_____________________ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | |_____________________ | _Jean Louis DUTOUR __| | m 1726 | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___ | | | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| | (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean François DUTOUR | | _____________________ | | | _Jaques GRILLARD _____________| | | (.... - 1726) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne GRILLARD ____| m 1726 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | |_____________________ | _Jean Louis DUTOUR ________| | | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___ | | | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| | (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean Jaques DUTOUR | | _____________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Jaqueline BAUGET _| | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
It certainly looks like Jean Louis DuTour had two wives. The second marriage, however, is not found at Vevey.
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jean Louis DUTOUR | | __ | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___| | | | | | |__ | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_____________________ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | |_____________________ | _Jean Louis DUTOUR __| | m 1726 | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___ | | | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| | (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | |_____________________ | | |--Louis DUTOUR | | _____________________ | | | _Jaques GRILLARD _____________| | | (.... - 1726) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne GRILLARD ____| m 1726 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Marguerite Claudine DUTOUR | | __ | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___| | | | | | |__ | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_____________________ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | |_____________________ | _Jean Louis DUTOUR __| | m 1726 | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___ | | | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| | (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | |_____________________ | | |--Marie Elizabeth DUTOUR | | _____________________ | | | _Jaques GRILLARD _____________| | | (.... - 1726) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne GRILLARD ____| m 1726 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre DUTOUR | | __ | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___| | | | | | |__ | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
In order to avoid as much confusion as possible with the Dufour families in this database, we decided to use the spelling DuTour for this family, rather than the more consistent version, Dutour.
_____________________ | _Jean DUTOUR _________________| | m 1697 | | |_____________________ | _Jean Louis DUTOUR ________| | | | | _Siméon FALCONNET ___ | | | | |_Jeanne Marguerite FALCONNET _| | (.... - 1697) m 1697 | | |_____________________ | | |--Susanne DUTOUR | | _____________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Jaqueline BAUGET _| | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
Evidently the French version of the surname is du Truict (as given by Aymé Chuard, notary, in 1539), and in Latin, de Torculari or Torcularius (the latter found once in a Latin document of Pierre Chuard, 1518). Now, documents as early as 1518 appear to refer to Aymon/Aymo/Aymé as already deceased. Finally, we found a testament recorded in a register of Pierre Chuard, notary at Payerne (ACV DP 16/15, fol. 40), between documents from the 1550's, with the date 16 jul 1513. Evidently the document as recorded is a later copy prepared for the heirs. The copy indicates the original was prepared (or at least witnessed) by François Ruerat, and later his "protocols" (registers) were passed on to Pierre Gachet, then the present copy was recorded by Pierre Chuard. Finally, in the margin, this copy notes that a further copy was prepared by Benoit de Mieville.
In any case, this version of the will mentions Stephano de Torculari, "father" of Aymo ("patri meo", clearly written), still living, and Aymo's brothers ("fratribus meis") Johannis and Denis (uncertain reading), in addition to Aymo's three daughters, their husbands, and Aymo's late wife Peronete. There are vineyards near Epesses (now parish of Cully) and Grandvaux, acquired in the past from Mermet Maillardoz, but no indication of citizenship or place of residence other than that the document is under the seal of the city of Payerne. Another version of this will, apparently a paraphrase, but indicating that the testament was nuncupative (dictated to witnesses, rather than prepared by a notary and signed by de Torculari), was recorded by Pierre Ruerat (ACV DP 92/1 fol. 88, FHL microfilm #995991, where this item is erroneously labeled as the work of the non-existent notary Pierre Ruchat), with the same date, but identifying Stephano as the brother (clearly written) rather than the father of Aymo. This version seems significantly condensed and is very messy, written in the third person. The first version is in the first person and has no obvious ellipses, so we believe it to be authoritative. However, the text is illogical in the first version with respect to the provisions about Stephano and Johannes. It says, in effect, "I bequeath to Stephano de Torculari my father all right and title that I hold undivided with him and Johannes my brothers". Since "fratribus meis" is the dative plural, we should expect to find the names of at least two brothers of Aymon. If the writing were quite bad, we might read "do Deni et Johanne fratribus meis" (a reading that raises other questions), but we have come to believe it is more likely to read "eodem et Johanne fratribus meis", implying that Stephano should have been called "fratri meo" instead of "patri meo". So far, this is entirely an academic question, because no other definite mention has been found of Stephano.
