The first mention of this man that came to our attention is in a settlement between a Nicoletus Gachet, son of Petrus, son of Johannes, and Johannes and another Nicoletus, sons of Roletus, son of yet another Nicoletus Gachet, in 1450 (notary Jacobus Bellin, fol. 82). The passage in question concerns a claim by Nicoletus son of Petrus regarding the marriage settlement of his mother. Unfortunately, this item has been difficult to decipher. The text appears to read: "Item petebam ut supra quod Nicoletus Gachet filius quondam Perrodi Gachet de Villar en Vulliez confessus fuerat habuisse et recepisse a Francescia filia Johannes Crostel burgensis Paterniaci uxore Petri Gachet nepotis suis quatuor viginti libras (=80 livres) Lausannenses bone monete de dote ac nomine dotis ipsius Francesie quas recuperandas sictuaverat et assignaverat super omnia et singulara bona sua quecumque ut in lictera recepta per Petrum Marcua de Grancord continetur, quam quantitatem petebam michi reponi vigore legitime successionis (?) michi deventis ex parte dicte quondam Francesie matris mee." That Francesia Crostel was the wife of this Petrus, and thus mother of this Nicoletus, is consistent with other records. Further, the "ut supra" in this item evidently refers back to the previous items, where Nicoletus is requesting payment by Roletus and his sons, from which it seems logical to conclude that the elder Nicoletus, son of Perrodus and whose nephew Petrus had married Francesia Crostel, must be the same Nicoletus who was the father of Roletus. These relationships have the effect of finally resolving the question of how the two main branches of the Gachet family connect: The branch at Payerne descends from Nicoletus, son of Perrodus, and the branch at Villars-en-Vully that produced additional branches at Grandcour, Le Landeron, and elsewhere descends from Johannes, also a son of Perrodus. The notary who recorded the marriage settlement received by the elder Nicoletus was Petrus Marcua or Marcuard of Grandcour, but his registers seem not to have survived. One possible explanation for the participation of the elder Nicoletus in the marriage settlement could be that Petrus had not reached the age of majority at that time, and that his father Johannes had already died. In such a situation, the elder Nicoletus, as next of kin, would likely have served as the guardian of Petrus and would have represented him in contracts and legal transactions.
A possible reference to one of the claims in the dispute of 1450, the one that concerns a "cense" somehow connected with Fribourg and related to property held in the past by the two branches of the family, is found in a transaction recorded by Nicoletus Mareschet, a notary working mainly in the Vully region (ACV Dp 64, fol. 30, dated 10 may 1433). In this act, Illinus de Lanthoz of Fribourg and his wife Francesia promise to return certain letters of vendition to Roletus Gachet, in particular one relating to the sale of a property at Villars-en-Vully that had belonged to the late brothers Johannes and Nicoletus Gachet. Although the situation is not clearly explained, it appears that the property must have been sold to Illinus or his wife by the Gachet brothers and that Illinus owed payments (thus a "cense") to the Gachet heirs. In effect, the transaction had been a secured loan. Did Illinus in fact turn over the letter of vendition, thus terminating the loan? If that was done, the later claim of the other branch of the Gachet family against Roletus for their share of the income from this property might be invalid, and that is exactly what happened in the dispute of 1450. The key to this transaction, however, lies in the fact that Illinus or Hillinus du Lanthod of Fribourg had married Francesia Gachet, daughter of Johannes, and thus Francesia was a first cousin of Roletus. The transactions referred to in 1433 and 1450 were sales, exchanges, or loans between relatives. A search of the notaries of Fribourg, and the dossiers at the Archives d'Etat de Fribourg, might turn up more information about these transactions.
There is an interesting citation in P. Appolinaire Dellion's Dictionnaire historique et statistique des parroisses Catholiques du Canton de Fribourg (vol. 8, 1896, p. 381ff, article on the parish of Ménières). Dellion cites a Perrodus Gaschet, donzel de Payerne, who was among those approving a reconnaissance dated 13 feb 1336, and possibly also mentioned in a sale dated 20 oct 1330, for property at Ménières subject to the heirs of the de Molière family. The document of 1336 was apparently held by the archives of the commune of Ménieres, and the source for the sale of 1330 is given as Arch. soc. d'hist., vol. 3. Clearly, any document referring to a Gachet as "donzel" is important for the story of the family, so these documents need to be located. Similar documents are identified through internet sources: In the Archives Communales de Moudon, M 58, 710, a cense for the Hôpital de la Vierge-Marie, Perrod Aumont, Perrod Gaschet, J. ffeu Etienne Perrotet, et Perrod de Cugy, tiennent selon la coutume d'Estavayer, de J Landry, recteur de l'hôpital de la Vierge-Marie de Moudon, des terres rière Mennières, à savoir : le premier, une pose sous la cense de 3 bichets moitié froment; le deuxième, le tiers de 2 poses de pré et le tiers de 2 poses de terre, cense : 3 sous; le troisième, une demi-pose de terre et le tiers d'une autre et le tiers d'un chesal, cense : 3 sous 6 deniers et en outre 4 deniers à l'église de Mennières. Le cinquième une pose de terre, cense : 2 coupes 1 bichet moitié froment. Date: 1384. (It would be very logical if the same "cense" were also cited in one of the terriers for the hospital of Moudon, ACV Fn 306-313. These terriers have not yet been examined. In particular, Fn 307-310 constitute a four-volume set compiled by Uldriodus Guilly, with the indexes for volumes 1-2 in Fn 307, and for volumes 3-4 in Fn 309, concerning properties or titles for the hospital 1285-1460. The inventory of the ACV notes entries concerning Menières in the second volume, Fn 308, but the other volumes will be of interest as well, as they are likely to contain information about many other families in the area around Moudon and in some cases very distant sites as well, such as Lutry, Yverdon, Fribourg, etc. Another possible source is Fn 311, including four separate sections with dates from 1338 to 1473; Fn 312; and Fn 313.)
The section of Dellion's dictionary concerning these acts follows: "En 1336 le village de Ménières était plus considérable que celui de l'Hôpital (villa de Ménières et l'Hôpital). Il y avait 55 chefs de famille ou ménages entre les deux villages, dont 5 à 6 veuves. La population était donc de 275 âmes. Depuis, elle aurait peu varié. Le territoire appartenait alors à trois seigneurs ou seigneuries différentes. Catherine et Agnès, filles de feu Girard de la Molière, en possédaient une partie; Perrod Gaschet, donzel, de Payerne, une autre, et Perrod, fils de Rodolphe d'Avenches, chevalier, la troisième.
