_Isaac ROUGE _________+ | m 1642 _Jacob ROUGE ________| | | | |_Barbille MASSET _____+ | (1611 - ....) m 1642 _Daniel François ROUGE _| | m 1688 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Ursule _____ _______| | | | |______________________ | | |--Isaac Daniel ROUGE | | _Salomon COMTE _______ | | (.... - 1657) m 1646 | _Samuel COMTE _______| | | (.... - 1688) | | | |_Judith DESSIBORD ____ | | m 1646 |_Susanne COMTE _________| m 1688 | | _Olivier PETITPIERRE _ | | |_Judith PETITPIERRE _| (.... - 1711) | |______________________
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Isabel ROUGE | (.... - 1639) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Isabel ROUGE | (.... - 1639) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Jacob ROUGE | (.... - 1640) | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540
He appears to be the one called "Lieutenant Colonel du regiment de dragon au service de sa majesté brittanique" (about 1700). This is consistent with several citations in the 1690's, which show that his wife Judith Petitpierre had previously married "the late Curial Comte".
_François ROUGE _________+ | (1550 - 1617) m 1574 _Abraham ROUGE ______| | (1575 - 1620) m 1616| | |_Anne BERTHOD ___________+ | (.... - 1609) m 1574 _Isaac ROUGE ________| | m 1642 | | | _Bernard CRIBLET ________ | | | | |_Jeanne CRIBLET _____| | (1600 - 1624) m 1616| | |_________________________ | | |--Jacob ROUGE | | _Jerome François MASSET _+ | | (.... - 1627) | _Philippe MASSET ____| | | (1570 - ....) | | | |_Claudine DE LUTRY ______ | | |_Barbille MASSET ____| (1611 - ....) m 1642| | _________________________ | | |______ THIOT ________| | |_________________________
But which Jean Rouge? There appear to be two of them, one a citizen of Corcelles-près-Payerne, the other an innkeeper first in Cugy, and later in Payerne. François son of Jean Rouge is never identified as "bourgeois de Corcelles", so he is most unlikely to belong to the Rouge family of that town, and there seem to be no documents relating to that family that mention François. We think our Jean Rouge, father of François, was the "hoste à la Seigne de la Cloche" in Payerne (5 feb 1566, Abraham Chuard, notary), and certainly the same Jean Rouge is mentioned a few years earlier as originating in the "pays de faucigny", which may be the Faucigny region south of Lake Geneva. In other records of the same notaries that mention this Jean Rouge, there are mentions of various people from "Faucigny", including at least one listed as "Faucigny parroche de Thiez", which might be identified as modern Thyez, near Faucigny in Haute Savoie, France. A further source of confusion is the village of Fétigny just west of Payerne, now part of Canton Fribourg, and in early records usually spelled Fitigny or possibly Ficigny, as well as the noble de Faucigny family, which seems not to have its origins in the region of Faucigny!
The following citations seem all refer to the same man:
The transaction of 1560, in which a house next to the Gachet residence is sold to Jean Rojoz for 700 fl. plus "une Robbe de bon drapt", would certainly explain how François Rouge came to be close to the Gachet family geographically and socially. Note that none of these citations state that Jean Rouge is a citizen. It is certainly feasible that he moved from "foucignyez" to Cugy, and then into Payerne as an innkeeper. Further, Jean and his presumed son François shared the occupation of "hoste", or innkeeper, and in 1589, François purchased an inn of his own, La Maison de la Croix Blanche.
The Jean Rouge of Corcelles-près-Payerne left an estate shared by his three daughters. Abundant documentation exists for the settlement of his estate, but there is no mention of any sons, nor is there any mention of any of the daughters in the documents that concern our François Rouge.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicod ROUGE ________| | (.... - 1554) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean ROUGE | (.... - 1574) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
But which Jean Rouge? There appear to be two of them, one a citizen of Corcelles-près-Payerne, the other an innkeeper first in Cugy, and later in Payerne. François son of Jean Rouge is never identified as "bourgeois de Corcelles", so he is most unlikely to belong to the Rouge family of that town, and there seem to be no documents relating to that family that mention François. We think our Jean Rouge, father of François, was the "hoste à la Seigne de la Cloche" in Payerne (5 feb 1566, Abraham Chuard, notary), and certainly the same Jean Rouge is mentioned a few years earlier as originating in the "pays de faucigny", which may be the Faucigny region south of Lake Geneva. In other records of the same notaries that mention this Jean Rouge, there are mentions of various people from "Faucigny", including at least one listed as "Faucigny parroche de Thiez", which might be identified as modern Thyez, near Faucigny in Haute Savoie, France. A further source of confusion is the village of Fétigny just west of Payerne, now part of Canton Fribourg, and in early records usually spelled Fitigny or possibly Ficigny, as well as the noble de Faucigny family, which seems not to have its origins in the region of Faucigny!
