The Swiss Settlement of Vevay, Indiana: The settlers, their relatives, their associates

Jeanne Esther BUTTIN       (ID #I6015)

Father: Anthoine BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1654)
Mother: Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean Daniel BONTOUX (dates unknown)
  1.  Samuel BONTOUX (bp. 10 OCT 1728)
  2.  Marie Magdelaine BONTOUX (bp. 2 DEC 1731)
  3.  (daughter) BONTOUX (bp. 3 NOV 1733)
  4.  Jeanne Rose BONTOUX (bp. 16 JAN 1736)


[1363] Baptized the Friday before Christmas 1698.

                                     _Michel BUTTIN ______|
                                    | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
                                    |                     |_____________________
 _Anthoine BUTTIN __________________|
|  m 1678                           |
|                                   |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
|                                   |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
|                                   |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
|                                     (.... - 1673) m 1639|
|                                                         |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
|                                                            m 1600             
|--Jeanne Esther BUTTIN 
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                                    _____________________|
|                                   |                     |
|                                   |                     |_____________________
|                                   |                                           
|_Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX _|
   m 1678                           |
                                    |                      _____________________
                                    |                     |                     

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Magdeleine BUTTIN       (ID #I6013)

Father: Anthoine BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1654)
Mother: Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX (dates unknown)


                                     _Michel BUTTIN ______|
                                    | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
                                    |                     |_____________________
 _Anthoine BUTTIN __________________|
|  m 1678                           |
|                                   |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
|                                   |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
|                                   |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
|                                     (.... - 1673) m 1639|
|                                                         |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
|                                                            m 1600             
|--Magdeleine BUTTIN 
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                                    _____________________|
|                                   |                     |
|                                   |                     |_____________________
|                                   |                                           
|_Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX _|
   m 1678                           |
                                    |                      _____________________
                                    |                     |                     

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Michel BUTTIN       (ID #I5629)

Family 1 : Jeanne ROUGE (bp. 31 JUL 1612, d. AFT 1673)
  1.  Anne Marie BUTTIN (bp. 25 JUL 1640)
  2.  Jean Rodolphe BUTTIN (bp. 26 AUG 1643, d. AFT 1673)
  3. +Esther BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1646, d. AFT 1704)
  4.  Isaac BUTTIN (bp. 14 OCT 1649, d. BEF 1673)
  5. +Anthoine BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1654)


The church records of Lucens begin in 1639. There are a few early mentions of others of this surname (e.g., Isaac), but no clue as to their origin. The name is noted with bourgeois status in Lucens much earlier in secondary sources, so it will be necessary to use notarial and other sources to obtain further information. Documents of Abraham Fauchiere, notary, 08 may 1665 and 03 mar 1673, involve Michel's widow Jeanne Rouge, and indicate that Michel held the office of mayor of Lucens.

The marriage record at Payerne does not indicate the parentage, citizenship, or origin of Michel Buttin. No marriage contract has been located. However, the record of a marriage at Payerne later the same year (26 nov 1639) for Michel son of Jean Jotterand of Bière and Huguienne daughter of the late Anthoine Buttin (?) of Rolle suggests to us that Anthoine might be the father of Michel Buttin as well. The problem is that the name is hard to read, and was transcribed as Burtin in the index of the Payerne marriages. The name looks more like Buctin; it might also be read as Buttin. (The spelling Buctin would be equivalent to Buttin at that period in any case.) Nevertheless, the name Buttin is identified as belonging in Rolle in the Livre d'Or des Familles Vaudoises, and there seems to be no mention of a Burtin there. Michel would have been born after 1600, so we investigated whether there was a Michel son of Anthoine Buttin baptised at Rolle. At Rolle, surely enough, we find Michel son of Anthoine Butin bourgeois de Rolle and Claudine Vuillie baptised 03 may 1611, with a number of other siblings found in the same register! There are mentions of the same Anthoine a few years earlier, and of a Lancelot Buttin, possibly a notary, in the 1590's in Rolle. Records of François Morzier, notary at Rolle, identify the late Lancellot Buttin as the father of Thoyne (Anthoine) in 1624 (Lancellot alive in 1604), and there are transactions involving Anthoine as late as 1628 recorded by this notary, and a mention in a document of François Duruz 10 sep 1632, naming him as the uncle of the children of the late Jean DeLeschat the elder. There is also a Légier Buttin whose daughter receives a bequest from Pierre de la Rippaz in 1630. Is it possible Anthoine's family actually moved to Payerne? If so, some mention of this fact might be expected to turn up in surviving records of the notaries of Rolle or Payerne. However, if such a notice exists, it has so far escaped our attention, and we have scanned all the surviving registers from that period and from those districts in the microfilm collection of the Family History Library.

