The marriage record calls her Louise Esther, but the baptism of her first child calls her Louise Elizabeth, as does the burial record.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Adam MONNET ________| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Louise Elizabeth MONNET | (.... - 1787) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Gabriel MONNET _____| | | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Louise Elizabeth MONNET | | __ | | | _Aimé ROCH __________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne Marie ROCH ____| (1699 - 1771) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Guillaume MONNET ___| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Marie MONNET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Gabriel MONNET _____| | | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre Gabriel MONNET | (.... - 1780) | __ | | | _Aimé ROCH __________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne Marie ROCH ____| (1699 - 1771) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
__________________________________ | _Gabriel MONNET ____________| | | | |__________________________________ | _Pierre Gabriel MONNET _____| | (.... - 1780) m 1771 | | | _Aimé ROCH _______________________ | | | | |_Anne Marie ROCH ___________| | (1699 - 1771) | | |__________________________________ | | |--Susanne Françoise MONNET | (1773 - ....) | _Adam VUICHOUD {DU CHÊNE) ________ | | | _David VUICHOUD (DU CHÊNE) _| | | (.... - 1772) m 1742 | | | |_Françoise MAYOR _________________ | | |_Marie VUICHOUD (DU CHÊNE) _| m 1771 | | _François CHEVALLEY (DE CHERNEX) _+ | | m 1721 |_Marie CHEVALLEY ___________| (.... - 1801) m 1742 | |_Pernette VUICHOUD _______________+ m 1721
__________________________________ | _Gabriel MONNET ____________| | | | |__________________________________ | _Pierre Gabriel MONNET _____| | (.... - 1780) m 1771 | | | _Aimé ROCH _______________________ | | | | |_Anne Marie ROCH ___________| | (1699 - 1771) | | |__________________________________ | | |--Susanne Marie MONNET | (1774 - ....) | _Adam VUICHOUD {DU CHÊNE) ________ | | | _David VUICHOUD (DU CHÊNE) _| | | (.... - 1772) m 1742 | | | |_Françoise MAYOR _________________ | | |_Marie VUICHOUD (DU CHÊNE) _| m 1771 | | _François CHEVALLEY (DE CHERNEX) _+ | | m 1721 |_Marie CHEVALLEY ___________| (.... - 1801) m 1742 | |_Pernette VUICHOUD _______________+ m 1721
The name of the child is not given in the baptismal records at Lausanne. The sponsors at the baptism were the Dames DeRenens, DeGoumoëns, and D'Echichens.
_Félix MONOD __________+ | (.... - 1682) m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD _________________| | (.... - 1725) m 1671 | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU ____+ | m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD ________________| | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | | | _Sébastien D'ASPERLIN _ | | | (.... - 1651) | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _| | m 1671 | | |_Salomé DE LAVIGNY ____ | | |--(son) MONOD | | _______________________ | | | _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ____________| | | (1652 - 1725) m 1673 | | | |_______________________ | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _| (.... - 1765) m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _______| (1653 - ....) m 1673 | |_______________________
This child is from secondary sources. He cannot be the child of Emilie de Martigny, because she died, it appears, immediately after the birth of her daughter Emilie, baptised 09 jun 1757.
_Gabriel MONOD _________________+ | (.... - 1725) m 1671 _Gabriel MONOD ________________| | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _+ | m 1671 _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | (1712 - 1795) m 1756 | | | _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ____________ | | | (1652 - 1725) m 1673 | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _| | (.... - 1765) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _______ | (1653 - ....) m 1673 | |--Alexandre Henri Théodore MONOD | | ________________________________ | | | _Jost DE MARTIGNY _____________| | | m 1712 | | | |________________________________ | | |_Emilie Elizabeth DE MARTIGNY _| (.... - 1757) m 1756 | | ________________________________ | | |_Claudine Emilie DE MARTINES __| m 1712 | |________________________________
_Jaques MONOD _______+ | m 1568 _Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _| | | | |_Aymaz JAQUEMET _____+ | m 1568 _Félix MONOD ________| | (.... - 1682) m 1635| | | _Bernard GUION ______+ | | | (.... - 1588) | |_Jeanne GUION ________________| | | | |_Maurisaz DUBUGNON __ | | |--Anne MONOD | | _____________________ | | | _Antoine DEMONTARJEAU ________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU __| m 1635 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne _____ _______________| | |_____________________
_Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _+ | _Félix MONOD ________| | (.... - 1682) m 1635| | |_Jeanne GUION ________________+ | _Jean Louis MONOD _______| | m 1671 | | | _Antoine DEMONTARJEAU ________ | | | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU __| | m 1635 | | |_Susanne _____ _______________ | | |--Anne Barbille MONOD | | ______________________________ | | | _Claude FAZAN _______| | | m 1630 | | | |______________________________ | | |_Jeanne Jaqueline FAZAN _| m 1671 | | ______________________________ | | |_Bernardine _____ ___| m 1630 | |______________________________
Her father had died before she was baptised. She may be the Anne Monod, daughter of the late Isaac Monod, who appears with her mother Judith Mayor at a baptism in 1733, but she would be unusually young to serve as a sponsor.
