAND (b. 27 SEP 1879, d. 18 MAR 1881)
  2. +Franz Ernest BURNAND (b. 29 SEP 1880)
  3. +René Adrien BURNAND (b. 9 JUN 1882)
  4.  Marcel Max BURNAND (b. 6 MAY 1887)
  5.  David Arnold BURNAND (b. 2 DEC 1888)
  6.  Daniel BURNAND (b. 2 DEC 1888, d. 8 DEC 1918)
  7. +Antony Charles Edouard BURNAND (b. 22 JAN 1892)
  8.  Henriette ("Rita") BURNAND (b. 23 MAY 1893)
  9.  Mireille BURNAND (b. 23 MAY 1893)


He was the famous painter Eugene Burnand, no. 214 in the Burnand genealogy. His career as an artist is the subject of many articles. The bibliography in a recent study of his life and work (Philippe Kaenel, Eugène Burnand: La peinture d'après nature, Editions Cabédita, Yens-sur-Morges, 2006) runs to 27 pages.

                                                                                            _Pierre David BURNAND _________+
                                                                                           | (1761 - 1826) m 1786          
                                            _Benjamin Paul François Charles BURNAND _______|
                                           | (1791 - 1868) m 1813                          |
                                           |                                               |_Sophie BURNAND _______________+
                                           |                                                 (1751 - 1814) m 1786          
 _Alexandre David Charles Edouard BURNAND _|
| (1814 - 1892) m 1843                     |
|                                          |                                                _Abraham Daniel TACHERON ______
|                                          |                                               |                               
|                                          |_Adrienne Emilie Georgette Françoise TACHERON _|
|                                             m 1813                                       |
|                                                                                          |_Marie Anne Sophie BEUTHER ____
|--Charles Louis Eugène BURNAND 
|  (1850 - 1921)
|                                                                                           _Charles Emanuel FOLTZ ________+
|                                                                                          | (1751 - 1818) m 1777          
|                                           _Pierre Louis FOLTZ ___________________________|
|                                          | (1792 - 1865) m 1814                          |
|                                          |                                               |_Jeanne Anne Susanne JOHANNOT _+
|                                          |                                                 (.... - 1818) m 1777          
|_Henriette Louise FOLTZ __________________|
  (1821 - 1894) m 1843                     |
                                           |                                                _Henri Louis WARNERY __________
                                           |                                               |                               
                                           |_Henriette WARNERY ____________________________|
                                             (1792 - 1821) m 1814                          |
                                                                                           |_Louise WARNERY _______________

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Charlotte Esther BURNAND       (ID #I3633)

Father: Jaques David BURNAND (d. 4 SEP 1794)
Mother: Jeanne Sophie DUTOIT (d. 1 JAN 1793)

Family 1 : Jean François DELOM (dates unknown)


She is no. 123 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                        _Daniel BURNAND ___________________+
                                                       | (.... - 1699) m 1676              
                         _Denis Isaac Guérard BURNAND _|
                        | (.... - 1737) m 1709         |
                        |                              |_Magdelaine Elizabeth PETITPIERRE _+
                        |                                 m 1676                           
 _Jaques David BURNAND _|
| (.... - 1794) m 1739  |
|                       |                               ___________________________________
|                       |                              |                                   
|                       |_Esther Catherine VEVEY ______|
|                         (.... - 1742) m 1709         |
|                                                      |___________________________________
|--Charlotte Esther BURNAND 
|                                                       _Isaac DUTOIT _____________________+
|                                                      | (.... - 1731) m 1681              
|                        _Abraham DUTOIT ______________|
|                       | (1687 - 1737) m 1710         |
|                       |                              |_Claudine DUBRIT __________________+
|                       |                                (.... - 1726) m 1681              
|_Jeanne Sophie DUTOIT _|
  (.... - 1793) m 1739  |
                        |                               ___________________________________
                        |                              |                                   
                        |_Marie Magdelaine LOUP _______|
                          (1687 - 1768) m 1710         |

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Christine BURNAND       (ID #I22304)

