DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Rod DUTOIT       (ID #I2028)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (b. ABT 1500, d. BEF 1564)
Mother: _____ JORDANNAZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jean DUTOIT (b. bef 1567)
  2. +Abraham DUTOIT (b. bef 1567, d. BEF 1608)
  3.  Paul DUTOIT (d. aft 1593)
Family 2 : Margueron (Marguerite) PICTET (d. 1580)
  1.  Françoise DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Family 3 : Monette CLERC (dates unknown)
  1.  Nicod DUTOIT (dates unknown)


There is a logic problem regarding Rod Dutoit. His marriage to Monette Clerc would seem to be the origin of the dit name "au Clerc", but we find no identifiable descendant of his actually bearing that name. If Nicod b. 1582 is the son of this marriage, then Rod had already died and there was only one child by Monette. Could an inheritance from the Clerc family have passed to a brother or nephew of Rod? Or was there another connection with the Clerc family? (Rod, Raoul, Rolet, and Roux appear to be used interchangeably as given names.)

Four sons (Jean, Abraham, Paul, Nicod) of a Rod Dutoit son of Jean are the subject of "reconnaissances" in the terriers ACV Fn 347 and Fn 439, both dated 12 oct 1593. By that date, the son Abraham, at least, had reached the age of majority, thus born before 1568, prior to the two marriages of Rod for which the dates and the names of the brides are known. A possible resolution of the problem is that the Rod Dutoit who was the father of Abraham is in fact the present Rod, with an even earlier wife. But before this solution is accepted, can we prove that the Abraham Dutoit who married Gasparde Delevy and who spent part of his life at Vevey, is the same Abraham son of Rod who made the reconnaissances in 1593? The evidence on that point is not as clear as we would like. However, that the four sons are indeed the sons of this Rod Dutoit who made a reconnaissance in Fn 347 on 12 oct 1593 (fol. 134) is absolutely confirmed, because that reconnaissance cites an abergement to their father, recorded by the notary Jean Jaqueri, dated 14 sep 1578, and that record is indeed found in the registers of this notary, ACV DL 53/3 fol. 15v. The present Rod Dutoit is mentioned on numerous occasions, as Roulx Duthey, in Jaqueri's records.

Rod's wife Marguerite Pictet dies of the plague in October or November, 1580, and her verbal testament was presented to the Châtelain de Moudon on 19 nov 1580 (ACV DL 53/3 fol. 85, Jean Jaqueri notary). The two witnesses had stood in the street outside her house to hear her testament, and in fact, one of them was now infected with the plague and had to be deposed outside the gate of Mauborget. One of Marguerite's daughters, not named, was present when she dictated her last wishes as well, and had died shortly thereafter. As recounted by the witnesses, Marguerite mentioned some items that were from Rod's first marriage, and were the property of the children from that marriage, not named. Marguerite also had bequests for her own children Beneyte and Anthoine, who are known from her previous marriage to Jean Duc.

[764] Died several months before the birth of his son Nicod (bp. 03 aug 1582), as noted in the baptismal register at Moudon.

                                             _Roletus DUTOIT _____+
                                            | (1425 - 1511)       
                       _Nicod DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1470 - 1511)       |
                      |                     |_Agneta _____ _______
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (1500 - 1564)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne _____ _______|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rod DUTOIT 
|  (1540 - 1582)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|______ JORDANNAZ ____|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Rod DUTOIT       (ID #I5378)

Father: Nicod DUTOIT (b. bef 1518, d. aft 1592)
Mother: Françoise VEYRE (d. AFT 1559)

Family 1 :
  1. +Abraham DUTOIT (b. ABT 1583, d. BEF 1631)
  2. +Jean DUTOIT (dates unknown)


Noted as the late father of Jean and Abraham Dutoit dit Billet in a settlement dated 18 feb 1618 (Denis Pivard, notary at Moudon), which appears to establish the origins of the dit Billet branch of the Dutoit clan in the person of Nicod Dutoit, one of the five sons of the "Nicod" Dutoit called "Pierre" in the earliest church records. This identification hinges on connecting the separate events recounted in the settlement. However, there are difficulties.

First, each of the five sons of the original "Nicod" owed 1/5 of a "cense" or tax on the property that they purchased from the Demont family (Claude Demont for 1/2, and the heirs of his brother Bernard Demont for the other 1/2 interest as the sellers) 29 mar 1569 (Jean Jaquier, notary). The document of 1569 has a marginal notation stating that a copy was made for Jaques Dutoit dit Maillard, son of the François Dutoit who was one of the parties to the transaction.

Second, the document of 1618 says that François Dutoit sold 1/3 of a farm that had been purchased from the Demont family, and also that Nicod Dutoit purchased 1/3 of a farm that had been acquired from the Demont family. If these two statements refer to the same third of the same farm, as the situation seems to require, then the Billet branch descends from Nicod (one of the 5 brothers) through his son Rod. The descendants of this Nicod would presumably owe 1/3 of any taxes due on this farm, and that was the argument made by Jaques Dutoit dit Maillard (son of François) against the Billet branch, who are thus implied to have inherited that property and obligation from Nicod. From other documents, however, it appears that Rod was actually a son of Jean (one of the five sons of the original "Nicod" or "Pierre") rather than his brother Nicod. Such a possibility is implied in the settlement of 1618, which lists Rod as a "bientenant" rather than an "heir" of Nicod. Rod may have succeeded in the tenancy of that 1/3, if Nicod died without heirs, or bequeathed it to Rod, or if Rod acquired it through a transaction among Nicod's heirs or successors.

Third, the Billet branch argued that Jaques dit Maillard owed 1/3 of a 1/5 tax because his family had purchased 1/3 of the estate of Jeannod Dutoit, evidently one of the five brothers.

The document is transcribed here:

Denis Pivard, notary at Moudon, 18 feb 1618.

Prononciation entre honnorables Jehan et Abraham Billiet freres d'une part & Jaques Dutoict dict Mailliard d'aultre.

[Marginal notation: Levé pour ambes parties.]

