DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Jean MOURGUE       (ID #I7271)

Father: Pierre MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne ICARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Eve FALLOT (dates unknown)
  1. +Bernard MOURGUE (b. 29 JUN 1680, d. 27 AUG 1727)
  2. +(Eve) Elizabeth MOURGUE (dates unknown)
  3. +Jean Louis MOURGUE (b. abt 1680, d. 8 JUL 1751)


In addition to the many references to Jean Mourgue(s) at Lausanne, almost none of which tell us anything of genealogical significance, there are 2 occurrences of the name in the bourgeoisie of Geneva. In 1695, a Pierre Mourgues from Nîmes was granted citizenship, and in 1728 a Jean son of the late Jean Mourgues from Marsilargues in Languedoc appears. Perhaps our Jean Mourgue can be found in the notarial records at Geneva. He appears in Lausanne well before the main influx of refugees, and he is never identified as a refugee. He was a joiner by trade, but exactly what brought him to Lausanne has not been discovered.

A document recorded by Daniel Delormes, notary at Lausanne, 24 jun 1726, notes that Jean Mourgues has died, and his inheritance is divided between Jean Louis Mourgues, locksmith, Bernard Mourgues, joiner, with his wife Marie Margueron, and their sister Elizabeth Mourgues, wife of André Saltet, joiner. The document mentions judicial decisions of 16 jun 1723 (rendered by Eg. Philippe Mennet) and recorded by Isaac André Vulliamoz 26 (?) jun 1723.

M. Jean-Jacques Eggler, adjoint archivist at Lausanne, notes that the arrival of Jean Mourgue is not listed in the indexed series of the Manuel de Conseil (1679 and later), so he may be presumed to have arrived prior to 1679.

His testament dated 15 dec 1711 was recorded by Jean Daniel Caillet, notary at Lausanne (ACV DG 47/5). Since he did not die until 11 years later, it is possible that he dictated another testament at that time. However, the document of 1711 is informative, as it reflects his disapproval of his son Bernard as a result of his marriage to Marie Margueron. In this context, the "judicial decision" of 1723, and the statement that the estate was then to be divided among Jean Louis, Bernard, and Elizabeth, indicates that Bernard had to sue to obtain his share of the estate. The proceedings in question have been located in the registers of the "cour inférieur" of Lausanne. The testament of 1711 was probated before the Council of Lausanne 15 dec 1722 (ACV Bg 13bis/4 fol. 25-26v).

The testament of 1711 also names a surviving brother and sister (giving each the tiny sum of 7 florins 6 sols), but fails to note where they were living. The reading "frère" could easily be mistaken for "père" in the register of the notary, as it is inserted above the line and crowded against the preceding line. However, examination of the writing of this notary leaves little doubt that the word should be read as brother, and not father. The same reading was recorded when the testament was probated. If the brother or sister survived until 1723, the "judicial decision" might give some further clue to the family of Jean Mourgue. The witness Jean Sidraz is mentioned in many other documents (often as Sidrac) in association with the Mourgue family, and at least one citation indicates he came from St. Hippolyte; however, he does not seem to be related to the Mourgue family.