However, there is a complication regarding the relationship of the two copies of the testament to one another. The shorter version, in the register of Pierre Ruerat, bears two marginal notations by "me Petrum Chuard", indicating that he made copies from this source for Jaque and Janne. Further, the handwriting of "me Petrum Chuard" does not match the handwriting of the copy found in his own register. The copy found there is evidently the work of a clerk working under his direction, circa 1558. There is so much more additional text in the version in the register of Pierre Chuard, that we must suppose it is in fact based on the original associated with François Ruerat, now apparently lost, rather than on the version in the register fo Pierre Ruerat. Therefore, we have to suppose that, for some unknown purpose, Pierre Ruerat first made a condensed copy of the testament, then Pierre Chuard copied this version for Jaque and Janne. Then, at a much later date, Pierre Chuard obtained the original version in the registers of François Ruerat, from which Chuard's clerk transcribed the long version. But by that time, apparently in 1558, Latin had long since fallen out of use for legal documents in the Pays de Vaud, perhaps explaining the careless errors made by the clerk.
It is undoubtedly significant that the de Torculari brothers held property in common. The property in question would have been inherited from one or both of their parents, but unfortunately, the testament does not indicate where this property was located. It will be necessary to study the "terriers" from the early 16th Century in hopes of locating a property held jointly by the brothers. Very often, the terriers are indexed, and it would make sense to begin with the area around Lutry and Cully.
It is interesting to compare the testament of Aymon and his wife Perronete. His testament asks for burial in the church of St. Benedict, before a chapel that he founded there. His wife's testament asks for burial in the chapel founded by her husband, but the passage is incomplete due to damage by mice. The part that can be read mentions a church, related in some way to the Abbey of Payerne, and specifies that the site is located at the "loco dicto en Galileaz". It seems reasonable to assume that the two testaments in fact refer to the same chapel, which therefore must be in a church dedicated to St. Benedict, subject to the Abbey, at a location known as en Galileaz. Unfortunately, the actual site of this church remains unknown. Both the Abbey and the parish church of Payerne are dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Nevertheless, after some exchanges with M. Favez at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises and Catherine Minck-Brandt, a possible solution has emerged. First, the abbey was subject to the abbey of Cluny, one of several orders inspired by St. Benedict. There does not seem to be a church dedicated to St. Benedict in this part of the Pays de Vaud, but could the wording simply indicate the allegiance of the abbey to the rule of St. Benedict? Likewise, there seems to be no "lieu-dit" in the area what would give rise to something like "en Galileaz". At that point, we began to consider whether "en Galileaz" might indicate a specific location in the vast abbey, or perhaps adjacent to it, suitable for a burial. With the intent of finding a clearer description of any such location, we studied the volume of the Bibliothèque historique vaudoise (vol. 39, 1966) dedicated to the subject of the abbey. We were quite startled to find galilée mentioned in connection with the abbey at Cluny, which is generally accepted as the architectural model for the abbey of Payerne. Further searching revealed that the Latin term "galilaea", or in French "galilée" is now considered an architectural feature. It refers to a specific style of porch or narthex seen in some of the abbeys affiliated with Cluny. Instead of a simple narthex or foyer that opens into the nave of the church, the "galilée" structure has two levels. The lower level functions as the narthex, while the upper level is a separate chapel dedicated to the celebration of memorial masses for the dead. This arrangement is also found at Payerne, although not much remains of the interior details. The upper level is known today as the "chapelle Saint-Michel", but it no doubt had multiple subsidiary chapels before the entire structure was gutted after the reformation.
The derivation of du Truict from de Torculari is given in a newspaper account of the surnames of Neuchatel and Vaud: "Dutruy — Comme sa variante de La Côte vaudoise Dutruit, vient du patois trui, trai, troi, pressoir de vendange, troillî, presser (latin torculum, vieux français truel, treuil). Autres formes: Troillet (VS), sa variante vaudoise Trolliet et une forme américanisée Troillett; Troillard, Trouillet, Trouilhet, Trouillat, Trouiller, Trouillier, Trouillard (aussi menteur ou trompeur en vieux français), Treuillaud, Truillot, Troyon (lieu-dit en Champagne), Truyol, Truel (lieu-dit en Auvergne), Dutruel. (21.7.96)" One might also entertain the idea, at least in this case, that the name is equivalent to Torggler and similar from German-speaking areas such as St. Gall. About 1690, also, we note at Wittenberg the scholar Stephanus Torcularius, or in German, Toerckeler.