A tous soit notoire que sur les difficultés survenues entre honnorable Jehan fils de feu Rod Dutoict dict Billet [insertion: assisté ce jourd'huy d'honnorable Abraham Dutoict son frere et de David Dutoict son fils] de Chavanes bourgeois de Moudon acteur[s] d'une partie, et honnorable [insertion: Jaques fils de feu] François Dutoit dict Mailliard dudit lieu [insertion: et assisté d'Egrege Jaques Pidoux son beaufrere], A cause du payement des censes foncieres par eulx ensemblement deues pour les biens ... (?) des Demont, Desquelles censes Iceluy Jehan Dutoict pretendoit ledit Mailliard devoir payer la cinquiesme partie a forme de leurs partages, Et le tierce part d'une aultre cinquiesme partie comme acquisiteur et bientenant de la tierce part des biens de feu Jehannod Dutey. A quoy ledit Mailliard respondoit vouloir bien payer la cinquiesme parte a forme de leurs partages, Mais au regard des biens dudit feu Jehannod Dutoict, n'estre tenu en payer plus oultre qu'a rate de qu'il possede desdits biens, Sinon que sa partie fist paroir de quelque arrest qui l'assubjetise aultrement. Soustenant en oultre ledit Jehan Dutoict est tenu supporter la cense deue pour une grange provenant dudit bien des Demont a forme de la condition portée dans l'acquis faict du tier de ladite grange par feu Nicod Dutoict duquel il est bientenant, Avec proteste encores de les vouloir recercher pour avoir communication des pappiers de leur maison, Veu qu'ayant ledit Abraham Dutoict esté son tuteur, toutes lesdits pappiers sont demeurés en ses mains, Avecq plus leurs aultres allegations de part a part faictes, Icy obmises pour eviter prolixité. C'est ainsy que lesdites parties s'estant soubzmises à l'amiable prononciation d'honnorable et egrege Antony Dutoict conseiller de Moudon, Daniel fils de Pierre Dutoict dedit Chavanes bourgeois dudit Moudon & du notaire soubzsigné, Lesdits arbitres ayant benignement accepté telle charge, ouy et entendue toutes raisons mutuelles desdites parties, Et preallablement Invoqué le nom de Dieu, Ont prononcé et ordonné sur ungsdits (?) difficultés que s'ensuyt:

Premierement que lesdites parties demeuroit d'ores en avant en bonne paix, tous proces et propos piquans assoupis sans aucun interest ny p...(?) de leur honneur. Item, que lesdicts Jehan et Abraham Billiet seroit tenus selon l'offerte qu'en a faicte ledit Abraham de Communiquer audict Mailliard Tous les droicts, pappiers et documens qu'ilz ont concernant le bien [insertion: et maison] des Dutey; affin qu'en leur presence ou de l'un d'eulx, Ledit Mailliard les puisse faire lire a son despends. Et s'il se trouve que quelques droicts puissent servit audit Mailliard, Ils seroit tenus l'en accommoder et servie. Le tout en bonne foy et sans aucun fraud ny barat. Item, ont ordonné que ledi Jehan Dutoict sera tenu de supporter la cense directe deue pour la grange que fut des Demont, a forme que porte l'acquis qu'en a faict Nicod Dutey, dont il est tenementier.

Et quant aux censes foncières deues pour lesdites biens des Demont a forme de l'ancien abergement, ledit Mailliard en payera ou supporter d'ores en avant par chacun autant pour sadicte cinquiesme part que pour son droict de l'aultre cinquiesme part comme bientenant de feu Jehannod Dutey, Assavoir, Trois coppes et demy quarteron de froment, Quattre coppes de messel, Quattre coppes trois quarterons d'avoine, Trois quarterons de pois, Deux florins et un sol, Et demy chapon, le tout en mesme mesure de qualité qu'est contenu en l'abergement predict. Demeurant ledit Mailliard quitté et irrecerchable du Payement du Surplus que de ce qu'il a payé desdites censes de tout le passé.

En recompense de quoy a esté ordonné que ledit Mailliard payera de repas hodienne desdites Sieurs Arbitres et Parties, tous aultres despends de part a part compensés. Et finalement ont lesdits Sieurs ordonné que la partie refusante (s'il advenir) payera lesdits despends hodiennes. A laquelle prononciation lesdites parties apres avoir pris teneur d'avis, ont acquiescé.

Donné & faict [insertion: soubs le seau du treshonnoré Seigneur Baillif de Moudon] le dixhuictiesme Jour de febrier l'an de Salut mille six cent dixhuict.

Billet de memoyre d'une cause demené entre David Billiet et Jaques Mailliard et Chavanes sur les difficultés entre eux desmenés pour les censes deues aus Demonds lesquels se sont soubjis a une prononciation amiable des arbitres cy apres nommé, Discret Thoni Dutey, honeste Daniel Dutey, le commissaire Pivard, le beaufrere de Jaques Mailliard, lesquels ont prononcé comme s'ensuit, premierement que bonne paix et amitié fust entre les deux parties permanté (?) a Jamais.

Premierement de ce qui est dhus par Mailliard tous les ans aux Demonds:
En froment trois coppes et demy quarteron
En messel quatres coppes
En avoyne autres coppes et trois quarterons
En pois trois quarterons
En argent xxv sols
Plus un demi chappon

Plus ont promis les Seigneurs Arbitres que David Billiet deut supporter la cense directe dhus par la grange des Demonds de laquelle grange le pere de Mailliard en a passé vendition de la tierce part comme aport par la lettre d'aquis.

The first instance we have discovered of the alias Billet or Billiet in the terriers is in ACV Fn 129 (1592), applied several times to the Rod Duthey son of Jehan who leased property in 1578 (see especially fol. 396v in Fn 129), inherited by his sons Jehan, Abraham, Pauloz, and Nycod. From the terriers, it seems certain that the father of Rod Dutoit dict Billet was Jean, not Nicod.

                                             _Nicod DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1470 - 1511)       
                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1490 - 1550)       |
                      |                     |_Jeanne _____ _______
 _Nicod DUTOIT _______|
| (1518 - 1592) m 1539|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rod DUTOIT 
|  (1560 - 1618)
|                                            _Nicod VEYRE ________
|                                           | (.... - 1452)       
|                      _Roulx (Rod) VEYRE __|
|                     | (1452 - 1524)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise VEYRE ____|
  (.... - 1559) m 1539|
                      |                      ______ BURCHET ______
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Katherine BURCHET __|

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Rod DUTOIT       (ID #I4268)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Marguerite _____ (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +David DUTOIT (d. BEF 1686)


Who are the parents of Rod Dutoit and his brother Jaques Dutoit, minister at Bercher? It now appears that he belongs to descendants of Jean Dutoit dit Billet, Billion, Billiard, etc. Rod Dutoit dit Billet, son of Jean, was certainly dead by 28 aug 1624, when his brother Pierre took over an obligation relating to property Rod had purchased in 1623 from the estate of Daniel Cavin (Jaques Jaquier, notary at Moudon, AVC DL 52/1, fol. 209). He was already dead at the baptism of his son in February of the same year. One of the other sales recorded at the same time specifies that Pierre Dutoit, husband of Jeanne Cavin, daughter of the late Daniel, was the son of Jean Dutoit who was in turn the son of Rod Dutoit. These records together provide additional evidence of the origins of the dit Billet branch of the Dutoit clan.

