Perret Dufour's The Swiss Settlement of Switzerland County, Indiana (p. 362) remarks that Aimé was considered too young to travel when the rest of his brothers and sisters emigrated to the United States in 1801. He joined them much later, in 1816, and later moved to New Orleans and then to Vermillionville, Louisiana, where he was still living about 1869.
_Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ________________+ | (1665 - ....) m 1687 _Jean Jaques Rodolph DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1778) m 1729 | | |_Susanne Elizabeth VUICHOUD (DE SÂLES) _+ | m 1687 _Jean Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _______| | m 1777 | | | _Adam MONNET ___________________________ | | | | |_Louise Elizabeth MONNET _______________| | (.... - 1787) m 1729 | | |________________________________________ | | |--Aimé DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (1791 - ....) | ________________________________________ | | | _Jean Pierre DUBOCHET (DE CHERNEX) _____| | | | | | |________________________________________ | | |_Susanne Marie DUBOCHET (DE CHERNEX) _| (1753 - 1793) m 1777 | | ________________________________________ | | |________________________________________| | |________________________________________
The marriage record of his son Jean François Rodolph says he was already dead by 01 dec 1727. Therefore, the André or André Daniel Dufour who married Marie Vauthey 22 feb 1731 must be a different man.
_David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (1585 - 1647) _Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ____| | (.... - 1659) m 1654 | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________ | _Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | m 1678 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Pernette MAYOR ______________| | (.... - 1659) m 1654 | | |__________________________ | | |--André Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1727) | _Pierre PILLIOD __________ | | | _Jean PILLIOD ________________| | | (.... - 1684) m 1648 | | | |__________________________ | | |_Marguerite PILLIOD _______| m 1678 | | _Noé PONTILLIET __________ | | |_Jeanne Catherine PONTILLIET _| m 1648 | |__________________________
For the baptisms of his children he is usually identified simply as André Dufour de Sales. However, at the baptism of his first child in 1731, he is called André Daniel Dufour. His burial record gives the age at death as 78.
_Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1642) m 1615 _Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______ | m 1615 _Aimé DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | m 1700 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Marie MICHEL _____________| | | | |_________________________ | | |--André Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1779) | _________________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Susanne GORGONEL _______| m 1700 | | _________________________ | | |___________________________| | |_________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1585 - 1647) | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Pierre DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1675) m 1644 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Anne Françoise DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Susanne DESAILLAUX _______| m 1644 | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
Her baptism names both parents, and identifies her father as Egrčge Daniel Dufour Lieutenant en la justice du Châtelard.
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1689) m 1659 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Marguerite FAVRE _______| | (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | |____________________________ | | |--Anne Françoise DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1694) | _Pierre BASIN ______________ | | | _David BASIN ____________| | | (.... - 1673) m 1642 | | | |_Catherine MARTIN __________+ | | |_Marguerite BASIN _________| (1642 - 1711) m 1659 | | _Girard MAHUET _____________ | | (.... - 1610) m 1588 |_Marie MAHUET ___________| (1605 - 1663) m 1642 | |_Anne HAVIOTE ______________+ m 1588
She appears as a sponsor for a baptism at Montreux, 13 apr 1666.
She married Egrčge Pierre Pilliod or Pillod of Tercier (parish of Blonay). The parentage of his wife is made clear in the baptismal record of their daughter Marie Françoise 12 sep 1680 at Blonay, where the sponsors included Marie, widow of the late Châtelain Dufour of Montreux, grandmother of the child.