Testament de Maitre Jean Mourgue habitant à Lausanne

Au nom de Dieu amen; honnorable Jean Mourgue maitre menusier habitant à Lausanne, se voyant caduc et languissant, ne scachant quand il plaira au Seigneur de l'appeler, considerant qu'il est très apropos à un bon et fidelle Chrestien de mettre order aux affaires de sa famille, a ces fins icelluy apres s'estre recommandé a la divine providence (?) qu'il ait ait la bonté de luy vouloir pardonner ses fautes et pechés et laver son ame au sang precieux de Jesus Christ nostre sauveur au depart de cette vie pour l'introduire dans le rang des bienheureux esleus, a fait la disposition de ses biens de la manière suivante; et premièrement il legue aux pauvres refugiés de l'évesché un escublanc; Item, aux pauvres de cette ville de mesme un escublanc; Plus à Pierre Mourgue et à Marie Mourgue ses frere et soeur aussi chacun sept florins six sols; et comme tous testaments bien ordonnés doivent contenir une institution d'heritier, pour quel effect il a nommé de sa propre bouche, les honnorables Jean Louys et Elizabeth Mourgue ses bien aymés enfants, pour estre ses heritiers, laditte Elizabeth estant femme de Maitre André Salter, habitant enditte ville, et c'est en remuneration des bons devoirs de l'obeissance et des agréables services qu'ils luy ont toujours rendus, et qu'il espere encor de recevoir d'eux, durant le temps que la divine providence le laissera vivre en ce monde, et quand à Bernard Mourgue son fils ainé, il le renvoye à sa legittime, ainsi qu'elle luy a esté adjugée par Leurs Excellences lors de son mariage; et pour ce qui est d'honnorée Eve Falot sa femme, il veut et entend qu'elle soit nourie et entretenue convenablement par lesdits ses heritiers sa vie durant, mais ne pouvant s'accommoder et vivre par ensemble, il ordonne et veut qu'on luy establisse une pension modique à proportion des biens qu'il y aura après son deces, laquelle luy devra estre payée regulièrement par sesdits deux heritiers sans aucune contredit, et comme ledit testateur entend que lesdits Jean Louys et Elizabeth Morgue soyent heritiers de sesdits biens par egale portion, il veut que ladite Elizabet soit tenue de rapporter la somme de cent escublancs qu'elle receu lors qu'elle se maria, ou que ledit Jean Louys en preleve une semblable avant que de faire aucun partage, comme aussi qu'ils payeront les legats cy dessus incontinent après son deces, de mesme seront aussi chargés d'acquitter ses autres debts, cassant au surplus et annullissant tous autres precedants testament ou donnations contraires à celuy cy qu'il pourroit avoir fait cy devant, privant et dejettant tous autres pretendants en sesdits biens moyennant cinq sols, et pour eviter dificulté qui pourroit naistre entre ses deux heritiers au sujet du partage de sa maison du pré, icelluy en a disposé de la maniere suivante, scavoir que la boutique, arrière boutique, avec l'estage de dessus, icelles en tout son entier devront appartenir audit Jean Louys, avec la moitié de la cave du costé du couchant ainsi qu'elle est separée à present, avec aussi la moitié du galataz, et pour la portion de ladite sa fille, elle aura les deux estages dessus de ladite maison, l'autre moitié de la cave devers la boucherie et la moitié du galataz, voulant que le couvert de ladite maison soit maintenu par egale portion; d'intention encor que ladite Elizabeth aura la liberté d'entrer et sortir par dernier comme du passé et que la galerie et les lieux seront en communion, et par consequence maintenus par moitié, quant aux autres biens ils en pourront convenir comme ils jugeront apropos, ainsi passé audit Lausanne le quinziesme jour du mois de decembre mille sept cents et onze en la presence des Srs. Franscois Bovier citoyen et Jean Sidraz maitre cordonnier y habitant tesmoins.

The parentage of Jean Mourgue is based on the surviving registers of the protestant church at St. Hippolyte du Fort. The registers are clearly incomplete, particuarly for marriages, and parts of them are not clearly legible. The age of our Jean Mourgue does not seem to be given in any document in Lausanne, apart from the death record, which says he was "about 70". He seems to complain of old age in his testament of 1711, and he seems to have arrived in Lausanne, apparently without any other family members, before 1679, leading us to believe he must have been born before 1660 at the latest. At St. Hippolyte, there are several baptisms that might be his, but only one of the candidate families would give him a brother Pierre and a sister Marie. Therefore, we assign him tentatively to the family of Pierre Mourgue and Jeanne Icard, even though this parentage would make him 79 at the time of his death. It is somewhat unusual for a death record to underestimate the age of an elderly person, but ages given in round numbers in these records are apt to be simply a guess.

[2373] Witnesses at the baptism were Jean Sabatier and Grasie Rafinesque.

[2374] The burial record at Lausanne gives his age as "about 70 years", no other details.