The following citations seem all refer to the same man:
The transaction of 1560, in which a house next to the Gachet residence is sold to Jean Rojoz for 700 fl. plus "une Robbe de bon drapt", would certainly explain how François Rouge came to be close to the Gachet family geographically and socially. Note that none of these citations state that Jean Rouge is a citizen. It is certainly feasible that he moved from "foucignyez" to Cugy, and then into Payerne as an innkeeper. Further, Jean and his presumed son François shared the occupation of "hoste", or innkeeper, and in 1589, François purchased an inn of his own, La Maison de la Croix Blanche.
The Jean Rouge of Corcelles-près-Payerne left an estate shared by his three daughters. Abundant documentation exists for the settlement of his estate, but there is no mention of any sons, nor is there any mention of any of the daughters in the documents that concern our François Rouge.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nicod ROUGE ________| | (.... - 1554) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean ROUGE | (.... - 1574) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Partage of 1640 indicates only Samuel and Tobie as male heirs, so the other sons must have died young.
He is probably the "Johannes Rubrius, Paterniaci" who entered the university at Heidelberg 04 jul 1596. Although there are other opinions, the traditional etymology of the Latin personal name Rubrius is from ruber (red). There seems to be no other similar name at Payerne other than Rouge, and our Jean Rouge seems to be the only one of his generation. The Jean Rouge from the other Rouge family (from Corcelles-près-Payerne) had died before 1574.
[460] Apparently living as of 03 oct 1639, when his wife appeared at a baptism, and dead by 25 feb 1641, when Anne appears as a widow.
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean ROUGE | (1580 - 1640) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
Partage of 1640 indicates only Samuel and Tobie as male heirs, so the other sons must have died young.
He is probably the "Johannes Rubrius, Paterniaci" who entered the university at Heidelberg 04 jul 1596. Although there are other opinions, the traditional etymology of the Latin personal name Rubrius is from ruber (red). There seems to be no other similar name at Payerne other than Rouge, and our Jean Rouge seems to be the only one of his generation. The Jean Rouge from the other Rouge family (from Corcelles-près-Payerne) had died before 1574.
He is also the "Jean Roge" of Payerne who, represented by Estienne Jaques Mouron of Chardonne, made a "reconnaissance" for property subject to the hospital of Villeneuve 06 jul 1622 (ACV Fee 5, fol. 31).
[1187] Apparently living as of 03 oct 1639, when his wife appeared at a baptism, and dead by 25 feb 1641, when Anne appears as a widow.
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean ROUGE | (1580 - 1640) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Jean ROUGE | | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540
_François ROUGE _____+ | (1550 - 1617) m 1574 _Abraham ROUGE ______| | (1575 - 1620) m 1616| | |_Anne BERTHOD _______+ | (.... - 1609) m 1574 _Isaac ROUGE ________| | m 1637 | | | _Bernard CRIBLET ____ | | | | |_Jeanne CRIBLET _____| | (1600 - 1624) m 1616| | |_____________________ | | |--Jean ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie JACCAUD ______| m 1637 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Jean ROUGE _________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |_____________________ | _Abraham ROUGE ______| | (1575 - 1620) m 1616| | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET _+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Jean François ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _Bernard CRIBLET ____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne CRIBLET _____| (1600 - 1624) m 1616| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
Several references at Moudon: attended baptisms 29 jun 1645 (with Claude Gau, for Claude, son of Pierre Brodily and Agathe Roberti), 23 may 1647 (for Jeanne Françoise, daughter of Jean Bé and Jeanne his wife), 03 aug 1651 (for Jaques, son of Jean Ginorot and Françoise Mondroz). She owned property in her own name as early as 1643, only a few years after her marriage, as a result of inheritance from her father's estate, subsequently exchanged.