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1585 - 1647) | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Gamaliel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1672) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Anne Marie DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Marie DE SUPERSAX __________| | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1615 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Jean DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1681) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______| | m 1615 | | |____________________________ | | |--Anne Marie DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Jaquemaz DULIEU ________| (.... - 1683) | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
_Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1638) m 1632 _Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1669) m 1653 | | |_Esther ROLAND ____________ | m 1632 _Claude DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | m 1696 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_Marguerite DUBOCHET _______| | (.... - 1670) m 1653 | | |___________________________ | | |--Anne Marie DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ___________________________ | | | _Pierre TALON ______________| | | (.... - 1702) | | | |___________________________ | | |_Anne Marie TALON _________| m 1696 | | ___________________________ | | |____________________________| | |___________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1615 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Abraham DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______| | m 1615 | | |____________________________ | | |--Antoinaz DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |____________________________| | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
A "reconnaissance" by the heirs of his son David, dated 27 jun 1648 (ACV Fe 150, fols. 320-332), mentions a previous reconnaissance in a terrier complied by Noble Claude Muriset, for Pernette de Pallens, widow of Antoine Dufour, for their children Paul, David, Adam, and Pernette. The terrier in question is Fe 129, commissaire Noble Claude Muriset, and the reconnaissances are on fols. 460 (for Pernette herself) and 465 (for Pernette acting as the guardian of her children). The reference to this terrier in 1648 notes that Antoine had been a resident of Vernex, but that his widow was at Sâles when she made the reconnaissance recorded by Claude Muriset. The next earlier reconnaissance, noted in Fe 150 (reconnaissance for Adam Dufour, fols. 343-355), was by Jean Dufour, circa 1543 (probably Fe 112, not yet examined). This man would likely be the father or perhaps the grandfather of Antoine. The reconnaissance for Adam Dufour in Fe 150 also gives even earlier history, tracing the feudal obligations of the family back to "feu Berthold Testas terayeul soit riere pčre grand dudict confessant es mains de feu Egrege Jean Wlliet, et au paravant par Pierre Testas es mains d'Egrege Jean Dubourg Commissaire". The alias Testas or Testaz is mentioned several times in Fe 150 in connection with Antoine Dufour, so this passage tells us that Adam's grandfather's grandfather was Berthold Testas (thus the great-grandfather of Antoine), and that the son of Berthold was Pierre Testas. The terrier of Jean Vulliet was probably Fe 91 or 92 (1460), and the terrier of Jean Dubourg was probably Fe 96 or 97 (1498). The wording in Fe 150 contradicts the sequence of the terriers, appearing to make the reconnaissance of Pierre Testas prior to that of Berthold Testas, so it is also possible that the earlier terriers were misquoted. If the citations are correct, however, Antoine Dufour was the son of Jean Dufour who was in turn the son of Pierre Testas son of Berthold Testas, thus making Berthold the "terayeul" or trisaďeul of Adam. The construction "ričre pčre grand" would not be recognized today, and it might be confused with modern "arričre-grandpčre" (great-grandfather).
All of this is clarified in the previous terrier, Fe 129, where we find the exact ancestry of Antoine Dufour, and an explanation of the term "bisayeul": "Anthoine du Fourt, lequel estoyt filz de feu Jehan du Fourt aultrement Testaz de Vernex desiaz filz de feu Jacquet Testaz qui fust filz de Pierre aussy filz de Anthoine qui fust filz de jadis Berthod Testaz, en leurs vivantz dudict Vernex". Berthod Testaz is described "bisayeul ou pere grand paternal desia du grand pere" of the children of Antoine.
_Pierre DUFOUR (DE VERNEX) _+ | (1473 - 1498) _Jaquet DUFOUR (DE VERNEX) _| | (.... - 1520) | | |____________________________ | _Jean DUFOUR (DE VERNEX) _| | (1518 - 1543) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1592) | ____________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |__________________________| | | ____________________________ | | |____________________________| | |____________________________
_Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1638) m 1632 _Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1669) m 1653 | | |_Esther ROLAND ____________ | m 1632 _Claude DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | m 1696 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_Marguerite DUBOCHET _______| | (.... - 1670) m 1653 | | |___________________________ | | |--Antoine David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ___________________________ | | | _Pierre TALON ______________| | | (.... - 1702) | | | |___________________________ | | |_Anne Marie TALON _________| m 1696 | | ___________________________ | | |____________________________| | |___________________________
_Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ________________+ | (1665 - ....) m 1687 _Jean Jaques Rodolph DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1778) m 1729 | | |_Susanne Elizabeth VUICHOUD (DE SÂLES) _+ | m 1687 _Jean Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _______| | m 1777 | | | _Adam MONNET ___________________________ | | | | |_Louise Elizabeth MONNET _______________| | (.... - 1787) m 1729 | | |________________________________________ | | |--Antoinette DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (1781 - 1857) | ________________________________________ | | | _Jean Pierre DUBOCHET (DE CHERNEX) _____| | | | | | |________________________________________ | | |_Susanne Marie DUBOCHET (DE CHERNEX) _| (1753 - 1793) m 1777 | | ________________________________________ | | |________________________________________| | |________________________________________
_Claude DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _______________+ | m 1696 _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _____________| | (.... - 1793) m 1749 | | |_Anne Marie TALON _______________________+ | m 1696 _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ________________| | m 1801 | | | _Pierre David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _________+ | | | (.... - 1759) m 1714 | |_Jeanne Marguerite DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1723 - 1808) m 1749 | | |_Magdelaine (or Anne?) Marguerite REUGE _+ | m 1714 | |--Antoinette Françoise DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (1802 - ....) | _________________________________________ | | | _Jaques NICOLLET (DE SÂLES) __________| | | | | | |_________________________________________ | | |_Susanne Marguerite NICOLLET (DE SÂLES) _| m 1801 | | _________________________________________ | | |_Jeanne Françoise DUBOCHET ___________| | |_________________________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1615 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______| | m 1615 | | |____________________________ | | |--Barbille DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Marie MICHEL _____________| | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1585 - 1647) | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Gamaliel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1672) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Catherine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Marie DE SUPERSAX __________| | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
Not mentioned in her father's testament, so probably died before 1681.
