Witnesses to baptism included: Jaques Nivet, Anne Mourgue his wife, grandparents, and Jean Samuel Convers and Henriette Mayor his wife, aunt and uncle of the infant. Listed among catechumens for 1782 at Bière, residence listed as Ballens.
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Anne Henriette MAYOR | | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
Georgette Mayor is listed among catechumens taking first communion 18 mar 1788 at Bière, residence listed as Ballens.
Documentation of her death has turned up in the minutes of the town council of Lausanne:
Procès-verbaux de la Municipalité de Lausanne, RB 14/6, p. 667.
Du 8e Janvier 1810. Enfans de Jean fils de feu Abram Marcel.
Lecture est faite d'une lettre datée de Ballens le 5e Janvier courant, et signé Monod, Greffier, par laquelle nous somme informés que Georgette née Mayor femme du citoyen Jean fils de feu Abram Marcel, petit Bourgeois de Lausanne, étant décédée en Amérique, où elle s'était rendue en 1805 avec son mari, laissant quatre enfans qui sont propriétaires rière Ballens de quelques petits fonds provenant de feu leur mère, et que la Justice de Paix du dit lieu n'ayant pas jugé convenable de donner un tuteur aux dits enfans, nous sommes avisés de cette circonstance, vû les droits des dits enfans à la Bourgeoisie de Lausanne. Sur quoi délibérant nous avons décidé qu'il serait écrit un réponse que vû que les dits enfans ont conservé leur précédent domicile de droit et que la situation des fonds qui leur proviennent de leur mère ne peut permettre la nomination d'un tuteur à Lausanne à cause des frais d'administration qui en résulteraient, nous prions la Justice de Paix de Ballens de pourvoir à cette tutelle selon sa prudence.
Since it would certainly take weeks for the news of her death to reach Switzerland, we can assume that Georgette must have died no later than November, 1809. It is assumed that further mentions will be found in the records of the notaries of the district of Aubonne about 1810 — in particular, those of the notary Jaques Monod whose records survive from this period, very probably the same Monod of Ballens mentioned above.
The date 08 jan 1810 has become established as her death date in the Ancestral File and other American sources likely because of a misunderstanding of the French version of a document in the Marcel dossier at the Archives de la Ville de Lausanne. The text says, "Le 8 janvier 1810, Georgette Marcel née Mayor est décédée..." (leaving four children, etc.). Without knowledge of the account in the Procès-verbaux, above, we would be tempted to translate this as "The 8th of January 1810, Georgette Marcel née Mayor died". However, the grammatical situation is actually the past perfect tense, which should be rendered in English as "Georgette Marcel has died", with the implication that her death occurred sometime prior to the date given. The true date of her death was undoubtedly included in correspondence received by the authorities in Ballens, but it was apparently not communicated to Lausanne.
[1014] Date given as 08 jan 1810 in Ancestral File (based on information from the archivist of Lausanne), but another group sheet submitted for IGI (batch 5007003, film #1553353) has 1812 Lexington, KY! Actual date must be no later than November, 1809.
[1483] Annonces de Marriages de Lausanne, 1790-1800, p. 143. Banns were published 16, 23, and 30 jul 1797, giving names of his parents and of her father. Marriage recorded at Apples, notes his residence at Bière.
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Anne Jeanne Georgette MAYOR | (1772 - 1809) | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
Cited as the father of Mondet Mayor father of Pierre Mayor in the terrier ACV FH 137 dating from 1506. He had purchased property from Claude de Froideville at Ballens, subject to the barony of Aubonne. It is possible that the surname Monod, at first an alias in the Mayor family, is derived from his given name, or else from that of his son. The traditional generic explanation for the surname Monod, which appears to have originated several times in the Pays de Vaud, is that it derives from the given name Aymonet. For example, the Monod family at Féchy can be traced back to an Aymonet Jaquenod, whose descendants are given the alias Monod in some of the terriers, then later called simply Monod.
