_Joseph MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1800 - 1856) _James H. MCDOUGALL _| | (1829 - 1861) | | |_Jane HARSHA ________+ | (1803 - 1864) _Albert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1856 - 1912) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Jane M. _____ ______| | (1832 - 1871) | | |_____________________ | | |--Raymond MCDOUGALL | (1897 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Ella LOY ___________| (1862 - 1919) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_John Stewart MCDOUGALL _+ | (1794 - 1872) _Benjamin MCDOUGALL _| | (1837 - 1904) m 1864| | |_Ann C. GILCHRIST _______ | (1798 - 1874) _Edward D. MCDOUGALL _| | (1868 - 1949) | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Melinda GILCHRIST __| | (1840 - 1896) m 1864| | |_________________________ | | |--Raymond B. MCDOUGALL | (1905 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Elsie E. VIELE ______| (1872 - 1960) | | _________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_________________________
_Alexander S. MCDOUGALL _+ | (.... - 1870) _Alexander E. MCDOUGALL _| | (1826 - 1898) m 1850 | | |_Hannah EGLESTON ________ | (1800 - 1864) _Winfield L. (or S.?) MCDOUGALL _| | (1854 - ....) | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Julia KING _____________| | (1828 - 1916) m 1850 | | |_________________________ | | |--Raymond W. MCDOUGALL | (1879 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Harriet S. WITHERSPOON _________| (1858 - ....) | | _________________________ | | |_________________________| | |_________________________
Fitch's notes, attributed to interviews with Nathaniel McDougall (1847), indicate Robert and his brother Andrew died childless in Georgia. It is possible, of course, that Fitch got the details wrong, and only Andrew died childless. However, will of John McDougall their brother leaves his interest in their estates to his surviving heirs in 1837, which suggests that Robert did in fact die intestate and without issue. If this is so, who is the Robert of the 1820 census (Argyle, p. 152)? And if the 1820 census listing is for someone else, then the birthdate of the present Robert becomes even more uncertain.
The discovery of the Robert McDougall of Essex Co., NY, b. about 1785, who appears to be the father of the Robert McDougall b. about 1806 in Washington Co. (per 1855 census of Lews, Essex Co., NY), makes it more likely that the Robert of the 1820 census is NOT this one, but rather the Robert who came to Essex Co. Thus, we have no definite information on the birthdate of Robert.
__ | _The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _| | | | |__ | _William MCDOUGALL __| | (1730 - 1826) | | | __ | | | | |______________________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1783 - 1831) | __ | | | ______________________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Sarah GILLILAND ____| (1751 - 1818) | | __ | | |______________________________________| | |__
This is probably the Robert McDougall whose family (4 sons and 4 daughters) appears on the 1820 census of Argyle, NY (p. 152). His age in the 1860 census is consistent with the data in 1820. The 1820 reading shows a wife of similar age, plus 4 sons and 4 daughters, all under the age of 16. One of those sons appears to be the Robert McDougall living in the same household in 1860 (Lewis, Essex Co., NY), and another would be Alexander who married Sarah Combs and whose son Henry was living with Robert Jr's. son Adam in 1860.
What inferences can be made about Robert's relationships?
First, he cannot be a child of immigrant James McDougall and Agnes Moodie, because there is a list of heirs-at-law implicit in deeds of 1824 that name all the other children or their heirs. Also, there is no evidence that any of the descendants of immigrant Ronald McDougall came to Washington Co., so we rule him out as well. Further, there is no record of male descendants of the line of immigrant Allen McDougall. His son John was last mentioned in 1784, with no indication of heirs. The family of John McDougall (son of Alexander, son of immigrant Duncan who married Janet Calder) is very well documented. In particular, although there is enough space between children James b. 10 jan 1783 and Elizabeth b. 02 may 1786, there is a list of heirs-at-law from 1825 that does not include Robert. Daniel McDougall, also son of immigrant Duncan who married Janet Calder, is about the right age to be Robert's father, but had a son John D. McDougall also born in 1785, and it appears from census records that all of his sons have been accounted for. While Dougal son of immigrant Duncan and Janet Calder is about the right age, census records seem to show that all of his sons, too, have been accounted for. Finally, immigrant William McDougall did have a son Robert, but family tradition says he went with his brother Andrew to Georgia, and both died there without children. The will of Andrew has been found (1819, Jones Co., GA), but so far no mention of Robert has been found. A partition deed of 1831 names all the surviving children of William, omitting Andrew and Robert.
