_Abraham MARGUERON ___________+ | (.... - 1747) _Abraham David MARGUERON _| | (.... - 1797) m 1752 | | |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________+ | (1690 - 1762) _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _| | (1763 - ....) | | | _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______+ | | | (1675 - 1745) m 1711 | |_Catherine PILLARD _______| | (1734 - 1794) m 1752 | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _ | m 1711 | |--Louise Marie MARGUERON | (1796 - ....) | ______________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |______________________________ | | |_Jeanne Salomé SENN _________________________| | | ______________________________ | | |__________________________| | |______________________________
_Pierre MARGUERON ___+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1634) | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | m 1641 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Marguerite MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Françoise _____ ____| m 1641 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
She was very likely "la vieille Marguerite Margueron qui avait été autrefois la nourrice de Samuel d'Estavayer" (he was baptised in 1681), still in the employ of the château of the last of the d'Estavayer-Bussy family, Esther Elizabeth d'Estavayer (baptised at Moudon 09 mar 1679, sister of Samuel), as late as 1711. There does not seem to be any other Margueron family in the vicinity of Moudon at that time. Esther Elizabeth d'Estavayer, Dame de Forel and later wife of Nicolas Bergier of Lausanne, left a personal journal and other documents described in considerable detail by Benjamin Dumur, "Nicolas Bergier de Lausanne et la dernière des d'Estavayer à Moudon", Revue historique vaudois 19:225-236, 257-269, 304-318, 337-352, 353-368 (1911).
The old nurse, whoever she was, remained at the château near Moudon to look after the garden, when the Dame de Forel married Nicolas Bergier and then went to live at his estate near Lausanne while he was away with the army of Bern.
[1854] Witnesses: François Ballif, Jacob Bethex, Marguerite w. of Gaspard Dutoict of Mouldon, Marguerite w. of Jean Michod of Lucens.
_Jean MARGUERON _____+ | _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (1590 - 1636) m 1615| | |_Benoite TROLLIET ___ | _Isaac MARGUERON ____| | (1617 - 1674) m 1641| | | _Abraham FAUCHERRE __+ | | | (.... - 1608) m 1579 | |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _| | (.... - 1627) m 1615| | |_Anteine TROLLIET ___+ | (1559 - 1612) m 1579 | |--Marguerite MARGUERON | (.... - 1712) | _Claude DUTOIT ______+ | | (.... - 1609) | _Jean DUTOIT ________| | | (1587 - 1649) m 1605| | | |_____________________ | | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____| m 1641 | | _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___+ | | m 1582 |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _| (.... - 1634) m 1605| |_Ursule PERRET ______+ m 1582
She is indentified in the International Genealogical Index (IGI) as the wife of Bernard Mourgue, but it took a long time to discover evidence to connect her with the Margueron family of Lucens. There was some possibility of confusion with Marguerat of Lutry. However, we found "Marie Margueron" with her husband Bernard Mourgue and two of her sisters at the baptism of the daughter of her eldest sister in Lausanne in 1699. It did not seem plausible that this many names would be coincidentally the same in the Marguerat family.
Nevertheless, there are reasons to suppose that the research done for Irene Smith, which is otherwise sound and which was evidently the basis for the data in the IGI, might not be correct. The marriage of Bernard Mourgue and Marie Margueron is not recorded at Lausanne. At that time (perhaps as early as 1703, when Bernard and Marie appear together as sponsors at a baptism), very few marriages were recorded in the church records at Lausanne. Apparently, it was necessary to pay a fee for a certificate, or some other bureaucratic service, and as a result, most couples dispensed with recording the marriage that had been celebrated. Therefore, it was not surprising that the marriage is not found in the church records of Lausanne. Even if the researchers had examined other church records, there are large gaps in the records of some of the surrounding parishes, such as Lutry, so the marriage would not have been found there either. The next step should have been to consult the Livre d'Or des Familles Vaudoises, which lists family names having citizenship in the various communes of Canton Vaud in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The only Margueron listed there is in Lucens. It would be easy to assume that the Livre d'Or was correct, and then to locate a Marie Margueron of the right age in Lucens.
