The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Ann BRISBY       (ID #I6494)

Father: James BRISBY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Daniel Vincent DUFOUR (DE SÂLES) (b. 29 NOV 1789)


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 _James BRISBY _______|
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|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Ann BRISBY 
|  (1805 - ....)
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James BRISBY       (ID #I6493)

Family 1 :
  1.  Ann BRISBY (b. bef 1805)
  2. +Priscilla BRISBY (b. aft 1805)


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Priscilla BRISBY       (ID #I6037)

Father: James BRISBY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean Louis MOREILLON (b. 15 DEC 1779, d. aft 1850)
  1.  Aurelie MOREILLON (b. 20 SEP 1825)
  2.  Antoine Henry MOREILLON (b. 05 FEB 1828)


The marriage license dated 23 sep 1823 in Switzerland County, Indiana notes that her father James Brisby had given his permission for the marriage, which should mean that she was then under the age of 18.

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 _James BRISBY _______|
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|--Priscilla BRISBY 
|  (1805 - ....)
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Pierre BROCARD (DE PERTIT)       (ID #I1767)

Father: Antoine BORCARD (DE PERTIT) (d. bef 1611)

Family 1 : Clauda DUBOCHET (DE SÂLES) (dates unknown)


                               |  |
                               |  |__
 _Antoine BORCARD (DE PERTIT) _|
| (.... - 1611)                |
|                              |   __
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Claude BROSSIEZ       (ID #I2062)

Family 1 : Catherine PIGNOLET (b. BEF 1525, d. 1572)


Son of the late Claude Brossiez, but it is not absolutely certain which of the several Claudes is intended by this designation.

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Claude BROSSIEZ       (ID #I5714)

Family 1 : Catherine PIGNOLET (b. BEF 1525, d. 1572)


Son of the late Claude Brossiez, but it is not absolutely certain which of the several Claudes is intended by this designation.

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Honora M. BROWN       (ID #I6081)

Family 1 : Edouard BUREN (b. 01 JAN 1813, d. 20 MAR 1889)


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Caroline BRUCKER       (ID #I4351)

Family 1 : Abraham BATSCHELET (b. abt 1828)


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Etienne BRUN       (ID #I3752)

Family 1 : Marie SABATIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Marguerite BRUN (dates unknown)


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Marguerite BRUN       (ID #I3751)

Father: Etienne BRUN (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie SABATIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Benjamin DELESSERT (b. 12 JUN 1690, d. 1765)
  1. +Jean Jaques DELESSERT (b. 27 FEB 1731, d. 09 MAR 1817)
  2. +Gabriel Etienne DELESSERT (b. 30 APR 1735, d. 18 JUN 1816)
  3. +Paul Benjamin DELESSERT (b. 04 DEC 1738, d. 04 MAY 1818)


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 _Etienne BRUN _______|
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|--Marguerite BRUN 
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|_Marie SABATIER _____|
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Jeannette BRUSSELY       (ID #I5809)

Family 1 : Henry DE CRESSIER (d. AFT 1450)
  1.  Pernette DE CRESSIER (dates unknown)
  2.  Petermand DE CRESSIER (dates unknown)
  3. +Marguerite DE CRESSIER (dates unknown)


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Jean François BUCHETTI       (ID #I4330)

Family 1 : Gertrude DE LA BAUME (b. abt 1811, d. aft 1850)


In documents at Vevay, he is called Buchetee, a school teacher in the early days, but in some of his business transactions in Barren Co., Kentucky, where he had a vineyard, he is Buchetti. But he soon disappears from the records in Indiana and Kentucky. In 1832, he applied for land in Texas, making the following declaration: "13 Dec. 1832. To Empresario Stephen F. Austin & Samuel M. Williams: I am of European birth, married to a Mexican woman in the city of Bejar. I want to be admitted with the Colonists... My name is Juan Francisco Buchetti native of the Canton of Falais in Switzerland, 48 years old. My wife, Doña Gertrudis de LaBaume y Buchetti, native of Nacogdoches, 18 years old. [signed] Juan Francisco Buchetti, G. de la Baume Buchetti." (Character Certificates in the General Land Office of Texas, ed. Gifford White, 1985.)

As early as 1826, he was in the "State of Leon", parish of Lampazzos, offering his services to Austin as an educator, and he had already been in contact with Austin earlier from Laredo.

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Anne (Susanne?) BÜHLER       (ID #I3519)

Father: Christian BÜHLER (d. abt 1855)

Family 1 : Arnold Louis Amédée VON BÜREN (b. 1802, d. 1879)
  1.  Louis VAN BUREN (b. 1831, d. 1898)
  2.  Gustavus J. F. VAN BUREN (b. 09 FEB 1837, d. 20 APR 1906)
  3.  John A. VAN BUREN (b. 1839, d. 1921)


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 _Christian BÜHLER ___|
| (.... - 1855)       |
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|--Anne (Susanne?) BÜHLER 
|  (.... - 1842)
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Christian BÜHLER       (ID #I3520)

Family 1 :
  1. +Anne (Susanne?) BÜHLER (d. 1842)


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Jaques du BULLOZ       (ID #I2095)

Family 1 :
  1. +Katherine du BULLOZ (dates unknown)
  2. +Marie du BULLOZ (dates unknown)


