_Pierre MARCEL ______+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Louis Pierre MARCEL _____| | (.... - 1776) | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _| | (1772 - 1820) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _| | (1737 - 1801) | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean Louis MARCEL | (1799 - 1800) | _____________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Louise LECOULTRE ____________| | | _____________________ | | |__________________________| | |_____________________
This seems to be the same Félix Marcel whose manuscript "La Famille Boutan" (circa 1840) was mentioned in the catalogue of the exhibition Le Refuge Huguenot en Suisse (1985) at Lausanne. A small gourd inscribed with the initials HB and a huguenot cross, originally from the Boutan family and passed down to the heirs of Félix Marcel, was shown at the exhibit. The donor was Pierre Charles Marcel of St.-Germain-en-Laye, France. This would seem to be the branch that went into banking.
His second marriage is confirmed in the indexes to the civil registration in England. His birth date is given as 30 mar 1797 at least once in the dossier of the Marcel family at the Archives de la Ville de Lausanne.
[1496] Report of archivist of Lausanne, 1952.
_Pierre MARCEL __________+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Jean Félix MARCEL ______________| | (1740 - 1806) m 1768 | | |_Susanne CELLIER ________+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Pierre Albert MARCEL _| | (1769 - 1819) m 1795 | | | _Pierre François PERNET _ | | | | |_Jeanne Françoise Louise PERNET _| | (1742 - 1835) m 1768 | | |_Marie DUVELUZ __________ | | |--Jean Marie Félix Maurice MARCEL | (1797 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _Jean Maurice BOUTAN ____________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Louise BOUTAN ________| (1772 - 1856) m 1795 | | _________________________ | | |_Marie Jaqueline TURTAZ _________| | |_________________________
1850 census, Brown Co., IL gives age implying a birthdate of 1768. Baptism in Lausanne was witnessed by grandparents Pierre and Susanne Cellier Marcel, and Mme. the widow Susanne Johannot & Jeanne Marie Imbard née Johannot. Text of marriage bann: "Jean Pierre Samuel fils de feu Jean Abram Marcel de Lausanne & de Susane Joannot & Anne Jeane Georgete fille d'Isaac Samuel Maior de Ballens et de Rose Nivet."
The movements of the family from 1800 to 1805, when they left Europe, were not known until recently. Family notes put the birth of Charles, and possibly also of Marie Georgette, in Bern, which had a large French Huguenot community. The family came to America on the ship Liberty (Strassburger & Hinke, Pennsylvania-German Pioneers, vol. 2, p. 175), sailing from Amsterdam 04 aug 1805, arriving at Philadelphia 18 oct 1805. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Marcel from Lausanne with 3 children under age 14, the list of steerage passengers included 3 other passengers from Lausanne with French surnames: Mr. Obussieur, Mr. Albert, and Mrs. Albert. The three children would have to include Louise and Charles, and Jane, in spite of the family notes. Mary was actually born on this side of the Atlantic. The actual birthplace of Charles was only recently discovered, in the village of Divonne-les-Bains (Ain), France, where Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel was working as a paper-maker. Divonne was then part of the arrondissement of Genève, département of Léman, following Napoleon's occupation of the area. A family document there was witnessed by Antoine Albert, a neighbor, prompting us to wonder if he might be the same Mr. Albert who appears on the passenger list. The Marcel and Albert families are listed together on the customs list recorded upon arrival in Philadelphia.