"Jeannette, fille de feu Ebal, coseigneur de la Molière, avait épousé le chevalier Rodolphe de Bulle, dont elle eut deux fils, Jean et Pierre, et en seconde noce Ulric d'Everde ; elle avait vendu au comte Louis de Savoie tout ce qu'elle avait hérité de son père, son droit à la coseigneurie de la Molière, et à Perrod, fils de Rodolphe d'Avenches, ses droits sur Ménières et l'Hôpital, la dîme de Verney. Ses fils Jean et Pierre de Bulle, avec le consentement de leurs amis et tuteurs, consentent à ces ventes pour la somme de 700 livres qui leur sera livrée après la mort de leur mère. Fait en présence de D. Pierre de Hattemberg, curé de Hauteville,et de D. Jacques de Vilar, curé de Courtion, le 20 avril 1330. (Arch. soc. d'hist., vol. III.) [Archives de la société d'histoire du canton de Fribourg, vol. 3, p. 82, 1882 — the original document is stated to be item 47 in the collection designated AEF Font. The published transcript gives no additional names.]
"Le 13 février 1336, Jaquet et Humbert Fallie, de la juridiction et seigneurie de Catherine et d'Agnès, filles de feu Girard de la Molière; Etienne Cher, Jean Pasteur, de la seigneurie de Perrod; (the semicolon here is obviously an error!) Gaschet, (the semicolon logically belongs here) Girard Perrin, Jacques Osel, de la seigneurie de Perrod d'Avenches, à leur nom et celui des habitants de Ménières et de l'Hôpital, prennent à bail perpétuel pour le prix de 50 sols bons d'Aymé dit Berthignie, bourgeois de Montagny, agissant au nom de sa femme Marguerite, fille de feu Jean Mayor, de Cugy, donzel, une pièce de bois, des biens de la dite Marguerite, appelée Verdeyres, limitée par les bois des Mayor de Cugy et des coseigneurs de la Molière. (Arch. de Mén., reconnaissance.) Les témoins de cet acte furent D. Pierre Franceys, doyen d'Avenches, D. J., curé d'Estavayer, et D. Pierre, curé de Ménières."
Before accepting these citations at face value, we need to verify that the name Gaschet is not a misreading of the family name Galcherii, known to be a noble family in Payerne, a mistake that has found its way into print more than once. There are several citations of Perrodus Galcherii domicellus of Payerne in the inventory of the ACV, the earliest in 1335, and after his death, of his son Oliverius Galcherii domicellus (1366, 1367), and later of Petrus, son of Oliverius (1385).
In the terrier AEF Grosses Estavayer 121, compiled 1423-1425 for Humbert, Bastard de Savoie by Petrus Mareschet, notary of Payerne, there are several reconnaissances involving the Gachet family of Villars-en-Vully, which clearly state that Perrodus Gachet had made a reconnaissance to Vuilliermus, condominus de Staviaco (this is Guillaume d'Estavayer, who in 1349 sold his share of the seigneurie of Estavayer to Isabelle de Chalon, from whom the seigneurie eventually devolved to Humbert in 1421). This Perrodus was the father of Johannes Gachet and Nicodus Gachet, both dead by 1425, but represented in that year by their respective children, Petrus and Francesia heirs of Johannes, and Roletus the heir of Nicodus. Therefore (and discounting the citation of Perrodus "Gaschet" as a likely misreading of Galcherii), we place the birth of Perrodus Gachet around 1325 or perhaps even earlier. There does not yet seem to be any verified citation that would allow us to estimate the year of his death.
Another line of evidence involves the history of certain properties subject to the coseigneurs of Estavayer. The terrier AEF Grosses Estavayer 121, dating from the 1420's, during the tenure of Humbertus, bastardus de Sabaudia, contains reconnaissances for properties held by various members of the Gachet family, all descendants of Perrodus, their line of descent clearly stated. In these reconnaissances (e.g, fol. 131 ff), we read that the properties had previously been recognized by the said Perrodus Gachet, to the coseigneur Vuilliermus de Staviaco. This could only by the Vuilleme or Guillaume d'Estavayer who in 1349 sold his part of the seigneurie of Estavaye to Isabelle Chalon. Guillaume d'Estavayer had an older brother Girard d'Estavayer, who held the title of coseigneur until his death in 1339, and from these facts, we conclude that Perrodus Gachet most likely made this reconnaissance around 1345, at which time he must have reached the age of majority, and we therefore estimate his birth date as 1320 or earlier. There is some possibility that the reconnaissance itself might be found in the terrier AEF Grosses Estavayer 123a, dated 1343, not yet examined.
Petermand was alive in May 1574 but deceased by December of the same year, according to various documents recorded by Jean-Amey Bondu, notary at Payerne. He also had a ward Marguerite who married Jean Perrin of Thièle 30 mar 1565 (date of contract recorded by Blaise Chalon, notary at Payerne), widowed by 1571. The marriage contract reveals that she was Petermand's illegitimate daughter, and calls him Coseigneur de Chastel. It seems likely that Petermand had several more children whose names have been lost.
His date of death, and that of his wife, are recorded in the "Hussbuchli" of his brother Niklaus Gatschet, now at the Burgerbibliothek of Bern (MS H. H. XVII. 276. Nr. 19):
"Die Solii 4 Julii, obiit Anthonia fratris mei Petri Gachet uxor. Et die Jovis 8 Julii 1574 sequenti obiit charissimus fratrus meus Petrus Gachet eius conjunx."
[2527] According to the family book of Niklaus Gatschet, his brother.