An inventory of the archives of Rolle reveals the following document: Acquis en faveur de la ville, contre Clauda relaissée de Vincent Buttin et Lancelot Buttin son fils ; à savoir de 4 florins de cense annuelle et perpétuelle, assignées sur une pièce de curtil sis Es Franchises de Rolle derrière la maison desdits vendeurs ; signé Pittet (1571 Octobre 21. Ancienne cote : 22). Thus, Lancelot is the son of Vincent and Clauda. A document of 1593 identifies Lancelot's wife as Pernon.

The Historical and Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland has the following: " Buttin: Waadtländer Familie, in Neyruz (Moudon) seit dem 16. Jahrh. bekannt. Wappen in Gold ein schwarzer Winkel, begleitet links von rotem Wiederkreuz, über grünem Dreiberg. Aus diesem Geschlecht sind hervorgegangen -- 1. Michel, Mayor und Gerichtsherr in Lucens 1654. -- 2. Jaques, 1665-1738, führte in Aigle die Färberei ein. -- 3. Henry 1810-1856 Apotherker in Lausanne bedeutender Chemiker. -- 4. Louis *1835 Apotheker in Lausanne, Professor an der Universität 1890-1916, Honorarprofessor seit 1916." Roughly the same account appears in the French edition of the same Lexikon, but with a striking difference! The word rendered as "Winkel" (an angle iron) in the German version is given as "aigle" (eagle) in the French edition. Apparently, the word "aigle" was misread as "angle" in the preparation of the German edition (the French version would have been the original text in this case), and so was translated incorrectly. The Buttin arms cited elsewhere bear the eagle, leaving us to wonder if they might have originated after the Buttin family (from whatever origin) became established in Aigle.

There is indeed a Butin family in the registers of Neyruz, but no hint in those registers of any connection with Michel, who is not even mentioned there. The account in the Lexikon could be speculative. Michel's sons are identified after his death as citizens of Curtilles (the property at Prévondens, acquired by the family through an exchange of property inherited by Michel's wife Jeanne Rouge, is within the territory of Curtilles), not of Neyruz, and the voluminous notarial records of the district of Moudon seem not to contain even one mention that associates Michel in any way with Neyruz, or with the Butin/Buttin family of Neyruz. The Jaques Buttin mentioned above, incidentally, does not seem to be a son of Michel. We are indebted to Charles Siebenthal for checking the church records of Aigle, wherein he found several mentions in the late 17th Century of representatives of the family from Neyruz (Thierrens), but none that mentioned Lucens.

In 1637, two years before his marriage, we find Michel Buttin transacting business on behalf of Noble Hans Rudolf Sturler (Samuel Marcuard, notary). The coat of arms mentioned in the Lexikon was likely granted by Their Excellencies of Bern to one or the other of these families, and a document to this effect, if it can be located, might settle the question of Michel's origins.

Records of David Curlat, notary at Lausanne, contain a debt of 02 oct 1640 in which "Michel Butin hoste à la maison de ville de Lucens", seconded by Jaques Ropraz Joli of Granges soubs Lucens, owes Eg. Louis François (a notary at Lausanne) 850 florins from the purchase of white wine, 1/2 due at Christmas, the other half the following Easter.