However, examination of the notarial records of Lutry shows that a resident Margueron family was there from at least the beginning of the 17th Century, distinct from Marguerat. There are other Marguerons mentioned in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the notarial records of Oron and Vevey. In later years, it seems likely that Margueron of Lutry was sometimes spelled Margueran, and that it probably died out by the early 1800's.
Meanwhile, the record of a marriage of "Marie Margueron" of Lucens to Jean Perdonnet was discovered at Bern (in the registers of the Eglise française de Berne, FHL microfilm #2005362). Information posted on the web site of the Genealogical Society of Geneva indicated that this couple had survived, and that this was the Marie known as Magdelaine.
Finally, the information in the registers of the Consistory of Lausanne proved that the Marie Margueron who married Bernard Mourgue was indeed from Lucens, but she is nowhere identified as Marie Magdelaine, as far we we have been able to determine. The most logical solution is that the Marie who married Bernard Mourgue was Marie Ursule, and that her sister Marie Magdelaine married Jean Perdonnet.
[1560] Middle name mostly covered by an ink blot.
_Jaques MARGUERON ___+ | (1590 - 1636) m 1615 _Isaac MARGUERON ____| | (1617 - 1674) m 1641| | |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+ | (.... - 1627) m 1615 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | | (1587 - 1649) m 1605 | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____| | m 1641 | | |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+ | (.... - 1634) m 1605 | |--Marie Madelaine MARGUERON | (.... - 1741) | _____________________ | | | _Michel BUTTIN ______| | | (.... - 1665) m 1639| | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther BUTTIN ______| (.... - 1704) m 1666| | _Jean ROUGE _________+ | | (1580 - 1640) m 1600 |_Jeanne ROUGE _______| (.... - 1673) m 1639| |_Anne PLANCHE _______+ m 1600
_Jaques MARGUERON ___+ | (.... - 1708) m 1666 _Abraham MARGUERON ___________| | (.... - 1747) | | |_Esther BUTTIN ______+ | (.... - 1704) m 1666 _Abraham David MARGUERON _| | (.... - 1797) m 1752 | | | _Maurice MOJONNIER __ | | | (.... - 1726) | |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________| | (1690 - 1762) | | |_Anne BARBEY ________ | (.... - 1729) | |--Marie Marguerite MARGUERON | (.... - 1758) | _Estienne PILLARD ___ | | (.... - 1702) m 1678 | _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______| | | (1675 - 1745) m 1711 | | | |_Ursule AMIET _______ | | (.... - 1702) m 1678 |_Catherine PILLARD _______| (1734 - 1794) m 1752 | | _____________________ | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _| m 1711 | |_____________________
It had been assumed that it was Marie Magdelaine Margueron who was the wife of Bernard Mourgue. However, we find that Marie Magdelaine Margueron of Lucens married Jean Perdonnet at Bern, and that Marie Ursule is cited at least once in Lausanne (at a baptism). Evidently, Marie Ursule was the one who married Bernard. Proof was finally discovered in the marriage record at La Tour-de-Peilz, where her full name is given.
Her path to marriage was not an easy one. In 1704, Marie, accompanied by her mother, sued Bernard Mourgue for breach of promise before the Consistory of Lausanne. In the course of the proceedings, we learn that Bernard had promised marriage, and even referred to Marie's mother, at the family home in Lucens, as his mother-in-law. On the Saturday before the first day of 1704, Marie succumbed to his advances, and in due course came before the consistory expecting a child. Bernard (he, too, accompanied by his mother) claimed that he had been acquainted with Marie simply as a "hostesse" or "fille de cave" (loose translation, "bar-maid"). Both families seemed to be opposed to the marriage, not the least because Marie had already been promised to M. de Montherand. But they were at last reconciled, and after 03 apr 1705, there is no further mention in the registers of the consistory, and their children are duely baptised at Lausanne.