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1615 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Jean DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1681) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______| | m 1615 | | |____________________________ | | |--Claudaz DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1681) | ____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Jaquemaz DULIEU ________| (.... - 1683) | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
She was baptised on the Sunday prior to the feast of St. Michel, which occurs on September 29. According to the other clues in the baptisms around this time at Montreux, the date of the baptism would be Sunday, September 26, 1652, under the old calendar then in use. The sponsors included Egrčge Daniel Dufour, and Susanne Dupraz widow of the late David Dufour (Susanne is known as Claudaz in many other records).
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1615 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Abraham DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Jaquemaz VUICHOUD ______| | m 1615 | | |____________________________ | | |--Claudaz DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |____________________________| | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1585 - 1647) | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Pierre DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1675) m 1644 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Claudaz DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | ____________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Susanne DESAILLAUX _______| m 1644 | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
He was baptised after the death of his father. One record — the baptism of his son David in 1720, calls him Claude Gabriel Dufour, possibly to distinguish him from the other Claude Dufour, of Vernex. He is again called Claude Gabriel Dufour on the occasion of the burial of that same son David in 1793, likely because the minister had consulted the record of his baptism in order to establish his age at death, 73 years and 2 months.
_David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (1585 - 1647) _Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1638) m 1632 | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________ | _Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1669) m 1653 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Esther ROLAND ____________| | m 1632 | | |__________________________ | | |--Claude DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | __________________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Marguerite DUBOCHET _______| (.... - 1670) m 1653 | | __________________________ | | |___________________________| | |__________________________
_Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1592) _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________+ | _Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1689) m 1659 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Marguerite FAVRE _______| | (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | |____________________________ | | |--Claudine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | _Pierre BASIN ______________ | | | _David BASIN ____________| | | (.... - 1673) m 1642 | | | |_Catherine MARTIN __________+ | | |_Marguerite BASIN _________| (1642 - 1711) m 1659 | | _Girard MAHUET _____________ | | (.... - 1610) m 1588 |_Marie MAHUET ___________| (1605 - 1663) m 1642 | |_Anne HAVIOTE ______________+ m 1588
_Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (.... - 1638) m 1632 _Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1669) m 1653 | | |_Esther ROLAND ____________ | m 1632 _Claude DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | m 1696 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_Marguerite DUBOCHET _______| | (.... - 1670) m 1653 | | |___________________________ | | |--Claudine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1763) | ___________________________ | | | _Pierre TALON ______________| | | (.... - 1702) | | | |___________________________ | | |_Anne Marie TALON _________| m 1696 | | ___________________________ | | |____________________________| | |___________________________
_Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _____+ | (.... - 1642) m 1632 _Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ____| | (.... - 1689) m 1659 | | |_Marguerite FAVRE ___________ | (.... - 1642) m 1632 _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) ________________| | (1665 - ....) m 1687 | | | _David BASIN ________________+ | | | (.... - 1673) m 1642 | |_Marguerite BASIN ____________| | (1642 - 1711) m 1659 | | |_Marie MAHUET _______________+ | (1605 - 1663) m 1642 | |--Claudine Marie DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | _Jaques VUICHOUD (DE SÂLES) _ | | m 1629 | _Jean VUICHOUD (DE SÂLES) ____| | | (1633 - ....) m 1653 | | | |_Claudine PERRIN ____________ | | m 1629 |_Susanne Elizabeth VUICHOUD (DE SÂLES) _| m 1687 | | _Claude ROSSET (DE VEYTAUX) _ | | m 1632 |_Susanne ROSSET (DE VEYTAUX) _| m 1653 | |_Elizabeth LE MERLE _________+ m 1632
There is possible confusion between this Daniel and the Daniel who was the son of David Dufour of Sales. The Daniel who married Marguerite Bazin seems to be associated with Claudine Dupraz, widow of David Dufour, but his parentage is not directly stated in the church records, as far as we have been able to discover. The records of the notaries should clarify this problem.