_Nicoletus GACHET __________+ | (1408 - 1458) _François GACHET _______________| | (1450 - 1487) m 1474 | | |_Anne DE VILLARZEL _________ | _Pierre GACHET ______| | (1475 - 1528) m 1503| | | _Nicod CHALON ______________+ | | | (.... - 1479) | |_Jaqueta CHALON ________________| | m 1474 | | |_Françoise CUEX ____________+ | | |--Petermand GACHET | (.... - 1574) | ______ DE TORCULARI ________ | | | _Aimé (Aymo, Aymonet) DUTRUICT _| | | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | | | |____________________________ | | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____| (.... - 1553) m 1503| | _Pierre BONNET (OR BOVET?) _+ | | (1430 - 1480) |_Perronete BONNET (OR BOVET?) __| (.... - 1513) m 1480 | |_Amphilisia _____ __________
Baptised as Pierre, he is the Petermann Gachet who is supposed to have held the position of Avoyer at Payerne, 1610-1612. There is a reference to "Pettermand Gachet l'aysné" at Payerne in 1572 (grandfather of the present Petermann), implying the existence already of a younger Petermann. Confirmation was found in a document of Salomon de Trey, notary at Payerne, 14 aug 1602 (AVC DP 31/1, fol. 172 ff.), which also revealed that the younger Petermann's sister Marguerite was still living. The will of Niklaus Gatschet of Bern, 1598, says that Petermann was then an apprentice glassmaker at Bern.
While the list of the Avoyers of Payerne published by Mottaz shows Petermann serving in this position 1610-1612, the church records imply that Petermann was never the Avoyer, and that Josué Gachet's term continued until sometime in 1612. There are many mentions of Petermann both as a parent and as a sponsor for various baptisms. During this period, in every case, he is listed as Noble, but with no other title. During the same period, Josué appears as parent and sponsor, and in almost every case, and as late as 20 mar 1612, he is listed as Avoyer.
Another passage in the church records makes it clear that Petermann, with wife Judith, is a distinct person from Pierre Gachet with wife Eve Ottonin, because Petermann and his wife appear as sponsors at the baptism of Salomon, son of Pierre and Eve, 17 jan 1606.
The document establishing the dowry of his sister Marguerite (04 apr 1606, Salomon de Trey, notary at Payerne) notes that Petermann received a legacy from David Gachet, secrétaire de Payerne (his testament has not been found), and that Petermann was out of the country "en guerre" at some point. Probably the same absence is the one that is the subject of the following extract, reported by Béranek:
Manual de Conseil, A6/109, 04 apr 1600: "Noble Petremann, fils de feu Noble Claudi Gachet, Conseiller, délibérant par l'avis de ses parents d'aller voir du pays. Il a obtenu des lettres attestant de son origine, de bonne conversation et de la célébrité de tous les gens."
[14728] Date of contract, Salomon de Trey, notary.
_Pierre GACHET ______________+ | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 _Petermand GACHET ___| | (.... - 1574) | | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____________+ | (.... - 1553) m 1503 _Claude GACHET ______| | (1549 - 1588) m 1580| | | _George MURISET _____________ | | | (.... - 1579) | |_Antheyne MURISET ___| | (1533 - 1573) | | |_Denise REGNAULD ____________+ | (1520 - 1579) | |--Petermann (Pierre) GACHET | | _Jean NIBLE _________________+ | | (.... - 1570) | _Benoît NIBLE _______| | | (1522 - 1589) m 1550| | | |_Isabel PERRIARD ____________+ | | |_Françoise NIBLE ____| (1564 - ....) m 1580| | _Benoît du MOULIN ___________+ | | (.... - 1562) |_Benoitte du MOULIN _| (1530 - 1582) m 1550| |_Isabel (Elizabeth) CHEVROD _+ (.... - 1557)
Besides the Gachet line clearly identified with Payerne, there are several mentions of Gachet from Villars-en-Vully and other villages in the area, using many of the same given names as our line. The connection is provided by a number of documents involving property owned jointly by Roletus and Petrus Gachet in Villars-en-Vully. (The registers of the notary Rojolat of Moudon include a marriage contract, 30 mar 1468, for Pierre son of Jaqueti Vuilliemier of Lucens to Agnes daughter of the late Johannes Gaschet of Vuarmarens, perhaps evidence of a further dispersion of the same family. So far, however, there is no evidence to connect this family at Vuarmarens with the Gachets of Vully and Payerne.)
Petrus is cited as "dictus Gaschet clericus et burgensis Paterniaci" as early as 02 may 1406 (Pierre de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne, ACV Dp 108/1, fol. 9v, in which Petrus acknowledges a debt of six livres to Girardus Gallex clericus burgensis Paterniaci). A citation in 1416, in which he appears as security for a debt of Rolet Gaschet, calls him "notarius dicti loci de Villario et burgensis Paterniaci". He is still alive as late as 1439. The long document involving the continuing dispute over the jointly-held property (28 dec 1450, Jean Bellin, notary at Payerne) reveals that Petrus had a brother Vuilleme (apparently deceased before 1450, and perhaps much earlier).
The same Petrus is called notary of Payerne in several transactions recorded by Nicod Mareschet, a notary working in Vully, 1431-1439 (ACV DP 64/1). Another document of the same notary, dated 10 apr 1432 (fol. 3v) mentions a document recorded previously by the late Johannes Gachet (manu quondam Johannes Gacheti recepto), evidently referring to the father of Petrus.
Both Petrus and Roletus Gachet made "reconnaissances" in 1425-1426 for the terrier ACV Fl 392 for property at Villars-en-Vully subject to the Château de Cudrefin (1424-1428), as did a Francesia and an Ysabella, both daughters of the late Johannes Gachet, though Ysabella seems to be the daughter of a different Johannes, from Champmartin. From this, we suppose that the respective fathers of both Petrus and Roletus had died before 1425. Other reconnaissances from the same period among the "Grosses de reconnaissances" for the district of Estavayer in the collections of the Archives de l'Etat de Fribourg (AEF) confirm this fact.
The terrier FL 81 contains several reconnaissances for the Gachet family, dated in 1447. Among them, fol. 549, we find a mention that various properties were confirmed to the late Petrus Gachet by Octo de Grandissono on 10 mar 1396 "pro bona satisfacione inde habita" (indicating that this was not an ordinary sale, but rather a gift or reward of some sort, perhaps for services rendered, or perhaps acknowledging repayment of some prior obligation). This citation seems to presuppose that Petrus had already reached the age of majority by 1396, and so we place his birth no later than 1371.