The baptism of their first child, mentioned in the proceedings of the consistory in 1705, does not seem to have been recorded.
The proceedings mention several documents and appearances before the Supreme Consistory of Bern. The proceedings of this body, in German, are now housed at the cantonal archives in Bern, but they simply mention the decision. The detailed proceedings of the Consistory of Lausanne, on the other hand, have been carefully transcribed by François Francillon and posted on the website of the Archives Communales de Lausanne.
Since Marie and Bernard remained together, and are cited as husband and wife in later records, including the testament of Bernard's father in 1711, it is clear that they were eventually married. At this period, very few marriages were entered into the church books at Lausanne, apparently because of bureaucratic obstacles (payment of a recording fee?) that most couples avoided. It is perhaps for this reason that their marriage was celebrated instead at La Tour-de-Peilz.
The citations in the registers of the consistory of Lausanne (meeting every Friday) are given here:
18 jul 1704: Marie Margueron a fait citter à ce jour Bernard Morgue pour l'obliger à mettre en exécution les promesses de mariage qu'il luy a faittes plusieurs fois, en conséquence desquelles elle se seroit malheureusement habandonnée à luy le semmedy avant le premier jour de présente année, & ensuitte d'autres fois. Du fait duquel elle est enceinte, en demandant bien humblement pardon à Dieu & à la venerable Chambre.
Ledit Morgue auroit esté proclamé selon l'ordre, n'auroit cependant daigné comparoir, tellement qu'il a esté ordonné qu'il devra estre citté pour la 8ne. pour la seconde fois.
25 jul 1704: Marie Margueron a réitéré pour la seconde fois sa demande contre Bernard Morgue. Lequel ayant esté proclamé n'a daigné comparoir, tellement qu'il a esté ordonné qu'il seroit derechef citté pour la 8ne. pour la 3me. fois.
01 aug 1704: Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, a comparu pour la 3me. fois contre Bernard Morgue, lequel est comparu accompagné de sa mère. Ledit Morgue a esté sérieusement exhorté à accomplyr les promesses de mariage que ladite Margueron asseure qu'il luy a faittes à plusieurs fois, d'autant mesme qu'en allant du costé de Payerne et passant par Lucens, il allat chez la mère de ladite Margueron où il la qualiffiat à plusieurs fois de belle-mère, et en repassant il en fit la mesme chose. Ledit Morgue l'a bien avoué en revenant, mais non pas en allant, d'ailleurs sur quelques excuses que ledit Morgue disoit pour ne pas espouse ladite Margueron, veu qu'elle avoit esté promise avec Mr. de Montherand, et nonobstant les exhortations qui luy auroyent esté faittess d'espouser ladite Margueron, il ne l'auroit cependant pas voulu faire, de manière que ladite Margueron a esté renvoyée à produire dans 24 heures sa demande par escrit, de laquelle ladite Morgue prendra copie en greffe afin de produire ses responses dans la 8ne.
08 aug 1704: Entre Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, actrice, et Bernard Morgue, aussy accompagné de sa mère, rée. Lequel a produit ses responses par escrit, desquelles ladite actrice a requis copie & terme de 8ne. pour répliquer. A quoy remis.
15 aug 1704: Entre Honnorée Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, actrice, et Bernard Morgue, rée, accompagné aussy de sa mère. Ladite Margueron a produit ses répliques par escrit, desquelles ledit Morgue a requis copie & terme de 8ne. pour conclurre. A quoy remis.