Another early record, 17 may 1647 (Samuel Golliez, notary at Payerne), has Michel Buttin "résidant à présent rière Moudon," selling property jointly with his wife (identified here, uniquely, as Marguerite Rouge). The property, "lods et directe seigneurie," is located En Nayremont, territoire de Payerne. It was probably property that his wife inherited from her father. They were in Moudon as early as 1641, when Jeanne Rouge appears as a sponsor for a baptism. She is identified in that record as the wife of Michel Buttin, hoste at the Fleur de Lys in Moudon. By 1651, the Fleur de Lys is in the hands of Jean Jacob Panchaud.

In the following document noting his status at Lucens, "Major", clearly written, apparently should be read as "Mayor". The transaction involves land to which both Joseph Favre and Michel Buttin had title, but how they both came to have title to it is not stated. It was not uncommon for someone to sell his inherited interest in a property to an unrelated person.

Vincent Briod, notary at Lucens, 21 may 1656.

Acquis pour honnorable & provide Michel Buttin Major et Justicier de Lucens, Contre honnorable Joseph Favre de Thierrens.

A tous soit notoire et manifeste comme ainsy soit que honnorable Joseph Favre de Thierrens scachant et bien advisé pour luy [et] ses hoirs A vendu, cedé, quitté, remis et habandonné purement et perpetuellement à honnorable et provide Michel Buttin Major et Justicier de Lucens present et acceptant pour luy, ses hoirs et successeurs quelconques, assavoir une piece de terre cy devant partageable entr'eux existans riere ledit Lucens, lieudit en LongeVaux (?); Jouxte la terre dudit Acquisiteur heue de Jehan Germond d'orient, la terre et Jaques Germond d'occident, le Clos dudit Jaques Germond de vent, la terre de la reliecte de Jehan Germond le jeusne devers bize, Ainsi comme ladite piece se peut contenir et entendre, Avecq ses fonds, fruicts, droicts, jouissances et appartenances quelconques, Et c'est pour le prix heu et receu jusques a dhue satisfaction et contentement, outre quatre florins de vin beus en contraction des presentes, la tout par ledit Acquisiteur payé et satisfaict dont en est aquitté pour luy et les siens a perpetuité, Se devestissant ledit vendeur de la susdite piece et en investissant ledit Acquisiteur et les siens, Avecq promesse de bonne maintenance deue pour dicte piece d'ores en la par ledit Achepteur et les siens payables et supportables. Daté et faict soubs autres Clausules requises et seau a ce opportun, le vingt et uniesme jour du Mois de May Mille six cent cinquante six, En presence d'honnorables Jehan Bryod et Isaac Buttex le jeusne de Lucens, tesmoings a ce requis.

Here is a transaction involving the heirs of Michel Buttin, recorded by an unknown notary of the district of Moudon (ACV DL 91/8):

[fol. 159r - 159v] Subhastation pour Monsieur Baltazard Burnand, Contre les hoirs de feu le Sieur Michel Buttin.