                                             _Antoine MOURGUE ____
                       _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                      |  m 1612             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre MOURGUE _____|
|  m 1635             |
|                     |                      _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
|                        m 1612             |
|                                           |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____
|--Jean MOURGUE 
|  (.... - 1722)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ICARD _______|
   m 1635             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean Louis MOURGUE       (ID #I7721)

Father: Jean MOURGUE (d. 4 DEC 1722)
Mother: Eve FALLOT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise NICOLE (b. ABT 1701, d. 15 MAR 1732)
  1.  Jean Philippe MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Susanne BORNAND (b. abt 1677, d. 11 JAN 1757)


Appears as the brother of Bernard Mourgue in a document of Daniel Delormes, notary at Lausanne, 24 jun 1726, whereby Bernard and his wife Marie Margueron are due 550 florins for their share of the estate of the late Jean Mourgue, according to a decree of 16 jun 1723, rendered by Phillippe Mennet and recorded by Isaac André Vulliamoz 26 jun 1723. Jean Louis might be the same person as the Louis Mourgue with wife Marie Marde whose child Elie Louis was baptised at Lausanne 21 feb 1720; Marie Marde would then be the first wife, Louise Nicole the second, and Susanne Bornand the third wife of Jean Louis. The church records for marriages at Lausanne are known to be incomplete in this period, but it may be that his marriages should be sought in the records of Geneva, see below.

By 21 aug 1732 (Sebastien Buttex, notary at Lausanne), we find Jean Louis Mourgue, natif et habitant à Lausanne, son of the late Jean Morgue of Saint Ypolite en Sevene, selling the part of the "paternal house" that he still owned on the Rue du Pont, "joignant la grande buoucherie", to Judith Châtelain, widow of Scipion Fallavel, French refugee, in his lifetime "Regent d'Eschole" at Lausanne, for 110 Ecus blancs. Another part of the same house already belonged to Fallavel at that time. The document mentions heirs of the late Bernard Mourgue, but does not mention their sister, who had presumably already renounced all claim on the estate of her father in her marriage settlement.

A missing chapter is revealed in the Livre des Habitants de Genève: 19 jul 1720, Jean Louis son of Jean Mourgues menuisier de Lausanne, compagnon serrurier demeurant à Genève depuis 15 ans. Thus, he had resided in Geneva from about 1705 until at least 1720, probably returning to Lausanne upon the death of his father in 1722.

His life in Geneva has not been investigated. However, among the protestant deaths recorded at Marseille, France, we find a Jacques-Louis Mourgues, native of Geneva and citizen of Orbe, age 51, buried 18 jan 1756. So far, no evidence has come to light connecting him with any of the other Mourgue families who appear in the records of Geneva. The records of Orbe have not been examined.

He is also the same Jean Louis "Mourg", habitant at Lausanne, who married at Yverdon 13 aug 1732 to Susanne Bornand of Grandson. She is named in his testament of 18 mar 1751, a very touching document:

[ACV Bg 13bis/8]

[Fol. 2]

Omolgué en Conseil le 18e Juin 1751.

Testament de Maistre Jean Louis Mourgue.

A l'honneur et gloire de Dieu, moy soussigné, à cause de mon infirmité, n'ay pu escrire de ma main le contenu cy dessous. Reconnaissant que la fragilité de la vie nous fait voir que elle pend a un filet, d'ailleurs dès longtems affligé de maladie, j'ai crû, apres avoir recommandé ma pauvre ame à mon Dieu, de me pardonner mes pechés, au nom & par le meritte de mon sauveur & Redempteur Jesus Christ, à celle fin qu'apres que ce corps mortel seradissous dans la poudre, mon ame puisse jouir des delices de son Paradis, Amen.

La suitte page 5v mis par erreur.

[Fol. 5v]

Vide fol. 2 cy dessus.