Family notes put Jean Pierre in the service of Daniel Carroll, "brother of the signer of the Declaration of Independence"; however, this seems unlikely, since Daniel (b. 1764, "of Duddington") and Charles (b. 1767, "of Belle Vue") Carroll, brothers, first cousins once removed of Charles Carroll "the signer" (1737-1832), purchased the Patterson paper mill on 05 jun 1811, likely after the Marcel family had braved the wilderness to settle in Lexington, KY (for an account of Charles Carroll "of Belle Vue", see Robert F. McNamara (1980), "Charles Carroll of Belle Vue, co-founder of Rochester", Rochester History 42(4)). The paper mill, apparently the only one in the vicinity of Georgetown, was built, according to information from the National Park Service regarding Rock Creek Park, about 1800. It was located on Rock Creek near the north end of P Street, on the east bank of the creek, at the boundary of the Federal City. The source for the connection to the Carroll family is not given — was it perhaps an indenture of some kind? The Marcel family does not appear on the 1810 censuses of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, or Kentucky. Separate schedules for the District of Columbia have also been checked. About 1811, they are supposed to have moved to Kentucky, where Georgette died in 1812 — but this contradicts the account prepared by the Archivist of Lausanne, who says she died before 08 jan 1810, leaving her 4 children as heirs to some parcels of land near Ballens. It is doubtful that the archivist, working from notarial and court records, was mistaken as to the date. Further complicating the story is the information given in Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel's naturalization papers in Butler Co., OH, 15 oct 1840, in which he states that he declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States before the Court of the County of Washington, DC on 16 jan 1813. One wonders if he did not leave his children in the care of another family and return to Vaud to settle his wife's estate, making his declaration on his second arrival in the United States. The declaration referred to has not been located, though it is possible the problem is that the identity of the court has not been specified correctly.
The marriage of Jane Marcel in 1817 places the family in Fayette Co., KY. The tax list of that year shows the first appearance of "John Mercel", who was taxed for one horse. In 1818, he appears again, as does a David McCoy, Jr. beside him on the list (David Sr. had been in the lists for some years). Both "John Mercell" and David McCoy Jr. are absent from these lists after 1818. By 1820 the Marcel family is on the census in Adair Co., KY., and also in neighboring Cumberland Co. about the same time for several land grants. By 1825, they are in Jessamine Co., KY, where Charles appears as late as 1840. Later, he moved to Nicholas Co. By 1832, Jean Pierre appears with his daughter Louisa McCoy in connection with the marriage of her daughter Georgette McCoy to Isaac Whitesides in Warren Co., OH (the latter apparently living in Hamilton Co. somewhere near the town of Montgomery). In 1840, as we have seen, Jean Pierre appears in Butler Co., where his daughter had married Thomas O'Hara. Jean Pierre must have lived with them from that time on, accompanying them to Brown Co., IL about 1844 and dying there after the 1850 census. The date on the 1850 census schedule is 13 sep 1850, the last date at which we know Jean Marcel was alive.
Why, exactly, did Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel leave Vaud? This question is turning out to be more complicated, and more interesting, than we first thought. His father Jean Abraham Marcel was the owner of the paper factory at Bière when he died in 1793. What happened between 1793 and 1802, when we find the family in Divonne-les-Bains? We are beginning to fill in the gaps.
15 apr 1797: Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel, proprietor of the paper mill at Bière, obtains a loan of 20,000 livres at 4% interest from Albert Duveluz (a relative) and Félix and Albert Marcel, half payable in 4 years, the remainder in 6 years.
May, 1798: A census was taken in the early days of the Napoleonic protectorate, the "République Helvétique". For the village of Bière, one paper mill is noted, owned by "le citoyen Marcel", employing 16 persons.
29 mar 1799: As described in a later record, Jean Marcel, proprietor of the paper mill at Bière, obtains loan of 20,000 livres from Daniel Grand. (This cannot be Jean Abraham Marcel, who died in 1793, and only Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel appears in the church records of Bière by this time.) The loan carries 4% interest and is payable in 4 monthly installments, with any unpaid amount to carry 5% interest after that time has elapsed. We surmise that the principal was used to pay off the previous loan. As security, Marcel pledges his property at Bière, which is described by reference to the surrounding landowners, as well as property at Ballens. He also lists the existing debts against these sureties.
24 oct 1801: Jeanne Françoise Pernet, wife of Félix Marcel, acknowledges debt of 13,000 livres to Daniel Grand, pledging various parcels at Cossonay as surety. The debt was the remainder of a loan of 20,000 livres dating from 29 mar 1799, from Grand to Jean Marcel of Bière, with Albert Duveluz as second, and the loan was partly repaid by a "collocation" or settlement. (Louis Fevot, notary at Lausanne)
18 may 1802: Jeanne Françoise Pernet, wife of Félix Marcel, conveys to her son Albert Marcel various parcels including the paper mill, which she had obtained through a judgement against Jean Marcel (Louis Fevot, notary at Lausanne).
