Exactly who were the children of Mondet Mayor alias Monod is still far from clear. A son Pierre (called junior in 1496) is attested several times. Two additional sons Johannes and Franciscus left children, cited in Fg 52, fol. 167 ff (1531). The terrier ACV Fh 155, fol. 197 ff, contains some language suggesting additional possibities that have so far defied explanation. Also, Mondet had a brother Estivent (this is stated more or less directly in Fg 125). Beyond that, there are some very confusing citations in the terrier Fh 175 (from about 1622) that paraphrase a terrier of 1570 that has not yet been located. This terrier of 1622 quotes apparently the same reconnaissance of 1570 in at least three or four contradictory versions. Whatever it said originally,the paraphrases are so garbled that they cannot be used to clarify relationships; however, one of the versions is somewhat similar to the one reported in 1569 in Fh 155 (fol. 197). The same properties that were described in the missing terrier of 1570 should also be described in Fh 31, a summary of the same jurisdiction compiled about 1580.
The somewhat confusing information concerning the early Claude Mayor may be resolved by a statement in Fg 125 that Pierre Mayor/Monod, nephew of Thivent Cigoen, was a son of Claude son of Estienne Mayor, who was in turn apparently a brother of Mondet Mayor. This Pierre son of Claude may be the same one who is known from the records of the notary Claude Mayor, thus perhaps tying the generations together. For the moment, it seems best to rely on the relatively clear account in Fg 125, and thus attach the early Claude Monod as a son of Estievent Mayor, son of Aymonet Mayor.
For the moment, we also attach the Michel Mayor alias Monod whose son Jean Monod was active at Ballens around 1580. There is evidently some connection with the children of Mondet, but we have not yet found any document where Michel appears in his own name and thus help establish his dates.
_Girard DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _ | (.... - 1455) _Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (1400 - 1455) | | |_______________________________ | _Aymonet MAYOR ______| | (.... - 1496) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |________________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Mondet MAYOR | (.... - 1496) | _______________________________ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _______________________________ | | |________________________________| | |_______________________________
When she appears as a sponsor for the baptism of Etienne David, son of François Chevalley and Françoise Magdelaine Basin at Montreux on 29 may 1681, she is identified as the widow of both Jaques Dufour de Sionzier (her last husband) and of Pierre Chevalley (her second husband, the father of François. It is still not clear if she might have been the same Pernette Mayor who was the widow of Daniel who was the son of David Dufour of Sales. This does not seem very likely, however, since Pernette Mayor widow of the late Sieur Daniel Dufour appears at a baptism 30 oct 1659. However, it is possible that the daughter of Jaques Dufour of Sionzier baptised in 1657 was either the daughter of a different wife of the same Jaques, or else the daughter of a different Jaques. She is clearly cited as the wife of Jaques Dufour of Sionzier when they appear together as sponsors at a baptism on 18 jan 1667.
There are many men called Pierre Mayor in the terriers that cover Ballens, and many of them are mentioned in the context of an indefinite past. It has been extremely difficult to determine how they should be connected.
One Pierre, already noted as feu Pierre Mayor in 1569, is mentioned in connection with the house of his son François, located next to the house owned by François pupil of the late Claude Mayor (1/2) and by Mory Saudan (3/8) and Pierre Saudan le Jeusne (1/8). This Pierre Mayor must not be not the father of Egrège Anthoine, Egrège Michel, Pernon, and Marguerite, as that Pierre dictated his verbal will late in 1570. Unless there is a different Jaques who was the adult son of Pierre circa 1570, we suggest tentatively that "Jaques nourry de Pierre Mayor", mentioned as early as 1569 in the records of the notary Claude Mayor (ACV DB 26), is the illegitimate son of the same Pierre who had the son François. Another reason for this suggestion is the fact that a Jaques Mayor is mentioned frequently in the 1622 terrier of Ballens in citations from a previous terrier of 1570, with his nephews "Sulpy" and Pierre Mayor. Given the apparently ancestry of the uniquely named "Sulpy" (properly Sulpice), it is necessary that this same Pierre had a son Jaques.