__ | _Perrodus GACHET ____| | (1320 - ....) | | |__ | _Johannes GACHET ____| | (1350 - 1425) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Petrus GACHET | (1371 - 1450) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Perrussona _____ ___| (.... - 1425) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Perrodus GACHET ____ | (1320 - ....) _Nicoletus GACHET ___| | (1371 - 1416) | | |_____________________ | _Roletus GACHET _____| | (1391 - 1447) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Marguereta _____ ___| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Petrus GACHET | (.... - 1486) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Katherina _____ ____| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Jean GACHET ________+ | (1509 - 1591) m 1540 _Josué GACHET _______| | (1558 - 1621) m 1597| | |_Denise REGNAULD ____+ | (1520 - 1579) m 1540 _Isaac GACHET _______| | (1606 - 1640) m 1636| | | _Nicod MORATEL ______+ | | | m 1569 | |_Jeanne MORATEL _____| | (.... - 1628) m 1597| | |_Claudine DEMONT ____+ | m 1569 | |--Pierre GACHET | | _Pettermand PLANCHE _+ | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578 | _Pierre PLANCHE _____| | | (.... - 1641) m 1601| | | |_Jacobe GACHET ______+ | | (1540 - ....) m 1578 |_Judith PLANCHE _____| (.... - 1650) m 1636| | _François ROCHONNET _+ | | (.... - 1601) m 1571 |_Judith ROCHONNET ___| m 1601 | |_Pernon DUTOIT ______+ (1553 - ....) m 1571
He may be the subject of a curious extract published by Béranek:
Manual de Conseil, A6/153, 04 mar 1603: "Malgré que le fils premier de Noble Pierre Gachet ne soit pas baptisé en cette église, cependant on ne lui devra être préjudiciable au temps à venir. Ainsi il est reconnu au même rang que les autres enfants ici baptisés, vu que le dit Gachet a fait une suffisante diligence jouxte la loi, mais l'infirmité et la maladie de l'enfant n'a pu le permettre, en autres légitimes occasions et respects."
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Pierre GACHET ______| | (.... - 1612) m 1604| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre GACHET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Eva OTTONIN ________| m 1604 | | __ | | |__| | |__
He is mentioned as the late brother of Franciscus, son of the late Nicolletus Gaschet, in a document regarding the marriage of Franciscus to Jaqueta Challon, 15 may 1474 (Jean de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne).
The marriage contract for Nicodus Bichard of Friburg and Agnes daughter of Henricus Palleon and widow of Petrus Gachet burgensis Paterniaci can only refer to this Pierre Gachet (Johannes de Trevaul, notary, ACV Dp 107, fol. 55, dated 02 may 1475).
_Johannes GACHET ____+ | (1350 - 1425) _Petrus GACHET ______| | (1371 - 1450) m 1409| | |_Perrussona _____ ___ | (.... - 1425) _Nicoletus GACHET ___| | (1408 - 1458) | | | _Johannes CROSTEL ___+ | | | (1372 - 1450) | |_Francesia CROSTEL __| | (1392 - 1450) m 1409| | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre GACHET | (.... - 1474) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne DE VILLARZEL __| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
This Pierre Gachet appears to be the same Pierre Gachet notary at Payerne whose notarial registers from 1503-1513 still survive. Some additional records may survive from his tenure as secretary of the city council of Payerne. His widow is mentioned as the godmother of Jaquaz Chuard, daughter of Aymé Chuard and Françoise Chantallet daughter of Oddet Chantallet, baptised 29 nov 1545. (Aymé Chuard used a couple leaves of his notarial register to record the births and baptisms of his children.) Another document of Aymé Chuard mentions the late Pierre Gachet notary 21 dec 1543. Yet another document of Aymé Chuard dated 06 mar 1539 shows Pierre Gachet already dead and names his widow.
The names of most of the children of Pierre Gachet are noted in the surviving records of Benoit de Miéville, notary at Payerne 1564-1566, wherein the brothers and the (second) husband of their sister Catherine, Claude Fivaz, appear in connection with the inheritance of Claude Berthod, whose wife Jaquetta was another sister of the Gachet brothers.
A record from 1496 in the debt book of Nicod Méan clerk of Payerne notes a "Pierre Meffre alias Gaschet scritor (?) Paterniaci". In the same book, which contains debts to Nicod Méan recorded over the signatures of various notaries, the signature of Pierre Gachet appears beginning about 1508. It is very tempting to think that these are indeed the same person and thus Meffre would be the original surname. Arguing against this interpretation, however, is another record of Pierre Chuard 02 jun 1525 wherein Jean Meffrey alias Gachet, bourgeois and sartori of Payerne, with consent of his nephew Aymonis (with whom he holds joint title) sells a parcel of land to Claude, widow of Guygonis Austol (or perhaps Crostel?). This suggests that the record of 1496 was meant to say sartori, not scritor, and that we have here a different Gachet family. (This name is also spelled Goschet in several records.)
The earliest records of the notary Pierre Chuard mention Pierre Gachet in 1517 as "cecretarius" of Payerne. The accounts of the city for 1516 also mention him as secretary, at a salary of 6 livres. Pierre's wife Jaqua or Jaqueta is mentioned in 1518 as daughter of the late Aymonet deTorculari, and in several later documents as Jaquaz du Truict. Inserted between these documents is another, a confirmation of the partage among the sons of Pierre and Jaquaz, evidently negotiated 20 dec 1560. The document lists the sons in order: Jean Amey, Jean, François, Anthony, Daniel, Petterman, and Niclaus, thus proving that Jean Amey Gachet who married Marguerite Vallier is a different person from Jean Gachet who married Denise Regnauld. Further, this is the only document from Payerne found so far that mentions Niclaus, confirming in records of the Pays de Vaud the account in the Lexikon of the parentage of Niclaus Gatschet, noble of Bern. The confirmation of partage indicates that up to 1560, the brothers have held all their paternal and maternal inheritance undivided and in common, and have at this time agreed on the division. The copy of this confirmation in the minutaire does not contain the actual partage (the details of who got what), but has a gap with the inscription "(Inserantur partagia)", meaning, "insert the partage here" when the final copy is made. The registre still contains this language, and the full text of the partage has not been found.
Like many well-to-do citizens of Payerne, Pierre Gachet invested in the prized vineyards near Cully. A document of 01 oct 1518, Aymé Sordet notary, shows him acquiring property near Cully, in a place called "en Muraz", Saturnin Leyderey to the north, Discret Aymonet Sordet notary of Cully to the east, and the vines of the chapel of Saint Nicolas of Villette to the west and above.
He seems to have obtained his position at Payerne by inheriting it from his father-in-law. At least one document now in the Archives d'Etat de Fribourg bears a notation that it was originally recorded by Aymonet de Torculari and a copy sent at the request of one of the parties, after the death of de Torculari, by Pierre Gachet, "secrétaire de Payerne".
