The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Jaques (Jacobé?) DUTOIT       (ID #I2029)

Father: Maurice DUTOIT (b. BEF 1503, d. BEF 1559)
Mother: Anteine TROLLIET (dates unknown)


He is sometimes called Jaques, but at other times Jacobé or Jacob. Shortly after the marriage of Jaques Dutoit and Aimée Panchaud, children of Jacobé Dutoit begin appearing at regular intervals. No other Jaques appears until 1576, that one distinguished as "le jeusne" or "son of Claude". Thus, some of the children after 1576 may belong to another Jaques Dutoit. The last child of Jaques/Jacobé we can be sure of was born in 1585, for the register reads in that instance "Jacobe ou soyt Jaques DuTect". There was another even earlier Jaques in Chavannes, whose children were married in the 1580's at Moudon. The present Jaques died before 12 oct 1593, when his sons Gaspard and Jaques are represented by their uncle Thomas Dutoit in a "reconnaissance" for property that had come from Maurice Dutoit (fol. 153).

Of his sons, it is probable that only Gaspard and Jaques reached adulthood, for these two sons owned jointly a 1/2 interest in property at Chavannes, the other half interest owned by their cousin Anthoine Dutoit, banderet, son of Thomas Dutoit. It is assumed that the property came from the parents of Thomas and Jaques, but the details have not been discovered. Of the daughters of the elder Jaques, the youngest, Eve, could have been the Eve who married Jean Wagnieres in 1618. None of the other daughters has been identified with certainty in any document after their baptisms. Of the children of Thomas Dutoit, Antoine was the only son. The property shared between the two families must have been such that it was inherited through the male lines only, and therefore the partage seems to be telling us that only Jaques and Thomas, sons of the late Maurice Dutoit, left male heirs. Thus, we have another line of evidence that Jean son of Maurice is probably misplaced, or else that he was not the father of the Jean baptised in 1573.

Jaques Richard, notary at Moudon, 19 feb 1602.

Partage faict entre honnorables Gaspard et Jaques filz de feuz honnorable Jaques Duthey bourgeois de Mouldon d'une partie, Et discret Anthoine fils de feuz Thomas Duthey de Chavanes sus Mouldon d'aultre partie.

A tous et ung chascungs soit chose notoire et magnifeste, Que par devant moy notaire soubsigné et en presence des tesmoings cy appres nomméz se sont personnellement constituéz et establys honnorables Gaspard et Jaques filz de feuz honnorable Jaques Duthey bourgeois de Mouldon pour la moytié d'une part et discret Anthoine filz de feuz honnorable Thomas Duthey notaire de Chavanes sus Mouldon et bourgeois dudit Mouldon pour l'autre moytié d'aultre part, lesquelz scachans et bien advistés et de leurs droys tiltres et actions ung chescung d'eulx en ceste partie bien applain et suffisamment informés certioré pour eulx leurs hoyrs et successeurs quelz qu'ils soyent, sont devenus en partages de divisions de tous et ung chescungs leurs biens tant meubles que immeubles lesquelz cy devant estoyent entre eulx commungs et indivis (?) comme s'ensuyt: Premierement a la part partage et portion desdits Gaspard et Jaques Duthey freres son devenus et perpetuellement leur doyvent rester et demeurer pour eulz leurs hoyres successeurs quelconques, les biens terres et possessions qui s'ensuyvent. Et premierement les maisons granges curtils cloz terres et aultres biens quelz qu'ilz soyent tant meubles que immeubles existans en la ville et tout le territoire de Mouldon en la mesme forms et mode qu'ils les ont cy devant tenus et possedés. Item, les maisons granges cloz terres raspes bois et aultres biens existans au territoire du Plan avecq tous les meubles que s'y pourront trouver sans exceptes aulcune chose. Item, ung cloz situé au territoire de Sottens. Item, quattorze escus a cinq florins piece a eulx dheuz par Loys Grimmoz de Vuarmarens. Item, trente cinq florins pp. [petit poids] de cense a eulx deus par honnorable Anthoine et Henry Vuagnioux de Vucherens, Avecq le diesme du Plan [insertion: lesquels leurs sont laissés pour deux mille florins] pour les debtes dheuz par lesdits partissants (?) lesquels lesdits freres se sont chargés tant envers Monsieur Fornier et la femme dudit Gaspard que aultres. Item troys ouvriers de vigne situé dessus Corsaux, vignoble dudit lieu. Item, deux ouvriers situés en Riondz. Item, deux aultres ouvriers situés au vignoble de Sinc Saphorin [insertion: lieudit es Fosses]. Item l'engagement (?) a eulx faicte par Jaques Des Liettes de deux morsels de vigne sis au vignoble de Chardonnaz, l'ung sis au lieudit a la Trolliet, l'autre es Cornillyes (?). Item, ung aultre ouvrier de vigne situé es ... (?), Ainsy comme lesdites biens se peuvent contenir et extendre du long et du large, Avecq leurs fonds, droys, fruictz aysances jouissances et despendances appendances et appartenances universelles et singullieres, Et a la part partage et portion dudit Anthoine Duthey sont devenue en perpetuité luy doibvent rester et demeurer pour luy ses hoyrs et successeurs quelconques, Assavoir les biens terres et possessions que s'ensuyvent, Premierement tout le bien de Chavanes sus Mouldon soit qu'il consiste en maisons granges cloz curtilz osches prez terres raspes bois diesmes et aultres biens tant meubles que immeubles de quelle espece qu'ilz soyent existance au village de territoire dudit Chavanes [insertion: sans rien .... (?)]. Item le vigne de Chavanes soubz ...soumens (?) ainsi qu'on a accoustumés de les percepvoir. Item, les prez de granges vers Vyvey. Item, le bien de Louvattens ainsy qu'il peult estre etc. (?) Jouxte les droys qu'ilz en ont. Item, le foire (?) de Vuarmarens. Item, ung [insertion: ...... illegible]. Item, la cense a eulx deus par les Berterens (?) de Chappelle sus Gillearens (?). Item, toutes les vignes de Vivey que son l'environ de six ouvriers. Item, deux ouvriers de vigne situé devers le village de Corsier. Item, quattre ouvriers de vign situé au vignoble de Chardonnaz lieudi au Riusyaulx par eulx acquis de la femme de Jacob Crousaz. Item, deux ouvriers de vigne situé es Bedailles. Item, l'engagement (?) de deux petits ouvriers de vigne situé en la fin existante ... (?) Mellin, Ainsy que lesdites biens se peulven conenir et exendre du long et du large Avecq leurs fondz droys, fruictz, aysances, jouissances et appartenances universelles, et devestissans lesdits partissans les ungs les aultres des biens devenus en partages a l'autre, Et d'iceulx s'en investissans reciproquement par ces pachents (?), Confessans lesdits partissants pour eulx et les leurs que dessus d'estre separés du divis des toutes les biens que par cy devant estoyent entre eulx Indivis soyent meubles ou immeubles etc. (?) d'havoir heuz ung chescung d'eulx sa partie de cestes a luy competans a ceste cause lesdites partissants pour eulx enles leurs quedessus par leur bonne foy en lieu de serment prestes, Et soubz lesdites promesses obligations de tous et ung chescungs leurs biens meubles et immeubles presents et advenyrs quelconques, les predits biens comme dessus, en partage devenus avecq leurdits fonds et appartenances predits, Tousjours et perpetuellement l'ung a l'autre et de ... (?) maintenir deffendre debriguer et legitimment guerentir envers et contre tous a tous jugements et dehors, A leurs propres et des leurs coustes missions et despens purement et franchement, Saufs et reservé des engagements des deux morsels de vigne predesignés, Desquels lesdits partissans seront tenus d'en recepvoir la rehemption ung chescung d'eulx pour le moytié (?) que luy est deubz en partage sans pour ce s'en debvoir recercher a l'advenir. Aussy seront tenus ung chescung d'eulx de payer et supporter toutes censes tant directes que aultres pour les biens que leur sont devenus en partage, Et toutes les choses susdits les parties havoir et tenir a perpetuité pour aggreable firmes stables et vallides, Aussy icelles garder observer et inviollablement accomplir sans jamais faire dire aller ny venir au contraire ..... (?) que se soit au temps advenir, Soubz peyne de se rendre et restituer l'une des parties a l'autre et es syens tous dommages interests coustes missions et despens survenans a l'ung d'eulx a l'autre desdites parties pour a deffault de l'accomplission des choses premises. Renonciations et corroborations etc. que furent faictes les données (?) le dixneufviesme jour du mois de febvrier l'an de grace courant mille six cens et deux, presents Spectable Doc et Scavant Pierre Duthey fidelle minisre du Saint Evangile et bourgeois dudit Mouldon, Egrege Claude Panchaud notaire bourgeois dudit lieu, Pierre du tey et Jaques fils de feuz honnorable Claude duthey dudit Chavanes et bourgeois dudit Mouldon tesmoings a ce requis et demandéz.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
| (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques (Jacobé?) DUTOIT 
|  (1545 - 1593)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean TROLLIET ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
   m 1522             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I2104)