20 jun 1802: Albert son of Félix Marcel, négociant at Lausanne, after receiving title from his mother Jeanne Françoise Pernet (above), grants power of attorney to have the sale of the paper mill registered in Bière, to Jean Jacob Oehl of Basel (Isaac Louis Gabriel Bourillon, notary at Lausanne).
From the chronology, it is clear that Jean Marcel of Bière is our Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel, and that he was unable to repay his loans. His paper mill became the property of his aunt who assumed the loan, then it was sold. In 1798, the citizens of Vaud (assisted by Napoleon) rebelled against the occupation of the Bernese. A period of financial chaos ensued. The new government passed through a number of false starts and crises, including an episode called the "Bourla-Papey", a sort of peasants' uprising against all vestiges of the feudal order, such as hereditary titles held in town archives, some of which were burned in 1802. It is recorded that one of the "lieutenants" in the Bourla-Papey movement was one Henri Marcel, very likely a cousin (Albert Frederic Louis Henri Marcel, born in 1772) of our Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel. It is therefore possible that he felt he had suffered personal as well as financial losses and wanted to start over. He arrived at Divonne during a period when the new order was still not established, and it was not clear whether Divonne would end up eventually as Swiss or French territory. The wars and political upheavals which followed may well have been the last straw that convinced him it would not be possible to establish a business in such a politically unstable climate. The attraction of the New World, whose financial opportunities were well known to the financiers of Lausanne, including some of his Marcel relatives, must have been irresistable.
In 2009, our colleague Catherine Minck-Brandt discovered a dossier concerning the Marcel family at the Archives de la Ville de Lausanne. The dossier contains some 40 items relating to the descendants of Pierre Marcel and Jeanne Richard, especially in their interactions with the municipal authorities. Among these we found correspondence between Genevieve Marcell Davis and Louis Grivel, then the archivist of Lausanne, dating from the 1950's. An undated letter from Mrs. Davis to the archivist, to which he responded on 11 feb 1952, reveals some facts that did not find their way into the family notes that are found today at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City: "Nous avons des documents signés par Jean Pierre Marcel et venant du comté Cumberland, au Kentucky. En 1805, le nom de Monsieur Marcel est mentioné dans le journal de Monsieur Wirt, chez qui il a était invité à Richmond, en Virginie."
In the 1950's, the family does not seem to have known that our Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel arrived in Philadelphia, nor that at least two of his cousins had traveled to the New World. At the present time, we have no information about these interesting statements by Mrs. Davis, but they are clues that should be pursued. The Wirt in question is almost certainly William Wirt, an attorney who later became Attorney General of the United States. His papers are in several different collections, notably the Maryland Historical Society and the Library of Congress, but we have not discovered the item referred to by Mrs. Davis.
The Archives d'Etat de Genève has a large collection of passports issued during the period when Geneva and the surrounding area was the Département de Léman. The collection also includes records of passports for people entering Léman from the Canton de Vaud. It may be possible to locate information about the movements of Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel and also of his cousin Henri Marcel in these records. The Archives Cantonales Vaudoises has even more material, including a collection designated PP 416, consisting of about 12 linear meters of papers from the Marcel family of Lausanne. Among these papers we found four letters (one a copy, the other three originals) from Jean Marcel to his cousins in Switzerland, giving some further details about his life and the movements of his family.
[1012] Where: 1820 Adair Co., KY; 1850 Brown Co., IL. "True copy" of citizenship papers from Butler Co, OH (dated 1840) indicates declaration of intention was at Washington DC 16 jan 1813 — however, National Archives failed to locate declaration in 1975.
[1483] Annonces de Marriages de Lausanne, 1790-1800, p. 143. Banns were published 16, 23, and 30 jul 1797, giving names of his parents and of her father. Marriage recorded at Apples, notes his residence at Bière.
