The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Jean Amey GACHET       (ID #I5722)

Father: Pierre GACHET (b. ABT 1475, d. 21 MAR 1528)
Mother: Jaquaz DUTRUICT (d. 9 MAR 1553)

Family 1 : Marguerite VALLIER (b. ABT 1505, d. AFT 1560)
  1. +Jacobe GACHET (b. AFT 1540)
  2.  Isabel GACHET (b. BEF 1551, d. 1576)
  3.  Marguerite GACHET (b. BEF 1550)
  4.  Anne GACHET (d. BEF 1584)
  5.  Pierre GACHET (d. BEF 1574)


Documents of Benoit Nible, notary at Payerne, clearly list Jean Amey as the "plus ainé frère" (most eldest brother) of François Gachet and his other brothers, and sister Catherine, all children of the late Pierre Gachet, secretaire de la ville de Payerne. The Dictionnaire Historique et Geographique gives official titles: Banderet 1544-1545, and Advoyer 1563-1573 (appointed to this last post 11 aug 1563, according to the family book of his brother Niklaus Gatschet). Information in theDictionnaire that the Bernese Gatschet family descends from Nicolas b. 1510, brother of Jean Amey, seemed doubtful because of the birthdate. The same source gives the death of Nicolas in Bern in 1606, so it is likely his age is given in the same record and that is the source of the birth date. However, Nicolas left a Familienbuch (or "Hussbüchli"), now at the Burgerbibliothek in Bern, which clearly indicates he was born in 1526 and lived until at least 1607. His dates are now consistent with the family records at Payerne, and the story of the family can now be reported with greater confidence.

The Dictionnaire notes the arms a golden sun on a blue ground, in a stained glass window at the parish church of Payerne, and the Livre d'Or puts the family's origins in Payerne in the 14th century. An early Pierre Gachet notary (placed in the Fribourg family of the same name) is cited as the Châtelain of the Tour de Trême in 1464 and 1472. The same Chatelainy was held by François Biolley in 1553, when the wife of the latter, Marguerite daughter of the late Noble Georges de Rive (with impressive titles including "gouverneur patrimonial du conté de Neufchastel") donates property to her "good neighbors and friends" François Gachet and his brothers (elsewhere identified as the children of the late Pierre Gachet). Thus, it is very likely that there are definite historical ties between the different Gachet families, even though the Fribourg branch has different arms (quartered, origin of the parts not identified). (Internet material from the archives of the canton of Fribourg notes the existence there of correspondence of Georges de Rive, Sr. de Prangins who died in 1552, and of his daughter Marguerite who married first Jean de St.-Germain and then François Biolley. Further, we learn that Georges de Rive was appointed governor of Neuchâtel in 1529 by Jeanne de Hochberg, comtesse de Neuchâtel, after a Bernese occupation 1512-1529, and that he was still in that capacity in 1530 when the reformed religion displaced Roman Catholicism there. It is possible the correspondence of Marguerite, covering the period 1557-1566, contains some explanation for the donation of property to the Gachet brothers of Payerne in 1553. One possibility is that it was in effect an exchange of property as a convenience in the consolidation of property she acquired in the settlement of her father's estate. Documents recorded by Benoit Nible at Payerne identify additional daughters Françoise and Jeanne de Rive, and note many parcels of land near Payerne. A more interesting possibility was suggested by the discovery that Jean de Rive, contemporary of Georges and probably a cousin, married as his second wife Antonia Falck, half-sister of Jaquaz Dutruict who was the mother of the Gachet brothers.)

In addition to the cited titles, we find Jean Amey as conseiller in 1551 and Secrétaire de la Ville de Payerne in 1556. His signature appears in a document of partition for the heirs of the late Georges de Rive in 1553, recorded by Benoit Nible. Much earlier titles include Secrétaire, 1539, at which date he should have been at least 25 years old. In records of Pierre Chuard, notary at Payerne, we find Johanni Admedeo Gachet identified as "secretarii et burgensii ville paternaiaci" as early as 1530, which suggests quite strongly that he is even a little older. He was the eldest of the seven sons, and thus likely born about 1504. The duties of secretary of the city council were not trivial, and we suppose that he probably attended a university. He may be the "Johannes Gatzerus" from Payerne who is noted on the Matrikel of the university at Freiburg-im-Breiskau in 1523, though that conclusion is uncertain.

A Jean Gachet, conseiller de Payerne, appears in various documents from 1572 to at least 1587. These cannot all refer to the same person as Jean Amey Gachet, since the latter was definitely dead by 1573, mentioned in various records of Jean Marcuard, notary at Payerne, and 1574, when this notary identifies the tuteurs of the the daughters of Jean Amey Gachet, assisted by Noble Sage et Vertueux Pierre Valliez Chatellain du Landeron, maternal uncle of these daughters. The problem of this Jean Gachet is important, as it raises the possibility of a skipped generation. A document of Jean Ballif, notary at Payerne, dated 30 aug 1583, concerns the inheritance of several vineyards. The situation seems to be that Noble Jean Gachet (still alive) was married to the late Denise Regnaut (whose sister was Michée), and whose son was Josué Gachet. The property was divided first in half, one half claimed by Jean Gachet, the other by coheirs of Denise, and of that second half, it is not clear exactly who has claim to it. Apparently Marguerite Morizet (wife of Jean Jacquier of Moudon), Jean Morizet, and Claude Gachet of Payerne have a claim (1/4th each?), and Jean Gachet has authority over the 1/4 owned by his son Josué, who should therefore be under age 25 at this date (Denise Regnault known to be alive as late as 1556). We believe the identification of Jean Amey with brothers François, Pettermand, and Daniel, and sisters Catherine and Jaquetta (cited in records of Benoit de Miéville, notary at Payerne, 1564), proves that the Jean Amey noted among the officers of Payerne is the son of Pierre, and not the son of a hypothetical Jean. However, the partage among the children of Pierre Gachet and Jaquaz du Truict, dated 28 may 1563 (Abraham Chuard, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 14/1), clearly identifies a Jean Gachet as the second son, after Jean Amey.

Our Jean Amey either bought or inherited vineyards near Cully, and there are several references to him in notarial records there at least as early as 1538.

The family book of Niklaus Gatschet, living at Bern, records the following, after noting that his brothers Anthony and Daniel had been married in Payerne on 15 dec 1560: "haben wir syben brüdern deo anpiliante unser zeitlich gut schier in dreien tagen mit einandern in der fründlichkeit getheilt" (entry dated 30 dec 1560, or possibly 20 dec 1560; the date 20 dec 1560 is also found in the notarial records).

In addition to the children documented here, the database of Norma Jean Elmer includes a daughter Françoise who married François Conte.

                                                  _Nicoletus GACHET ___+
                                                 | (1418 - 1468)       
                       _François GACHET _________|
                      | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     |
                      |                          |_Mermette _____ _____
 _Pierre GACHET ______|
| (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
|                     |                           _Nicod CHALON _______+
|                     |                          | (.... - 1479)       
|                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________|
|                        m 1474                  |
|                                                |_Françoise CUEX _____+
|--Jean Amey GACHET 
|  (1504 - 1573)
|                                                 ______ DE TORCULARI _
|                                                |                     
|                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _|
|                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
  (.... - 1553) m 1503|
                      |                           _Pierre BOVET _______+
                      |                          | (.... - 1480)       
                      |_Perronete BOVET _________|
                        (.... - 1513) m 1480     |
                                                 |_Amphilisia _____ ___

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Jeannette GACHET       (ID #I5836)

Family 1 : Estevenin BERTHOD (dates unknown)
  1. +Jeannette BERTHOD (dates unknown)


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Johannes GACHET       (ID #I5841)

Family 1 :
  1. +Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)


The most ancient of the Gachet family at Payerne that we have been able to connect with later generations. He might have been the brother of a Nycoletus Gachet whose son was Rolet, subject in 1430 of a complicated dispute over inherited property at Villars-en-Vully (known today as Villars-le-Grand). The exact relationship between Rolet and the heirs of Johannes has not been determined. He cannot be the same Jean Gachet of Villars-en-Vully who witnessed a document dated 30 dec 1431 (AEF Vallon 3, regarding a bequest of Jaques Cosander alias de Sales), since the present Johannes or Johannodus was already deceased when his son Petrus made a "reconnaissance" on 04 dec 1425 (ACV Fl 392, fol. 159.

It is worth noting that the notarial records, so far as we have been able to discover, do not qualify the first several generations as "Noble." It is only when we reach the 16th Century that we find that designation, and then only to the descendants of Pierre Gachet and Jaquaz du Truict.

This observation leads us to question the story of the origins of the family advanced by Marcel Henchoz and Arnold Gachet (a descendant of the apparently unrelated family at Bioley-Orjulaz), who are named as authorities on the family in an issue of the Saaner Jahrbuch that discussed the literary and artistic output of Niklaus Gatschet (Ulrich Christian Haldi, Saaner Jahrbuch, 5:145-168, 1973).

The section that concerns us is framed as a question posed by Haldi, and answered by Henchoz and Gachet:

"Question: Quelles sont les origines de la famille de Nicolas Gachet, aquarelliste de qualité, dont les oeuvres sont malheuresement trop peu connues?

"Réponse: La famille noble Gachet ou Gatschet est originaire de Savoie, ce qui peut être prouvé diplomatiquement par d'anciens documents, tels que donations, fondations religieuses, contrats de mariage, où des nobles de cette famille de chevaliers et d'écclésiastiques honorés de charges à la Cour de leur maîtres, les anciens comtes et ducs de Savoie, paraissent dès le milieu du 12me siècle avec d'autres nobles personnages de ces temps comme témoins dans des actes publics de leurs anciens seigneurs et dans nombre d'autres de la noblesse de Savoie et du Pays de Vaud.

"Humbert Gachet, chevalier, vivait vers le milieu du 14me siècle et descendait sans aucun doute (la légalité du nom et des armoiries en sont des preuves incontestables) de Jean Gachet surnommé de Mont St-Jean, fondateur de la chapelle de St-Maurice à Chambéry en l'an 1136 et de Raoul Gachet, chevalier, qui se croisa en 1147 avec nombre de nobles et Savoie et du Pays de Vaud, pour accompagner son maître Humbert 1er, Comte de Savoie, à la Guerre Sainte.

"Humbert vivait dans sa maison ou château, situé au-dessus de Coppet dans le Pays de Vaud, qui était alors un fief noble relevant des Ducs de Savoie. Il porte encore aujourd'hui le nom de Gachet, quoique changé en simple rural. Outre cela, Humbert possédait plusieurs autres fiefs et terres nobles proches de Payerne, relevant des mêmes ducs de Savoie et comtes de Vaud, comme aussi de Monsieur l'Evêque de Lausanne, tels que Trey, Donneloye et Froideville. Son fils, aussi nommé Humbert, se domicilia à Payerne en 1389 et se maria avec Jeanne de Combremont. A l'occasion de ce mariage, Humbert reçut de son père pour dot la Terre de Trey et devint son héritier universel après sa mort survenue en 1396.

