The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

François Louis REYMOND       (ID #I3074)

Father: Abraham Moyse REYMOND (bp. 29 AUG 1751)
Mother: Marguerite REYMOND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marianne MICHOT (dates unknown)
  1.  Susanne Gabrielle REYMOND (b. 09 JUL 1792)
  2.  Abraham Moyse REYMOND (b. 20 JUL 1794)
  3.  Jean Henri Gabriel REYMOND (b. 19 JUN 1796)
  4.  Rose Julie REYMOND (b. 09 JUL 1799)
  5.  Marguerite REYMOND (b. 08 NOV 1800)
  6.  Marianne REYMOND (b. 27 JUL 1803)
  7.  Jacob REYMOND (b. 16 OCT 1805)
  8.  Abraham Moyse REYMOND (b. 26 SEP 1807)
  9.  Abraham Gabriel REYMOND (b. 07 JAN 1813)
  10.  Lisette REYMOND (b. 06 OCT 1816)


                                                    _David REYMOND ______+
                                                   |  m 1713             
                          _Pierre Etienne REYMOND _|
                         | (.... - 1766) m 1748    |
                         |                         |_Marguerite GOY _____+
                         |                            m 1713             
 _Abraham Moyse REYMOND _|
|  m 1770                |
|                        |                          _Abraham MAGNENAT ___
|                        |                         |                     
|                        |_Marie MAGNENAT _________|
|                           m 1748                 |
|                                                  |_____________________
|--François Louis REYMOND 
|  (1773 - ....)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                         _________________________|
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |_____________________
|                        |                                               
|_Marguerite REYMOND ____|
   m 1770                |
                         |                          _____________________
                         |                         |                     

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François Louis REYMOND       (ID #I3477)

Father: David Moyse REYMOND (b. 21 JAN 1745)
Mother: Marie Françoise DECOPPET (dates unknown)


                                                           _Olivier REYMOND ____+
                                                          | (.... - 1744)       
                             _Moyse REYMOND ______________|
                            |  m 1742                     |
                            |                             |_Elizabeth REYMOND __
 _David Moyse REYMOND ______|
| (1745 - ....) m 1771      |
|                           |                              _David REYMOND ______+
|                           |                             |  m 1713             
|                           |_Marie Esther REYMOND _______|
|                              m 1742                     |
|                                                         |_Marguerite GOY _____+
|                                                            m 1713             
|--François Louis REYMOND 
|  (1774 - ....)
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                            _Abraham Baltazard DECOPPET _|
|                           |                             |
|                           |                             |_____________________
|                           |                                                   
|_Marie Françoise DECOPPET _|
   m 1771                   |
                            |                              _____________________
                            |                             |                     

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François Louis Jéremie REYMOND       (ID #I2751)

Father: Abraham Michel REYMOND (b. 18 APR 1745, d. 1811)
Mother: Susanne TRUYAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise Charlotte DUMAUTHIOZ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean François Louis REYMOND (b. 10 OCT 1795, d. aft 1837)
  2.  Anne Sophie Henriette REYMOND (b. 10 DEC 1797)
  3.  Abraham Jacob REYMOND (b. 16 DEC 1798)
  4.  Louise Sophie REYMOND (b. 04 MAY 1800)
Family 2 : Mary _____ (dates unknown)
  1.  Felix L. REYMOND (b. 05 NOV 1809, d. 26 AUG 1862)
  2.  Perry REYMOND (b. 05 DEC 1817, d. 07 SEP 1900)


The marriage record identifies him as a miller ("meunier") at the mill of La Grange, in the commune of Cuarnens (1794).

On 16 jan 1837, Felix L. Raymond requested letters of administration for the estate of Francis Lewis Raymond late of Jefferson Township. Edward Violett gave an oath that "fifteen days had fully passed since the death of the said decedent" (Switzerland Co., Indiana Probate Orders "A" 1831-1837, p. 459). His will (not yet examined), probated in Switzerland Co., Indiana 16 feb 1837, names his wife Mary, and a total of five sons: John Francis, Felix, Edward Thornton, Perry, and John (under the age of 17). His son John Francis is probably the John F. Raymond on the 1830 census of Switzerland Co., single, age 30-39. This is consistent with his first child Jean François Louis, born in 1795, who thus must have come to the United States. François Louis himself appears on the same census, age 50-59, with his wife age 40-49, and three children, the oldest in the 15-19 age category.