As of 25 apr 1496, both Aymonet and his son Mondet had died (Fj 5, fol. 72).
Because of some vague but very suggestive statements in the terriers, and with the understanding that this conclusion has to be regarded as extremely tentative, we show Aymonet as the son of Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor. Among other passages that carry this implication is one in the terrier ACV Fh 137, where (fol. 421v, in a reconnaissance for Antoine son of Michel son of the elder Antoine, 08 may 1506) Aymonet Mayor (no alias is mentioned) is referred to as a "predecessor" of Antoine Mayor, grandson of Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor. The younger Antoine, if we understand his genealogy correctly, is not a descendant of Aymonet, but Aymonet would be his "predecessor" in the literal sense of having died before the younger Antoine, and in the figurative sense as having owned property that had since passed (by inheritance or otherwise) to Antoine. In order for this scenario to work, we have to suppose that Aymonet was the first one in the family to hold property subject to the Barons of Aubonne (most of the property at Ballens was subject to other feudal authorities, such as the convent of Romainmôtier or the noble de Mont family), and that he had ceded this property to his brothers, from whom the younger Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor had inherited it or received it as part of a division of property.
It should be noted that this is the latest point where the Monod and Mayor families could have had a common ancestor. The terriers and other documents that have been studied so far do not allow us to establish sufficiently precise dates in these families. It remains possible that Aymonet could have been, for example, a brother of Antoine the elder. The other competing hypothesis, that the lineage of Aymonet Mayor stems from a family who held the "mayorie" of some other village (thus not related to the Mayors of Ballens), but by coincidence had managed to pass this particular feudal obligation to the Mayors of Ballens, still cannot be ruled out entirely.
__ | _Girard DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (.... - 1455) | | |__ | _Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (1400 - 1455) | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Aymonet MAYOR | (.... - 1496) | __ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |________________________________| | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__
_Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _+ | (1400 - 1455) _Aymonet MAYOR ______| | (.... - 1496) | | |________________________________ | _Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR _| | (.... - 1531) | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--Claude MAYOR | (1544 - 1569) | ________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |______________________________________| | | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _George Rodolph MAYOR _____| | m 1772 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Henriette MAYOR | (1782 - 1836) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Louise Marianne MONTHOUX _| m 1772 | | __ | | |__| | |__
In addition to confirmed children, there is a marriage at Lausanne, Jeanne Susanne daughter of Isac Mayor of Echallens, to Pierre Antoine Louis son of Jean Pierre Chapuis of Epalinges, 31 dec 1784. This appears to be a different Isaac Mayor. Our Isaac Samuel appears as a catechumen at Bière 12 apr 1732, along with Pierre François Felix Mayor, not yet identified. It is very likely that some record will be found of his estate.
[1329] Bière church records note age at death as "about 90".
[1511] As of the 1765 census of French refugees at Lausanne, she is still living with her parents (age 22). Married at the church of St. Laurent in Lausanne by the minister of Prilly, by a brevet of the Supreme Consistory.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __| | (.... - 1765) m 1707| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Isaac Samuel MAYOR | (.... - 1804) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______| (.... - 1750) m 1707| | __ | | |__| | |__
_Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | (.... - 1765) m 1707 _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | (.... - 1750) m 1707 _Jean François Louis MAYOR ____| | (1769 - ....) m 1791 | | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| | (1742 - ....) m 1765| | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ | (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |--Jacob Isaac MAYOR | (1791 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Henriette Françoise TAILLENS _| m 1791 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Jean François Louis MAYOR | (1769 - ....) | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
_Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | (.... - 1765) m 1707 _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | (.... - 1750) m 1707 _Jean François Louis MAYOR ____| | (1769 - ....) m 1791 | | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| | (1742 - ....) m 1765| | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ | (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |--Jean François Louis MAYOR | (1792 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Henriette Françoise TAILLENS _| m 1791 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
Partial transcript of baptismal record at Bière: "Jehan Samuel fils de l'operateur Pierre Mayor et de Jehanne Urbaine Reverdit sa femme a esté présenté au St. Bap. par spectab[le] et sçavan[t] Jehan Gabriel De Beausobre M. D. S. E. X. à [Apples], par Samuel De Beausobre, et par Madame De Beausobre soyt Catherine Joel le 10 8bre 1682." Jean De Beausobre is noted as a deacon at Morges in 1633. Perhaps his son was the witness here.