That leaves as possible parents:
1. Alexander McDougall (son of immigrant Archibald) who married in 1760 to Margaret Shaw. It is possible that Alexander married (2) Ann, who appears as a widow in the 1800 census. The only known children are Archibald b. 1767 and Sarah b. 1768, so it is likely some others have been missed. However, Robert would need to be the youngest child, and we have difficulty believing that all trace has been lost of the large number of additional children this would imply. What little we know of this lineage comes from the region of Volney, Oswego Co., NY.
2. Duncan McDougall (son of immigrant Archibald) who married in 1760 to Mary McCoy and again in 1764 to Catherine Kirkwood. It is possible that Duncan, rather than his brother Alexander, is the one who married the Ann who appears as widow in 1800; if so, she would probably be Ann Traford. Census records suggest Duncan had at least 3 sons, but we know of only one, Duncan b. 1761.
3. Sergeant Alexander McDougall b. 1755 who married Janet McDougall, daughter of Alexander son of immigrant Duncan and Janet Calder. The census readings suggest there was a son besides those definitely known, born about 1784. The names Robert and Henry, not common among the McDougall's, are both found in this kindred.
4. Alexander McDougall (son of Alexander son of immigrant Duncan who married Janet Calder) who married Ann. This Alexander was certainly alive as late as 1807, as he appears in a partition deed with all of his siblings and their spouses. No descendants are known, but there is an 1820 census entry that could be his; if so, there were at least 3 sons whose names have been lost.
5. Ronald McDougall (son of Alexander son of immigrant Duncan who married Janet Calder) who married Euphemia or Effie. There is an entry for this family in the membership list of the United Presbyterian Church of Argyle, believed to date from about 1802. The list does not include a Robert. If the listing includes only children past the age of confirmation, thus official members of the congregation, it is just possible that Robert could be added to the known children of Ronald and Effie; their birthdates have not been established.
Question: Which Robert's "right and title" to a 5 acre share of a 35 acre tract were sold by the Sheriff to Thomas Gilchrist, and then purchased by John McDougall 05 jul 1828? The property was bounded on the south by the "highway", on the east by Thomas Gilchrist, on the north by William Martin, and on the west by John J. Dings. It would appear that this Robert had a 1/7 undivided share of the property, which is too small to be a complete town lot. The Sheriff's sale is recorded in deed book X p. 177. From the neighboring owners, we suppose the land was a part of Farm Lot 75, part of which was sold to Thomas Martin, another part to John J. Dings, and another part to Thomas Gilchrist. If this is so, Robert becomes the seventh child of Ronald and Effie, thus explaining the division of the estate. (In fact, with the addition of Nancy, wife of Edward Town, there are now eight children, but nothing at all is known about the two daughters Jean and Margaret. We presume that one of them had already died by 1821.) There is one other connection between Ronald and Robert, though it is very tenuous. When Ronald and Effie sold the eastern-most portion of the middle division of Lot 75 to Edward Town (now known to be a person, and not the town of Ft. Edward) in 1806, one of the witnesses was Robert McDougall, who made his mark. He was illiterate, as were Ronald and Effie themselves. Robert would have been about 21 years of age at that time.
The sheriff's sale mentioned above resulted from a judgement against Robert McDougall in the New York Supreme Court of Judicature, which in those days functioned as a circuit court. It may be possible to locate the particulars of the case, for example, the nature of the debt. (Somewhat earlier, a number of notices appeared in local newspapers regarding cases of insolvent debtors heard by the Supreme Court. It may be possible to locate a notice about Robert McDougall in the newspapers.) We have not determined whether the court was sitting as a circuit court in Washington Co., in which case we would expect the details to have been recorded by the County Clerk, or in some other venue. The Supreme Court of Judicature also heard appeals for probate matters.
A further complication is that census records for Essex Co., NY, at least, show widely divergent ages for Robert and his descendants. Possible birthdates for Robert range from 1775 to 1792, and for his son Robert, from 1799 to 1812 or even later. It is not likely that all the census enumerators were illiterate or just made up the ages over as many as 9 successive enumerations. Is it possible that this family, being illiterate, really did not keep track of their own ages, or did they habitually mislead the enumerator?