After his wife, still in Switzerland, bore a child by another man in 1808, he must have divorced her. Church records at Vaulion mention a judgement from the Tribunal d'Appel of 09 mar 1815 regarding the divorce, in the record of the marriage of Charlotte DuMauthioz to her next husband, Jean David Tissot, 20 apr 1815. But the records of the Tribunal d'Appel (ACV K XVIII N/6 and elsewhere) reveal that it was Charlotte who had requested the divorce decree in 1815, alleging that her husband, two children, and both of her husband's parents had gone to America 20 years ago and that she had had no news from them. While several points of her story were clearly false and other salient facts were omitted, it may be that there was no one present to contradict her.

The fact that the testimony regarding his death in 1837 was given by Edward Violett may be significant. It suggests that Mary might have been from the Violett family. In several other probate actions in Switzerland Co. from the same period where such an oath was given, the person testifying was the brother-in-law of the deceased.

                                                  _Abraham REYMOND ____
                           _Abraham REYMOND _____|
                          | (.... - 1767) m 1736 |
                          |                      |_Marie REYMOND ______
 _Abraham Michel REYMOND _|
| (1745 - 1811) m 1769    |
|                         |                       _Pierre REYMOND _____+
|                         |                      |  m 1701             
|                         |_Judith Sara REYMOND _|
|                            m 1736              |
|                                                |_Marie MICHOT _______+
|                                                   m 1701             
|--François Louis Jéremie REYMOND 
|  (1770 - 1837)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                          _Emanuel TRUYAN ______|
|                         |                      |
|                         |                      |_____________________
|                         |                                            
|_Susanne TRUYAN _________|
   m 1769                 |
                          |                       _____________________
                          |                      |                     

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François Marc REYMOND       (ID #I3037)

Father: Jacob REYMOND (b. 08 JAN 1778)
Mother: Louise Emilie JAQUES (dates unknown)


                                                         _Isaac Jacob REYMOND _+
                                                        |  m 1736              
                         _Abraham Daniel REYMOND _______|
                        |  m 1762                       |
                        |                               |_Frêne Susanne GOY ___
                        |                                  m 1736              
 _Jacob REYMOND ________|
| (1778 - ....) m 1804  |
|                       |                                _Jacob GUIGNARD ______
|                       |                               |                      
|                       |_Françoise Jaqueline GUIGNARD _|
|                          m 1762                       |
|                                                       |______________________
|--François Marc REYMOND 
|  (1805 - ....)
|                                                        ______________________
|                                                       |                      
|                        _______________________________|
|                       |                               |
|                       |                               |______________________
|                       |                                                      
|_Louise Emilie JAQUES _|
   m 1804               |
                        |                                ______________________
                        |                               |                      

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Françoise REYMOND       (ID #I3478)

Father: David Moyse REYMOND (b. 21 JAN 1745)
Mother: Marie Françoise DECOPPET (dates unknown)


                                                           _Olivier REYMOND ____+
                                                          | (.... - 1744)       
                             _Moyse REYMOND ______________|
                            |  m 1742                     |
                            |                             |_Elizabeth REYMOND __
 _David Moyse REYMOND ______|
| (1745 - ....) m 1771      |
|                           |                              _David REYMOND ______+
|                           |                             |  m 1713             
|                           |_Marie Esther REYMOND _______|
|                              m 1742                     |
|                                                         |_Marguerite GOY _____+
|                                                            m 1713             
|--Françoise REYMOND 
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                            _Abraham Baltazard DECOPPET _|
|                           |                             |
|                           |                             |_____________________
|                           |                                                   
|_Marie Françoise DECOPPET _|
   m 1771                   |
                            |                              _____________________
                            |                             |                     

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Françoise Jaqueline REYMOND       (ID #I3006)

Father: Abraham David REYMOND (bp. 17 FEB 1737, d. 1779)
Mother: Marie Judith REYMOND (b. 27 DEC 1741)

Family 1 : Jean David ROCHAT (dates unknown)