"Les descendants d'Humbert continuèrent à demeurer à Payerne et contractèrent des alliances avec la meilleure noblesse des environs. Ces alliances et la chapelle avec la tombe de famille dans l'église paroissiale de Payerne prouvent l'ancienneté de leur noblesse."

Unfortunately, we have not encountered a single mention of the nobility of the family before the 16th Century in the documents of the notaries, and not any mention of these noble fiefs that they should have held. If the ancient knights bore the same arms as Gachet of Payerne, that would be strong evidence for descent, but this is not what we find in Donald Galbreath's Armorial Vaudois, which may be the source of some of the information quoted above.

In fact, it seems that Henchoz and Gachet, or someone else they consulted, may have misread Galbreath, who says this about the Gachet of Payerne: "Famille bourgeoise de Payerne, citée en 1389 en la personne de Humbert Gachet, donzel. Jean-Amédée, avoyer de Payerne 1563-1573, possédait le fief de Bellevaux (Neuchâtel) et d'autres fiefs à Froideville près Payerne, Trey et Donneloye." Galbreath does not say that these are noble fiefs, nor that they were owned by the family prior to the time of Jean-Amey Gachet, and in fact, it is our reading that some of these properties were not particuarly large or significant, and that others came into the family as a result of marriages in the 16th Century. We might know more if the partage among Jean-Amey and his six brothers (1560) could be found — we have only an outline of the agreement, recorded by Abraham Chuard, notary at Payerne. The citation of Humbert Gachet as "donzel" in 1389 is the sole indication of nobility prior to the 16th Century that has come to our attention, and we have so far not discovered the source. The date of foundation of the private chapel in the parish church has likewise not been discovered, but we learned that the same chapel (being at that moment vacant, since the family had died out) became in 1818 the home for the modern funerary monument to Queen Berthe, whose famous but counterfiet donation was supposed to have established the adjacent abbey. The bones installed there with great ceremony have since been determined not to be those of Queen Berthe, a double indignity for the posterity of the Gachet family.

The argument for descent from knights of the Crusades thus depends on the identity of the arms for a family of the same surname. It has not been established that the Gachet of Payerne or any of the others from neighboring regions actually descend from the Gachet of Coppet, nor that the Humbert who resided there actually descends from the Crusaders. Stories such as these have been advanced for a number of families, but these stories have sometimes proved far less certain than they seemed.

Nevertheless, the manuscript armorial of Niklaus Gatschet (1736-1817) bears a striking illustration of a knight whose shield bears the Gachet arms. Did Niklaus believe this to be the origin of his own family? Apparently he did. The passages attributed to Marcel Henchoz and Arnold Gachet (op. cit.) indicate that Niklaus held this opinion, and that he had investigated the matter on the ground, in churches that are today destroyed or transformed, and collected citations of ancient documents. Henchoz and Gachet also reported that the most ancient document they could locate that placed the Gachet family at Payerne was among the parchments of the Priory of Payerne at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises, dated 08 may 1368 or 1378, concerning a sale by Olivier Gachet, donzel, son of Pierre Gachet, donzel and bourgeois de Payerne (now that the catalogue of the ACV is on the internet, can this document be identified?).

Citations such as a document recorded on 10 apr 1432 by Nicod Mareschet, notary working in Vully (ACV DP 64/1, fol. 3), suggest that the present Johannes was a notary. The document refers to another transaction manu quondam Johannes Gacheti recepto (recorded by the late Johannes Gachet).

Emile Ritter states that a Hans Gatzchet of Willar owned vines at Le Landeron about 1408. This might be the same person, but see our discussion of Johannes Gachet son of Roletus, some of whose descendants also settled at Le Landeron. It seems likely that the family had holdings there over a very long period.

André Bardet, a native of the place, has published a volume entitled Villars en Vully, mon village: Six siècles de l'histoire d'une petite communauté rurale racontés par ses archives (Commune de Villars-le-Grand, 1983). He reports citations of a Pierre Gachet (1410), Rolet Gachet (1441), Aimon Gachet (1505), and that the Gachet family is mentioned as late as 1636. He does not appear to have investigated the records of the notaries or other records at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises.

The origins of the family were also the subject of notes from the "von Mülinen genealogies", presently at the Burgerbibliothek in Bern (Gatschet Mss.Mül. 642.1, Gatschet N° 26, this collection attributed to Niklaus Friedrich von Muelinen, 1760-1833, with occasional supplements by Egbert Friedrich von Muelinen, 1817-1887, Eberhard von Muelinen, 1861-1924, and Prof. Wolfgang Friedrich von Muelinen, 1863-1917), of which we give a partial transcript by Therese Metzger:

"Ein altes zum Teil adeliges Geschlecht, welches im Jahr 1400 das Burgerrecht zu Avenches genoss, auch ansehnliche Besitzungen im benachbarten Wisselach [variant of the German name for Vully, Wistenlach], besonders zu Villar und Konstantier hatte. Von diesem Geschlecht hat sich ein Stamm nach Payerne begeben, daselbst eine Kappelle gestiftet, ist aber dort im 18. Jh ausgestorben, nachdem es [das Geschlecht] mehrere Jahrhunderte die ersten Magistraturen dieser Stadt bekleidete.

"Eine Linie dieses Stamms begab sich aber bald nach der Einnahme der Waadt durch die Berner, nach Bern und hat im Laufe drithalber Jahrhunderte diesem Freistaat viele verdiente Magistrat... gegeben.

"Diese Familie hat auch ihren Roman. Sie soll aus Savoyen ursprünglich sein, nachher zu Gachet bei Nyon ein festes Schloss ihres Namens erbaut haben, woselbst noch ein Dörfchen diesen Namen trägt.

"Gewiss ist, dass zu Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts und am Anfang des folgenden Jh. eine Familie Gachet bei Nyon lebte, freier Geburt, aber der Abtei Bonmont mit Dienst und Lehens Pflicht zugethan war.

"Ob aber die Gachet zu Avenches von diesen abstammten, wird schwerlich zu erweisen sein, ist aber gut möglich.

"Von der in Wisselach gebliebenen Linie hat sich eine Nebenlinie nach Ins begeben. Von dieser hat ... ein Arzt das Bürgerrecht zu Erlach erworben und ist daselbst 179? Schultheiss geworden.

"Es hat genügend Urkunden, die Stammlinie der Edlen Gachet zu Bern höher hinauf als Peter, den Vater des General Commissairs Niklaus auf eine gewisse weise hinaufzuführen, es sei dann das dieser Peter eben der Peter ist der 1464 Güter zu Villar, besass, in welchem Falle Niklaus der 1416 lebte, der erste urkundlich gewisse Stammvater des Geschlechts ist. "

Von Mülinen (this would have to be Niklaus Friedrich, 1760-1833) also reports seeing a family tree painted by the Landvogt Niklaus Gatschet, and Niklaus also showed him a paper from the Avoyer de Payerne attesting in 1557 to the parentage of Niklaus Gatschet, resident of Bern. This is probably the most authoritative account of the research of the Landvogt that we are likely to get, unless his papers, last known in the possession of Adèle Peyron-Gatschet, eventually come to light. The line of descent given from a Humbert Gachet of Payerne is as follows:

  1. Humbert 1336
  2. Humbert d 1468 m Johanna von Combremont, Anton's zu Comberemont and Johanna v. Francigny. [Presumably the name should be Faucigny, and it is clear that there are many generations missing]
  3. Niklaus d 1468 m Anna von Villarzel, daughter of Humbert and Agnes Montservant.
  4. Johann m Deonisca Reynand [this generation obviously misplaced, "Deonisca Reynand" is Denise Regnauld, and Johann is the second son of Pierre Gachet and Jaquaz Dutruict!]
  5. Peter m Jacobea Torculari
  6. Niklaus G. Commissair von Luternau
Unless von Mülinen was too rushed to take complete and accurate notes, it would appear the Landvogt had missed the parentage of Pierre Gachet. We might wonder, too, that Humbert and his son Niklaus both died in 1468. Besides, it appears that this is not the correct parentage for the Niklaus who died in 1468. In spite of these problems, we think von Mülinen may be correct in making Gachet who are mentioned at Vully the precursors of the family at Payerne. This is certainly consistent with what we have found so far in the records of the notaries.

One piece of documentary evidence may be a fragment of the history of the Gachet family supposed originally to have lived at Coppet. A donation by Hugo Gachet of Orbe to the convent of Romainmôtier, the Thursday before the feast of St. Laurence 1287 (ACV, Registre-copies, Romainmôtier, Supplément, Tome I no. 5), reads as follows: "Ego Hugo dictus Gachet de Orba miles... Consideratis beneficiis que mihi fecerunt et impedunt prior et conventus Romani Monasterii concedo laude Nycholai filii mei eisdem, donatione inter vivos imperpetuum valitura, et pro remedio anime mee, quatuordecim cupas frumenti annui redditus, videlicet decem cupas super decimam de Hyens (=dîme d'Yens) et quatuor super decimam de Montagnie versus Yverdunum (=dîme de Montagny-le-Corbe)... In cujus rei testimonium, sigillum curie Lausann. apponi rogavimus et fecimus. Die Jovis ante festum beati Laurencii anno domini MCCLXXXVII." It is still a long way from this Hugo and his son Nicolas at Orbe to the Gachet family at Villars-le-Grand and Payerne.

The somewhat mythical Humbert Gachet has also been claimed as the ancestor of the Gachet family of Gruyère (J.-H. Thorin, Notice historique sur Gruyère, Fribourg: 1881, p. 197, citing "un arbre généalogique que nous avons sous les yeux", and noting also that, according to the chronicler Comba, "la famille Gachet [of Gruyère] possèdaient le patronage de la chapelle de Saint-Denis de la Tour, droit qui lui fut disputé en 1634 par la paroisse dudit lieu et maintenu par décision supérieure" — perhaps a clue that would lead to some earlier information about the family at Gruyère).

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Marguerite GACHET       (ID #I5818)

Father: Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)
Mother: Mermete _____ (dates unknown)


                       _Johannes GACHET ____|
                      | (1360 - 1426)       |
                      |                     |__
 _Petrus GACHET ______|
| (1380 - 1450)       |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Marguerite GACHET 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Mermete _____ ______|
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Marguerite GACHET       (ID #I5725)

Father: Jean Amey GACHET (b. ABT 1504, d. 6 MAY 1573)
Mother: Marguerite VALLIER (b. ABT 1505, d. AFT 1560)


Marguerite's marriage settlement with her second husband was recorded by Jaques Girod, notary at Payerne, 27 mar 1587. It mentions bequests to Marguerite that constitute her dowry of 1475 fl.: 475 fl. from her inheritance from N. Jaques Valliez, received from her uncle P. Valliez de Crissier au Landeron; 800 fl. in lieu of usufruct from the estate of her first husband in accordance with their marriage contract; and another 200 fl. evidently by way of repayment of a debt? The 800 fl. amount is accompanied by an odd phrase, "...ledit assignateur auroit retire pour hemende de l'hommiccide perpetre a Nyon de sondit feu mary declayre et ordonne par la souverain mettre oultre..." It is evident from this that her first husband Gérard Guissant was murdered at Nyon sometime before 1583 (date of the marriage record with Benoit Nible at Payerne). An accompanying document concerns the division of a woodlot apparently held jointly with the heirs of the late Claude Banquettaz. It is not explained how this property came to be jointly owned.

