DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Jaquemaz DUTOIT       (ID #I2082)

Father: Jaques (Gros Jaques) DUTOIT (b. BEF 1550, d. BEF 17 JUL 1615)
Mother: Marie PACHE (d. ABT 29 JAN 1617)

Family 1 : Nicolas DUFOUR (d. AFT 1615)


Document of Denis Pivard, notary, 17 jul 1615, has Jaquemaz daughter of the late Jaques Dutoit and wife of Nicolas Dufour, notary at Dommartin, regarding her half interest in the estate of her brother Maurice Dutoit:

Cession pour honnorable et Egrege Anthoine Dutoict conseiller de Mouldon, Contre Jaquemaz fille de feu honnorable Jaques Dutoict de Chavanes.

A tous soit chose notoire et manifeste, que par devant moy notaire soubzsigné et en presence des tesmoins cy apres nommés, s'est en propre personne constitué et establie honnorée Jaquemaz fille de feu Jaques DuToict de Chavanes femme d'Egrege Nicolas Dufour notaire de Dompmartin, par le vouloir toutesfois authorité et consentement dudit Nicolas som mary icy present et constituant, Laquelle de son bon gré et spontanée volonté et de ses droictz tiltres et actions en cecy bien et suffisamment informée et certiorée pour elle sesdits hoirs et successeurs quelconques de l'authorité predite, Cede, quicte, remect et habandonne purement perpetuellement et comme irrevocablement A honnorables Egrege Anthoine Dutoict conseiller, et Daniel DuToict de Chavanes bourgeois de Mouldon presentz et acceptans pour eulx et les leurs, Assavoir tous et unchacun les biens soyent meubles ou immeubles a ladite Jaquemaz appartenans riere le village terroir et confin dudict Chavanes, et a elle parvenuz par le partage de feu Mauris DuToict son frere fils dudit feu Jaques DuToict, Ainsy que lesdits biens soit speciffiéz dans les partages qui s'en sont faictz comme s'ensuit, entre autres ... (?) audits partages contenuez, Assavoir la moitié de tout le bien et tenement (?) dudit Chavanes, la moitié de tout le bestail et attelaige et les deux tiers des autres meubles lesquelz deux tiers toutesfois ladite Jaquemaz se reserve la moitié, Assavoir l'un desdits deux tiers. Dans laquelle presente desvision (?) la moytié de la part appartenant audit deffunct Mauris au dixme dudit Chavanes a teneur desdits partages, plus la moitié de préz de Granges vers Peney (?), Consistans lesdits biens tant en maysons, granges, prez, clos, terres, bois, rappes et autres duquel nom et qualité ils puissent estre, Ainsy comme ils peuvent (?) contenir et s'extendre. Avecq leurs fonds, fruicts, droictz, proprietéz, appartenances et deppendances quels conques, Et est faicte la present perpetuelle cession et ...(?) oultre toutesfois la .... [damaged document] ... DuToict de sa part d'une piece size en la ... [damaged document] ... n'est icy compris) pour et moyennant le prix ... [damaged document] ... de Quatre mille et deux cents florins pp. [petit poids] de ... [damaged document] ... Oultre vingt florins pour le vin deladite Jaquemaz et vingt florins de vins beuz faisant la presente cession, payés et supportés par lesdits DuToict le tout heu et receu par ladite Jaquemaz tant moyennant promesses des gravances vers crediteurs que par obligation du restat (?) dont elle s'en coutent (?) et en quitte les susdites cessionaires et les leurs perpetuellement (?) par cestes. Soubs ceste condition et reserve expresse, qu'iceuxdits cessionayres seront enlevéz de supporter la tiers part du debvoir et ... (?). Ordonné par lesdits partages a la vefve dudit feu Jaques DuToict mere de ladite Jaquemaz sa vie durant, Et ce a teneur de l'arrest sur ce faict auquel soit relation que besoin fera, Moyennant toutes lesquelles choses et conditions la prenommée Jaquemaz de l'authorité comme dessus s'est devestue pour elle et sesdits hoirs en investissant lesdits DuToict cessionaires pour debvoir estre par eulx soit leurs susdits hoirs, jouys et possedéz a perpetuité les colloquant a cest effec en son lieu et place pour la jouissance et possessions desdits lieux, En mesme condition et qualité qu'elle ou les siens leur pourroyent jouir et posseder en vigeur et a forme les predites partages, Sans debvoir estre a subsister au aulcune autres maintenance, prometants en bonne foy et soubz l'obligations etc., avoir agir de ny contrevenir a peyne d'incorir (?) tous damps etc., Renonceants etc. Datté & faict en presence d'honnorables Symeon Dufourt dudit Dompmartin et Abraham Jaquery bourgeois dudit Mouldon, tesmoins requis et demandéz.