                                                 _Abraham REYMOND ____
                          _Isaac Jacob REYMOND _|
                         |  m 1736              |
                         |                      |_____________________
 _Abraham David REYMOND _|
| (.... - 1779) m 1769   |
|                        |                       _____________________
|                        |                      |                     
|                        |_Frêne Susanne GOY ___|
|                           m 1736              |
|                                               |_____________________
|--Françoise Jaqueline REYMOND 
|  (1768 - ....)
|                                                _Abraham REYMOND ____
|                                               |                     
|                         _Abraham REYMOND _____|
|                        | (.... - 1767) m 1736 |
|                        |                      |_Marie REYMOND ______
|                        |                                            
|_Marie Judith REYMOND __|
  (1741 - ....) m 1769   |
                         |                       _Pierre REYMOND _____+
                         |                      |  m 1701             
                         |_Judith Sara REYMOND _|
                            m 1736              |
                                                |_Marie MICHOT _______+
                                                   m 1701             

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Françoise Louise Henriette REYMOND       (ID #I3072)

Father: Jacob REYMOND (b. 08 JAN 1778)
Mother: Louise Emilie JAQUES (dates unknown)


                                                         _Isaac Jacob REYMOND _+
                                                        |  m 1736              
                         _Abraham Daniel REYMOND _______|
                        |  m 1762                       |
                        |                               |_Frêne Susanne GOY ___
                        |                                  m 1736              
 _Jacob REYMOND ________|
| (1778 - ....) m 1804  |
|                       |                                _Jacob GUIGNARD ______
|                       |                               |                      
|                       |_Françoise Jaqueline GUIGNARD _|
|                          m 1762                       |
|                                                       |______________________
|--Françoise Louise Henriette REYMOND 
|  (1811 - ....)
|                                                        ______________________
|                                                       |                      
|                        _______________________________|
|                       |                               |
|                       |                               |______________________
|                       |                                                      
|_Louise Emilie JAQUES _|
   m 1804               |
                        |                                ______________________
                        |                               |                      

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Frédéric REYMOND       (ID #I3159)

Father: Olivier REYMOND (b. 22 SEP 1761)
Mother: Marianne TACHET (dates unknown)


                                                    _Olivier REYMOND ____+
                                                   | (.... - 1744)       
                       _Moyse REYMOND _____________|
                      |  m 1742                    |
                      |                            |_Elizabeth REYMOND __
 _Olivier REYMOND ____|
| (1761 - ....) m 1779|
|                     |                             _David REYMOND ______+
|                     |                            |  m 1713             
|                     |_Marie Esther REYMOND ______|
|                        m 1742                    |
|                                                  |_Marguerite GOY _____+
|                                                     m 1713             
|--Frédéric REYMOND 
|  (1796 - ....)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                      _Philippe TACHET ___________|
|                     | (.... - 1779)              |
|                     |                            |_____________________
|                     |                                                  
|_Marianne TACHET ____|
   m 1779             |
                      |                             _____________________
                      |                            |                     
                      |_Marie Marguerite MAGNENAT _|

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3103)

Family 1 :
  1. +Michel REYMOND (bp. 01 SEP 1650)
  2. +Joseph REYMOND (dates unknown)


This Isaac cannot be the one baptised in 1643 who married Judith Martignier. He might be the son of the Moyse Reymond, with a wife coincidentally named Judith Martignier, who baptised a son Manuel in 1633. In that case, the present Isaac would have been born before 1629, the date of the earliest surviving baptisms at Vaulion.

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I2747)

Father: Moyse REYMOND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Judith MARTIGNIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Pierre REYMOND (bp. 25 DEC 1674)
  2. +Judith REYMOND (dates unknown)


At the time his children were baptised, many of the records lack the name of the mother. Some give the father's parentage, his occupation, or some other distinguishing information. There were at least two other Isaacs of his generation who were baptising children about the same time. One was Isaac Reymond, tanneur, "le jeune" in 1682, with wife Esther Pont (however, another Isaac, also a tanner, was still alive at that date). Another was Isaac son of David Reymond, whose wife was Pernette Goy.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Moyse REYMOND ______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3106)

Father: Michel REYMOND (bp. 27 APR 1651)


                       _Louis REYMOND ______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Michel REYMOND _____|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3111)