The Valliez name is certainly the modern family Vallier de Cressier (with an additional branch Wallier de Soleure), a branch of the house of d'Estavayer. In fact, both Reynold and Vallier are described in various sources as "de Cressier", so it is very possible that (a) there may be some of them identified under both names, or (b) that Marguerite's mother's mother was a Vallier. This last possiblity would play out as follows: N. Jaques Vallier would have been her great-grandfather or possibly her great-uncle, and a grandson or son of Jaques would thus have been the Pierre Vallier uncle to Marguerite. Such a relationship might be expected to be mentioned in Marguerite's first marriage contract to Gérard Guissant (modern surname is spelled Guisan, well known at Avenches). Hence, the parish registers and notarial records at Avenches need to be checked as well.

The Vallier family is generally listed as "Vallier de Cressier et Vallier du Landeron", and our document gives all three names, so we are certainly on the right track. There appears to material on this family 1307-1887 at the archives of Neuchatel, in addition of an account in the Genealogiste Suisse, vol. 10 (1943), pp. 88-98.

Accounts of Guisan of Avenches appear in the Schweitzerisches Geschlechterbuch, vol. 7 pp 205-216, and of de Reynold in volumes 1 pp 438-448 and 5 pp 519-521. De Chambrier appears also in the same volumes.

Marguerite's mother is clearly Marguerite Vallier, and the former would have been perhaps 16 to 18 years old at the time of her first marriage about 1578. Marguerite's sister Jacobe identified her sisters (including Marguerite) without any indication that one or more of them was of a different mother. If that can be taken at face value, then all of the sisters would have been born after about 1557, since Jean Amey Gachet's first wife Denise Regnaud was still alive in 1556.

There is a problem with the dates here. Marguerite's last child by Guisan (Nicolas) was baptised at Payerne 27 jan 1583, and there are court documents dated 31 jan 1583 mentioning Nicolaus and his brother Daniel as heirs of Gérard. (The matter was not Gérard's estate, but an inheritance from the Mayor de Lutry family, of which Gérard and his brothers Samuel and Jean Jaques would each have been entitled to one third.) One of these documents notes that Marguerite had already remarried to Nible, in spite of the apparently clear marriage date at Payerne recorded 4 months later. It is possible, perhaps, that the church marriage was not recorded until a suitable period of mourning had elapsed, even though the marriage contract had already been signed.

Emile Ritter says that she married third to Pierre Tribolet of Neuchâtel (he died 1592).

                                             _François GACHET _________+
                                            | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     
                       _Pierre GACHET ______|
                      | (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
                      |                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________+
                      |                        m 1474                  
 _Jean Amey GACHET ___|
| (1504 - 1573) m 1540|
|                     |                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+
|                     |                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     
|                     |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
|                       (.... - 1553) m 1503|
|                                           |_Perronete BOVET _________+
|                                             (.... - 1513) m 1480     
|--Marguerite GACHET 
|  (1550 - ....)
|                                            _Jaques VALLIER __________+
|                                           | (.... - 1500)            
|                      _Pierre VALLIER _____|
|                     | (1488 - 1552) m 1510|
|                     |                     |_Marguerite DE CRESSIER __+
|                     |                                                
|_Marguerite VALLIER _|
  (1505 - 1560) m 1540|
                      |                      _Martin "le VERRIER" _____
                      |                     |                          
                      |_Marie ODET _________|
                        (.... - 1546) m 1510|

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Marguerite GACHET       (ID #I5753)

Father: Pierre GACHET (b. ABT 1475, d. 21 MAR 1528)
Mother: Jaquaz DUTRUICT (d. 9 MAR 1553)


She attended the wedding of her brother Niklaus Gatschet in Bern, January, 1559, and she is described at that time as living in Payerne. From this, it seems we can rule out that she was actually a sister of his bride. We are less sure whether she might have been Marguerite Vallier, wife of Jean Amey Gachet. Assuming she is really a sister of Niklaus, it is very likely that the name of her husband is recorded somewhere in the records of the notaries of Payerne.

                                                  _Nicoletus GACHET ___+
                                                 | (1418 - 1468)       
                       _François GACHET _________|
                      | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     |
                      |                          |_Mermette _____ _____
 _Pierre GACHET ______|
| (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
|                     |                           _Nicod CHALON _______+
|                     |                          | (.... - 1479)       
|                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________|
|                        m 1474                  |
|                                                |_Françoise CUEX _____+
|--Marguerite GACHET 
|  (.... - 1559)
|                                                 ______ DE TORCULARI _
|                                                |                     
|                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _|
|                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
  (.... - 1553) m 1503|
                      |                           _Pierre BOVET _______+
                      |                          | (.... - 1480)       
                      |_Perronete BOVET _________|
                        (.... - 1513) m 1480     |
                                                 |_Amphilisia _____ ___

Return to Index

Nicoletus GACHET       (ID #I5792)

Father: Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)
Mother: Francesca CROSTEL (b. BEF 1392, d. BEF 1450)

Family 1 : Mermette _____ (dates unknown)
  1. +François GACHET (b. ABT 1450, d. BEF 1522)
  2.  Pierre GACHET (d. BEF 1474)


Document of Jean de Trevaux, notary at Payerne, dated 01 may 1475, has Petrus Gaschet filius quondam Nicolleti Gaschet burgensis paterniaci selling property to Jean Innens. However, "Petrus" is lined out, and "franciscus" written in the margin in the same hand. Just a few pages earlier (fol. 51), a complex document identifies Marguerite Gachet wife of Rodulphus Prouz as the daughter of the late Petrus Gachet and also as the sister of Nicolletus Gachet.

The name of the (first?) wife of Nicolletus Gachet is also given, though abbreviated. We think the name is intended to be Mermete (the "er" in the first syllable is represented by a hook above the initial "m"). There is also mention of the wife of Nicolletus' son Franciscus (Jaqueta sister of Bartholemée Chalon) in the same document, but the text is difficult to decipher. Others reached the same conclusion, as the Chalon line, with this connection included, has been documented in research for descendant Ezra Taft Benson, 13th President of the LDS Church (his grandmother was from the Ballif family that converted to Mormonism early and left Lausanne in time to join the early migrations to Salt Lake City).

Our Nicolletus Gachet is mentioned in a number of documents of Jean Belin (notary at Payerne, the surviving register covers 1430-1459, much of it in tatters and damaged by water) and Nicod Mareschet (the register covers 1431-1439, most records relating to residents of Villars-en-Vully). A partage of sorts, dated 28 dec 1450, involves Nicoletus Gachet son of the late Petrus Gachet bourgeois of Payerne of the first part and Johannes and Nicoletus Gachet sons of Rolet Gachet of Villard en Vuilliez of the second part. Even earlier, 1430, Petrus Gachet is identified as a notary of Payerne and appears to own property jointly with Rolet Gachet. The latter has wife Katherina and son Johannes whose wife is Antonia. Nicoletus son of Petrus sells property on his own as early as 1442, but still appears to sell with approval of his father in 1434. From this we infer that Nicoletus was born after 1409, so that he had not yet reached the age of 25 in 1434. This is consistent with his reported birth date. Rolet is probably the same person identified as the son of the late Nycoletus Gaschet of Villars-en-Vullie in a document recorded by Pierre de Treyvaux, 29 jun 1416.

The partage of 1450 is actually the resolution of a dispute between Nicoletus Gachet and the family of Rolet Gachet over property that Nicoletus claimed from the estate of his grandfather, Johannes Gachet. Nicoletus also identifies his father and mother, her father, and other family members. Unfortunately, the relationship between Nicoletus and Rolet has not yet surfaced, though it could be in some part of the document that has not yet been deciphered. The resolution of the dispute, faded and heavily abbreviated, has also not been deciphered.

The simplest interpretation is that Rolet and Petrus (bourgeois de Payerne, notary in 1430) were cousins, in which case Rolet's father Nycoletus would be the brother of Johannes, who was the father of Petrus. The long-running dispute over the division of property at Villars-en-Vully has the effect of tying together several generations of this family, proving that the family at Villars is the same one known at Payerne. If tax records (terriers) at Villars still exist from this period, they might reveal the name of the presumed father of Nycoletus and Johannes.

Nicolletus Gaschet seems to be the same person who is described in the following passage, attributed to Marcel Henchoz and Arnold Gachet, in the Saaner Jahrbuch of 1973, in the course of an article by Ulrich Christian Haldi. Although some of the statements in this article are obviously incorrect and confused (possibly reflecting what Arnold Gachet had gleaned from inspection of family papers in possession of Adèle Peyron-Gatschet, the last known representative of the branch of Bern), this one seems clear:

"Vers la fin du 18me siècle, Nicolas Gachet [1736-1817, the painter and genealogist] a pu se recueillir dans la chapelle Gachet de l'église paroissiale de Payerne devant les dalles funéraires de ses ancêtres. Suivant une note du dossier Gachet aux Archives de la Ville de Payerne, c'est là que se trouvait le tombeau de Nicolas Gachet, né en 1418, Avoyer de Payerne, mort en 1468. La charge atteste que la famille était là depuis un certain temps déjà et que son niveau social était reconnu.

"Toutes ces pierres tombales ont disparu vers 1817, moment où le colonel de Dompierre, archéologue cantonal, fit transporter dans la chapelle Gachet (branche payernoise éteinte en 1812) ce que l'on pensait être les restes de la Reine Berthe de Bourgogne."

Thus the legend of Queen Berthe has resulted in the loss of real historical artifacts!

There are even more layers of ambiguity in the story of Queen Berthe. The tomb excavated by Col. de Dompierre was in the narthex of the final Abbey. Later excavations revealed the outlines of the much smaller first church on the same site, the one that would have existed at the time of Berthe's death in 961. In the center of the nave of the first church is an isolated burial, logically the true resting place of Berthe from the contemporary sources, but this part of the Abbey was turned into a bell foundry in the 17th Century, and the burial had been opened and emptied. An analysis of the bone fragments apparently associated with this burial revealed the presence of remains from at least 6 individuals, of which only a handful could be assigned to an adult female. Thus, the monument to Queen Berthe does not even contain her remains, but rather those of someone else buried much later in the narthex of the present Abbey!

The discovery that the "testament" of Berthe, of which two different versions are known, was a forgery was announced first by Victor van Berchem in 1905 at a meeting of the Société d'histoire de la Suisse romande. The first published notices to this effect followed shortly. There were a number of attempts to rationalize—perhaps the versions we possess today are simply imperfect copies of a real donation—but eventually the scope of the fraud was accepted. By the 1920's, it was clear to almost everyone that the testament and related forgeries from the 12th Century served the purpose of asserting the right of the monks of Payerne to elect their own leaders. The documents contain a number of anachronisms, and bear an impossible date, since other records show that Berthe had died shortly before the "testament" was supposed to have been dictated.