A tous ceux auxquels il conviendra, soit notoire par ces presentes comme ce joud'huy trentiesme de May 1668 par devant honnorable et provide David Ballif Sieur Lieutenant et les Sieurs Jurés, à cour ordinaire, à Lucens, Est comparu honnorable et provide Baltazard Burnand Sieur Justicier de Moudon, proposant comme la veufve et enfans de feu honnorable Michel Buttin, vivant Justicier de Lucens, luy ont obligé de la somme de trente cent huictante florins pp. [petit poids], A teneur d'une Lettre de Rente du 11 (?) Novembre 1662, Signée Egrege Bettex, icy produicte, a luy remise par Monseigneur Le General Baudard, pour estre payé de laquelle somme capitale et des Interests argents (?), Il avoit par deue permissions faict lever de gages, les pieces suivantes et speciallement hypothequées enditte Lettre de Rente, qu'estant (?), Assavoir un morcel de pré siz à Prevondens, Jouxte le terre desdits hoirs ..... [rest of the description has been left blank], Apres laquelle levation, il auroit faict publier vendat ladit hypotheque, laquelle luy c'est demeurée excheute pour deffaut de miseurs, Et le 3e d'Apvril endite Année Il auroit faict affiger des lettre de notification au pillier publicq afin que s'il y avoit quelqu'un pretendants sur ditte piece, il s'opposat en temps requis; Et le mesme jour ladite vefve a tenu entre les mains dudit Sieur Lieutenant, ladite hypotheque pour perdue et escheute, et qu'elle la quittoit volontairement sans autres formalités, Il prie donc l'honnorable Justice puis qu'il n'y a eu aucun opposant à ses suittes, luy vouloir passer l'emologuation de ses subhastations juridiquement suivies, à teneur des relations formelles des ordonnances (?). Estans doncques apparu auxdits Sieurs Jurés le verité de ce que dessus, Et trouvans lesdites subhastations avoir esté juridiquement suivies, Iceux par concordité de voix ont homologué et confirmé lesdites Subhastations, en investissant ledit Sieur instant pour luy et les siens, dudit pré suslimitté, et lesdites jois desvestues d'iceluy, conformement aux loix et soubs les reserves ordinaires. Faict et passé judicialement audit Lucens, soubs le seaug dudit Sieur Lieutenant, et signature du Curial dudit lieu, lesdits jour et an premis.

The following document mentions a dispute settled in Bern, which might add to our knowledge of this family.

Isaac Jaques Briod, notary at Lucens, 15 mar 1673.

Lettre de Rente pour les Sieurs hoirs de feu Monsieur le Chastellain Joli de Granges, Contre les Enfants de feu le Sieur Michel Buttin de Courtilles.

Le quinziesme de Mars Mille six cent septante cinq, les honnorables Jean Rodolph et Anthony Buttin, freres de Courtilles, Jaques Margueron de Lucens, agissant au nom d'Ester Buttin sa femme leur soeur, et Anne Marguerite Buttin, aussi soeur dudit freres, et sous l'authorisation requise & conjointement ou divisement, à choix, Ont confessé de justement devoir aux Sieurs hoirs de feu honnorable et provide Jaques Rospraz Joli vivant Sieur Chastellain de Vellarzel des Granges, quoy qu'absents, la somme de trois cent et cinquante florins pp. [petit poids] provenans en deduction des quatre cent florins qu'ils doivent auxdits Sieurs hoirs par Sentence soit prononciation souveraine passée (comme ils ont asseuré) en l'Illustre chambre des Supremes Appellations de Vaud a Berne en Novembre 1673: De laquelle somme de 350 florins, ils ont promis en bonne foy et par obligation de tous leurs biens, de payer la cense, à raison du cinq pour cent, auxdits Sieurs hoirs, soit à qui d'iceux auront droit ou charge des presentes, annuellement, par chasque jour de St. Martin, et le premier à la prochaine, jusques (?) à rehemption d'icelle qui se devra faire selon les loix et reformations Souveraines. Et pour meilleure asseurance de tout ce qui devant, ils ont especiallement hypothequé un clos siz à Prevondens au lieudit es Pieces Moudes, soit Clos devant l'Ogoz (?), jouxte la terre dudit Anthony et de ladite Anne d'orient, la charriere publique d'occident et vent, et avec la maison et appartenances de François Clot en partie devers vent, et la terre à clos du Sieur Chambut, dudit Rodolph et dudit Clot de bize, avec ses fons, fruits, droits et appartenances universelles, et promesses de fidelement observer et accomplir tous le contenu des presentes sans jamais y contrevenir, à peine de tous damps et dommages qui de ce deffaut pourroyent survenir, le tous par les conditions et adstrictions des loix, ordonnances et Reformations Souveraines: Ainsi fait et passé à Lucens, sous toutes autres clausules necessaires, et seaug à ce requis, lesdits jour et an, presents le Sieur Abraham Favre, justicier dudit Lucens, et honnorable Samuel Buttex, masson dudit Granges testmoins.