                                                      _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                                     | (1465 - 1528)       
                                _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                               | (1515 - 1574)       |
                               |                     |_Anteine _____ ______
                               |                       (.... - 1524)       
 _Jaques (Gros Jaques) DUTOIT _|
| (1550 - 1615) m 1574         |
|                              |                      _____________________
|                              |                     |                     
|                              |_____________________|
|                                                    |
|                                                    |_____________________
|--Jaquemaz DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1615)
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                               _Antoine PACHE ______|
|                              |                     |
|                              |                     |_____________________
|                              |                                           
|_Marie PACHE _________________|
  (.... - 1617) m 1574         |
                               |                      _____________________
                               |                     |                     

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Jaquemaz DUTOIT       (ID #I6292)

Father: Abraham DUTOIT (b. bef 1567, d. BEF 1608)
Mother: Gasparde DELEVY (d. AFT 1593)

Family 1 : Claude MUFFAZ (dates unknown)


Cited 10 and 16 may 1618 as inheritor of estate of her aunt Barthollemie Delevy. At that time her father is already deceased, but another Abraham Dutoit son of the late Rod Dutoit of Chavannes is still alive at Vevey, although not a citizen there.

                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (1500 - 1564)       
                       _Rod DUTOIT _________|
                      | (1540 - 1582)       |
                      |                     |______ JORDANNAZ ____
 _Abraham DUTOIT _____|
| (1567 - 1608) m 1583|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaquemaz DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1625)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      ______ DELEVY _______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Gasparde DELEVY ____|
  (.... - 1593) m 1583|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2849)

Father: Guillaume DUTOIT (b. BEF 1545, d. BEF 1610)
Mother: Jaquema JACOD (dates unknown)


He is apparently the Jaques Dutoit identified as a weaver (tisserand) in several records from about 1610 to 1620. If so, he had a daughter Françoise who married Claude DuBrit of Sottens 07 jan 1617. But if Françoise is his daughter, he must have been married about 1600. So far, there is no certain record of him as an adult in the church records. He might be the Jaques Dutoit dit Guillerme whose son Pettermand was baptised at Moudon 22 dec 1621. Perhaps he lived in another parish.

After his connection with Elie Dutoit (his "cousin") was discovered in the terriers (ACV Fn 356, fol. 295), a number of transactions involving Elie and a man identified only as "Jaques Dutoit" have been discovered, but, so far, no further details.

                                             _Nicod DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1470 - 1511)       
                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1490 - 1550)       |
                      |                     |_Jeanne _____ _______
 _Guillaume DUTOIT ___|
| (1545 - 1610) m 1569|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Estivent JACOD _____|
|                     | (.... - 1569)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jaquema JACOD ______|
   m 1569             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2249)

Father: Samuel DUTOIT (b. ABT 1697, d. BEF 1751)
Mother: Jeanne Marie MARTIN (d. 6 APR 1771)


Record of his baptism was sent to another parish in 1740 (at that time he would be ready for first communion), indicating that the family had moved out of the parish of Vevey.

                                              _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                             | (.... - 1709) m 1669
                        _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
                       |                     |
                       |                     |_Marie FROSSARD _____+
                       |                       (.... - 1729) m 1669
 _Samuel DUTOIT _______|
| (1697 - 1751)        |
|                      |                      _____________________
|                      |                     |                     
|                      |_____________________|
|                                            |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |_____________________
|                      |                                           
|_Jeanne Marie MARTIN _|
  (.... - 1771)        |
                       |                      _____________________
                       |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I5817)

Father: Baltazard DUTOIT (d. 6 MAR 1729)
Mother: Estiennaz DUPUIS (dates unknown)


Evidently justicier de Chavannes about 1730.

                                             _André DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (.... - 1629) m 1619
                       _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1665) m 1643|
                      |                     |_Françoise PIDOUX ___
                      |                       (.... - 1629) m 1619
 _Baltazard DUTOIT ___|
| (.... - 1729) m 1681|
|                     |                      _Pierre BUTTET ______+
|                     |                     |  m 1626             
|                     |_Christine BUTTET ___|
|                       (.... - 1685) m 1643|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|                                              m 1626             
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Estiennaz DUPUIS ___|
   m 1681             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2165)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (b. ABT 1625, d. BEF 1688)
Mother: Susanne VEYRE (dates unknown)


[870] Witnesses include: Jacques Veyre de Chavannes sus Mouldon, Jacques Becholey de Chesalles, Jeanne femme de Jean Dutoit, Elizabeth femme de Jean Pingrey de Chesalles.