A notable exception to the 20th Century consensus on the authenticity of the supposed "testament" of Queen Berthe was Charles-Albert Cingria, whose La Reine Berthe (1947) has been reprinted (1992, Lausanne: Editions L'Age d'Homme). Cingria apparently subscribed to the belief that truth is beauty, and beauty, truth, and that therefore, the most beautiful version of the story must be the one that we should regard as true in a deep and meaningfully poetic sense.

Edmond Ischi, president of the Association du Vieux Payerne, reports that no inscriptions can be found in the "chapelle Gachet" in the parish church of Payerne today, apart from the family arms at the top of the vaulted ceiling. The church still has inscriptions and other artifacts from some of the other old families of Payerne, and a picture of a window with the Gachet arms (now removed from the church, and its whereabouts currently uncertain) was published in Galbreath's Armorial Vaudois.

A pedigree chart of the Gachet family drawn by Charles-Philippe Dumont is in the collections of the ACV. It gives the wife of our Nicoletus as Anne, daughter of Willelme de Villarzel and Guillette (Guillermette?) de Montricher. However, it appears that the "generations" on this chart are approximate, at best, and the well-documented parentage of Jean Amey Gachet and his brothers does not appear at all. The generation prior to our Nicoletus is represented only by Humbert, donzel, who died in 1416, with his wife Jeanne, daughter of Antoine de Combremont and Jeanne de Faucigny. From the documents already presented above, it is clear that Humbert is not the father of our Nicoletus, unless there were actually two men named Nicolas Gachet, one involved in the dispute over property at Villars-en-Vully, the other the Avoyer de Payerne who died in 1468. Here too, investigation of property tax records, if they exist, might be helpful. We think it likely that Dumont based his pedigree chart on the notes of von Mülinen at the Burgerbibliothek in Bern, but the partial transcript of these notes prepared by Therese Metzger differs in a number of details, among others the name of the mother of the wife of our Nicoletus.

There is, however, some evidence suggesting that there is a Villarzel in the Gachet ancestry. When Pierre Gachet died in 1528, his estate was managed by Nicolas Moratel and the de Prez family. Normally, this role would be performed by relatives who did not stand to inherit from the estate. Were Moratel and the de Prez family connected by blood or marriage to the Gachet family? Terriers for the "noble fiefs" of Lausanne show that Nicolas Moratel had an ancestor from the Villarzel family, and some sources (but not the same terriers) show a Villarzel connection for the de Prez family. The details are not yet clear.

[1275] Birth and death dates from a reported transcript of inscriptions in the family chapel at Payerne, now lost and replaced with the supposed remains of Queen Berthe!

                       _Johannes GACHET ____|
                      | (1360 - 1426)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Petrus GACHET ______|
| (1380 - 1450) m 1409|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Nicoletus GACHET 
|  (1418 - 1468)
|                                            _Jaquetus CROSTEL ___
|                                           |                     
|                      _Johannes CROSTEL ___|
|                     | (1372 - 1450)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Francesca CROSTEL __|
  (1392 - 1450) m 1409|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Perrodi GACHET       (ID #I5821)

Father: Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)
Mother: Francesca CROSTEL (b. BEF 1392, d. BEF 1450)


                       _Johannes GACHET ____|
                      | (1360 - 1426)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Petrus GACHET ______|
| (1380 - 1450) m 1409|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Perrodi GACHET 
|                                            _Jaquetus CROSTEL ___
|                                           |                     
|                      _Johannes CROSTEL ___|
|                     | (1372 - 1450)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Francesca CROSTEL __|
  (1392 - 1450) m 1409|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Petermand GACHET       (ID #I5750)

Father: Pierre GACHET (b. ABT 1475, d. 21 MAR 1528)
Mother: Jaquaz DUTRUICT (d. 9 MAR 1553)


Petermand was alive in May 1574 but deceased by December of the same year, according to various documents recorded by Jean-Amey Bondu, notary at Payerne. He also had a ward Marguerite who married Jean Perrin of Thièle 30 mar 1565 (date of contract recorded by Blaise Chalon, notary at Payerne), widowed by 1571. The marriage contract reveals that she was Petermand's illegitimate daughter, and calls him Coseigneur de Chastel. It seems likely that Petermand had several more children whose names have been lost.

His date of death, and that of his wife, are recorded in the "Hussbuchli" of his brother Niklaus Gatschet, now at the Burgerbibliothek of Bern (MS H. H. XVII. 276. Nr. 19):

"Die Solii 4 Julii, obiit Anthonia fratris mei Petri Gachet uxor. Et die Jovis 8 Julii 1574 sequenti obiit charissimus fratrus meus Petrus Gachet eius conjunx."

[1245] According to the family book of Niklaus Gatschet, his brother.

                                                  _Nicoletus GACHET ___+
                                                 | (1418 - 1468)       
                       _François GACHET _________|
                      | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     |
                      |                          |_Mermette _____ _____
 _Pierre GACHET ______|
| (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
|                     |                           _Nicod CHALON _______+
|                     |                          | (.... - 1479)       
|                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________|
|                        m 1474                  |
|                                                |_Françoise CUEX _____+
|--Petermand GACHET 
|  (.... - 1574)
|                                                 ______ DE TORCULARI _
|                                                |                     
|                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _|
|                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
  (.... - 1553) m 1503|
                      |                           _Pierre BOVET _______+
                      |                          | (.... - 1480)       
                      |_Perronete BOVET _________|
                        (.... - 1513) m 1480     |
                                                 |_Amphilisia _____ ___

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Petrus GACHET       (ID #I5816)

Father: Johannes GACHET (b. BEF 1360, d. BEF 1426)

Family 1 : Mermete _____ (dates unknown)
  1.  Marguerite GACHET (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Francesca CROSTEL (b. BEF 1392, d. BEF 1450)
  1. +Nicoletus GACHET (b. 1418, d. 1468)
  2.  Vuilleme GACHET (d. BEF 1450)
  3.  Perrodi GACHET (dates unknown)
  4.  Andrivete GACHET (dates unknown)


Besides the Gachet line clearly identified with Payerne, there are several mentions of Gachet from Villars-en-Vully and other villages in the area, using many of the same given names as our line. The connection is provided by a number of documents involving property owned jointly by Roletus and Petrus Gachet in Villars-en-Vully. (The registers of the notary Rojolat of Moudon include a marriage contract, 30 mar 1468, for Pierre son of Jaqueti Vuilliemier of Lucens to Agnetia daughter of the late Johannes Gaschet of Vuarmarens, perhaps evidence of a further dispersion of the same family.)

Petrus is cited as "dictus Gaschet clericus et burgensis paterniaci" as early as 02 may 1407 (Pierre de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne). A citation in 1416, in which he appears as security for a debt of Rolet Gaschet, calls him "notarius dicti loci de Villario et burgensis paterniaci". He is still alive as late as 1439. The long document involving the continuing dispute over the jointly-held property (28 dec 1450, Jean Bellin, notary at Payerne) reveals that Petrus had a brother Vuilleme (deceased before 1450) and evidently a brother Perrodi who also had a son Nicoletus. These documents do not reveal the relationship between Petrus and Roletus. The former is the son of Johannes, the latter of Nicoletus, so they are no more closely related than first cousins.

The same Petrus is called notary of Payerne in several transactions recorded by Nicod Mareschet, a notary working in Vully, 1431-1439 (ACV DP 64/1). Another document of the same notary, dated 10 apr 1432 (fol. 3v) mentions a document recorded previously by the late Johannes Gachet (manu quondam Johannes Gacheti recepto), evidently referring to the father of Petrus.

Both Petrus and Roletus Gachet made "reconnaissances" for the terrier ACV Fl 392 for property at Villars-en-Vully subject to the Château de Cudrefin (1424-1428), as did a Francesia and an Ysabella, both daughters of the late Johannes Gachet (these reconnaissances have not yet been examined). From this, we suppose that the respective fathers of both Petrus and Roletus had died before 1428.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Johannes GACHET ____|
| (1360 - 1426)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Petrus GACHET 
|  (1380 - 1450)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Pierre GACHET       (ID #I5794)

Father: Nicoletus GACHET (b. 1418, d. 1468)
Mother: Mermette _____ (dates unknown)


He is mentioned as the late brother of Franciscus, son of the late Nicolletus Gaschet, in a document regarding the marriage of Franciscus to Jaqueta Challon, 15 may 1474 (Jean de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne).

                                             _Johannes GACHET ____
                                            | (1360 - 1426)       
                       _Petrus GACHET ______|
                      | (1380 - 1450) m 1409|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Nicoletus GACHET ___|
| (1418 - 1468)       |
|                     |                      _Johannes CROSTEL ___+
|                     |                     | (1372 - 1450)       
|                     |_Francesca CROSTEL __|
|                       (1392 - 1450) m 1409|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre GACHET 
|  (.... - 1474)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Mermette _____ _____|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

Return to Index

Pierre GACHET       (ID #I5743)

Father: François GACHET (b. ABT 1450, d. BEF 1522)
Mother: Jaqueta CHALON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jaquaz DUTRUICT (d. 9 MAR 1553)
  1. +Jean Amey GACHET (b. ABT 1504, d. 6 MAY 1573)
  2.  Jean GACHET (b. ABT 1509, d. 10 DEC 1591)
  3.  François GACHET (d. 31 OCT 1575)
  4.  Catherine GACHET (d. 22 JUN 1572)
  5.  Anthony GACHET (d. 21 JAN 1572)
  6.  Daniel GACHET (d. 19 OCT 1583)
  7.  Petermand GACHET (d. 8 JUL 1574)
  8.  Jaquetta GACHET (d. 1563)
  9.  Niklaus GATSCHET (b. 29 SEP 1526, d. 1608)
  10.  Marguerite GACHET (d. AFT 1559)
  11.  Anne GACHET (dates unknown)


This Pierre Gachet appears to be the same Pierre Gachet notary at Payerne whose notarial registers from 1503-1513 still survive. Some additional records may survive from his tenure as secretary of the city council of Payerne. His widow is mentioned as the godmother of Jaquaz Chuard, daughter of Aymé Chuard and Françoise Chantallet daughter of Oddet Chantallet, baptised 29 nov 1545. (Aymé Chuard used a couple leaves of his notarial register to record the births and baptisms of his children.) Another document of Aymé Chuard mentions the late Pierre Gachet notary 21 dec 1543. Yet another document of Aymé Chuard dated 06 mar 1539 shows Pierre Gachet already dead and names his widow.

The names of most of the children of Pierre Gachet are noted in the surviving records of Benoit de Miéville, notary at Payerne 1564-1566, wherein the brothers and the (second) husband of their sister Catherine, Claude Fivaz, appear in connection with the inheritance of Claude Berthod, whose wife Jaquetta was another sister of the Gachet brothers.