It is probably significant that the du Truict variant is said to come from La Côte, the wine-growing area around Cully. However, there are other possibilities for the original version of the surname. For example, there are mentions in historical records of various people whose name is rendered in Latin as de Torculari: Nikolaus von Pressorio or du Pressoise, born at Pressoire-près-Boutigny, France, a theologian who died in 1302; a Stephano Torgeler in the 15th Century; a Mermet de Torculari from Versegères, Valais, mentioned in 1354 at the Abbey of St. Maurice. Further, historians from Fribourg occasionally render the name Dutruel or Dutrueil, depending on which form of the word for winepress that they recognize in the local patois.
The will of Aimé de Torculari also mentions Jaqueta, "nutrita" (ward) of Aimé. This would seem to be the same Jaqueta who married Claude Berthod, and in which connection all the other children of Pierre Gachet are listed as her brothers and sisters. The usage of "nutrita" is thus a problem. It would ordinarily indicate a foster child, but as Pierre Gachet was evidently still alive when Aimé dictated his will, there is clearly something else going on. Might Jaqueta have been born before the marriage of Pierre Gachet?
The marriage contracts of two of Aimé's daughters are preserved in the records of Pierre Ruerat, notary at Payerne, as well as his wife's testament, revealing that she had four children by her first husband, Bérard Faulcon of Fribourg. In records of Pierre Moron, fils, at least two documents refer to Aimé as "rector et gobernator ville paterniaci".
However, records of Pierre Moron père, notary at Payerne, include a record of a debt owed to Aymon de Torculari, notary and bourgeois de Fribourg, 28 apr 1485. Thus, he resided in Fribourg before he came to Payerne. The same notary mentions a Johannes de Torculari, clerk and citizen of Payerne, 09 oct 1470, but we have found no other mention of this person. Another record placing Aymon de Torculari in Payerne is an account of the meeting of the Etats de Vaud held at Moudon on 05 feb 1495 (1494 Old Style). The account of this meeting in the Manual de Conseil of Lausanne (AVL A/183, not yet examined) notes that Pierre Crostel and Aymon Torcularis, syndics, were the representatives from Payerne.
Correspondence in the Falck family, preserved in a copy made about 1545 by a de Praroman descendant, indicates that Aimé was believed to have mistreated his wife. The letter is dated on the eve of the feast of St. Matthew, 1503, from Payerne, by Hans Falk to his brother Peter at Fribourg.
"Getrüwer bruoder! Vil glücks und guoter gesundheit wünsch ich dir us grund mins herzens etc.
"Als ich zuo diser stund gan Betterlingen [Peterlingen, Payerne] bin kommen, hab ich vernommen, wie die onmächtig hündisch wüeterich man mit unserer lieben muoter so unchristenlich geläbt hab, si übel geschlagen, das davon nichts zuo sagen si, darzuo sin tochter Jaque geschent, das si us dem hut nit bedarf kommen und underschuld. Söllichs alles han ich mit im geredt: ob er anderst nit mit unser muoter wöllte läben, wil wäger were, das wir si bi uns annemen, darzuo seche er uns nit dafür an, das wir sölichs von im liden wölten, sunderst erzöugen, was lüt wir dan sind. Harumb lieber bruoder wellest im darvon schriben und im erzöugen, das wir ouch lüt sind uf die meinung, ob dir und mir söllichs zinstag gester vergangen uns söllichs zuo Friburg gesagt si, wil er si nit gern haben, das er si uns lasse, wöllen wir si gern haben. Dan wir je söllichs nit liden wöllen, von im in iren alten tagen geschlagen werden.
"Datum ilends, Vigilia Mathey, anno 1503.
"Din getrüwer bruoder Hans Falk."
The wording of the passage about Jaque is not clearly understood, but we give a tentative translation:
"Faithful brother! I wish you good fortune and health from the bottom of my heart, etc.
