__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean BOURGEOIS _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre BOURGEOIS | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Claude BOURGET _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Marie BOURGET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Abraham Marie BOUSQUET | | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Amile J. F. BOUSQUET | | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Caroline BOUSQUET | (1804 - 1875) | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Eugénie Caroline BOUSQUET | | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Frédérique Jeanne Louise BOUSQUET | (1802 - 1839) | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Henri Adrien BOUSQUET | | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
_______________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | _Isaac BOUSQUET __________________| | (1776 - 1831) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Renier BOUSQUET | | _Gabriel MONOD ________________+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1711 | _Isaac Samuel MONOD ___________| | | (1712 - 1795) m 1760 | | | |_Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ _+ | | (.... - 1765) m 1711 |_Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD _| (1771 - 1847) | | _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ ___ | | |_Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ _| (1741 - 1811) m 1760 | |_Magdelaine du COMMUN _________ (.... - 1756)
Her birth and death dates are given in the Marcel dossier at the Archives de la Ville de Lausanne.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean Maurice BOUTAN ____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Louise BOUTAN | (1772 - 1856) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie Jaqueline TURTAZ _| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _Nicodus BOVET ______| | (1390 - 1458) | | |__ | _Jaquetus BOVET _____| | (.... - 1471) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Claude BOVET | | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
__ | _Nicodus BOVET ______| | (1390 - 1458) | | |__ | _Jaquetus BOVET _____| | (.... - 1471) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jacob BOVET | | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Identified as father of Petrus Bovet; also of Claudius Bovet. By inference, also father of Nicod Bovet and Jacob Bovet, identified as brothers of Claude, though some references to apparently the same family seem to show Bovat instead of Bovet. He may be the same Jaquetus Bovet affiliated with the paupers' hospital of Payerne in the 1450's. A bit earlier, 1440's, there are mentions of Johannes Desybor alias Bovet of St. Aubin en Vuilliez, probably a different family. We think that a number of citations of "Bonet" in the early records of Payerne should be read instead "Bovet", and if that is the case, a Jaques Bovet appears as a witness 04 aug 1459 (AEF Payerne 29) .
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicodus BOVET ______| | (1390 - 1458) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jaquetus BOVET | (.... - 1471) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _Nicodus BOVET ______| | (1390 - 1458) | | |__ | _Jaquetus BOVET _____| | (.... - 1471) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Nicod BOVET | | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Mentioned as the late father of Jaquetus Bovet, bourgeois of Payerne, in document of Jean Belin, notary (ACV DP 8). The document appears to be from about 1457-1458, and is too faded to be read in its entirety. It pertains to the resolution of a dispute of some kind between Jaquetus Bovet and Jacobus Mellet, apparently relating to a contract or debt between their respective fathers. This may be the Nicodus Bovet who sold property 01 jun 1416 (communal archives of Payerne) and who held the office of recteur de la ville de Payerne in 1408 (Pierre de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 108/1 fol. 63).
It is not out of the question that this Nicodus is the same one cited in 1385 as the son of Rolet dit Bovet of Payerne. There are also references in the early 15th Century to a family at St. Aubin (Vully) called DeSiborg dit Bovet, as well as citations involving a Bovet family that owned property at Cugy, Fétingy, and Auboranges, near Payerne at approximatley the same time. Much more research will be needed to establish a coherent genealogy of the Bovet family or families.
A reconnaissance in the terrier ACV Fm 3 quater, fol. 16, dated August, 1401, concerns Margareta, fille de feu Perrodus Mayor, de Cugy, épouse de Nycodus Bonet, bourgeois de Payerne. Elle accense à Petrus et Jaqueta, enfants bâtards (nutritis) de dom Nycodus Mayor, prêtre de Cugy, son frère, une série de biens indivis avec Johannodus Mayor ou jouxtant les biens de celui-ci. Thus, Margareta Mayor may have been the wife of our Nicodus Bovet. The same reconnaissance also recounts the parentage of Margareta and other relationships.
The collection Généalogies des familles fribourgeoises, compiled by Hubert de Vevey, includes some items relating to this family:
1385: Girard d'Estavayer, chevalier, seigneur de Cugy, du consentement de Katherine de Pilpa (=de Belp, soit de Montagny), sa mère, vend en pur, libre et franc alleu à Nicod fils de Rolet Bovet, bgs.de Payerne, divers cens et rentes y specifiées, 14.V.1385 (AEF: Fam. d'Estavayer, parch.)