A record from 1496 in the debt book of Nicod Méan clerk of Payerne notes a "Pierre Meffre alias Gaschet scritor (?) paterniaci". In the same book, which contains debts to Nicod Méan recorded over the signatures of various notaries, the signature of Pierre Gachet appears beginning about 1508. It is very tempting to think that these are indeed the same person and thus Meffre would be the original surname. Arguing against this interpretation, however, is another record of Pierre Chuard 02 jun 1525 wherein Jean Meffrey alias Gachet, bourgeois and sartori of Payerne, with consent of his nephew Aymonis (with whom he holds joint title) sells a parcel of land to Claude, widow of Guygonis Austol (or perhaps Crostel?). This suggests that the record of 1496 was meant to say sartori, not scritor, and that we have here a different Gachet family.

The earliest records of the notary Pierre Chuard mention Pierre Gachet in 1517 as "cecretarius" of Payerne. The accounts of the city for 1516 also mention him as secretary, at a salary of 6 livres. Pierre's wife Jaqua or Jaqueta is mentioned in 1518 as daughter of the late Aymont deTorculari, and in several later documents as Jaquaz du Truict. Inserted between these documents is another, a confirmation of the partage among the sons of Pierre and Jaquaz, evidently negotiated 20 dec 1560. The document lists the sons in order: Jean Amey, Jean, François, Anthony, Daniel, Petterman, and Niclaus, thus proving that Jean Amey Gachet who married Marguerite Vallier is a different person from Jean Gachet who married Denise Regnauld. Further, this is the only document from Payerne found so far that mentions Niclaus, confirming in records of the Pays de Vaud the account in the Lexikon of the parentage of Niclaus Gatschet, noble of Bern. The confirmation of partage indicates that up to 1560, the brothers have held all their paternal and maternal inheritance undivided and in common, and have at this time agreed on the division. The copy of this confirmation in the minutaire does not contain the actual partage (the details of who got what), but has a gap with the inscription "(Inserantur partagia)", meaning, "insert the partage here" when the final copy is made. The registre still contains this language, and the full text of the partage has not been found.

Like many well-to-do citizens of Payerne, Pierre Gachet invested in the prized vineyards near Cully. A document of 01 oct 1518, Aymé Sordet notary, shows him acquiring property near Cully, in a place called "en Muraz", Saturnin Leyderey to the north, Discret Aymonet Sordet notary of Cully to the east, and the vines of the chapel of Saint Nicolas of Villette to the west and above.

He seems to have obtained his position at Payerne by inheriting it from his father-in-law. At least one document now in the Archives d'Etat de Fribourg bears a notation that it was originally recorded by Aymonet de Torculari and a copy sent at the request of one of the parties, after the death of de Torculari, by Pierre Gachet, "secrétaire de Payerne".

His death date is recorded in the notebook of his son Niklaus Gatschet of Bern.

Privileges of "combourgeoisie" — that is, reciprocal rights of citizenship — were established during the Savoyard period between Payerne and some of its neighbors: Fribourg (13 may 1349, with confirmations in 1494-1495), Morat (24 jan 1364), and Neuchâtel (24 jan 1355). The existence of such rights no doubt facilitated the arrangement of marriages between the elite families of these cities, such as those we have recorded in the Gachet family.

It is obvious that this Pierre Gachet was a central figure in the family. It must have been one of his predecessors who was responsible for endowing the Gachet chapel at the Eglise the Notre-Dame, now the parish church of Payerne, just across from the great abbey of Payerne. A tourist website gives the following interesting information: "Dans une chapelle autrefois réservée à la famille Gachet, on a placé en 1818 le tombeau présumé de la Reine Berthe; une inscription latine sur marbre noir, composée par le doyen Bridel, rappelle les vertus de la souveraine." A stone sarcophagus containing the remains of a woman was excavated in 1817 in the chapel of St. Michael in the abbey. Col. François Rodolphe de Dompierre, in charge of the excavations, considered it to be the remains of Queen Berthe herself, then believed to be the founder of the abbey according to a document that is now understood to be a 12th Century forgery. There being no other suitable place to install the remains, the Gachet chapel was "transformed," and they were moved into the chapel with great ceremony in 1818—after which the authentic tombstones of the Gachet family were no longer in evidence! The chapel is still there, along with the bones of the supposed queen. The chapel proves to be a very modest construction, barely large enough for the new sarcophagus. If there were more than one Gachet burial, each topped by a stone slab, the slabs would have extended out into the church, and there could not have been more than three or four of them.

Among the genealogists who have investigated the Gachet family of Payerne, we should note Arnold Gachet (d. 1985, a descendant of a Gachet family of Bioley-Orjulaz, still without a known connection to the family at Payerne) and Emile Ritter (antiquarian of Basel, apparently a descendant of a Gatschet family of Cerlier, his personal notes now deposited at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises). Ritter and Arnold Gachet corresponded with each other in the 1930's, but neither one seems to have succeeded in untangling the story of Pierre Gachet and his many children. We are indebted to Catherine Minck for retrieving copies of these documents from the archives. Another genealogist whose notes on this family are now at the ACV was Charles-Philippe Dumont, whose connection to the Gachet family is presently not known. In each case, it appears that they were misled by the compiled genealogies of some of the connected families, and none of them had discovered the family book written by Niclaus Gatschet of Bern, or the records of the notaries discussed above.

We found no source that mentioned any siblings of Pierre. However, a Nicolas Gachet who is cited as curé at Yvonand (and of Bonvillars, in a terrier dated 1527 for the chapel of St. Martin in the cathedral of Lausanne, now at the AVL) accompanied Pierre Falk on his famous expedition to Jerusalem in 1519. This Nicolas is usually assumed to be the same person as the Nicolas Gachet who was chaplain at Payerne in 1514 and curé de Payerne as late as 1533, but we were unable to find any source for this assertion, although one can read between the lines to reach this conclusion from the account of the pilgrimages of Peter Falck (Max de Diesbach, "Les pèlerins fribourgeois à Jerusalem", Archives de la Société d'histoire du Canton de Fribourg, 5:189- 282, 1893, referencing the Manuaux de Conseil of Fribourg, nos. 37 and 38, as the source for the information about Nicolas Gachet) . Nicolas would be of the right generation to be a sibling of Pierre. That he was at Payerne is established by the accounts of the city for 1516, where he is described as curé d'Yvonand, with a salary from the city of Payerne of 8 florins for maintaining the clock tower. He was still at Payerne, curé d'Yvonand, at the imposition of the Reformation in 1537. He did not accept the new religion, and nothing further seems to be known of him. The one member of the secular clergy at Payerne who did change with the times was Nicod Maringod, who had succeeded Nicolas Gachet as the keeper of the city clock (cited in Maxime Reymond's extended history of the Abbey of Payerne, published in installments in the Revue historique vaudoise, 1912-1913). An account of a meeting of the Société vaudoise d'histoire et d'archéologie at Yvonand in 1938 (Revue historique vaudoise 46:377-381) notes that the parish archives still had two papal indulgences (1509 and 1512, from the pontificate of Julius II) that had been issued to Nicolas Gachet for the church at Yvonand. It appears that at least some of the possessions of this church were removed to the catholic church at Cheyres (Fribourg), previously an annex of the parish of Yvonand, during the Reformation. The church at Bonvillars was probably a more lucrative post, and because of the importance of that church, we might expect some interesting records to have survived.

There is absolutely no doubt about the parentage of Pierre Gachet. His marriage contract (Pierre Ruerat, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 92) of 24 or perhaps 23 mar 1503 (thus 1504 new style) calls him filius quondam Franciscus Gaschet burgensis paterniaci, and this is supported by several other citations. He is described in the same terms a year later, 18 feb 1504 (1505 new style), when he acknowledges receipt of the marriage settlement.

[1234] From the family book of Niklaus Gatschet, his son. We have not worked out whether the year should be interpreted as Old Style (the year 1529 beginning 4 days later) or New Style (the year 1528 having begun on the previous January 1). Niklaus was writing long after the event.

[1503] Date of marriage contract, Pierre Ruerat, notary. Date is difficult to read. The contract is quite messy, but is clearly gives the names of the fathers of the bride and groom. (Year is 1504 by modern reckoning.)

                                             _Petrus GACHET ______+
                                            | (1380 - 1450) m 1409
                       _Nicoletus GACHET ___|
                      | (1418 - 1468)       |
                      |                     |_Francesca CROSTEL __+
                      |                       (1392 - 1450) m 1409
 _François GACHET ____|
| (1450 - 1522) m 1474|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Mermette _____ _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre GACHET 
|  (1475 - 1528)
|                                            _Jean CHALON ________+
|                                           |                     
|                      _Nicod CHALON _______|
|                     | (.... - 1479)       |
|                     |                     |_Antheine du CREST __+
|                     |                                           
|_Jaqueta CHALON _____|
   m 1474             |
                      |                      _Pierre CUEX ________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Françoise CUEX _____|

Return to Index

Pierre GACHET       (ID #I5727)

Father: Jean Amey GACHET (b. ABT 1504, d. 6 MAY 1573)
Mother: Marguerite VALLIER (b. ABT 1505, d. AFT 1560)


The citation of a "Petermand Gachet l'aysné" in 1574 requires that there be a younger Petermand. The present Pierre, nephew of the first Petermand, is the most likely candidate. He was dead by 1574. It has not yet been established that the names Pierre and Petermand were generally, or even frequently interchanged.

                                             _François GACHET _________+
                                            | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     
                       _Pierre GACHET ______|
                      | (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
                      |                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________+
                      |                        m 1474                  
 _Jean Amey GACHET ___|
| (1504 - 1573) m 1540|
|                     |                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _+
|                     |                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     
|                     |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
|                       (.... - 1553) m 1503|
|                                           |_Perronete BOVET _________+
|                                             (.... - 1513) m 1480     
|--Pierre GACHET 
|  (.... - 1574)
|                                            _Jaques VALLIER __________+
|                                           | (.... - 1500)            
|                      _Pierre VALLIER _____|
|                     | (1488 - 1552) m 1510|
|                     |                     |_Marguerite DE CRESSIER __+
|                     |                                                
|_Marguerite VALLIER _|
  (1505 - 1560) m 1540|
                      |                      _Martin "le VERRIER" _____
                      |                     |                          
                      |_Marie ODET _________|
                        (.... - 1546) m 1510|

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Vuilleme GACHET       (ID #I5820)

Father: Petrus GACHET (b. BEF 1380, d. BEF 1450)
Mother: Francesca CROSTEL (b. BEF 1392, d. BEF 1450)


He is mentioned in connection with property held by his relatives at Villars-en-Vully. Another possible mention would make him the father of a Pierre Gachet who died before 1522 leaving as his residual heir his daughter Catherine Gachet, wife of Pierre Dodin of Payerne (mentioned 28 oct 1522, Pierre Chuard, notary). In that document, Vuilleme is described as a citizen of Estavayer, if we have deciphered the abbreviations correctly.