                                             _Moyse DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1566 - 1625) m 1586
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (1596 - 1654)       |
                      |                     |_Sara BECHOLEY ______+
                      |                        m 1586             
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (1625 - 1688) m 1650|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Benoicte _____ _____|
|                       (1600 - 1654)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _Jean VEYRE _________+
|                                           |                     
|                      _Michel VEYRE _______|
|                     | (.... - 1658) m 1624|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Susanne VEYRE ______|
   m 1650             |
                      |                      _Daniel GENIER ______
                      |                     | (.... - 1625)       
                      |_Catherine GENIER ___|
                        (1600 - 1658) m 1624|

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I6390)

Father: Abraham DUTOIT (d. BEF 1685)
Mother: Sara DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                                                _Jean DUTOIT ______________+
                                               | (.... - 1660) m 1620      
                       _Jaques DUTOIT _________|
                      | (.... - 1677) m 1655   |
                      |                        |_Anne (Annelle) DECREVEL __+
                      |                          (.... - 1668) m 1620      
 _Abraham DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1685)       |
|                     |                         _Maurice VINCENT __________
|                     |                        | (.... - 1658)             
|                     |_Anne Jaquemaz VINCENT _|
|                        m 1655                |
|                                              |_Etiennaz ESPETAUX ________
|                                                (.... - 1658)             
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                               _Daniel DUTOIT ____________+
|                                              | (.... - 1618) m 1598      
|                      _Daniel DUTOIT _________|
|                     | (1611 - 1680) m 1638   |
|                     |                        |_Schere (Suaire) DEMIERRE _+
|                     |                          (.... - 1622) m 1598      
|_Sara DUTOIT ________|
                      |                         _André WAGNIÈRES __________
                      |                        |                           
                      |_Jeanne WAGNIÈRES ______|
                        (.... - 1685) m 1638   |

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2829)

Father: Isaac DUTOIT (b. ABT 1615, d. BEF 1673)
Mother: Gasparde de Palézieux dit FALCONNET (b. AFT 1614, d. AFT 1673)


                                                                             _Michel DUTOIT ______+
                                                                            | (.... - 1592)       
                                        _Jaques DUTOIT _____________________|
                                       | (1567 - 1631) m 1615               |
                                       |                                    |_____________________
 _Isaac DUTOIT ________________________|
| (1615 - 1673) m 1635                 |
|                                      |                                     _Pierre BOCHET ______
|                                      |                                    | (.... - 1631)       
|                                      |_Monetta BOCHET ____________________|
|                                        (.... - 1631) m 1615               |
|                                                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                                                            _____________________
|                                                                           |                     
|                                       _Jaques de Palézieux dit FALCONNET _|
|                                      | (.... - 1635) m 1614               |
|                                      |                                    |_____________________
|                                      |                                                          
|_Gasparde de Palézieux dit FALCONNET _|
  (1614 - 1673) m 1635                 |
                                       |                                     _François MOURON ____
                                       |                                    | (.... - 1613)       
                                       |_Françoise MOURON __________________|
                                          m 1614                            |

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2029)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (b. ABT 1500, d. BEF 1564)
Mother: _____ JORDANNAZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jenon du TORRAUX (dates unknown)


Marriage date is a problem, transcribed both 1579 and 1580. Register needs to be checked again to verify the date.

He is apparently the Jaques son of Jean Dutoit who made two "reconnaissances" on 22 mar 1592 (ACV Fn 347 fol. 61 and Fn 349 fol. 451) for property that had previously been recognized 1/2 by Jean and Nicod Dutoit, brothers, sons of Pierre, and the other 1/2 by the three sons of Guy Dutoit.

                                             _Roletus DUTOIT _____+
                                            | (1425 - 1511)       
                       _Nicod DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1470 - 1511)       |
                      |                     |_Agneta _____ _______
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (1500 - 1564)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne _____ _______|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|______ JORDANNAZ ____|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I1875)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (d. BEF 1642)
Mother: Claudine MAURON (d. BEF 1658)


                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1515 - 1574)       
                       _Baltazard DUTOIT ___|
                      | (1550 - 1620) m 1575|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1642) m 1630|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Claudine JAQUEZ ____|
|                       (.... - 1604) m 1575|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Claudine MAURON ____|
  (.... - 1658) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2003)

Father: Jaques DUTOIT (b. BEF 1568, d. AFT 1644)
Mother: Evaz _____ (b. BEF 1590, d. AFT 1644)