Father: Isaac BURNAND (d. 15 AUG 1699)
Mother: Catherine FROSSARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Philibert NICOD (dates unknown)
  1. +Susanne Catherine NICOD (dates unknown)
  2.  Susanne Elizabeth NICOD (dates unknown)


She is no. 39 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                             _Daniel BURNAND _____+
                                            | (.... - 1630) m 1598
                       _Baltazard BURNAND __|
                      |  m 1634             |
                      |                     |_Françoise DUTOIT ___
                      |                        m 1598             
 _Isaac BURNAND ______|
| (.... - 1699) m 1669|
|                     |                      _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
|                     |                     | (1567 - 1631) m 1615
|                     |_Benoite DUTOIT _____|
|                       (1617 - ....) m 1634|
|                                           |_Monetta BOCHET _____+
|                                             (.... - 1631) m 1615
|--Christine BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1730)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre FROSSARD ____|
|                     |  m 1643             |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Catherine FROSSARD _|
   m 1669             |
                      |                      _François BURNAND ___+
                      |                     | (.... - 1630)       
                      |_Marie BURNAND ______|
                         m 1643             |

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Christine Emma BURNAND       (ID #I22636)

Father: Paul François BURNAND (b. 8 SEP 1842, d. 15 JUN 1920)
Mother: Christine Régine HAEBERLIN (dates unknown)


She is no. 255 in the Burnand genealogy. With her twin sister Pauline Elizabeth, she directed a private school at Yverdon.

                                                                         _Albert Paul Frédéric Louis BURNAND _+
                                                                        | (1788 - 1827) m 1811                
                               _Louis Guillaume Henri Thierry BURNAND __|
                              | (1813 - 1870) m 1841                    |
                              |                                         |_Alexandrine Elizabeth TACHERON _____+
                              |                                           (1793 - ....) m 1811                
 _Paul François BURNAND ______|
| (1842 - 1920) m 1869        |
|                             |                                          _Marc François LERESCHE _____________
|                             |                                         |                                     
|                             |_Caroline Frédérique Catherine LERESCHE _|
|                               (1818 - 1902) m 1841                    |
|                                                                       |_Pauline Elizabeth NEUSCHWANDER _____
|--Christine Emma BURNAND 
|  (1870 - ....)
|                                                                        _____________________________________
|                                                                       |                                     
|                              _Christian HAEBERLIN ____________________|
|                             |                                         |
|                             |                                         |_____________________________________
|                             |                                                                               
|_Christine Régine HAEBERLIN _|
   m 1869                     |
                              |                                          _____________________________________
                              |                                         |                                     
                              |_Catherine Barbara SCHNELL ______________|

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Claude BURNAND       (ID #I22283)

Father: François BURNAND (d. bef 1630)


                                             ______ BURNAND ______
                       _Claude BURNAND _____|
                      | (.... - 1597)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _François BURNAND ___|
| (.... - 1630)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jaquemaz CAVIN _____|
|                       (.... - 1618)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Claude BURNAND 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Claude BURNAND       (ID #I22266)

Father: _____ BURNAND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jaquemaz CAVIN (d. 1618)
  1. +François BURNAND (d. bef 1630)
  2. +Humbert BURNAND (dates unknown)
  3.  Pierre BURNAND (dates unknown)
  4.  Antoine BURNAND (d. 1597)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 ______ BURNAND ______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Claude BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1597)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Constance BURNAND       (ID #I22887)

Father: Harry Cecil BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Nellie PARKIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : _____ TINSLEY-LINLEY (dates unknown)


She is no. 421 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                  _Francis BURNAND ____+
                                                 | (1807 - 1874)       
                        _Francis Cowley BURNAND _|
                       | (1836 - 1917)           |
                       |                         |_Emma COWLEY ________
                       |                           (.... - 1836)       
 _Harry Cecil BURNAND _|
|                      |
|                      |                          _____________________
|                      |                         |                     
|                      |_Cecilia RANOE __________|
|                                                |
|                                                |_____________________
|--Constance BURNAND 
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                       _________________________|
|                      |                         |
|                      |                         |_____________________
|                      |                                               
|_Nellie PARKIN _______|
                       |                          _____________________
                       |                         |                     

