The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Pernon DUTOIT       (ID #I2042)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1515, d. AFT 1574)


She is probably the subject of a lost document noted in the surviving index of a notarial register of Jean Jaquier of Moudon (ACV DL 53/2). The document was originally on fol. 206, which is now lost. It is a "quittance de mariage" of Claude Dutoit for his daughter Pernon. Oddly, the marriage contract that this instrument should have accompanied is not listed in the index. The documents in this register cover the period 1560-1577, generally not in chronological order.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1515 - 1574)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pernon DUTOIT 
|  (1553 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
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Philippe DUTOIT       (ID #I1870)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Philippe DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Philippe DUTOIT       (ID #I1872)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Philippe DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Philippe Isaac Marc François ("Charles Philippe") DUTOIT       (ID #I1825)

Father: Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1793, d. 19 AUG 1865)
Mother: Lydie DE TREY (b. 31 OCT 1788, d. 29 AUG 1868)


Family notes compiled much later suggest he had a brother Charles Philippe who was born in France on 11 mar 1818, but as his mother wrote to her uncle in Switzerland on 10 aug 1817 shortly after the family's arrival in New York (see Philippe Motty, Les de Trey, Editions Cabédita, 1988, p. 199), it seems much more likely that the next child was born in Vevay.

A more likely explanation is that the son identified in the family notes as Charles Philippe, born in 1818, is in fact the son born 11 mar 1817 in Lausanne, baptised as Philippe Isaac Marc François. One of the requirements in arranging the children of Eugène and Lydie Dutoit is that there must be six chidlren still living at the time of Eugène's death in 1865, plus two deceased children Philip and Julia, who each left children of their own.. The court records appear to identify the surviving children of "Philip" as Charles, Francis, and Eugene, and these names are precisely those of the children of Charles Philippe Dutoit who were living in 1865. A further complication is that the actual daughter Julia survived until 1909, while it was her sister Louisa who married Samuel Doyle and died in 1854.

                                                                        _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _____+
                                                                       | (.... - 1790) m 1746      
                                        _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
                                       | (1751 - 1832)                 |
                                       |                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ______+
                                       |                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746      
 _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
| (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                                      |                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN ____+
|                                      |                               |                           
|                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
|                                        (1759 - 1819)                 |
|                                                                      |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ ____
|--Philippe Isaac Marc François ("Charles Philippe") DUTOIT 
|  (1817 - ....)
|                                                                       _Charles François DE TREY _+
|                                                                      | (1729 - 1789)             
|                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________|
|                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 |
|                                      |                               |_Salomé MARCUARD __________
|                                      |                                                           
|_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
  (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                       |                                _Victor FIVAZ _____________
                                       |                               |                           
                                       |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________|
                                                                       |_Susanne Marguerite ROUGE _+

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2103)

Father: _____ DUTOIT (dates unknown)


This is the Pierre of Chavannes whose son Claude carried on a dispute with the heirs of Claude Dutoit son of Jacob over several decades regarding 21 florins that he had to pay for the wedding of Perissone, daughter of Jacob, to Clement Buti. The latest document we found on this dispute was in 1538 (Roulx Demont, notary). Apart from the fact that he was the father of Claude, we know nothing about him. In particular, we have no documents in which he is mentioned during his lifetime. He is not mentioned with the other brothers Jacob, Jean, and Rolet in a document dated 21 jul 1449 (notary Jean Crepy) quoted in a dispute over the "dixme" of Chavannes before the Cour de Justice de Chavannes in 1680 (ACV BIL 264). He may be the same Pierre Dutoit (Petrus De Tecto, son of Johannes) whose widow Agneis De Laz Cort (Delacour) is mentioned 22 jan 1452 (Jean Saly, senior, notary). In that case, the father of the Dutoit brothers cited several times from about 1446 until about 1460 are the sons of Johannes, and we would place the death of Pierre before 21 jul 1449.

                      |  |
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 ______ DUTOIT _______|
|                     |
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|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1449)
|                         __
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|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I1989)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. BEF 1583)


First reference is his marriage in 1582, when he is noted as minister at Siens and deacon at Moudon. He is listed then as son of the late Jean Dutoit, but his father is probably not the same "late Jean" whose son Pierre married in 1565, or else there should be more heirs of "the late Jean" appearing in the notarial records. Evidently we are looking for a Jean Dutoit who was alive in 1565 but who had died about 1582. This prospect calls into question the parentage of several other sons of the "late Jean" whose marriages were recorded in 1575, 1579, and 1581.

In his testament, Pierre lists his wife as Anne Frossard. This marriage has not yet been found. In fact, the baptisms of his children have not been found, either, except for those of Marie in 1597 (at Morat) and Dorothée in 1600 (at Moudon). His testament also names his brother Moyse, and his nephew Jean, son of Moyse. His testament makes it clear that his daughter Esther was a child of his second wife, and that his eldest child, Magdelaine, was a child of his first wife. Which mother bore the other children is not clear.

In 1643, his granddaughter Elizabeth Panchaud, daughter of the minister Ulrich Panchaud of Grandson and his wife Magdelaine, daughter of Pierre Dutoit, was the owner (with her husband Jacob DeTrey, son of Guillaume DeTrey) of Pierre's estate near Prevondens. This estate was traded with Michel Butin and his wife Jeanne Rouge for a number of parcels of land that Jeanne had inherited from the estate of her father Jean Rouge and her mother Anne Planche (Samuel DeTrey, notary, 12 may 1643). This transaction explains how the Butin family came to live at Prevondens, and how Jeanne Rouge was later noted as owning a house in her own right.