22 aug 1704: Entre Honnorée Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, actrice, et Honorable Bernard Morgue, pour lequel, accause de sa maladie, a comparu sa mère. Laquelle suivant le renvoy, a produit les conclusions de son fils. Et comme ladite actrice par ses répliques requiert & implore les déclarations de Messieurs les pasteurs Bergier & Plantin de ce qui s'est passé par devant eux, ils feront leurs dépositions dans la 8ne. Pendant laquelle on lèvera la procédure pour entendre jugement. D'ailleurs ladite Margueron, pour vaincre l'allégué dudit Morgue dans ses responses, par lequel il dit qu'il ne la fréquentoit que comme hostesse ou fille de cave, a produit une déclaration de Mr. Vullyamoz.
29 aug 1704: Entre Honnorée Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, et Honorable Bernard Morgue, rée, pour lequel a comparu sa mère accause de la maladie de son fils.
Ladite actrice a requis que jugement soit rendu présentement. A quoy a opposé la mère dudit Morgue, priant que le jugement soit renvoyé de huict jours. Sur ce il a esté cogneu par la venerable Chambre, que puisque la partie principale ne compart pas, que le jugement sera renvoyé de 8ne. Mais ledit Morgue, pour avoir négligé d'informer, est condamné aux droictz hodièrnes, à la décharge de sa partie. Et on sommera par mandat ledit Morgue à comparoir personnellement vendredy prochain, & qu'il ait à informer pendant la 8ne.
05 sep 1704: En la cause matrimoniale de Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère, actrice, et Bernard Morgue, rée. Lequel a esté proclamé selon l'ordre, cependant n'a daigné comparoir, ny personne à son nom, quoy que le renvoy soye à ce jourd'huy & qu'il aye esté enjoinct & sommé par lettres d'informer et comparoir cedit jour pour entendre jugement, comme consté de la relation de l'officier consistorial au pied desdites lettres. Si qu'en son absence & contumace, cittations. Tellement que la demande de laditte actrice a esté accordée par cognoissance, avec despendz, sous les réserves ordinaires du toutage. De quoy acte luy sera expédié pour se pourvoir plus outre par devant Leurs Excellences nos seigneurs du supresme Consistoire de Berne.
03 apr 1709: Se présente Mre. Jean Morgue, habitant en ceste ville, accompagné du Sr. Delhorme, contre Honnorée Marie Margueron, assistée de sa mère. Lequel représente que comme ladite Margueron avoit obtenu de nostre magniffique & très honnoré seigneur ballif une cittation contre ledit exposant pour comparoir par devant Leurs Excellences du supresme Consistoire de Berne sur le 17e du courant. Mais au lieu de suivre à ladite cittation, il auroit obtenu de sadite magniffique seigneurie ballivale de faire citter à ce jour par devant ceste venerable Chambre ladite Margueron, suivant les lettres de nos seigneurs du supresme Consistoire, afin que si elle ne se contente pas de la manifestation qu'il a desjà fait, elle soit présente à une autre qu'il offre présentement de faire selon l'estat de ses biens, & qu'ensuitte elle ait à establir selon droit ses prétentions. Et avant que de suivre plus outre, demande que ladite Margueron ait à donner caution. A quoy ladite Margueron a soutenu n'estre tenue. Et de ce ont requis cognoissance, par laquelle ledit Morgue a esté esconduit puisque ce n'est pas la pratique en de semblable rencontre.
Après quoy ladite Margueron a produit une traduction des lettres de l'illustre Chambre du supresme Consistoire en datte du 15e 7bre 1704 & 23e mars 1705, jouxte lesquelles elle prie la venerable Chambre de la maintenir, n'ayant la faculté d'instruire une nouvelle procédure.
Sur ce ledit Morgue a requis terme de 8ne. pour dire ses raisons sur lesdites lettres qu'elle a produit, obtenues en son absence.
Au contre ladite Margueron prie d'estre maintenue suivant icelles, ou que journée leur soit marquée par devant Leurs Excellences du supresme Consistoire.
Et de ce lesdites parties ont requis cognoissance.