_Félix MONOD ________+ | (.... - 1682) m 1635 _Jean Louis MONOD _______| | m 1671 | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU __+ | m 1635 _Isaac Gabriel MONOD _| | (.... - 1719) m 1707 | | | _Claude FAZAN _______ | | | m 1630 | |_Jeanne Jaqueline FAZAN _| | m 1671 | | |_Bernardine _____ ___ | m 1630 | |--Anne Benigne MONOD | | _____________________ | | | _Estienne Gabriel MAYOR _| | | m 1682 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Judith MAYOR _| m 1707 | | _____________________ | | |_Anne MAYOR _____________| m 1682 | |_____________________
Her name is not given clearly in the church records at Apples. In one case, it was first written as Marie and then crossed out. At least one secondary source makes her another child of Gabriel Monod and Elizabeth d'Asperlin. In situations such as this, where it appears that sisters married into the same family, the church records often show some degree of confusion.
We think we found their marriage at Ballens, 03 apr 1688, Isaac François Bory de Bussy and Anne Elizabeth Monod, but this record gives no parentage.
_Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _+ | _Félix MONOD __________| | (.... - 1682) m 1635 | | |_Jeanne GUION ________________+ | _Gabriel MONOD _________________| | (.... - 1725) m 1671 | | | _Antoine DEMONTARJEAU ________ | | | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU ____| | m 1635 | | |_Susanne _____ _______________ | | |--Anne Elizabeth MONOD | (1659 - ....) | ______________________________ | | | _Sébastien D'ASPERLIN _| | | (.... - 1651) | | | |______________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _| m 1671 | | ______________________________ | | |_Salomé DE LAVIGNY ____| | |______________________________
_Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _+ | _Félix MONOD ________| | (.... - 1682) m 1635| | |_Jeanne GUION ________________+ | _Jean Pierre MONOD __| | m 1679 | | | _Antoine DEMONTARJEAU ________ | | | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU __| | m 1635 | | |_Susanne _____ _______________ | | |--Anne Jaqueline MONOD | | ______________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________ | | |_Louise MONOD _______| m 1679 | | ______________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________
_Jean Louis MONOD _______+ | m 1671 _Isaac Gabriel MONOD _| | (.... - 1719) m 1707 | | |_Jeanne Jaqueline FAZAN _+ | m 1671 _Benjamin MONOD __________| | m 1747 | | | _Estienne Gabriel MAYOR _ | | | m 1682 | |_Jeanne Judith MAYOR _| | m 1707 | | |_Anne MAYOR _____________ | m 1682 | |--Anne Louise MONOD | | _________________________ | | | _Jaques CROISIER _____| | | m 1718 | | | |_________________________ | | |_Jeanne Susanne CROISIER _| (.... - 1796) m 1747 | | _________________________ | | |_Jeanne Louise RATEL _| m 1718 | |_________________________
An Anthoine Monod is noted as brother of late Claude Monod, 1594. Also, 1570, are noted his brother Jaques Monod, and their sister-in-law Pernon, widow of Claude Monod and wife of Bastian DelaPierraz. A sister Thievennaz married Christophle son of Jaques DeGeneve in 1570. In 1573, an Anthoine appears with Humbert Mayor as coadministrators for estate of Francois Monod, with Pierre Saudan l'ancien as tuteur of the heirs. Note document of 13 dec 1590, Anthoine Mayor (presumably the notary who died about 1595) to Gabriel son of late Anthoine Monod, and another to Gabriel son of late Jaques Monod.
The problem is that the three brothers Anthoine, Jaques, and Claude might just as well be children of Pierre son of Claude Monod. The evidence from the terriers is confusing and inconsistent.