Along with his wife Pernette Mayor, he was a sponsor at a baptism at Montreux on 14 may 1654. She appears as his widow 30 oct 1659 as a sponsor at a baptism in Montreux, while the other Daniel Dufour de Sales and his wife Marguerite Basin appear at another baptism in the same church on the same date.
He had a son Jaques, clearly identified when he appears at a baptism at Montreux 21 jan 1677 (Jaques son of the late Daniel Dufour de Sales, while the other Daniel with his wife Marguerite are clearly still alive soon after, 05 mar 1677, when they appear at another baptism).
_Jean DUFOUR (DE VERNEX) _+ | (1518 - 1543) _Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1592) | | |__________________________ | _David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (1585 - 1647) | | | _Jean DEPALLENS __________ | | | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1659) | __________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________| | | __________________________ | | |____________________________| | |__________________________
He appears several times in the church records of Montreux with Claudaz Dupraz. From these references, it seemed logical that the Daniel Dufour who was associated with Claudaz Dupraz, widow of David Dufour, was the Daniel Dufour who became a notary and who married Marguerite Basin. However, there was another Daniel Dufour at Sâles who had a wife Pernette Mayor. This second (older) Daniel died before 30 oct 1659, leaving a widow Pernette Mayor, while on the same day the present "Daniel Dufour de Sales" appeared as a sponsor for a baptism with his wife Marguerite Bazin. The marriage records for Montreux are missing from 1646 to 1665, and the names of the mothers are not always given in the baptisms, so it is possible that some of the children attributed to the present Daniel actually belong to the second Daniel and Pernette Mayor. Further, at least one entry in the church records calls the Daniel who married Pernette Mayor a notary as well. An echo of this second couple seems to be indicated in 1677, when Jaques son of the late Daniel Dufour of Sâles appears as a sponsor, and a few weeks later, our "Daniel Dufour de Sales" and his wife Marguerite appear at another baptism.
While his son Adam is mentioned several times, Adam's baptism has not been found. It is possible that it is the one dated 13 apr 1660, Adam son of "Abraham Dufour de Sales", but it seems more likely that Adam's baptism was omitted in error, or that it was recorded in some other parish.
A citation by Perret Dufour (The Swiss Settlement of Switzerland County, Indiana, pp. 220-223) suggests that the date of the marriage contract for Daniel Dufour and Marguerite Basin may have been 01 sep 1657, but this depends on recognizing an error in Perret Dufour's transcription of a document that may no longer exist; see our notes for Daniel's son Adam Dufour. A copy of this document is at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises; if it is a photocopy of the original, rather than a transcript by Perret Dufour, it may be possible to determine the correct date for the marriage contract. A better source seems to be the testament of David Basin (Jean Pierre Besson, notary, ACV DS 5/106 fol. 434v), which cites the marriage contract of his daughter Marguerite Basin to Daniel Dufour, dated 28 feb 1659 and recorded by Jean Poysat, Curial des Planches (the contract is not found in the few surviving records of Jean Poysat, ACV DS 87 bis).
With this date apparently now firmly established, it becomes obvious that the children baptised before 1659 must be from a different mother, if not from another father. A pair of documents recorded 01 jul 1661 by Jean Pierre Besson, notary (ACV DS 5/3, "premier minutaire") concern a debt of Pierre Ducrest of Chernex for which Vincent Dufour of Chernex was the security. When Pierre Ducrest pledged additional property as security to indemnify Vincent Dufour, one of the adjacent properties is described as "celle de feue Marie Ducrest vivant femme d'Egčge Daniel Dufour de Salles". If we can believe that this statement is precise—by not saying that this Daniel Dufour was already dead—Marie Ducrest could be the missing first wife of this Daniel Dufour.