                                             _Nicod DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1518 - 1592) m 1539
                       _Rod DUTOIT _________|
                      | (1560 - 1618)       |
                      |                     |_Françoise VEYRE ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1559) m 1539
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rod DUTOIT 
|  (1592 - 1624)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marguerite _____ ___|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Rod (Roulx) DUTOIT       (ID #I5482)

Father: Rolet DUTOIT (b. BEF 1490, d. BEF 1555)
Mother: Jeanne TINTORIS (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise DEVAUD (dates unknown)
  1.  Marie DUTOIT (dates unknown)


He acknowledged a debt of 43 florins for the purchase of wheat at Payerne, 08 jan 1539 (Jean Savary, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 94/1). The document identifies him as the son of Rolet DuToict of Chavannes-sus-Moudon.

[14526] Date of contract, Rodolphe Demont, notary at Moudon.

                                                              _Roletus DUTOIT _____+
                                                             | (1425 - 1511)       
                       _Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT _|
                      | (1465 - 1528)                        |
                      |                                      |_Agneta _____ _______
 _Rolet DUTOIT _______|
| (1490 - 1555) m 1514|
|                     |                                       _____________________
|                     |                                      |                     
|                     |______________________________________|
|                                                            |
|                                                            |_____________________
|--Rod (Roulx) DUTOIT 
|  (1515 - ....)
|                                                             _____________________
|                                                            |                     
|                      _Pierre TINTORIS _____________________|
|                     |                                      |
|                     |                                      |_____________________
|                     |                                                            
|_Jeanne TINTORIS ____|
   m 1514             |
                      |                                       _____________________
                      |                                      |                     

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Rodolph Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I2967)

Father: Moyse DUTOIT (b. BEF 1690, d. 1 SEP 1739)
Mother: Susanne Marguerite Barbille BOUDRY (b. ABT 1690)


                                      |                     |
                                      |                     |__
 _Moyse DUTOIT _______________________|
| (1690 - 1739) m 1715                |
|                                     |                      __
|                                     |                     |  
|                                     |_____________________|
|                                                           |
|                                                           |__
|--Rodolph Daniel DUTOIT 
|                                                            __
|                                                           |  
|                                      _Isaac BOUDRY _______|
|                                     | (.... - 1763)       |
|                                     |                     |__
|                                     |                        
|_Susanne Marguerite Barbille BOUDRY _|
  (1690 - ....) m 1715                |
                                      |                      __
                                      |                     |  

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Rodolphe Salomon DUTOIT       (ID #I2259)

Father: Jaques François DUTOIT (d. BEF 1777)
Mother: Jeanne Louise REYBAZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marie Françoise BRIDEL (b. 8 NOV 1762)
  1. +Jean Louis Albert DUTOIT (b. 12 NOV 1784)


                                                      _Isaac DUTOIT _______+
                           _Samuel DUTOIT ___________|
                          | (1697 - 1751)            |
                          |                          |_____________________
 _Jaques François DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1777) m 1751    |
|                         |                           _____________________
|                         |                          |                     
|                         |_Jeanne Marie MARTIN _____|
|                           (.... - 1771)            |
|                                                    |_____________________
|--Rodolphe Salomon DUTOIT 
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                          _François Louis REYBAZ ___|
|                         | (.... - 1754)            |
|                         |                          |_____________________
|                         |                                                
|_Jeanne Louise REYBAZ ___|
   m 1751                 |
                          |                           _____________________
                          |                          |                     
                          |_Marie Magdelaine GIRARD _|

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Roger Maurice DUTOIT       (ID #I6231)

Father: Paul Emile DUTOIT (b. 9 AUG 1847, d. 11 FEB 1913)
Mother: Elisa FRANCILLON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Mabel HOWELL-THOMAS (dates unknown)
  1.  Bertha Lucy DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  Jacqueline DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                                                               _Samuel Gabriel Amédée DUTOIT __________+
                                                              | (1758 - 1820) m 1801                   
                       _Paul Emile DUTOIT ____________________|
                      | (1809 - 1847)                         |
                      |                                       |_Marguerite Elisabeth ROBERTY __________+
                      |                                         (1780 - ....) m 1801                   
 _Paul Emile DUTOIT __|
| (1847 - 1913) m 1873|
|                     |                                        _Jean Charles Louis BOURGEOIS __________
|                     |                                       |                                        
|                     |_Marie Rose Lydie Henriette BOURGEOIS _|
|                                                             |
|                                                             |_Catherine Elizabeth Henriette NAEGELI _
|--Roger Maurice DUTOIT 
|  (1877 - ....)
|                                                              ________________________________________
|                                                             |                                        
|                      _Albert FRANCILLON ____________________|
|                     |                                       |
|                     |                                       |________________________________________
|                     |                                                                                
|_Elisa FRANCILLON ___|
   m 1873             |
                      |                                        ________________________________________
                      |                                       |                                        
                      |_Louise Jaqueline BREITTMAYER _________|

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Rolet DUTOIT       (ID #I5481)

Father: Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)

Family 1 : Jeanne TINTORIS (dates unknown)
  1. +Rod (Roulx) DUTOIT (b. ABT 1515)
  2. +Hieronime DUTOIT (d. BEF 1574)
  3.  Pierre DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4. +Antheine DUTOIT (d. aft 1591)
  5.  Antoine DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  6. +Maurisaz DUTOIT (d. AFT 1567)
  7.  Catherine DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                                                              _Nycodus DUTOIT _____
                                                             | (.... - 1454)       
                                        _Roletus DUTOIT _____|
                                       | (1425 - 1511)       |
                                       |                     |_____________________
 _Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT _|
| (1465 - 1528)                        |
|                                      |                      _____________________
|                                      |                     |                     
|                                      |_Agneta _____ _______|
|                                                            |
|                                                            |_____________________
|--Rolet DUTOIT 
|  (1490 - 1555)
|                                                             _____________________
|                                                            |                     
|                                       _____________________|
|                                      |                     |
|                                      |                     |_____________________
|                                      |                                           
                                       |                      _____________________
                                       |                     |                     

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Roletus DUTOIT       (ID #I5478)

Father: Nycodus DUTOIT (d. bef 1454)

Family 1 : Agneta _____ (dates unknown)
  1.  Antoine DUTOIT (d. aft 1488)
  2. +Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)
  3. +Nicod DUTOIT (b. BEF 1470, d. BEF 1511)


Several records in the registers of Michel Frossard, notary at Moudon, identify the father of Guido and Nicoletus de Tecto as Vuillerme or Vuilleme, and detail some of the other family relationships. There is no indication of a direct relationship to any of the Dutoits at Vuarmarens, nor any explicit evidence of a relationship with the other lineage at Chavannes, involving Jacob Dutoit and his siblings.