Father: Michel REYMOND (bp. 01 SEP 1650)

Family 1 : Frêne GOY (b. 1684, d. 20 JAN 1747)
  1. +Marguerite REYMOND (bp. 13 DEC 1711)
  2. +Pierre Abraham REYMOND (bp. 06 SEP 1716, d. 22 NOV 1777)
  3.  Etienne REYMOND (bp. 30 OCT 1718, d. 1800)
  4.  Susanne Elizabeth REYMOND (bp. 22 JUN 1721)
  5.  Rose REYMOND (bp. 31 JAN 1723)
  6.  Anne Marie REYMOND (bp. 27 AUG 1724)
  7.  Isaac REYMOND (bp. 08 OCT 1726)
  8. +David REYMOND (d. bef 1780)


Identifying his children presents some challenges. A different Isaac Reymond, son of Etienne (parentage cited at the baptism of a daughter in 1732), married Frêne Elizabeth Goy, daughter of Joseph, in 1728. The baptisms after this date do not seem to distinguish between these two sets of parents. For the moment, we assign all such children born after 1728 to the second couple. Moreover, this second Isaac who married Frêne Elizabeth Goy apparently next married Marguerite, daughter of the present Isaac, in 1741. The second Isaac, son of Etienne, is sometimes called "le jeune, des Queuës".

                       _Isaac REYMOND ______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Michel REYMOND _____|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3115)

Father: Joseph REYMOND (dates unknown)
Mother: Judith MARTIGNIER (dates unknown)


His death record indicates he left a widow from his second marriage, but no children of either marriage were then living.

                       _Isaac REYMOND ______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Joseph REYMOND _____|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|  (.... - 1774)
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Judith MARTIGNIER __|
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3202)

Father: Etienne REYMOND (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie ROCHAT (b. abt 1660, d. 24 FEB 1741)

Family 1 : Frêne Elizabeth GOY (b. DEC 1701, d. 06 FEB 1741)
  1.  Siméon REYMOND (bp. 21 NOV 1728, d. 04 DEC 1772)
  2.  Jaques David REYMOND (bp. 18 JUN 1730, d. 15 OCT 1777)
  3.  Marie Esther REYMOND (bp. 29 JUN 1732)
  4.  Jean REYMOND (bp. 20 JUN 1734)
  5.  Marie REYMOND (bp. 14 OCT 1736)
  6. +Pierre REYMOND (bp. 29 OCT 1738, d. 27 DEC 1814)
Family 2 : Marguerite REYMOND (bp. 13 DEC 1711)
  1.  Abraham Isaac REYMOND (b. 25 APR 1742)
  2. +Abel Isaac REYMOND (b. 09 APR 1744)
  3.  Susanne REYMOND (b. 06 DEC 1746)
  4.  Marguerite REYMOND (bp. 05 AUG 1750)
  5.  Abraham REYMOND (bp. 02 MAR 1755)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Etienne REYMOND ____|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|  (.... - 1778)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie ROCHAT _______|
  (1660 - 1741)       |
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3326)

Father: Jaques REYMOND (bp. 24 FEB 1695)
Mother: Marie Elizabeth REYMOND (bp. 12 AUG 1703)


The sponsors for his baptism included "Isaac Reymond, grandpere", apparently a reference to his maternal grandfather Jean Isaac Reymond.

                                                  _Etienne REYMOND ____+
                            _Olivier REYMOND ____|
                           | (.... - 1744)       |
                           |                     |_Sara GOY ___________
 _Jaques REYMOND __________|
|  m 1718                  |
|                          |                      _____________________
|                          |                     |                     
|                          |_Elizabeth REYMOND __|
|                                                |
|                                                |_____________________
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|                                                 _David REYMOND ______
|                                                |                     
|                           _Jean Isaac REYMOND _|
|                          |  m 1701             |
|                          |                     |_____________________
|                          |                                           
|_Marie Elizabeth REYMOND _|
   m 1718                  |
                           |                      _____________________
                           |                     |                     
                           |_Judith MAGNENAT ____|
                             (1685 - 1742) m 1701|

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3198)

Father: Isaac REYMOND (bp. 21 DEC 1684)
Mother: Frêne GOY (b. 1684, d. 20 JAN 1747)