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Katherine du BULLOZ       (ID #I2082)

Father: Jaques du BULLOZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean REGNAULD (d. bef 1561)
  1. +Bernardine REGNAULD (d. abt 1561)
  2.  Antoinette REGNAULD (dates unknown)


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 _Jaques du BULLOZ ___|
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|--Katherine du BULLOZ 
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Marie du BULLOZ       (ID #I2084)

Father: Jaques du BULLOZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean REGNAULD (d. bef 1561)
  1.  Guillaumaz REGNAULD (dates unknown)


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 _Jaques du BULLOZ ___|
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|--Marie du BULLOZ 
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Anne ("Nanette") BUMAN       (ID #I6795)

Father: Ignace BUMAN (dates unknown)
Mother: Catherine HUBER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louis MIVELLAZ (b. 27 JUL 1809, d. 21 MAY 1864)
  1.  Nicolas MIVELLAZ (b. 1833)
  2.  Pauline MIVELLAZ (b. 1835)
  3.  Nanette MIVELLAZ (b. 1838)
  4.  Auguste MIVELLAZ (b. 1840)
  5.  Marguerite MIVELLAZ (b. 1843)
  6.  Marie MIVELLAZ (b. 1844)
  7.  Laurent MIVELLAZ (b. 1845)
  8.  François MIVELLAZ (b. 1846)
  9.  Ernest MIVELLAZ (b. 1848)


Illegitimate daughter of Ignace Buman and Catherine Huber, according to her baptismal record.

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 _Ignace BUMAN _______|
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|--Anne ("Nanette") BUMAN 
|  (1813 - 1899)
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|_Catherine HUBER ____|
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Ignace BUMAN       (ID #I6796)

Family 1 : Catherine HUBER (dates unknown)
  1. +Anne ("Nanette") BUMAN (b. 03 APR 1813, d. 19 FEB 1899)


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Maria BURCHFIELD       (ID #I5133)

Family 1 : Albert G. HANCOCK (b. 1811)


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Anna Maria BURCKHARDT       (ID #I6404)

Family 1 : Christoph ISELIN (b. 1699, d. 1748)
  1. +Isaac ISELIN (b. 1728, d. 1782)


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Françoise Catherine BURDET       (ID #I6838)

Family 1 : Abraham ROUX (dates unknown)
  1.  Marguerite ROUX (dates unknown)


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Ami Louis BUREN       (ID #I2314)

Father: Benedict BUREN (b. 27 OCT 1775)
Mother: Marianne HUGUENIN (dates unknown)


                                             _Benedict VON BÜREN _
                       _Benedict VON BÜREN _|
                      |  m 1775             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Benedict BUREN _____|
| (1775 - ....) m 1800|
|                     |                      _Pierre ROSAT _______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1763) m 1732
|                     |_Magdelaine ROSAT ___|
|                        m 1775             |
|                                           |_Esther LOUDE _______+
|                                              m 1732             
|--Ami Louis BUREN 
|  (1810 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Isaac HUGUENIN _____|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marianne HUGUENIN __|
   m 1800             |
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Auguste BUREN       (ID #I2567)

Father: Jacob BUREN (b. 01 NOV 1779)
Mother: Emilie OTHONIN-GIRARD (dates unknown)


                                                     _Benedict VON BÜREN _
                          _Benedict VON BÜREN ______|
                         |  m 1775                  |
                         |                          |_____________________
 _Jacob BUREN ___________|
| (1779 - ....) m 1811   |
|                        |                           _Pierre ROSAT _______
|                        |                          | (.... - 1763) m 1732
|                        |_Magdelaine ROSAT ________|
|                           m 1775                  |
|                                                   |_Esther LOUDE _______+
|                                                      m 1732             
|--Auguste BUREN 
|  (1815 - ....)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                         _Fréderic OTHENIN-GIRARD _|
|                        |                          |
|                        |                          |_____________________
|                        |                                                
   m 1811                |
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                         |                          |                     

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Benedict BUREN       (ID #I2246)

Father: Benedict VON BÜREN (dates unknown)
Mother: Magdelaine ROSAT (bp. 27 JAN 1742)

Family 1 : Marianne HUGUENIN (dates unknown)
  1.  Benedict BUREN (b. 14 JUN 1800)
  2.  Benedict BUREN (b. 02 JAN 1803)
  3.  Rosalie VON BÜREN (b. 26 JUL 1805)
  4.  Jules Henri BUREN (b. 21 FEB 1808)
  5.  Ami Louis BUREN (b. 10 OCT 1810)
  6.  Henri Auguste BUREN (b. 27 NOV 1814)


The baptismal records of his last four children were sent to Grossaffoltern, where they were entered in the register of baptisms for citizens living outside of the parish. The two sons named Benedict are not recorded at Grossaffoltern, which probably means they had died before the family forwarded the records from Le Locle.

                       _Benedict VON BÜREN _|
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 _Benedict VON BÜREN _|
|  m 1775             |
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|                                           |_____________________
|--Benedict BUREN 
|  (1775 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre ROSAT _______|
|                     | (.... - 1763) m 1732|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Magdelaine ROSAT ___|
   m 1775             |
                      |                      _Daniel LOUDE _______
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Esther LOUDE _______|
                         m 1732             |

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Legend: Vevay settler.

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