Sponsors at her baptism included her maternal aunt, Dorothée Perdonnet.
_______________________ | _Jean PERDONNET ____________| | m 1705 | | |_______________________ | _Samuel PERDONNET ________________| | (.... - 1769) m 1737 | | | _Jaques MARGUERON _____+ | | | (.... - 1708) m 1666 | |_Marie Madelaine MARGUERON _| | m 1705 | | |_Esther BUTTIN ________+ | (.... - 1704) m 1666 | |--Marie Dorothée PERDONNET | | _Imbert RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | m 1686 | _Paul RICHARD-JANIN ________| | | (1686 - ....) m 1708 | | | |_Susanne MAYASSON _____ | | m 1686 |_Pauline Elizabeth RICHARD-JANIN _| (1714 - 1766) m 1737 | | _Jacob WIDMER _________ | | (.... - 1708) |_Marguerite WIDMER _________| m 1708 | |_______________________
_______________________ | _Jean PERDONNET ____________| | m 1705 | | |_______________________ | _Samuel PERDONNET ________________| | (.... - 1769) m 1737 | | | _Jaques MARGUERON _____+ | | | (.... - 1708) m 1666 | |_Marie Madelaine MARGUERON _| | m 1705 | | |_Esther BUTTIN ________+ | (.... - 1704) m 1666 | |--Pauline PERDONNET | | _Imbert RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | m 1686 | _Paul RICHARD-JANIN ________| | | (1686 - ....) m 1708 | | | |_Susanne MAYASSON _____ | | m 1686 |_Pauline Elizabeth RICHARD-JANIN _| (1714 - 1766) m 1737 | | _Jacob WIDMER _________ | | (.... - 1708) |_Marguerite WIDMER _________| m 1708 | |_______________________
The marriage record says, "Samuel fils de Jean Perdonnet hote de La Clef et des 6 vingt de cette ville", and "Poline Elizabeth fille de Paule Richard maitre menuisier de ce lieu".
_____________________ | _____________________| | | | |_____________________ | _Jean PERDONNET ____________| | m 1705 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Samuel PERDONNET | (.... - 1769) | _Isaac MARGUERON ____+ | | (1617 - 1674) m 1641 | _Jaques MARGUERON ___| | | (.... - 1708) m 1666| | | |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+ | | m 1641 |_Marie Madelaine MARGUERON _| m 1705 | | _Michel BUTTIN ______ | | (.... - 1665) m 1639 |_Esther BUTTIN ______| (.... - 1704) m 1666| |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+ (.... - 1673) m 1639
Sponsors at her baptism included a paternal aunt, "Dorothée Bernardine Berald née Perdonnet".
_______________________ | _Jean PERDONNET ____________| | m 1705 | | |_______________________ | _Samuel PERDONNET ________________| | (.... - 1769) m 1737 | | | _Jaques MARGUERON _____+ | | | (.... - 1708) m 1666 | |_Marie Madelaine MARGUERON _| | m 1705 | | |_Esther BUTTIN ________+ | (.... - 1704) m 1666 | |--Susanne Dorothée PERDONNET | | _Imbert RICHARD-JANIN _+ | | m 1686 | _Paul RICHARD-JANIN ________| | | (1686 - ....) m 1708 | | | |_Susanne MAYASSON _____ | | m 1686 |_Pauline Elizabeth RICHARD-JANIN _| (1714 - 1766) m 1737 | | _Jacob WIDMER _________ | | (.... - 1708) |_Marguerite WIDMER _________| m 1708 | |_______________________
__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| | m 1687 | | |__ | | |--Abraham PERNET | | __ | | | _David GIROD ________| | | m 1699 | | | |__ | | |_Marie GIROD ________| m 1724 | | __ | | |_Susanne GIROD ______| m 1699 | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David PERNET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David PERNET | (.... - 1705) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| m 1687 | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David PERNET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| m 1687 | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| | m 1687 | | |__ | | |--David PERNET | | __ | | | _David GIROD ________| | | m 1699 | | | |__ | | |_Marie GIROD ________| m 1724 | | __ | | |_Susanne GIROD ______| m 1699 | |__
The Pernet family, along with Jean Emanuel Mottier, was on the ship Thetis, arriving at New York 05 jul 1821:
John David Samuel Pernet 31 teacher Switzerland; Maria Catherine Berrier 40 teacher Switzerland; David Emanuel Pernet 9 Switzerland; John Emanuel Pernet 7 Switzerland; Henriette Pauline Pernet 2 Switzerland (name was originally Mottier, then replaced by "ditto"); John Emanuel Mottier (Mottie) 19 dometic (=domestic) Switzerland (He is believed to be the one born in 1801 who married Marie Justine Siebenthal in 1827); David Samuel Pernet 58 labourer Switzerland; Susanne Maria Pernet 58 labourer Switzerland; David Emanuel Pernet 23 teacher Switzerland; John David Pernet 16 labourer Switzerland; Suzane Marie Pernet 32 labourer Switzerland.