Father: _____ DUTOIT (dates unknown)


A document in the archives of Moudon, dated 1450 and signed P. Ensis, involves a sale by Jacob Dutoit with his brothers Rolet and Jean to Jacob Malle.

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 ______ DUTOIT _______|
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|--Jean DUTOIT 
|  (1425 - ....)
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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I1955)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1583)
Mother: Françoise COVANOD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Anteine GAULEY (bp. 25 APR 1574, d. BEF 1606)
  1. +Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 29 APR 1602?, d. ABT 1654)
Family 2 : Magdelaine BIZE (d. AFT 1640)
  1.  Jacob (Jaques) DUTOIT (bp. 14 DEC 1606, d. AFT 1662)
  2.  Abraham DUTOIT (bp. 29 NOV 1612?)
  3.  Sara DUTOIT (bp. 19 JAN 1617)


Noted as father of brothers Abraham and Jacob Dutoit, both cordonniers. Also noted as father of Anthoine Dutoit, pelletier, who is cited as "frère paternel" of Abraham and Jacob. Thus, Jean the pelletier seems to have been married twice. While we can find appropriate baptismal entries for Abraham, Jacob, and Anthoine, the father's occupation is not noted for Abraham and Anthoine. Evidently not the same person as Jean Dutoit, couturier.

Examination of the notarial records helps to clarify the situation:

09 mar 1634 (Baltazard Decristaz): Pierre Dutoit of Moudon acting in the name of his wife Jeanne Cavin, sells to Jean Cavin cordonnier in the name of his sisters Marie and Judith Cavin -- from this we infer that Judith was still unmarried.

04 jan 1635 (Baltazard Decristaz): Antoine son of Jean Dutoit pelletier settles with Jacob and Abraham Dutoit, also sons of said Jean.

26 mar 1635 (Baltazard Decristaz): Jean Dutoit and his son Antoine, by his late wife Anteine daughter of the late François Gauley vivant du Plan.

15 apr 1639 (Jean Decristaz): Partage between Jacob and Abraham Dutoit, brothers, sons of the late Jean Dutoit vivant "peslattier" (pelletier), with mention of Antoine Dutoit, "frère paternel", meaning that these three had the same father, Jean Dutoit the pelletier, but Antoine had a different mother.

29 dec 1640 (Benoit Giraudet): Testament of Magdelaine Bize, widow of the late Jean Dutoit pelletier. Her sons are Jacob and Abraham. An additional heir, a son by a prior marriage, appears to be Rodolph Bourcis.

26 mar 1642 (Jean Decristaz): Antoine Dutoit pelletier for Judith his wife and Marie his sister-in-law, daughters of the late Daniel Cavin of Vucherens, settlement with Jean Cavin.

Thus, it seems certain that we have found the two wives of Jean Dutoit pelletier, even though we have not located the marriage records.