Quoy que je ne sois pardoné des Biens de ce monde icy, cependant j'ay crû êstre obligé, pour eviter à ceux qui me survivront de mes parens toute difficulté, de disposer comme je fais suit, scavoir que reconnoissant avoir reçeu de ma femme née Susanne Bornand une fois vingt et cinq Escus petits, et une autre fois Dix Escublancs, et en reconnoissance des soins et peines qu'elle prend, pour me procurer par l'assistance des gens de bien, que Dieu veuille recompenser, dequoy subsister dans mon lit de Langueur, j'entends d'une [d'eux], apres qu'elle aura payé mes debtes, pour lequel ma boutique est engagée, n'ayant aucun autre biens, que elle livrera aux pauvres de Lausanne dix baches, la saissant en tout heritière du tout, pour en pouvoir disposer comme elle le jugera à propos, puisque estant desja sur l'aage, ne pouvant plus travailler, je conte que elle aura besoin d'estre secourue et luy laisse ce peu de bien, pour la recompenser de ses peines et travaux, et quant à mes autres parens, d'autant qu'aucun d'eux n'a daigné me secourir ni me tendre main dans ma misere, je les renvoye avec cinq sols, cassant & annullant toutes autres donation, entendant que cette cy ma dernière volonté soit executée puisque par la grace de Dieu, quoy que malade, ayant l'esprit libre et de bon sens, faisant le present de mon bon gré et pure volonté, m'estant signé ce jourd'huy presence les Tesmoins cy dessous aussi signés, à Lausanne ce 18e mars 1751.

Signé, Jean Louis Mourgue.

Nous soubsignés, attestons d'avoir vu signé le present Testament de sa propre main et en nos presences, ce qu'avons signé à Lausanne le 18e mars 1751.

Signés Turtaz pere ; J. François DuVoisin.

[2589] Identified as a native of Lausanne in a document recorded by Sebastien Buttex, notary at Lausanne, 21 may 1732.

[2590] Age at death given as about 80, surely an exageration.

                                             _Jean MOURGUE _______+
                                            |  m 1612             
                       _Pierre MOURGUE _____|
                      |  m 1635             |
                      |                     |_Jeanne MARTIN ______+
                      |                        m 1612             
 _Jean MOURGUE _______|
| (.... - 1722) m 1679|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne ICARD _______|
|                        m 1635             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean Louis MOURGUE 
|  (1680 - 1751)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Nicolas FALLOT _____|
|                     | (1610 - 1679) m 1639|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Eve FALLOT _________|
   m 1679             |
                      |                      _Gabriel GUILLOT ____+
                      |                     | (1571 - 1640) m 1605
                      |_Jaquemaz GUILLOT ___|
                         m 1639             |
                                            |_Jeanne MARTIN ______+
                                              (1582 - ....) m 1605

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Jean Philippe MOURGUE       (ID #I7723)

Father: Jean Louis MOURGUE (b. abt 1680, d. 8 JUL 1751)
Mother: Louise NICOLE (b. ABT 1701, d. 15 MAR 1732)


Witness at baptism was Jean Philippe Vulliamoz.

                                             _Pierre MOURGUE _____+
                                            |  m 1635             
                       _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                      | (.... - 1722) m 1679|
                      |                     |_Jeanne ICARD _______
                      |                        m 1635             
 _Jean Louis MOURGUE _|
| (1680 - 1751)       |
|                     |                      _Nicolas FALLOT _____
|                     |                     | (1610 - 1679) m 1639
|                     |_Eve FALLOT _________|
|                        m 1679             |
|                                           |_Jaquemaz GUILLOT ___+
|                                              m 1639             
|--Jean Philippe MOURGUE 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Louise NICOLE ______|
  (1701 - 1732)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jeanne MOURGUE       (ID #I25169)

Father: Jean MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne MARTIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean SABATIER (dates unknown)


Marriage contract (ADG 2E 57/107) reported by Jean-Daniel Blanc in his collection of extracted notarial records on www.geneanet.org web site.

                       _Antoine MOURGUE ____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Jean MOURGUE _______|
|  m 1612             |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Jeanne MOURGUE 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _Pierre MARTIN ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
   m 1612             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  
                      |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____|

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Jeanne MOURGUE       (ID #I7727)

Father: Estienne MOURGUE (b. ABT 1625)
Mother: Magdelaine BERTHEZENS (dates unknown)


Witnesses at the baptism were Jaques Berthezens and Gabrielle Mourgue.

                         |                     |
                         |                     |__
 _Estienne MOURGUE ______|
| (1625 - ....) m 1649   |
|                        |                      __
|                        |                     |  
|                        |_____________________|
|                                              |
|                                              |__
|--Jeanne MOURGUE 
|  (1651 - ....)
|                                               __
|                                              |  
|                         _Jean BERTHEZENS ____|
|                        | (.... - 1656)       |
|                        |                     |__
|                        |                        
|_Magdelaine BERTHEZENS _|
   m 1649                |
                         |                      __
                         |                     |  
                         |_Jeanne (?) SOULIER _|

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Jeanne Judith MOURGUE       (ID #I4487)

Father: Bernard MOURGUE (b. 29 JUN 1680, d. 27 AUG 1727)
Mother: Marie Ursule MARGUERON (d. 24 MAR 1748?)