The name Berrier is the maiden name of the wife of Jean David Samuel Pernet: Berruëx. Another group of Pernets had arrived by 1818, the family of Jean Pernet, uncle of David Emanuel.
The birth date found at Ormont-Dessus matches the date shown on his tombstone at Bethlehem, Indiana.
He is on the 1830 census in Switzerland Co., Indiana (Emanuel Pernet), with a daughter under the age of 5, plus his wife and a male in his 70's. In 1840, he is still in Switzerland Co, Vevay Township, with two more children but without the elderly male. The additional male was too old to be David Samuel Pernet, who would have been 67 in 1830, but it is worth remembering that ages on census records are frequently wrong.
_Jean PERNET ________+ | m 1724 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | |_Marie GIROD ________+ | m 1724 _David Samuel PERNET __| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | | _Moyse NICOLIER _____+ | | | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| | (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | |_Marie PERROD _______+ | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |--David Emanuel PERNET | (1797 - 1858) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Emanuel PERNET ____| | | m 1756 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Marie PERNET _| (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne NICOLIER _______| m 1756 | |_____________________
Even though he definitely reached the United States, we find him in Paris, working as a tailor, at the time of his marriage in 1836. The record in the archives of the protestant church of Paris gives the names of both of his parents, so there is no doubt about his identity. The place of origin for the bride is not clearly legible, but it appears to be Pleinseurre in Calvados, a name we have not been able to identify. We did not find him among the catechumens in the parish of Ormont-Dessus, where two of his siblings were confirmed after 1830. He might have been confirmed in a church at Vevay, Indiana before the family returned to Europe.
A passport application dated 06 jul 1855 at Louisville, Kentucky concerns "John Pernet and his wife Elizabeth". This John Pernet was age 48, thus born about 1807. If the age is correct, this might indicate that there were even more Pernet immigrants in the area.
_Samuel PERNET __________+ | (.... - 1778) m 1757 _David Samuel PERNET ____| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _+ | (.... - 1799) m 1757 _Jean David Samuel PERNET _| | (1790 - ....) m 1811 | | | _Jean Emanuel PERNET ____ | | | m 1756 | |_Susanne Marie PERNET ___| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | |_Susanne NICOLIER _______ | m 1756 | |--David Emanuel PERNET | (1812 - ....) | _Jean Emanuel BERRUEX ___+ | | m 1751 | _Emanuel Josias BERRUEX _| | | (1759 - ....) m 1779 | | | |_Marie Catherine PERNET _+ | | m 1751 |_Marie Catherine BERRUEX __| (1779 - ....) m 1811 | | _Moyse BUSSET ___________+ | | m 1756 |_Susanne Marie BUSSET ___| (1760 - ....) m 1779 | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _+ (.... - 1800) m 1756
_Jean PERNET ________ | (.... - 1724) m 1687 _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | |_Marie MARMIER ______ | m 1687 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | | _David GIROD ________ | | | m 1699 | |_Marie GIROD ________| | m 1724 | | |_Susanne GIROD ______ | m 1699 | |--David Samuel PERNET | (1763 - ....) | _Louis NICOLIER _____+ | | m 1689 | _Moyse NICOLIER _____| | | (.... - 1766) m 1731| | | |_Esther BALLIF ______+ | | m 1689 |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | _Abraham PERROD _____ | | |_Marie PERROD _______| (.... - 1766) m 1731| |_Marie ALLAMAN ______
__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| | m 1687 | | |__ | | |--Emanuel PERNET | | __ | | | _David GIROD ________| | | m 1699 | | | |__ | | |_Marie GIROD ________| m 1724 | | __ | | |_Susanne GIROD ______| m 1699 | |__
_Jean PERNET ________ | (.... - 1724) m 1687 _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | |_Marie MARMIER ______ | m 1687 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | | _David GIROD ________ | | | m 1699 | |_Marie GIROD ________| | m 1724 | | |_Susanne GIROD ______ | m 1699 | |--Emanuel PERNET | (1770 - ....) | _Louis NICOLIER _____+ | | m 1689 | _Moyse NICOLIER _____| | | (.... - 1766) m 1731| | | |_Esther BALLIF ______+ | | m 1689 |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | _Abraham PERROD _____ | | |_Marie PERROD _______| (.... - 1766) m 1731| |_Marie ALLAMAN ______
We did not find a record of her first communion at Ormont-Dessus, so she probably died young.