Having identified Jean's first wife, we can now estimate the birthdate of Jean himself. In almost every case, the groom's age is a year or two greater than the bride's, for first marriages at this period. Therefore, we are looking for the baptism of a Jean Dutoit about 1572. The records at Moudon appear to have been carefully kept from 1566 to 1590. The entries in this first surviving register of baptisms are clear and in good order, and there are no obvious gaps. The only Jean baptised between 1566 and 1578 is Jean son of Jean Dutoit of Chavannes 15 mar 1573. The Jean Dutoit baptised in 1578, son of Guillaume, probably died young, because Guillaume baptised another son Jean in 1585. There is not another baptism for a Jean Dutoit until 1583, much too late to be Jean Dutoit the pellatier. Finally, no other records discovered so far require us to assign the 1573 baptism to anyone else. Therefore, we believe we may have found the parentage of Jean Dutoit the pellatier. Moreover, there is only one marriage that could belong to the father of Jean: Jean son of Maurice Dutoit and Françoise daughter of the late Estienne Covanod, 23 nov 1572. This would make Jean Dutoit the pellatier and his first wife Anteine Gauley second cousins.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)       
                       _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
                      | (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
                      |                     |_Anteine _____ ______
                      |                       (.... - 1524)       
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1583) m 1572|
|                     |                      _Jean TROLLIET ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
|                        m 1522             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1638)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Estienne COVANOD ___|
|                     | (.... - 1572)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise COVANOD __|
   m 1572             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I1986)

Father: Maurice DUTOIT (b. BEF 1503, d. BEF 1559)
Mother: Anteine TROLLIET (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1.  George DUTOIT (d. 1602)
  2.  Maurice DUTOIT (d. 1586)
  3.  Pierre DUTOIT (b. BEF 1560, d. 1639)
  4.  Moyse DUTOIT (b. BEF 1566, d. AFT 1625)
Family 2 : Françoise COVANOD (dates unknown)
  1. +Jean DUTOIT (bp. 15 MAR 1573, d. ABT 1638)


This Jean is known mainly as the father of Pierre Dutoit the minister, and of Pierre's brothers who are mentioned in notarial records. He is not the same Jean who was already dead by 1565 and whose son Pierre married in that year. He seems still to have been alive in 1580 and 1582 when his sons George and Mauris married, but later in 1582 when Pierre married, he is listed as "late".

In addition, there is a marriage of Marie Burnand, widow of Rod Dutoit of Chavannes-sur-Moudon at Corsier in 1614. Could Rod have been another child of Jean?

Documents of François Chevalley, notary at Vevey, mention an interesting pair of transactions involving vineyards at La-Tour-de-Peilz. One parcel next to George Dutoit and his brothers was sold 21 nov 1585 by Antoine, son of the late Louis Dutoit of Chavannes, and the other, presumably the one owned by George and his brothers, was sold 21 dec 1585 by Maurice Dutoit, son of the late Jean Dutoit (and brother of George). This coincidence led us to suspect that Jean the father of Pierre the minister was another brother of Louis.

However, another line of evidence suggests another parentage. In 1572, Françoise Covanod married one of the Jean Dutoit's, son of Maurice. She could not have been the mother of Pierre the minister; that would have to be an earlier marriage. However, in 1583, she remarries to Jean Maillard. It is very tempting to think that her husband Jean Dutoit had (a) been married previously to someone else, and (b), by that earlier wife, was the father of Pierre and his siblings. In other words, the Jean Dutoit who died in 1582 may have been the Jean Dutoit we are looking for. That certainly explains the occurrence of the name Maurice in successive generations, but it does not explain why this family's vineyards adjoined those of Louis Dutoit.

Confirmation that this Jean Dutoit is the son of Maurice is found in the terrier ACV Fn 347, fol. 302, in a reconnaissance for Moyse Dutoit of Chesalles dated 13 apr 1592. He is revealed to be the son of Maurice son of Claude.

There are no children of any Jean Dutoit baptised at Moudon between 1573 and October, 1583, by which time he had already died, as his widow Françoise Covanod had already remarried in August of that year to Jean Maillard.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
| (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1583)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean TROLLIET ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
   m 1522             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I5642)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. bef 1649)
Mother: Claudine SAUVAGEAT (d. BEF 1634)


The baptism of 15 apr 1620 is probably his, since there does not seem to have been another Jean Dutoit of Chavannes baptising children at this time. The identification of his father Jean Dutoit as the couturier is based on the baptism of his previous child, Jaquemaz, where he is listed as couturier of Chavannes.

                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1609)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1649) m 1605|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean DUTOIT 
|                                            _François SAUVAGEAT _
|                                           |                     
|                      _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___|
|                     |  m 1582             |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _|
  (.... - 1634) m 1605|
                      |                      _Jaques PERRET ______
                      |                     | (.... - 1582)       
                      |_Ursule PERRET ______|
                         m 1582             |

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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I5637)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (d. BEF 1609)

Family 1 : Claudine SAUVAGEAT (d. BEF 1634)
  1.  Benoite DUTOIT (bp. 19 MAY 1605)
  2.  Daniel DUTOIT (bp. 25 MAR 1611, d. BEF 1659)
  3.  Anne DUTOIT (bp. 8 FEB 1614)
  4. +Jaquemaz DUTOIT (bp. 11 MAR 1617)
  5.  Jean DUTOIT (bp. 15 APR 1620)
  6.  Guillaume DUTOIT (bp. 13 DEC 1623)
Family 2 : Catherine BOSSON (dates unknown)
  1.  Susanne DUTOIT (bp. 30 NOV 1633)
  2.  Thomas DUTOIT (bp. 18 DEC 1634, d. BEF 1709)
  3.  Claudine DUTOIT (bp. 24 JAN 1636, d. bef 1685)
  4. +Esther DUTOIT (b. ABT 1637, d. AFT 1691)


He is variously identified as a couturier or by the alias "au Clerc" (applied most often to his son Daniel). It has been extremely difficult to tie the members of this family together. Some of the connections are the result of inferences based on statements about relationships that may not be as exact as they seem to be. Terms such as uncle, cousin, or brother-in-law are known to have been used in an informal sense in this period. In the absence of clearer evidence, the reconstruction of the family as proposed here seems at least to be consistent with the documentation at hand.

The name of one wife has been conclusively identified, but he still might be the Jean son of Claude Dutoit who married Guillauma Degriez 01 dec 1594 at Moudon and had daughter Françoise baptised 18 feb 1596. There is considerable uncertainty about the "au Clerc" lines, but it now appears that Jean dit "au Clerc" had an unrecorded son Jean who married Anteine Cortesy by 1641, and who possibly had a previous wife Pernon. There are suggestions that the elder Jean was related to Jaques son of the late Guillaume Dutoit, tisserant, noted about 1610.