A document of Anthoine Richard, notary, 27 may 1607 (ACV DL 80), involves a debt previously contracted by George Bourgeois of Courtilles to Jaques Frossard acting on behalf of his "beau-pere" (either step-father or father-in-law) George Dutoit of Vevey (1602). Now, in 1607, Pierre Dutoit, minister at Moudon, is acting on behalf of the late George Dutoit his brother to settle this debt. This must be the George son of Jean Dutoit (not identified as "late") who married Clauda daughter of Pierre Perrin, bourgeois de Vevey, 31 jul 1580, recorded at Moudon.

He served also at Constantine (1591), where perhaps his other children were baptised, and Morat (1596-1598). It does not appear that records for Constantine have survived from such an early date.

About 1619-1620, he seems to have attempted to buy property and acquire the benefits of citizenship (bourgeoisie) at Curtilles, which led to a dispute of some sort. The archives of Curtilles has two documents on this subject, not yet examined.

A document of Jaques Richard, notary, 06 nov 1598, further complicates the picture. It concerns a Pierre DuToict son of "the late Jean", and has Pierre DuToict the minister as one of the witnesses. The first Pierre is exchanging property with Jaques son of the late Claude DuToict of Chavannes, witnesses including also François son of the late Claude DuToict. The notation "fils de feuz hon. Jehan" appears as a marginal addition in the register, but does not appear in the draft of this document in the corresponding minutaire. There are a number of other references at Moudon and Vevey that mention a Pierre Dutoit son of the late Jean who is not the minister.

A possible clarification of the problem of the two "late Jean Dutoits" is in the marriage register at Granges. There are two Dutoit marriages in 1582: Louise, daughter of the late Jean Dutoit bourgeois of Moudon and Vuarmarens, parish of Morlens (now in Canton Fribourg) marries Claude Rod (Roud? Roux?), and Pierre son of the late Jean Dutoit of Chavannes (the minister) marries Anne Gillian. The wording may be intended to distinguish between the two men of the same name.

A document of Clement Butty, notary at Vevey, 12 oct 1591, has Doct, Sage, et Prudent Pierre Dutoit son of the late Jean Dutoit of Moudon, minister at Constantine, selling vineyards to his brother George Dutoit, cordonnier and bourgeois de Vevey.

He survived the plague in 1613, as explained in the following inscription in his hand in the baptismal registers at Moudon:

(Inscription between entries for 01 aug 1613 and 19 sep 1613:)

"Ayant pleu au Seigneur m'affliger de peste, et sur ceste affliction ayant pour quelque temps entrenné l'exercise de mon Ministère, apres l'avoir recommencé, j'ay baptisé les enfants suyvants:"

The text of his testament follows:

Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon, 29 nov 1639.

