The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Marthe LÉONARD       (ID #I4098)

Father: Paul LÉONARD (dates unknown)
Mother: Judith DE PONTHEY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louis MURET (dates unknown)
  1. +Jean François MURET (b. ABT 1610, d. 1671)


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 _Paul LÉONARD _______|
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|--Marthe LÉONARD 
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|_Judith DE PONTHEY __|
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Paul LÉONARD       (ID #I4100)

Family 1 : Judith DE PONTHEY (dates unknown)
  1. +Marthe LÉONARD (dates unknown)


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Louis LEPELLETIER       (ID #I6665)

Family 1 : Marguerite LEBAILLY (dates unknown)


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Jeanne Françoise LEUBA       (ID #I2464)

Family 1 : Jean Jaques JAQUIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Jeanne Louise JAQUIER (b. aft 1765)


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Johann Georg LEUTZER       (ID #I658)

Family 1 : Jeanne POYSAT (bp. 24 FEB 1650)


The marriage contract (inserted at the end of the register of Daniel Dubochet, notary (ACV DS 24/1) appears to call him Lustiger, but the church records at Montreux seem to say Leutzer or something similar.

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Geneviève LEVEILLARD       (ID #I6793)

Father: Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD (b. 17 APR 1733, d. 15 JUN 1794)
Mother: Geneviève Elisabeth BELAMY (d. aft 1786)


                                                            _Louis LEVEILLARD ___
                               _Guillaume LEVEILLARD ______|
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                              |                            |_____________________
 _Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD _|
| (1733 - 1794) m 1754        |
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|                             |_Hélène LE GRAND ___________|
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|--Geneviève LEVEILLARD 
|  (.... - 1789)
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|                              _Louis Hervé BELAMY ________|
|                             | (.... - 1753)              |
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|_Geneviève Elisabeth BELAMY _|
  (.... - 1786) m 1754        |
                              |                             _____________________
                              |                            |                     
                              |_Marguerite Geneviève BOIN _|

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Guillaume LEVEILLARD       (ID #I6786)

Father: Louis LEVEILLARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Hélène LE GRAND (dates unknown)
  1. +Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD (b. 17 APR 1733, d. 15 JUN 1794)


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 _Louis LEVEILLARD ___|
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|--Guillaume LEVEILLARD 
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Louis LEVEILLARD       (ID #I6787)

Family 1 :
  1. +Guillaume LEVEILLARD (dates unknown)


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Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD       (ID #I6785)

Father: Guillaume LEVEILLARD (dates unknown)
Mother: Hélène LE GRAND (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Geneviève Elisabeth BELAMY (d. aft 1786)
  1.  Louis Guillaume (William) LEVEILLARD (dates unknown)
  2.  Geneviève LEVEILLARD (d. aft 1789)


Friend of Benjamin Franklin. He was executed during the Terreur. A notice about the victims of the Terreur says he was age 61, born at Dreux (Eure-et-Loir). We found his baptism there in the parish of St. Pierre. The same parish noted delivery of his marriage banns on 09 jul 1754, the groom residing in the parish of St. Etienne du Mont, Paris, to be married in the parish of St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, Paris, where the bride's family lived. An invitation from the Leveillard family to Benjamin Franklin dated 16 may 1786 lists the family members by name: wife Geneviève Elisabeth Belamy, daughter Geneviève, and son Guillaume.

                         _Louis LEVEILLARD ___|
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 _Guillaume LEVEILLARD _|
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|--Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD 
|  (1733 - 1794)
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|_Hélène LE GRAND ______|
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Louis Guillaume (William) LEVEILLARD       (ID #I6788)

Father: Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD (b. 17 APR 1733, d. 15 JUN 1794)
Mother: Geneviève Elisabeth BELAMY (d. aft 1786)


This is Louis-Guillaume Leveillard "fils", and presumably the William Le Veillard whose will was made in New York City in 1789, probated in 1795. A letter to William Temple Franklin from Leveillard the father, dated at Passy, 19 mar 1788, indicates that Leveillard's son wants to come to America. Louis-Guillaume the son then wrote directly to Franklin, 04 jul 1788, expressing the same desire. In fact, as late as 13 nov 1789, Benjamin Franklin himself, writing to Louis-Guillaume the father, expresses his good wishes for his friend's children (elsewhere specified as a son and a daughter, and thus Franklin believed the son was still in Paris). The son had, however, intended to spend some time in Philadelphia. A letter from Benjamin Franklin to his daughter Sarah Bache in Philadelphia, dated at Passy 14 may 1781, says "My Friend and Neighbour M. Veillard has sent his Son to live some time in Philadelphia; he is a very deserving young Man. Do you, my Daughter be a Mother to him, and his Mother and Sister will be Daughters to me. It is a most amiable Family." However, Franklin, still at Passy, soon received a letter from London, dated 20 jul 1781 (from William Hodgson), with the news that the young Leveillard was among the passengers on the ship Marquis de Fayette, which had been captured by the British on its voyage from France to America. The passengers were at Edinburgh and arrangements were being made to return them to France.

