The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Alix _____       (ID #I5850)

Family 1 : Perroud DE CRESSIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Henri DE CRESSIER (d. BEF 1433)


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Amphilisia _____       (ID #I5803)

Family 1 : Pierre BOVET (d. BEF 1480)
  1. +Perronete BOVET (d. 1513)


Whoever she was, she might also be the Ancellexia, widow of Petrus Bovet, who made a "reconnaissance" for property subject to the Priory of Lutry about 1503 (ACV Ff 34, fol. 11, terrier compiled by Pierre Marchand, not yet examined).

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Ancillina _____       (ID #I2097)

Family 1 : Johannes PIGNIOLLET (b. BEF 1450, d. BEF 1502)
  1. +Girard PIGNOLET (b. BEF 1475, d. 16 FEB 1525)
  2.  Alix (Alice) PIGNIOLLET (d. AFT 1525)
  3.  Guillauma PIGNIOLLET (dates unknown)


Given name is written clearly "ancellina relicta quondam Johannes pignyollet de chessard" and "ancillesca relicta quondam Johannes pigniollet de chessard" in two notations in the record book of Nicod Méan of Payerne, 1502 and 1507 (appears to be acknowledgement of debts, 3 sacs of meal and 7 livres lausannois). Another document involves "Girardus filius quondam Johannes pigniollet de chesat". (Another researcher reports "Annelisa", clearly an anachronism.)

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Ancillina _____       (ID #I5760)

Family 1 : Johannes PIGNIOLLET (b. BEF 1450, d. BEF 1502)
  1. +Girard PIGNOLET (b. BEF 1475, d. 16 FEB 1525)
  2.  Alix (Alice) PIGNIOLLET (d. AFT 1525)
  3.  Guillauma PIGNIOLLET (dates unknown)


Given name is written clearly "ancellina relicta quondam Johannes pignyollet de chessard" and "ancillesca relicta quondam Johannes pigniollet de chessard" in two notations in the record book of Nicod Méan of Payerne, 1502 and 1507 (appears to be acknowledgement of debts, 3 sacs of meal and 7 livres lausannois). Another document involves "Girardus filius quondam Johannes pigniollet de chesat". (Another researcher reports "Annelisa", clearly an anachronism.)

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Anna Margaretha _____       (ID #I2481)

Family 1 : Sebastian KESSELER (dates unknown)
  1. +Jean Christophle KESSELER (b. 13 APR 1743, d. bef 1801)


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Anne _____       (ID #I2160)

Family 1 : Abel PUENZIEUX (d. bef 1638)
  1. +Vincent PUENZIEUX (bp. 03 JUN 1604)


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Anteine _____       (ID #I2069)

Family 1 : Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)
  1.  Nicolletus DUTOIT (d. BEF 1524?)
  2.  Françoise DUTOIT (b. BEF 1485)
  3.  Clauda DUTOIT (b. BEF 1490)
  4. +Maurice DUTOIT (b. BEF 1503, d. BEF 1559)
  5.  Katherine DUTOIT (b. BEF 1505)
  6.  Françoise DUTOIT (b. BEF 1505)
  7. +Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1515, d. AFT 1574)


Named in her husband's testament of 24 mar 1524, Rodolphe Demont, notary at Moudon.

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Bernardine _____       (ID #I3704)

Family 1 : Claude FAZAN (dates unknown)
  1. +Jeanne Jaqueline FAZAN (bp. 16 OCT 1642)


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Clauda _____       (ID #I2031)

Family 1 : Maurice DUTOIT (b. BEF 1503, d. BEF 1559)


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Elsin _____       (ID #I6424)

Family 1 : Conrad ISELIN (b. 1377, d. 1436)
  1. +Johannes ISELIN (b. 1414, d. 1497)


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Henriette _____       (ID #I2790)

Family 1 : Daniel PRODOLLIET (d. bef 1775)
  1. +Jeanne Henriette PRODOLLIET (dates unknown)


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Katharina _____       (ID #I6426)

Family 1 : Heinrich ISELIN (b. 1340, d. 1404)
  1. +Conrad ISELIN (b. 1377, d. 1436)


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Louise Joséphine _____       (ID #I3914)