Par laquelle la venerable Chambre a cogneu que, puisque ledit Morgue a desjà fait par devant sadite magniffique seigneurie ballivale une manifestation, il est renvoyé à la soutenir par serment, afin que la légittime de Bernard, fils dudit Morgue, soit prélevée pour l'éducation et entretien de l'enfant qu'il a eu de ladite Margueron, & ce conformément aux lettres de nos seigneurs dudit supresme Consistoire. Et quant aux despendz suportés par ladite Margueron au sujet de la cause matrimoniale qu'elle a eu avec ledit Bernard Morgue, ladite venerable Chambre a trouvé que ledit Jean Morgue & sa femme les devoyent payer à modération, suivant lesdites lettres, d'autant la mère dudit Bernard Morgue l'a toujours assisté dans ladite cause matrimoniale & n'a jamais voulu consentir à un mariage, non plus que ledit Jean Morgue, s'est cy devant déclaré à nous, le lieutenant baillval, aux seigneurs pasteurs Bergier et Plantin, et encor présentement dans la venerable Chambre, qu'il ne consentiroit jamais audit mariage.
Et comme ledit Morgue s'est plaint que ladite Margueron avoit obtenu lesdites lettres en son absence (s'il ne se veut contenter de la présente ordonnance), on le renvoye à obtenir de sadite magniffique seigneurie baillivale une journée pour comparoir par devant nosdits seigneurs du supresme Consistoire dudit Berne pour sur le tout entendre leur jugement et arrest.
The mortuary registers of Lausanne contain several items that may be of interest here. They include a "Marguerite", widow of Bernard Mourgue, aged about 60 who died in 1717, a "Marie Mourgue" who died 24 mar 1748 at age 70, and a "Marie Magdelaine Mourgue" who died 26 mar 1755 at age 62. There is also a Magdelaine Mourgue née Bournand who died 11 jan 1757 at age 50, or possibly 80 (handwriting not clearly legible). Now, the first "Marguerite" cannot be the widow of our Bernard Mourgue, because he was still alive; he died 18 aug 1727, as noted in the same registers. Therefore, it is possible that "Marguerite" was the widow of a different Bernard Mourgue, perhaps an unknown uncle of our Bernard, or else the entire entry is in error. It is also possible that the designation "widow" was the error, but this is the only source identifying her as Marguerite; all the other sources say "Marie". "Marguerite" is likewise not the correct name, so far as we know, for the widow of Jean Mourgue; he had died in 1722 according to the same registers, and his wife Eve Fallot was still living when he made his testament 15 dec 1711 (Jean Daniel Caillet, notary at Lausanne, ACV DG 47/5). Our suspicions are raised further by the death in 1747 of Daniel Mourgues "of Geneva, born in Paris". It seems most likely that the extra Mourgue deaths pertain to other families whose relationships are presently unknown to us.
The roll of habitants of Lausanne for 1736 (AVL) includes Jaques Nivet and his mother-in-law, who at that time was Marie Margueron.
[1555] List of witnesses includes titles not yet deciphered, calls Jaques Margueron "regen" (regent).
[1556] Mortuary register of Lausanne shows death of "Marie Mourgue" age 70 on this date, but there is also an entry for "Marguerite" widow of Bernard Mourgue in 1726, in spite of the fact that our Bernard was then still alive!