However, we have come to believe that the Pierre just described must be brother of the elder notary Egrège Claude Mayor.
The present Pierre is apparently the grandfather of the Pierre just described. He must be old enough to be the grandfather of the elder notary Egrège Claude Mayor, and old enough to be the ancestor of the "François pupil de feu Claude Mayor" who is cited in 1570.
The terrier FH 137, dating from 1506-1508, describes holdings of his son Jacobo (=Jaques), and tells us that Pierre had already died by 22 oct 1507 (fol. 436, also another reconnaissance on fol. 448). This reconnaissance mentions that Pierre had previously recognized the same properties (Eg. Jean Vulliet) on behalf of his children Jacobus and Humbertus, his children by his (late) wife Nycollete Saudan. During the process of describing about 20 properties held by Jacobo, additional relationships are revealed. Jacobo had a brother Humbert Mayor, still living in 1507. Their father Pierre Mayor had married Nycollete, daughter of Aymonet Soudan. Another daughter of Aymonet Soudan, Pernete, had married Mermet Solliard. Mermet and Pernete had a son Nycollet Solliard who was thus first cousin to Jacobo and his brother Humbert. Jacobo and Humbert were also related in some way to Antoine son of Michel son of Antoine "de Vernay alias Mayor", whose reconnaissance on fol. 421 (28 may 1506) of the same terrier actually refers to "Jacobo de Vernay alias Mayor" and indicates that Michel de Vernay alias Mayor had a brother Pierre, thus providing the link. Unless there is another generation between Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor and the present Pierre Mayor, we can add another generation to the pedigree of the Mayors.
A complication arises when we consider the ancestry of the branch of the Mayor family "dit Mathey" at Mollens. The progenitor was Claude Mayor, already an adult and married to Mermette, daughter of Jaques Mathey dit de Ballens in 1529 (ACV Fg 125, compiled about 1603-1612). At least some of the property that Claude Mayor had recognized in a previous terrier, not yet located, was stated in Fg 125 to have been jointly owned with Antoine, Jean, and Ottonin, sons of Michel Mayor alias du Vernay, who was the brother of the present Pierre. Prior to that, at least part of the same property was recognized in a terrier compiled by "Expert Aymonet Pollens" (Fj 5, circa 1490, not yet studied in detail) , by the same Michel Mayor and his brother the present Pierre. It follows that Claude dit Mathey ought to be a descendant of these brothers as well, but how? He could be another son of Pierre who settled his inheritance with his brothers and relocated at Mollens, but if that were true, how would he end up with a 50% share of property for which the other 50% was held by the sons of Michel? It would be necessary to imagine additional settlements, very plausible individually, but complicated enough that we hesitate to reach a conclusion. The earlier terriers, if they still exist, should help us resolve this proplem. One possibility is that we are missing a generation in the present lineage. Perhaps the present Pierre is not the same Pierre whose brother was Michel, but rather a nephew or uncle of that Michel.
Leaving the problem of Claude Mayor dit Mathey aside, however, the history of a small vineyard containing 2 poses at Aubonne "en Chevrajon" (modern spelling Chivrageon) provides a comprehensive inventory of the Mayor family at Ballens. In the terrier Fh 137 (reconaissances beginning at fols. 421 and 436v), among the many properties enumerated for Jaques son of Pierre son of Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor, and for Antoine and his brothers, sons of Michel son of Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor, we read that this vineyard, originally from the estate of the first Antoine, was held jointly by his sons Michel and Pierre, and then divided in half by his grandsons Antoine son of Michel and Jaques son of Pierre. (The first of these two reconnaissances attributes the feudal tax to Aymonet Mayor, "predecessor" of Antoine son of Michel son of Antoine de Vernay alias Mayor, thus providing evidence for some sort of connection between the Mayor family of Ballens and the Monod family that appears to have descended from Aymonet Mayor.)