However, there are other documents that place Louis-Guillaume Leveillard fils in America. Perhaps the clearest is a passage in a letter to Thomas Jefferson from Jean-Antoine Gautier in Paris, 07 jun 1796, which begins as follows: "J'ai reçu avec un grand plaisier la lettre que vous m'avés [=avez] fait l'honneur de m'écrire le 73 de 7bre de l'année dernière et qui a été for retardée. Les personnes à qui vous me chargés [=chargez] de faire parvenir votre Souvenir, y sont infiniment Sensibles. Vous mettiés [=mettiez] dans leur nombre notre excellent ami Mr. Le Veillard, ignorant sans doute qu'il a été une des malheureuses victimes du système de terreur qui a couvert la France de deuil en 1794. Son fils qui étoit [=était] passé a New-York pour un établissement de Commerce, y a succombé l'automne dernier à une Maladie très courte. Madame et Mademlle Le Veillard se portent bien et supportent tous ces malheurs avec beaucoup de force d'ame." (The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, 29:122-123.

From these sources, we must suppose that he arrived in New York not long before he recorded his testament, and that he died shortly before his estate was admitted to probate in 1795. The will raises raises some questions about the other members of the partnerships that he mentions:

Surrogate's Office, New York County, New York

Wills, Liber 41 (copy) pp. 384-386, and Wills, Liber 41 (original) pp. 530-533.

The text below is from the original liber, the copy is almost exactly the same.

In the Name of God, Amen. I, William Le Veillard of the City of New York Merchant and one of the Parties constituting the late House of Goix Cart & Le Veillard and the present House of J. S. Delessert and Company of the same City Merchants being at present indisposed but of perfect sound mind memory and understanding (considering the uncertainty of this Life and all the Parties of the said House of J. S. Delessert & Company being dead or absent from this City and that weighty temporal concerns belonging to myself and others might in case of accident to me be subjected to great loss and Injury from not being properly conducted and managed) do this Eleventh day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following. First, I order and direct that all just demands against me on my own separate account on the accounts of my late Copartnership of Goix Cart & Le Veillard and on the account of my present Copartnership of J. S. Delessert and Company shall be settled and paid as soon after my decease as possible. Then as to the rest and residue of my real and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever or of what Kind or nature whatsoever whereof I shall die seized or possessed of or interested in or entitled to by any manner of ways or means at the time of my death I give devise and bequeath the same to my beloved Mother and to her Heirs forever. And for the settlements of all my accounts as well respecting myself as the said Copartnerships and for all other purposes which may be necessary I do hereby constitute and appoint John Lewis Steinbach at present of this City of New York but of Hamburgh Merchant and Lewis H. Guerlain of this City of New York Merchant Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said William Le Veillard have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Wm. Le Veillard (L. S.)

Signed sealed published and declared by William Le Veillard the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto. Ant. Brunau, P. Malibran, John Wilkes Not. Pub.

City and County of New York } S.S.

Be it Remembered that on the fourteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five personally came and appeared before David Gelston Surrogate of said County Antoine Brunau and John Wilkes both of said City and being duly sworn on their oaths declared that they and each of them did see William Le Veillard sign and seal an Instrument in writing purporting to be the Will of the said William Le Veillard bearing date the Eleventh day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine (the preceding whereof is a true copy) and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament that at the time thereof he the said William Le Veillard was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them de Deponents that their names subscribed as Witnesses to the said Will are of their own proper hands writing which they respectively subscribed as Witnesses thereto in the Testator's presence and that they saw Pierre Malibran the other Witness to the said Will subscribe his name as a Witness thereto in the presence of the Testator. David Gelston.