Au nom du pere, du fils & du sainct esprit, un seul Dieu en trois personnes, Amen. Je Pierre Dutoict, Ministre du Sainct Evangile à Mouldon, Me voyant caduc et plein de jours, Et partant proche de mon deceds, Ay faict mon testament et declairation de ma derniere volonté comme s'ensuit; Et premierement je remercie infiniement mon Dieu & pere de tant de graces qu'il luy a pleu me conferer, specialement de ce que m'ayant selon le bon plaisir de sa volonté esleu des toute eternité en vie eternelle en Son bienaymé fils Jesus Christ mon seul saveur, pour accomplir en moy Son oeuvre, Il luy a pleu me faire maistre en Son Eglise pour y estre instruict en la cognoissance de mon Salut, Et d'abondant a daigné m'appeller au Sainct Ministere pour annoncer son Sainct Evangile. Dont recognoissant en ceste saincte vocation qu'en tout le reste de ma vie, je ne me suis comporté en tel Zele & reverie ce que je devoye; Ains ay commis une infinité de deffautz, J'en demande pardon de bon coeur à mon Dieu pour l'amour de son fils unique, Le priant me les remettre par son misericorde infinie, Selon la ferme foy et esperance que j'en ay. Et au partir de ceste vie recevoir mon ame en son regne celeste et eternel, Attendant la grande & generale resurrection, En laquelle & en corps et en ame je seray pleinement conjoinct à mon Saveur et Redempteur Jesus Christ pour participer à Sa gloire & felicité. Quant à quelque peu de biens temporels qu'il a pleu à Dieu me donner par Sa divine benediction, pour eviter les differents que à l'occasion d'iceux pourroyent survenir entre ceux qui en doivent jouyr apres mon deceds, Puisque la fondement de tout bon et legitime Testament est l'Institution d'heritiers, Ayant pleu à Dieu retirer à Soy ma bien aymée fille, Magdelaine femme de Specatble Ulrich Panchaud, Ministre à Grandson, mon aynée, Je nomme & institue pour mes heritiers en la moitié de tous mes biens les enfantz d'icelle pour eux & les leurs, se succedantz l'un à l'autre en cas de deceds en minorité d'aage. Et pour le regard de l'autre moitié Je crée & ordonne pour mon heritiere ma bien aymée fille Esther vefve de feu Egrege & Prudent Philippe Tacheron cy devant Secretaire Ballival dudit Mouldon pour elle et les siens, se succedants aussi l'un à l'autre & par la mesme condition. Concernant ma treschere et bien aymée femme Anne Frossard, Moy avoit esté tres fidele et serviable, Il est raisonnable qu'elle soit apres mon deceds decentement nourrie & entretenue selon mes petits moyens, partant je luy constitue de pension annuelle sa viduité durant, Sçavoir six coppes de froment, seize coppes de Messel, six coppes d'Avoine, une coppe de pois, une coppe d'orge le tout à la mesure de Mouldon. [Marginal addition: Item, un sac de noix à prendre sur ses biens reservé cas d'ouailleon. (?)] Cent et cinquante florins argent, Six Seytiers de vin blanc et quatre seytiers de rouge, rendables ici à Mouldon. Item je lui laisse son habitation en ma maison de ceste ville avec la jouyssance du curtil & appartenances d'icelle. Entant qu'elle laissera quelque membre dedit maison pour la necessité de mes hoirs, Icelle estant assez ample & sans que madicte femme en puisse rien loer à d'autres que par permission de mesdits hoirs. Item, j'ordonne qu'il lui soyent laisséz par inventaire quelques meubles à contentement honnestement. Les autres, elle les remettra à mesdits hoirs, ormis ceux qu'elle declairera en bonne foy luy appartenir sans ulterieure recerve sermentale, me confiant de sa fidelité. Item lui laisse la jouyssance de mon Jardin acquis des hoirs de feu Pierre George. Item je luy laisse la jouyssance de la moitié de mon osche partagé soit du long, soit en estroict a son choix, payable dicte pension scavoir lesdits graines legumes & argent par mes heritiers par moitié par quartemps au bout du premier quartemps commenceants & ce sur la moitié de tous mes biens, Estant bien assez, que depuis nostre mariage, Je n'ay retiré aucun interest, ne de ses deniers dottaux ny de son augment, ny des legats à elle faictz par ses freres deffuncts. Item je lui donne & legue pour un fois pour elle & les siens quatre cent florins, payables par mesdits hoirs incontinent apres mon deceds. Item luy fais present d'une coultre par elle encommencé. Item lui legue, le tier de loenure (?) battue tant serisée que non serisée. Item je luy legue le tier du fil qui n'est encor en toille. Item le tier de la toille qui n'est encor decouppée, Prians madicte femme de ce contenter de ce que dessus pour n'incommoder ne surcharger mesdits heritiers qui son en partie les siens. Et cas advenant qu'ils fissent difficulté de lui payer fidellement telle pension, j'ordonne qu'elle puisse jouyr de la moitié de mes biens sans contredire. Item je donne & legue a Jean mon nepveu fils de feu Moyse Dutey mon frere, Assavoir Cent et cinquante florins deduisables par mesdits heritiers sur ce qu'il me doit. Item je legue au charitable hospital dudit Mouldon Cent florins pour une fois qui se devront payer par mesdits heritiers de ce que m'est deub par les hoirs de feu Jean Place de Praz de Place & pour ce remettront audit hospital tous les papiers & pretentions que j'ay contre eux qui sont en mon buffet. Quant aux biens de ma premiere et bien aymée femme, deffuncte Anne Gilliand, Je declare en pure verité n'avoir jamais rien receu de son douaire, ny mesme le parentier de son trossel & vectimentz, Et n'ay oncques faict lever nostre (?) contrac stipullé par Egrege Jean Ballif. Et pour le regard des meubles de feu son pere ils furent en partie pillez, en partie par moy vendus pour payer quelques debtes et despends en diverses difficultéz, Tellement que je n'en ay eu que bien peu, Ayant aussi payé plusieurs autres debs, Lesquels sont articulez en un petit livre qui est en mon buffet, avec quelques sommes deues à mondit beaupere & par moy recouvreys (?), Et je fus tellement pressé apres son obit que je fus presque contrainct mettre son bien en discution, A quoy mes hoirs devront avoir regard pour discerner mon bien d'avec celuy de madite femme. Finalement, pour ce que le coustumier nouveau engendre souvent des difficultés & contestes, Je declare & ordonne que si quelcun de mesdits hoirs se vouloit entremettre de s'opposer & tascher de rompre ce mien testament, ou consentoit soit ouvertement soit clandestinement à la Rupture d'iceluy, iceluy ou icelle, sont entierement privé de ma legitime, dejectans aussi de mesdits biens tous autres y pretendantz, moyennant chacun cinq sols, Revocans tous autres testaments & donations s'il s'en trouvoit, Et voulants que le present soit stable & vallide en tous Jugements et dehors. Datté & faict soubs le seau à ce requis, Avec la Signature du Notaire soubsigné, Le Samedi penultieme novembre mille six centz & trenteneuf, En presence d'honnorables Jean Gindroz, Masson, & Jean Argaud tisseran, bourgeois dudit Mouldon pour telles declaration et testament entendre & pour en tesmoigner requis & demandés. -- Giraudet.

[449] The baptismal register at Moudon notes he served there for 41 years. Testament recorded 29 nov 1639 by Benoict Giraudet, notary and secretary of the consistory of Moudon.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1465 - 1528)       
                       _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
                      | (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
                      |                     |_Anteine _____ ______
                      |                       (.... - 1524)       
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1583)       |
|                     |                      _Jean TROLLIET ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
|                        m 1522             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1560 - 1639)
|                                            _____________________
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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I5670)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (d. BEF 1609)


Pierre the brother of Elie is noted as Tisserand or Tissot before 1620, hoste after that. He is cited in a large number of documents at Moudon. By 1629, his brother Elie is tuteur of his children. This Pierre is also known as "the younger", and apparently also as "officier de Moudon" 1620-1621. This conclusion depends on identifying the godson of the elder Gaspard Dutoit baptised in 1613 with the son of Pierre hoste mentioned after his death; the godson mentioned in the elder Gaspard's testament is son of the officier!

In order to establish whether all of these Pierre Dutoits can be the same man, it is necessary to pay attention to exact dates in the various citations:

25 apr 1624 (Baltazard DeCristaz, notary at Moudon): Pierre Dutoit bourgeois et hoste de Moudon sells land at Vulliens to Abraham Burnand. (Pierre is also mentioned in the baptismal records of Moudon—on occasions when he appears as a sponsor—as the hoste at La Croix Blanche, 1624-1626.)

25 nov 1627 (Baltazard DeCristaz, notary at Moudon): Pierre son of the late Antoine Dutoit of Chavannes sells his share of an estate held in common with Jaques Dutoit his brother, to Pierre Dutoit hoste. This record proves that Pierre the hoste is not the son of Antoine.