The same vineyard is described, though not without several serious errors, in the terrier Fh 153, in three separate reconnaissances dating from 1566. The half of the original 2 poses that had gone to Jaques son of Pierre Mayor was still held jointly by his descendants. The other half had been split, whether formally or not, into four parts, of which three were treated together in a way that obscures the nature of the division. It was only by following the tax that was due that we were able to find the relationships that are implied. An additional implication is that any other children of Pierre seem not to have left descendants, or else such descendants had sold their interest in this vineyard to their siblings or cousins.
The descendants of Jaques son of Pierre who held his half of the vineyard "en Chevrajon" as of 29 apr 1566 (Fh 153, fol. 411v) were:
In addition to these, there is one more branch that seems to belong here, that of François, minor son of the late Claude son of Michel circa 1567. The latter Michel appears to be another son of the present Pierre, because of relationships inferred from other property owned jointly.
__ | _Girard DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (.... - 1455) | | |__ | _Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (1400 - 1455) | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre MAYOR | (1430 - 1507) | __ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |________________________________| | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__
_Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _+ | (1400 - 1455) _Aymonet MAYOR ______| | (.... - 1496) | | |________________________________ | _Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR _| | (.... - 1531) | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--Stephana MAYOR | | ________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________________ | | |______________________________________| | | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
There were at least two, and possible three men who might be called Thivent or Estivent Monod at Ballens during the 16th Century. It is often very difficult to distinguish them in the records of that period.
One Thivent Monod was alias Cigoen, at least in a few records, and he had a nephew Pierre. This Thivent or Stephanus is cited at least as early as 1523 (then a minor, represented by Petrus Mayor junior, son of Mondetus Mayor), and apparently as late as about 1555 in various terriers. The name Cigoen, sometimes spelled in very different ways that suggest one of the early terriers was not clearly legible, is associated with the Monod family about 1500. According to several sources, Stephanus was the son of Petrus Cigoen and had apparently married a daughter of Thivent Mayor, son of Aymonet Mayor. The terriers suggest that he must have had children, but the language is vague and sometimes contradictory.
The Monod family of Ballens almost certainly all descend from Aymonet Mayor, whose descendants seem to be those known at first as Mayor alias Monod and later as Monod. A prerequisite for untangling the Monod family would seem to be first to establish the parentages of the two or three men called Thivent. Another prerequisite is to assign realistic dates to as many of the Monod family as possible.
The later Thivent, first cited about 1580 and dead not long before 1622, was the son of Claude son of Pierre, in turn probably son of Estievent son of Aymonet Mayor. His connections are relatively easy to identify because of the fact that his grandfather Pierre had two sons named Claude as well as a grandson Claude, resulting in the existence of two men called Claude Monod the younger.
The Thivent who is cited about 1570 in the terriers in connection with sons or brothers Antoine and Claude, is still extremely obscure. Part of the problem is that most of what is known about him comes to us second hand (in the terrier ACV FH 173, about 1622), in paraphrases derived from a terrier that has not yet been located. One version says that he had two brothers Antoine and Claude, all living in 1570 (this version, oddly, does not name the father of the three brothers). Another version says that he was the father of brothers Antoine and Claude who were alive in 1570. In fact, the reconnaissance of 1570 is paraphrased so many ways, it will not be possible to take it seriously until the original version is located.
However, of these two versions, the second comes close to other evidence from the records of the notary Claude Mayor of Ballens (ACV DB 26) whose career spanned the years 1567 to 1618 and whose registers and minutaires provide the most detailed account of the people of the parish of Bière for that period. There were many other notaries working in the same area, but their registers seem to have been lost. Claude Mayor's records show that an Estienne Monod (Estienne and Thivent are the same name, both equivalent to the Latin Stephanus) had died before 15 feb 1568 (DB 26/1 fol. 33), when his unnamed heirs owned property "en Praz soubz Villaz" adjacent to a parcel sold on that date by Pierre Suffry and his wife Légière Besanson (alias of de Froideville at that period). About two years later, 21 jan 1570 (fol. 118v), we find Antoine and Jaques Monod of Ballens, brothers, paying off the marriage settlement of their late brother Claude, whose widow Pernon had now married Bastian de la Pierraz of Reverolle. The same late Claude Monod left a daughter Thievennaz who had married Christophle son of Jaques Genève of Bière, and for whom a donation had been made in her marriage contract by her uncle Jaques Monod (27 nov 1570, fol. 148v). However, the three brothers Antoine, Claude, and Jaques may not be sons of a Thivent Monod at all. A similar set of names, though possibly lacking Jaques, is found in the family of Pierre son of the late Claude Monod in the 1580's. This problem will require more evidence, likely from additional terriers.
