The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Françoise Louise DE PRAROMAN       (ID #I6644)

Father: Samuel DE PRAROMAN (dates unknown)
Mother: Rosine VON ERLACH (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean Daniel LEMAIRE (dates unknown)
  1. +Samuel Sigismond François Amédée LEMAIRE (dates unknown)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Samuel DE PRAROMAN _|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Françoise Louise DE PRAROMAN 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Rosine VON ERLACH __|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jeanne Françoise DE PRAROMAN       (ID #I3623)

Family 1 : Joseph D'ASPERLIN (b. abt 1655?, d. bef 1688)
  1. +Anne Etiennaz D'ASPERLIN (bp. 29 NOV 1680, d. bef 1709?)


She is no. 347 in the de Praroman genealogy, which calls her first husband Marc-Louis Asperlin (perhaps referring to François Louis d'Asperlin?). She is clearly named as the wife of Joseph d'Asperlin in the baptismal record of her daughter Anne Estiennaz, in 1680, and her marriage contract, giving the names of both of her parents, has been found as well.

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Samuel DE PRAROMAN       (ID #I6712)

Family 1 : Rosine VON ERLACH (dates unknown)
  1. +Françoise Louise DE PRAROMAN (dates unknown)


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Henri Casimir DE RHAM       (ID #I489)

Father: Jean Christophe Guillaume DE RHAM (dates unknown)
Mother: Anne KINLOCK (b. 1742, d. 1813)

Family 1 : Maria Theresa MOORE (dates unknown)


A biographical sketch on the internet may have come from a publication called "Smaller New York". Henry Casimir de Rham arrived in the US in 1805, "on the same ship with Mr. J. W. Schmidt".

                                     |                     |
                                     |                     |__
 _Jean Christophe Guillaume DE RHAM _|
|                                    |
|                                    |                      __
|                                    |                     |  
|                                    |_____________________|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |__
|--Henri Casimir DE RHAM 
|  (1785 - 1873)
|                                                           __
|                                                          |  
|                                     _James KINLOCK ______|
|                                    |                     |
|                                    |                     |__
|                                    |                        
|_Anne KINLOCK ______________________|
  (1742 - 1813)                      |
                                     |                      __
                                     |                     |  

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Jean Christophe Guillaume DE RHAM       (ID #I495)

Family 1 : Anne KINLOCK (b. 1742, d. 1813)
  1.  Henri Casimir DE RHAM (b. 15 JUL 1785, d. OCT 1873)


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Gillette DE SAINT-SAPHORIN       (ID #I5865)

Family 1 : Ulric VALLIER (dates unknown)
  1.  Girard VALLIER (dates unknown)
  2.  Elvire VALLIER (dates unknown)
  3.  Mabilée VALLIER (dates unknown)
  4.  Jeannette VALLIER (dates unknown)
  5.  Guillermette VALLIER (dates unknown)
  6. +Perrod VALLIER (dates unknown)


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François DE SAUSSURE       (ID #I3608)

Family 1 : Louise CHAVAN (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Elizabeth DE SAUSSURE (bp. 12 SEP 1645, d. 13 FEB 1728)


He is believed to have had two wives, Louise Frossard and Louise "Chavan". Information on his family was posted by Jean-Benedict de Saussure on the RootsWeb Huguenot mailing list 15 jun 1999.

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Jeanne Elizabeth DE SAUSSURE       (ID #I3606)

Father: François DE SAUSSURE (dates unknown)
Mother: Louise CHAVAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Gabriel MONOD (bp. 25 OCT 1640, d. 1725)


Her death record 13 feb 1728 calls her "Noble Jeanne Elizabeth Desaussure veuve en 2e nopces de feu Monsr. Gabriel Monod Conseigneur de Ballens et de Yens" and reveals that she was the aunt of the pastor, Daniel Isaac Grivel. The notice is presumably telling us that Gabriel Monod was her second husband.

Her first marriage was in 1689, to Jaques François Nicolas de Treytorrens.