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Jean Abraham MARCEL ____| | (1738 - 1793) m 1770 | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Jean Pierre Samuel MARCEL | (1771 - 1850) | _______________________ | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | | (.... - 1759) m 1744| | | |_______________________ | | |_Suzanne Marie JOHANNOT _| (1748 - 1776) m 1770 | | _______________________ | | |_Elizabeth IMBARD ___| (1726 - 1757) m 1744| |_______________________
_Guillaume MARCEL ____ | (1645 - 1698) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ________| | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 | | |_Marie BOUCHAYER _____ | (1647 - ....) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | | _Moyse RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | | (1654 - 1720) m 1672 | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _| | (.... - 1749) m 1707 | | |_Judith BARNAUD ______+ | (1659 - 1721) m 1672 | |--Jeanne Anne Marie MARCEL | | ______________________ | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______| | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | ______________________ | | |_Susanne MEYER ________| (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |______________________
_Pierre MARCEL __________+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Jean Félix MARCEL ______________| | (1740 - 1806) m 1768 | | |_Susanne CELLIER ________+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Pierre Albert MARCEL _| | (1769 - 1819) m 1795 | | | _Pierre François PERNET _ | | | | |_Jeanne Françoise Louise PERNET _| | (1742 - 1835) m 1768 | | |_Marie DUVELUZ __________ | | |--Jeanne Louise Albertine MARCEL | (1795 - 1876) | _________________________ | | | _Jean Maurice BOUTAN ____________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Louise BOUTAN ________| (1772 - 1856) m 1795 | | _________________________ | | |_Marie Jaqueline TURTAZ _________| | |_________________________
_Guillaume MARCEL ____ | (1645 - 1698) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ________| | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 | | |_Marie BOUCHAYER _____ | (1647 - ....) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | | _Moyse RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | | (1654 - 1720) m 1672 | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _| | (.... - 1749) m 1707 | | |_Judith BARNAUD ______+ | (1659 - 1721) m 1672 | |--Jeanne Susanne MARCEL | (1746 - 1749) | ______________________ | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______| | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | ______________________ | | |_Susanne MEYER ________| (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |______________________
_Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _+ | (1772 - 1820) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ______| | (1798 - 1848) m 1820 | | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________+ | _Louis Jacques MARCEL __| | (1820 - ....) m 1839 | | | _Jean Benedict JONZIER ______________ | | | (.... - 1820) | |_Jeanne Elizabeth JONZIER _| | m 1820 | | |_Magdelaine GOLARON _________________ | | |--John Edouard MARCEL | (1843 - 1843) | _____________________________________ | | | _Jean Benjamin GAUTHIER ___| | | | | | |_____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie GAUTHIER _| m 1839 | | _____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie VANNAT ______| | |_____________________________________
_Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _+ | (1772 - 1820) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ______| | (1798 - 1848) m 1820 | | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________+ | _Louis Jacques MARCEL __| | (1820 - ....) m 1839 | | | _Jean Benedict JONZIER ______________ | | | (.... - 1820) | |_Jeanne Elizabeth JONZIER _| | m 1820 | | |_Magdelaine GOLARON _________________ | | |--Joséphine Denise MARCEL | (1853 - ....) | _____________________________________ | | | _Jean Benjamin GAUTHIER ___| | | | | | |_____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie GAUTHIER _| m 1839 | | _____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie VANNAT ______| | |_____________________________________
[1120] Witnesses were Pierre Richard and Judith Barnaud.
[1500] Marriage record reads: "Moyse Beylon fils de feu Mathieu Beylon a fait enregistrer son mariage avec Judith Marcel fille de feu Pierre Marcel". Married at Prilly by Mr. Roux, French refugee minister.
_______________________ | _Guillaume MARCEL ____| | (1645 - 1698) m 1661 | | |_______________________ | _Pierre MARCEL ________| | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Marie BOUCHAYER _____| | (1647 - ....) m 1661 | | |_______________________ | | |--Judith MARCEL | | _Pierre RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | (1612 - 1692) | _Moyse RICHARD-JANIN _| | | (1654 - 1720) m 1672 | | | |_Anne RAMBAUD _________ | | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _| (.... - 1749) m 1707 | | _Jaques BARNAUD _______ | | (1639 - ....) |_Judith BARNAUD ______| (1659 - 1721) m 1672 | |_______________________
The electronic version of the Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse has this interesting entry:
* 9.5.1745 (Judith Elisabeth) à Lausanne, † 8.1.1805 à Lausanne, prot., de Lausanne. Fille de Pierre, marchand de fer, voiturier des vins de la ville de Lausanne, membre de la direction de la Bourse française, et de Susanne Cellier. Célibataire. Vers 1790, M. fonda à Lausanne une filature de coton, vraisemblablement dotée du premier rouet mécanique de Suisse, qui employa jusqu'à cinquante personnes issues des couches défavorisées, mais qui disparaît des sources en 1802. Avec l'accord des autorités bernoises, M. fournissait surtout des filés très fins aux fabriques de mousseline de Zurich.