25 feb 1629 (Baltazard DeCristaz, notary at Moudon): Susanne daughter of the late Gustin (Augustin) Socquet vivant bourgeois de Moudon wife of Samuel Monney of Bienne (absent, hors du pays at this date), with her uncle Jaques Combremond, and Jaques Socquet her nephew, cedes to her brother-in-law Pierre Dutoit, hoste at La Croix Blanche and bourgeois of Moudon, any interest that she may have in the estate of the late Maître Jean Amioti vivant bourgeois d'Estavayer and resident of Lausanne, son of the late Vuillemoz Amioti, vivant bourgeois d'Estavayer, for 100 florins. She does this, apparently, out of gratitude for Pierre allowing her and her children to live in his house at Moudon. Among other things, this record suggests that the name given as Sacquet in the church records at Moudon should be taken as Socquet. The same notary mentions debts to Pierre Dutoit, hoste at Moudon, 07 apr 1629 and 13 apr 1629.

09 nov 1629 (Jaques Jayet, notary at Moudon, ACV DL 57/3 fol. 64): Marguerite Menouz widow of the late Pierre Dutoit vivant bourgeois de Moudon seels to Jean Duc of Villardbramaz, "assavoir, generallement tous et ung chescungs les biens à ladite venditrice donnez et remis en payement pour ses droictz dotaux par Elie Dutoict tutheur des hoirs dudit feu Pierre Duthey son feu frere siz à Chavannes..." for a price of 8000 florins. Unless there was another Pierre of that era with a wife Marguerite, this would indicate that Pierre died between April 13 and November 9 of 1629. This transaction, incidentally, explains how the Duc family of Villars-Bramard became established at Chavannes-sur-Moudon.

16 nov 1629 (Baltazard DeCristaz, notary at Moudon): Jean Rey, Lieutenant de Carrouges, owes Marguerite, widow of the late Pierre Dutoit vivant bourgeois de Moudon for 3 cows. Among other documents about the same time confirming the death of Pierre Dutoit, 26 nov 1629 (same notary), Marguerite widow of the late Pierre Dutoit "vivant hoste et bourgeois de Moudon" owes Daniel Montet bourgeois de Lutry for wine (the main, or perhaps the only product of Lutry). Likewise, 07 dec 1629, Pierre Goley owes Marguerite Menod widow of the late Pierre Dutoit hoste, for a horse. Even more precise, but somewhat difficult to believe, he is apparently alive in documents of 24 and 25 sep 1629, but listed as "the late" Pierre on 26 sep 1629, documents of Balthazard DeCristaz!

07 dec 1646 (Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon): Pierre Dutoit bourgeois de Moudon hoste at Dompreloye (modern Donneloye) with his wife Marguerite Malingre and her nephew Spectable Abraham Malingre sell a house to Daniel Berchery bourgeois of Moudon on the Rue de Rostoborgeaux. This proves that there were two Pierre Dutoits who were "hostes" (innkeepers), both with wives named Marguerite! The identity of the second one has not been determined. Is it possible the second is the son of the first?

We finally located one document that proves the Pierre Dutoit who married Marguerite Menoz is the same one who had earlier married Catherine Socquet. The records of Jaques Jaquier, notary at Moudon, contain a settlement regarding "difficulties" that had arisen between Marguerite Menoz, widow of Pierre Dutoit, hoste, and Gaspard and Marguerite, his children by his first wife Catherine Socquet (ACV DL 52/1 fol. 251, dated 08 oct 1629). In addition, we found an appearance of Marguerite, wife of Pierre Dutoit, hoste at La Croix Blanche, in the baptismal records for Moudon, 21 jun 1629.

As a result of these discoveries, we can place Pierre's death between June 21 and October 8, 1629, and possibly during the night of 25-26 September, 1629.

[1198] He is apparently alive in documents of 24 and 25 sep 1629, but listed as "the late" Pierre on 26 sep 1629, documents of Balthazard DeCristaz, notary.

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 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1609)       |
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|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1629)
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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I1867)

Father: Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 29 APR 1602?, d. ABT 1654)
Mother: Judith CAVIN (bp. 10 JUN 1610, d. AFT 1660)

Family 1 : Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)
  1.  Esther DUTOIT (bp. 2 AUG 1663)
  2.  Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 2 NOV 1664)
  3.  Agathe DUTOIT (bp. 17 FEB 1667)
  4.  Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 27 DEC 1668)
  5. +Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT (bp. 18 JUN 1672, d. 13 JAN 1743)
  6.  Jean Jaques DUTOIT (bp. 18 MAY 1674)
  7.  Pierre Daniel DUTOIT (bp. 5 MAR 1676)
  8.  Isaac DUTOIT (bp. OCT 1678, d. AFT 1754)
  9.  Susanne Marie DUTOIT (bp. 9 DEC 1680)
  10.  Denis Abraham DUTOIT (bp. 4 SEP 1682)
  11.  Ursule DUTOIT (bp. 10 JAN 1686)


Occupation variously listed, also chamoiseur. One baptism lists him as "Visguébé", an word used at least once interchangeably with chamoiseur. It might have something to do with the production of fine "white" leathers. The deciphering of this puzzling passage allows us to identify a few other passages where either Pierre Dutoit or Isaac Dutoit (presumably his son) appears with this title in various spellings. A baptism 22 jul 1638 could be his, but does not list the mother's name or the father's occupation.

[405] Possibly he was the child of Antoine Dutoit of Moudon baptised 22 jul 1638, the given name of the child not recorded.

[1469] Marriage contract recorded 23 aug 1662 by Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon.