Her testament was recorded 14 jan 1720 by François Rodolphe Chaubert, notary of Aubonne (ACV DB 7), identifying her as the wife of Gabriel Monod, Conseigneur de Ballens. She made bequests to her nephew and godson Gabriel de Saussure (son of the late Samuel de Saussure her "beau-frère"), her grand-nephew and godson Isaac Louis Grivel (son of the late Jonas Grivel), and her niece Susanne Gabrielle Grivel (daughter of the late minister Grivel, who had married her sister Louise de Saussure). There is also mention of Daniel Isaac Grivel, brother of Susanne Gabrielle Grivel.

                        |  |
                        |  |__
 _François DE SAUSSURE _|
|                       |
|                       |   __
|                       |  |  
|                       |__|
|                          |
|                          |__
|--Jeanne Elizabeth DE SAUSSURE 
|  (.... - 1728)
|                           __
|                          |  
|                        __|
|                       |  |
|                       |  |__
|                       |     
|_Louise CHAVAN ________|
                        |   __
                        |  |  

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Marie DE SUPERSAX       (ID #I595)

Family 1 : Gamaliel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (d. abt 1672)
  1. +Anne Marie DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (bp. 27 MAY 1650)
  2.  David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (bp. 16 FEB 1652)
  3. +Jean Rodolph DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (b. abt 1653?, d. abt 1705?)
  4.  Catherine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (bp. 20 JUL 1655)
  5.  Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (bp. 15 MAY 1657, d. bef 1660)
  6. +Gabriel DUFOUR (DES PLANCHES) (bp. 19 OCT 1660, d. bef 1726)
  7.  Jean Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (bp. 08 JUL 1663, bur. 09 FEB 1745)


Noted as the mother of Jean Rodolph Dufour in 1682, but it is certainly possible that she was not the mother of all of the children of Gamaliel Dufour of Sales. Another notation, 15 feb 1663, says the wife of Monsieur le Châtelain Dufour, at the era apparently the same Gamaliel Dufour, was Marie Gonther (possibly Gonthier). The same Marie, or a different one?

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André DE TAVEL       (ID #I1144)

Family 1 :
  1.  Elizabeth Marianne Ursule DE TAVEL (dates unknown)


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Claudaz DE TAVEL       (ID #I2172)

Family 1 : Antoine DUBOCHET (DE PERTIT) (dates unknown)
  1.  Emaz DUBOCHET (DE PERTIT) (dates unknown)


She is named as the mother of Emaz Dubochet and widow of Antoine Dubochet of Pertit in the terrier ACV Fe 64, fol. 40v, 01 aug 1676.

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Elizabeth Marianne Ursule DE TAVEL       (ID #I1142)

Father: André DE TAVEL (d. bef 1750)

Family 1 : Louis DE MELLET (d. bef 1750)
Family 2 : Richard Samuel LOUP (dates unknown)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _André DE TAVEL _____|
| (.... - 1750)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Elizabeth Marianne Ursule DE TAVEL 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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_____ DE TORCULARI       (ID #I5799)

Family 1 :
  1. +Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT (b. BEF 1460, d. 1513)
  2.  Jean DU TRUICT (d. bef 1538)
  3.  Etienne (Stephano) DU TRUICT (dates unknown)


In the longer version of the the testament of Aymon de Torculari, there is a bequest to Stephanus, father of Aymon. There is also a shorter version that makes the same bequest to Stephanus, brother of Aymon. In the first version, the rest of the passage is found to be grammatically defective, referring to plural brothers when only one (Johannes) is named. The shorter version is grammatically correct, and we conclude that Stephanus is properly the brother, and not the father, of Aymon. A Johannes de Torculari is mentioned at Payerne in 1470, conceivably the father of Aymon, Stephanus, and Johannes.