_Jaques MARGUERON ___+ | (1590 - 1636) m 1615 _Isaac MARGUERON ____| | (1617 - 1674) m 1641| | |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+ | (.... - 1627) m 1615 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | | (1587 - 1649) m 1605 | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____| | m 1641 | | |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+ | (.... - 1634) m 1605 | |--Marie Ursule MARGUERON | (.... - 1748) | _____________________ | | | _Michel BUTTIN ______| | | (.... - 1665) m 1639| | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther BUTTIN ______| (.... - 1704) m 1666| | _Jean ROUGE _________+ | | (1580 - 1640) m 1600 |_Jeanne ROUGE _______| (.... - 1673) m 1639| |_Anne PLANCHE _______+ m 1600
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1545) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Michel MARGUERON | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Pierre MARGUERON ___+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1634) | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Vulliesmoz MARGUERON _| | m 1638 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Nicolas MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Rose _____ ___________| m 1638 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Abraham MARGUERON ___________+ | (.... - 1747) _Abraham David MARGUERON _| | (.... - 1797) m 1752 | | |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________+ | (1690 - 1762) _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _| | (1763 - ....) | | | _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______+ | | | (1675 - 1745) m 1711 | |_Catherine PILLARD _______| | (1734 - 1794) m 1752 | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _ | m 1711 | |--Nicolas Aimé Salomon MARGUERON | (1791 - ....) | ______________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |______________________________ | | |_Jeanne Salomé SENN _________________________| | | ______________________________ | | |__________________________| | |______________________________
_Abraham MARGUERON ___________+ | (.... - 1747) _Abraham David MARGUERON _| | (.... - 1797) m 1752 | | |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________+ | (1690 - 1762) _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _| | (1763 - ....) | | | _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______+ | | | (1675 - 1745) m 1711 | |_Catherine PILLARD _______| | (1734 - 1794) m 1752 | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _ | m 1711 | |--Nicolas Frédéric MARGUERON | (1802 - ....) | ______________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |______________________________ | | |_Jeanne Salomé SENN _________________________| | | ______________________________ | | |__________________________| | |______________________________
_Bartholomé MARGUERON _ | _Cristin MARGUERON __| | | | |_Johannette DOGES _____+ | _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | | | | _______________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_______________________ | | |--Pernette MARGUERON | | _______________________ | | | _Pierre BERROD ______| | | (.... - 1558) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jeannon BEROD ______| | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
_Bartholomé MARGUERON _ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1544) | | |_Johannette DOGES _____+ | _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1581) m 1558| | | _______________________ | | | | |_Johannette _____ ___| | | | |_______________________ | | |--Pernette MARGUERON | | ______ GRYSOD _________ | | | _Claude GRYSOD ______| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______| (.... - 1581) m 1558| | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
Still a minor in 1612, so presumably born after 1587.
_Cristin MARGUERON __+ | _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | | | |_____________________ | _François MARGUERON _| | (.... - 1602) m 1579| | | _Pierre BERROD ______ | | | (.... - 1558) | |_Jeannon BEROD ______| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Petermand MARGUERON | (1587 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Enyd FRAUCH ________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie FRAUCH _______| m 1579 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
[1549] Witnesses included Philippe Demierre, pasteur, Monsr. Samuel Bureniac (?) pasteur à Dompierre, hon. Marie Ballif, Anne Hingre.
_Jaques MARGUERON ___+ | (1590 - 1636) m 1615 _Isaac MARGUERON ____| | (1617 - 1674) m 1641| | |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+ | (.... - 1627) m 1615 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | | (1587 - 1649) m 1605 | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____| | m 1641 | | |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+ | (.... - 1634) m 1605 | |--Philippe Samuel MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _Michel BUTTIN ______| | | (.... - 1665) m 1639| | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther BUTTIN ______| (.... - 1704) m 1666| | _Jean ROUGE _________+ | | (1580 - 1640) m 1600 |_Jeanne ROUGE _______| (.... - 1673) m 1639| |_Anne PLANCHE _______+ m 1600
_Pierre MARGUERON ___+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1634) | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______+ | (.... - 1581) m 1558 _Jean MARGUERON _____| | m 1642 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth _____ ____| m 1642 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1545) | | |__ | _Louis MARGUERON ____| | | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Claude MARGUERON ___+ | (.... - 1544) _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1581) m 1558| | |_Johannette _____ ___ | _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1634) | | | _Claude GRYSOD ______+ | | | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______| | (.... - 1581) m 1558| | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Bartholomé MARGUERON _| | | | |_____________________ | _Cristin MARGUERON __| | | | | _Jacquet DOGES ______ | | | | |_Johannette DOGES _____| | | | |_Agnes AUBRY ________+ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | (.... - 1558) | _____________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_______________________| | |_____________________
Apparently, all of this family found their way to the area around Villette, perhaps when his widow married Jaques Parisod. This migration appears to be the origin of most of the Marguerons who appear in records of the district of Lavaux. For a time, the Marguerons were distinct from the indigenous Marguerat family, but eventually, through a process of phonetic convergence, both names apparently came to be spelled Marguerat, at least much of the time. By the late 18th Century, the spelling Margueron seems not to be used at all in this district.