Family 1 : Frédéric Scipion ROUX (b. 12 OCT 1762)
  1. +Hélène Joséphine ROUX (b. 04 MAR 1792)


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Mabel _____       (ID #I5082)

Family 1 : William Frederick CASTEEN (b. JAN 1862, d. AFT 1893)


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Marguerite _____       (ID #I5838)

Family 1 : Henri DE CRESSIER (d. BEF 1433)
  1. +Henry DE CRESSIER (d. AFT 1450)
  2. +Jean DE CRESSIER (dates unknown)


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Marie _____       (ID #I4336)

Family 1 : Pierre BATSCHELET (b. 03 DEC 1793, d. 17 MAY 1869?)
  1.  Anne Marie BATSCHELET (b. abt 1816)
  2.  Pierre BATSCHELET (b. abt 1818)
  3.  Marguerite BATSCHELET (b. 1820)
  4.  Jacques (Jacob) BATSCHELET (b. abt 1823)
  5.  Elizabeth BATSCHELET (b. abt 1825)
  6.  Abraham BATSCHELET (b. abt 1828)
  7.  Marie BATSCHELET (b. abt 1830)
  8.  Catherine BATSCHELET (b. abt 1832)
  9.  Frederick BATSCHELET (b. JUN 1834)


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Mary _____       (ID #I2997)

Family 1 : François Louis Jéremie REYMOND (b. 13 AUG 1770, d. 1837)
  1.  Felix L. REYMOND (b. 05 NOV 1809, d. 26 AUG 1862)
  2.  Perry REYMOND (b. 05 DEC 1817, d. 07 SEP 1900)


She apparently survived at least until 1853, when a notice in the Vevay Reveille (20 oct 1853, p. 3, col. 1) noted that land offered for sale from the estate of Hezekiah Roberts was subject to dower rights of Polly Raymond, widow of Francis Louis Raymond.

Who was Mary? The widow of Hezekiah Roberts was apparently Mary LeClerc, they were married in Switzerland Co. 15 sep 1849. (However, the 1850 census calls her Mary Jane, age 17, wife of Hezekiah F. Roberts, married within the year. Clearly, this cannot be the same Mary who was the widow of Francis Reymond, who died in 1837! Or is there confusion because of more than one Hezekiah Roberts in the area?) Perhaps the land records of Switzerland Co. will eventually reveal the connection between Roberts and Raymond.

Among other hypotheses that can be discarded, she was not a Thiébaud, because the list of eight children who came to the US with Frederick Louis Thiébaud in 1817 and named in his naturalization papers does not include a Mary.

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Mermete _____       (ID #I5817)

Family 1 : Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)
  1.  Marguerite GACHET (dates unknown)


Probably the mother of Marguerite but not of Nicolletus Gachet. Marguerite is apparently termed "paternal sister" of Nicolletus in a document of 15 may 1474 recorded by Jean de Trevaux, notary at Payerne.

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Mermette _____       (ID #I5793)

Family 1 : Nicoletus GACHET (b. 1418, d. 1468)
  1. +François GACHET (b. ABT 1450, d. BEF 1522)
  2.  Pierre GACHET (d. BEF 1474)


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Nicole _____       (ID #I6361)

Family 1 : Pierre (II) BOREL (b. abt 1370, d. aft 1433)
  1. +Pierre (III) BOREL (b. abt 1400)


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Nychola _____       (ID #I5855)

Family 1 : Jeanneret VALLIER (d. AFT 1349)
  1. +Richard VALLIER (dates unknown)


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Susanne _____       (ID #I3598)

Family 1 : Antoine DEMONTARJEAU (dates unknown)
  1. +Anne DEMONTARJEAU (dates unknown)


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Susanne _____       (ID #I2113)

Family 1 : Jean Pierre CARRARD (dates unknown)
  1. +Marie Françoise CARRARD (b. 19 MAY 1752)


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Susanne _____       (ID #I2243)

Family 1 : Claude JALLIOD (dates unknown)
  1. +Jaques JAILLOD (bp. 27 OCT 1624, d. bef 1678)


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Ursule _____       (ID #I1886)

Family 1 : Jacob ROUGE (bp. 15 OCT 1643)
  1. +Daniel François ROUGE (bp. 17 JUL 1663)


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Legend: Vevay settler.

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