A particularly interesting possibility is raised by the problem of the two wives of Isaac Margueron, Jaquemaz and Esther Dutoit. If the available documents are taken at face value, they seem to indicate that Jaquemaz and Esther were sisters. The likely baptismal record for Jaquemaz is the one from 1617, for the daughter of Jean Dutoit the couturier. Esther was probably much younger, and can be identified as the sister of Thomas Dutoit (b. 1634) the "Grand Voyeur des chemins du Pays de Vaud", son of Jean Dutoit "guererier" and Catherine Bosson. If we assume the couturier later married Catherine Bosson, the families are tied together as required, and the otherwise unplaced "guererier" would become part of the "au Clerc" branch. So far, no confirmation for this hypothesis has been discovered in the notarial records. However, we have not made a detailed study of the various parcels of land that are mentioned in these records, as it is often extremely difficult to establish that two records are actually referring to the same property. If it can be established that the couturier and the "guererier" owned properties with similar descriptions, the hypothesis might be given more weight.

There seems to be no other use of the word transcribed as "guererier" (a word we could interpret perhaps as "the healer", but that would normally be spelled something like "guerisseur") in any of the documents that we have reviewed, whether church records or notarial records. Might it have arisen through a misunderstanding of "couturier"? In addition to the single mention of Jean Dutoit "guererier" with his wife Catherine Bosson (her name clearly written), there is also one reference to Jean Dutoit "officier de Moudon" and his wife Catherine, 1631, but it is not clear that this refers to the same couple.

While the surviving records do not make an explicit connection between these two couples, except for the relationship implied between the two wives of Isaac Margueron, there does not seem to be any other solution. Jean Dutoit the couturier appears to be the same person as Jean Dutoit the "guererier", husband first of Claudine Sauvageat and then of Catherine Bosson.

The church records for this period are clearly incomplete. It is likely that at least a couple children have been missed. Also, it is not yet clear when Jean died, except that he can be inferred to have died before 1664, when his daughter Esther was noted as living "in her mother's house" at Moudon. Further, a transaction of 01 jul 1649 (Abraham Faucherres, notary at Moudon, ACV DL 39) involves Daniel Dutoit son of the late Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc, with his wife Pernon Cortesi. Jean was still alive in November, 1646, acting on behalf of his daughter-in-law Pernon Cortesi.

There are several mentions of a Claudine Dutoit in the church records. The first one that might apply here is 17 apr 1652, Claudine fille de Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc, appearing as sponsor for the baptism of Claudine, daughter of Antoine Dutoit and Anne Cavin. A few months later, 13 jun 1652, we find a sponsor Dame Claudine Du Toict fille de feu Monsieur le juge Du Toict. Another, 14 jan 1658, Claudine daughter of Jean Dutoit appears as sponsor for the baptism of Balthazard, son of Daniel Dutoit and Christine Buttet. At least the first and last of these citations probably refer to the same Claudine, who should be another unrecorded daughter of the present Jean Dutoit. Could she be the Claudine who married Balthazard Crausaz? Initially this did not seem possible, based on the "cousins" of the first wife of Balthazard who were present for a settlement of her estate in 1688 (register attributed to Abraham Ballif, ACV DP 1/1, but certainly in the hand of the notary Isaac Dutoit). However, the unexplained relationships among several families are repeated in many documents, suggesting there might be additional connections through the wives.

There are several reasons to suppose that the Claudine who married Balthazard Crausaz was not the daughter of Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc, including the fact that the father of that Claudine did not mention any other children in his nuncupative testament as reported in 1664, and also that the real Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc was already dead by 1649. The problem will require more evidence.

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 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1609)       |
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|--Jean DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1649)
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Jean DUTOIT       (ID #I1900)

Father: Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 29 APR 1602?, d. ABT 1654)
Mother: Judith CAVIN (bp. 10 JUN 1610, d. AFT 1660)


Not mentioned in extensive records relating to settlement of his parents' estates, so presumed dead by 1661.

                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1583) m 1572
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1638)       |
                      |                     |_Françoise COVANOD __+
                      |                        m 1572             
 _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1654) m 1634|
|                     |                      _François GAULEY ____+
|                     |                     | (1545 - 1602) m 1566
|                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____|
|                       (.... - 1606)       |
|                                           |_Jeanne DUTOIT ______+
|                                             (1548 - 1586) m 1566
|--Jean DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1661)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Daniel CAVIN _______|
|                     | (.... - 1623)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Judith CAVIN _______|
  (.... - 1660) m 1634|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean Isaac Charles Frédéric DUTOIT       (ID #I1830)

Father: Marc Philippe DUTOIT (b. 12 JUN 1751, d. 1832)
Mother: Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN (b. 27 SEP 1759, d. 15 MAY 1819)


Information from Marc Kiener at the Unversité de Lausanne, forwarded by David M. Jones. However, the baptism does not appear in the church records at Lausanne, so the baptism must have been recorded elsewhere, either in one of the "suburban" parishes around Lausanne, or else at a parish where one of the grandparents lived.

                                                          _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _+
                                                         | (.... - 1743) m 1697        
                                 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT __|
                                | (.... - 1790) m 1746   |
                                |                        |_Marie LYONS ________________+
                                |                          (1671 - 1746) m 1697        
 _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
| (1751 - 1832)                 |
|                               |                         _Jaques AGUET _______________
|                               |                        | (1682 - 1752)               
|                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ___|
|                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746   |
|                                                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________
|--Jean Isaac Charles Frédéric DUTOIT 
|  (1791 - ....)
|                                                         _Jean Pierre SECRÉTAN _______+
|                                                        |  m 1728                     
|                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN _|
|                               |                        |
|                               |                        |_Jeanne Susanne FATIO _______+
|                               |                          (1701 - 1781) m 1728        
|_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
  (1759 - 1819)                 |
                                |                         _____________________________
                                |                        |                             
                                |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ _|

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Jean Jaques DUTOIT       (ID #I1873)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean Jaques DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Jean Jaques (von Dach) DUTOIT       (ID #I2220)

Family 1 :
  1. +Elizabeth Marguerite (von Dach) DUTOIT (b. abt 1738, bur. 28 MAR 1814)


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Jean Philippe DUTOIT       (ID #I1835)

Father: Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT (bp. 18 JUN 1672, d. 13 JAN 1743)
Mother: Marie LYONS (b. ABT 1671, d. 14 MAY 1746)