Nevertheless, a dispute involving holders of the "Disme" called Dutoit, a feudal tax at Chavannes-sur-Moudon, was heard before the Cour de Justice of Chavannes 22 aug 1690, in which Jaques, Isaac, and Jacob Dutoit, sons of Abraham Dutoit (and his wife Pernon Veyre), arguing that they were the direct descendants of Jaques, Jean, and Rolet Duthey, parties to an agreement with Noble Humbert Cerjat dated 21 jul 1449 (signed by notary Jean Crepy), now asked for changes to the terms of the "disme", such that it would henceforth apply to additional crops, such as peas, beans, millet, and hemp, for the benefit of the holders of the "disme". While the other holders of the "disme" argued that the application of the "disme" to such crops had not been done nor even mentioned over the previous two centuries, an accommodation was made.

The record of the dispute is of interest, as it hints at documents held by the family for over two centuries, which, conceivably, might still exist:

Chavannes-sur-Moudon, registre du cour de justice, 1680-1697 (ACV BIL 264)

22 Aug 1690.

Sur la Conteste suscitée par devant l'honnorable Justice de Chavasnes-sur-Moudon, par les honnorables Anthoyne Dutoict Lieutenant, et Egrege Jaques Crausaz Curial dudit Chavasnes et bourgeois de Moudon tant à leur propre que de leurs consors en la Receverie du Dixme dudit Chavasnes Acteurs d'une, Contre les honnorables Jaques, Isaac et Jacob Dutoit freres, fils de feu Abraham Dutoict aussi dudit Chavasnes Rées d'autre part; Ausquels lesdits Sieurs Acteurs demandoyent qu'ils eussent à leur laisser lever et parvenir à l'avenir le dixme du Chanvre et des toutes sortes de legumages qu'ils ont d'ensemencés et qu'ils ensemenceront à l'avenir sur leurs terres dependantes de ceste dixmerie de Chavasnes, comme pois, pesettes, faves, orge, lentilles, milliet, panis, et de tous autres menus bleds qu'ils ensemenceront à l'avenir, offrants de leur costé d'en faire le mesme, afin d'estre distribué à tous les compartionniers endite receverie, chacun selon la part et portion qui luy en comportera, ou qu'ils ayent à faire dhuement conster par droitz et tiltres autentiques, contraires à ceux que lesdits acteurs produisent, qu'ils en soyent exempts et affranchis entierement, contre la pronontiation rendue le 21e Juillet 1449 Signée Jean Crepy entre feu Humbert Cerjat et les feu honnorables Jaques, Jean et Rolet Duthey dudit Chavasnes produite, avec divers aquis faits de quelques particulliers de plusieurs fractions, jouxte lesquels droitz lesdites parties prient d'estre maintenus avec protestes de tous depens, d'autant qu'ils prossedent ce droit en fief et hommage soubs certain cense, lesdites Rées y ayant eu part s'en sont despouillés en s'affranchissant de la faction et charge que doit faires celuy qui veut jouir du benefice, comme estant ledit devoir inseparable du benefice dudit Dixme.

A quoy lesdits Rées pour response disent que de temps Immemorial voire des passés deux cents ans, on n'a veu dixmer ni entendu dire qu'on ayt dixmé les legumages riere ledit Chavasnes, se recriants au possessoire plus que privilegié, authorisé par les Loix, et que l'acte de pronontiation produit fait en leur faveur, puis qu'ils sont de nom et de Genealogie les vrays descendantz desdits Dutoitz Enoncés dans ladite pronontiation, et que par ainsi etoyent qu'elle fait plustost en leur faveur plustost que celle desdits Acteurs, car si mesme ils se sont despouillés de leur part au Dixme du froment, messel, seigle et avoine seulement, la dixmerie sus le reste des autres graines n'ayant justques icy esté Introduits, ils n'ont par ladite vendition assujetty leurs terres au dixmes qui n'a jamais esté accoustumé d'estre levée, comme croyantz leurs terres de temps Immemorial pour franches du Dixme de tout legumages sus repeté sans distinction, autrement leur portion n'auroit pas esté vendue sa valeur, offrants de faire leur faction dixmer, charier, haberger, et battre comme l'un d'eux, au cas qu'on leur fasce part des benefices qu'ils jouissent pour cela, et autres raisons avancées soustenants ester mal Interpellés, concluans à liberation avec suitte de depens.