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Cuthbert Cowley BURNAND       (ID #I22813)

Father: Francis Cowley BURNAND (b. 29 NOV 1836, d. 21 APR 1917)
Mother: Rosina RANOE (dates unknown)


He is no. 363 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                                 _Lewis BURNAND ______+
                                                | (1773 - ....)       
                           _Francis BURNAND ____|
                          | (1807 - 1874)       |
                          |                     |_Antoinette SAPTE ___
 _Francis Cowley BURNAND _|
| (1836 - 1917)           |
|                         |                      _____________________
|                         |                     |                     
|                         |_Emma COWLEY ________|
|                           (.... - 1836)       |
|                                               |_____________________
|--Cuthbert Cowley BURNAND 
|                                                _____________________
|                                               |                     
|                          _____________________|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |_____________________
|                         |                                           
|_Rosina RANOE ___________|
                          |                      _____________________
                          |                     |                     

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Cyril Berkeley BURNAND       (ID #I22783)

Father: Arthur BURNAND (b. 17 APR 1835)
Mother: Louisa BROWNING (b. 1844, d. 1910)

Family 1 : Violet Lewis HOLDSWORTH (b. 01 SE 1867)
  1.  Violet Beryl BURNAND (b. 19 SEP 1890)
  2.  Marion Brenda BURNAND (b. 21 JUL 1892)
  3.  George Berkeley BURNAND (b. 8 JUN 1894)
  4.  Sylvia Bathe BURNAND (b. 3 JUN 1895)
  5.  Angela Beatrix BURNAND (b. 3 JAN 1899)
  6.  Olive Betty BURNAND (b. 22 JAN 1901)


He is no. 345 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                             _Lewis BURNAND ______+
                                            | (1773 - ....)       
                       _George BURNAND _____|
                      | (1802 - 1891) m 1828|
                      |                     |_Antoinette SAPTE ___
 _Arthur BURNAND _____|
| (1835 - ....)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jane BERGER ________|
|                       (1807 - 1846) m 1828|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Cyril Berkeley BURNAND 
|  (1867 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Louisa BROWNING ____|
  (1844 - 1910)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Cyril Francis BURNAND       (ID #I22881)

Father: Charles Hubert BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: May NELSON (dates unknown)


He is no. 416 in the Burnand genealogy. He died in combat in World War I.

                                                     _Francis BURNAND ____+
                                                    | (1807 - 1874)       
                           _Francis Cowley BURNAND _|
                          | (1836 - 1917)           |
                          |                         |_Emma COWLEY ________
                          |                           (.... - 1836)       
 _Charles Hubert BURNAND _|
|                         |
|                         |                          _____________________
|                         |                         |                     
|                         |_Cecilia RANOE __________|
|                                                   |
|                                                   |_____________________
|--Cyril Francis BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1915)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                          _________________________|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |_____________________
|                         |                                               
|_May NELSON _____________|
                          |                          _____________________
                          |                         |                     

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I22280)

Father: François BURNAND (d. bef 1630)


                                             ______ BURNAND ______
                       _Claude BURNAND _____|
                      | (.... - 1597)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _François BURNAND ___|
| (.... - 1630)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jaquemaz CAVIN _____|
|                       (.... - 1618)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I21557)

Father: Sébastien BURNAND (d. 1709)
Mother: Judith COMTE (dates unknown)


He is no. 41 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                             _Daniel BURNAND _____+
                                            | (.... - 1630) m 1618
                       _Denis BURNAND ______|
                      |  m 1651             |
                      |                     |_Claudine RICHARD ___+
                      |                        m 1618             
 _Sébastien BURNAND __|
| (.... - 1709) m 1671|
|                     |                      _Jacob BIZE _________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Susanne BIZE _______|
|                        m 1651             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|                                            _Pierre COMTE _______+
|                                           |  m 1614             
|                      _Samuel COMTE _______|
|                     |  m 1652             |
|                     |                     |_Susanne RUÉRAT _____+
|                     |                        m 1614             
|_Judith COMTE _______|
   m 1671             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Magdelaine JACCAUD _|
                         m 1652             |