Witnesses at baptism: Joseph Vulliamoz, Jeanne Marie Vulliamoz, Anne Judith Vulliamoz.

                                                 _Pierre MOURGUE _____+
                                                |  m 1635             
                           _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                          | (.... - 1722) m 1679|
                          |                     |_Jeanne ICARD _______
                          |                        m 1635             
 _Bernard MOURGUE ________|
| (1680 - 1727) m 1706    |
|                         |                      _Nicolas FALLOT _____
|                         |                     | (1610 - 1679) m 1639
|                         |_Eve FALLOT _________|
|                            m 1679             |
|                                               |_Jaquemaz GUILLOT ___+
|                                                  m 1639             
|--Jeanne Judith MOURGUE 
|                                                _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
|                                               | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
|                          _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
|                         | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                         |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
|                         |                        m 1641             
|_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _|
  (.... - 1748) m 1706    |
                          |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
                          |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
                          |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
                            (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                                                |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
                                                  (.... - 1673) m 1639

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Jeanne Magdeleine Pauline MOURGUE       (ID #I5343)

Father: Bernard MOURGUE (b. 29 JUN 1680, d. 27 AUG 1727)
Mother: Marie Ursule MARGUERON (d. 24 MAR 1748?)


Witnesses at the baptism were Paul Samuel Rolaz and Jeanne Catherine Faizan.

                                                 _Pierre MOURGUE _____+
                                                |  m 1635             
                           _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                          | (.... - 1722) m 1679|
                          |                     |_Jeanne ICARD _______
                          |                        m 1635             
 _Bernard MOURGUE ________|
| (1680 - 1727) m 1706    |
|                         |                      _Nicolas FALLOT _____
|                         |                     | (1610 - 1679) m 1639
|                         |_Eve FALLOT _________|
|                            m 1679             |
|                                               |_Jaquemaz GUILLOT ___+
|                                                  m 1639             
|--Jeanne Magdeleine Pauline MOURGUE 
|                                                _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
|                                               | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
|                          _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
|                         | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                         |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
|                         |                        m 1641             
|_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _|
  (.... - 1748) m 1706    |
                          |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
                          |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
                          |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
                            (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                                                |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
                                                  (.... - 1673) m 1639

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Marie MOURGUE       (ID #I21060)

Father: Pierre MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne ICARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Daniel BONNET (dates unknown)


                                             _Antoine MOURGUE ____
                       _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                      |  m 1612             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre MOURGUE _____|
|  m 1635             |
|                     |                      _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
|                        m 1612             |
|                                           |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____
|--Marie MOURGUE 
|  (1641 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ICARD _______|
   m 1635             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Marie MOURGUE       (ID #I7728)

Father: Estienne MOURGUE (b. ABT 1625)
Mother: Magdelaine BERTHEZENS (dates unknown)


Witnesses at the baptism were Paul Mourgue and Jeanne Bertezené.

                         |                     |
                         |                     |__
 _Estienne MOURGUE ______|
| (1625 - ....) m 1649   |
|                        |                      __
|                        |                     |  
|                        |_____________________|
|                                              |
|                                              |__
|--Marie MOURGUE 
|  (1657 - ....)
|                                               __
|                                              |  
|                         _Jean BERTHEZENS ____|
|                        | (.... - 1656)       |
|                        |                     |__
|                        |                        
|_Magdelaine BERTHEZENS _|
   m 1649                |
                         |                      __
                         |                     |  
                         |_Jeanne (?) SOULIER _|

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Pierre MOURGUE       (ID #I21052)