Family 1 : Jeanne Louise AGUET (bp. 21 OCT 1721, d. 22 MAR 1756)
  1.  Marie Magdelaine DUTOIT (b. 23 OCT 1747)
  2.  Gabriel Jeremie DUTOIT (b. 19 SEP 1749, d. AFT 1793)
  3. +Marc Philippe DUTOIT (b. 12 JUN 1751, d. 1832)
  4. +Louise DUTOIT (b. 09 NOV 1753, d. 01 SEP 1809)
  5.  Charles Victor DUTOIT (b. 9 AUG 1755, d. 1838)
Family 2 : Susanne Gabrielle DANCE (dates unknown)


He was minister at Lausanne at about the same time as the famous Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini. He was minister of the French church at Bern from at least 1752. He seems to be associated somehow with Samuel Chastellanat, minister at Mézières. 1752 and 1762: second minister at Bern; 1766: first minister at Bern. Marriage record of his son says that was also pasteur at "Meiry" (Meyriez). Registers at Bern show him as first minister 07 may 1765, with last baptismal entry there 12 jan 1775. He was minister at Meyriez 03 jan 1775, and presumably served there almost until the next minister Henri Dessonnaz was installed, 12 apr 1790. Henri Vuilleumier (Histoire de l'Eglise Réformée du Pays de Vaud, 1933) notes that he died in 1790 at the "cure de repos de Meyriez" (not correct, since we found his burial record at Lausanne), and that he was very probably the author of the Ordonnances éclessiastiques pour le Pays de Vaud that were published anonymously in Bern in 1773 ("De l'Imprimerie de Leurs Excellences"—a copy from Oxford University has been digitized on GoogleBooks).

Discovering his parentage has been difficult. The record of his first marriage at Lausanne gives no details of his background. However, his second marriage is recorded at Corcelles-près-Payerne, with interesting details:

"Jean Philippe Dutoit ministre et bourgeois de Moudon, diacre de l'église française de Berne, et Susanne Gabrielle Dance de Morges, ont, ensuite d'un brevet de 17 mai 1762, fait bénir leur mariage dans ma paroisse, de mon aveu, par Msr. le ministre Bourgeois, pasteur de Mesieres, son cousin."

The minister Bourgeois turns out to be Daniel Bourgeois baptised 21 dec 1717, son of Daniel Philippe Bourgeois and Marguerite Guidroz of Moudon. Daniel married Esther Marguerite Arthaud, daughter of Jean Louis Arthaud, and the latter was married to a sister of Marie Lions or Lyons, the same Marie who was the wife of Louis Jacob Dutoit. The Arthaud family appears more than once at baptisms with Jean Philippe Dutoit. For example, at the baptism of Gabriel Jérémie Dutoit 24 sep 1749, the sponsors are Gabriel Roy, pastor at Perroy, with his wife Pauline Arthaud, and Jérémie Arthaud (b. 1675, son of Paul Arthaud and Marie Crespin), with his wife Antoinette Sylvestre. It appears all of these families are well represented among the clergy of Vaud. Finally, once we know that Jean Philippe is associated with the Lions and Arthaud families, a baptism from 1735 now makes sense:

22 oct 1735: Jaques Philippe Paul son of Pierre Philippe Dutoit and Elizabeth Meistre, sponsors Jaques Dutoit, chamoiseur; Jean Philippe Dutoit, estudiant; Pauline Arthaud; Marie Bedard.

Pierre Philippe is the son of Louis Jacob Dutoit and Marie Lions, Jaques Dutoit is probably Pierre Philippe's brother baptised as Jacob and known to be a chamoiseur, Jean Philippe the student (presumably at the Académie de Lausanne, the nearest institution of higher learning that would warrant the epithet "estudiant" in the eyes of the Eglise Réformée) is now clearly identified as Pierre Philippe's brother, and not Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini, Pauline Arthaud is evidently the same woman who became the wife of the minister Gabriel Roy, and Marie Bédard must be the daughter of Susanne Lions and Daniel Bédard.

Our deductions about the parentage of Jean Philippe are confirmed in his lettre de bourgeoisie at Lausanne (AVL D 441/1 fol. 222): "Spectable Jean Philippe DuToit agé de 32 ans ministre du St. Evangile dans cette ville, fils du Sieur Louis Jacob Du Toit bourgeois de Moudon et de Marie Lions sa femme".

Documents recorded by Isaac Samuel Denis DuBrit, notary at Moudon, tell us which Jean Philippe is which: 07 mar 1744, Jean Philippe Dutoit, proposant (theology student) and his brother Pierre Philippe Dutoit, heirs of the late Jacob Dutoit, officier ballival de Moudon, and their unnamed coheirs, sold property to Eg. Jaques David Burnand, curial de Moudon and Chatelain de Siens. The property was a garden in Moudon. The witnesses were Monsieur le Proposant Jean Philippe Dutoit le Cadet, and the minister André Dutoit. (Thus, we know that the elder of the two Jean Philippe Dutoits was the son of Jacob, and the other Jean Philippe's parentage is well known.)

Among the mentions of Jean Philippe's descendants at Lausanne and elsewhere, at least one claimed citizenship at Vevey as well as Moudon and Lausanne. The parentage we have discovered does not suggest any connection to Vevey, but it is possible that Jean Philippe or his sons may have acquired bourgeois status there after leaving Lausanne.

[386] Buried "sous les Cloîtres" at the Cimitière de la Cité, Lausanne. Burial record gives his age as 70 years and 6 months.