The mayorie of Lucens (that is, the hereditary privileges of the administration of justice at Lucens, originally dependent on the Bishop of Lausanne) belonged for some centuries to the noble Villarsel family. By the 17th Century, the property, revenues, and privileges that went with the office had been split between two branches of the family (de Villarsel and de Loys, each holding title to the "comayorie" of Lucens), and the actual prerogatives of the administration of justice had no doubt been absorbed by the Bernese. But for the administration of the property of the mayorie, it would have been logical to appoint a single administrator. By the middle of the 17th Century, then, the "mayor de Lucens" was very likely not an elected official of the government of the city of Lucens, but rather an appointed administrator of the feudal domaines of the ancient "mayorie" of Lucens. The government of Lucens had evolved, but the feudal infrastructure that originally supported it had not. If we understand the position of Michel Buttin in this sense, it is clear that he would not need to have been a citizen of Lucens, nor would he need to have roots in the community. Indeed, it might have been considered advantageous that the "mayor" be an outsider, not a citizen of Lucens, in order to prevent conflicts of interest, and thus better to assure his loyalty to the owners of the "mayorie".

With this background, the question of proving the origins of Michel Buttin seems to point to the citizenship records of Curtilles and Lucens, which have not yet been explored.

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Philippe Anthoine BUTTIN       (ID #I6000)

Father: Anthoine BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1654)
Mother: Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Susanne BÂTARD (b. abt 1686, bur. 24 MAY 1728)
Family 2 : Catherine CLOT (bur. 6 OCT 1771)
  1.  Abraham Daniel BUTTIN (bp. 24 JAN 1736)


Baptism recorded in 1705 by the deacon Jossevel, with notation that he was born 28 oct 1680, baptised 01 jan 1681 (or possibly 1687, the date is not clearly written) by Monsieur Jossevel, and recorded 23 jul 1705. The long delay between birth and baptism is extremely unusual for the period, but it is not unusual for baptisms to be omitted from the church registers and added later. They are normally added in the margins of the page where they should have been recorded. It may be that the baptism was recorded at the time of his first marriage, but the marriage record itself has not yet been located.

                                     _Michel BUTTIN ______|
                                    | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
                                    |                     |_____________________
 _Anthoine BUTTIN __________________|
|  m 1678                           |
|                                   |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
|                                   |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
|                                   |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
|                                     (.... - 1673) m 1639|
|                                                         |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
|                                                            m 1600             
|--Philippe Anthoine BUTTIN 
|  (1680 - ....)
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                                    _____________________|
|                                   |                     |
|                                   |                     |_____________________
|                                   |                                           
|_Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX _|
   m 1678                           |
                                    |                      _____________________
                                    |                     |                     

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Susanne Magdelaine Catherine BUTTIN       (ID #I6010)

Father: Daniel BUTTIN (bp. 5 FEB 1688, d. BEF 1728)
Mother: Louise LAMBELIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean Gabriel GUILLAUME (dates unknown)


                                                           _Michel BUTTIN ______
                                                          | (.... - 1665) m 1639
                       _Anthoine BUTTIN __________________|
                      |  m 1678                           |
                      |                                   |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
                      |                                     (.... - 1673) m 1639
 _Daniel BUTTIN ______|
| (.... - 1728)       |
|                     |                                    _____________________
|                     |                                   |                     
|                     |_Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX _|
|                        m 1678                           |
|                                                         |_____________________
|--Susanne Magdelaine Catherine BUTTIN 
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                      ___________________________________|
|                     |                                   |
|                     |                                   |_____________________
|                     |                                                         
|_Louise LAMBELIN ____|
                      |                                    _____________________
                      |                                   |                     