Father: Jean MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne MARTIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne ICARD (dates unknown)
  1.  Pierre MOURGUE (b. 9 APR 1638)
  2.  Barthelemi MOURGUE (b. 2 JAN 1640)
  3.  Marie MOURGUE (b. 28 MAY 1641)
  4. +Jean MOURGUE (d. 4 DEC 1722)
  5.  Gabriel MOURGUE (b. 29 APR 1646)
  6.  Susanne MOURGUE (b. 9 DEC 1647)
  7.  Gabriel MOURGUE (b. 30 JAN 1653)


He may have resided away from St. Hippolyte 1638-1649, as he baptised his two children born in those years in 1646, along with the newborn Gabriel. At that time, each of the three children had a sponsor from the Icard family: Vincent (?) Icard for Gabriel Mourgue, Pierre Icard for Pierre Mourgue, and Barthelemi Icard, doctor of law from Nimes, for Barthelemi Mourgue.

His marriage contract of 24 jan 1635 (ADG 2E 56/308) was reported by Jean-Daniel Blanc in his collection of extracted notarial records hosted on www.geneanet.org.

                       _Antoine MOURGUE ____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Jean MOURGUE _______|
|  m 1612             |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Pierre MOURGUE 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _Pierre MARTIN ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
   m 1612             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  
                      |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____|

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Pierre MOURGUE       (ID #I21056)

Father: Pierre MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne ICARD (dates unknown)


                                             _Antoine MOURGUE ____
                       _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                      |  m 1612             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre MOURGUE _____|
|  m 1635             |
|                     |                      _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
|                        m 1612             |
|                                           |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____
|--Pierre MOURGUE 
|  (1638 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ICARD _______|
   m 1635             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre MOURGUE       (ID #I25718)

Family 1 :
  1. +Anne MOURGUE (dates unknown)


Merchant and bourgeois de Genève, probably the Pierre who was the son of Jean Mourgue of St. André de Vallorgne en Cévennes, près de Vignan (Gard).

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Susanne MOURGUE       (ID #I21058)

Father: Pierre MOURGUE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne ICARD (dates unknown)


                                             _Antoine MOURGUE ____
                       _Jean MOURGUE _______|
                      |  m 1612             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre MOURGUE _____|
|  m 1635             |
|                     |                      _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Jeanne MARTIN ______|
|                        m 1612             |
|                                           |_Gabrielle ARNAL ____
|--Susanne MOURGUE 
|  (1647 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne ICARD _______|
   m 1635             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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François MOURON       (ID #I4169)

Family 1 :
  1. +Françoise MOURON (dates unknown)


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Françoise MOURON       (ID #I4168)

Father: François MOURON (d. BEF 1613)

Family 1 : Sébastien DUTOIT (d. BEF 1616)
Family 2 : Jaques de Palézieux dit FALCONNET (d. AFT 1635)
  1. +Gasparde de Palézieux dit FALCONNET (b. AFT 1614, d. AFT 1673)
  2. +Jeanne Louise de Palézieux dit FALCONNET (b. AFT 1627)


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 _François MOURON ____|
| (.... - 1613)       |
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|--Françoise MOURON 
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Jean Pierre Antoine MOUTON       (ID #I26530)

Family 1 : Louise WUAGNON (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Françoise MOUTON (b. abt 1791)


Member of the Corporation Française of Lausanne.

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Jeanne Françoise MOUTON       (ID #I26529)

Father: Jean Pierre Antoine MOUTON (dates unknown)
Mother: Louise WUAGNON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jacob Isaac MAYOR (b. 19 JUN 1791)


                              |  |
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 _Jean Pierre Antoine MOUTON _|
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|--Jeanne Françoise MOUTON 
|  (1791 - ....)
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|_Louise WUAGNON _____________|
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Emma J. MOYER       (ID #I20038)

Father: Robert E. MOYER (b. 1840, d. BEF 1910)
Mother: Mary Louise HALL (b. 1842)

Family 1 : _____ BARET (d. BEF 1910)
  1.  Elman H. BARET (b. 1907)


                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Robert E. MOYER ____|
| (1840 - 1910)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
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|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Emma J. MOYER 
|  (1864 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _John G. HALL _______|
|                     | (1820 - 1897)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Mary Louise HALL ___|
  (1842 - ....)       |
                      |                      _John R. MCDOUGALL __+
                      |                     | (1779 - 1856)       
                      |_Jane MCDOUGALL _____|
                        (1823 - 1893)       |
                                            |_Mary Ann HARSHA ____+
                                              (1787 - 1838)       

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Robert E. MOYER       (ID #I20037)

Family 1 : Mary Louise HALL (b. 1842)
  1. +Emma J. MOYER (b. 1864)
  2.  Robert F. MOYER (b. 1868)


Jennie Patten notes, as transcribed, indicate Robert Meyer, not found. Mary L. Moyer appears as a widow in the 1910 census of Argyle, NY. Robert and family are in Minden, Montgomery Co., NY (p. 285B) in the 1880 census.

