__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicolas LECLERC ____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Anne LECLERC | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Sara DE CORCELLES __| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicolas LECLERC ____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David LECLERC | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Sara DE CORCELLES __| | | __ | | |__| | |__
A biographical sketch was published — though for no obvious reason — in the Vevay Reveille 11 mar 1876 (p. 5, col. 2), as follows:
Lewis Peter LeClerc.
Lewis Peter LeClerc was born in France in August, 1769, and emigrated from Havre de Grace with a company of French, 399 in number. When they were crossing the ocean, Mr. Magnet, one of the passengers, told Mr. LeClerc to take good care of his little daughter, for he might have her for his wife, as there were no women in America. He carried her around in his arms on the ship. They were shipwrecked and were three days transferring the passengers from one ship to the other. This was in the year 1786. He settled in the territory of Ohio, near Gallipolis, and there married Angeline Magnet, the little girl he took care of on the ship. — From there he emigrated to Detroit, Michigan; and, after two years, returned to Gallipolis. From there he emigrated to Vevay, in a flatboat, in October, 1823. When they arrived at Vevay their family consisted of seven children, four sons and three daughters, who are all dead but two sons, Peter LeClerc, the oldest, who lives at the old homestead 2 ½ miles below Vevay, and N. LeClerc, the youngest, living at Aurora, Indiana.
Mr. LeClerc was a true patriot and admirer of the institutions of his adopted country. He cast his first vote for President Washington, and voted for each succeeding Democratic candidate for President down to Franklin Pierce. He also voted for the first Governor of Ohio, elected by the people. He was the last surviving relic of that noble band of French emigrants, who left the old world and sought a home in the then wilderness of the Territory of Ohio. He died on Indian Creek, near Vevay, in Switzerland County, Indiana, on the 26th day of April, 1856.
Mrs. Angeline LeClerc, the wife of Lewis Peter LeClerc, died Dec. 26, 1868 near Vevay, Ind.
Robert LeClerc was born at Detroit, Michigan, August 22, 1809, and died July 22, 1856 at Vevay, Indiana. — He was the second son and third child of Lewis Peter LeClerc. Robert LeClerc left a widow and nine children. Since his death two children have died.
DId he really vote for George Washington? If so, he must have been naturalized before November, 1792. Has anyone discovered a document to this effect? There are many other problems with this story. The bulk of the settlers actually reached Gallipolis in 1790, not 1786. Also, a widely reported "last of the French settlers" died in 1887. She was Adèle Susanne LeClerc, born in 1787 in Havre de Grace, France, and wife of Antoine René Maguet. On the list of the 92 heads of families of the French settlers who actually obtained land at Gallipolis, once the grant had finally been authorized by Congress, we find, among others, Lewis Peter LeClere senior, Peter Lewis LeClere junior, and Peter Robert Maguet (written clearly). It seems more likely that LeClere "junior" was the one who eventually reached Vevay, and that he married a daughter of Maguet. Adèle would have been a daughter of LeClere "senior" (and thus likely the sister of LeClere "junior", and her husband would have been a son of Maguet. Thus, brother and sister married sister and brother. Is it possible that some parts of the newspaper story have been attached to the wrong generation? Or do they simply reflect imperfect knowledge of a complicated family history?
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Louis Pierre LECLERC _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Louis Pierre LECLERC | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_______________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicolas LECLERC ____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Magdelaine LECLERC | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Sara DE CORCELLES __| | | __ | | |__| | |__
While descendants mention a connection with the LeClerc family at Gallipolis, and the story about Robert's birth in Detroit is well known, we found no direct evidence of his parentage. Was he mentioned in any of the wills or deeds relating to the LeClerc descendants who still lived at Gallipolis? The prevailing theory is that he was a son of Pierre Louis Leclerc (senior, usually called Louis) and his wife Marie Angélique Maguet (sometimes called Magee, not the sort of name we expect for someone supposedly born in France!). The Leclerc family or families arrived at Gallipolis in 1792, a couple years after the original colonists.
There is an obituary for Robert in the Vevay Reveille, indicating he came to Vevay when he was about 8 years old, and that he lived for a time before his marriage in the household of John D. Morerod. But the obituary does not name his parents. Robert left a will, not yet examined.