The question of which Daniel married Marguerite Basin is probably settled by several transactions in the registers of the notary Daniel Dubochet (ACV DS 24, especially vol. 1, fol. 82v), concerning "Egrčge Daniel Dufour de Sales" the younger, son of the late Adam Dufour, and Daniel's brothers Jean and Pierre. However, none of these transactions connects this Daniel with either of the possible wives, nor does any of them give Daniel's later title of Lieutenant.
The Archvies Cantonales Vaudoises has a large collection of the papers of the Dubochet family of Montreux (ACV PP 785). This collection turns out to contain the marriage contract of Jean Favrod of Château-d'Oex and Marie daughter of Girard Mahuet (indexed as "Masuet"!) from 1620, a large number of transactions involving Daniel Dufour and his wife Marguerite Basin, and many later transactions involving the heirs of Daniel Dufour in the Dubochet family. One of these, ACV PP 785/686, dated 13 mar 1686, concerns heirs of (the late?) Daniel Dufour: his son Adam, his daughter Marie who had married Gabriel Decosterd, his daughter Claudine who had married André Gétaz, Philippe, and four unmarried daughters, Anne Françoise, Susanne, Esther, and Elizabeth. From this list, it is apparent that there must have been a daughter Esther whose baptism was either not recorded or else not properly identified, between Susanne (1675) and the youngest daughter, baptised as Françoise Elizabeth (1681). Esther later married Jean Dubochet of Chailly, who subsequently appears (ACV PP 785/178, 18 jul 1711) as the son-in-law of Marguerite Basin, widow of Daniel and then wife of Vincent Cochard. The majority of the Dubochet papers seem to have come from the estate of Emmanuel Dubochet, grandson of Jean Dubochet and Esther Dufour.
At least as late as 13 dec 1682, Daniel Dufour was "Lieutenant de la Justice de la jurisdiction du Châtelard". However, after his death, he is called "vivant Châtelain en la jurisdiction du Châtelard". For example, he is cited as the late Egrčge Daniel Dufour vivant Châtelain on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter Claudine to André Gétaz, 02 aug 1689. The one citation giving this title that might be within his lifetime is the appearance of his (?) daughter Françoise "fille de Monsieur le Châtelain Dufour" as a sponsor at a baptism on 24 apr 1689. This citation does not include her father's given name, and there are several other "jurisdictions" that had their own Châtelains at this period. Further, it is not always possible to conclude that a parent was still living even when the word "feu" (i.e., the late, meaning deceased) is omitted. In other words, this citation could refer to a different Françoise Dufour whose father was the Châtelain of some other jurisdiction, and who may or may not have been alive at that time.
A transaction recorded 21 mar 1690 by Jean Puenzieux, notary (ACV DS 88/13), concerns debts of the Ducrest family to the charitable hospital of Montreux, resulting from two legacies, one from Discret David Dufour, Lieutenant du Chastellard dated 12 jun 1647, the other from David's nephew Discret Daniel Dufour dated 06 may 1676. The document of 12 jun 1647 should thus be the testament of David, and the document of 06 may 1647 the testament of Daniel Dufour. Unfortunately, neither document seems to have survived.
_Jean DUFOUR (DE VERNEX) _+ | (1518 - 1543) _Antoine DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1592) | | |__________________________ | _Adam DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | | _Jean DEPALLENS __________ | | | | |_Pernette DEPALLENS ________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | (.... - 1689) | __________________________ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Marguerite FAVRE _______| (.... - 1642) m 1632 | | __________________________ | | |____________________________| | |__________________________
_David DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _+ | (1585 - 1647) _Jaques DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1638) m 1632 | | |_Anne VAUTHEY ____________ | _Gabriel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) _| | (.... - 1669) m 1653 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Esther ROLAND ____________| | m 1632 | | |__________________________ | | |--Daniel DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) | | __________________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Marguerite DUBOCHET _______| (.... - 1670) m 1653 | | __________________________ | | |___________________________| | |__________________________