Descendants have identified him with a Robert McDougall who served in the War of 1812, and have given him a wife Margaret. It is not clear whether the evidence for either of these conclusions has been documented. It may be that they have conflated Margaret Kilmer, wife of Robert II McDougall, with the unknown wife of the first Robert McDougall. But it is plausible that the first Robert could have served in the War of 1812.
Another tree, on MyHeritage.com, calls him Robert F. McDougall. The pedigree descends: his son Robert McDougall b.1807 d. about 1889 in Cass Co., NE and married Margaret Kilmer. Their son John McDougall b. 20 apr 1841 Lewis Co., NY, d. 22 mar 1914 Lewis Co., NY, married Mary Jane Wilkins b. 08 nov 1856 d. 20 dec 1935. Their daughter Mary Jane McDougall b. 15 apr 1889 Elizabethtown, Lewis Co., NY d. 23 jul 1970 at Elizabethtown, married William Leroy Pulsifer b. 08 nov 1993. Their daughter Beatrice Alice Pulsifer b. 06 sep 1918 Elizabethtown, d. 27 mar 1997, Lake Placid, NY, married Clifford Joseph Bridge b. 17 jan 1902, d. 29 oct 1989. Their son Chester James Bridge, now in his 70's, is an autosomal DNA match with John Wayne McCoy on chromosome 14, 15.2 cM, 61.2M-76.6M.
A similar tree on GEDmatch gives dates 06 jan 1814 - about 1887 for the son Robert McDougall, and for the wife of the elder Robert F. McDougall, Eleanor Dick. Meanwhile, if the middle initial F can be confirmed, we might suppose that it comes from the maiden name of his mother Euphemia. Was she perhaps Euphemia Frazier, or Euphemia Ferguson, or...? But another tree asserts she was Euphemia Lindsay, also without sources.
By far the best genetic matches discovered so far are two siblings, descendants of "Robert F. McDougall", who would be John Wayne McCoy's fourth cousins. These matches are descendants of Henry McDougall through his wife Katherine McCormick. The match, on MyHeritage.com, consists of two segments of 20 cM each: chromosome 2, 20.2 cM, 174.5M-202.5M (Donna Serrano and Lorraine Wallace share part of this segment, but they are not on MyHeritage), chromosome 12, 20.1 cM, 116.3M-128.0M (this segment is shared by a number of John McDougall descendants, plus several known Robert McDougall descendants, some on MyHeritage). As a result of these matches, the most plausible solution is to attach our John McDougall to the family Robert McDougall.
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _Duncan MCDOUGALL ___| | (1708 - 1789) m 1728| | |______________________________________ | _Ronald MCDOUGALL _______| | (.... - 1821) | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Janet CALDER _______| | (1710 - 1764) m 1728| | |______________________________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1785 - 1860) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Euphemia (Effie) _____ _| (1740 - 1822) | | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
This one is apparently the Robert who drowned by falling into one of his father's tanning vats, as reported in Fitch papers.
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _William MCDOUGALL __| | (1730 - 1826) | | |______________________________________ | _William MCDOUGALL __________| | (1770 - 1819) m 1798 | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Sarah GILLILAND ____| | (1751 - 1818) | | |______________________________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1801 - 1808) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Eleanor (Nelly) LIVINGSTON _| (1777 - 1855) m 1798 | | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
According to 1855 census, this Robert McDougall was born in Washington Co., NY, and had lived in Lewis, Essex Co., NY, for 16 years (i.e., since approximately 1839). Dates are extremely confused. 1860 census, Lewis, Essex Co., NY, p. 429, shows Robert McDougall, presumed father, age 75, followed by the present Robert age 54, followed by his wife Margaret and their children attested in other censuses. 1865: Robert age 55, Margaret 42. 1875 shows 68 and 60.
Summary of census records:
Robert's wife Margaret died in Cass Co., Nebraska in 1886 and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Weeping Water. However, there is no burial for her husband, who was still alive a couple years later, according to a biographical sketch of the Newton J. Calkin family published in 1889. It is possible that he returned to Essex Co., New York, or else traveled to visit one of his children.
[7157] Census records are inconsistent, the date chosen is the most "popular" one. Implied years of birth from 8 censuses, 1850-1885: 1812, 1807, 1806, 1810, 1803, 1807, 1806, 1799.