                                             _Isaac REYMOND ______
                       _Michel REYMOND _____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Isaac REYMOND ______|
|  m 1711             |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Etienne GOY ________|
|                     | (.... - 1713)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Frêne GOY __________|
  (1684 - 1747) m 1711|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Isaac REYMOND       (ID #I3295)

Father: Jean Pierre REYMOND (d. bef 1780)
Mother: Judith MAGNENAT (dates unknown)


                       |                     |
                       |                     |__
 _Jean Pierre REYMOND _|
| (.... - 1780) m 1737 |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_____________________|
|                                            |
|                                            |__
|--Isaac REYMOND 
|  (1743 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _David MAGNENAT _____|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Judith MAGNENAT _____|
   m 1737              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Isaac Alexandre REYMOND       (ID #I3385)

Father: Pierre REYMOND (bp. 29 OCT 1738, d. 27 DEC 1814)
Mother: Rose TACHET (b. 1738, d. 03 NOV 1814)


                                              _Etienne REYMOND ____
                       _Isaac REYMOND _______|
                      | (.... - 1778) m 1728 |
                      |                      |_Marie ROCHAT _______
                      |                        (1660 - 1741)       
 _Pierre REYMOND _____|
| (.... - 1814) m 1770|
|                     |                       _Joseph GOY _________
|                     |                      |                     
|                     |_Frêne Elizabeth GOY _|
|                       (1701 - 1741) m 1728 |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Isaac Alexandre REYMOND 
|  (1772 - ....)
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                      _David Samuel TACHET _|
|                     |                      |
|                     |                      |_____________________
|                     |                                            
|_Rose TACHET ________|
  (1738 - 1814) m 1770|
                      |                       _____________________
                      |                      |                     
                      |_Anne ROCHAT _________|

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Isaac Jacob REYMOND       (ID #I3005)

Father: Abraham REYMOND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Frêne Susanne GOY (dates unknown)
  1. +Abraham David REYMOND (bp. 17 FEB 1737, d. 1779)
  2. +Abraham Daniel REYMOND (bp. 11 MAY 1738)
  3.  Susanne Marie REYMOND (b. 31 DEC 1739, d. 1741)
  4.  Susanne Marie REYMOND (b. 27 FEB 1742)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Abraham REYMOND ____|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Isaac Jacob REYMOND 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Isaac Michel REYMOND       (ID #I3219)

Father: Pierre Abraham REYMOND (bp. 06 SEP 1716, d. 22 NOV 1777)
Mother: Rose Marguerite MARTIGNIER (bp. 05 SEP 1728, d. 17 APR 1770)


                                                     _Michel REYMOND _____+
                               _Isaac REYMOND ______|
                              |  m 1711             |
                              |                     |_____________________
 _Pierre Abraham REYMOND _____|
| (.... - 1777) m 1749        |
|                             |                      _Etienne GOY ________
|                             |                     | (.... - 1713)       
|                             |_Frêne GOY __________|
|                               (1684 - 1747) m 1711|
|                                                   |_____________________
|--Isaac Michel REYMOND 
|  (1749 - ....)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _____________________|
|                             |                     |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Rose Marguerite MARTIGNIER _|
  (.... - 1770) m 1749        |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     

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Jacob REYMOND       (ID #I2938)

Father: Michel REYMOND (bp. 01 SEP 1650)

Family 1 : Sara REYMOND (b. abt 1690, d. 01 OCT 1771)
  1.  Elizabeth REYMOND (bp. 11 SEP 1718)
  2.  Judith Elizabeth REYMOND (bp. 12 JUL 1722)
  3.  Pierre Etienne REYMOND (bp. 07 NOV 1727, d. 1793)


At the time of his death, he had one son, blind, and one daughter, both married.

                       _Isaac REYMOND ______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Michel REYMOND _____|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Jacob REYMOND 
|  (.... - 1771)
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Jacob REYMOND       (ID #I2935)

Father: Abraham REYMOND (bp. 06 FEB 1681)
Mother: Judith REYMOND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marguerite Judith MAGNENAT (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne REYMOND (bp. 01 JAN 1738)
  2.  Marguerite Judith REYMOND (b. 19 MAR 1740)
  3.  Jean David REYMOND (b. 26 NOV 1744)


He was named for his paternal uncle Jacob Reymond. The only Jacob of his generation, he is certainly the Jacob son of Abraham Reymond who married in 1737.