Parties estans comparues par devant Egrege Vertueux et Provide Gabriel Bize, Vidomne et bourgeois dudit Moudon et Chastelain de Chavasnes tenant la Cour dudit Chavasnes avec les Sieurs Jurés neutre choisis pour juger de ceste conteste, avant que de passer au jugement sur les debatz (?) et process Instruict, les parties ayants esté exhortées à gouster une pronontiation absolue qui leur pouroit estre faite par ladite Noble Justice comme bien Instruicte du fait en question, et par dequelles on pouroit prevenir les fascheuses suittes que ceste difficulté enfantera si elle est portée plus loin, contre les devoirs de parentage et de voisinage qui sont des Relations fortes, avec autres touchantes refflections qui ont porté les parties à donner les mains à ceste saine proposition. Et pour marque d'une grande confiance elles ont reciproquement convenu que ce sera à l'absolue afin de faire une desongne achevée, et affermir une bonne amitié, et pour plus aysement venir à chef de cest ouvrage, apres avoir toutes lesdites parties esté entendues, en leurs raisons et allegations reciproques, on auroit prises separement pour resentir leurs sentiments et sur tout tascher de scavoir d'elles si en Reglant auxdits Rées une certaine quantité de terres qu'il pouront semer en legumage, et jouir franc de dixme à lavorir en paix et de surplus s'ils en veulent semer au desla estre dismable, puisque lesdits Acteurs se plaignent de l'abus qu'on en fait justques icy, puis que lesdits Rées sont d'eschus totalement du droit et franchises dedite Dixmerie ou il s'appert qu'ils n'ont aucune part aux benefices, combien qu'ils en ayent jouy par un peur [pur] effect de complaisance qu'on appelle gratuitement, car des leur vendition ils ont cesse de rendre le service dub à cause dedite receverie et des ladite vendition en ont entirement esté exemptés, et leur acheteur tenu de le faire à leur place, tout ce qui peut faire en leur faveur, est que possible par la vendition de leurdit part n'aura esté faite de sa juste valleur et n'aura esté conciderée que sur le benefice qui se fait avec les autres portionniers, soubs l'esperance que le droit sur le legumage leur resteroit, ce qui ne peut contre l'acte dedicte vendition, qui est peur [pur] et simple, qui n'a d'autre explication sinon la part au dixme de Chavasnes nulment (?) qu'est tout comprendre. Mais pour bien de paix et en Vue d'establir un bon Reglement à l'avenir, lesdits Acteurs one par cestes cedé, permis et concedé auxdites Rées et à leurs successeurs et representans à toute perpetuité, le droit et pouvoir de jouir la semée d'une coppe mesme de Moudon en legumages, orges, pois, feves, pesettes, lentilees, panis, milliet ou autres menus bleds s'ils en sement, à Chacun d'eux et les leurs representans leurdit pere, à leur choix quelle graine qu'il leur plaira des sus specifiées, outre encor à chacun d'eux la semée d'un quarteron de Chanvre, qu'est pour lesditz trois freres entr'eux et leurs descendants, pour toutes Choses quinze quarterons de franc de Dixme par chasque année, touts fois s'ils sement du surplus il sera dismable comme les autres graines à deffaut de ne pouvoir convenir par traité autrement à l'advenir, ce qui restera au droit et pouvoir desdits Acteurs et compartionniers, bien entendu que les enfans desdites Rées venants en aage (hors de faire aquis de quelques portions audit Dixme) ne pouront jouir de ce benefice que entr'eux tous assavoir representans leurdit pere seulement sans possible vouloir un jour avoir chacun estre (?) de franc. Estant aussi expressement designé que le tout soit sans alterer ni viscier aux droits des Seigneurs qui ont part au grand Disme, et sans que les autres pretendants avoir part audit Dixme en puissent tirer consequence au prejudice desdits Acteurs ni des leurs, et sans qu'il soit faite Consideration de la procedure à ce sujet demenée, ce qu'estant representé aux parties, elles ont accepté reciproquement ceste proprosition avec remerciemens et quant aux depens convenus qu'ils fussent compensés, pour les Injures si aucune il y en à elles ont esté enlevées, sans qu'elles puissent prejudicier à l'honneur reciproque des parties, ayant lesdites parties promis de bonne foy et reciproque obligation de leurs biens, chacun en ce qui les concerne et leurs consors d'agreer tout le contenu des presentes et de les tenir pour stable à toutes perpetuité sans y contrevenir ni aux contrevenantz consentir à peyne de tous damps. Daté et passé Judicialement audit Moudon dans la maison seigneuriale dudit Chavasnes, soubs le sceau d'Egrege etprovide Gabriel Bize Vidomne et bourgeois dudit Moudon, et Chastelain dudit Chavasnes, avec la signature du Curial Substitué dudit lieu, le vingtdeuxiesme jour du mois d'Aoust mille six cents quatrevingt et dix 1690. - [Signed] Is. DuToict

Now, the brothers who appeared in 1690 must be direct descendants of the man sometimes called "Vuilleme" Dutoit in the records of the notaries, and, from the dates of Guido and his brother, this man, whatever his name may have been, must have been alive when the agreement was signed in 1449. Unless the parties of 1449 were acting on behalf of other relatives not identified in the proceedings of 1690, Vuilleme would be the son of one of these three. Moreover, their names match those of three of the four (?) brothers Jacob, Rolet, Jean, and (possibly) Pierre who appear in several other records from the mid-15th Century. Thus, the earliest known document concerning the "disme" at Chavannes seems to tie all of the Dutoit families together, under a common ancestor who lived at the beginning of the 15th Century. The agreement in question does not seem to be mentioned in the inventories of the archives of Chavannes or Moudon posted on the internet site of the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises. It may, however, be part of a bundle or dossier that was not listed in detail. It would be helpful to our understanding of the relationships of the Dutoit and other families of Chavannes it this document could be located. However, it is not at all certain that the dîme called Dutoit actually originated in 1449. It is entirely possible that it had already existed well before that date, and the transaction of 1449 was simply a change in the ownership of the rights to collect the dîme.

A reconnaissance of 1592 (ACV Fn 347 fol. 263, and others in the same volume) refers back to a previous reconnaissance recorded by Eg. François Colon in which various properties had been divided as follows:

This division suggests that "Vuilleme" had only two sons, and that his son Nicod had only the two sons Pierre and Jehan, and that his other son Guy had three sons, Rolet, Antoine, and Jehan.

The likely solution to this puzzle is found in the terriers of Rue (AEF Grosses de Rue, especially numbers 81 and 120), in which the father of Guido de Tecto is clearly named as Roletus, rather than Vuilliermus. If the latter name is an error (and there seem to be no other occurrences of the name Vuilliermus in this family in the 15th and 16th Centuries), then Roletus father of Guido would have to be the same Roletus who had brothers Jacobus, Johannes, and possibly Petrus. The terriers seem consistent and authoritative, so we now show the father of Guido de Tecto as Roletus rather than Vuilliermus.

The citations for "Roletus" include the following: He is mentioned in 1450 in a document of Jean Saly, notary at Moudon (28 feb 1450, a debt is owed by Perrinus Roppaz de Palie and his nephew Mermetus son of Johannes Fabrez to Jacobus de Tecto and Roletus de Tecto his brother, who is also acting as guardian (tutor) of the children of the late Johannes de laz Cort de Chavanes—there is as yet no explanation of how Roletus became their guardian, but one possibility is that his wife was a sister or other close relative of Johannes de laz Cort), and again in 1453 with his son Antoine. It is possible that Antoine had not reached the age of majority at that point; the transaction involved renting some cows. The last probable mention, in the same records, was in 1461. His son Anthonius is the subject of a reconnaissance dated 31 jan 1488 (AEF Grosses Rue 89, fol. 198), but nothing further has been found.