                                             _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1490 - 1550)       
                       _François DUTOIT ____|
                      | (1540 - 1593) m 1564|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jaques DUTOIT ______|
| (1568 - 1644) m 1608|
|                     |                      _Antoine MAILLARD ___
|                     |                     | (.... - 1564)       
|                     |_Claudaz MAILLARD ___|
|                        m 1564             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Evaz _____ _________|
  (1590 - 1644) m 1608|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I1971)

Father: Hieronime DUTOIT (d. BEF 1574)
Mother: Pernette _____ (d. aft 1574)

Family 1 : Bastiennaz LYMAT (dates unknown)
  1.  François DUTOIT (b. 04 MAR 1592)


Is this the Jaques Dutoit, tisserand, who baptised a son François on 04 mar 1592? We strongly suspect this is the case, in order to explain the existence of François, nephew and (only?) heir of Aimé Dutoit, mentioned before 1626.

                                             _Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT _+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)                        
                       _Rolet DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1490 - 1555) m 1514|
                      |                     |______________________________________
 _Hieronime DUTOIT ___|
| (.... - 1574)       |
|                     |                      _Pierre TINTORIS _____________________
|                     |                     |                                      
|                     |_Jeanne TINTORIS ____|
|                        m 1514             |
|                                           |______________________________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            ______________________________________
|                                           |                                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________________________
|                     |                                                            
|_Pernette _____ _____|
  (.... - 1574)       |
                      |                      ______________________________________
                      |                     |                                      

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2155)

Father: Antoine DUTOIT (d. BEF 1718)
Mother: Jeanne ROSSET (b. ABT 1666)

Family 1 : Jeanne CROUSAZ (dates unknown)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (1596 - 1654)       
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (1620 - 1685) m 1644|
                      |                     |_Benoicte _____ _____
                      |                       (1600 - 1654)       
 _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1718) m 1688|
|                     |                      _Pierre OLEVEY ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______|
|                       (.... - 1685) m 1644|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Daniel ROSSET ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ROSSET ______|
  (1666 - ....) m 1688|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I3959)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1701)
Mother: Susanne FAVRE (d. AFT 1702)


He appears in a partage (Samuel Briod, notary at Moudon, dated 31 may 1728), allong with his brother Daniel, and sisters Marie (wife of David Vulliens) and Jeanne (wife of Jean Jaton of Villard-Mendraz) and first cousin David Briod. However, he could be the subject of a document of 27 may 1750 (Jaques Daniel Burnand, notary at Moudon) of the "minor children" of Jaques Dutoit of Neyruz and their first cousins and their uncle David Vulliens of St. Cierge.

                                             _François DUTOIT ____+
                                            | (1593 - 1663) m 1618
                       _Aimé DUTOIT ________|
                      |  m 1642             |
                      |                     |_Jeanne GENIER ______+
                      |                       (1596 - 1667) m 1618
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1701) m 1680|
|                     |                      _Jean FAUCHERRE _____+
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Judith FAUCHERRE ___|
|                        m 1642             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Susanne FAVRE ______|
  (.... - 1702) m 1680|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I21220)

Father: Antoine DUTOIT (b. BEF 1554)
Mother: Elizabeth (Ysabel) PORCHET (dates unknown)


                                                     _Rolet DUTOIT _______+
                                                    | (1490 - 1555) m 1514
                               _Hieronime DUTOIT ___|
                              | (.... - 1574)       |
                              |                     |_Jeanne TINTORIS ____+
                              |                        m 1514             
 _Antoine DUTOIT _____________|
| (1554 - ....) m 1579        |
|                             |                      _____________________
|                             |                     |                     
|                             |_Pernette _____ _____|
|                               (.... - 1574)       |
|                                                   |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _Pierre PORCHET _____|
|                             | (.... - 1579)       |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Elizabeth (Ysabel) PORCHET _|
   m 1579                     |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I3538)

Father: François DUTOIT (b. ABT 1593, d. BEF 1663)
Mother: Jeanne GENIER (b. aft 1596, d. AFT 1667)


He is not mentioned again after his baptism and likely died without male heirs.