One indication that we may be on the right track is a reconnaissance dated 04 apr 1608 (ACV Fg 125, fol. 5), involving property of the Mayor family at Mollens, where an adjacent property is described as formerly belonging to Estienne Monod alias Cigoen and Pierre Monod his nephew. "Formerly", in this case, probably refers to a description in the previous terrier for the same jurisdiction, compiled by François Gross (Fg 52). The description continues with the information that the property belonged at an earlier date to the children of Aymonet Mayor—probably a paraphrase of the next earlier terrier, compiled by Aymonet Pollens (Fj 5, 1496). An even more explicit statement is found in Fg 125, fol. 155, buried in a reconnaissance of 29 dec 1607: one of the properties owned by Thievent Coendoz came from "biens par Estienne Monnod aultrement Cigoen homme censier des jadis prieur et convent dudict Romemostier agissant lors tant à son nom que de Pierre filz de Claude qu'estoit filz de Estienne Mayor de Ballens es mains d'Egrege Claude Bessons luy vivant notaire de Luyns jadis commissaire... (02 mar 1531), et precedemment par Pierre filz de Mondet Mayor agissant pour lors tant à son nom que dudict Claude Mayor son cousin et de ses aultres condiviseurs es mains dudict Expert Aymonnet Pollens". Aymonnet Pollens was the commissaire or compiler for the terrier Fj 5, 1496.
_Girard DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _ | (.... - 1455) _Antoine DE VERNAY ALIAS MAYOR _| | (1400 - 1455) | | |_______________________________ | _Aymonet MAYOR ______| | (.... - 1496) | | | _______________________________ | | | | |________________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR | (.... - 1531) | _______________________________ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _______________________________ | | |________________________________| | |_______________________________
Identified as the daughter of the late Eg. Curial Mayor, and granddaughter of Jaques Mayor, in a document of notary Daniel Marmet 29 nov 1723. LDS group sheets submitted by Frederick Lyndon Hinnen, based on data from Irene Smith, gives death date as 06 sep 1754, but this may be either a different Susanne Mayor or the death date of the second wife.
[1331] Date cited in IGI, but not found in registers at Aubonne. Perhaps she was baptised in one of the surrounding parishes.
[1512] "Jean Samuel Mayor de Ballens et Susanne Mayor d'Aubonne ont été épousés le 8e mars 1707", no further information in the church records.
Her testament was recorded 23 nov 1689 by Daniel Aubort, notary (ACV DS 2/2).
The Abel Mayor who appears in the records of the notaries as a relative of Pernette Masson is Abel Mayor l'aîné. But since the baptisms at Montreux apparently record the baptism of only one Abel Mayor of his generation (son of Jordan), we were unable to determine which Abel Mayor this is, based on the baptisms. Part of the problem is resolved in the Dubochet family papers, ACV PP 785: in PP 785/111, we discover that the wife of the elder Abel Mayor is Catherine Dubochet, as of 15 jun 1675. Further, in PP 785/633, dated 27 apr 1630, Louise Mayor, wife of Jaques Masson of Vernex, sells two vineyards to her brother Abel Mayor of Clarens. And PP 785/711 shows two grandsons of this Abel Mayor selling property to the Dufour family. There are other references to Abel Mayor in this collection, but most of them lack sufficient detail (in the inventory of the collection, at least) to determine which Abel they concern.