                                                     _Antoine DUTOIT _____+
                                                    | (.... - 1654) m 1634
                               _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                              | (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
                              |                     |_Judith CAVIN _______+
                              |                       (.... - 1660) m 1634
 _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
|                             |                      _Jean BOSSET ________
|                             |                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641
|                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______|
|                               (.... - 1734) m 1662|
|                                                   |_Anne GIRARD ________
|                                                      m 1641             
|--Jean Philippe DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1790)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _Pierre LYONS _______|
|                             |                     |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Marie LYONS ________________|
  (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     
                              |_Jeanne AUBERT ______|

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Jeanne DUTOIT       (ID #I1994)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1515, d. AFT 1574)

Family 1 : François GAULEY (b. BEF 1545, d. AFT 1602)
  1.  Pierre GAULEY (bp. 15 AUG 1568)
  2.  Jaques GAULEY (bp. 26 FEB 1570)
  3.  Abraham GAULEY (bp. 27 JAN 1572)
  4.  Isaac GAULEY (bp. 27 JAN 1572)
  5. +Anteine GAULEY (bp. 25 APR 1574, d. BEF 1606)
  6.  Daniel GAULEY (bp. 25 JUN 1576)
  7.  Collette GAULEY (bp. 10 JUL 1580)
  8.  Benoicte GAULEY (bp. 1 OCT 1581)
  9.  Marguerite GAULEY (bp. 16 JUN 1583)
  10.  Pierre GAULEY (bp. 26 DEC 1585)


Marriage contract recorded by Humbert Demierre 05 jan and 03 feb 1567 identifies her as the daughter of Claude Dutoit son of the late Claude Dutoit. She is called Anne in a document of 25 oct 1571 recorded by Jaques Jaquier.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1515 - 1574)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jeanne DUTOIT 
|  (1548 - 1586)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jeanne Catherine DUTOIT       (ID #I1938)

Father: Jaques DUTOIT (bp. 17 FEB 1616, d. BEF 1640)
Mother: Barbille MASSET (b. ABT 1611)


                      |                     |
                      |                     |_________________________
 _Jaques DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1640)       |
|                     |                      _________________________
|                     |                     |                         
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_________________________
|--Jeanne Catherine DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1685)
|                                            _Jerome François MASSET _+
|                                           | (.... - 1627)           
|                      _Philippe MASSET ____|
|                     | (1570 - ....)       |
|                     |                     |_Claudine DE LUTRY ______
|                     |                                               
|_Barbille MASSET ____|
  (1611 - ....)       |
                      |                      _________________________
                      |                     |                         
                      |______ THIOT ________|

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Julia Henrietta DUTOIT       (ID #I2129)

Father: Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1793, d. 19 AUG 1865)
Mother: Lydie DE TREY (b. 31 OCT 1788, d. 29 AUG 1868)

Family 1 : George N. WILSON (b. abt 1828, d. 11 APR 1875)


She and her husband are buried in the same plot with her parents, Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, OH, section 37, lot 1439. In spite of court records that made made her the Mrs. Doyle who had died before her father leaving five children, it is clear that it was her sister Louisa who married Samuel Doyle.

                                                                        _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _____+
                                                                       | (.... - 1790) m 1746      
                                        _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
                                       | (1751 - 1832)                 |
                                       |                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ______+
                                       |                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746      
 _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
| (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                                      |                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN ____+
|                                      |                               |                           
|                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
|                                        (1759 - 1819)                 |
|                                                                      |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ ____
|--Julia Henrietta DUTOIT 
|  (1836 - 1909)
|                                                                       _Charles François DE TREY _+
|                                                                      | (1729 - 1789)             
|                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________|
|                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 |
|                                      |                               |_Salomé MARCUARD __________
|                                      |                                                           
|_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
  (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                       |                                _Victor FIVAZ _____________
                                       |                               |                           
                                       |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________|
                                                                       |_Susanne Marguerite ROUGE _+

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Katherine DUTOIT       (ID #I2073)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)
Mother: Anteine _____ (d. AFT 1524)


                                             ______ DUTOIT _______
                       _Jacob DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1421 - 1504)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1465 - 1528)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Katherine DUTOIT 
|  (1505 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine _____ ______|
  (.... - 1524)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Louisa DUTOIT       (ID #I2127)

Father: Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1793, d. 19 AUG 1865)
Mother: Lydie DE TREY (b. 31 OCT 1788, d. 29 AUG 1868)

Family 1 : Samuel DOYLE (b. abt 1815, d. 23 NOV 1880)


In spite of the fact that legal records show that one of the deceased children of Eugene Dutoit at the time of his death in 1865 was Julia Doyle, we find the it was Louisa, wife of Samuel Doyle, who died in 1854. The burial record at Woodland Cemetery in Dayton, Ohio notes that she was born in Vevay, Indiana, and that she was age 31 at the time of her death. She and other members of the Doyle family are buried in Section 64, lot 664.

                                                                        _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _____+
                                                                       | (.... - 1790) m 1746      
                                        _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
                                       | (1751 - 1832)                 |
                                       |                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ______+
                                       |                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746      
 _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
| (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                                      |                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN ____+
|                                      |                               |                           
|                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
|                                        (1759 - 1819)                 |
|                                                                      |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ ____
|--Louisa DUTOIT 
|  (1823 - 1854)
|                                                                       _Charles François DE TREY _+
|                                                                      | (1729 - 1789)             
|                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________|
|                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 |
|                                      |                               |_Salomé MARCUARD __________
|                                      |                                                           
|_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
  (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                       |                                _Victor FIVAZ _____________
                                       |                               |                           
                                       |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________|
                                                                       |_Susanne Marguerite ROUGE _+

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Louise DUTOIT       (ID #I437)

Father: Jean Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 6 MAY 1719, d. 22 FEB 1790)
Mother: Jeanne Louise AGUET (bp. 21 OCT 1721, d. 22 MAR 1756)

Family 1 : Gabriel DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (bp. 22 OCT 1743)
  1.  Spencer Charles Gabriel DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (b. 20 JAN 1783)
  2.  Françoise ("Fanny") Susanne DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (b. 17 JUL 1785)
  3.  Sophie Antoinette Philippine DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (b. 08 FEB 1788)
  4.  Marie Louise DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (b. 29 JUN 1797)


Catechumen 11 may 1769 at Bern, where her father was minister. She appears as a sponsor for a baptism at Meyriez in 1777.

She married Gabriel Dufour of Montreux, minister at Whatcott, Warwick, England, and at Moulsoe, Buckinghamshire, England, and chaplain for Lord Northampton. Baptisms of three of their children at Meyriez were copied into the church registers of Montreux.