His death date is recorded in the notebook of his son Niklaus Gatschet of Bern.
Privileges of "combourgeoisie" — that is, reciprocal rights of citizenship — were established during the Savoyard period between Payerne and some of its neighbors: Fribourg (13 may 1349, with confirmations in 1494-1495), Morat (24 jan 1364), and Neuchâtel (24 jan 1355). The existence of such rights no doubt facilitated the arrangement of marriages between the elite families of these cities, such as those we have recorded in the Gachet family.
It is obvious that this Pierre Gachet was a central figure in the family. It must have been one of his predecessors who was responsible for endowing the Gachet chapel at the Eglise de Notre-Dame, now the parish church of Payerne, just across from the great abbey of Payerne. A tourist website gives the following interesting information: "Dans une chapelle autrefois réservée à la famille Gachet, on a placé en 1818 le tombeau présumé de la Reine Berthe; une inscription latine sur marbre noir, composée par le doyen Bridel, rappelle les vertus de la souveraine." A stone sarcophagus containing the remains of a woman was excavated in 1817 in the chapel of St. Michael (the narthex) in the abbey. Col. François Rodolphe de Dompierre, in charge of the excavations, considered it to be the remains of Queen Berthe herself, then believed to be the founder of the abbey according to a document that is now understood to be a 12th Century forgery. There being no other suitable place to install the remains, the Gachet chapel was "transformed," and they were moved into the chapel with great ceremony in 1818—after which the authentic tombstones of the Gachet family were no longer in evidence! The chapel is still there, along with the bones of the supposed queen. The chapel proves to be a very modest construction, barely large enough for the new sarcophagus. If there were more than one Gachet burial, each topped by a stone slab, the slabs would have extended out into the church, and there could not have been more than three or four of them.
Among the genealogists who have investigated the Gachet family of Payerne, we should note Arnold Gachet (d. 1985, a descendant of a Gachet family of Bioley-Orjulaz, still without a known connection to the family at Payerne) and Emile Ritter (antiquarian of Basel, apparently a descendant of a Gatschet family of Cerlier, his personal notes now deposited at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises). Ritter and Arnold Gachet corresponded with each other in the 1930's, but neither one seems to have succeeded in untangling the story of Pierre Gachet and his many children. We are indebted to Catherine Minck for retrieving copies of these documents from the archives. Another genealogist whose notes on this family are now at the ACV was Charles-Philippe Dumont, whose connection to the Gachet family is presently not known. In each case, it appears that they were misled by the compiled genealogies of some of the connected families, and none of them had discovered the family book written by Niclaus Gatschet of Bern, or the records of the notaries discussed above.
For a long time, we found no source that mentioned any siblings of Pierre. However, a Nicolas Gachet who is cited as curé at Yvonand (and of Bonvillars, in a terrier dated 1527 for the chapel of St. Martin in the cathedral of Lausanne, now at the AVL) accompanied Pierre Falk on his famous expedition to Jerusalem in 1519. This Nicolas is usually assumed to be the same person as the Nicolas Gachet who was chaplain at Payerne in 1514 and curé de Payerne as late as 1533, but we had difficulty finding any source for this assertion, although one can read between the lines to reach this conclusion from the account of the pilgrimages of Peter Falck (Max de Diesbach, "Les pèlerins fribourgeois à Jerusalem", Archives de la Société d'histoire du Canton de Fribourg, 5:189- 282, 1893, referencing the Manuaux de Conseil of Fribourg, nos. 37 and 38, as the source for the information about Nicolas Gachet) . Nicolas would be of the right generation to be a sibling of Pierre. That he was at Payerne is established by the accounts of the city for 1516, where he is described as curé d'Yvonand, with a salary from the city of Payerne of 8 florins for maintaining the clock tower. He was still at Payerne, curé d'Yvonand, at the imposition of the Reformation in 1537. He did not accept the new religion, and nothing further seems to be known of him. The one member of the secular clergy at Payerne who did change with the times was Nicod Maringod, who had succeeded Nicolas Gachet as the keeper of the city clock (cited in Maxime Reymond's extended history of the Abbey of Payerne, published in installments in the Revue historique vaudoise, 1912-1913). An account of a meeting of the Société vaudoise d'histoire et d'archéologie at Yvonand in 1938 (Revue historique vaudoise 46:377-381) notes that the parish archives still had two papal indulgences (1509 and 1512, from the pontificate of Julius II) that had been issued to Nicolas Gachet for the church at Yvonand. It appears that at least some of the possessions of this church were removed to the catholic church at Cheyres (Fribourg), previously an annex of the parish of Yvonand, during the Reformation. The church at Bonvillars was probably a more lucrative post, and because of the importance of that church, we might expect some interesting records to have survived. The identity of this Nicolas Gachet now seems almost certain, with the discovery of a document in which he owns property jointly with his nephews, sons of the late notary Pierre Gachet, in 1533 (ACV C VIIb 2634).
There is absolutely no doubt about the parentage of Pierre Gachet. His marriage contract (Pierre Ruerat, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 92) of 24 or perhaps 23 mar 1503 (thus 1504 new style) calls him filius quondam Franciscus Gaschet burgensis paterniaci, and this is supported by several other citations. He is described in the same terms a year later, 18 feb 1504 (1505 new style), when he acknowledges receipt of the marriage settlement.
One source of the confusion that has crept into the secondary sources has finally been discovered. Arnold Gachet and other historians of the early 20th Century reported that this Pierre Gachet was said to be the son of Jean Gachet and Denise Regnaud. In some accounts, this mistake is rectified, in others it is accepted without comment. This version is now known to come from a family tree painted by Niklaus Gatschet (1736-1817), now in private hands. Although Niklaus was an avid genealogist and author of an armorial (manuscript at the Bürgerbibliothek of Bern), he seems to have been only dimly aware of his family's past. In particular, the "Husbuchli" of his ancestor Niclaus, the first of the Gachet to settle in Bern, was unknown to him. This raises an interesting question: where was the Husbuchli during the intervening centuries?
There are actually two family trees apparently painted by Niklaus Gatschet. The one that shows Pierre Gachet as the husband of Jaquaz "du Truyl" may have been supplemented with a later generation (part of which is presently folded over, and thus not clearly visible). The other one, which stops about 1790 (the latest event on this chart seems to be the marriage of Johann Rodolf Niklaus Gatschet to Elizabeth de Loséa), shows a Nicolas Gachet where Pierre ought to be, and with a second wife, Anne de Molin. Perhaps echoing this theory, notes apparently derived from the same "Stammbaum" and accompanying documents (it is not yet known if these have survived), indicate that Jean Amey was the son of this "Nicolas" and of Anne de Molin, a theory that is contradicted both by the "Husbuchli" of Pierre's son Niklaus, and by the wording of the partage mentioned above.