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Ursule Magdeleine BUTTIN       (ID #I6021)

Father: Anthoine BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1654)
Mother: Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX (dates unknown)

Family 1 : François MEYLAN (dates unknown)
  1.  Daniel MEYLAN (bp. 16 AUG 1733)
  2.  Jeanne Catherine MEYLAN (bp. 16 AUG 1733)
  3.  Abraham Philippe MEYLAN (bp. 4 NOV 1736)


She appears as Magdelaine Ursule Butin at the baptism of her niece Marie Magdelaine Bontoux in Moudon, 02 dec 1731. The marriage record at Moudon (07 oct 1732, possibly to be interpreted as the last date the banns were read) says she is the daughter of François Butin of Curtilles, apparently a clerical error.

                                     _Michel BUTTIN ______|
                                    | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
                                    |                     |_____________________
 _Anthoine BUTTIN __________________|
|  m 1678                           |
|                                   |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
|                                   |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
|                                   |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
|                                     (.... - 1673) m 1639|
|                                                         |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
|                                                            m 1600             
|--Ursule Magdeleine BUTTIN 
|                                                          _____________________
|                                                         |                     
|                                    _____________________|
|                                   |                     |
|                                   |                     |_____________________
|                                   |                                           
|_Anne Marie (Marguerite?) BERTHEX _|
   m 1678                           |
                                    |                      _____________________
                                    |                     |                     

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Anne CAILLÉ       (ID #I487)

Family 1 : David Benjamin LAFELY (dates unknown)
  1.  Anne Emelie LAFELY (dates unknown)


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Daniel Henri CALAME       (ID #I6107)

Family 1 :
  1.  Rosalie CALAME (dates unknown)


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Rosalie CALAME       (ID #I6106)

Father: Daniel Henri CALAME (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Frédéric Louis HALDIMAN (b. 19 MAY 1795)


                       |  |
                       |  |__
 _Daniel Henri CALAME _|
|                      |
|                      |   __
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|                      |__|
|                         |
|                         |__
|--Rosalie CALAME 
|                          __
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|                       __|
|                      |  |
|                      |  |__
|                      |     
                       |   __
                       |  |  

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Susanne Esther CALAME       (ID #I2695)

Family 1 : Jacob BRANDT (dates unknown)


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Samuel S. CALDWELL       (ID #I4527)

Family 1 : Jane MARCEL (b. 20 JUN 1798)


[1484] Date of bond. John Marcel was surety, "consent of parent personally given".

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Susanne CAMINET       (ID #I4424)

Family 1 : Jean BERNARD (dates unknown)
  1. +Charles BERNARD (dates unknown)


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Robert CAMPBELL       (ID #I5312)

Family 1 : Mary Georgette MARCEL (b. 29 SEP 1809, d. 15 OCT 1873)


Possible land warrant, Knox Co., KY, 05 sep 1822, 50 acres? Notice in Jilson should be investigated. By November, 1866, Mary G. Campbell enters homestead in her own name in Republic Co., KS, implying that Robert had already died.

[1085] 1850 census: Pike Co., IL, TP 3 S, R 2 W, p. 39.

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Terressa CANNON       (ID #I4966)

Family 1 : Moses STUART (b. 10 SEP 1792, d. 29 NOV 1874)
  1. +Luticia STUART (b. 17 MAR 1823, d. AFT 1844)


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Marie Claudine CARBONNIER       (ID #I5948)

Father: Mathieu CARBONNIER (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne MARGUERON (bp. 1 MAR 1677)


                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Mathieu CARBONNIER _|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Marie Claudine CARBONNIER 
|                                            _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
|                                           | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
|                      _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
|                     | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                     |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
|                     |                        m 1641             
|_Susanne MARGUERON __|
                      |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
                      |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
                      |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
                        (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                                            |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
                                              (.... - 1673) m 1639