"When I arrived this time in Payerne, I heard how that violent, tyrannical, brutish man has behaved so unchristianly towards our dear mother, has so beaten her, that there is nothing more to be said, but that his daughter Jaque is so ashamed that she will not leave the house, and I don't blame her. I discussed all of this with him: If he cannot behave otherwise towards our mother, it would be much better if we brought her to live with us, for he should not think that we would tolerate this from him, rather we will show him what sort of people we are. Therefore, dear brother, please write to him about this and show him, that we are of the same opinion, as you and I heard the talk about this last Tuesday in Fribourg, if he will not treat her better, then will he allow us to take her in. And further that we will not allow it, that she should be beaten by him in her old age.
"Dated in haste, the eve of St. Matthew's, 1503.
"Your faithful brother Hans Falk."
He is cited in an act of 02 dec 1482 with his wife Perronete Bovet as "rector scolarum Gallicorum Friburgi", evidently signifying that he was in charge of the French-speaking students at Fribourg. This is the earliest mention of him yet discovered, and appears to place his marriage before 1482 (Alexandre Daguet, "Appendice à la biographie de Georges de Rive deuxième gouverneur de Neuchâtel", in Musée Neuchâtelois 19:175-176, 1882). We had already inferred a slightly earlier date of marriage because of the apparent ages of his daughters. Holding such a position implies that he was educated at a university in a French-speaking city such as Paris or perhaps in a bilingual area such as Basel, Strasbourg, etc. Further, the most plausible conclusion seems to be that he was not originally from Fribourg, but relocated there to accept the position of rector at a local school. By 1482, he would have been a very minor figure in Fribourg, because the linguistic politics of the time were just then changing from French to German. He must have been the very last "rector scolarum Gallicorum", and would have found himself unemployed if he had stayed much longer in Fribourg. No doubt his well-timed marriage to the widow of Bérard Falck would have helped him secure his new position at Payerne, but he would also have needed academic credentials. For this position as well, he must have been educated at a university. Several accounts of the history of education in Fribourg during the 15th Century have been published, but they do not mention Aimé.
Another item in the de Praroman collection is a letter from the Jean Aimé de Bonivard, abbé de Pignerol and acting on behalf of the Duke of Savoie, addressed to the "Commissayre" of Payerne, step-father of Peter Falck (October 10, year not given, but from the context it must be 1514). Falck was then on a mission to Rome concerning a dispute that involved Bonivard's interests. In the discussion of this letter, historian Alexandre Daguet says he is tempted to translate the name de Torculari into French as de Treytorrens ("nous serions tenté de traduire en français..."), on the grounds that the same manuscript collection contains a letter from Guillaume de Treytorrens of Payerne to his "cousin" Peter Falck. We believe this erroneous suggestion of Daguet must be the source of the same perverse reading of the name in later accounts based on the same correspondence.
The title of Commissaire at this period frequently refers to a person appointed to compile a "terrier", a record of the ownership of property that was subject to a particular feudal superior, in this case probably either the city or the abbey of Payerne. One of the requirements for such a "commissaire" seems to have been that he would not have a conflict of interest by having to inventory some of his own property. In the "terriers", we often find a few words about the commissaire himself, such as his origins, and sometimes the name of his father. With this in mind, we need to check the inventories of the terriers held by the Archives Cantanales Vaudoises and perhaps also by the communal archives of Payerne. Commissaires seem also to have been granted citizenship in the city in which they were working, perhaps also a subject of record that might be sought in the archives of Payerne.
Now that Hubert de Vevey's monumental Généalogies des familles fribourgeoises, a typescript running to over 6,000 pages, has become available on the internet at the http://doc.rero.ch web site, we are in a better position to locate more citations of Aymonet de Torculari. Some of them give even more diverse spellings. In the dossier about the Englisberg family, we found the following notices:
1506: Dietrich Denglisperg, chevalier, conseiller, lieutenant de 1'avoyer Petermann de Foucignier, fait savoir à Aymé de Bruyt [=du Truyt!], commissaire de Payerne, que Frère Nicolas, du Convent des Augustins de Fribourg, n'ayant pas reçu dudit Aymé et de sa femme 4 Ib.frib. de cens dû à la S.André apôtre passé, il a été vendu à Anthoine de Pré, sautier, par la main de Hans Pajroux, sautier juré de Fribourg, la maison de Pierre Faucon, avoyer de Morat, beau-fils dudit Aymé, maison sur laquelle ce cens était assigné, 8.III.1506 (a.Nativ.) (AEF: Reg.Not. 109, non paginé)
1513: Dietrich Denglisperg, chevalier, avoyer de Fribourg, mande à vénérable D. Anthoine Mayor, curé d'Orsonnens, et à Pierre Mayor, frères, bgs. de Fribourg, que Aymo de Torculari, commissaire de Payerne, a fait vendre un gage, soit une maison sise à Fribourg, et ce ensuite de cens non payés, 27.I.1513 (a. Nativ.) (AEF: Reg.Not. 109, non paginé, et Reg.Not. 112, fol.193v.)