The presumed father, Pierre Louis Leclerc, was among the original settlers of Gallipolis, as was an Augustin Leclerc. Pierre Louis, known as Lewis in most American records, probably was married to a Maguet. It was his lot at Gallipolis that was sold to Anthony Maguet 30 jun 1811, and then in turn sold to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Gallipolis — the first Methodist church in the area.
A list of the "free male inhabitants of twenty-one years of age" was prepared for Gallipolis Township, Washington County, Northwest Territory in 1800 by the Constable, Charles Mills (transcript at http://www.usgwcensus.org/cenfiles/nwt/washington/1800/gallipolis.txt). The following are of interest for the LeClerc family: In the household of Lewis P. Leclere: Lewis P. Leclere and Peter L. Leclere. Another family was headed by Francis Leclereq. (He may have been the same person as the Augustin Leclerc found on some of the lists of settlers, for another list mentions a Pierre François Augustin Leclerc. The earliest lists mention Augustin Leclerc senior and junior.) There were no other Leclerc heads of families or men residing with other families in 1800. There was only one Maguet, a Peter R., head of family. The spelling Leclereq was apparently retained by some descendants of the Gallipolis families.
__ | _Louis Pierre LECLERC _| | | | |__ | _Louis Pierre LECLERC _| | | | | __ | | | | |_______________________| | | | |__ | | |--Robert E. LECLERC | (1809 - 1856) | __ | | | _Pierre Robert MAGUET _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Angeline MAGUET ______| | | __ | | |_______________________| | |__
Among her pupils at the French School for Young Ladies, which she opened in Lexington in 1820, was Mary Todd, future wife of Abraham Lincoln.
Exactly what was her name? The marriage return says Victori Charlotte Lutere, Luton, or Lutori, certainly a misreading of some other written record now lost. The name appears twice in the marriage return, and it shows a crossed t both times. The letter after the t appears to be an e in one place and an o in the other. Among the variants found in secondary sources: Victoire, Victorie, Le Clere, Le Clerc, St. Claire. It is tempting to think that she was the daughter of one of the LeClerc settlers at Gallipolis. Some sources suggest she was born in Paris, but we were not able to locate her baptism in the index to the surviving pre-1860 état-civil of Paris, much of which was destroyed as a result of a well-aimed artillery barage during the Franco-Prussian War.
There are various guesses at her age, including an exact date of birth 22 oct 1770, but her tombstone appears to say that she was 87 years old when she died in 1860. Her obituary says she had "nearly completed her 90th year". There is a photograph of her tombstone, plus the text of her obituary from the Kentucky Statesman (16 sep 1860), on the findagrave.com web site. The obituary also says that she was married in France, in 1792, and came to the United States during the Terreur. This must be incorrect, since we found their marriage in Washington Co., Ohio, 1794. Since, according to the obituary, she was the only child of a physician, we have to wonder how she came to be at Gallipolis, especially if she was not married at the time. The first reported child was born in 1795. Even if they left France together and were not married at the time, it does not seem plausible that they would have waited until 1794 to be married.
In the 1850 census of Fayette Co., she is on p. 223, in District No. 2, Victoria C. Mentelle (but indexed by FamilySearch.org as Mentillo), age 80, born in France. The 1860 census (Footnote.com indexed her as Charlott Montell, in District 1, p. 62), she is age 90. It is possible that the tombstone has been misread, and that we should read 89 instead of 87. Therefore, we are inclined to believe the exact date of 22 oct 1770, which is mentioned in her obituary.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jaques LÉGERET _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--François Louis LÉGERET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Her age at death yields a birth date of 1740, and her marriage record gives the name of her father as François Louis Légeret of Chexbres. There are two possible baptisms at Chexbres: Susanne Marguerite, born 28 jan 1732, daughter of François Louis Légeret and Susanne Elizabeth Martin, and Marguerite, born 19 dec 1737, daughter of François Louis Légeret and Pernette Joseph. Age at death is frequently not very accurate in these records, and her death occurred in Vevay, so that the pastor would not have been able to check any information obtained from her relatives against the baptismal record at Chexbres. For the moment, we accept the latter record as hers.