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I6365)

Father: Baltazard BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Benoite DUTOIT (b. ABT 1617)


He is no. 16 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                             _Jean Baltazard BURNAND _+
                                            |  m 1567                 
                       _Daniel BURNAND _____|
                      | (.... - 1630) m 1598|
                      |                     |_Susanne ESPAZ __________+
                      |                        m 1567                 
 _Baltazard BURNAND __|
|  m 1634             |
|                     |                      _________________________
|                     |                     |                         
|                     |_Françoise DUTOIT ___|
|                        m 1598             |
|                                           |_________________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|                                            _Michel DUTOIT __________+
|                                           | (.... - 1592)           
|                      _Jaques DUTOIT ______|
|                     | (1567 - 1631) m 1615|
|                     |                     |_________________________
|                     |                                               
|_Benoite DUTOIT _____|
  (1617 - ....) m 1634|
                      |                      _Pierre BOCHET __________
                      |                     | (.... - 1631)           
                      |_Monetta BOCHET _____|
                        (.... - 1631) m 1615|

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I4387)

Father: Jean Baltazard BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne ESPAZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Françoise DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  1. +Baltazard BURNAND (dates unknown)
  2.  Louis BURNAND (d. 1630)
Family 2 : Marie DUTOIT (b. bef 1585)
  1.  Marie BURNAND (dates unknown)
Family 3 : Claudine RICHARD (dates unknown)
  1.  Françoise BURNAND (b. 1619)
  2.  Guillaume BURNAND (b. 1620)
  3. +Denis BURNAND (dates unknown)
  4.  Jaques BURNAND (dates unknown)


He is no. 5 in the Burnand genealogy.

The last children ascribed to him, apparently twins, were baptised after his death. According to the Burnand genealogy (Recueil de généalogies vaudoises 1:255-294, 1923), he became bourgeois de Moudon on 01 apr 1630 for the price of 250 florins, from which we can deduce that he should not have been listed as "bourgeois de Moudon" nor have held any official position there prior to this date—any such reference would have to pertain to a different person of the same name. He is said to be the Daniel Burnand who lived at Chavannes. He was still alive 29 aug 1630, when Claudine wife of Daniel Burnand was a sponsor at a baptism in Moudon. By 27 mar 1631, she appears in the same capacity, this time as the widow of Daniel Burnand.

The published genealogy gives his first wife as Marie Dutoit, daughter of Antoine, Banneret and bourgeois de Moudon, and gives a marriage date of 11 dec 1601. The marriage is found at Syens, not Moudon, and does not give the bride's parentage, which therefore must have come from some other source. The published version also gives him a second wife Claudine Pivard, daughter of Pierre, but all references so far discovered in the original records give her name as Claudine Richard. Further, the published genealogy gives the baptismal date of his son Denis as 17 apr 1629 and omits the baptisms of the posthumous twins Denis and Jaques, recorded very clearly on 12 feb 1631. Some children have probably been missed. However, the daughter Magdelaine in the published genealogy does not belong here—see below.