_Duncan MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1708 - 1789) m 1728 _Ronald MCDOUGALL _______| | (.... - 1821) | | |_Janet CALDER _______ | (1710 - 1764) m 1728 _Robert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1785 - 1860) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Euphemia (Effie) _____ _| | (1740 - 1822) | | |_____________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1807 - 1890) | _____________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_________________________| | |_____________________
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _William MCDOUGALL __| | (1730 - 1826) | | |______________________________________ | _William MCDOUGALL __________| | (1770 - 1819) m 1798 | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Sarah GILLILAND ____| | (1751 - 1818) | | |______________________________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1808 - 1809) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Eleanor (Nelly) LIVINGSTON _| (1777 - 1855) m 1798 | | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
Source of dates unknown. A deed dated 18 apr 1853 (vol. 36 p. 388) involves Archibald L. McDougall from Robert McDougall, William McDougall, Jane S. Robertson, Elizabeth G. McDougall, and Andrew J. McDougall. The deed includes all the siblings then living except Alexander, who is thus supposed to have died prior to 1853 in PA.
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _William MCDOUGALL __| | (1730 - 1826) | | |______________________________________ | _William MCDOUGALL __________| | (1770 - 1819) m 1798 | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Sarah GILLILAND ____| | (1751 - 1818) | | |______________________________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1809 - 1854) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Eleanor (Nelly) LIVINGSTON _| (1777 - 1855) m 1798 | | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
1870 census of Allen Co., IN is illegible in many sections. This family was the only one I noted that seems to belong here. 1880: Auburn, DeKalb Co., IN, p. 111D.
______________________ | _Alexander MCDOUGALL ____________| | (1755 - 1847) m 1786 | | |______________________ | _John A. MCDOUGALL __| | (.... - 1844) | | | _Alexander MCDOUGALL _+ | | | (.... - 1793) m 1750 | |_Janet (Jean or Jane) MCDOUGALL _| | (1756 - 1808) m 1786 | | |_Catherine MCDONNELL _ | (.... - 1793) m 1750 | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1840 - 1900) | ______________________ | | | _________________________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Rachel HALL ________| (1800 - 1876) | | ______________________ | | |_________________________________| | |______________________
_Alexander MCDOUGALL ____________ | (1755 - 1847) m 1786 _John A. MCDOUGALL __| | (.... - 1844) | | |_Janet (Jean or Jane) MCDOUGALL _+ | (1756 - 1808) m 1786 _William J. MCDOUGALL _| | (1835 - ....) | | | _________________________________ | | | | |_Rachel HALL ________| | (1800 - 1876) | | |_________________________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1868 - ....) | _________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_________________________________ | | |_Catherine _____ ______| (1843 - ....) | | _________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_________________________________
_Duncan R. MCDOUGALL _+ | (1775 - 1848) _James R. MCDOUGALL _| | (1812 - 1871) | | |_Phebe CROWE _________ | (1775 - 1855) _Levi C. MCDOUGALL __| | (1853 - ....) | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Hannah TRIPP _______| | (1811 - 1892) | | |______________________ | | |--Robert MCDOUGALL | (1890 - 1946) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Mary J. SAVILLE ____| (1860 - ....) | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
_James R. MCDOUGALL _+ | (1812 - 1871) _Levi C. MCDOUGALL __| | (1853 - ....) | | |_Hannah TRIPP _______ | (1811 - 1892) _Robert MCDOUGALL ________| | (1890 - 1946) m 1909 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary J. SAVILLE ____| | (1860 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Robert B. MCDOUGALL | (1915 - 1915) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Minnie Elizabeth GRAHAM _| (1892 - 1975) m 1909 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Ronald MCDOUGALL _______+ | (.... - 1821) _Robert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1785 - 1860) | | |_Euphemia (Effie) _____ _ | (1740 - 1822) _Robert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1807 - 1890) m 1834| | | _________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Robert C. MCDOUGALL | (1837 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Margaret A. KILMER _| (1815 - 1886) m 1834| | _________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_________________________
Cemetery record shows daughter of W. J. and H. H. McDougall. See record for sibling Florence McDougall. Parentage has not been definitively proven.