                                             _Isaac REYMOND ________
                       _Michel REYMOND _____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_______________________
 _Abraham REYMOND ____|
|  m 1709             |
|                     |                      _______________________
|                     |                     |                       
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_______________________
|--Jacob REYMOND 
|                                            _Moyse REYMOND ________
|                                           |                       
|                      _Isaac REYMOND ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_______________________
|                     |                                             
|_Judith REYMOND _____|
   m 1709             |
                      |                      _Guillaume MARTIGNIER _
                      |                     |                       
                      |_Judith MARTIGNIER __|

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Jacob REYMOND       (ID #I3020)

Father: Abraham Daniel REYMOND (bp. 11 MAY 1738)
Mother: Françoise Jaqueline GUIGNARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise Emilie JAQUES (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean François Louis REYMOND (b. 03 JUL 1804)
  2.  François Marc REYMOND (b. 19 NOV 1805)
  3.  Marc Louis REYMOND (b. 13 MAR 1807)
  4.  Jacob Emile REYMOND (b. 28 AUG 1808)
  5.  Françoise Louise Henriette REYMOND (b. 14 MAY 1811)
  6.  Marianne Julie REYMOND (b. 19 JAN 1819)


                                                        _Abraham REYMOND ____
                                 _Isaac Jacob REYMOND _|
                                |  m 1736              |
                                |                      |_____________________
 _Abraham Daniel REYMOND _______|
|  m 1762                       |
|                               |                       _____________________
|                               |                      |                     
|                               |_Frêne Susanne GOY ___|
|                                  m 1736              |
|                                                      |_____________________
|--Jacob REYMOND 
|  (1778 - ....)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                                _Jacob GUIGNARD ______|
|                               |                      |
|                               |                      |_____________________
|                               |                                            
|_Françoise Jaqueline GUIGNARD _|
   m 1762                       |
                                |                       _____________________
                                |                      |                     

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Jacob REYMOND       (ID #I3077)

Father: François Louis REYMOND (b. 19 JUN 1773)
Mother: Marianne MICHOT (dates unknown)


                                                        _Pierre Etienne REYMOND _+
                                                       | (.... - 1766) m 1748    
                           _Abraham Moyse REYMOND _____|
                          |  m 1770                    |
                          |                            |_Marie MAGNENAT _________+
                          |                               m 1748                 
 _François Louis REYMOND _|
| (1773 - ....) m 1791    |
|                         |                             _________________________
|                         |                            |                         
|                         |_Marguerite REYMOND ________|
|                            m 1770                    |
|                                                      |_________________________
|--Jacob REYMOND 
|  (1805 - ....)
|                                                       _________________________
|                                                      |                         
|                          _Abraham David MICHOT ______|
|                         |                            |
|                         |                            |_________________________
|                         |                                                      
|_Marianne MICHOT ________|
   m 1791                 |
                          |                             _________________________
                          |                            |                         
                          |_Susanne Elizabeth REYMOND _|
                            (.... - 1791)              |

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Jacob Emile REYMOND       (ID #I3071)

Father: Jacob REYMOND (b. 08 JAN 1778)
Mother: Louise Emilie JAQUES (dates unknown)


                                                         _Isaac Jacob REYMOND _+
                                                        |  m 1736              
                         _Abraham Daniel REYMOND _______|
                        |  m 1762                       |
                        |                               |_Frêne Susanne GOY ___
                        |                                  m 1736              
 _Jacob REYMOND ________|
| (1778 - ....) m 1804  |
|                       |                                _Jacob GUIGNARD ______
|                       |                               |                      
|                       |_Françoise Jaqueline GUIGNARD _|
|                          m 1762                       |
|                                                       |______________________
|--Jacob Emile REYMOND 
|  (1808 - ....)
|                                                        ______________________
|                                                       |                      
|                        _______________________________|
|                       |                               |
|                       |                               |______________________
|                       |                                                      
|_Louise Emilie JAQUES _|
   m 1804               |
                        |                                ______________________
                        |                               |                      

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Legend: Vevay settler.

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