The marriage record at Payerne indicates she is the daughter of Jean Rouge. There are other daughter of Jean Rouge in the same registers, and all the Rouges of Payerne seem to trace back to François, father of Jean. There is no indication in the registers at Payerne that reveal anything about the fortunes of this family.
Her exchange of land inherited from her father, for a large estate at Prevondens, explains the presence of Buttin in that village in later times. The document of Samuel DeTrey concerning this exchange gives the names of both of her parents and of her husband.
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Jeanne ROUGE | (.... - 1673) | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540
_Abraham ROUGE ______+ | (1575 - 1620) m 1616 _Isaac ROUGE _________| | m 1642 | | |_Jeanne CRIBLET _____+ | (1600 - 1624) m 1616 _Jacob ROUGE ________| | | | | _Philippe MASSET ____+ | | | (1570 - ....) | |_Barbille MASSET _____| | (1611 - ....) m 1642 | | |______ THIOT ________ | | |--Jeanne Sara ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _Olivier PETITPIERRE _| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Judith PETITPIERRE _| (.... - 1711) | | _____________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________
_François ROUGE _____+ | (1550 - 1617) m 1574 _Abraham ROUGE ______| | (1575 - 1620) m 1616| | |_Anne BERTHOD _______+ | (.... - 1609) m 1574 _Isaac ROUGE ________| | m 1637 | | | _Bernard CRIBLET ____ | | | | |_Jeanne CRIBLET _____| | (1600 - 1624) m 1616| | |_____________________ | | |--Judith ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie JACCAUD ______| m 1637 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Identified in record of her marriage to Guillaume de Treytorrens as widow of Daniel Verraux and daughter of Jean Rouge. She is not mentioned in a settlement between the heirs of Jean Rouge and the heirs of Guillame DeTreytorrens in 1642.
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Magdelaine ROUGE | (.... - 1642) | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540
There are several mentions of Marguerite Rouge widow of the late Samuel Moratel. Samuel or his children appear in various documents of the Rouge family, but we have not found proof of exactly where Marguerite fits in. Also, in 1637 we find a reference to Susanne widow of the late Samuel Moratel, so there must have been more than one Samuel!
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Marguerite ROUGE | (1575 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
There are several mentions of Marguerite Rouge widow of the late Samuel Moratel. Samuel or his children appear in various documents of the Rouge family, but we have not found proof of exactly where Marguerite fits in. Also, in 1637 we find a reference to Susanne widow of the late Samuel Moratel, so there must have been more than one Samuel!
_Nicod ROUGE ________ | (.... - 1554) _Jean ROUGE _________| | (.... - 1574) | | |_____________________ | _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Marguerite ROUGE | (1575 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______| | | (.... - 1554) m 1550| | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| (.... - 1609) m 1574| | _Girard PIGNOLET ____+ | | (1475 - 1525) |_Catherine PIGNOLET _| (1525 - 1572) m 1550| |_Jeannetta BIEN _____+ (.... - 1525)
Marriage record identifies her as the daughter of the late Abraham Rouge.
_Jean ROUGE _________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |_____________________ | _Abraham ROUGE ______| | (1575 - 1620) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD _______ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET _+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Marguerite ROUGE | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne KNECHT _____| (.... - 1616) m 1600| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Since this is the only daughter of the late Jean Rouge not mentioned by name in a document of Samuel DeTrey, notary ?? apr 1642, Marie must be the one who was at that time married to Jaques Ropraz. This is explained by references to Jaques Ropraz Joli of Granges, a case of a "nom composé". Her baptismal date seems to close to that of her presumed sister, so it is possible that the year has been recorded incorrectly, or else that she belongs to another couple.
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Marie ROUGE | | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540
_Jean ROUGE __________+ | (.... - 1574) _François ROUGE _____| | (1550 - 1617) m 1574| | |______________________ | _Jean ROUGE _________| | (1580 - 1640) m 1600| | | _Aymé BERTHOD ________ | | | (.... - 1554) m 1550 | |_Anne BERTHOD _______| | (.... - 1609) m 1574| | |_Catherine PIGNOLET __+ | (1525 - 1572) m 1550 | |--Noé ROUGE | (.... - 1640) | _Jean PLANCHE ________+ | | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 |_Anne PLANCHE _______| m 1600 | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ (1505 - 1560) m 1540