[2489] From the family book of Niklaus Gatschet, his son. We have not worked out whether the year should be interpreted as Old Style (the year 1529 beginning 4 days later) or New Style (the year 1528 having begun on the previous January 1). Niklaus was writing long after the event.
[14584] Date of marriage contract, Pierre Ruerat, notary. Date is difficult to read. The contract is quite messy, but is clearly gives the names of the fathers of the bride and groom. (Year is 1504 by modern reckoning.)
_Petrus GACHET ______+ | (1371 - 1450) m 1409 _Nicoletus GACHET ___| | (1408 - 1458) | | |_Francesia CROSTEL __+ | (1392 - 1450) m 1409 _François GACHET ____| | (1450 - 1487) m 1474| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Anne DE VILLARZEL __| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre GACHET | (1475 - 1528) | _Jean CHALON ________+ | | | _Nicod CHALON _______| | | (.... - 1479) | | | |_Antheine du CREST __+ | | |_Jaqueta CHALON _____| m 1474 | | _Pierre CUEX ________ | | |_Françoise CUEX _____| | |_____________________
The citation of a "Petermand Gachet l'aysné" in 1574 requires that there be a younger Petermand. The present Pierre, nephew of the first Petermand, is the most likely candidate. He was dead by 1574. It has not yet been established that the names Pierre and Petermand were generally, or even frequently interchanged.
_François GACHET _______________+ | (1450 - 1487) m 1474 _Pierre GACHET ______| | (1475 - 1528) m 1503| | |_Jaqueta CHALON ________________+ | m 1474 _Jean Amey GACHET ___| | (1504 - 1573) m 1540| | | _Aimé (Aymo, Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+ | | | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____| | (.... - 1553) m 1503| | |_Perronete BONNET (OR BOVET?) __+ | (.... - 1513) m 1480 | |--Pierre GACHET | (.... - 1574) | _Jaques VALLIER ________________+ | | (.... - 1500) | _Pierre VALLIER _____| | | (1488 - 1552) m 1510| | | |_Marguerite DE CRESSIER ________+ | | |_Marguerite VALLIER _| (1505 - 1560) m 1540| | _Martin "le VERRIER" ___________ | | |_Marie ODET _________| (.... - 1546) m 1510| |________________________________
Still under the age of majority in 1612, so apparently born after 1587. mentioned in the dispute between his sister Jacobé Gachet with her brother Josué and the estate of her mother Catherine Maillard. Because of his age, he cannot be the Petermann Gachet who is supposed to have held the position of Avoyer at Payerne 1610-1612. It is not yet know if he might be the Pierre Gachet who married Eva Ottonin.
_François GACHET _______________+ | (1450 - 1487) m 1474 _Pierre GACHET ______| | (1475 - 1528) m 1503| | |_Jaqueta CHALON ________________+ | m 1474 _Jean GACHET ________| | (1509 - 1591) m 1581| | | _Aimé (Aymo, Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+ | | | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____| | (.... - 1553) m 1503| | |_Perronete BONNET (OR BOVET?) __+ | (.... - 1513) m 1480 | |--Pierre GACHET | (1587 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |_Catherine MAILLARD _| (1542 - 1594) m 1581| | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
_Nicoletus GACHET ___+ | (1371 - 1416) _Roletus GACHET _____| | (1391 - 1447) | | |_Marguereta _____ ___ | _Johannes GACHET ____| | (.... - 1486) m 1434| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Katherina _____ ____| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Roletus GACHET | | _____________________ | | | _Petrus DE VILLAR ___| | | (.... - 1434) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Antonia DE VILLAR __| m 1434 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
He made a "reconnaissance" for property at Villars-en-Vully subject to the Château de Cudrefin in the terrier ACV Fl 392 , fol. 169, dated 05 apr 1426. This document does not discuss his genealogy, but one of the adjoining properties was then in the hands of the unnamed heirs of Vuilliermus Gachet. Rolet's property itself had been previously recognized in the indefinite past by Johannodus Barbez. Rolet's father is specified as Nicoletus in several other documents, and his contemporary Petrus Gachet is identified in the same documents as a son of Johannes or Johannodus Gachet. A dispute over the disposition of property held jointly by Roletus and Petrus is cited at least as late as 1450, but other evidence could be interpreted to mean that it was the dispute that continued until 1450, Roletus himself having already died between 12 and 14 may 1447 or 1448. A reconnaissance for Johannes Gaschet antenatus, son of the late Roletus, is found in the terrier ACV Fl 394 (fol. 352v). As it is dated 14 may 1448, there can be no doubt that Roletus had already died. However, this terrier was compiled in its final form by Bartholomeus de Tretorens (his introduction to this volume is dated in 1457) from the "protocols" and records of his father. It may be that some of the passages in which Roletus appears to be deceased are anachronistic, reflecting the compiler's knowledge that Roletus had died, even though he was still alive at the time the transaction was originally recorded by the compiler's father. However, all of the dates for the passages where Roletus is mentioned in Fl 394 are consistent, he is alive up to 12 may 1448, and dead on and after 14 may 1448.
However, in Fl 81, Roletus has already died, and his sons Johannes and Bartholomeus have succeeded him, as of 20 jun 1447 (fol. 552v). But in Fl 81, very few of the reconnaissances specify the year directly, referring back to the previous reconnaissances with phrases such as anno et indicione quibus supra. It is not out of the question that the commissaire, Bartholomeus de Tretorens, working from his late father's protocols, might have missed the change of the year at some point. It may be difficult to resolve this puzzle. In fact, we observed that the dates in the relevant sections of FL 81 and FL 394 are almost entirely expressed by reference to the preceding transaction, "anno quo supra", without actually specifying the year directly. FL 394 contains only a few dates in 1447, compared with much greater numbers for 1446 and especially for 1448, and we speculate that many of those in 1448 should have been dated in 1447 instead. This would be an easy error to make, if a reconnaissance in the protocols of Guionetus de Tretorens that used this convention happened to be copied into the final terrier FL 394 out of sequence. In fact, there is a place in FL 394 where something like this might actually have happened, a series of dates in January-Feburary 1447, followed immediately at fol. 228 by a long sequence in nearly chronological order starting at 12 feb 1448 and extending almost to the end of the volume. We conclude that the best guess from the available evidence is that Roletus Gachet probably died between 12 and 14 may, 1447.