Rolet "De Tecto" of Chavannes is also mentioned in documents of this notary as the guardian of the children of the late Jean De Laz Cort (=Delacour, or the Latin version, de Curia) 28 feb 1450, as a creditor along with Rolet's brother Jacobus De Tecto, regarding a debt of Perrinus Roppaz and his nephew Mermetus son of Jean Fabrez. Since one of the children of that late Jean De Laz Cort was Agnes, widow of the late Petrus son of Johannes De Tecto (22 jan 1452, the same notary), it seems very probable that Roletus, Jacobus, and the late Petrus were all close relatives of Johannes — most likely Johannes was the brother of Roletus and Jacobus. Moreover, a reconnaissance dated 15 jun 1492 (AEF Grosses Rue 89, fol. 268) mentions two daughters of the late Johannes de Curia (=Jean de laz Cort): Francesia was the wife of a Nycodus de Tecto, and her sister Agnes was the widow of Nycodus Excofferii (or Escoffier). It is very tempting to think that Agnes had first married Petrus son of Johannes de Tecto, and sometime later, after 1452, remarried to Nycodus Escoffier (possibly the notary of the same name, active as early as 1449). Pending further research, we accept this solution.

The dîme mentioned above seems to have a long history that is still not completely understood. One of the clearer documents concerning it is the reconnaissance of 15 jun 1492 mentioned above (AEF Grosses Rue 89, fol. 268), which also lists the owners of the same dîme in the past, as they had been recorded in a terrier compiled by Petrus de Calcibus (or a French version of his name, de Chaucy). The date of this prior reconnaissance has not been discovered. The notary could be the same one listed in the inventories of the ACV as Petrus Deschaux, commissaire for terriers Fn 23 and 26, dating from 1457, and Fn 25 and 31, from 1456. AEF Grosses Rue 89 also mentions previous reconnaissances recorded by Andreas de Solerio, who was the commissaire for the terrier ACV Fn 27 (1459). The reconnaissance of 15 jun 1492 gives the following information:

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Nycodus DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1454)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Roletus DUTOIT 
|  (1425 - 1511)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Rosa DUTOIT       (ID #I6139)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. bef 1518, d. BEF 1559)
Mother: Anteine VEYRE (d. bef 1556)

Family 1 : Jean MAILLARD (dates unknown)


Marriage contract recorded by Jean Jaquier specifies that she is the daughter of Claude Dutoit son of Pierre Dutoit of Chavannes-sur-Moudon.

[14550] Date of contract, Jean Jaquier, notary at Moudon (or Demoret).

                                             _Nicod DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1470 - 1511)       
                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1490 - 1550)       |
                      |                     |_Jeanne _____ _______
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1518 - 1559) m 1539|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rosa DUTOIT 
|  (1540 - ....)
|                                            _Nicod VEYRE ________
|                                           | (.... - 1452)       
|                      _Roulx (Rod) VEYRE __|
|                     | (1452 - 1524)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine VEYRE ______|
  (.... - 1556) m 1539|
                      |                      ______ BURCHET ______
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Katherine BURCHET __|

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Rose DUTOIT       (ID #I3531)

Father: François DUTOIT (b. ABT 1593, d. BEF 1663)
Mother: Jeanne GENIER (b. aft 1596, d. AFT 1667)


                                             _Hieronime DUTOIT ___+
                                            | (.... - 1574)       
                       _Aimé DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1621) m 1590|
                      |                     |_Pernette _____ _____
                      |                       (.... - 1574)       
 _François DUTOIT ____|
| (1593 - 1663) m 1618|
|                     |                      _Pierre LYMAT _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1570)       
|                     |_Françoise LYMAT ____|
|                        m 1590             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rose DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _David GENIER _______|
|                     | (.... - 1634)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne GENIER ______|
  (1596 - 1667) m 1618|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Rose DUTOIT       (ID #I3744)

Father: Pierre Daniel DUTOIT (d. 11 APR 1730)

Family 1 : Jean Pierre BISSAT (dates unknown)


Catechumen at Bercher, 1721, with the notation "imbécile".

                                                 _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                                                | (1605 - 1666)       
                         _Jean François DUTOIT _|
                        | (1630 - 1694)         |
                        |                       |_Magdelaine BECHET __+
 _Pierre Daniel DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1730)         |
|                       |                        _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
|                       |                       | (.... - 1642) m 1630
|                       |_Marguerite DUTOIT ____|
|                         (1635 - 1716)         |
|                                               |_Claudine MAURON ____
|                                                 (.... - 1658) m 1630
|--Rose DUTOIT 
|                                                _____________________
|                                               |                     
|                        _______________________|
|                       |                       |
|                       |                       |_____________________
|                       |                                             
                        |                        _____________________
                        |                       |                     

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Rose DUTOIT       (ID #I4104)

Father: Jean Jaques DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie MOTTAZ (dates unknown)


                                                   _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                       _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _______|
                      | (.... - 1745) m 1717      |
                      |                           |_Genon MARTIN _______
 _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _|
|  m 1758             |
|                     |                            _Isaac LAGNIAZ ______
|                     |                           |                     
|                     |_Jeanne LAGNIAZ ___________|
|                        m 1717                   |
|                                                 |_____________________
|--Rose DUTOIT 
|  (1768 - ....)
|                                                  _____________________
|                                                 |                     
|                      _Abraham MOTTAZ ___________|
|                     | (.... - 1758)             |
|                     |                           |_____________________
|                     |                                                 
|_Marie MOTTAZ _______|
   m 1758             |
                      |                            _____________________
                      |                           |                     
                      |_Jeanne Françoise PORCHET _|

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Rose DUTOIT       (ID #I2673)

Father: Jean Emmanuel DUTOIT (b. 21 NOV 1771)
Mother: Jeanne Susanne BECHOLEY (dates unknown)


Baptismal information was copied into the register at Moudon in 1816.

                                                      _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _+
                                                     | (1692 - 1753)       
                            _Jacob DUTOIT ___________|
                           | (.... - 1790) m 1765    |
                           |                         |_Salomé MOSER _______+
                           |                           (1694 - 1755)       
 _Jean Emmanuel DUTOIT ____|
| (1771 - ....)            |
|                          |                          _Jaques BECHOLEY ____
|                          |                         | (.... - 1765)       
|                          |_Jeanne Esther BECHOLEY _|
|                            (1740 - 1786) m 1765    |
|                                                    |_____________________
|--Rose DUTOIT 
|  (1804 - ....)
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                           _Abraham BECHOLEY _______|
|                          |                         |
|                          |                         |_____________________
|                          |                                               
|_Jeanne Susanne BECHOLEY _|
                           |                          _____________________
                           |                         |                     

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Rose Elizabeth DUTOIT       (ID #I2897)

Father: André (Abraham André) DUTOIT (d. BEF 1725)
Mother: Esther Marie BURNAT (dates unknown)