                                                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                                      | (1638 - 1695) m 1662
                         _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
                        | (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
                        |                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______+
                        |                               (.... - 1734) m 1662
 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1790) m 1746  |
|                       |                              _Pierre LYONS _______
|                       |                             |                     
|                       |_Marie LYONS ________________|
|                         (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
|                                                     |_Jeanne AUBERT ______
|--Louise DUTOIT 
|  (1753 - 1809)
|                                                      _____________________
|                                                     |                     
|                        _Jaques AGUET _______________|
|                       | (1682 - 1752)               |
|                       |                             |_____________________
|                       |                                                   
|_Jeanne Louise AGUET __|
  (.... - 1756) m 1746  |
                        |                              _____________________
                        |                             |                     
                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________|

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Marc Philippe DUTOIT       (ID #I1828)

Father: Jean Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 6 MAY 1719, d. 22 FEB 1790)
Mother: Jeanne Louise AGUET (bp. 21 OCT 1721, d. 22 MAR 1756)

Family 1 : Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN (b. 27 SEP 1759, d. 15 MAY 1819)
  1.  Jean Isaac Charles Frédéric DUTOIT (b. 01 APR 1791)
  2. +Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1793, d. 19 AUG 1865)
  3.  Rose Elize Charlotte Stephanie DUTOIT (b. 1 FEB 1795)


Catechumen 05 jun 1767 at Bern, where his father was minister. Marc Philippe was then a student of philosophy, presumably at Lausanne, but another source suggests he may have been studying in Bern. He was Professeur d'Eloquence at the Académie de Lausanne from 1775 until his death, and by 1792 held the position of Recteur.

An anonymous work published by H. Vincent (Paris and Lausanne) in 1790 under the title De l'Origine, des Usages, des Abus, des Quantités et des Mélanges de la Raison et de la Foi (3 volumes), with a new edition in 1793 under the pseudonym Keleph ben Nathan (and with a new title, La Philosophie divine appliquée aux lumères naturelle, magique, astrale naturelle, céleste et divine, ou aux immuables vérités que Dieu a révélées), has been attributed to him, for reasons that are unclear at best, under the name "Marc Philippe Dutoit-Mambrini", thus making him the son of the minister Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini, who, as far as is known, never married. Another anonymous work attributed, prehaps more reasonably, to the real Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini was published in 1800: La philosophie chrétienne exposée, éclaircie, démontrée et appuyée sur l'immuable baze de la révélation ou de la véritable religion pratique, expliquée et rendue à sa pureté primitive. Sermons discours et homélies. / par l'auteur de la Philosophie divine (Lausanne?, 1800, 3 volumes, of which the first continues the "Sermons de Théophile" published in 1764 and widely recognized as the work of Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini). A cursory search on Google Books and elsewhere shows that many authors had conflated Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini with the professor Marc Philippe Dutoit. The confusion appears to have been resolved, for the most part, toward the end of the 20th Century.

                                                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                                      | (1638 - 1695) m 1662
                         _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
                        | (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
                        |                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______+
                        |                               (.... - 1734) m 1662
 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1790) m 1746  |
|                       |                              _Pierre LYONS _______
|                       |                             |                     
|                       |_Marie LYONS ________________|
|                         (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
|                                                     |_Jeanne AUBERT ______
|--Marc Philippe DUTOIT 
|  (1751 - 1832)
|                                                      _____________________
|                                                     |                     
|                        _Jaques AGUET _______________|
|                       | (1682 - 1752)               |
|                       |                             |_____________________
|                       |                                                   
|_Jeanne Louise AGUET __|
  (.... - 1756) m 1746  |
                        |                              _____________________
                        |                             |                     
                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________|

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Marie Magdelaine DUTOIT       (ID #I1837)

Father: Jean Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 6 MAY 1719, d. 22 FEB 1790)
Mother: Jeanne Louise AGUET (bp. 21 OCT 1721, d. 22 MAR 1756)


                                                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                                      | (1638 - 1695) m 1662
                         _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
                        | (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
                        |                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______+
                        |                               (.... - 1734) m 1662
 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1790) m 1746  |
|                       |                              _Pierre LYONS _______
|                       |                             |                     
|                       |_Marie LYONS ________________|
|                         (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
|                                                     |_Jeanne AUBERT ______
|--Marie Magdelaine DUTOIT 
|  (1747 - ....)
|                                                      _____________________
|                                                     |                     
|                        _Jaques AGUET _______________|
|                       | (1682 - 1752)               |
|                       |                             |_____________________
|                       |                                                   
|_Jeanne Louise AGUET __|
  (.... - 1756) m 1746  |
                        |                              _____________________
                        |                             |                     
                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________|

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Marie Sara DUTOIT       (ID #I1852)

Father: Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT (bp. 18 JUN 1672, d. 13 JAN 1743)
Mother: Marie LYONS (b. ABT 1671, d. 14 MAY 1746)


                                                     _Antoine DUTOIT _____+
                                                    | (.... - 1654) m 1634
                               _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                              | (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
                              |                     |_Judith CAVIN _______+
                              |                       (.... - 1660) m 1634
 _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
|                             |                      _Jean BOSSET ________
|                             |                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641
|                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______|
|                               (.... - 1734) m 1662|
|                                                   |_Anne GIRARD ________
|                                                      m 1641             
|--Marie Sara DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1759)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _Pierre LYONS _______|
|                             |                     |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Marie LYONS ________________|
  (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     
                              |_Jeanne AUBERT ______|

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Maurice DUTOIT       (ID #I2025)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)
Mother: Anteine _____ (d. AFT 1524)

Family 1 : Anteine TROLLIET (dates unknown)
  1.  Anteine DUTOIT (d. bef 1592)
  2.  Antoine DUTOIT (d. BEF 1584)
  3. +Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1583)
  4.  Jaques (Jacobé?) DUTOIT (b. BEF 1545, d. BEF 1593)
  5.  Thomas DUTOIT (b. BEF 1550, d. 4 DEC 1593)
Family 2 : Clauda _____ (dates unknown)


Many references to his sons Thomas and Jaques, and their heirs. A document of Humbert Demierre, 03 feb 1567, shows Claude Dutoit son of the late Claude, with his nephews the (unnamed) sons of his brother the late Mauris Dutoit, thus establishing parentage of Maurice. Evidently the same Maurice buys vineyards from sons of Guido or Guidano "detecto" 24 aug 1528 (Rodolphe Demont notary), had wife Clauda circa 1558, and serves as tuteur for the children of the late Antoine son of Guy Dutoit about that time.

There are at least two transactions in the records of Jean Jaquier, notary at Moudon (ACV DL 53), that reveal the existence of other children of Maurice whose names are not known. A daughter had married Roulx du Russel, to whom Maurice rented property 19 nov 1534. Also, another daughter had married Rod Dutoit, son of Jean Dutoit and brother of the Pierre Dutoit who married Maurice's daughter Antheine.

