__ | _François SAUVAGEAT _| | | | |__ | _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___| | m 1582 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pernon SAUVAGEAT | | __ | | | _Jaques PERRET ______| | | (.... - 1582) | | | |__ | | |_Ursule PERRET ______| m 1582 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Caroline H. SAUVAIN | (1828 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Elisabeth L. SAUVAIN | (1821 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Henry Phillip SAUVAIN | (1819 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Jean Joseph SAUVAIN | (1815 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
His second name appears to be written Vernie in his marriage record of his son Melchior, and Wernie in the record of the birth of Melchior's first son.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean Werner SAUVAIN | (1737 - 1815) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____| | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--John William SAUVAIN | (1833 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Julia Antoinette SAUVAIN | (1831 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Justi SAUVAIN | (1826 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
His birth record at Den Helder reads: "In het jaar eenduizend achthonderd en zeventien den een twintigste van de maand september is voor ons schout officier van de Burgerlijke Stand Gemeente Helder Huis decinen (?) Canton de Zijpe Provincie Noord-Holland gecompareerd Melchior Sauvain Deutsch landbouwer bestemd naar America. Dewelke ons heeft voorgesteld een kind van het mannelijk geslacht den twintigste dezer ten half negen uren des avonds uit hem declarant en Elisabetha Cond zijne Huisvrouw geboren en aan hetwelk hij verklaarde de voornaam van Ludovich te willen geven. De gemelde verklaring en voorstelling is geschied in tegenwoordigheid van Ludovich Pijler en Jacob Neusz beiden mede Deutsche landlieden bestemd naar America, getuigen van genoegzamen ouderdom en beiden thans alhier en hebben de vader en getuigen voormeld deze acte van geboorte na dat deze aan hen was voorgelezen nevens was ondertekend."
(A rough translation: "In the year eighteen hundred and seventeen the twentieth of September, before our sheriff officer of the Municipal Registry... Canton Zijpe, Province of North Holland, appeared Melchior Sauvain, German farmer on his way to America, who has declared that a child of the male sex was born to him and and his Housewife Elisabetha Cond, and to which he declared he has given the name Ludovich. The above statement and representation was made in the presence of Ludovich Pillar and Jacob Neusz both German countrymen on their way to America, witnesses both of legal age and living here, and they with the father have signed this act after it was read back to them.")
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Louis SAUVAIN | (1817 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Mary Constance SAUVAIN | (1822 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
His declaration of intention for American citizenship in 1835 (Switzerland Co. Circuit Court, Civil Order Book A, p. 360) says he was born in Courrendlin, Switzerland, and that he was then age 52. As it happened, he married at Munster (Haut-Rhin, France) and then had a child in Holland shortly before sailing for America, these events found on the internet. The marriage record (AD Haut-Rhin 5 E 339, image 133) gives his parentage and that of his wife. There is also a reference to his passport application at Munster (Haut-Rhin, France).
In 1815, at the birth of his first son, he gives his age as 32, consistent with the information he gave in 1835.
__ | _Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _| | | | |__ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____| | | | |__ | | |--Melchior SAUVAIN | (1781 - 1859) | __ | | | _George CHRIST _________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | __ | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______| | |__
_Jean Baptiste SAUVAIN _ | _Jean Werner SAUVAIN _| | (1737 - 1815) m 1765 | | |_Marie Hélène GIGOU ____ | _Melchior SAUVAIN ______| | (1781 - 1859) m 1815 | | | _George CHRIST _________ | | | | |_Catherine CHRIST ____| | (1741 - ....) m 1765 | | |_Catherine GOFFIN ______ | | |--Nancy Caroline SAUVAIN | (1840 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Jean Baptiste COMTE _| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Marie Elizabeth COMTE _| (1793 - 1870) m 1815 | | ________________________ | | |_Therese BORER _______| | |________________________
______________________ | _____________________| | | | |______________________ | _Jean SAVARY ________| | m 1563 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--Christinaz SAVARY | | _Johannes PIGNIOLLET _+ | | (1450 - 1502) | _Girard PIGNOLET ____| | | (1475 - 1525) | | | |_Ancillina _____ _____ | | (1457 - 1507) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1563| | _Laurent BIEN ________ | | |_Jeannetta BIEN _____| (.... - 1525) | |______________________
______________________ | _____________________| | | | |______________________ | _Jean SAVARY ________| | m 1563 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--Christinaz SAVARY | | _Johannes PIGNIOLLET _+ | | (1450 - 1502) | _Girard PIGNOLET ____| | | (1475 - 1525) | | | |_Ancillina _____ _____ | | (1457 - 1507) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1563| | _Laurent BIEN ________ | | |_Jeannetta BIEN _____| (.... - 1525) | |______________________
He was "hoste en la Croix Blanche" at Payerne in a document recorded 17 mar 1574. Another document recorded the same day says that he had died and identifies his widow as "hostesse en la Croix Blanche." Evidently, Daniel had died very recently.
[1472] Date of contract, Abraham Chuard, notary.
He was "hoste en la Croix Blanche" at Payerne in a document recorded 17 mar 1574. Another document recorded the same day says that he had died and identifies his widow as "hostesse en la Croix Blanche." Evidently, Daniel had died very recently.
[1507] Date of contract, Abraham Chuard, notary.
[1509] Date of contract, Abraham Chuard, notary.
[1473] Date of contract, Abraham Chuard, notary.
His date of birth is given in the obituary of 03 aug 1872 in the Vevay Reveille. The account also indicates he arrived in the US in 1817. Under the more common modern spelling Schenk, families of this name are found in many locations in Switzerland and elsewhere.
There is an account of the family in the Memoirs of the Lower Ohio Valley: Personal and Genealogical, vol. 1, p. 182. The history of the family begins with Philip Jacob Schenck, originally from Worms, and his wife Marianne Gras, from Canton Bern. They brought their family to the US, but Marianne died during the voyage. Philipe Jacob died in Switzerland County, Indiana 15 dec 1819. Their son John James Philip was born 16 feb 1788 at "Locte", Switzerland, presumably Le Locle in the Canton of Neuchâtel. The date of birth given is 5 days later than the date given in the obituary of 1872, and the Memoirs also state incorrectly that he died in 1873, rather than 1872.
The account continues: John James Philip Schenck married Mary Julia Jacot, a native of "Champdismitien", born 03 apr 1788. She died at Vevay 06 feb 1864. Their son Ulysses P. Schenck was born in Canton Neuchâtel 16 may 1811.
__ | _Caspar SCHENK ______| | (.... - 1788) | | |__ | _Philippe Jacob SCHENK _| | (.... - 1819) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jean Jaques Philippe SCHENCK | (1788 - 1872) | __ | | | _Ulrich GRAS ________| | | (.... - 1788) | | | |__ | | |_Marianne GRAS _________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__