__ | _Jaques LÉGERET ______________| | | | |__ | _François Louis LÉGERET _| | m 1729 | | | __ | | | | |______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Marguerite LÉGERET | (1737 - 1802) | __ | | | _Jean Daniel Gamaliel JOSEPH _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Pernette JOSEPH ________| m 1729 | | __ | | |______________________________| | |__
_Simon LEMAIRE _______+ | m 1564 _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _+ | m 1564 _David LEMAIRE ______| | m 1643 | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____ | | | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| | m 1597 | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____ | | |--Aimée LEMAIRE | | ______________________ | | | _Jean PELLISSARI ____| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne PELLISSARI __| m 1643 | | ______________________ | | |_Marie PATAC ________| | |______________________
_Simon LEMAIRE _______+ | m 1564 _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _+ | m 1564 _David LEMAIRE ______| | m 1643 | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____ | | | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| | m 1597 | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____ | | |--André LEMAIRE | | ______________________ | | | _Jean PELLISSARI ____| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne PELLISSARI __| m 1643 | | ______________________ | | |_Marie PATAC ________| | |______________________
_____________________ | _Jean LEMAIRE _______| | | | |_____________________ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise BAICHET __| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Anne LEMAIRE | | _Pierre TOUCHERON ___ | | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| m 1564 | | ______ LEBAILLY _____ | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _| | |_____________________
_Jean LEMAIRE _______ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | |_Françoise BAICHET __ | _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____+ | | | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| | m 1564 | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _+ | | |--Anne LEMAIRE | | _____________________ | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| m 1597 | | _____________________ | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____| | |_____________________
_Simon LEMAIRE _______+ | m 1564 _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _+ | m 1564 _David LEMAIRE ______| | m 1643 | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____ | | | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| | m 1597 | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____ | | |--Anne Marie LEMAIRE | | ______________________ | | | _Jean PELLISSARI ____| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne PELLISSARI __| m 1643 | | ______________________ | | |_Marie PATAC ________| | |______________________
_Jean LEMAIRE _______ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | |_Françoise BAICHET __ | _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____+ | | | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| | m 1564 | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _+ | | |--Anne Marie LEMAIRE | | _____________________ | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| m 1597 | | _____________________ | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____| | |_____________________
_Simon LEMAIRE _______+ | m 1564 _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _+ | m 1564 _David LEMAIRE ______| | m 1643 | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____ | | | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| | m 1597 | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____ | | |--Daniel LEMAIRE | | ______________________ | | | _Jean PELLISSARI ____| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne PELLISSARI __| m 1643 | | ______________________ | | |_Marie PATAC ________| | |______________________
Acquired citizenship at Lausanne in 1665, while retaining rights at Geneva, by decision of the council there. Testament dated 16 apr 1668.
_Jean LEMAIRE _______ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | |_Françoise BAICHET __ | _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____+ | | | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| | m 1564 | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _+ | | |--David LEMAIRE | | _____________________ | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| m 1597 | | _____________________ | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____| | |_____________________
_Samuel LEMAIRE _____+ | (1572 - 1648) m 1597 _David LEMAIRE ______| | m 1643 | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____+ | m 1597 _Jean LEMAIRE ___________| | (1647 - 1720) m 1671 | | | _Jean PELLISSARI ____ | | | | |_Jeanne PELLISSARI __| | m 1643 | | |_Marie PATAC ________ | | |--David LEMAIRE | (1677 - 1732) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Gabrielle BÉGOZ _| m 1671 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Jean LEMAIRE _______| | | | |_____________________ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise BAICHET __| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth LEMAIRE | | _Pierre TOUCHERON ___ | | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| m 1564 | | ______ LEBAILLY _____ | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _| | |_____________________
_Jean LEMAIRE _______ | _Simon LEMAIRE _______| | m 1564 | | |_Françoise BAICHET __ | _Samuel LEMAIRE _____| | (1572 - 1648) m 1597| | | _Jean TOUCHERON _____+ | | | | |_Elizabeth TOUCHERON _| | m 1564 | | |_Catherine LEBAILLY _+ | | |--Elizabeth LEMAIRE | | _____________________ | | | _Dominique MAGNIN ____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne MAGNIN _____| m 1597 | | _____________________ | | |_Colombe GRANJAN _____| | |_____________________