[4461] Died "in 35th year"
[4462] Year appears 1851 on tombstone, but court document dated 26feb1861, final settlement of right of dower, has her signature. Thus I conclude I have misread the stone.
[4463] Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church cemetery
Although the 1930 census gives her age as 45, there is a death record that may be hers, Matilda Victor b. 09 mar 1876 IL, d. 20 jul 1971 Los Angeles Co., but birthdate reported in Social Security Death Index as 07 mar 1876, SSAN 546-82-6283, last residence zip code 90254 (Hermosa Beach). The 1930 census indicates age at first marriage was 36, but the discrepancy in age makes this problematic. The 1920 census was checked to see who was living at 11216 Budlong Ave., but unfortunately, no such address existed in 1920!
However, the 1920 Seattle directory shows Walter Victor with wife Tilda, at the same address where our Walter resided for the 1920 census. Tilda was evidently the same Matilda Altwein mentioned as the common law wife of Walter Victor in Los Angeles around 1930! Further searches in the directories and the census records showed that Matilda A. B. was listed as the wife of William M. Altwein as early as 1913 in Seattle, and the 1920 census shows that she was divorced by that time. William Altwein is shown in the Seattle directories as early as 1905, working as a landscape gardener, and before that, he is apparently the William M. Altwein who is found in the Omaha, Nebraska directories from about 1887 until 1904. The two families may have known each other before they moved to Seattle. William and Matilda are in Seattle for the 1910 census, married 10 years, no children.
[14711] Listed in city directories as husband and wife, but no marriage found in Los Angeles Co. Lawsuit of Matilda Altwein in 1930-31 indicates they were not legally married, had "bona fide common law marriage" about 9 years.
Probably the mother of Marguerite but not of Nicolletus Gachet. Marguerite is termed "paternal sister" of Nicolletus in a document of 15 may 1474 recorded by Jean de Trevaux, notary at Payerne (ACV Dp 107, fol. 51), where she is identified as "Marguereta filia quondam Petri Gachet et quondam Mermete eius uxoris, soror paterna dicti Nicolleti Gachet". By 1474, this Nicolletus had died, but there is mention in the same document of his sons Franciscus, still living, and Petrus, who had already died. Mermeta is identified as the wife of Petrus Gachet (and by this time Nicoletus, son of Petrus, was already old enough to be involved in a sale of property, though with approval of his father) in a sale dated 10 nov 1437 (Nicodus Mareschet, notary at Payerne, Dp 64, fol. 153). By 22 may 1447 (ACV FL 81, fol. 433), she is already the widow of the late Petrus Gachet, notary of Villars en Vuilliez, holding property at Murs.
It is possible that her parentage can be discovered in the terriers for the Vully region (particularly in Murs).
still living - details excluded