_Robert MCDOUGALL ________________+ | (1785 - 1860) _John MCDOUGALL _____| | (1810 - 1884) | | |__________________________________ | _William James MCDOUGALL _| | (1839 - 1884) m 1865 | | | _Jonathan URAN ___________________+ | | | (1774 - 1843) m 1807 | |_Elvira URAN ________| | (1812 - 1900) | | |_Sarah (Sally) J. Smith HAVEN(S) _+ | (1789 - 1882) m 1807 | |--Roinnal MCDOUGALL | (1881 - 1881) | __________________________________ | | | ______ STOOP ________| | | (.... - 1880) | | | |__________________________________ | | |_Harriet STOOP ___________| (1842 - 1903) m 1865 | | __________________________________ | | |_Rebecca _____ ______| (1820 - 1880) | |__________________________________
still living - details excluded
_Duncan MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1825 - 1899) m 1847 _James Alexander MCDOUGALL _| | (1848 - 1916) m 1872 | | |_Eliza MCNEIL _______+ | (1827 - 1891) m 1847 _Jay Perley MCDOUGALL _| | (1885 - 1926) m 1910 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Esther GILCHRIST __________| | (1844 - 1933) m 1872 | | |_____________________ | | |--Roland Perley MCDOUGALL | | _____________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Nina J. BROWN ________| (1888 - ....) m 1910 | | _____________________ | | |____________________________| | |_____________________
_James S. MCDOUGALL _+ | (1799 - 1872) _William Lant MCDOUGALL _| | (1827 - 1862) | | |_Elizabeth LANT _____ | (1804 - 1869) _Orrin MCDOUGALL ________| | (1859 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Nancy MCNEIL ___________| | (1827 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Roland W. MCDOUGALL | (1884 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Mary (Minnie L.) _____ _| (1862 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_________________________| | |_____________________
It is possible Ronald is in some way connected with the Angus McDougall who immigrated in 1738 on the same ship as a single person. Angus had lot 30 of the Argyle Patent, but by 1790, lot 30 belonged to General Alexander McDougall, and was sold by his estate to George Dunn. We have not located a deed transferring the property from Angus to Alexander. Alexander seems to have been the last of his siblings (his brother John said to have died earlier), so it is possible the immigrant Angus was a brother of Ronald, or of Ronald's wife. If the lists of 1763-64 are correct, Angus could not have been the son of Ronald. There may have been two Angus McDougall's involved in the Argyle patent, as the name appears twice on the list of patentees (the other listing is for lot 80), even though only one is named among the passengers who came with Capt. Campbell in 1738-40.
Will dated 01 mar 1763, Ronald MacDougal of New York (city), wife Elizabeth keeps estate until her death, or 1/3 if she marries. Then to grandchildren: Alexander and John (children of son John); John, Stephen, and Elizabeth (children of son Alexander); Elizabeth Hamilton (child of daughter Mary by first husband Archibald Hamilton), John Thompson (son of daughter Mary by her present husband John Thompson, but only if the latter pays a debt he owes for 100 pounds that was paid for him by Ronald). Son Alexander executor with Whitehead Hicks, attorney at law. Proved 26 mar 1764.
Lists of the Argyle settlers show Ronald arrived in 1738 with his wife Bettie McDougall and his two sons John and Alexander. However, he is credited with 4 children on the petition of 17 oct 1738, though entries in this column most likely represent total persons. In 1763 he is still living, with a wife and 2 children who are both married, and at that time his son John had already died leaving 2 children. The list of 1764 notes wife and 3 children.
[6774] Will probated 26 mar 1764, dated 01 mar 1763 (suspicion: years should be the same?). The will mentions wife, son Alexander, children of deceased son John, and daughter Mary with 2 children.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Ronald MCDOUGALL | (.... - 1764) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |______________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Jennie Patten indicates this Ronald McDougall had wife Euphemia (Effie). However, census records indicate that there was a Ronald Jr., and that Ronald Sr. was a widower by 1810. For that reason, we wonder if Euphemia was instead the wife of Ronald Jr. The children attributed to Ronald Sr. by Jennie Patten are retained here, but it is possible that a Duncan, John, Jean, and Margaret actually belong with Ronald Jr., as shown in the membership of the Argyle Presbyterian Church (believed to date from about 1802). However, it is difficult to evaluate these possibilities, because there is no evidence that tells us what the actual relationship of the two Ronalds might have been.