                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1583) m 1572
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1638)       |
                      |                     |_Françoise COVANOD __+
                      |                        m 1572             
 _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1654) m 1634|
|                     |                      _François GAULEY ____+
|                     |                     | (1545 - 1602) m 1566
|                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____|
|                       (.... - 1606)       |
|                                           |_Jeanne DUTOIT ______+
|                                             (1548 - 1586) m 1566
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1638 - 1695)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Daniel CAVIN _______|
|                     | (.... - 1623)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Judith CAVIN _______|
  (.... - 1660) m 1634|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

Return to Index

Pierre Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I1874)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre Daniel DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Pierre Philippe DUTOIT       (ID #I1850)

Father: Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT (bp. 18 JUN 1672, d. 13 JAN 1743)
Mother: Marie LYONS (b. ABT 1671, d. 14 MAY 1746)


Baptism was added to the official register at a later date. The circumstances are noted on a flyleaf of the baptismal register, ACV Eb 88/4:

"Le 19e fevrier 1726, par ordre du Noble et Magnifique Seigneur Marc Morlot, Ancien Ballif de Moudon, j'ay escrit en son lieu le Baptistère de Pierre Phillippe Dutoict (qui avoit esté oublié), et cela sur le temoignage de Son Père, de Sa Mère, de Maistre Barthelemi Poeterlin et Sara Bulloz qui ont tous attesté qu'il avoit esté baptisé le même jour que Jeanne Marie fille de Maistre Jean Jaques Guay."

In fact, this register has many additions of this type (generally not explained), suggesting that many more baptisms were not recorded.

                                                     _Antoine DUTOIT _____+
                                                    | (.... - 1654) m 1634
                               _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                              | (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
                              |                     |_Judith CAVIN _______+
                              |                       (.... - 1660) m 1634
 _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
|                             |                      _Jean BOSSET ________
|                             |                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641
|                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______|
|                               (.... - 1734) m 1662|
|                                                   |_Anne GIRARD ________
|                                                      m 1641             
|--Pierre Philippe DUTOIT 
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _Pierre LYONS _______|
|                             |                     |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Marie LYONS ________________|
  (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     
                              |_Jeanne AUBERT ______|

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Rod DUTOIT       (ID #I2040)

Father: Claude DUTOIT (b. BEF 1515, d. AFT 1574)


It is not clear which children belong to this Rod Dutoit and which belong to Rod son of the late Jean Dutoit. It is certain the latter had at least one child by Marguerite Pictet, and the dit name au Clerc that follows various descendants of one of the Rod Dutoits would seem to have come from the next wife, Monette Clerc, even though we have not found a record of the baptism of the first with that dit name, Jaques. The register of baptisms at Moudon makes no attempt to distinguish the two Rod Dutoit's, but it is not possible to conclude from this that Rod the son of Claude had died before Rod son of Jean was married.

The death of Rod son of Claude is announced in the répertoire of a register of the notary Jean Jaquier or Jaqueri of Moudon (ACV DL 53/2). This document was once found on fol. 171 of this register, but unfortunately folios 102-207, duly entered in the répertoire, have been lost, with the exception of fol. 157 and a couple others that cannot be identified from the répertoire. The next register (ACV DL 53/3) was started in 1578, though it includes a number of documents with earlier dates. Therefore, Rod son of Claude must have died before 1579, along with his wife Antheine Chevalley, leaving a daughter Janna, for whom Claude Dutoit and Antheine's father Jaques Chevalley made some sort of settlement. It is very likely, also, that the nuncupative testament of Rod Dutoit of Chavannes noted in the same répertoire was his as well, originally recorded on fol. 208.

Only one man named Paul Dutoit is found in the early records, son of Rod Dutoit, and from this fact we believe the "reconnaissance" of 12 oct 1593 for Jehan, Abraham, Nicod, and Paul Dutoit, sons of the late Rod Dutoit (ACV Fn 347, fol. 134), pertains to this family. This reconnaissance mentions an abbergement or lease to their father Rod Dutoit dated 14 sep 1578, recorded by the notary Jean Jaqueri.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Claude DUTOIT ______|
| (1515 - 1574)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Rod DUTOIT 
|  (1540 - 1578)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Rolet DUTOIT       (ID #I2102)

Father: _____ DUTOIT (dates unknown)


Mentioned in 1450 in a document of Jean Saly, notary at Moudon, and again in 1453 with his son Antoine. It is possible that his son had not reached the age of majority at that point; the transaction involved renting some cows. The last probable mention, in the same records, was 1461. Of his son Antoine, nothing further.

Rolet "De Tecto" of Chavannes is mentioned in documents of this notary as the guardian of the children of the late Jean De Laz Cort (Delacour?) 28 feb 1450, as creditors along with Rolet's brother Jacobo De Tecto, regarding a debt of Perrinus Roppaz and his nephew Mermetus son of Jean Fabrez. Since one of the children of that late Jean De Laz Cort was Agneis, widow of the late Petrus son of Johannes De Tecto (22 jan 1452, the same notary), it seems very probable that Rolet, Jacobo, and the late Petrus were all sons of Johannes.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 ______ DUTOIT _______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Rolet DUTOIT 
|  (1420 - ....)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Rose Elize Charlotte Stephanie DUTOIT       (ID #I1831)

Father: Marc Philippe DUTOIT (b. 12 JUN 1751, d. 1832)
Mother: Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN (b. 27 SEP 1759, d. 15 MAY 1819)


She was named after Charlotte Sturler, daughter of the Avoyer of Morat, who was a sponsor at her baptism. Relatives in the United States have speculated that she was the ward Charlotte Dutoit who travelled with Charles and Lydie Dutoit to America in 1817, along with a sister Marie whose baptism has not yet surfaced. If so, she is the Charlotte married Philippe Bettens of Vevay, IN. However, that does not seem likely. That Charlotte bore a child in 1844, and census information indicates she was born about 1809 or later.