                       _Johannes GACHET ____|
                      | (1360 - 1426)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Petrus GACHET ______|
| (1380 - 1450) m 1409|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Vuilleme GACHET 
|  (.... - 1450)
|                                            _Jaquetus CROSTEL ___
|                                           |                     
|                      _Johannes CROSTEL ___|
|                     | (1372 - 1450)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Francesca CROSTEL __|
  (1392 - 1450) m 1409|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Abraham Alphonse Albert GALLATIN       (ID #I4315)

Father: Jean GALLATIN (d. 1765)
Mother: Sophie Albertine ROLAZ DU ROSAY (d. APR 1770)


Albert Gallatin had an important role in the early history of the United States, and was an inspiration to many Swiss, including the colonists at Vevay. He was certainly acquainted with them, and so we intend to add more of his history and genealogy here.

A close friend of Thomas Jefferson and other important figures of the new United States, he served as Secretary of the Treasury, US Senator, and other positions of influence. He was instrumental in establishing New Geneva, intended to be a Swiss colony in Pennsylvania. To this end, a partnership agreement was signed in Philadelphia on 31 jul 1795 by Gallatin, Jean Louis Badollet, James Witter Nicholson, Louis Bourdillon, and Charles Antoine Cazenove (all but Nicholson were Swiss, from Geneva).

Gallatin met Jean Jaques Dufour at some point before 1802 (mentioned in correspondence), and he likely met other settlers and the various notables who passed through the area around Vevay.

The indexes to the Geneva church records indicate he was baptised at the church of St. Pierre, but some biographies say he was baptised at St. Germain.

                                   |  |
                                   |  |__
 _Jean GALLATIN ___________________|
| (.... - 1765) m 1753             |
|                                  |   __
|                                  |  |  
|                                  |__|
|                                     |
|                                     |__
|--Abraham Alphonse Albert GALLATIN 
|  (1761 - 1849)
|                                      __
|                                     |  
|                                   __|
|                                  |  |
|                                  |  |__
|                                  |     
|_Sophie Albertine ROLAZ DU ROSAY _|
  (.... - 1770) m 1753             |
                                   |   __
                                   |  |  

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Jean GALLATIN       (ID #I4328)

Family 1 : Sophie Albertine ROLAZ DU ROSAY (d. APR 1770)
  1.  Abraham Alphonse Albert GALLATIN (b. 29 JAN 1761, d. 12 AUG 1849)


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Magdelaine GANGUILLET       (ID #I4230)

Family 1 : Jean LIENGME (dates unknown)
  1. +Catherine LIENGME (bp. 25 JAN 1750)


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Adam GARLAUGH       (ID #I2121)

Family 1 : Eliza DUTOIT (b. abt 1826, d. 20 FEB 1907)
  1.  Lydia L. GARLAUGH (b. 02 DEC 1848)
  2.  Catherine J. GARLAUGH (b. abt 1850)


Death record of his daughter Lydia L. Buvinger in Montgomery Co., OH (24 aug 1915) gives Lydia's date of birth as 02 dec 1858 and the names of her parents as Adam Gerlaugh and Eliza Dutoit. The marriage record in the same county (24 jan 1848) gives the groom's name as Adam Garlaugh Jr, age 21, and the bride's as Eliza Dutoit, age 18. These ages appear incorrect, as they are inconsistent with ages shown on several censuses. It may be that the ages in the marriage record were intended only to show that both the bride and groom were over the age of consent.

In 1870, this family is in Beaver Creek Township, Greene Co., OH with several children. They are in Greene Co. also in the 1850 census, where Adam Garlaw Jr. is age 36 and Eliza is age 24, with daughter Lydia L, age 2, and daughter Catherine J., age 6 months.

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Catherine J. GARLAUGH       (ID #I2123)

Father: Adam GARLAUGH (b. abt 1815)
Mother: Eliza DUTOIT (b. abt 1826, d. 20 FEB 1907)


                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |_______________________________
 _Adam GARLAUGH ______|
| (1815 - ....) m 1848|
|                     |                                       _______________________________
|                     |                                      |                               
|                     |______________________________________|
|                                                            |
|                                                            |_______________________________
|--Catherine J. GARLAUGH 
|  (1850 - ....)
|                                                             _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________+
|                                                            | (1751 - 1832)                 
|                      _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
|                     | (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                     |                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _+
|                     |                                        (1759 - 1819)                 
|_Eliza DUTOIT _______|
  (1826 - 1907) m 1848|
                      |                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________+
                      |                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 
                      |_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
                        (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                                             |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________+

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Lydia L. GARLAUGH       (ID #I2122)

Father: Adam GARLAUGH (b. abt 1815)
Mother: Eliza DUTOIT (b. abt 1826, d. 20 FEB 1907)


                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |_______________________________
 _Adam GARLAUGH ______|
| (1815 - ....) m 1848|
|                     |                                       _______________________________
|                     |                                      |                               
|                     |______________________________________|
|                                                            |
|                                                            |_______________________________
|--Lydia L. GARLAUGH 
|  (1848 - ....)
|                                                             _Marc Philippe DUTOIT _________+
|                                                            | (1751 - 1832)                 
|                      _Charles Eugène Louis Gabriel DUTOIT _|
|                     | (1793 - 1865) m 1816                 |
|                     |                                      |_Marie Sabine Judith SECRÉTAN _+
|                     |                                        (1759 - 1819)                 
|_Eliza DUTOIT _______|
  (1826 - 1907) m 1848|
                      |                                       _Abraham Isaac DE TREY ________+
                      |                                      | (1760 - 1837)                 
                      |_Lydie DE TREY _______________________|
                        (1788 - 1868) m 1816                 |
                                                             |_Isabelle FIVAZ _______________+

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Marie GARROT       (ID #I6280)

Family 1 : Lienhardt MIÉVILLE (dates unknown)
  1. +Jonas MIÉVILLE (dates unknown)
  2.  Elizabeth MIÉVILLE (dates unknown)


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Niklaus GATSCHET       (ID #I5752)

Father: Pierre GACHET (b. ABT 1475, d. 21 MAR 1528)
Mother: Jaquaz DUTRUICT (d. 9 MAR 1553)


Given name spelled "Niclaus" in the confirmation of partage of 1560, recorded by Abraham Chuard, notary at Payerne. This is the Niclaus Gatschet, noble of Bern, who appears in the Dictionnaire Historique et Géographique de la Suisse with dates 1510-1604. He acquired full citizenship of the city of Bern in 1562. While the rest of his siblings in Payerne retained the spelling "Gachet", Niclaus and his descendants used "Gatschet", though the distinction was not uniformly observed in the French-speaking areas.

The Burgerbibliothek of Bern has a "Familienbuch" (Mss.h.h. XVII.276, no. 19)) in his hand, covering, according to the description on the website of the Deutschschweizerische Selbstzeughnisse der Frühen Neuzeit, his arrival in Bern in 1549, his marriage of 1559 (including notations of guests from Fribourg), births, deaths, his appointments to various positions in the government, executions, earthquakes, tempests, etc. We are indebted to Therese Metzger for transcribing and extracting large sections of this valuable manuscript. The manuscript is in a beautiful, clear hand, in Latin, Geman, and French. The small booklet is bound with an old parchment on which is visible a text containing a paraphrase of the Vulgate edition of the Book of Zephaniah. On this parchment cover is the inscription, "NG Hußbuchli 1559." The inscription seems to establish when Niklaus began this record of his family events.

His status or positions in Bern are listed thus:

A page from the Hußbuchli of Niklaus Gatschet, giving the death
dates of his brother Pierre and Pierre's wife Antonia, the death
dates of both of his parents, and his own date of birth.

The manuscript is a book of 100 leaves, of which 30 contain his writings, 10 contain "recipes" (Rezepte, home remedies) and a few lines in other hands, and the remainder are blank.

The family book clearly establishes his birth date, "ad festum Michaelis" 1526, and there is a further entry noting the death of Johann Rudolf Manuel 23 apr 1571, noted as "compater". We first thought to interpret this as godfather, in the modern sense (that is, one of the sponsors at the baptism of Niklaus in 1526), even though we were not aware of any of the Manuel family who would have been in Payerne at that era. However, Johann Rudolf was actually the son of the famous artist Niklaus Manuel (painter of the famous Totentanz of Bern, which included a panel depicting the death of Pierre Falk, uncle of Niklaus Gatschet). Johann Rudolf was born in 1525 and eventually became the Bailli de Morges, where he died in 1571. The interpretation of "compater" at that period was that of "co-father", the godparent of one's son or daughter. Thus, Johann Rudolf must have been the godfather of one of Niklaus Gatschet's children, or vice versa.

The manuscript makes it clear that Niklaus first came to Bern to take a position with the secretary of Bern, Peter Cyro. After working with Cyro for about ten years, Niklaus was ready for his first appointment in his own right.

The question naturally arises, how did Niklaus acquire his position with Peter Cyro, the city secretary, in 1549? Cyro, sometimes known in French as Pierre Giro or Girod (many other spellings occur in the correspondence of the time), and most famous for presiding over the "dispute of Lausanne" in 1536, which established the Reformation in the Pays de Vaud, came from Fribourg and was associated with the younger Pierre Falck, uncle of Niklaus Gatschet. Cyro, Michael Augsburger, and a Hans Huber who appears to be the father of the first husband of Elsbeth Noll, were part of the delegation from Bern who founded the Académie de Lausanne in January, 1537. Further, Elsbeth Noll is the daughter of Antoni Noll, one of the advocates of the Reformation and a friend of Niklaus Manuel. After the death of Antoni Noll, his widow Agnes Lerber married Hans Huber. It seems most likely that family connections and friendships were at work in shaping the destiny of Niklaus Gatschet.

After the death of his father Pierre Gachet in 1528, who raised Niklaus? Where did he go to school? It seems likely that he would have divided his time between his relatives in Payerne and Fribourg. He may have attended school in Fribourg or possibly even in Bern. In addition to family connections, the nature of his positions, and the inevitable competition with qualified young men from the prominent families of Bern, certainly required a university education. The work of the chancelry of Bern required literacy in German, French, and Latin, as well as the sophisticated vocabulary of law and finance. On the suspicion that Niklaus would have needed a university education to qualify for his position under Peter Cyro, we checked the available lists of students at likely universities, and found "Niklaus Gatzetus, Paterniacensis" on the Matrikel for the University of Basel in 1544/45. This would be the date he was admitted, when he was about 18 years old. His brother Daniel had been admitted at Basel in 1537, and possibly his brother Jean in 1536. The family was evidently able to send several sons away to college, even after the death of their father.

A page from the Hußbuchli of Niklaus Gatschet,
recording the birth (1575) and death (1577) of
his daughter Magdalena

We are indebted to Therese Metzger for the transciption of his will, in the Staatsarchiv, Bern:

Niklaus Gatschet, testament, 14 jul 1598 (StAB A I 843, pp. 247-259).

p. 247:

Herren Niclaus Gatschets s:
gewesener General und welsch Seckelschrÿber auch burger zu Bernn Ordnung und Testament./.