From the marriage records, we learn that the Abel Mayor who married Claudaz Besson of Baugy on 15 dec 1633 was the son of Jordan — no parentage is listed for the other Abel, who married Catherine daughter of Jean Dubochet on 27 jan 1634. The one who married Claudaz Besson is therefore Abel the younger, and the father of Abel the elder remains unknown. The younger Abel was dead at least by 16 jun 1664 (Jean Puenzieux, notary, ACV DS 88/2). We also found a few citations of an Abel Mayor who was the son of Claude, active around 1670. This may be the present Abel, but the evidence is still too indirect to warrant any conclusions. Abel "the elder" retained this title even after "the younger" had died, which may indicate that there was a third Abel from a later generation active also around 1670.
Although we can determine which children belong to Abel the younger and Abel the elder in most cases, the succeeding generations are more difficult. Some of the same names occur in both families, and even when an Abel Mayor appears at a baptism as the grandfather of the child, we are not told which Abel he was.
In addition to the first three children listed here, and the first three children listed for Abel Mayor the younger (all of these baptisms name the mothers), there are several children of "Abel Mayor de Clarens" whose mothers are not named and for whom no other evidence has been discovered in the church records: Susanne, daughter of Abel Mayor de Clarens (name of the mother left blank), 27 feb 1642; Rose, daughter of Abel Mayor (no place of residence and no name of mother are listed), 10 sep 1643; Claude, son of Abel Mayor de Clarens (name of mother not given), 20 apr 1645; François, son of Abel Mayor de Clarens (name of mother not given), 26 nov 1648. Both Abel the younger and Abel the elder were alive during this period; Abel the younger appears as a sponsor for a baptism on 26 dec 1652. There is also a third Abel, son of Jaques, born in 1629, who may also have been called "le jeune" after his marriage, further confusing the issue. As a result of these ambiguities, it has been difficult to identify the Claude son of Abel Mayor who married Esther Ducrest.
A possible solution is found in the record of a baptism on 07 dec 1679, for Jeanne daughter of Claude son of Abel Mayor and Esther Ducrest. The sponsors are listed as Jean Mayor son of the late Jaques Mayor, brother of the said Claude, and Jeanne, sister of the said Jean. This statement is ambiguous both in the original French and in translation: who was the brother of the said Claude? But since Jean is the son of Jaques, and Claude the son of Abel, it must be the late Jaques who was the brother of Claude. Thus, Jaques must be another son of Claude. The only baptism of a Jaques son of Abel Mayor in the appropriate period is that of Jaques, son of Abel Mayor and Catherine Dubochet, baptised on 12 may 1639. In that case, the four ambiguous children mentioned above would most likely all belong to Abel the elder. As to the two children of Jaques who were present at the baptism in 1679, they would have to be Jean, born in 1661, and Jeanne, born in 1662, both children of Jaques Mayor of Clarens (but the names of the mothers were not recorded). These two children would have reached the age of first communion by 1679, so that they could serve as godparents, and there do not seem to be any other baptisms that would fit the logic of the situation recorded for the baptism of 1679.
However, other records make Rose the daughter of Abel the younger, because she is a sister of Vincent, who in turn is cited as the brother of Catherine (or Catheline) Mayor, whose marriage contract mentions her late father Abel Mayor and her mother Claudaz Besson.