[1333] Church register for Bière, including Ballens and other nearby communities, is very difficult to read in this period. The entire entry has not been deciphered. Date in record is clear, does not match IGI.
[1334] LDS group sheets submitted by Frederick Lyndon Hinnen, based on data from Irene Smith.
[1512] "Jean Samuel Mayor de Ballens et Susanne Mayor d'Aubonne ont été épousés le 8e mars 1707", no further information in the church records.
This would appear to be the "Mr. Samuel fils cadet de Mr. le Juge et Curial Mayor" listed among catechumens taking first communion 15 apr 1791 at Bière, residence listed as Ballens.
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Jean Samuel MAYOR | (1774 - 1836) | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Estienne Gabriel MAYOR _| | m 1682 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jeanne Judith MAYOR | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne MAYOR _____________| m 1682 | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Mathias MAYOR ______| | (1775 - 1847) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Julie Henriette MAYOR | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Susanne MOREL ______| | | __ | | |__| | |__
[1342] Age about 40, according to church records.
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Louis Samuel MAYOR | (1771 - 1809) | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
[1513] Marriage banns published at Lausanne 06 and 13 nov 1803, bride listed as "Louise Mayor fille de Isaac Samuel Mayor de Ballens".
_________________________ | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________| | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1750) m 1707 | | |_________________________ | | |--Louise MAYOR | | _Jean NIVET _____________ | | (1673 - 1742) | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _| | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | | | |_Marie BRÉMOND __________ | | (1665 - 1753) |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| (1742 - ....) m 1765| | _Bernard MOURGUE ________+ | | (1680 - 1727) m 1706 |_Anne MOURGUE _______________| (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |_Marie Ursule MARGUERON _+ (.... - 1748) m 1706
[1340] age about 4 months.
_Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | (.... - 1765) m 1707 _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | (.... - 1750) m 1707 _Jean François Louis MAYOR ____| | (1769 - ....) m 1791 | | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| | (1742 - ....) m 1765| | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ | (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |--Louise Henriette MAYOR | (1802 - 1802) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Henriette Françoise TAILLENS _| m 1791 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
[1341] age about 11 months.
_Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | (.... - 1765) m 1707 _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _| | (.... - 1804) m 1765| | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | (.... - 1750) m 1707 _Jean François Louis MAYOR ____| | (1769 - ....) m 1791 | | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 | |_Rose Susanne NIVET _| | (1742 - ....) m 1765| | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ | (.... - 1777) m 1733 | |--Louise Henriette MAYOR | (1804 - 1805) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Henriette Françoise TAILLENS _| m 1791 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
Report of the archivist of Lausanne, 1952, said this Mayor family was bourgeois de Grandcour (near Payerne), and thus not related to the other Mayor families in this database. Mathias Mayor was famous as a surgeon and as the author of a treatise, La chirurgie populaire.
His three sons Antoine, Jean, and Ottonin are mentioned several times in the terriers. The terrier ACV Fg 125 (compiled by Eg. Etienne Mayor, reconnaissance dated 04 oct 1603, fol. 967v ff.) , covering Mollens, reveals that the three brothers were the owners in 1531 of the mill at La Goille (usually called Gollies, Goillie, etc., apparently the same location as Goiles or Goylies, site of a leprosarium between the villages of Mollens and Ballens circa 1257), on stream called Le Veyron. The brothers also had a half interest in property for which the other half belonged to the Claude Mayor who had married Mermette, daughter of Jaques Matthey dit de Ballens. This fact might be taken as an indication that the Mayors of Mollens derive from a brother of Michel, father of the three brothers Antoine, Jean, and Ottonin. We hope to find more information in the earlier terriers for Mollens, particularly the one from about 1530 compiled by Egrège François Gros of Bière, the source of the information about the history of the mill in Fg 125.