Ich Niclaus Gatschet der Elter, gewesener General und welschseckelschrÿber burger zu Bern, thun khundt und beken offentlich mit gegenwärtigem Testament, Alls dan mich ein Lieber Hr. und Gott verschinner tagen mit einer schwären lÿbskranckheit Angriffen und biss uf gegenwärtige stundt darin endthalten, daruss ich dan all stund und ougenblick mines stündlins und dass Ich durch den Zÿtlichen todt nach aller weld Lauff dahin gezuckt werden möcht, gewertig bin wen es minem Herren und Schöpffer gefallen wirt, dem Ich sölliches zu sÿnen Göttlichen gnaden bevolichen und heimgesetzt haben will, da so hab Ich miner Zÿtlichen Haab und Güteren, deren mich Gott Inn diser Zÿt gnädigklich berhaten, und Ich hinder mir verlassen wird, damit missverständtnus Zwÿtrach und Spän, so sich desshalb zwüschen meinen Khindern und Lieben Ehegmachell zutragen möchten, vermiten blÿbindt, dise min Ordnung und Testament Alls ein frÿer Burger der Loblichenn vonn Keÿseren und Königen Hochgefeÿerten Stadt Bernn, wie woll schwachen und kranken lÿbs, doch guter sinnlicher ver-

p. 248:

Vernunfft, Frÿens willens und gfallens, von niemandt harzu beredt noch underwisen gemacht, hienach gezeichnetem schÿber selbs mundtlich Angäben, eroffnet und erlüteret. In Form und gstalt Als harnach volget:

Dess ersten so bevilch Ich min Seell und lÿb Inn die Hand und gnad Gottes dess Allmechtigen Vaters, durch den verdienst sÿnes lieben Suns mines Herrenn Jesu Christi, der mit sÿnem biteren liden und sterben alle geheilligeten erlösst und versünt, da dann min Seell, wenn die vonn minens lÿb ab gescheiden Ist, zu sinen Göttlichen gnaden genommen der lÿb aber nach Christenlicher ordnung zur erden bestatet, allda behalten, biss er Am Tag des grichts uss dem mund der erden widerrumb frölich erstan, und also lÿb und Seell zusammen vereint, ehwig sällig werden/.

Demnach sovill min Zÿtlich gutt belanget, Ist dass min Ansächen will und meinung, des erster Dieweÿll Ich, wie ouch min Abgestorbne Hussfrauw Elssbeth Nollin sällig, hievor uff dem zwüschen miner lieben dochter Elssbeth und dem Edlen frommen vesten Niclaus von Wattenwÿll diser Zÿtt Landvogt zu Chillion minem Dochtermann gehaltnen ehetag, denn dritten theill alles unsers ligenden und farenden gutts, minen beiden lieben ehelichen Sünen, Niclaus und Daniel

p: 249:

verlut ehebrieffs, heÿtter und klarlich vorbehalten, das nun sollicher dritte theill alles unsers ligenden und farenden guts, denselbigen miner beÿden Sünen für Ir frÿ lidig eigen und von Ir beÿder elteren vergabet gutt voruss werden vervolgen und blÿben sölle.

Denne als Ich genambter miner Dochter Elssbeth uff anzognen ehetag vermog dess Ehebrieffs ein Thusendt Pfundt Pf[ennige] Bernwärung, sampt einem ehelichen Trossel zu ehestüwer zegeben versprochen, welliche man Junckher Niclausen von Wattenwÿll nach besag wir darumb zugestelter quitantz-Ussgericht und vernügt, darzu Ich Ime sidher noch bÿ drü Thusendt Pf.[und] Pf.[ennige] fürgesetzt und gelichen vermog darumb bÿ handen habender schuldtbrieffen, So Ist nun billich und brüchlich auch min endtlicher will, das solliche uss gerichte ehestürr und fürgesetzte gelt Inn der Theÿllung widerrumb ÿngeschlossen oder vermeldten minen beÿden Sünen auch Jedem sovill voruss werden sölle ./.

Danethin als Ich mich dan für besagten min Dochtermann Junckher Niclaus von Wattenwÿll gegen Hr. alt Schultheissen von Wattenwÿll umb acht hundert Cronen Zinssbars Haubtgut, verbürget, da Ist min will, das Ime die-

p. 250:

selbige Sum (so er mich vor minem end und hinscheid nit glidiget haben wurd) aus sinem gespän den erbtheill sölle abzogen werden ./.

Denne als dann brüchlich, das allwägen denn Sünen dess Vaters Sässhüser zustan und gevolg söllendt, So Ist min will und meinung, das mine Hüser alhir Inn der Stadt, gedachtenn minen beÿden Sünen Niclaus und Daniell (So sÿ dero begärendt) werden, und umb ein Zimlichen lÿdenlicher Pf. und nach erkantnus mines Hoch Ehrenden Herren bruder und Seckelmeister Ougspurgers Angeschlagen werden söllendt.

Dess glÿchen wÿll vorberürter min Dochtermann Junckherr Niclaus von Wattenwÿll schon hievor mit einer hüpschen matten versechen, So Ist min Ansechenn und ordnung, dass miner beÿd Matten oben uss zu recht an der Stadt, eine die Holliebi genambt die Andere, hinderem usseren Ziegelhof gelegen, besagten minen beÿden Sünen nach erkantnus obgehört, gewürdiget und gel... söllindt werden ./.

So denne min ietz habende liebe Hussfrauw Maria Brun belangende mit dero Ich mich sidt

p. 251:

obanzogner miner vorigen Hussfrouwen Elssbeth Nollin s: todt vermählet, und ehelich verbunden, mit gedingen und beredtnussen, wie es desshalb zwüschen uns uf gerichter unnd wolbewart ehebrieff vermag und usswÿsst, der dann (alls billich) Inn sinen puncten und articlen verblÿben, und dem geläbt werden soll, und diewÿll wir beÿder sÿts, nach gmeinem bruch, uns Imselbigen gwalt vorbehalten, dass wir den bestimbten widerfhall ein anderen nit schwecheren aber woll besseren, mehren und Jedesten verdienen nach wÿter begaben mögendt. So will Ich nun uss krafft unnd vermog sollichen vorbehalts, besagter miner Fründtlich lieben Ehegemachell Zuerkantnuss und vergeltung ehelicher thrüw, liebe und wolthat, die sÿ mir Inn Zÿt unserer bÿwohnung, Insonders aber Inn diser miner Jetzigen schwären Kranckheit erzeigt und bewisen, mich ehrlich und woll gemeint, unns dass vertruwen zu Ire Haab sÿ verners gegen mir und minen Kindern thun werde, Ira denselben (so da Ist vierhundert Cronen), noch umb zweÿhundert ronen gebesseret und gmehret haben. Also wann mich Gott min schöpfer vor Ira zu seinen gnaden beruffen wirrt, das als dan Ira Sechsshundert Cronen, Jede zu fünff und zwanzig batzen Pf[ennige] Bärnwährung gerechnet uss

p. 252:

minem verlassnen gut Inn barem gelt, oder guten gwüssen gültbrieffen ussgricht unnd geben werden solle ./.

Denne als Inn dem zwüschen mir und besagter miner Ehegmachell Maria Brun, ufgrichten Ehebrief, ussbliben und zeschrÿben vergässen worden, wen Ich uss schickung Gottes vor Ira zu sinen Gottlichen gnaden berufft wurde, dass sÿ alls dan min Huss an der vorderen gassen, so mines bruders Anthoni sälligen gsin, bÿ wÿll Ires läbens und so lang sÿ dete ehehalb unverenderet blÿbt schlÿsswÿss bewohnen, haben nutzen unnd niessen sölte die selbige vergünstigung will Ich Ira nochmallen zuglossen haben mit sollichem Zuthun, dass sÿ die wahl haben sölle, dasselbig Huss oder das ander min Huss bÿ Moÿses brunnen gelegen, schlÿss wÿss zebesitzen, annemmen, oder so Ira gfellig mit ob anzognem miner Sünen eineren min Sässhuss ann der Brunngasse söllicher gstalt bewohnen und besitzen möge ./.

Demnach als Ich dann sidt dass Ich obgenambte min liebe Hussfrauw geehlichet, zu Cormondr[èche] etliche Räben, wie die Inn einem sonderbaren Rödeli verzeichnet, Khaüfflich ann-

p. 253:

mich gebracht Lut desshalb ufgerichter Kauffbrieffen und die zum Theill uss Iren gut und Inkhommen bezalt, da Ich besorg durch sÿ oder Ire fründ, sich desshalb etwas gespans zutragen Inn dem das sÿ vermeinen möcht, wÿll die uss Irem ÿnkhommen erkaufft, solt es Ir gut sÿn und verblÿben da aber Ich hingegen verhoff Sitenmall mir uff unserem gehaltnen ehetag all Ir gut und Inkhommen zenutzen und zeniessen vergönt unnd zugelassen söllicher gstalt, das Ich Ira wÿters nit, dann Jarlich ein hundert Cronen für söliche nutzung zegäben unnd zukhommen zelassen schuldig sÿe, so solte nun nach abrichtung derselbigen ein hundert Cronen Järlich das über entzig[?] min gut sÿn geachtet werden, derwegen Ist min früdtliche pit Ann vor- und wollgenambten min HochEhrenden Herren bruder und Seckelmeister Ougspurger er welle gedachte min Liebe Hussfrauw und Kindt, dieser und anderer spänigen Sachen halb fründtlich betragen und endtscheiden, und sÿ dan allersÿts (wie dann meine Sün, so woll auch min Ehegemachell, sich dessen begäben handt) sich siner erlüterung endtscheidts und fründtlichen ussspruchs unterwerffen und halten ./.

p. 254:

Denne so ordnen und vergaben Ich Inn das gross Almusen Alhir Inn der Stadt Inn gutem barem gält oder guten gwüssen gültbrieffen Abzerichtenn zweÿhundert pfundt./.

Item minen Hr. Mr. und stuben gsellen der ehrenden gselschafft zun Gerweren Alhir, zuhanden Ires Allmussens vergaben Ich auch Inn barem gelt oder gwüssen gültbrief zweÿ hundert pfundt./.

Weÿter verordnen Ich den Armen des Spitals zu Pätterlingen für ein mall ein hundert Florin./.

Mehr vergaben Ich Idene Armen Inn miner nachbarschafft Ann der brungassen für einmall fünfftzig pfundt, die söllendt uss minem verlassnen gut, durch mine beÿd Sün Inen nach Jedessen noturfft unnd mangell thrüwlich uss geteilt unnd geben werden./.

Verners mines fründtlichen lieben Veteren Herr Urss Lerbers Spitalmeisters Im oberen Spital ehlichen Sun Rudolff genambt vermachenn Ich (glÿch wie anderen sinen gschwisterten, die Ich Inn Irer verehelichung also ussgestürt)

p. 255:

Namlich fünfftzig pfundt die Ime wen er uf zu sinen tagen kommbt unnd sich verehlichen wirt, Inn gutem baren gelt ussgericht unnd vernügt werden sölllendt./.