                                                                             _David DUTOIT ______________________+
                                                                            |  m 1604                            
                                 _Pierre DUTOIT ____________________________|
                                | (.... - 1676)                             |
                                |                                           |_Pernon _____ ______________________
                                |                                             (.... - 1624) m 1604               
 _André (Abraham André) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1725) m 1699          |
|                               |                                            _Jaques de Palézieux dit FALCONNET _
|                               |                                           | (.... - 1635) m 1614               
|                               |_Jeanne Louise de Palézieux dit FALCONNET _|
|                                 (1627 - ....)                             |
|                                                                           |_Françoise MOURON __________________+
|                                                                              m 1614                            
|--Rose Elizabeth DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1737)
|                                                                            _Daniel BURNAT _____________________+
|                                                                           | (.... - 1603) m 1583               
|                                _Daniel BURNAT ____________________________|
|                               | (.... - 1683)                             |
|                               |                                           |_Marguerite MAGNIN _________________+
|                               |                                              m 1583                            
|_Esther Marie BURNAT __________|
   m 1699                       |
                                |                                            ____________________________________
                                |                                           |                                    
                                |_Anne DUCHAT ______________________________|

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Rose Elize Charlotte Stephanie DUTOIT       (ID #I11454)

Father: Marc Philippe DUTOIT (b. 12 JUN 1751, d. 1832)
Mother: Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN (b. 1759, d. 15 MAY 1819)


She was named after Charlotte Sturler, daughter of the Avoyer of Morat, who was a sponsor at her baptism. Relatives in the United States have speculated that she was the ward Charlotte Dutoit who travelled with Charles and Lydie Dutoit to America in 1817, along with a sister Marie whose baptism has not yet surfaced. If so, she is the Charlotte married Philippe Bettens of Vevay, IN. However, that does not seem likely. That Charlotte bore a child in 1844, and census information indicates she was born about 1809 or later.

                                                          _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _+
                                                         | (.... - 1743) m 1697        
                                 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT __|
                                | (.... - 1790) m 1746   |
                                |                        |_Marie LYONS ________________+
                                |                          (1671 - 1746) m 1697        
 _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
| (1751 - 1832)                 |
|                               |                         _Jaques AGUET _______________
|                               |                        | (1682 - 1752)               
|                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ___|
|                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746   |
|                                                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________
|--Rose Elize Charlotte Stephanie DUTOIT 
|  (1795 - ....)
|                                                         _Jean Pierre SECRÉTAN _______+
|                                                        | (1701 - 1761)               
|                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN _|
|                               | (.... - 1811)          |
|                               |                        |_Jeanne Susanne FATIO _______
|                               |                                                      
|_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
  (1759 - 1819)                 |
                                |                         _____________________________
                                |                        |                             
                                |_Charlotte ROLAZ _______|
                                  (1732 - 1804)          |

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Rose Françoise DUTOIT       (ID #I25325)

Father: Samuel Philippe DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Magdelaine LOUP (b. 1718, d. 30 MAR 1782)


                                                   _Jaques DUTOIT ______
                                                  | (1650 - 1708)       
                           _Moyse Gabriel DUTOIT _|
                          | (.... - 1752) m 1715  |
                          |                       |_Marguerite CLOT ____
                          |                         (1650 - 1731)       
 _Samuel Philippe DUTOIT _|
|  m 1746                 |
|                         |                        _____________________
|                         |                       |                     
|                         |_Françoise PIACHAUD ___|
|                           (1690 - 1750) m 1715  |
|                                                 |_____________________
|--Rose Françoise DUTOIT 
|                                                  _____________________
|                                                 |                     
|                          _Antoine LOUP _________|
|                         | (.... - 1746)         |
|                         |                       |_____________________
|                         |                                             
|_Magdelaine LOUP ________|
  (1718 - 1782) m 1746    |
                          |                        _____________________
                          |                       |                     

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Rose Louise DUTOIT       (ID #I4381)

Father: Pierre Elie DUTOIT (b. 29 AUG 1788)
Mother: Jeanne Marie CLERC (dates unknown)


                                                 _Jean Louis DUTOIT ____+
                                                | (1728 - 1800) m 1745  
                       _Jean Louis DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1754 - 1805) m 1783    |
                      |                         |_Marie Judith BLANC ___+
                      |                           (1728 - 1795) m 1745  
 _Pierre Elie DUTOIT _|
| (1788 - ....) m 1808|
|                     |                          _Jean Daniel RECORDON _
|                     |                         |                       
|                     |_Anne Esther RECORDON ___|
|                       (.... - 1816) m 1783    |
|                                               |_______________________
|--Rose Louise DUTOIT 
|  (1819 - ....)
|                                                _______________________
|                                               |                       
|                      _Pierre CLERC ___________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |_______________________
|                     |                                                 
|_Jeanne Marie CLERC _|
   m 1808             |
                      |                          _______________________
                      |                         |                       
                      |_Jeanne Susanne HUGOTET _|

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Rose Louise DUTOIT       (ID #I25228)

Father: Jean Pierre DUTOIT (b. 19 JAN 1782)
Mother: Julie CORBAZ (dates unknown)


                                                        _Jean Louis DUTOIT __+
                                                       | (1728 - 1800) m 1745
                       _Jaques David DUTOIT ___________|
                      | (1747 - ....) m 1778           |
                      |                                |_Marie Judith BLANC _+
                      |                                  (1728 - 1795) m 1745
 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _|
| (1782 - ....) m 1809|
|                     |                                 _Jaques PITTON ______
|                     |                                | (.... - 1788)       
|                     |_Anne (Jeanne?) Susanne PITTON _|
|                        m 1778                        |
|                                                      |_Jeanne SIGNY _______
|--Rose Louise DUTOIT 
|  (1823 - ....)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                      _David CORBAZ __________________|
|                     |                                |
|                     |                                |_____________________
|                     |                                                      
|_Julie CORBAZ _______|
   m 1809             |
                      |                                 _____________________
                      |                                |                     
                      |_Jeanne RAMUZ __________________|

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Rose Marguerite (von Dach) DUTOIT       (ID #I6847)

Father: Jonas Pierre (von Dach) DUTOIT (b. 23 APR 1752)
Mother: Elizabeth LUGRIN (dates unknown)