_____________________ | _Petrus CIGOEN _______________________| | (.... - 1523) | | |_____________________ | _Stephanus CIGOEN ___| | (1498 - ....) m 1531| | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Antoine MONOD | (1530 - 1590) | _Aymonet MAYOR ______+ | | (.... - 1496) | _Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR _| | | (.... - 1531) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Stephana MAYOR _____| m 1531 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________________| | |_____________________
_Stephanus CIGOEN _____+ | (1498 - ....) m 1531 _Jaques MONOD _______| | m 1568 | | |_Stephana MAYOR _______+ | m 1531 _Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _| | | | | _Jean Claude JAQUEMET _ | | | | |_Aymaz JAQUEMET _____| | m 1568 | | |_______________________ | | |--Barthelemy MONOD | | _Aymoz GUION __________ | | | _Bernard GUION ______| | | (.... - 1588) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jeanne GUION ________________| | | _______________________ | | |_Maurisaz DUBUGNON __| | |_______________________
_Félix MONOD ________+ | (.... - 1682) m 1635 _Jean Louis MONOD _______| | m 1671 | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU __+ | m 1635 _Isaac Gabriel MONOD _| | (.... - 1719) m 1707 | | | _Claude FAZAN _______ | | | m 1630 | |_Jeanne Jaqueline FAZAN _| | m 1671 | | |_Bernardine _____ ___ | m 1630 | |--Benjamin MONOD | | _____________________ | | | _Estienne Gabriel MAYOR _| | | m 1682 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Judith MAYOR _| m 1707 | | _____________________ | | |_Anne MAYOR _____________| m 1682 | |_____________________
_Félix MONOD __________+ | (.... - 1682) m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD _________________| | (.... - 1725) m 1671 | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU ____+ | m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD ________________| | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | | | _Sébastien D'ASPERLIN _ | | | (.... - 1651) | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _| | m 1671 | | |_Salomé DE LAVIGNY ____ | | |--Benjamin Louis MONOD | (.... - 1797) | _______________________ | | | _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ____________| | | (1652 - 1725) m 1673 | | | |_______________________ | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _| (.... - 1765) m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _______| (1653 - ....) m 1673 | |_______________________
_Gabriel MONOD _________________+ | (.... - 1725) m 1671 _Gabriel MONOD ________________| | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _+ | m 1671 _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ____________ | | | (1652 - 1725) m 1673 | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _| | (.... - 1765) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _______ | (1653 - ....) m 1673 | |--Benjamin Marc Samuel MONOD | (1763 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | | ________________________________ | | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________| (.... - 1756) | |________________________________
_Gabriel MONOD _________________+ | (.... - 1725) m 1671 _Gabriel MONOD ________________| | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _+ | m 1671 _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ____________ | | | (1652 - 1725) m 1673 | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _| | (.... - 1765) m 1711 | | |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _______ | (1653 - ....) m 1673 | |--Charles Louis MONOD | (1765 - 1828) | ________________________________ | | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | | ________________________________ | | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________| (.... - 1756) | |________________________________
While it appears that a Claude Monod belongs here, as the brother of Anthoine and Jaques, there is still considerable uncertainty about which of the various Claudes he is. Were the brothers Anthoine and Jaques, who settled with the third husband of the widow of the late brother Claude Monod in 1570, sons of Thivent Monod, apparently the same person as the Stephanus Cigoen alias Monod of earlier records? Some of the terriers suggest this solution, but there are so many inconsistencies in the terriers of the last half of the 16th Century on this point as to defy interpretation.
The best evidence is that Anthoine and Jaques Monod, brothers, made a settlement 21 jan 1570 regarding the marriage of their late brother Claude to Pernon, who next married Jaques de Genève and then Bastian de la Pierraz. On 27 nov 1570, Christophle son of Jaques de Genève, with his wife Thievennaz daughter of the late Claude Monod, received full payment for a donation to her marriage contract by Jaques Monod (Claude Mayor, notary, ACV DB 26/1 fols. 118v and 148v). With the plausible assumption that the parties are in fact the same, it would seem that Claude Monod had a daughter Thievennaz by his first wife Pernon who had reached marriageable age by 1570, at about the same time that Pernon herself married Jaques de Genève. Thievenaz then married her step-brother Christophle de Genève, and her uncle Jaques Monod made a donation for her dowry. This scenario puts the marriage of Claude Monod about 1552, about right for the dates of Stephanus Cigoen alias Monod.
_____________________ | _Petrus CIGOEN _______________________| | (.... - 1523) | | |_____________________ | _Stephanus CIGOEN ___| | (1498 - ....) m 1531| | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Claude MONOD | (1530 - 1570) | _Aymonet MAYOR ______+ | | (.... - 1496) | _Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR _| | | (.... - 1531) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Stephana MAYOR _____| m 1531 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________________| | |_____________________
_Félix MONOD __________+ | (.... - 1682) m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD _________________| | (.... - 1725) m 1671 | | |_Anne DEMONTARJEAU ____+ | m 1635 _Gabriel MONOD ____________| | (.... - 1753) m 1704 | | | _Sébastien D'ASPERLIN _ | | | (.... - 1651) | |_Elizabeth Barbille D'ASPERLIN _| | m 1671 | | |_Salomé DE LAVIGNY ____ | | |--David Samuel MONOD | | _______________________ | | | _Joseph D'ASPERLIN _____________| | | (1655 - 1688) m 1676 | | | |_______________________ | | |_Anne Etiennaz D'ASPERLIN _| (.... - 1709) m 1704 | | _______________________ | | |_Jeanne Françoise DE PRAROMAN __| m 1676 | |_______________________
Need to review to determine if this is the right parentage for the wife of Estienne Huguet. At baptism in 1635, Felix Monod is identified as brother-in-law of Estienne Huguet. The same Felix is also connected to others.
_Stephanus CIGOEN _____+ | (1498 - ....) m 1531 _Jaques MONOD _______| | m 1568 | | |_Stephana MAYOR _______+ | m 1531 _Gabriel (dit Riguet?) MONOD _| | | | | _Jean Claude JAQUEMET _ | | | | |_Aymaz JAQUEMET _____| | m 1568 | | |_______________________ | | |--Elizabeth MONOD | | _Aymoz GUION __________ | | | _Bernard GUION ______| | | (.... - 1588) | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jeanne GUION ________________| | | _______________________ | | |_Maurisaz DUBUGNON __| | |_______________________