                                                          _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _+
                                                         | (.... - 1743) m 1697        
                                 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT __|
                                | (.... - 1790) m 1746   |
                                |                        |_Marie LYONS ________________+
                                |                          (1671 - 1746) m 1697        
 _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
| (1751 - 1832)                 |
|                               |                         _Jaques AGUET _______________
|                               |                        | (1682 - 1752)               
|                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ___|
|                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746   |
|                                                        |_Magdelaine FAVRE ___________
|--Rose Elize Charlotte Stephanie DUTOIT 
|  (1795 - ....)
|                                                         _Jean Pierre SECRÉTAN _______+
|                                                        |  m 1728                     
|                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN _|
|                               |                        |
|                               |                        |_Jeanne Susanne FATIO _______+
|                               |                          (1701 - 1781) m 1728        
|_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
  (1759 - 1819)                 |
                                |                         _____________________________
                                |                        |                             
                                |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ _|

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Sabine DUTOIT       (ID #I2118)

Father: Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1793, d. 19 AUG 1865)
Mother: Lydie DE TREY (b. 31 OCT 1788, d. 29 AUG 1868)


                                                                        _Jean Philippe DUTOIT _____+
                                                                       | (.... - 1790) m 1746      
                                        _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________|
                                       | (1751 - 1832)                 |
                                       |                               |_Jeanne Louise AGUET ______+
                                       |                                 (.... - 1756) m 1746      
 _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
| (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                                      |                                _Pierre Isaac SECRÉTAN ____+
|                                      |                               |                           
|                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _|
|                                        (1759 - 1819)                 |
|                                                                      |_Marie Charlotte ROLAZ ____
|--Sabine DUTOIT 
|  (1819 - ....)
|                                                                       _Charles François DE TREY _+
|                                                                      | (1729 - 1789)             
|                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________|
|                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 |
|                                      |                               |_Salomé MARCUARD __________
|                                      |                                                           
|_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
  (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                       |                                _Victor FIVAZ _____________
                                       |                               |                           
                                       |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________|
                                                                       |_Susanne Marguerite ROUGE _+

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Sara DUTOIT       (ID #I1960)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (bp. 15 MAR 1573, d. ABT 1638)
Mother: Magdelaine BIZE (d. AFT 1640)


Father identified as Jean Dutoit, pelletier.

                                             _Maurice DUTOIT _____+
                                            | (1503 - 1559) m 1522
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1583) m 1572|
                      |                     |_Anteine TROLLIET ___+
                      |                        m 1522             
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1638)       |
|                     |                      _Estienne COVANOD ___
|                     |                     | (.... - 1572)       
|                     |_Françoise COVANOD __|
|                        m 1572             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Sara DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Magdelaine BIZE ____|
  (.... - 1640)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Susanne DUTOIT       (ID #I5645)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. bef 1649)
Mother: Catherine BOSSON (dates unknown)


Baptised as the daughter of Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc, she may have been the Susanne Dutoit who married Antoine Dutoit "of Chavannes" in 1652. This couple baptised two children, Pernon (1653) and Jean (1655), then disappeared from the records. Daniel son of Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc and his wife Pernon Cortesi were the sponsors for the baptism in 1653, and Antoine and Susanne were in turn sponsors for the baptism of Daniel's son Antoine in 1654. Some of the relationships between Antoine Dutoit Lieutenant de Chavannes and members of the au Clerc line that are stated in many later documents could be explained if his first wife was Susanne, daughter of Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc. This conclusion is accepted provisionally.

The last possible mention of Susanne located so far is 03 may 1656, when Antoine Dutoit of Chavannes and "his wife" appear as sponsors at the baptism of Marie, daughter of Antoine Dutoit living at Le Plan and his wife Anne Cavin. In 1658, Antoine Dutoit who would become the Lieutenant de Chavannes married Claudine Curchod. There is no further mention of the children Jean and Pernon, and Antoine and Claudine did not use these names for their own children. In later documents, Antoine's sons are named, and the list does not include a Jean. It seems entirely plausible that Susanne and both of her children died before 1658.

Antoine the Lieutenant, however, might have acquired property from Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc as a result of a marriage settlement for Susanne. Antoine is known to have reported the verbal testament of a Jean Dutoit who died at the beginning of 1664 and whose daughter (Claudine Dutoit) had already married Balthazard Crausaz. It is tempting to think that that Jean Dutoit was in fact Jean Dutoit dit au Clerc, but as the entire estate seems to have gone to Claudine, some other explanation for Antoine's involvement in the testament of 1664 may need to be found.

                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1609)       |
                      |                     |__
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1649) m 1634|
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Susanne DUTOIT 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Catherine BOSSON ___|
   m 1634             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Susanne DUTOIT       (ID #I1854)

Father: Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT (bp. 18 JUN 1672, d. 13 JAN 1743)
Mother: Marie LYONS (b. ABT 1671, d. 14 MAY 1746)


Catechumen 1731. No explanation for her apparently late marriage has been found, other than the fact that many people did not marry until their parents had died and they had received their inheritance. Her marriage in 1748 was celebrated at Montpreveyres by "Mr. le ministre Dutoit de Moudon". In 1748, that would have been Susanne's brother Jean Philippe Dutoit, then 3rd pastor at Moudon. However, the name of the bride recorded at Montpreveyres is "Jeanne daughter of the late Jaques Louis Dutoit", but back at Moudon it is noted as "Susanne daughter of the late Louis Jacob Dutoit". Perhaps the minister at Montpreveyres, having to record the marriage that he did not personally perform, relied on his faulty recollection of the bride's name. The record at Moudon would have been dictated by Jean Philippe Dutoit, and so would likely be reliable.