                                                                     _Jonas (von Dach) DUTOIT _+
                                                                    |  m 1720                  
                                   _Jonas Pierre (von Dach) DUTOIT _|
                                  | (1720 - 1773) m 1743            |
                                  |                                 |_Jeanne Marie VILLARD ____+
                                  |                                    m 1720                  
 _Jonas Pierre (von Dach) DUTOIT _|
| (1752 - ....) m 1774            |
|                                 |                                  __________________________
|                                 |                                 |                          
|                                 |_Magdelaine TRIBOLET ____________|
|                                    m 1743                         |
|                                                                   |__________________________
|--Rose Marguerite (von Dach) DUTOIT 
|  (1776 - ....)
|                                                                    __________________________
|                                                                   |                          
|                                  _________________________________|
|                                 |                                 |
|                                 |                                 |__________________________
|                                 |                                                            
|_Elizabeth LUGRIN _______________|
   m 1774                         |
                                  |                                  __________________________
                                  |                                 |                          

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Rose Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I3905)

Father: Jacob DUTOIT (d. 15 MAR 1790)
Mother: Jeanne Esther BECHOLEY (b. 1740, d. 23 JUL 1786)

Family 1 : Jean Samuel MINGARD (dates unknown)


                                                 _Antoine DUTOIT _______+
                                                | (.... - 1718) m 1688  
                           _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _|
                          | (1692 - 1753)       |
                          |                     |_Jeanne ROSSET ________+
                          |                       (1666 - ....) m 1688  
 _Jacob DUTOIT ___________|
| (.... - 1790) m 1765    |
|                         |                      _Pierre Nicolas MOSER _
|                         |                     |                       
|                         |_Salomé MOSER _______|
|                           (1694 - 1755)       |
|                                               |_______________________
|--Rose Marie DUTOIT 
|  (1779 - ....)
|                                                _______________________
|                                               |                       
|                          _Jaques BECHOLEY ____|
|                         | (.... - 1765)       |
|                         |                     |_______________________
|                         |                                             
|_Jeanne Esther BECHOLEY _|
  (1740 - 1786) m 1765    |
                          |                      _______________________
                          |                     |                       

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Rose Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I2696)

Father: Samuel DUTOIT (b. 6 NOV 1749, d. 18 FEB 1811)
Mother: Rose STÖKLY (dates unknown)


                                                 _Antoine DUTOIT ________+
                                                |  m 1712                
                       _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
                      |                         |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+
                      |                           (.... - 1753) m 1712   
 _Samuel DUTOIT ______|
| (1749 - 1811)       |
|                     |                          _Isaac BESANÇON ________
|                     |                         | (.... - 1721)          
|                     |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _|
|                       (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
|                                               |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _
|                                                 (.... - 1780)          
|--Rose Marie DUTOIT 
|  (1792 - 1793)
|                                                ________________________
|                                               |                        
|                      _________________________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |________________________
|                     |                                                  
|_Rose STÖKLY ________|
                      |                          ________________________
                      |                         |                        

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Rose Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I2487)

Father: Samuel DUTOIT (b. 6 NOV 1749, d. 18 FEB 1811)
Mother: Rose STÖKLY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Pierre Abraham DUTOIT (b. 26 JUN 1788)
  1.  Magdelaine DUTOIT (b. 24 JUL 1818, d. 26 NOV 1819)
  2.  Louis DUTOIT (b. 3 MAY 1820)
  3.  Jeanne Louise DUTOIT (b. 25 AUG 1823)
  4.  Anne Louise DUTOIT (b. 5 APR 1828)


Noted as communicant in 1810, daughter of Samuel Dutoit, who was not noted as deceased at that time. She is identified in later life as Marie Rose.

                                                 _Antoine DUTOIT ________+
                                                |  m 1712                
                       _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
                      |                         |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+
                      |                           (.... - 1753) m 1712   
 _Samuel DUTOIT ______|
| (1749 - 1811)       |
|                     |                          _Isaac BESANÇON ________
|                     |                         | (.... - 1721)          
|                     |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _|
|                       (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
|                                               |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _
|                                                 (.... - 1780)          
|--Rose Marie DUTOIT 
|  (1794 - ....)
|                                                ________________________
|                                               |                        
|                      _________________________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |________________________
|                     |                                                  
|_Rose STÖKLY ________|
                      |                          ________________________
                      |                         |                        

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Rose Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I2526)

Father: Jean Samuel DUTOIT (b. 2 APR 1786)
Mother: Marie Marguerite DUTOIT (b. 18 SEP 1787)


                                                              _Jaques DUTOIT _______________+
                                                             | (1728 - ....) m 1760         
                            _Jean Louis DUTOIT ______________|
                           | (1763 - ....) m 1785            |
                           |                                 |_Marguerite Elizabeth DUTOIT _+
                           |                                   (1738 - 1794) m 1760         
 _Jean Samuel DUTOIT ______|
| (1786 - ....) m 1808     |
|                          |                                  _Jean Jaques DUTOIT __________+
|                          |                                 | (.... - 1781) m 1747         
|                          |_Marie Caton (Catherine) DUTOIT _|
|                            (1760 - ....) m 1785            |
|                                                            |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON ______+
|                                                              (.... - 1781) m 1747         
|--Rose Marie DUTOIT 
|  (1813 - ....)
|                                                             _Jean Pierre DUTOIT __________+
|                                                            | (.... - 1803) m 1752         
|                           _Jean Abraham DUTOIT ____________|
|                          | (1757 - ....) m 1785            |
|                          |                                 |_Jeanne Elizabeth LEYVRAZ ____+
|                          |                                   (1724 - 1808) m 1752         
|_Marie Marguerite DUTOIT _|
  (1787 - ....) m 1808     |
                           |                                  _Olivier PACHE _______________
                           |                                 |                              
                           |_Marianne PACHE _________________|
                             (1748 - 1814) m 1785            |
                                                             |_Catherine PACHE _____________

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Rose Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I4377)

Father: Jean Moyse DUTOIT (b. 28 FEB 1784)
Mother: Jeanne Rose PITTON (dates unknown)


                                               _Jean Louis DUTOIT ____+
                                              | (1728 - 1800) m 1745  
                       _Jean Louis DUTOIT ____|
                      | (1754 - 1805) m 1783  |
                      |                       |_Marie Judith BLANC ___+
                      |                         (1728 - 1795) m 1745  
 _Jean Moyse DUTOIT __|
| (1784 - ....) m 1807|
|                     |                        _Jean Daniel RECORDON _
|                     |                       |                       
|                     |_Anne Esther RECORDON _|
|                       (.... - 1816) m 1783  |
|                                             |_______________________
|--Rose Marie DUTOIT 
|  (1816 - ....)
|                                              _______________________
|                                             |                       
|                      _______________________|
|                     |                       |
|                     |                       |_______________________
|                     |                                               
|_Jeanne Rose PITTON _|
   m 1807             |
                      |                        _______________________
                      |                       |                       

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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