In ACV Fl 392, Roletus is certainly alive on 05 apr 1426. However, in Fl 395, fol. 165, a reconnaissance by Johannes and Bartholomeus Gaschet, brothers, sons of the late Roletus, dated 03 feb 1459, several properties are described that came to the brothers by paternal inheritance, previously recognized by other parties (Mermetus de Cabanis and Regnaudus de Costel), and confirmed by Humbertus, Bastard of Savoye to the said recognoissants on 24 nov 1426. The italicized passage is abbreviated, but the translation seems correct. However, the intent is far from clear. We would be tempted to understand it to mean that the premises were confirmed to the Gaschet brothers, but that would imply that Roletus had died between April 5 and November 24, 1426, even though apparently the same Roletus was still living in 1447 or 1448. Another possibility is that the confirmation of 24 nov 1426 was for both of the previous recognoissants, Mermet de Chavannes and Regnaud de Costel. Also, while a terrier prepared for Humbert for his part of the seigneurie of Estavayer still exists (AEF Grosses Estavayer 121), it does not include either Mermetus de Cabanis or Regnaudus de Costel, and its inclusive dates only cover the period 1423-1425. The terrier in question must be a different volume, possibly no longer extant.
Among the passages from 1450 that seem to require Roletus still to be living is the notation at the bottom of the settlement (Jacobus Bellin, notary at Payerne, 28 dec 1450, ACV DP 8, fol. 86v), stating that a copy of the settlement had been prepared for Roletus himself. Could it be that this notation is not as precise as it seems, but actually meant that a copy had been prepared for the heirs of Roletus? Or that an earlier draft of the settlement or a record of the proceedings to date had already been prepared for him while he was still alive? Another possibility is that the date of 28 dec 1450, written out in full, may have been added later, as it seems to be in a slightly lighter ink, although apparently in the same hand. The text refers to a long legal process ("post multas propositiones, reprissas, et alteraciones inter nos dictos partes"), and in fact begins with Johannes and Nicoletus Gachet acting for their father, Roletus Gachet, in response to a petition by Nicoletus son of the late Petrus Gachet, after which the issues were resolved by arbitration. In the body of the text, also, it is revealed that at least one of the issues involved income on certain properties that should have been held jointly, but which were in fact held by Rolet's branch of the family, for a period of 30 years. However, there does not seem to be enough information in this document to resolve the chronology.
As for the problem of the two sons of Roletus who were both named Johannes, it now appears that it may have been Johannes the elder who survived past 1448, because there is a reconnaissance in the terrier FL 81 (fol. 551, dated 20 jun 1447) by Anthonia, widow of Johannes son of the late Roletus Gachet, on behalf of their son Bartholomeus, immediately followed (fol. 552v, same date) by a reconnaissance by Johannes and Bartholomeus Gachet, sons of the late Roletus. (The passages noted above, from 1448, indicating that Roletus was still alive, are thus shown almost certainly to be anachronistic, as he was already deceased in 1447, as discussed above.) If the Johannes antenatus son of the late Roletus cited in 1448 in FL 394 (see above) is called antenatus to distinguish him from his deceased brother Johannes junior, then it must have been the younger Johannes who was the father of the younger Bartholomeus. However, if the sense of the epithet antenatus had changed, to distinguish him from a Johannes Gachet of the next generation (none of whom, however, are known to have reached the age of majority by 1448), this conclusion could be questioned.
It seems certain that the Roletus son of Nicoletus Gachet who recognized rents owed to the church of St. Martin at Constantine, 13 may 1441, is the present Roletus (C XX 45/5). The rents in question came from his mother Marguerita and from his wife "Emine" (according to the abstract in the catalogue of the ACV). It is certainly possible for an abbreviated form of "Katherine" to be transcribed as "Emine" (the letter k is seldom seen in these records and can easily be confused with various uppercase letters), so this document needs to be examined. The rents in this transaction were secured by property en Pra Bayet at Dompierre-en-Vully, and en Lompraz at Villars-en-Vully.
There are also mentions in several terriers for the old seigneurie of Lugnorre (FL 81, 82, and the quernet fragment FL 111) of a Roletus Gaschet who formerly owned a tenement that had descended to Roletus Guevoux. At first, this seemed to mean nothing more interesting that that Guevoux had recently purchased property held by the same Roletus Gaschet who died in 1447 or 1448. However, in FL 81 fol. 428v, we spotted a reconnaissance for property that had been recognized in the past by Roletus Guevoux, that had been "antiquitus" (i.e., in antiquity, a long time ago) part of a tenement held by Roletus Gaschet. This terminology raises the possibility that there had been an earlier Roletus Gaschet in the general area of Vully, possibly in the time of one Borcardus Guevoux, mentioned as if from the same period as this earlier Roletus Gaschet.