                                             _Hieronime DUTOIT ___+
                                            | (.... - 1574)       
                       _Aimé DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1621) m 1590|
                      |                     |_Pernette _____ _____
                      |                       (.... - 1574)       
 _François DUTOIT ____|
| (1593 - 1663) m 1618|
|                     |                      _Pierre LYMAT _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1570)       
|                     |_Françoise LYMAT ____|
|                        m 1590             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _David GENIER _______|
|                     | (.... - 1634)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne GENIER ______|
  (1596 - 1667) m 1618|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2162)

Father: Isaac DUTOIT (d. BEF 1728)
Mother: Anne Marie MONOD (b. 1668, d. 3 AUG 1733)

Family 1 : Jaquemas (Salomé?) DEVAUX (d. 6 FEB 1733)
  1.  Anne Marie DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  Pierre Abraham DUTOIT (b. 27 OCT 1721, d. 30 SEP 1793)
  3. +Jean Daniel DUTOIT (d. 27 DEC 1766)
  4. +Samuel DUTOIT (d. 16 JAN 1781)


[866] Witnesses include: Jaques Oulevey, Jaques Dutoit, Jeanne femme d'Anthoine Dutoit. The edge of the page has worn away, leaving only the first 3 letters of the parents' surnames.

                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (1596 - 1654)       
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (1620 - 1685) m 1644|
                      |                     |_Benoicte _____ _____
                      |                       (1600 - 1654)       
 _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
| (.... - 1728) m 1685|
|                     |                      _Pierre OLEVEY ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______|
|                       (.... - 1685) m 1644|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean Jaques MONOD __|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anne Marie MONOD ___|
  (1668 - 1733) m 1685|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I6299)

Family 1 : Marie CHERPILLOD (dates unknown)
  1.  Marie Catherine DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  Agathe DUTOIT (dates unknown)


By 1693, living at Brenles.

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I5626)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. ABT 1535, d. BEF 1572)
Mother: Anteine REMOND (d. aft 1572)


                                             _Guy (Guido, Guidano Detecto) DUTOIT _+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)                        
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (1503 - 1542) m 1528|
                      |                     |______________________________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1535 - 1572) m 1566|
|                     |                      _Jacob TELLEY ________________________
|                     |                     | (.... - 1528)                        
|                     |_Françoise TELLEY ___|
|                        m 1528             |
|                                           |______________________________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            ______________________________________
|                                           |                                      
|                      _Claude REMOND ______|
|                     | (.... - 1566)       |
|                     |                     |______________________________________
|                     |                                                            
|_Anteine REMOND _____|
  (.... - 1572) m 1566|
                      |                      ______________________________________
                      |                     |                                      

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I4182)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jean Pierre DUTOIT (b. BEF 1768)


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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I4062)

Father: Louis DUTOIT (b. BEF 1600)
Mother: Jeanne ROSSET (dates unknown)


                                             _Louis DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (.... - 1578) m 1564
                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1627)       |
                      |                     |_Anteine PERROD _____+
                      |                        m 1564             
 _Louis DUTOIT _______|
| (1600 - ....)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Claudaz SAVOYE _____|
|                       (.... - 1628)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ROSSET ______|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I3070)

Family 1 : Susanne Urbaine BESSON (b. ABT 1700, d. 08 NOV 1756)
  1.  Abraham Louis Jacob DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  François Denis DUTOIT (d. 24 FEB 1806)
  3. +Jean Balthazar DUTOIT (d. 21 MAY 1803)


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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I3556)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (d. BEF 1662)
Mother: Rose MOENNOZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Genon MARTIN (dates unknown)
  1.  Marie Judith DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2. +Jeanne Elizabeth DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3.  Jean Daniel DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4. +Isaac DUTOIT (d. 1736?)
  5. +Jaques François DUTOIT (d. BEF 1773)
  6.  Jean DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  7. +Jean Jaques DUTOIT (d. BEF 1745)
  8.  Vincent DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                                             _Aimé DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1621) m 1590
                       _François DUTOIT ____|
                      | (1593 - 1663) m 1618|
                      |                     |_Françoise LYMAT ____+
                      |                        m 1590             
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1662)       |
|                     |                      _David GENIER _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1634)       
|                     |_Jeanne GENIER ______|
|                       (1596 - 1667) m 1618|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Felix MOENNOZ ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Rose MOENNOZ _______|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I5460)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne CAVIN (dates unknown)


                                             _Rod DUTOIT _________+
                                            | (1560 - 1618)       
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
|  m 1623             |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Marguerite _____ ___|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Daniel CAVIN _______|
|                     | (.... - 1623)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne CAVIN _______|
   m 1623             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I2420)

Family 1 : Françoise GILLIÉRON (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  Jean Jacob DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3.  Claudine DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4.  Pierre Philippe DUTOIT (dates unknown)


This is the Jaques who married Françoise Gilliéron 06 sep 1666. That man is cited as the son of one of the Jean Dutoits who was not the conseiller, 1671. Dates of baptisms prove that he could not have been the Jaques who married Margaret Monnerat 14 aug 1675. Parentage not yet established, or even suspected.

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