A deed dated 28 oct 1806 (J-545) has Randle McDougall of Argyle and Euphemey his wife selling the eastern end of the middle division of Lot 75 to Edward Town. The deed as recorded shows signatures as "Rannal McDougal his mark" and "Affey McDougal her mark", witnesses Abel Wood and Robert McDougall. A further deed was executed in 1809. What appears to be the last deed of this couple, 22 apr 1817, but not certified until 1822 and recorded in 1830, is the sale of 37 acres on the western end of the middle division of Lot 75 to John J. Dings, whose first ? wife was Mary, Ronald's daughter. The date is crucial; by the time the deed was certified, Ronald had evidently died, and so it seems reasonable to identify Robert McDougall, whose approximately 1/7th interest in a 35 acre tract of land bordered by John J. Dings on the west and Thomas Gilchrist on the east and the Ft. Edward road to the south was purchased by Thomas Gilchrist, as a son of Ronald and Effy. With the addition of Robert, there could indeed by 7 heirs, although we need more information on at least three of them: John, Jean, and Margaret. This analysis rests on several assumptions:
1. That Ronald died before the date of the judgement against Robert McDougall, 05 sep 1821, so that Robert would have been possessed of a 1/7 interest in this property, by inheritance (the remaining parts of the middle 1/3 of Lot 75 having previously been sold off by Ronald and Effy);
2. That the property in question was in fact located in the middle 1/3 of Lot 75. We need to be sure exactly where the road had been put in, and whether there were any additional properties of Thomas Gilchrist or John J. Dings that fronted on it. We also need to verify that a property to the north (in the north 1/3 of Lot 75?) was owned in the 1820's by a William Martin as stated;
3. That the judgement against Robert McDougall, said to have been decreed by the New York Supreme Court 21 feb 1824, does not contain information contradicting these assumptions.
If the above can be established, it will provide a reasonable explanation for the departure of Robert McDougall from the area, and would also establish that Ronald's son John did survive at least until 1821, in order for there to be a total of 7 heirs of Ronald and Effie.
At least one attempt has been made to identify this Ronald with the "Ranald T. McDougall" identified as a Lieutenant in the New York Line, First Regiment (New York in the Revolutionary War as Colony and State, 1898). However, there is no other evidence of such service for our Ronald, or of a middle initial, and it seems far more likely that the entry refers to Ronald Stephen McDougall, whose Revolutionary War service is known.
The descendants of Edward Town report that his wife was Nancy McDougall, who is here assigned as a daughter of Ronald and Effie. The Town family moved to Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., NY around 1817, where their neighbors included a number of other families from Argyle, NY, including that of Peter Dings.
Recently, we discovered genetic evidence suggesting that some descendants of Edward Town share a significant piece of one chromosome with two descendants of John McDougall and Elvira Uran. If the connection is not through shared ancestry in Scotland, prior to the emigration of the settlers of the Argyle Patent, such a connection might be explained if the John McDougall (1810-1884) who married Elvira Uran was a son of John, son of Ronald and Effie. In that case, the John McDougall who married Elvira Uran would be a nephew of Nancy McDougall Town, and there would be a more compelling explanation of why John and Elvira moved to St. Lawrence County, and later to a small town in Ontario, Canada at about the same time as Nancy and Edward.
Further, there is also a separate genetic connection with one descendant of Robert McDougall. Still missing from this analysis, however, is evidence that the other McDougall families of the Argyle Patent are genetically distinct from Ronald's family. This could be established, at least in part, if patrilineal descendants of these families took suitable Y DNA tests. Proof that the different McDougall immigrants were not related by patrilineal descent would go a long way toward clarifying family relationships.
__ | _The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _| | | | |__ | _Duncan MCDOUGALL ___| | (1708 - 1789) m 1728| | | __ | | | | |______________________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Ronald MCDOUGALL | (.... - 1821) | __ | | | ______________________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Janet CALDER _______| (1710 - 1764) m 1728| | __ | | |______________________________________| | |__
Listed as Ranold Jr. (1810) or Randall (1840) in census records. Ronald Jr. has not been identified in the censuses for 1820, 1825, 1830, and 1835. From the identified census records, he may have had at least 3 sons and 2 daughters. It is still not clear which Ronald is which.