Among other problems with the published account, we have not been able to identify an Antoine Dutoit who was Banneret about 1601 (supposed to have been the father of the wife Marie Dutoit—the Antoine who was Banneret about 1630 could not have been her father), and we have failed to find any other record that says the father of Marie was in fact either the banneret or an Antoine. Further, Françoise wife of Daniel Burnand appears several times as a sponsor at baptisms in Moudon as late as 1613! Apparently the same Françoise, daughter of the late Antoine Dutoit (not identified further), was still the wife of Daniel Burnand in 1611 (named as an adjacent land owner at Chavannes in the terrier ACV Fn 351, fol. 22v). Are Marie and Françoise the same person? Since there are two separate marriage records (1598 and 1601), this seems unlikely. The first of these, to Françoise Dutoit, also gives the name of Daniel's father as Claude "Burnan" of Vulliens. Or is this a case of confusion with another family of the same name, or with the Burnat family? Daniel Burnat, son of Daniel, is supposed to have been born in 1601. It is very tempting to think that Marie Dutoit was the wife of Daniel Burnat (married in 1601) and that Françoise Dutoit was the wife of Daniel Burnand (married in 1598). This solution also fails, however, since the widow of Daniel Burnat appears in 1603, and she turns out to be Marguerite, not Marie! Also, although most of the children of Daniel Burnand are baptised at Moudon (none of these records names the mother), the only "wife of Daniel Burnand" who is mentioned among the sponsors of baptisms is Françoise Dutoit. If Marie Dutoit married the Daniel Burnand who was the son of Baltazard, then we would have to suppose that another Daniel Burnand, son of Claude, married Françoise Dutoit, and lived in Moudon, but was not the mother of the children mentioned in the Burnand genealogy. This idea, too, fails, because two of the sons of Daniel in the published genealogy, Baltazard and Louis, were baptised at Syens before Daniel, whether the son of Baltazard or of Claude, married Marie Dutoit. Thus, there seems to be no possibility that the published list of children can be correct. The published account alludes to this problem, indicating that there are two "bien distinct" families involved, one established at Vulliens, the other originally from Echallens (the descendants of the latter, established at Chavannes and then Moudon, supposedly known as Burnand "dit Chavannaz"). However "distinct" these origins may have been, the church records at Moudon fail to distinguish them. The Burnand genealogy lacks sources. The whole problem needs to be reviewed.

The identity of the last wife is in question, too. Was she Claudine Pivard, or Claudine Richard? Or has the Burnand genealogy somehow conflated two different women?

One way to approach the problem is to establish which parts of the published genealogy are based on the "livre de famille" and which parts are derived from the church records. The information that is not found in the church records may reflect what the livre de famille actually said. Further, the fact that the baptisms of Louis and Baltazard are not reported in the published genealogy probably means that the church records of Syens were not examined. With these assumptions, it seems most likely that the Daniel Burnand reported in the livre de famille is the one who married Marie Dutoit at Syens on 11 dec 1601, since the date at Syens matches the date that probably came from the livre de famille.

Which children can be inferred to belong to this couple? The published genealogy seems to have appropriated all the Burnands of the next generation without inquiring whether they might actually belong to the other couple, Daniel Burnand (son of Claude, of Vulliens) and Françoise Dutoit. Are any of the later generations documented in a way that could not have come from the church records of Moudon? There are only two children of the next generation for which the published genealogy gives significant personal details: Baltazard (as we have seen, baptised at Syens before the marriage to Marie Dutoit, and therefore probably a son of Daniel and Françoise), and Denis. It seems most likely that the livre de famille must have come from the descendants of Denis.

Adding further confusion is a document recorded by Antoine Richard, notary at Moudon, 13 feb 1609 (ACV DL 80, fol. 170v), an exchange of property between Jean and Pierre, sons of Jean Burnand of Vulliens of the first part, and their brother Daniel Burnand "demeurant à Chavanes" of the second part. According to this document, the Daniel Burnand who lived at Chavannes was not the son of Baltazard originally from Echallens, but rather the son of Jean (if this is not an error for Claude!). To make sense of these citations, we have to establish when our Daniel left Vulliens (or Syens) and moved to Chavannes. In 1609, he made a return visit to Syens to serve as a sponsor at another baptism, as Daniel "Burnat" of Chavannes.

Daniel Burnand of Chavannes may have been involved in commerce between Vevey and Moudon. The registers of Jean Maquelin, notary at Vevey (ACV DS 56/11) contain two transactions, 06 dec and 12 dec 1609, in which Daniel son of Pierre Dutoit of Chavannes and Daniel Burnand of Chavannes jointly owe two debts of 200 and 230 florins for the purchase of wine. Perhaps the continuation of such trade was the reason that Daniel Burnand's son Balthazard lived in Vevey for several years.