__ | _Perrodus GACHET ____| | (1320 - ....) | | |__ | _Nicoletus GACHET ___| | (1371 - 1416) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Roletus GACHET | (1391 - 1447) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marguereta _____ ___| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Jean GACHET ________+ | (1509 - 1591) m 1540 _Josué GACHET _______| | (1558 - 1621) m 1597| | |_Denise REGNAULD ____+ | (1520 - 1579) m 1540 _Isaac GACHET _________| | (1606 - 1640) | | | _Nicod MORATEL ______+ | | | m 1569 | |_Jeanne MORATEL _____| | (.... - 1628) m 1597| | |_Claudine DEMONT ____+ | m 1569 | |--Salomé GACHET | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Rosina WURSTEMBERGER _| (.... - 1636) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Pierre GACHET ______| | (.... - 1612) m 1604| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Salomon GACHET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Eva OTTONIN ________| m 1604 | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Petermand GACHET ___+ | (.... - 1574) _Claude GACHET ___________| | (1549 - 1588) m 1580 | | |_Antheyne MURISET ___+ | (1533 - 1573) _Petermann (Pierre) GACHET _| | m 1605 | | | _Benoît NIBLE _______+ | | | (1522 - 1589) m 1550 | |_Françoise NIBLE _________| | (1564 - ....) m 1580 | | |_Benoitte du MOULIN _+ | (1530 - 1582) m 1550 | |--Samuel GACHET | | _____________________ | | | _Samuel Pierre BANQUETAZ _| | | m 1590 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Judith BANQUETAZ __________| m 1605 | | _André FIVAZ ________ | | (.... - 1598) |_Susanne FIVAZ ___________| (.... - 1639) m 1590 | |_Antheine CHUARD ____+ (1550 - 1591)
_Jean GACHET ________ | (1591 - 1640) m 1609 _David GACHET _______| | (.... - 1680) m 1640| | |_Anne DE TREY _______+ | m 1609 _David GACHET _______| | (.... - 1722) m 1682| | | _Abraham DESSIBORD __ | | | | |_Jeanne DESSIBORD ___| | m 1640 | | |_____________________ | | |--Samuel GACHET | | _Pierre COMTE _______+ | | m 1614 | _Samuel COMTE _______| | | m 1652 | | | |_Susanne RUÉRAT _____+ | | m 1614 |_Anne Marie COMTE ___| (.... - 1729) m 1682| | _____________________ | | |_Magdelaine JACCAUD _| m 1652 | |_____________________
_François GACHET _______________+ | (1450 - 1487) m 1474 _Pierre GACHET ______________| | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 | | |_Jaqueta CHALON ________________+ | m 1474 _François GACHET ____| | (.... - 1575) m 1557| | | _Aimé (Aymo, Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+ | | | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____________| | (.... - 1553) m 1503 | | |_Perronete BONNET (OR BOVET?) __+ | (.... - 1513) m 1480 | |--Samuel GACHET | (.... - 1575) | _Louis du MOULIN _______________ | | (.... - 1517) | _Benoît du MOULIN ___________| | | (.... - 1562) | | | |_Bartholomée DE BILLENS ________+ | | (.... - 1519) |_Collette du MOULIN _| (.... - 1562) m 1557| | _Jean CHEVROD __________________ | | (.... - 1538) |_Isabel (Elizabeth) CHEVROD _| (.... - 1557) | |_Nicolleta PROBI _______________+
Noted as Banneret in November, 1699. There are many other citations in the church records relating to the "Advoyer" or "Banderet" Gachet, but only a few identify these officers by name. The "Advoyer" in 1699 was David Gachet, who is found with wife Anne Marie Comte as early as 1682 and as late as 1696. The Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse (1926) says Samuel was banneret 1684-1688 and 1698-1701. Samuel's known children were born too early to have been from his wife Barbille de Treytorrens, born in 1685—unless she has been misidentified! He is apparently the person most often referred to as "le Capitaine Gachet" in the early 18th Century. If so, he is also the father of Jean Baptiste Daniel Gachet, whose baptism has not been located.
[3979] This baptism seems to be the only one that could be the future Banderet and Capitaine.
_____________________ | _Jean GACHET ________| | (1591 - 1640) m 1609| | |_____________________ | _Abraham GACHET _____| | (.... - 1667) m 1647| | | _Abraham DE TREY ____+ | | | (1549 - 1596) m 1591 | |_Anne DE TREY _______| | m 1609 | | |_Anne JOCCET ________+ | (.... - 1601) m 1591 | |--Samuel GACHET | (.... - 1733) | _André FIVAZ ________ | | (.... - 1598) | _Pierre FIVAZ _______| | | m 1602 | | | |_Antheine CHUARD ____+ | | (1550 - 1591) |_Elizabeth FIVAZ ____| m 1647 | | _Daniel RIBAUD ______ | | |_Esther RIBAUD ______| m 1602 | |_____________________
Among other sponsors at his baptism was Marie Du Moulin, widow of the Sr. Advoyer Gaschet. The only Avoyer of Payerne named Gachet whose widow could possibly survive by 1681 was David Gachet, who served in this office 1660-1678.
_Jean GACHET ________ | (1591 - 1640) m 1609 _Abraham GACHET _____| | (.... - 1667) m 1647| | |_Anne DE TREY _______+ | m 1609 _Samuel GACHET ______| | (.... - 1733) | | | _Pierre FIVAZ _______+ | | | m 1602 | |_Elizabeth FIVAZ ____| | m 1647 | | |_Esther RIBAUD ______+ | m 1602 | |--Samuel François GACHET | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Pierre GACHET ______| | (.... - 1612) m 1604| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Sara GACHET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Eva OTTONIN ________| m 1604 | | __ | | |__| | |__
_François GACHET _______________+ | (1450 - 1487) m 1474 _Pierre GACHET ______| | (1475 - 1528) m 1503| | |_Jaqueta CHALON ________________+ | m 1474 _Jean GACHET ________| | (1509 - 1591) m 1581| | | _Aimé (Aymo, Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+ | | | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____| | (.... - 1553) m 1503| | |_Perronete BONNET (OR BOVET?) __+ | (.... - 1513) m 1480 | |--Sara GACHET | | ________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |_Catherine MAILLARD _| (1542 - 1594) m 1581| | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
Illegitimate child of Noble Samuel Gachet of Payerne.
_Jean GACHET ________ | (1591 - 1640) m 1609 _Abraham GACHET ______| | (.... - 1667) m 1647 | | |_Anne DE TREY _______+ | m 1609 _Samuel GACHET ______| | (.... - 1733) | | | _Pierre FIVAZ _______+ | | | m 1602 | |_Elizabeth FIVAZ _____| | m 1647 | | |_Esther RIBAUD ______+ | m 1602 | |--Sébastien GACHET | | _____________________ | | | _Jean Pierre PELLOUX _| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Eve PELLOUX ________| | | _____________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________
_Pierre GACHET _______+ | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 _Jean GACHET ________| | (1509 - 1591) m 1540| | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT _____+ | (.... - 1553) m 1503 _Josué GACHET _______| | (1558 - 1621) m 1597| | | _Guillaume REGNAULD __+ | | | (.... - 1559) | |_Denise REGNAULD ____| | (1520 - 1579) m 1540| | |_Anteyne DE GOUMOENS _+ | | |--Susanne GACHET | | _Benoit MORATEL ______ | | (.... - 1565) | _Nicod MORATEL ______| | | m 1569 | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne MORATEL _____| (.... - 1628) m 1597| | _Daniel DEMONT _______ | | (1510 - 1568) m 1542 |_Claudine DEMONT ____| m 1569 | |_Anne MICHIEZ ________+ m 1542