_Samuel PERNET __________+ | (.... - 1778) m 1757 _David Samuel PERNET ____| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _+ | (.... - 1799) m 1757 _Jean David Samuel PERNET _| | (1790 - ....) m 1811 | | | _Jean Emanuel PERNET ____ | | | m 1756 | |_Susanne Marie PERNET ___| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | |_Susanne NICOLIER _______ | m 1756 | |--Henriette Pauline PERNET | (1819 - ....) | _Jean Emanuel BERRUEX ___+ | | m 1751 | _Emanuel Josias BERRUEX _| | | (1759 - ....) m 1779 | | | |_Marie Catherine PERNET _+ | | m 1751 |_Marie Catherine BERRUEX __| (1779 - ....) m 1811 | | _Moyse BUSSET ___________+ | | m 1756 |_Susanne Marie BUSSET ___| (1760 - ....) m 1779 | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _+ (.... - 1800) m 1756
There is a notation next to his baptismal record, beginning "obitt septim...", the rest unfortunately not legible. He probably died in infancy, since a brother of the same name was baptised in 1697. In this period we almost never find more than one living child with the same name in a single family, though this practice is frequently encountered in the previous century.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean PERNET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| m 1687 | | __ | | |__| | |__
He is sometimes described as "de La Pierrière", likely the place of residence of his father, but also as "de La Sciaz", apparently the place of residence of his wife's family. By 1747, he is also described as Régent, meaning that he was the local schoolmaster.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean PERNET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| m 1687 | | __ | | |__| | |__
Of La Pierrière, according to the marriage record of his son Jean in 1724. There were several men of the same name baptising children toward the end of the 17th Century. The only one who seems to fit the description is the Jean Pernet "de La Perrière" who married Marie Mermier. This Jean, however, is also called "de Vers Chez Mossie". There is also possible confusion due to the existence of two couples with similar names. A marriage record of 27 oct 1685 is for Jean Pernet and "Marie Sarra Mermier" (the word Marie is written clearly above the name Sarra), while a marriage record of 28 jan 1687 is for Jean Pernet and Marie Mermier. That these were two separate couples is proved by the baptism of Jean, son of Jean Pernet de la Wargnat and Sarra Mermier, 27 oct 1687, well after the marriage of the other Jean Pernet to Marie Mermier. The existence of the other couple with similar names might be the reason that the present Jean Pernet is also called "le jeune".
Marriage information from banns at Ormont-Dessus. He was schoolmaster at Villeneuve from at least 1790. Baptisms of at least some of his children were also recorded at Ormont-Dessus. Church records for Villeneuve have not yet been examined.
Marriage records for two of his daughters — Julie and Sophie — place him in Switzerland Co. by 1818. On the 1820 census, as John Pernet, his family includes a wife under the age of 45, a son under the age of 10, two daughters between the ages of 10 and 16, and a daughter between the ages of 16 and 26. Since by that date the eldest of his known daughters were already married, there are at least two children in this family who remain unidentified.
_Jean PERNET ________ | (.... - 1724) m 1687 _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | |_Marie MARMIER ______ | m 1687 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | | _David GIROD ________ | | | m 1699 | |_Marie GIROD ________| | m 1724 | | |_Susanne GIROD ______ | m 1699 | |--Jean PERNET | | _Louis NICOLIER _____+ | | m 1689 | _Moyse NICOLIER _____| | | (.... - 1766) m 1731| | | |_Esther BALLIF ______+ | | m 1689 |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | _Abraham PERROD _____ | | |_Marie PERROD _______| (.... - 1766) m 1731| |_Marie ALLAMAN ______
__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| | m 1687 | | |__ | | |--Jean David PERNET | | __ | | | _David GIROD ________| | | m 1699 | | | |__ | | |_Marie GIROD ________| m 1724 | | __ | | |_Susanne GIROD ______| m 1699 | |__
__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | (.... - 1724) m 1687| | |__ | _Jean PERNET ________| | m 1724 | | | __ | | | | |_Marie MARMIER ______| | m 1687 | | |__ | | |--Jean David PERNET | | __ | | | _David GIROD ________| | | m 1699 | | | |__ | | |_Marie GIROD ________| m 1724 | | __ | | |_Susanne GIROD ______| m 1699 | |__
Catachumen at Ormont-Dessus 29 oct 1820.
A John D. Pernet, carpenter, Swiss, was living in Covington, Kentucky circa 1839-1840, according to Shaffer's Advertising Directory, covering the Cincinnati area. However, other records call him Johann Dietrich Pernet, which would suggest that he was not one of the Pernets who came from the Ormonts.
_Jean PERNET ________+ | m 1724 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | |_Marie GIROD ________+ | m 1724 _David Samuel PERNET __| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | | _Moyse NICOLIER _____+ | | | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| | (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | |_Marie PERROD _______+ | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |--Jean David PERNET | (1805 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Emanuel PERNET ____| | | m 1756 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Marie PERNET _| (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne NICOLIER _______| m 1756 | |_____________________
He may have returned to Europe about 1830 with his entire family.
_Jean PERNET ________+ | m 1724 _Samuel PERNET __________| | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | | |_Marie GIROD ________+ | m 1724 _David Samuel PERNET __| | (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | | _Moyse NICOLIER _____+ | | | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER _| | (.... - 1799) m 1757 | | |_Marie PERROD _______+ | (.... - 1766) m 1731 | |--Jean David Samuel PERNET | (1790 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Emanuel PERNET ____| | | m 1756 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Marie PERNET _| (1763 - ....) m 1788 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne NICOLIER _______| m 1756 | |_____________________