The surname rendered in Latin as de Torculari has two French translations, du Pressoir and Dutruict (or Dutruyl, Dutruil, Dutreuil, etc.), based on a different form of the same word in the patois). This causes some problems! When Latin documents are indexed by the local archives, they are usually indexed and abstracted with the French names rather than the Latin names. Some archivists have converted de Torculari into du Pressoir, others into Dutruict, and others (Haute-Savoie, notably) as Dutruil, Dutruel. In rare instances, the clear Latin name de Torculari has been rendered à la française as de Torculier It is necessary to check for all versions of the surname to be sure of finding all the references! A further complication was introduced, it seems, by the historian Alexandre Daguet, who opined in 1896 that he was inclined to translate de Torculari as De Treytorrens, on the grounds that the de Praroman manuscripts, which contain several letters relating to the Falck family and their relations, contained a letter from Rome from Guillaume de Treytorrens to his "cousin" Peter Falck. Daguet was in error on this point; the records of the notaries make it clear that de Torculari is Dutruict, and the relationship of Falck to the de Treytorrens family has not yet been discovered. But the suggestion was probably what led other historians to repeat the error without comment. Daguet's colleague Father Jean Gremaud suggested the correction "Du Treuil" in the next issue of the Anzeiger (3:398, 1881), but perhaps Zimmermann did not notice it.

A number of citations relating to de Torculari (whether translated as Dutruict or otherwise) are found in the records of Geneva in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Almost without exception, they pertain to a family from the area around Perroy. There are not enough records to reconstruct the history of that family. Among the officials of the cathedral at Lausanne, there is mention of a Franciscus de Torculari from St. Prex, active about the middle of the 15th Century.

In the inventory of the collection of papers from the de Blonay family, formerly seigneurs of Saint-Paul-en-Chablais (ACV PP 637, preliminary explorations of this vast collection arranged with kind permission from the Fondation Pierre de Blonay), there are a couple references to this family at Maxilly as early as the first half of the 14th Century. Also, the name Dutruil, or one of its variants, is still noted in fairly recent times at St. Paul. It is not known if there is any connection between the families at St. Paul/Maxilly and the ones in the vicinity of St. Prex, on the other side of the lake. They bear entirely different arms, however.

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Abraham DE TREY       (ID #I1972)

Father: Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)
Mother: Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)


                                             _Nicolas DE TREY _____+
                                            | (.... - 1552)        
                       _Jacob DE TREY ______|
                      | (.... - 1574) m 1549|
                      |                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _+
                      |                       (.... - 1561)        
 _Guillaume DE TREY __|
|  m 1590             |
|                     |                      ______________________
|                     |                     |                      
|                     |_Christine JOCCET ___|
|                       (.... - 1575) m 1549|
|                                           |______________________
|--Abraham DE TREY 
|                                            ______________________
|                                           |                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________
|                     |                                            
|_Sara SAVARY ________|
   m 1590             |
                      |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                      

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Abraham Isaac DE TREY       (ID #I1832)

Father: Charles François DE TREY (b. 1729, d. 1789)
Mother: Salomé MARCUARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Isabelle FIVAZ (dates unknown)
  1. +Lydie DE TREY (b. 31 OCT 1788, d. 29 AUG 1868)
Family 2 : Anne CHEVALLIER (dates unknown)


He is No. 76 in the de Trey genealogy.

His testament, full of interesting details, was probated at Lausanne.

                                                   _Jean DE TREY _______+
                                                  | (1626 - 1694) m 1647
                             _Samuel DE TREY _____|
                            | (1667 - 1702)       |
                            |                     |_Judith TAVEL _______+
                            |                       (.... - 1696) m 1647
 _Charles François DE TREY _|
| (1729 - 1789)             |
|                           |                      _____________________
|                           |                     |                     
|                           |_Antoinette BILLAUD _|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |_____________________
|--Abraham Isaac DE TREY 
|  (1760 - 1837)
|                                                  _____________________
|                                                 |                     
|                            _____________________|
|                           |                     |
|                           |                     |_____________________
|                           |                                           
|_Salomé MARCUARD __________|
                            |                      _____________________
                            |                     |                     

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Anne DE TREY       (ID #I1969)

Father: Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)
Mother: Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)


                                             _Nicolas DE TREY _____+
                                            | (.... - 1552)        
                       _Jacob DE TREY ______|
                      | (.... - 1574) m 1549|
                      |                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _+
                      |                       (.... - 1561)        
 _Guillaume DE TREY __|
|  m 1590             |
|                     |                      ______________________
|                     |                     |                      
|                     |_Christine JOCCET ___|
|                       (.... - 1575) m 1549|
|                                           |______________________
|--Anne DE TREY 
|                                            ______________________
|                                           |                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________
|                     |                                            
|_Sara SAVARY ________|
   m 1590             |
                      |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                      

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Antoine DE TREY       (ID #I2052)

Father: Nicolas DE TREY (d. 1552)
Mother: Bernardine REGNAULD (d. abt 1561)


Not listed in the de Trey genealogy, but there are numerous documents in the registers of Jean Amey Bondu, notary at Payerne (ACV DP 11), in which he appears with his brother François, as well as with his nephews, sons of his late brother Jacob.