In the dossier for the Falck family we find:
1482: Perronete. veuve de Berard Faulcon, à présent femme d'Aymon de Torculari, recteur des écoles françaises de Fribourg, vend en pur, libre et franc allau au Convent des Augustins de Fribourg, un cens de 8 lb.de monnaie coursable à Fribourg, pour le prix de l60 lb.de même monnaie; le droit perpetuel de rachat est accordé; 2.XII.1482 (AEF: Reg. Not. 66, fol.388)
1513: Perronete Bovet ffeu Pierre, de Payerne, épouse de discret Aymon de Torculari, clerc et commissaire de 1'Abbaye de Payerne fait son testament; elle institue héritiers Jehan et Pierre Faucon ses fils ainsi que Claire et Anthonie leurs soeurs, et Jaquete, Janne et Glaudie ses filles (ces 3 dernières sont certainement fillesdu second mariage avec Aymon de Torculari), 16.VI.1513 ( AEF: Hôpital II, 246)
(In this dossier, we found several citations where Perronete was called Jehannete. This may be nothing more than a misreading of the original documents. Also, some genuine references to Aymo de Torculari are not found in the electronic text search because of difficulties with the OCR technology, words split at the end of a line, etc.)
__ | __| | | | |__ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT | (1460 - 1513) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
_____________________ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | |_____________________ | _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _| | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Clauda DUTRUICT | (1480 - ....) | _Jaquetus BOVET _____+ | | (.... - 1471) | _Pierre BOVET _______| | | (.... - 1480) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Perronete BOVET _________| (.... - 1513) m 1480 | | _____________________ | | |_Amphilisia _____ ___| | |_____________________
_____________________ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | |_____________________ | _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _| | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Janna DUTRUICT | | _Jaquetus BOVET _____+ | | (.... - 1471) | _Pierre BOVET _______| | | (.... - 1480) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Perronete BOVET _________| (.... - 1513) m 1480 | | _____________________ | | |_Amphilisia _____ ___| | |_____________________
In a document of Pierre Chuard, notary at Payerne, dated 20 apr 1518, a sale by Guillermme son of the late Franciscus Contoz of Corgiez proxe Paterniaci to Jaquete uxoris claudii berthoz barbitonsoris paterniaci is accompanied by a document stating that the above-named Claudius Berthoz pays 600 florins to Janna wife of Anthonii Oddet, Jaqua wife of Petri Gachet, and Clauda wife of Claudii Fivaz, sisters, daughters and heirs of the late Aymons de Torcullari. The sense of the document is uncertain, but the relationship of the sisters is clear. The name of the father is interpreted as Aymon de Torculari.
However, a document of Aymé Chuard, notary at Payerne, 01 aug 1553, recounts the marriage settlement of Bendich de Praroman, Donzel de Fribourg and his wife Catherine daughter of the late Pierre Gachet ("feurent egrege pierre gachet en son vivant bourg. et secretaire de paierne") and of Jaquaz daughter of the late discret Aymé du Truyt.
Since these are evidently the same person, and since the du Truyt name is recognizable as du Truict, we thus have Aymé du Truict as the French equivalent of the Latin de Torculari. This is significant because historians from other areas, such as Geneva and Fribourg, have sometimes wanted to translate de Torculari as Dutrueil, based on another regional form of the word for winepress, Latin torcularius. Farther afield, in German-speaking areas, the same Latin name is sometimes rendered Torggler, and in France it can become Dupressoir.
A "partage" dated 1560 names all the sons of Pierre and Jaquaz, making it clear that Jaquaz had died by that date. The notebook of her son Niklaus gives the exact date.
[1236] From the family book of Niklaus Gatschet, her son.