As this Ronald is the only son of Ronald and Effie McDougall about whom virtually nothing is known, he becomes the most likely father of the John McDougall who married Elvira Uran, who is found genetically and from circumstantial evidence (the parallel migration path through St. Lawrence Co., NY and Ontario, Canada) to be connected in some way with Nancy McDougall, daughter of Ronald and Effie, and her husband Edward Town. This theory would make Nancy an aunt of John. In the absence of documentary evidence, genetic evidence in the form of autosomal testing of more descendants of Ronald and Effie would seem to be the best hope for a solution.
However, it is also possibly that "Ronald Jr." actually died long before before 1840, since there is such a long gap in the identified census records. In that case, the identity of the Randall in the 1840 census is also problematic.
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _Duncan MCDOUGALL ___| | (1708 - 1789) m 1728| | |______________________________________ | _Ronald MCDOUGALL _______| | (.... - 1821) | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Janet CALDER _______| | (1710 - 1764) m 1728| | |______________________________________ | | |--Ronald MCDOUGALL | (.... - 1840) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Euphemia (Effie) _____ _| (1740 - 1822) | | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
_Alexander Fraser MCDOUGALL _+ | (.... - 1860) _Daniel MCDOUGALL ___| | (1816 - 1888) m 1845| | |_Charity LEIGH ______________ | (1791 - 1862) _Joseph Fisher MCDOUGALL _| | (1851 - ....) m 1873 | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Mary Nigh HANKS ____| | (1824 - 1897) m 1845| | |_____________________________ | | |--Ronald MCDOUGALL | (1880 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Mary M. LINDENMAN _______| (1856 - ....) m 1873 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
Pension files (papers lost in fire of 1800?) were dated 15 sep 1790, and referred to bounty land warrant 1389-1100, to John Lawrence legal representative of Elizabeth Lawrence deceased, who was sister and legal representative of Stephen McDougall, a Major in the NY line. It is possible that service records indexed as "Stephen" and "Ronald T." McDougall refer to the same Ronald Stephen.
_The Washington County NY MCDOUGALLS _ | _Ronald MCDOUGALL ____| | (.... - 1764) | | |______________________________________ | _Alexander MCDOUGALL _| | (1732 - 1786) m 1751 | | | ______________________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth MCDOUGALL _| | (.... - 1764) | | |______________________________________ | | |--Ronald Stephen MCDOUGALL | (.... - 1790) | ______________________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Ann LANGVILLE _______| (.... - 1767) m 1751 | | ______________________________________ | | |______________________| | |______________________________________
_Robert MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1785 - 1860) _Robert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1807 - 1890) m 1834| | |_____________________ | _Robert C. MCDOUGALL _| | (1837 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Margaret A. KILMER _| | (1815 - 1886) m 1834| | |_____________________ | | |--Rosie MCDOUGALL | (1867 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Alvira _____ ________| (1836 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Daniel MCDOUGALL ____+ | (.... - 1830) m 1800 _Daniel Fraser MCDOUGALL __| | (1797 - 1851) | | |_Mary FRASER _________ | (1762 - 1831) m 1800 _Daniel MCDOUGALL ___| | (1848 - 1899) | | | _Archibald MCDOUGALL _+ | | | (1767 - ....) | |_Rachel Traford MCDOUGALL _| | (1807 - 1873) | | |_Phebe MATSON ________ | | |--Roswell D. MCDOUGALL | (1882 - 1959) | ______________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Harriet A. GLOYD ___| (1855 - 1931) | | ______________________ | | |___________________________| | |______________________
_John MCDOUGALL _____+ | (1810 - 1884) _William James MCDOUGALL _| | (1839 - 1884) m 1865 | | |_Elvira URAN ________+ | (1812 - 1900) _James L. MCDOUGALL _| | (1872 - 1950) m 1896| | | ______ STOOP ________ | | | (.... - 1880) | |_Harriet STOOP ___________| | (1842 - 1903) m 1865 | | |_Rebecca _____ ______ | (1820 - 1880) | |--Roy H. MCDOUGALL | (1909 - 1958) | _____________________ | | | _Thomas FRY ______________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Frances FRY ________| (1876 - 1969) m 1896| | _____________________ | | |_Kizzie PATTON ___________| | |_____________________