                                                     _Antoine DUTOIT _____+
                                                    | (.... - 1654) m 1634
                               _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                              | (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
                              |                     |_Judith CAVIN _______+
                              |                       (.... - 1660) m 1634
 _Jacob (Louis Jacob) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1743) m 1697        |
|                             |                      _Jean BOSSET ________
|                             |                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641
|                             |_Agathe BOSSET ______|
|                               (.... - 1734) m 1662|
|                                                   |_Anne GIRARD ________
|                                                      m 1641             
|--Susanne DUTOIT 
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                              _Pierre LYONS _______|
|                             |                     |
|                             |                     |_____________________
|                             |                                           
|_Marie LYONS ________________|
  (1671 - 1746) m 1697        |
                              |                      _____________________
                              |                     |                     
                              |_Jeanne AUBERT ______|

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Susanne Marie DUTOIT       (ID #I1876)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


Surname of the mother appears to be written "Borel" instead of "Bosset", so this identification is tentative.

                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Susanne Marie DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Thomas DUTOIT       (ID #I2030)

Father: Maurice DUTOIT (b. BEF 1503, d. BEF 1559)
Mother: Anteine TROLLIET (dates unknown)


Another early Thomas Dutoit of Moudon, son of Nicod, married in 1581. However, no further mention of him has been identified. Of the children of "Thomas Dutoit" baptised before 1600 at Moudon, only the two Jeannes and a Françoise are not positively identified as children of Thomas and Maire. An act of partage after his death specifies that he was a notary, though none of his registers have survived. He and his brother Jaques are named as tuteurs of Jeanne de Boloz (register of Clement Butty, vicinity of Vevey, DS 106/113, 21 apr 1593). There are many references to him in records of this notary 1591-1593, buying and selling vineyards near Vevey. By 10 dec 1593, he has died, and his heirs and those of the late Jaques Dutoit (represented by his son Gaspard) begin to deal with the property they now own jointly. These transactions demonstrate that we are dealing with Thomas the uncle of Gaspard, rather than Thomas the son of Nicod or Thomas son of Jean. However, Pierre son of the late Thomas, cousin of Pierre son of the late Louis, appears in the records of Clement Butty in 1596, demonstrating that we have to consider Thomas son of the late Jean by that date.

Thomas is one of the grandfathers of Daniel François Veyre, who is cited as a cousin of Jean Dutoit, conseiller, who married Marie Fudri after the death of her first husband, Gabriel Dutoit. If the relationship is through the Dutoit family, Jean the conseiller, known to be the son of one of the Jean Dutoit's, would also have to be a grandson of Thomas Dutoit, and Thomas would have to have an unrecorded son Jean. It is just possible that one of the two daughters named Jeanne was actually the Jean in question, either misread, or entered in the baptismal register incorrectly. However, we would expect to find some mention of this fact in the documents relating to the estate of Thomas. Alternatively, the relationship might be through the Veyre family, but that seems even less likely, based on the information now available.

A typical document concerning the heirs was recorded by notary Jaques Richard 19 feb 1602. Gaspard and Jaques, sons of the late Jaques Duthey, are dividing property with Discret Anthoine Duthey, son of the late Thomas Duthey, notary. In this and similar transactions, the heirs of Jaques and Thomas, who were brothers, are not listed separated, but are noted in the text as unnamed others for whom the principals are acting. There are several marriage contracts for the daughters of Thomas, but so far no mention of the other heirs.

[469] Noted in record of baptism of his posthumous daughter Bastienne, 12 mar 1594.

                                             _Jacob DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1421 - 1504)       
                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1465 - 1528)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Maurice DUTOIT _____|
| (1503 - 1559) m 1522|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Anteine _____ ______|
|                       (.... - 1524)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Thomas DUTOIT 
|  (1550 - 1593)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean TROLLIET ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anteine TROLLIET ___|
   m 1522             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

Return to Index

Thomas DUTOIT       (ID #I5646)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (d. bef 1649)
Mother: Catherine BOSSON (dates unknown)


This is the "other" Thomas Dutoit, who by elimination must be the brother of Esther Dutoit, second wife of Isaac Margueron. He first appears at the baptism of Thomas son of Abraham Dutoit in 1651, and with his wife Estiennaz Portaz in 1659. He appears at the marriage contract of his sister Esther in 1667, where he is identified as son of the late Jean Dutoit, and Chatellain de Siens (=Syens). There is some suggestion that his activities took him to Oron, so it is possible additional information might be found in the notarial records of the districts surrounding Moudon.

He is also the only Thomas who could be the Grand Voyer, overseer of highways, who delegated some of his responsibilities for outlying districts (Ropraz, Ogens), due to "infirmités de son age", in 1695 (Isaac Dutoit, notary, ACV classification DL 69, this register formerly and, we believe, incorrectly attributed to de Palézieux dit Falconnet). Paul Bissegger, in a review of the history of civil engineering under the Bernese occupation, has summarized the information available about the office of Grand Voyer, and cites a passage in which Thomas is said to have held this office since about 1671. He is still cited as Grand Voyer as late as 1695, e.g., in the marriage contract of his daughter Susanne Marie.

We have been able to identify three of his children as parents of children in the next generation at Lausanne. In particular, the Antoine Dutoit who appears at Lausanne about 1690 as a notary and is later cited as "Grand Voyeur" (1701 and later) is certainly his son.