After the death of Abel Mayor "the younger", the next Abel Mayor who is cited as "the younger" is revealed to be the nephew of Abel "the elder" in a sale recorded 18 apr 1676 by Jean Puenzieux, notary (ACV DS 88/6). This is apparently the Abel who was baptised in 1629, son of Jaques.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jordan MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | (.... - 1664) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ____| | | | |__ | _Jaques MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ______| | m 1610 | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | _Michel VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Vincenda VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| m 1610 | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__
_Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ___| | m 1634 | | |____________________________ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ___| | m 1666 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Catherine DUBOCHET ________| | m 1634 | | |____________________________ | | |--Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | ____________________________ | | | _Jean DUCREST (DE CHERNEX) _| | | (.... - 1666) | | | |____________________________ | | |_Esther DUCREST (DE CHERNEX) _| m 1666 | | ____________________________ | | |____________________________| | |____________________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | ______ MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | (.... - 1695) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |___________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ____| | | | |__ | _Jaques MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ______| | m 1610 | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Abraham MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | _Michel VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Vincenda VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| m 1610 | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__
__ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ____| | | | |__ | _Jaques MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ______| | m 1610 | | | __ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Antoine MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | _Michel VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Vincenda VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| m 1610 | | __ | | |_______________________________| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jordan MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Bernarde MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
The baptism shows her parents' names very clearly as Abraham Mayor of Clarens and Clauda, but there does not seem to be any other reference to "Abraham" Mayor of Clarens at this period. We believe this is the baptism for Catherine, daughter of Abel Mayor and Claudaz Besson, who was married in 1664.
__ | _Jordan MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | |__ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | (.... - 1664) m 1633 | | | __ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Catherine MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Claudaz BESSON __________| m 1633 | | __ | | |____________________________| | |__
_Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ____ | _Jaques MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ______| | m 1610 | | |_______________________________ | _Vincent MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | (.... - 1672) m 1660 | | | _Michel VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _ | | | | |_Vincenda VUICHOUD (DE SONZIER) _| | m 1610 | | |_______________________________ | | |--Catherine MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | _______________________________ | | | _________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Vincendaz NICOLLET _________| m 1660 | | _______________________________ | | |_________________________________| | |_______________________________
_Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | m 1634 | | |____________________________ | _Jaques MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | (.... - 1683) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Catherine DUBOCHET ______| | m 1634 | | |____________________________ | | |--Catherine MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | ____________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Judith BORCARD ____________| | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
Two of his sons were married on the same day, 14 jan 1610. The marriage records specify that Vincent and Jaques were sons of the same Claude Mayor. The children of Jaques, or at least some of them, can be identified clearly in the church records and in the records of the notaries. Abel son of this Jaques was apparently the nephew of Abel Mayor the elder, whose sister was Louise Mayor, so we add the elder Abel and Louise here also.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jordan MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
The conclusion that he belongs in this family is based on the baptism of his daughter Jeanne, 07 dec 1679, at which the sponsors include Jean Mayor son of the late Jaques Mayor brother of the said Claude, and Jeanne, sister of the said Jean. The baptism also states that Claude is the son of Abel Mayor. The only Claude Mayor who meets all of these requirements is the one baptised in 1645, if he is the son of the same parents as Jaques son of Abel Mayor and Catherine Dubochet baptised in 1639.
The marriage contract for Claude and Esther is part of the Dubochet papers at the ACV (PP 785/92, dated 19 dec 1666). The contract shows that Esther was advised by Jaques Dubochet, her brother-in-law. This Jaques Dubochet was presumably the one who had married Clauda Ducrest.
__ | _Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | | | |__ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | m 1634 | | | __ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | ____________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Catherine DUBOCHET ______| m 1634 | | __ | | |____________________________| | |__
_Jordan MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | (.... - 1664) m 1633 | | |____________________________ | _Vincent MAYOR (DE CLARENS) _| | m 1667 | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Claudaz BESSON __________| | m 1633 | | |____________________________ | | |--Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | ____________________________ | | | _Aimé HENCHOZ ____________| | | (.... - 1667) | | | |____________________________ | | |_Magdelaine HENCHOZ _________| m 1667 | | ____________________________ | | |__________________________| | |____________________________
__ | ______ MAYOR (DE CLARENS) ___| | | | |__ | _Abel MAYOR (DE CLARENS) __| | (.... - 1695) m 1689 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Claude MAYOR (DE CLARENS) | | __ | | | _Vincent MICHEL (DE VERNEX) _| | | (.... - 1695) | | | |__ | | |_Marie MICHEL (DE VERNEX) _| m 1689 | | __ | | |_Françoise VUICHOUD _________| | |__