The published genealogy gives Daniel a daughter Magdelaine who married "François Daubré (Dubrit)". This information probably comes from the church record of her marriage, 28 apr 1635, the same date that Sébastien Dubrit married Claudine Richard. Neither record gives parentage, and in fact, other records show that Magdelaine actually married Antoine Dubrit and was the daughter of François Burnand, not Daniel Burnand. Further, the woman clearly listed as Claudine Richard in the marriage record is the widow of Daniel Burnand whom the published version calls Claudine Pivard!

[14502] From secondary sources.

                                                 _Jean BURNAND ________
                           _Charles BURNAND ____|
                          |  m 1548             |
                          |                     |_Catherine DECRISTAZ _+
 _Jean Baltazard BURNAND _|
|  m 1567                 |
|                         |                      ______________________
|                         |                     |                      
|                         |_Marie DE GLANAZ ____|
|                            m 1548             |
|                                               |______________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1630)
|                                                ______________________
|                                               |                      
|                          _Guillaume ESPAZ ____|
|                         |  m 1512             |
|                         |                     |______________________
|                         |                                            
|_Susanne ESPAZ __________|
   m 1567                 |
                          |                      ______________________
                          |                     |                      

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I6410)

Father: Denis BURNAND (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne BIZE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Magdelaine Elizabeth PETITPIERRE (dates unknown)
  1.  Olivier BURNAND (dates unknown)
  2.  Isaac BURNAND (dates unknown)
  3. +Samuel Abraham BURNAND (d. 25 MAR 1766)
  4. +Denis Isaac Guérard BURNAND (d. 1737)
  5. +Sara BURNAND (d. 1 SEP 1768)
  6.  Charles BURNAND (d. ABT 1708)
  7.  Jean Gabriel BURNAND (dates unknown)


He is no. 24 in the Burnand genealogy.

                                             _Jean Baltazard BURNAND _+
                                            |  m 1567                 
                       _Daniel BURNAND _____|
                      | (.... - 1630) m 1618|
                      |                     |_Susanne ESPAZ __________+
                      |                        m 1567                 
 _Denis BURNAND ______|
|  m 1651             |
|                     |                      _Pierre RICHARD _________+
|                     |                     | (1558 - 1587)           
|                     |_Claudine RICHARD ___|
|                        m 1618             |
|                                           |_________________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1699)
|                                            _________________________
|                                           |                         
|                      _Jacob BIZE _________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_________________________
|                     |                                               
|_Susanne BIZE _______|
   m 1651             |
                      |                      _________________________
                      |                     |                         

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Daniel BURNAND       (ID #I11046)

Father: Samuel Abraham BURNAND (d. 25 MAR 1766)
Mother: Jeanne Elizabeth MESTRAL (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Susanne Catherine NICOD (dates unknown)
  1. +Abraham Daniel BURNAND (dates unknown)


He is apparently the one called Daniel Abram in the Burnand genealogy, where he is listed as no. 74. The Burnand genealogy says he married his "cousin", but Susanne Nicod was only distantly related to him (third cousins).

                                                                 _Denis BURNAND _______+
                                                                |  m 1651              
                             _Daniel BURNAND ___________________|
                            | (.... - 1699) m 1676              |
                            |                                   |_Susanne BIZE ________+
                            |                                      m 1651              
 _Samuel Abraham BURNAND ___|
| (.... - 1766)             |
|                           |                                    _Olivier PETITPIERRE _
|                           |                                   |                      
|                           |_Magdelaine Elizabeth PETITPIERRE _|
|                              m 1676                           |
|                                                               |______________________
|--Daniel BURNAND 
|  (.... - 1794)
|                                                                ______________________
|                                                               |                      
|                            ___________________________________|
|                           |                                   |
|                           |                                   |______________________
|                           |                                                          
|_Jeanne Elizabeth MESTRAL _|
                            |                                    ______________________
                            |                                   |                      

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