Something of his circumstances toward the end of his life is revealed in the following document:

[ACV P Cerjat (I) C 795]

Il est ainsi que le Sr. Tomas Dutoit bourgeois de Moudon se voyant par la grace de Dieu dans un age fort avancé, cependant si infierme de son corps qu'il n'est plus dans les forces d'agir pour subvenir à ses besoins et de sa famille, ce que l'a obligé de se resoudre à aller joindre Egrege Anthoyne Dutoit son fils Intendant Commis par LL. EE.pour les grands chemins du pays de Vaud, demeurant à Ouchy, afin d'etre soutenu dudict Sr. son fils le reste de ses jours, mais comme la charge de debts est cause qu'il ne peut vivre tranquilement, se voyant des interests entassés en nombre de six, pour lesquels une partie ont déjà suyvi subhastations jusques à revestiture de son clos de dernier le Bourg soit de la Merine avec ce qui est provenu des Grosnicod enclos jardin et tout ce qui en est provenu, et se voyant encor menacé pour d'autre dubs à la Seigneurie de Lausanne, ce qui l'accablé en frais et en chagrins. Ces considerations ont porté ledit père de revestire ledit Sr. son fils d'un procure charge et plain pouvoir de chercher à emprunter, engager ou vendre ledit clos afin de prevenir à plus grand deperissement, luy donnant et conferant pour cet effect par cestes toute charge plain et absolu pouvoir pour disposer dudit clos selon sa prudence volonté et discretion comme ayant en ce fait également et commun interest avec ledit Sr. son père, avec promesse que ledit père fait par sa bonne foy et soubs l'expresse obligation de tous ses biens d'agreer à perpetuité tout ce que par sondit fils sera convenu promis et contracté à payne de Damps, fait selon toutes les clausules requises le 24e febrier 1701 en presence des honnorables Denis Bezençon peageur et bourgeois dudit Moudon et la souscription dudit Sieur Dutoit avec moy notaire le 24e febrier 1701.

(signé) : Thomas Dutoict, Denys Besenson temoins, Is. Dutoict (avec paraphe).

Also in 1709, we find Jean Jaques Dutoit with his wife Esther Chambut involved in the settlement of the estate of the Grand Voyer Thomas Dutoit, which suggests that he might have died within the last year or two. However, the connection of Jean Jaques Dutoit to this estate (possibly through his wife) has not been worked out. It is possible that Jean Jaques, whose parentage is unknown, is actually a child of Thomas, born during the period 1665-1671 when no baptisms for Thomas and Esther are recorded at Moudon. Perhaps they were living elsewhere during that period.

A document recorded by Eg. Isaac Dutoit 23 oct 1689 involves a debt of "Tomas Dutoit voyeur au Balliage de Moudon" to "Sr. Jaques Joran de Chenaux (?) son beaufrere" in cancellation of another debt recorded by Eg. Abraham Faucheres, 03 feb 1675. Joran was the wife of Jaqueline Portaz, sister of the wife of Thomas Dutoit.

[1184] Recorded in the "deacon's register", p. 54, parents Jean Dutoit "le guererier" and Catherine Bosson (?), witnesses Thomas son of the banderet Anthoine Dutoit, and Mme. la banderette.

                       _Claude DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1609)       |
                      |                     |__
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1649) m 1634|
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Thomas DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1709)
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Catherine BOSSON ___|
   m 1634             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Ursule DUTOIT       (ID #I1878)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (b. ABT 1638, d. BEF 1695)
Mother: Agathe BOSSET (bp. 16 OCT 1642, d. 11 FEB 1734)


                                             _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                            | (.... - 1638)       
                       _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
                      |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
                      |                       (.... - 1606)       
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (1638 - 1695) m 1662|
|                     |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1623)       
|                     |_Judith CAVIN _______|
|                       (.... - 1660) m 1634|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Ursule DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jean BOSSET ________|
|                     | (.... - 1647) m 1641|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Agathe BOSSET ______|
  (.... - 1734) m 1662|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne GIRARD ________|
                         m 1641             |

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Abel DUTOUR       (ID #I2379)

Father: Jean DUTOUR (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET (d. bef 1697)


                               |                     |
                               |                     |__
 _Jean DUTOUR _________________|
|  m 1697                      |
|                              |                      __
|                              |                     |  
|                              |_____________________|
|                                                    |
|                                                    |__
|--Abel DUTOUR 
|                                                     __
|                                                    |  
|                               _Siméon FALCONNET ___|
|                              |                     |
|                              |                     |__
|                              |                        
|_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _|
  (.... - 1697) m 1697         |
                               |                      __
                               |                     |  

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Jaqueline DUTOUR       (ID #I2351)

Father: Jean Louis DUTOUR (bp. 12 JAN 1698)
Mother: Susanne Jaqueline BAUGET (dates unknown)


                             _Jean DUTOUR _________________|
                            |  m 1697                      |
                            |                              |_____________________
 _Jean Louis DUTOUR ________|
|                           |
|                           |                               _Siméon FALCONNET ___
|                           |                              |                     
|                           |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _|
|                             (.... - 1697) m 1697         |
|                                                          |_____________________
|--Jaqueline DUTOUR 
|  (1744 - ....)
|                                                           _____________________
|                                                          |                     
|                            ______________________________|
|                           |                              |
|                           |                              |_____________________
|                           |                                                    
|_Susanne Jaqueline BAUGET _|
                            |                               _____________________
                            |                              |                     

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Jean DUTOUR       (ID #I2372)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET (d. bef 1697)
  1. +Jean Louis DUTOUR (bp. 12 JAN 1698)
  2.  Marguerite Claudine DUTOUR (bp. 07 FEB 1700)
  3.  Jean Daniel DUTOUR (bp. 06 FEB 1702)
  4.  Pierre DUTOUR (bp. 04 OCT 1707)
  5.  Abel DUTOUR (bp. 04 OCT 1707)


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Jean Daniel DUTOUR       (ID #I2377)

Father: Jean DUTOUR (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET (d. bef 1697)


                               |                     |
                               |                     |__
 _Jean DUTOUR _________________|
|  m 1697                      |
|                              |                      __
|                              |                     |  
|                              |_____________________|
|                                                    |
|                                                    |__
|--Jean Daniel DUTOUR 
|                                                     __
|                                                    |  
|                               _Siméon FALCONNET ___|
|                              |                     |
|                              |                     |__
|                              |                        
|_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _|
  (.... - 1697) m 1697         |
                               |                      __
                               |                     |  

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