–R. Jaccard, «Industries lausannoises d'autrefois», in RHV, 1966, 113-132 (surtout 121-125)
Auteur: Fabienne Abetel-Béguelin
_Guillaume MARCEL ____ | (1645 - 1698) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ________| | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 | | |_Marie BOUCHAYER _____ | (1647 - ....) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | | _Moyse RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | | (1654 - 1720) m 1672 | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _| | (.... - 1749) m 1707 | | |_Judith BARNAUD ______+ | (1659 - 1721) m 1672 | |--Judith Elisabeth MARCEL | (1745 - 1805) | ______________________ | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______| | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | ______________________ | | |_Susanne MEYER ________| (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |______________________
_Pierre MARCEL ______________+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Jean Abraham MARCEL ____| | (1738 - 1793) m 1770 | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____________+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Jean Pierre Samuel MARCEL ___| | (1771 - 1850) m 1797 | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___________ | | | (.... - 1759) m 1744 | |_Suzanne Marie JOHANNOT _| | (1748 - 1776) m 1770 | | |_Elizabeth IMBARD ___________ | (1726 - 1757) m 1744 | |--Jules Alphonse MARCEL | (1802 - ....) | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _____| | | (.... - 1804) m 1765 | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | | (.... - 1750) m 1707 |_Anne Jeanne Georgette MAYOR _| (1772 - 1809) m 1797 | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 |_Rose Susanne NIVET _____| (1742 - ....) m 1765 | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ (.... - 1777) m 1733
_Louis Pierre MARCEL ___________+ | (.... - 1776) _Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _| | (1772 - 1820) | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _______ | (1737 - 1801) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ______| | (1798 - 1848) m 1820 | | | _Daniel Siméon AIGROZ __________ | | | (1727 - 1805) m 1771 | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________| | | | |_Marie Jeanne (Nonette) MICHON _ | m 1771 | |--Julie MARCEL | (1825 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | _Jean Benedict JONZIER ______________| | | (.... - 1820) | | | |________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Elizabeth JONZIER _| m 1820 | | ________________________________ | | |_Magdelaine GOLARON _________________| | |________________________________
The city archives of Lausanne has two copies of a view of the city based on an original from 1638, prepared by Laure Marcel prior to her marriage in 1858 to Jean Jaques Mercier (AVL F1 PG 1638/vers 1850 and F3 R 310).
_Jean Félix MARCEL ______________+ | (1740 - 1806) m 1768 _Pierre Albert MARCEL _| | (1769 - 1819) m 1795 | | |_Jeanne Françoise Louise PERNET _+ | (1742 - 1835) m 1768 _Jean Marie Félix Maurice MARCEL _| | (1797 - ....) m 1820 | | | _Jean Maurice BOUTAN ____________ | | | | |_Louise BOUTAN ________| | (1772 - 1856) m 1795 | | |_Marie Jaqueline TURTAZ _________ | | |--Laure MARCEL | | _________________________________ | | | _Mathias MAYOR ________| | | (1775 - 1847) | | | |_________________________________ | | |_Julie Henriette MAYOR ___________| m 1820 | | _________________________________ | | |_Susanne MOREL ________| | |_________________________________
_Louis Pierre MARCEL ___________+ | (.... - 1776) _Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _| | (1772 - 1820) | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _______ | (1737 - 1801) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ______| | (1798 - 1848) m 1820 | | | _Daniel Siméon AIGROZ __________ | | | (1727 - 1805) m 1771 | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________| | | | |_Marie Jeanne (Nonette) MICHON _ | m 1771 | |--Louis Jacques MARCEL | (1820 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | _Jean Benedict JONZIER ______________| | | (.... - 1820) | | | |________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Elizabeth JONZIER _| m 1820 | | ________________________________ | | |_Magdelaine GOLARON _________________| | |________________________________
He may have been married first to Pernette Beguin?