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Robert F. MOYER       (ID #I20041)

Father: Robert E. MOYER (b. 1840, d. BEF 1910)
Mother: Mary Louise HALL (b. 1842)


                      |                     |
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 _Robert E. MOYER ____|
| (1840 - 1910)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
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|                                           |_____________________
|--Robert F. MOYER 
|  (1868 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _John G. HALL _______|
|                     | (1820 - 1897)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Mary Louise HALL ___|
  (1842 - ....)       |
                      |                      _John R. MCDOUGALL __+
                      |                     | (1779 - 1856)       
                      |_Jane MCDOUGALL _____|
                        (1823 - 1893)       |
                                            |_Mary Ann HARSHA ____+
                                              (1787 - 1838)       

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Guigonne MOYROUD       (ID #I8803)

Family 1 : Pierre FRANCILLON (b. 13 JAN 1670, bur. 26 DEC 1732)
  1. +Joseph FRANCILLON (b. 30 SEP 1697, d. 23 MAY 1761)
  2.  Antoinette FRANCILLON (b. 18 OCT 1698)
  3.  Pierre FRANCILLON (d. 28 SEP 1700)
  4.  Dominique FRANCILLON (d. 28 MAY 1754)
  5.  Marie FRANCILLON (dates unknown)
  6.  Denize FRANCILLON (dates unknown)
  7.  Marie FRANCILLON (b. 3 FEB 1715, bur. 5 FEB 1743)


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Claude MUFFAZ       (ID #I5901)

Family 1 : Jaquemaz DUTOIT (d. AFT 1625)


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Jacob MUHLHAUSER       (ID #I34412)

Family 1 :
  1. +Ursula MUHLHAUSER (b. 6 OCT 1620, d. 28 NOV 1675)



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Ursula MUHLHAUSER       (ID #I34398)

Father: Jacob MUHLHAUSER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Petrus METZGER (b. 24 JUL 1611, d. 11 JUN 1684)
  1. +Johann Georg METZGER (b. 24 MAR 1650, d. 5 SEP 1724)
  2.  Michael METZGER (b. 26 AUG 1652)
  3.  Peter METZGER (b. 14 JUN 1655)
  4.  Walpurga METZGER (b. 8 JUL 1657, d. 5 FEB 1661)
  5.  Ursula METZGER (b. 7 JAN 1659/60, d. 15 JAN 1659/60)





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 _Jacob MUHLHAUSER ___|
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|  (1620 - 1675)
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Carol Jean MULFORD       (ID #I19573)

Father: Walter Wels MULFORD (dates unknown)
Mother: Wyona Nye MECHAM (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Don Earl ALBRECHT (dates unknown)
  1.  Leslie Jean ALBRECHT (dates unknown)
  2.  Mathew Don ALBRECHT (dates unknown)
  3.  Scott Garrett ALBRECHT (dates unknown)
  4.  Laura Elizabeth ALBRECHT (dates unknown)


                       |                        |
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 _Walter Wels MULFORD _|
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|                      |                         ___________________________
|                      |                        |                           
|                      |________________________|
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|                                               |___________________________
|--Carol Jean MULFORD 
|                                                ___________________________
|                                               |                           
|                       _Dennis Burdell MECHAM _|
|                      |                        |
|                      |                        |___________________________
|                      |                                                    
|_Wyona Nye MECHAM ____|
                       |                         _Ebenezer Hanks MCDOUGALL _+
                       |                        | (1848 - ....)             
                       |_Nellie MCDOUGALL ______|
                         (1884 - ....)          |
                                                |_Almira May HANKS _________
                                                  (1862 - ....)             

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