The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God Free and Independent. To all to whom these Presents shall come or may concern, Send Greeting. Know Ye that at the City and County of New York on the day of the date hereof before David Gelston Esquire Surrogate of our said County the last Will and Testament of William Le Veillard deceased (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) was proved and is now approved and allowed by us and the said deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death Goods Chattels or Credits within this State by means whereof the proving and registering the said Will and the granting administration of all and singular the said Goods Chattels and Credits and also the auditing allowing and final discharging the amount thereof doth belong unto us, the administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased and any way concerning his Will is granted unto John Lewis Steinbach one of the Executors in the said Will named he being first duly sworn well and faithfully to administer the same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Goods Chattels and Credits and also to render a just and true account thereof when thereunto required. In testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of the Office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness David Gelston Esquire Surrogate of the said County at the City of New York the Fourteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five and of our Independence the Twentieth. David Gelston.

The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God Free and Independent, To all to whom these Presents shall come or may concern, Send Greeting. Know Ye that at the Office of the Surrogate of the City and County of New York on the fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five the last Will and Testament of William Le Veillard deceased was duly proved and the Execution thereof then granted unto John Lewis Steinbach one of the Executors in the said Will named. And Whereas Lewis H. Guerlain the other Executor in the said Will named hath this day appeared before our said Surrogate to qualify as an Executor to the said Will, Now therefore Know Ye that the administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased is granted unto the said Lewis H. Guerlain in conjunction with the said John Lewis Steinbach, he the said Lewis H. Guerlain being first duly sworn, well and faithfully to administer the same. In Testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of Office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness David Gelston Esquire Surrogate of the said County at the City of New York the fifteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five and of our Independence the Twentieth. David Gelston.

The reference is likely to Nicholas Goix, who, in the name of Nicholas Goix and Company, granted power of attorney to William Laight to manage all affairs of that company, New York County, Conveyances, vol. 57, pp. 278-280, dated 30 jun 1798. The next item, a sale of property on 21 sep 1799 by William Laight acting for Nicholas Goix, property that Goix had purchased from the notary John Wilkes and his wife Mary in March, 1798, identifies Goix as "late of the city of New York, merchant", but does not indicate where he now resides.

                                                            _Louis LEVEILLARD ___
                               _Guillaume LEVEILLARD ______|
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 _Louis Guillaume LEVEILLARD _|
| (1733 - 1794) m 1754        |
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|                             |_Hélène LE GRAND ___________|
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|--Louis Guillaume (William) LEVEILLARD 
|                                                           _____________________
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|                              _Louis Hervé BELAMY ________|
|                             | (.... - 1753)              |
|                             |                            |_____________________
|                             |                                                  
|_Geneviève Elisabeth BELAMY _|
  (.... - 1786) m 1754        |
                              |                             _____________________
                              |                            |                     
                              |_Marguerite Geneviève BOIN _|

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François LIAUDAT       (ID #I1548)

Family 1 :
  1. +Susanne LIAUDAT (dates unknown)


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Susanne LIAUDAT       (ID #I1547)

Father: François LIAUDAT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Pierre COCHARD (DE CHERNEX) (bp. 07 OCT 1655)
  1.  Marie COCHARD (DE CHERNEX) (bp. 15 DEC 1678)
  2.  Antoinaz COCHARD (DE CHERNEX) (bp. 01 NOV 1682)
  3.  Susanne COCHARD (DE CHERNEX) (bp. 25 JAN 1685)


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 _François LIAUDAT ___|
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Catherine LIENGME       (ID #I154)

Father: Jean LIENGME (dates unknown)
Mother: Magdelaine GANGUILLET (dates unknown)

Family 1 : David GRISARD (b. 21 MAY 1745, d. bef 1816)
  1.  Jean David GRISARD (b. 26 DEC 1774)
  2. +Frédéric Louis GRISARD (b. 16 MAY 1777, d. 21 NOV 1838)
  3.  Catherine GRISARD (b. 06 MAR 1779)
  4.  Marianne GRISARD (b. 12 FEB 1781)
  5.  Magdelaine GRISARD (b. 13 JUL 1784)
  6.  Henriette GRISARD (b. 04 AUG 1786)
  7.  Charles Henri GRISARD (b. 05 JAN 1788)
  8.  Lydie GRISARD (b. 19 AUG 1790)
  9.  Henri Louis GRISARD (b. 09 APR 1794)


The name is also written Liegme in some of the church and civil records in the area around Courtelary.