[1480] Banns published 31 may, 07 jun, and 14 jun 1807, "Louis Jaques Elisée Marcel fils de feu Pierre Louis Marcel de Lause. et Marie Louise Struker fille de Jules Henri Strucker de Nyon."
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Louis Pierre MARCEL _____| | (.... - 1776) | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Louis Jaques Elisée MARCEL | (1773 - 1845) | _______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _| (1737 - 1801) | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
Name appears either as Louis Pierre or Pierre Louis. However, the report of the archivist of Lausanne (1952) gives his name as Louis Pierre Jean Gabriel Marcel.
_Guillaume MARCEL ____ | (1645 - 1698) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ________| | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 | | |_Marie BOUCHAYER _____ | (1647 - ....) m 1661 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | | _Moyse RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | | (1654 - 1720) m 1672 | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _| | (.... - 1749) m 1707 | | |_Judith BARNAUD ______+ | (1659 - 1721) m 1672 | |--Louis Pierre MARCEL | (.... - 1776) | ______________________ | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______| | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | ______________________ | | |_Susanne MEYER ________| (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |______________________
[1023] BP given as Switzerland in 1850 census, Germany in 1860, and Switzerland in 1880. However, Georgette McCoy Whitesides shows her mother's birthplace in 1880 census as France.
[1486] Though no record has been found, it seems most likely that they were married in Fayette Co., KY.
_Pierre MARCEL ______________+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Jean Abraham MARCEL ____| | (1738 - 1793) m 1770 | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____________+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Jean Pierre Samuel MARCEL ___| | (1771 - 1850) m 1797 | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___________ | | | (.... - 1759) m 1744 | |_Suzanne Marie JOHANNOT _| | (1748 - 1776) m 1770 | | |_Elizabeth IMBARD ___________ | (1726 - 1757) m 1744 | |--Louisa MARCEL | (1799 - 1885) | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _____| | | (.... - 1804) m 1765 | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | | (.... - 1750) m 1707 |_Anne Jeanne Georgette MAYOR _| (1772 - 1809) m 1797 | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 |_Rose Susanne NIVET _____| (1742 - ....) m 1765 | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ (.... - 1777) m 1733
[988] The death record indicates simply "fille morte sans bapteme", of Pierre Louis Marcel.
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Louis Pierre MARCEL _____| | (.... - 1776) | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Louise Marie Susanne MARCEL | (1760 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _| (1737 - 1801) | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
Information from the Marcel dossier at the Archives de la Ville de Lausanne.
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Louis Pierre MARCEL _____| | (.... - 1776) | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Marguerite MARCEL | (1761 - 1844) | _______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _| (1737 - 1801) | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Louis Pierre MARCEL _____| | (.... - 1776) | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Marguerite Susanne MARCEL | (1762 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _| (1737 - 1801) | | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
_Pierre MARCEL ________+ | (1672 - 1722) m 1707 _Pierre MARCEL ______| | (1710 - 1778) m 1730| | |_Jeanne RICHARD-JANIN _+ | (.... - 1749) m 1707 _Paul Samuel MARCEL ________________| | (.... - 1805) m 1770 | | | _Samuel CELLIER _______ | | | (1672 - 1734) m 1710 | |_Susanne CELLIER ____| | (1710 - 1777) m 1730| | |_Susanne MEYER ________ | (1684 - 1732) m 1710 | |--Marguerite Susanne MARCEL | (1771 - 1772) | _______________________ | | | _Pierre PAYEN _______| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Susanne Jaqueline Albertine PAYEN _| (1753 - 1817) m 1770 | | _______________________ | | |_Marguerite DEAUX ___| | |_______________________
Could she have been the Marie Françoise Marcel, not otherwise identified, who appears as a sponsor for the baptism of Caroline Françoise Marcel, who would be her niece, in 1878 at the Madison Street German Presbyterian Church in New York City?