Walter Lacher (La chronique de Palézieux, 1955) believed this Pierre Margueron was a notary at Hautcrêt in 1595. That may be a different man. But the Pierre we find near Villette certainly seems to be the same one mentioned at Palézieux!
Among other reasons:
02 may 1581, François Chevalley, notary at Oron: Jean Misset of Oron owes a sum of money to Claudaz, widow of Pierre Margueron d'Aultcrest, tuteur of her children, etc.
24 aug 1595, François Pache, notary at Oron: Marriage of Jean son of the late Rod Pasche of Oron-la-Ville to Susanne daughter of the late Pierre Margueron, represented by Pierre Margueron and his brothers Claude, Jean, and Jaques, from the parish of Chastilliens, with the dowry augmented by Claudaz, wife of Jaques Parisod of Chastagniez, mother of the bride.
16 nov 1595, E. Dance, notary at Villette: Marriage of Claude son of the late Pierre Margueron of Palézieux, assisted by his brother Discret Pierre Margueron, to Jaquemaz daughter of Jaques Parisod of Chastagnier, parish of Villette.
06 mar 1602, register containing "actes judiciaux à Palézieux" (unidentified notary, ACV DO 42/2): document concerning taxes assessed against Pierre Margueron, notary residing at Epesses. A similar document of 20 aug 1603 concerns his brothers Jean and Jaques, of Villette.
30 sep 1603, Jaques Gerbex, notary at Villette: Discret Pierre Margueron, originally from Pallexieu, says he has been a resident of the parish of Villette since his youth and has even married into one of the old families. Accordingly, he is received into the bourgeoisie.
17 nov 1603, Jaques Gerbex, notary at Villette: Discret Pierre Margueron is this time received into the bourgeoisie of Epesses, and he is described as a notary, originally from Pallezieux in the Bailliage of Oron.
09 apr 1621, Pierre Margueron, notary at Villette: Jaques Margueron of Chastagniez, parish of Villette, in his own name and as father and legitimate administrator of Bernard, Barthollomey, Jeremie, and Estiennaz his children by his late wife Louise, daugher of the late Claude Parisod and of the late Barbelle Piccard, sells property.
Thus, it appears that the notary cited at Hautcrêt circa 1595 would have to be the son of the original Pierre, and that the family soon found their way to the estate of the second husband of Claudaz, at Chastagniez (modern Chatagny). In turn, this situation makes us wonder if Claudaz "Grysodi" is actually of the same family as the Jean Grissod, with connections in the area of Villette, whose daughter figures in the ancestry of the Planche family (another family with ties to Villette!).
Lacher cites the marriages of two additional daughters, Françoise and Pernette, added here.
[14557] Date of contract, Claude Blanc, notary.
_____________________ | _Bartholomé MARGUERON _| | | | |_____________________ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1544) | | | _Jacquet DOGES ______ | | | | |_Johannette DOGES _____| | | | |_Agnes AUBRY ________+ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | (.... - 1581) | _____________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Johannette _____ ___| | | _____________________ | | |_______________________| | |_____________________
He and his sons Pierre, Vulliesmoz, Jaques, and Jean agree to divide property held jointly 08 jan 1634 (Jean Joran, notary at Lutry), but the property is not specifically identified. Pierre is identified in that document as a notary, residing at Epesses. He might be the Pierre Margueron of Lustry whose wife was Claudine Perret or Perrey, cited in records of Gabriel Milliquet, notary at Lausanne, 08 apr 1619.