[1503] Date of marriage contract, Pierre Ruerat, notary. Date is difficult to read. The contract is quite messy, but is clearly gives the names of the fathers of the bride and groom. (Year is 1504 by modern reckoning.)
_____________________ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | |_____________________ | _Aimé (Aymonet) DUTRUICT _| | (1460 - 1513) m 1480 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jaquaz DUTRUICT | (.... - 1553) | _Jaquetus BOVET _____+ | | (.... - 1471) | _Pierre BOVET _______| | | (.... - 1480) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Perronete BOVET _________| (.... - 1513) m 1480 | | _____________________ | | |_Amphilisia _____ ___| | |_____________________
Son of late Esaie François Duveluz, bourgeois de Bournens, Juge du Consistoire (at Lausanne?).
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Esaie François DUVELUZ _| | (.... - 1753) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Albert Antoine DUVELUZ | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Abraham DUVOISIN ___| | (.... - 1760) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Marianne DUVOISIN | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
The name of the child is not given in the baptismal record.
_Jean Louis ECK _____+ | m 1668 _François David ECK _| | m 1688 | | |_Elizabeth BERDOZ ___+ | m 1668 _René ECK ______________| | (.... - 1751) m 1721 | | | _René DAN ___________ | | | | |_Elizabeth DAN ______| | m 1688 | | |_____________________ | | |--(daughter) ECK | | _Pierre ARCHIMBAUD __+ | | | _Aimé ARCHIMBAUD ____| | | (1666 - ....) m 1689| | | |_Sara GRANGER _______ | | |_Anne Renée ARCHIMBAUD _| (1694 - ....) m 1721 | | _Jean MARCET ________ | | (.... - 1689) |_Renée MARCET _______| m 1689 | |_Judith LEMAISTRE ___
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean François Vincent ECK _| | (1737 - ....) m 1759 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--(daughter) ECK | (1771 - 1771) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Magdelaine MICHOD _________| (1731 - ....) m 1759 | | __ | | |__| | |__
The name of the child is not given in the baptismal record.
_Jean Louis ECK _____+ | m 1668 _François David ECK _| | m 1688 | | |_Elizabeth BERDOZ ___+ | m 1668 _René ECK ______________| | (.... - 1751) m 1721 | | | _René DAN ___________ | | | | |_Elizabeth DAN ______| | m 1688 | | |_____________________ | | |--(son) ECK | | _Pierre ARCHIMBAUD __+ | | | _Aimé ARCHIMBAUD ____| | | (1666 - ....) m 1689| | | |_Sara GRANGER _______ | | |_Anne Renée ARCHIMBAUD _| (1694 - ....) m 1721 | | _Jean MARCET ________ | | (.... - 1689) |_Renée MARCET _______| m 1689 | |_Judith LEMAISTRE ___
_Bernard ECK ________ | _Jean Louis ECK _____| | m 1668 | | |_Jeanne PETTER ______ | _François David ECK _| | m 1688 | | | _François BERDOZ ____ | | | | |_Elizabeth BERDOZ ___| | m 1668 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham ECK | | _____________________ | | | _René DAN ___________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth DAN ______| m 1688 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
He had a daughter Marguerite who married Jean Samuel son of Jean Michel Montagnon of Vufflens-la-Ville, at Vevey, 31 dec 1769. However, we found no such daughter of Abraham Augustin in the baptisms at Vevey.
_Bernard ECK ________ | _Jean Louis ECK _____| | m 1668 | | |_Jeanne PETTER ______ | _François David ECK _| | m 1688 | | | _François BERDOZ ____ | | | | |_Elizabeth BERDOZ ___| | m 1668 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham Augustin ECK | (.... - 1783) | _____________________ | | | _René DAN ___________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth DAN ______| m 1688 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Jean Louis ECK _____+ | m 1668 _François David ECK ___| | m 1688 | | |_Elizabeth BERDOZ ___+ | m 1668 _Abraham Augustin ECK _| | (.... - 1783) m 1733 | | | _René DAN ___________ | | | | |_Elizabeth DAN ________| | m 1688 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham Samuel ECK | | ______ CHARNAUD _____ | | | _Jean CHARNAUD ________| | | (.... - 1733) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marguerite CHARNAUD __| (.... - 1788) m 1733 | | _____________________ | | |_Marguerite VERDONNET _| | |_____________________