While we think the name should be read as Bovet, it is equally possible that it was Bonet—the script in every contemporary document that we have examined is entirely ambiguous on this point! The family appears to be extinct, possibly since the early 16th Century. Resolution of this question might be found in the terriers, but we will not be completely certain until an account of a living member of the family is found in the records of a clerk who distinguishes the letters n, u, and v. Published references show both Bovet and Bonet, without comment about the ambiguity of the script. The dossiers compiled by Hubert de Vevey show this name as Bovet.
Testament recorded (but now fragmentary) by Pierre Ruerat, notary at Payerne (ACV DP 92/1, last page of volume, dated 16 jun 1513). By the end of 1513, she seems to have died. After the death of her father about 1479, she appears several times in her own name buying or selling property, etc.
Her testament requests burial in the abbey of Payerne, in a chapel founded by her husband Aymon de Torculari, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, at a place called "en Galiléaz". She divided her estate in equal portions among her children from both marriages, identifying them by name. The question of the burial location proved to be very complicated, but it now seems almost certain that the reference is to the "galilée" or porch of the abbey of Payerne, and most likely its upper level, which, following the tradition of Cluny, would have functioned as a chapel where the memorial masses for the dead were held. This space has been modified many times since the abbey was abandoned as a result of the protestant reformation, so there is probably no trace today of the burials of Perronete and her husband.
The Archives Cantonales Vaudoises has a terrier (ACV Fm 4 bis) dating from 1576, for "Noble Claude Fivaz l'aîné, Daniel Gachet et les hoirs de Jehan-Amey Gachet, à cause de leur censière procédée de feu Pernette Bonnet". This is surely a reference to Perronete Bovet, grandmother of the persons named, but in this case, the spelling suggests that the notary, two generations after her death, really believed her name to be Bonnet rather than Bovet.
The citations mentioned in several old publications, whose sources we were unable to locate, have now turned up in the internet edition of the Généalogies des familles fribourgeoises of Humbert de Vevey on the http://doc.rero.ch web site. A copy of Perronete's testament is noted in AEF Hospital II, 246 (probably as a result of a bequest in this testament in favor of the hospital of Fribourg). And the earliest known mention of Aymon de Torculari, her second husband (1482), as schoolmaster for the French students of Fribourg, is in AEF Reg. Not. 66, fol. 388 (catalogue of the AEF indicates this is a register of the notary Guillaume Gruyères).
The two versions of the testament prove to be quite different. The first, in the register believed to belong to the notary Pierre Ruerat of Payerne, is in the third person, and has "etc." in several places. The second, from the charitable hospital of Fribourg, is in the first person, but it includes only a few of the main provisions, though some of the text is not found in the the first version. The details in the second version that are not found in the first are presumably from the sections that were replaced by "etc." There is enough overlap, however, to fill in a few of the words that were nibbled away by mice in the first version. Neither version lists the witnesses. The second version is clearly signed "F. Ruerat" (with paraph).
_Nicodus BOVET ______ | (1390 - 1458) _Jaquetus BOVET _____| | (.... - 1471) | | |_____________________ | _Pierre BOVET _______| | (.... - 1480) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Perronete BOVET | (.... - 1513) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Amphilisia _____ ___| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
His daughter Perronete is noted as heir of the late Petrus Bovet 13 feb 1480, Pierre Moron (père), notary. In that document, highly abbreviated and as yet not well deciphered, there are mentions of the late Nicod Bovet, Jacob Bovet, Dom. Jacobus Bovet, and Pierre Bovet, seemingly other heirs. Pierre himself (if this is not a son) is alive as late as 25 jul 1479. There is also some possibility of confusion with a Bovat family; we are not certain whether the Bovat spelling refers to the same family or not. Another possible source of confusion is that the spelling Bouet, intended to be read as Bovet, can also be read as Bonet, since the "n" and the "u" are usually indistinguishable in the script of the time. Therefore, we are strongly suspicious of citations such as a Pierre "Bonet" who witnessed a document dated 24 jun 1478 at Payerne (AEF Payerne 36). We think it most likely that the name should have been read as Bovet, and that the name "Bonet" would most likely be spelled "Bonnet" or else a line placed over a single "n" to represent the second one.
The theory advanced by Joseph Zimmermann, biographer of Peter Falk, that Perronete was the daughter of Pierre Ramuz of Fribourg, is without foundation, soundly refuted by an enormous number of documents from Payerne. Pierre Ramuz turns out to be the grandfather of the wife of Peter Falk.
__ | _Nicodus BOVET ______| | (1390 - 1458) | | |__ | _Jaquetus BOVET _____| | (.... - 1471) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre BOVET | (.... - 1480) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__