_Bartholomé MARGUERON _ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1544) | | |_Johannette DOGES _____+ | _Pierre MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1581) m 1558| | | _______________________ | | | | |_Johannette _____ ___| | | | |_______________________ | | |--Pierre MARGUERON | (.... - 1634) | ______ GRYSOD _________ | | | _Claude GRYSOD ______| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Claude GRYSOD ______| (.... - 1581) m 1558| | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
A document of Antoine Piccard, notary at Lutry, 19 sep 1637, involves a boundary dispute between Pierre Margueron "demeurant au Curtinaux" and Baptiste Blanchod "demeurant au Chastellard". Evidently the same Pierre was the father of at least three sons who appear in other records of the same notary as late as 1648. No connection to the Margueron family at Montagny is noted in these records. A Pierre Margueron, bourgeois de Payerne but living at Lutry, is mentioned at Payerne 30 dec 1574 (Jean Amey Bondu, ACV DP 11/3).
[14568] Marriage record specifies that Pierre is from Lutry, and that his bride is the widow of Henri Dappaz of Bussigny. The same day, Pierre's son Aymé married the daughter of Henri.
_Isaac MARGUERON ____+ | (1617 - 1674) m 1641 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+ | m 1641 _Abraham MARGUERON __| | (.... - 1747) | | | _Michel BUTTIN ______ | | | (.... - 1665) m 1639 | |_Esther BUTTIN ______| | (.... - 1704) m 1666| | |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+ | (.... - 1673) m 1639 | |--Pierre Abram MARGUERON | (.... - 1735) | _____________________ | | | _Maurice MOJONNIER __| | | (.... - 1726) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Claudine MOJONNIER _| (1690 - 1762) | | _____________________ | | |_Anne BARBEY ________| (.... - 1729) | |_____________________
Baptismal record has parents as Isaac Margueron and Esther his wife. This could be an error, as there is some reason to suppose that Isaac may have died by this time, and the child fits into a gap in the known children of Jaques and his wife Esther Buttin. There seems to be no further mention of this child.
_Jaques MARGUERON ___+ | (1590 - 1636) m 1615 _Isaac MARGUERON ____| | (1617 - 1674) m 1641| | |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+ | (.... - 1627) m 1615 _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | | (1587 - 1649) m 1605 | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____| | m 1641 | | |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+ | (.... - 1634) m 1605 | |--Pierre Anthoine MARGUERON | | _____________________ | | | _Michel BUTTIN ______| | | (.... - 1665) m 1639| | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther BUTTIN ______| (.... - 1704) m 1666| | _Jean ROUGE _________+ | | (1580 - 1640) m 1600 |_Jeanne ROUGE _______| (.... - 1673) m 1639| |_Anne PLANCHE _______+ m 1600
_Abraham David MARGUERON _+ | (.... - 1797) m 1752 _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _| | (1763 - ....) | | |_Catherine PILLARD _______+ | (1734 - 1794) m 1752 _Nicolas Aimé Salomon MARGUERON _| | (1791 - ....) m 1816 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Jeanne Salomé SENN _________________________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Pierre François MARGUERON | (1820 - ....) | __________________________ | | | _Pierre François BESSAUD ____________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Jeanne Susanne BESSAUD _________| m 1816 | | __________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marguerite JAYMOT ___________________| | |__________________________
He owned the mills at Palézieux and Hautcrêt about 1560.
_____________________ | _Bartholomé MARGUERON _| | | | |_____________________ | _Claude MARGUERON ___| | (.... - 1544) | | | _Jacquet DOGES ______ | | | | |_Johannette DOGES _____| | | | |_Agnes AUBRY ________+ | | |--Rod MARGUERON | (.... - 1579) | _____________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Johannette _____ ___| | | _____________________ | | |_______________________| | |_____________________