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Mathieu CARBONNIER       (ID #I5946)

Family 1 : Susanne MARGUERON (bp. 1 MAR 1677)
  1.  Rose CARBONNIER (bp. 22 SEP 1713)
  2.  Marie Claudine CARBONNIER (bp. 4 OCT 1715)


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Rose CARBONNIER       (ID #I5947)

Father: Mathieu CARBONNIER (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne MARGUERON (bp. 1 MAR 1677)


                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Mathieu CARBONNIER _|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|                                            _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
|                                           | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
|                      _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
|                     | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                     |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
|                     |                        m 1641             
|_Susanne MARGUERON __|
                      |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
                      |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
                      |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
                        (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                                            |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
                                              (.... - 1673) m 1639

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Jean Pierre CARRARD       (ID #I2112)

Family 1 : Susanne _____ (dates unknown)
  1. +Marie Françoise CARRARD (b. 19 MAY 1752)


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Marie Françoise CARRARD       (ID #I2111)

Father: Jean Pierre CARRARD (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne _____ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Gabriel Abraham Samuel Jean Louis SECRÉTAN (b. 13 SEP 1758, d. 1839)
  1. +Charles Isaac Gabriel Benjamin SECRÉTAN (b. 05 AUG 1784)
  2.  Jean Marc Samuel SECRÉTAN (b. 02 MAY 1786)


                       |  |
                       |  |__
 _Jean Pierre CARRARD _|
|                      |
|                      |   __
|                      |  |  
|                      |__|
|                         |
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|--Marie Françoise CARRARD 
|  (1752 - ....)
|                          __
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|                      |  |
|                      |  |__
|                      |     
|_Susanne _____ _______|
                       |   __
                       |  |  

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Aimée Jeanne Marie Marguerite CART       (ID #I4068)

Father: Isaac Louis CART (bp. 09 SEP 1735, d. 11 DEC 1806)
Mother: Jeanne Salomé BESSONNET (bp. 07 JUL 1740)


Among the sponsors at her baptism was her maternal grandmother Marie Magdelaine Bessonnet "née Cart".

                           |                          |
                           |                          |___________________________
 _Isaac Louis CART ________|
| (.... - 1806) m 1779     |
|                          |                           ___________________________
|                          |                          |                           
|                          |__________________________|
|                                                     |
|                                                     |___________________________
|--Aimée Jeanne Marie Marguerite CART 
|  (1780 - 1786)
|                                                      ___________________________
|                                                     |                           
|                           _Louis Salomon BESSONNET _|
|                          | (.... - 1779) m 1739     |
|                          |                          |___________________________
|                          |                                                      
|_Jeanne Salomé BESSONNET _|
   m 1779                  |
                           |                           _Henri CART _______________
                           |                          |                           
                           |_Marie Magdelaine CART ___|
                              m 1739                  |
                                                      |_Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET _

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Anne Jeanne CART       (ID #I4086)

Father: Jean Jaques CART (b. 30 NOV 1748, d. 19 SEP 1813)
Mother: Susanne Françoise MURET (dates unknown)


                                                   _Henri CART _______________
                            _Jaques Louis CART ___|
                           |  m 1744              |
                           |                      |_Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET _
 _Jean Jaques CART ________|
| (1748 - 1813) m 1775     |
|                          |                       ___________________________
|                          |                      |                           
|                          |_Françoise THURY _____|
|                            (1726 - 1806) m 1744 |
|                                                 |___________________________
|--Anne Jeanne CART 
|  (1778 - ....)
|                                                  _Jean Samuel MURET ________+
|                                                 |                           
|                           _Jean François MURET _|
|                          |                      |
|                          |                      |_Marguerite RODIER ________
|                          |                                                  
|_Susanne Françoise MURET _|
   m 1775                  |
                           |                       ___________________________
                           |                      |                           
                           |_Susanne GUYAZ _______|