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 _Jean LIENGME __________|
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|--Catherine LIENGME 
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|_Magdelaine GANGUILLET _|
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Jean LIENGME       (ID #I549)

Family 1 : Magdelaine GANGUILLET (dates unknown)
  1. +Catherine LIENGME (bp. 25 JAN 1750)


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Anne LIN       (ID #I2963)

Father: Jean Jaques LIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean Noé DELAVAUX (bur. 22 FEB 1754)
  1.  Pierre Louis Abraham DELAVAUX (bp. 19 SEP 1727)
  2.  Samuel Abraham DELAVAUX (bp. 08 MAY 1730)
  3. +Louis Guillaume DELAVAUX (bp. 06 AUG 1732, d. 19 JUN 1776)


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 _Jean Jaques LIN ____|
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Jean Jaques LIN       (ID #I2966)

Family 1 :
  1. +Anne LIN (dates unknown)


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Marie LISSABE       (ID #I1743)

Family 1 : Jean Baptiste DANGLADE (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean Louis Armande DANGLADE (b. 24 OCT 1801)


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Jean Henri LONGCHAMP       (ID #I2597)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jeanne Louise LONGCHAMP (dates unknown)


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Jeanne Louise LONGCHAMP       (ID #I2596)

Father: Jean Henri LONGCHAMP (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marc François KESSELER (b. 08 MAY 1775)


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 _Jean Henri LONGCHAMP _|
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Judith LONGE       (ID #I1146)

Family 1 : Pierre DUCREST (DE BRENT) (d. bef 1765)
  1. +Jeanne Françoise DUCREST (DE BRENT) (d. 27 MAR 1799)


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Daniel LOUDE       (ID #I2738)

Family 1 :
  1. +Esther LOUDE (dates unknown)


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Esther LOUDE       (ID #I2701)

Father: Daniel LOUDE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Pierre ROSAT (d. bef 1763)
  1.  Pierre ROSAT (bp. 08 MAR 1733)
  2. +Jean ROSAT (bp. 13 MAR 1735)
  3. +Moyse ROSAT (bp. 10 MAY 1736)
  4.  Esther ROSAT (bp. 10 MAY 1736)
  5. +Magdelaine ROSAT (bp. 27 JAN 1742)


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 _Daniel LOUDE _______|
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Jean Antoine LOUIS       (ID #I261)

Father: Jean Antoine OBOUSSIER (bp. 02 MAR 1732, d. 02 AUG 1804)
Mother: Jeanne (Anna) Susanne DALLER (bp. 1737, d. 21 APR 1813)


One of the sponsors at his baptism was Jean Félix Daller, his uncle.

See the article in the digital edition of the Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse. Known as Jean Antoine Ouboussier, he participated in the famous "banquet des Jordils" (14 jul 1791, a celebration of the anniversary of the French Revolution that greatly displeased Their Excellencies of Bern), and he was one of those participants to fled to France for a time to escape arrest by the Bernese authorities. He participated in political activities leading up to the revolution in 1798. Later, he served as Indendant des Postes, Député au Grand Conseil, and city councillor in Lausanne.

                                                          _Antoine OBOUSSIER __+
                                                         | (1663 - 1734) m 1697
                                 _Antoine OBOUSSIER _____|
                                | (1702 - 1766) m 1723   |
                                |                        |_Lucrèce CHESNE _____
                                |                          (1672 - ....) m 1697
 _Jean Antoine OBOUSSIER _______|
| (.... - 1804) m 1756          |
|                               |                         _____________________
|                               |                        |                     
|                               |_Esther REGNIER ________|
|                                 (1697 - 1737) m 1723   |
|                                                        |_____________________
|--Jean Antoine LOUIS 
|  (1766 - 1819)
|                                                         ______ DALLER _______
|                                                        |                     
|                                _Johann Felix DALLER ___|
|                               | (.... - 1781) m 1729   |
|                               |                        |_____________________
|                               |                                              
|_Jeanne (Anna) Susanne DALLER _|
  (.... - 1813) m 1756          |
                                |                         _____________________
                                |                        |                     
                                |_Anne Lavinie AMAUDRUZ _|
                                  (1703 - ....) m 1729   |

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Susanne LOUIS       (ID #I4391)

Family 1 : David MATTHEZ (dates unknown)
  1. +Marianne MATTHEZ (b. 21 OCT 1760, d. bef 1843)


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_____ LOUP       (ID #I914)

Family 1 :
  1. +Pierre Philippe LOUP (b. 1681, d. 1763)
  2. +Pierre Louis LOUP (dates unknown)


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Legend: Vevay settler.

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