A further set of reconnaissances in Fh 137 and Fh 153 concern vines at Aubonne "en Chevrajon" (modern spelling Chivrageon), property that was already divided between the representatives of Michel and his brother Pierre as early as 1506, consistent with the present analysis.
The reconnaissance in Fh 153 (fol. 318), dated 25 feb 1566, is especially important for our purposes. The text describing the parties and the vineyard "en Chevrajon" reads as follows:
(fol. 318v) ...Pierre filz de feuz Jehan Mayor de Ballens agissant en ceste partie tant a son nom proper que aux nomz de Humbert filz de feuz Othonin Mayor et de Gabriel et Jaques filz de feuz Loys Vyoux ses compartissantz... (fol. 319v) des biens dernierement es mains dudict feu Jehan Brasier recognuz par feuz Anthoine filz de feuz Michiel Verney aultrement Mayor de Ballens oncle dudict confessant, par advant aussi recognuz es mains de feuz Nycod Brasier par feu Michiel filz de feu Anthoine Verney aultrement Mayor de Ballens et (fol. 320) par Pierre son frere, par legitime et loyale sucession paternelle, ascavoir environ la quarte part d'une pose de vigne partie de deux poses de vigne sise au territoyre d'Aulbonne au lieu dict en Chez Vrajon, lesquelles deux poses esdicts precedentes extentes estoient recognues par ledict feuz Anthoine Verney aultrement Mayor indivisement avecq Jaques de Verney aultrement Mayor pour ungchascung d'iceux pour la moitié, et est ladicte quarte part jouxte la vigne de Janne fillie de feuz Anthoine Mayor femme de François Gondoz de Eschandens du present fied partie de ceste devers le lac la vigne dudict confessant que fut des hoirs de feu Pierre Challet de Bougiez Sainct Martin meuvante comme il dict de l'hospital d'Aulbonne devers la joux la vigne de Nycollarde fillie de feu George Challet femme de François Robbert aultrement Gaddel de Crosaz soubz Feschier laquelle il tient a tiers fruict Glaude Vigniez aultrement Bugnyon d'Aulbonne devers la bise et la vigne de François filz de feuz Pierre Mayor de Ballens et de ses condiviseurs du present fied partie de ceste devers le vent, pour laquelle quarte part sus limitée et recognue confesse debvoir ledict (fol. 320v) recognoissant aux noms susdictz pour luy et les siens predictz audict Seigneur Baron et es siens que dessus en deduction de dixhuyt deniers genevoys de cense aultresfois pour le toutage desdictz deux poses de vigne dehuz estantz faicte equance avecq François Mayor et Janne fillie de feuz Anthoine Mayor femme de François Gondoz de Eschandens tenantz le reste desdictz deux poses, ascavoir deux deniers et la quarte part d'ung aultre denier genevois de cense annuelle et perpetuelle a une chescune feste Sainct Michiel payable...
Notice that the payment listed here is 1/8 of the original 18 deniers, corresponding to 1/4 of 1/2 of the original 2 poses of vines. Another 1/4 of this 1/2 is assessed in a separate reconnaissance (fol. 704) to Jeanne daughter of Anthoine Mayor. The solution required to generate the total of 18 deniers still due for the original 2 poses is as follows:
Thus, the present reconnaissance appears to be in error in not stating that each of the parties represented by Pierre should pay 2 1/4 deniers annually for this particular property.
__ | _Girard DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (.... - 1455) | | |__ | _Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (1400 - 1455) | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Michel MAYOR | (.... - 1506) | __ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |________________________________| | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__