                        _Oddet DE TREY _______|
                       |  m 1483              |
                       |                      |_____________________
 _Nicolas DE TREY _____|
| (.... - 1552)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marguerite BERTIN ___|
|                         m 1483              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Antoine DE TREY 
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       _Jean REGNAULD _______|
|                      | (.... - 1561)        |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Bernardine REGNAULD _|
  (.... - 1561)        |
                       |                       _Jaques du BULLOZ ___
                       |                      |                     
                       |_Katherine du BULLOZ _|

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Charles François DE TREY       (ID #I1844)

Father: Samuel DE TREY (b. 1667, d. 1702)
Mother: Antoinette BILLAUD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Salomé MARCUARD (dates unknown)
  1. +Abraham Isaac DE TREY (b. 1760, d. 10 AUG 1837)


He is No. 67 in the de Trey genealogy.

                                             _Isaac DE TREY ______+
                       _Jean DE TREY _______|
                      | (1626 - 1694) m 1647|
                      |                     |_Judith CHENAUX _____
 _Samuel DE TREY _____|
| (1667 - 1702)       |
|                     |                      _Daniel TAVEL _______
|                     |                     | (1575 - 1648)       
|                     |_Judith TAVEL _______|
|                       (.... - 1696) m 1647|
|                                           |_Jeanne MORATEL _____
|--Charles François DE TREY 
|  (1729 - 1789)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Antoinette BILLAUD _|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Daniel DE TREY       (ID #I1971)

Father: Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)
Mother: Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)


                                             _Nicolas DE TREY _____+
                                            | (.... - 1552)        
                       _Jacob DE TREY ______|
                      | (.... - 1574) m 1549|
                      |                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _+
                      |                       (.... - 1561)        
 _Guillaume DE TREY __|
|  m 1590             |
|                     |                      ______________________
|                     |                     |                      
|                     |_Christine JOCCET ___|
|                       (.... - 1575) m 1549|
|                                           |______________________
|--Daniel DE TREY 
|                                            ______________________
|                                           |                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________
|                     |                                            
|_Sara SAVARY ________|
   m 1590             |
                      |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                      

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François DE TREY       (ID #I2049)

Father: Nicolas DE TREY (d. 1552)
Mother: Bernardine REGNAULD (d. abt 1561)


He appears to be the one who assisted Magdelaine Gachet, wife of Samuel von Erlach, in managing her properties at Payerne in 1585-1586. No. 30 in the de Trey genealogy.

                        _Oddet DE TREY _______|
                       |  m 1483              |
                       |                      |_____________________
 _Nicolas DE TREY _____|
| (.... - 1552)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marguerite BERTIN ___|
|                         m 1483              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--François DE TREY 
|  (.... - 1588)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       _Jean REGNAULD _______|
|                      | (.... - 1561)        |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Bernardine REGNAULD _|
  (.... - 1561)        |
                       |                       _Jaques du BULLOZ ___
                       |                      |                     
                       |_Katherine du BULLOZ _|

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Guillaume DE TREY       (ID #I1967)

Father: Jacob DE TREY (d. BEF 1574)
Mother: Christine JOCCET (d. ABT 1575)

Family 1 : Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)
  1.  Anne DE TREY (bp. 29 MAR 1590)
  2.  Samuel DE TREY (bp. 10 OCT 1591, d. abt 1647)
  3.  Daniel DE TREY (bp. 28 DEC 1595)
  4.  Abraham DE TREY (bp. 30 JAN 1597)
  5. +Isaac DE TREY (bp. 1 APR 1599)
  6.  Jacob DE TREY (d. BEF 1644)
  7.  Susanne DE TREY (dates unknown)


No. 36 in the de Trey genealogy. Prior to 1590, his wife is Isabel.