_Louis Pierre MARCEL ___________+ | (.... - 1776) _Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _| | (1772 - 1820) | | |_Benigne Madelaine VERET _______ | (1737 - 1801) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ____| | (1798 - 1848) m 1834 | | | _Daniel Siméon AIGROZ __________ | | | (1727 - 1805) m 1771 | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________| | | | |_Marie Jeanne (Nonette) MICHON _ | m 1771 | |--Marie MARCEL | (1836 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | _Jean Louis Gabriel GRANGE __________| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |_Marie Françoise GRANGE _| (1806 - 1891) m 1834 | | ________________________________ | | |_Susanne Salomé JONZIER _____________| | |________________________________
_Pierre Albert MARCEL _+ | (1769 - 1819) m 1795 _Jean Marie Félix Maurice MARCEL _| | (1797 - ....) m 1820 | | |_Louise BOUTAN ________+ | (1772 - 1856) m 1795 _Charles MARCEL _____________| | (1827 - 1908) | | | _Mathias MAYOR ________ | | | (1775 - 1847) | |_Julie Henriette MAYOR ___________| | m 1820 | | |_Susanne MOREL ________ | | |--Marie Louise Caroline MARCEL | (1862 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _Jean François CORNAZ ____________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Philippine Mathilde CORNAZ _| (1835 - ....) | | _______________________ | | |_Esther Sophie GUÉBHARD __________| | |_______________________
_Albert Frédéric Louis Henri MARCEL _+ | (1772 - 1820) _Henri Siméon MARCEL ______| | (1798 - 1848) m 1820 | | |_Jeanne Sophie AIGROZ _______________+ | _Louis Jacques MARCEL __| | (1820 - ....) m 1839 | | | _Jean Benedict JONZIER ______________ | | | (.... - 1820) | |_Jeanne Elizabeth JONZIER _| | m 1820 | | |_Magdelaine GOLARON _________________ | | |--Marius MARCEL | (1839 - ....) | _____________________________________ | | | _Jean Benjamin GAUTHIER ___| | | | | | |_____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie GAUTHIER _| m 1839 | | _____________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie VANNAT ______| | |_____________________________________
Listed in WFT as Mary G. Campbell. Marriage bond was transcribed as Mary George Marcel. Published family records say that the wife of Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel was named Marie Georgette Marcel and was born in Bern. Since this is clearly not true, we assume this daughter was the one so named. Also, it is clear she was not born in Europe, but in the District of Columbia. Mary entered a homestead claim in Republic Co., KS (NE1/4 sec. 21, T4S, R2W), 28 nov 1866, patent issued 01 dec 1873, vol. 2 p. 156, final cert # 678.
Her tombstone (photograph provided by Cindy Marcell) is cracked and somewhat weathered. The date of death appears to be October 15, 1873, not 1875 as stated in other records. It should be possible to confirm this from other records. The age at death is either 64 years, 4 months, 16 days, or else 64 yeas, 1 month, 16 days. If the former, the implied date of birth is September 29, 1809, which matches other family records. Her birth date should be recorded in the application for her homestead claim.
_Pierre MARCEL ______________+ | (1710 - 1778) m 1730 _Jean Abraham MARCEL ____| | (1738 - 1793) m 1770 | | |_Susanne CELLIER ____________+ | (1710 - 1777) m 1730 _Jean Pierre Samuel MARCEL ___| | (1771 - 1850) m 1797 | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___________ | | | (.... - 1759) m 1744 | |_Suzanne Marie JOHANNOT _| | (1748 - 1776) m 1770 | | |_Elizabeth IMBARD ___________ | (1726 - 1757) m 1744 | |--Mary Georgette MARCEL | (1809 - 1873) | _Jean Samuel MAYOR __________ | | (.... - 1765) m 1707 | _Isaac Samuel MAYOR _____| | | (.... - 1804) m 1765 | | | |_Susanne MAYOR ______________ | | (.... - 1750) m 1707 |_Anne Jeanne Georgette MAYOR _| (1772 - 1809) m 1797 | | _Jaques (Jean Jaques) NIVET _+ | | (1707 - 1793) m 1733 |_Rose Susanne NIVET _____| (1742 - ....) m 1765 | |_Anne MOURGUE _______________+ (.... - 1777) m 1733