Demnach verordnen Ich mines Veteren Josua[?] Gatschets zwöyen Sünen Hans und Jonas ann Ir angefangen Studÿs Zestüwer, jedem ein hundert pfundt./.

Dannethin als mir min Vetter Petermann Gatschet bÿ 80 Kronnen, lut sines Vaters handgschrifft zethun unnd schuldig, So Ist min will und bevelch Ann mine Erbenn, das sÿ Ime darumg nütz it vorderen nach häuschen, Sonders Inne dero ledigsprächen unnd Inne anzogne Handtschrifft gecanzeliert zu sinen Handen stellen sollindt./.

Denne diewÿll gedachter min Veter Petermann Gatschet Alhir inn der Stadt das glaser handtwerch Lehrt unnd süynem Lehrmeister thann den halben theill sines lehrlohns bezalt hat, so ist min will und Ordnung, dass besagte mine Erben, Jme oder sinem Meister nun der ander halbig theill dess lehrlons söllendt entrichten und vernügen./.

Item als Ich dann vor Jaren minem gfatter Bernhard[?] Järek sin Huss und Hoff alhir ann der Brunngassen umb zweÿhundert und viertzig pfundt

p. 256:

pf.[ennige] erkaufft, desswegen er sich umb zwölff pfundt Järliches Zinses gegen mir verschriben, So befindt sich das er mir Innerthalb Jarenn khein Zinss abgericht wann dass er mir ein Acher und etwas mehr daran gewährt und dass erstierendt mir nach zethun Ist, diewÿll er Aber mit keinen Kindern beladen, so will ich Ime solliche Zinsenn was er mir dero über dass gwert noch rest und biss uf hütigen tag verfallen sÿn mag, uss barmhertzigkeit unnd Christenlicher mitlÿden frÿwillig geschenkt, verehrt und nachgelassen haben./.

So denne als Ich vorgemelten minen beÿdenn Sünen Niclaus und Daniel, Inn minem gut äben ein hüpschen vortheill gethan unnd vermacht, So Ist min will und bevelch, dass sÿ beÿd obgesagts mines Dochtermans Junckher Niclausen vonn Wattenwÿlls vier ehlichen Sünen, mit Namen Petermann, Rudolff, Jost und Niclausen wann sÿ uff zu Jren manbaren tagen khommen Sich hie zwüschen ehrlich und wol halten ouch mit gedachter miner Sünen unnd einer ehrlichen Fründtschafft gunst unnd willen sich verehlichen werdendt, Jedem ein hundert Cronen, thut allen vieren

p. 257:

vierhundert Cronnen, Jede zu fünff und zwentzig batzenn bernwährung zerechnende uss beÿder gut gäben und endtrichten söllendt./.

Denne beÿden hienach geschribnen gezügen vergaben Ich Jedem zechen Pfundt./.

Unnd dem hienach gezeichneten schrÿber ann vilvaltigen mir erzeigter und bewisner müÿ und arbeit wägen 10 Kronnen./.

Sovill mine Dienst belanget, die mir uss wartendt Der selbigen soll nit vergessen, Sonders sÿ durch mine Erbenn Irem verdienen nach belohnt werden./.

Endtlich unnd zum letzten Ist min Ansechen auch Fründtliche Demütige pit und begär, Am hievor anzognen mines Hochehrenden Herren bruder und echkelmeister Ougspurger, das er nach minem Hinscheid, sich miner ehlichenn lieben Hussfrouwen unnd Khindern fründtlich Annemmen, beladen, sich sovill bemüÿen und gedachte mine Erben, Inn allen fürfallendenn unnd ÿnwisenden Fällen und Spännen fründtlich betragen, verinnen, verglÿchen und die Theillung welle helffen zuendt fhüren züchen wie ich dann der Hoffnung unnd

p. 258:

Zuversicht bin, er Sölches Inn trüwen erstatten sÿn guthertzige wollmeinung gegen denn eines (wie bisshar vilvaltig beschechen). verners erzeigenn und bewÿsenn werde, Im Fhall er Aber einzig sÿ verinnen und betragen, mag er Ime ein gefallige Persohnn zu Ime beruffen und was dann durch Inne und selbige Persohnn zwüschen minen Erben gesprochen gemitlet, gerhaten und abgehandlet wirt das sollendt sÿ aller sÿts fründtlich Annemmen Ires uss spruchs und endtscheidts ersetigenn vernügen, sich desselbigen halten, und dem gethrüwlich gläben unnd nachkommen./.

Unnd also Inn denn Namen Gottes enden und beschliessen, Ich obgenambter Niclaus Gatschet dieserr min Ordnung und Testament, hab mir doch heÿter gwalt vorbehalten, diewÿll Ich Im Läben und guter Sinnlicher Vernunfft bin, dieselbige Zeenden Zeminderen, Zeinehren, gar oder Zum theil abzethun und anderst zemachen, so offt und Dick mir geliebt nach minem Frÿen willen und gfallen, So aber Ich dieselb min ordnung, nit widerüffen noch enderen Sonders die unversert verschlossen also

p. 259:

hinder mir befunden wurde, so soll dero billich ann Allen Intrag geläbt und nützit darwider gehandlet werden, Alle gferdt arglist und was hierwider sÿn möcht gentzlich vermiten Inn Krafft dieser miner Ordnung, Gezügen so Ich zu mir berüffen lassen, vor denen ich mich mines letsten willen erlüteret unnd endtschlossen Sindt die Ehrsamen wolberichten unnd bescheidnen Hans Jacob Wäber der Lehrmeister und Lienhart Jenek beÿd burger zu Bernn unnd zu noch mehren sicherheit und vesten bestandt aller obgeschibnen Dingen, so hab ich die mit eigner Handt unnd Nammen underschriben volgendts mit minem eignen ufgetrukten Insigell Inn und usswendig verwahren und bschliessen lssen. Beschechen den 14. Julÿ 1598.

V. Wolff.

The will is not recorded in a way that provides a firm estimate of his date of death. However, we notice that one of the legatees, Josué Gachet, is mentioned elsewhere as "cessionnaire de Spectable Daniel Gachet, moderne Advoyer de Mourat" (19 apr 1605, Salomon de Trey, notary at Payerne, DP 31/1, fol. 274v-277). This could only be a reference to Daniel Gatschet, son of Niklaus. Daniel was indeed Landvogt at Morat in 1605. The "cession" of a letter of rent by Daniel to Josué suggests that they had settled the division of the estate of Niklaus, and that therefore Niklaus was already dead by 1605.

[1248] According to his family book at the Burgerbibliothek of Bern, "Anno nativitatis mea 1526 ad festum Michaelis." Many other sources quote 1510, which has always seemed improbable, given his later offices and marriages.

[1249] According to the detailed description of his "Familienbuch" at the Burgerbibliothek of Bern. Other sources quote 1604. His testament is dated 14 jul 1598.

                                                  _Nicoletus GACHET ___+
                                                 | (1418 - 1468)       
                       _François GACHET _________|
                      | (1450 - 1522) m 1474     |
                      |                          |_Mermette _____ _____
 _Pierre GACHET ______|
| (1475 - 1528) m 1503|
|                     |                           _Nicod CHALON _______+
|                     |                          | (.... - 1479)       
|                     |_Jaqueta CHALON __________|
|                        m 1474                  |
|                                                |_Françoise CUEX _____+
|--Niklaus GATSCHET 
|  (1526 - 1608)
|                                                 ______ DE TORCULARI _
|                                                |                     
|                      _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _|
|                     | (1460 - 1513) m 1480     |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Jaquaz DUTRUICT ____|
  (.... - 1553) m 1503|
                      |                           _Pierre BOVET _______+
                      |                          | (.... - 1480)       
                      |_Perronete BOVET _________|
                        (.... - 1513) m 1480     |
                                                 |_Amphilisia _____ ___

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François Abraham GAUDIER       (ID #I2815)

Family 1 : Susanne FALQUIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Susanne Louise GAUDIER (dates unknown)


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Susanne Louise GAUDIER       (ID #I2812)

Father: François Abraham GAUDIER (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne FALQUIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean PERNET (bp. 11 JUL 1758)
  1. +Susanne Julie Eleanor PERNET (b. 11 DEC 1796, d. aft 1860)
  2. +Susanne Sophie PERNET (b. 10 MAY 1801)
  3.  Susanne Cecile Félicité PERNET (b. 25 AUG 1805)
  4.  Susanne Marie PERNET (b. 05 SEP 1809)


                            |  |
                            |  |__
 _François Abraham GAUDIER _|
|                           |
|                           |   __
|                           |  |  
|                           |__|
|                              |
|                              |__
|--Susanne Louise GAUDIER 
|                               __
|                              |  
|                            __|
|                           |  |
|                           |  |__
|                           |     
|_Susanne FALQUIER _________|
                            |   __
                            |  |  

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David Henri GAUDIN       (ID #I2583)

Father: Jaques GAUDIN (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne POINTET (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Mary BRATCHIE (b. abt 1804)


Bob Scott's "Swiss Census" notes a deed dated 21 aug 1820 that says David Gaudin was formerly of "Monmer" in the Canton of Vaud (original not yet examined). The only plausible commune seems to be Monnaz, where the Gaudin family has been very prominent. David Gaudin, under various spellings, is on the 1820 census in the 26-44 age category (single), and in 1830 in the 31-40 age category, with a family. If the reported ages are correct, he must have been born between 1794 and 1800. The commune of Monnaz was, during most of the ancien régime, part of the parish of Morges. The only David whose baptism is recorded there in this interval is that of David Henri, son of Jaques Gaudin bourgeois de Monnaz and Jeanne Pointet, born 19 nov 1798 and baptised 02 dec of that year. However, this same David was married 23 feb 1821 to Marie, daughter of Emanuel Thibaud of Penthalaz and Henriette Jaquier. If this is in fact the same David Gaudin who was in Vevay for the 1820 census, we would have to suppose that he returned to Monnaz in the fall of 1820 in order to be married in Monnaz early in 1821, and then sailed back to America soon after. Then, his first wife must have died before 1825, when he married Mary Bratchie. While this scenario is certainly possible, we are a long way from proving it. One way to disprove it would be to find David Henri Gaudin still in the parish of Morges after May, 1825, when he should have been in Vevay with his wife. This information should be in the "état civil" for Morges, 1821-1875, available on microfilm from the Family History Library. Also, if the second migration theory is correct, we should be able to locate David and his (first) wife on a passenger list arriving in America 1821-1824. If David Henri is not the Vevay settler, it may be that the settler was from a branch of the Gaudin family of Monnaz that lived in one of the surrounding parishes. The will of David Gaudin of Switzerland County is dated 27 apr 1847, recorded (probated?) 20 may 1847 (not yet examined).

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Jaques GAUDIN ______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--David Henri GAUDIN 
|  (1798 - 1847)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Jeanne POINTET _____|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Legend: Vevay settler.

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