The property of "Moury du Tey" at Chavannes was valued at 5601 florins in 1550, making him by far the wealthiest head of household there (ACV Bp 14/1 fol. 62).

The terrier ACV Fn 347 contains many citations of a "reconnaissance" that he made, probably about 1557, for a prior terrier compiled by Eg. François Colon or Colombi, in which Maurice was acting also for his brother Claude. Among other places where this earlier reconnaissance is referenced is one dated 22 mar 1592 for the heirs of his late son Antoine (fol. 110), another on 12 oct 1593 for his son Thomas, acting also for Gaspard and Jaques, sons of the late Jaques who was another son of Maurice (fol. 153), and one for Moyse son of the late Jehan son of Maurice, 14 oct 1593 (fol. 302).

[1470] Date is old style.

                                             ______ DUTOIT _______
                       _Jacob DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1421 - 1504)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1465 - 1528)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Maurice DUTOIT 
|  (1503 - 1559)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine _____ ______|
  (.... - 1524)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Maurice DUTOIT       (ID #I1988)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1583)


Brother of Pierre Dutoit the minister, and identifiable mainly when mentioned in connection with the minister. There is, however, a remote possibility that Pierre's "bothers" Maurice and Moyse are in fact the same person! We identify him with the Maurice Dutoit whose posthumous son Sebastien was baptised at Corsier-sur-Vevay in 1586, all the more likely as Aragon is a surname that occurs there. Records at Corsier indicate citizen of Chavannes-sur-Moudon. Two possible illegitimate children 1582.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)       
                       _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
                      | (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
                      |                     |_Anteine _____ ______
                      |                       (.... - 1524)       
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1583)       |
|                     |                      _Jean TROLLIET ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
|                        m 1522             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Maurice DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1586)
|                                            _____________________
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Moyse DUTOIT       (ID #I1990)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1583)


Identified in document of F. Ballif, notary at Moudon, 04 feb 1613, involving a dispute between Jean and Jean Becholley father and son, with Moyse Dutey of Chesalles who has married Sarraz daugher of Jean Becholley. Moyse himself is noted at Chesalles as early as 1598 and as late as 1625.

He may also have had a son Daniel and a daughter who married Jean Wagnieres, if we have correctly identified the subject of a terse notation in the records of the Cour de Justice of Moudon (ACV Bil 51, 17 mar 1659), indicating the resolution of an action by Baltazard Maquelin son of the late Claude Maquelin son of the late Anthoine Maquelin, against Jean Wagnieres, Jean Dutoit and his brother Daniel Dutoit and their wives, "heritiers et bientenants de Pierre fils de feu Anthoine Maquelin, situes lesdits biens en La Faye riere ledit Moudon". The notice further indicates that the testament of Anthoine Maquelin was dated 1620. Further details are probably contained in a preceding volume of court records, now lost. However since Jean Dutoit son of Moyse Dutoit had married Jeannaz Maquelin daughter of Anthoine Maquelin in 1618, it seems likely that he must be one of the defendants named, and thus should have a brother Daniel who had a wife who was also a daughter of Anthoine Maquelin. All of this would probably be explained if we could locate the testament of Pierre Maquelin, who died about 1641.

The Moyse Dutoit who was at Chesalles is revealed in the terrier ACV Fn 347 (fol. 302, 13 apr 1592) as the son of the late Jean who was a son of Maurice son of Claude.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)       
                       _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
                      | (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
                      |                     |_Anteine _____ ______
                      |                       (.... - 1524)       
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1583)       |
|                     |                      _Jean TROLLIET ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
|                        m 1522             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Moyse DUTOIT 
|  (1566 - 1625)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
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|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
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Nicolletus DUTOIT       (ID #I2070)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1465, d. BEF 1528)
Mother: Anteine _____ (d. AFT 1524)


In a document recorded by Michel Frossard, 22 mar 1504, he deeded his interest in any (future) inheritance from his parents or brothers to his brother Claude Dutoit (ACV DL 43/3, p. 62). At that time Nicolletus was living at "Villardoz-Terroux". Nothing further is heard of him, and we assume he died before his father made his will in 1524. The place in question is almost certainly modern Villars-le-Terroir, a parish in the district of Echallens that remained Catholic during the Bernese occupation, and so we might have here the origin of the Catholic Dutoit families in the area near Echallens.

Unfortunately, very little remains of the early records of the notaries of the district of Echallens. There is only one fragmentary register of the notary Jean Clément covering approximately 1484-1502, but it contains five transactions mentioning Nicolletus Detecto, 1496-1500. The coincidence of names makes us suppose that these are the same parties to the transaction of 1504, still the only evidence relating to the possible origin of the Dutoit family of Echallens. One of the transactions, dated Feast of the Ascension, 1500, names Marguerite daughter of the late Nycodi Gleys of Paliez (Palézieux?) or possibly Paluz (Praz-Paluz, a toponym at Echallens?) as the wife of Nycolletus Detecto. In none of these documents is Nycolletus identified in any way except as a resident of Villard luz Terrioux. There is also an oblique reference to a Claudius Detecto, but his relationship to Nycolletus appears not to be stated.

                                             ______ DUTOIT _______
                       _Jacob DUTOIT _______|
                      | (1421 - 1504)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1465 - 1528)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Nicolletus DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1524)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
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|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine _____ ______|
  (.... - 1524)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Perissone DUTOIT       (ID #I2094)

Father: Jacob DUTOIT (b. BEF 1421, d. BEF 1504)


A settlement of a list of contested expenses between Claude Dutoit son of Pierre and Maurice Dutoit son of Claude, recorded 18 sep 1538 (Rodolphe Demont, notary), notes that a sister of Maurice's father had married Clement Buti (prior to 1511, when these expenses are first contested), but Claude son of Pierre Dutoit had incurred costs related to the wedding (21 florins) that he thought should have been paid by Maurice. The identity of "Claude son of Pierre" is not entirely certain. If the Pierre in question was the uncle of the bride, he appears to have died prior to 1449, and that would make Claude extremely old in 1538.

                       ______ DUTOIT _______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Jacob DUTOIT _______|
| (1421 - 1504)       |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Perissone DUTOIT 
|  (1490 - 1511)
|                                            __
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Legend: Protestant minister.

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