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Anne Judith CART       (ID #I4061)

Father: Pierre Isaac CART (bp. 20 MAY 1709)
Mother: Esther TAUXE (bur. 23 FEB 1770)


                       _Henri CART _______________|
                      |                           |
                      |                           |__
 _Pierre Isaac CART __|
|  m 1738             |
|                     |                            __
|                     |                           |  
|                     |_Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET _|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |__
|--Anne Judith CART 
|                                                  __
|                                                 |  
|                      ___________________________|
|                     |                           |
|                     |                           |__
|                     |                              
|_Esther TAUXE _______|
   m 1738             |
                      |                            __
                      |                           |  

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Henri CART       (ID #I4056)

Family 1 : Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET (dates unknown)
  1. +Pierre Isaac CART (bp. 20 MAY 1709)
  2.  Jean François Thomas CART (bp. 21 FEB 1711)
  3. +Marie Magdelaine CART (bp. 25 JUL 1713)
  4. +Jaques Louis CART (bp. 21 JUL 1716)
  5.  Henri Jerome CART (bp. 09 SEP 1719)


His name in the records at Nyon is spelled Catt, Cat, Cath, Katt, Card, and Ca. He is described there as a master joiner (menuisier) and bourgeois de Sévery. His son Pierre Isaac (baptised in 1709, under the spelling Cat) was married in 1738 (under the spelling Catt) to Esther "Stros ou Tauxe gouvernante au Château d'ici, fille de feu Pierre Tauxe de Laysin dans le gouvernement d'Aigle". By 1740, we find a daughter of Pierre Isaac Cart and Esther Tox baptised at Morges, and a son Jean Paul in 1745 (son of Isaac Cart and Esther Thaux). Also at Morges, we find the burial of Esther Cart née Taux, 26 sep 1771.

It seems extremely unlikely that both Henri Catt and Henri Cart were bourgeois at Sévery at the same time — and we found no indication of this in the church records to support this idea — so we are left with the possibility that some of his descendants took the name Cart, with others took the name Catt! Thus, pending the discovery of additional evidence, the present account will have to include considerable ambiguity about the family name.

Was he the same Henri Catt, maitre menuisier de Sévery et habitant à Nyon who married at Crassier in 1733 to Anne Françoise, daughter of the minister Jean François Colladon (as reported in the church records of Nyon)? Or, was that Henri actually the son of the present Henri, baptised as Henri Jerome in 1719? The son would seem to be extremely young for marriage. Possibly the marriage record at Crassier, not yet examined, will clarify the problem.

The "table généalogique" in the Cart papers at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises (ACV PP 431) says that this man was Sébastien Henri Cart, menuisier, who died 02 apr 1751 at Nyon, age 71 years (thus born about 1680), and that he was the son of Isaac Cart, schoolmaster at Pampigny who was received as bourgeois at Sévery 05 feb 1672.

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Henri Jerome CART       (ID #I4088)

Father: Henri CART (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET (dates unknown)


                            |  |
                            |  |__
 _Henri CART _______________|
|                           |
|                           |   __
|                           |  |  
|                           |__|
|                              |
|                              |__
|--Henri Jerome CART 
|                               __
|                              |  
|                            __|
|                           |  |
|                           |  |__
|                           |     
|_Jeanne Etienne BESSONNET _|
                            |   __
                            |  |  

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Isaac Louis CART       (ID #I4067)

Family 1 : Jeanne Salomé BESSONNET (bp. 07 JUL 1740)
  1.  Aimée Jeanne Marie Marguerite CART (b. 26 SEP 1780, d. 08 OCT 1786)
  2.  Jeanne Marie Susanne CART (b. 13 MAY 1793)


There is also a record of the marriage in the church books of Morges, which says that it was reported to the minister that the marriage took place at Nyon on 12 oct 1779.

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