                                              _Oddet DE TREY _______
                                             |  m 1483              
                       _Nicolas DE TREY _____|
                      | (.... - 1552)        |
                      |                      |_Marguerite BERTIN ___
                      |                         m 1483              
 _Jacob DE TREY ______|
| (.... - 1574) m 1549|
|                     |                       _Jean REGNAULD _______
|                     |                      | (.... - 1561)        
|                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _|
|                       (.... - 1561)        |
|                                            |_Katherine du BULLOZ _+
|--Guillaume DE TREY 
|                                             ______________________
|                                            |                      
|                      ______________________|
|                     |                      |
|                     |                      |______________________
|                     |                                             
|_Christine JOCCET ___|
  (.... - 1575) m 1549|
                      |                       ______________________
                      |                      |                      

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Isaac DE TREY       (ID #I1906)

Father: Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)
Mother: Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Judith CHENAUX (dates unknown)
  1.  Marie DE TREY (dates unknown)
  2. +Jean DE TREY (b. 1626, d. 1694)


Pasteur at Bonvillars. No. 41 in the de Trey genealogy.

                                             _Nicolas DE TREY _____+
                                            | (.... - 1552)        
                       _Jacob DE TREY ______|
                      | (.... - 1574) m 1549|
                      |                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _+
                      |                       (.... - 1561)        
 _Guillaume DE TREY __|
|  m 1590             |
|                     |                      ______________________
|                     |                     |                      
|                     |_Christine JOCCET ___|
|                       (.... - 1575) m 1549|
|                                           |______________________
|--Isaac DE TREY 
|                                            ______________________
|                                           |                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________
|                     |                                            
|_Sara SAVARY ________|
   m 1590             |
                      |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                      

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Isabel DE TREY       (ID #I2054)

Father: Nicolas DE TREY (d. 1552)
Mother: Bernardine REGNAULD (d. abt 1561)


                        _Oddet DE TREY _______|
                       |  m 1483              |
                       |                      |_____________________
 _Nicolas DE TREY _____|
| (.... - 1552)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marguerite BERTIN ___|
|                         m 1483              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Isabel DE TREY 
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       _Jean REGNAULD _______|
|                      | (.... - 1561)        |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Bernardine REGNAULD _|
  (.... - 1561)        |
                       |                       _Jaques du BULLOZ ___
                       |                      |                     
                       |_Katherine du BULLOZ _|

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Jacob DE TREY       (ID #I2006)

Father: Nicolas DE TREY (d. 1552)
Mother: Bernardine REGNAULD (d. abt 1561)

Family 1 : Christine JOCCET (d. ABT 1575)
  1. +Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)


No. 29 in the de Trey genealogy.

                        _Oddet DE TREY _______|
                       |  m 1483              |
                       |                      |_____________________
 _Nicolas DE TREY _____|
| (.... - 1552)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marguerite BERTIN ___|
|                         m 1483              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Jacob DE TREY 
|  (.... - 1574)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       _Jean REGNAULD _______|
|                      | (.... - 1561)        |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Bernardine REGNAULD _|
  (.... - 1561)        |
                       |                       _Jaques du BULLOZ ___
                       |                      |                     
                       |_Katherine du BULLOZ _|

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Jacob DE TREY       (ID #I1973)

Father: Guillaume DE TREY (dates unknown)
Mother: Sara SAVARY (dates unknown)


No. 42 in the de Trey genealogy.

                                             _Nicolas DE TREY _____+
                                            | (.... - 1552)        
                       _Jacob DE TREY ______|
                      | (.... - 1574) m 1549|
                      |                     |_Bernardine REGNAULD _+
                      |                       (.... - 1561)        
 _Guillaume DE TREY __|
|  m 1590             |
|                     |                      ______________________
|                     |                     |                      
|                     |_Christine JOCCET ___|
|                       (.... - 1575) m 1549|
|                                           |______________________
|--Jacob DE TREY 
|  (.... - 1644)
|                                            ______________________
|                                           |                      
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |______________________
|                     |                                            
|_Sara SAVARY ________|
   m 1590             |
                      |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                      

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