__ | __| | | | |__ | _Daniel DROZ DIT BRESSET _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Daniel Louis DROZ DIT BRESSET | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |__________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--François DU ROVERAY | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____| | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____ | _Jaques Antoine DU ROVERAY _| | (1747 - 1814) | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | | |_________________________ | | |--François Etienne DU ROVERAY | (1780 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _Henri MELLY _________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Marie MELLY _______________| (1753 - 1832) | | _________________________ | | |_Marguerite REY ______| | |_________________________
_Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _| | (1742 - 1810) m 1771 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | | |_________________________ | | |--François Isaac DU ROVERAY | (1772 - ....) | _________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Jane ("Jenny") SCOTT ___| m 1771 | | _________________________ | | |______________________| | |_________________________
_Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY __| | (1742 - 1810) m 1783 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Hermanzine DU ROVERAY | (1786 - ....) | _________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Renée Marguerite BONARD _| m 1783 | | _________________________ | | |______________________| | |_________________________
__ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _| | | | |__ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | | __ | | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____| | | | |__ | | |--Jaques Antoine DU ROVERAY | (1747 - 1814) | __ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | __ | | |_________________________| | |__
His will was probated at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 07 nov 1810.
The three marriages in England suggest that the same Jean Pierre du Roveray married three times there. However, the last of them lists his status as bachelor, so it is possible that marriage concerns a son of the father, subject of the previous two marriages. The wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury should clarify this problem.
Further, the web site of the Société Genevoise de Généalogie gives this man an additional wife, Sophie Jackson, here listed as the first of the wives.
The publisher Francis Isaac du Roveray, probably the first son of Jean Pierre du Roveray, died in London 09 nov 1848 age 77, placing his date of birth about 1771.
__ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _| | | | |__ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | | __ | | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____| | | | |__ | | |--Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY | (1742 - 1810) | __ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | __ | | |_________________________| | |__
At least one source claims this is the Sophie Jackson du Roveray who married Jean Isaac Mennet. However, that marriage occurred in 1795, so there must be another daughter Sophie from an earlier marriage.
_Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY __| | (1742 - 1810) m 1783 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Marie Sophie Françoise DU ROVERAY | (1784 - ....) | _________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Renée Marguerite BONARD _| m 1783 | | _________________________ | | |______________________| | |_________________________
_Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _ | _François DU ROVERAY _| | | | |_Elizabeth OLTRAMARE ____ | _Jean Pierre DU ROVERAY _| | (1742 - 1810) m 1771 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_Antoinette DURADE ___| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Sophie Jackson DU ROVERAY | (1771 - ....) | _________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Jane ("Jenny") SCOTT ___| m 1771 | | _________________________ | | |______________________| | |_________________________
He may have left descendants. A document of Jean Chalon, notary at Lutry (FHL microfilm #0910193), concerns a sale by "Eg. Etienne du Truyct de St. Paul et bourgeois de Lutry, to Proveable et Discret François Gachet, bourgeois de Payerne, son prochain parent et cusin maternel" (20 nov 1549). St. Paul turns out to be on the south side of Lake Geneva, not far from Evian. Other documents give this Etienne a brother Claude, and by 1571, we find the same François Gachet purchasing from Noble François Du Truyt of "St. Paul sus Aevian", the half interest in a vineyard and other property at Lutry that they owned jointly (18 sep 1571, Simon Pierre Chalon, notary, ACV DI 22/2, fol. 39-40r). In this transaction, the rights to the property involved Jeanne Joli, mother of François Du Truyt, and his brother Claude. Also involved in the title to the property was Jean Amied Gachet, brother of François. The brothers François and Claude mentioned in 1571 were probably the sons of the Egrège Etienne mentioned in 1549, in turn a son of one of the brothers of Aymo de Torculari.
The list of those assessed for the "taille" or special tax of 1550 in the bailliage of Lausanne (ACV Bp 13) shows, among those who were not living in the area but who owned property in the vicinity of Lutry, the heirs of "Claude du Truyl", the assessment cancelled because the heirs were residents of the "seignurie de Valleis". This record may turn out to be misleading, and there is no mention of the Gachet family which should also have been on the list, although they would have been exempt by virtue of their citizenship at Payerne.
__ | __| | | | |__ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Etienne (Stephano) DU TRUICT | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Identified in the testament of Aymo du Truict, 16 jul 1513. Possibly the same person as the Johannes de Torculari clericus et burgensis paterniaci mentioned in a document of Pierre Moron (père) dated 09 oct 1470, unless that Johannes is actually the father of Aymo.
Either this Jean or his brother Stephanus (Etienne) is probably the father of the "Egrège Estienne du Truict de Sainct Paul et bourgeois de Lustrier demorant à Montignier, seignorie de Marcille" who sold on 20 nov 1549 to François Gachet of Payerne "son proche parent et cusin maternel" property adjacent to the heirs of the late Claude Du Truyct, ratified by his (Estienne's?) wife Pernette, daughter of the late Jean Prevost (Jean Chalon, notary at Lutry). The relationship of cousin is a "maternal" one, through the mother of François, but since his mother had no brothers, the relationship must be more distant than a first cousin. If we have interpreted the relationships correctly from other records, Claude and Estienne du Truict would be first cousins of the mother of François—is this what was intended by the term "cousin maternel"? After consulting with Pierre-Yves Favez of the ACV, we can now identify the places: "Montignier" is apparently not Montagny-sur-Lutry, where the château was later in the hands of the Gatschet family of Bern, but rather Montigny in Chablais, across from Lutry on the other side of Lake Geneva. While there was a parish of St. Paul within the limits of Lausanne, not too far from Lutry, it is the village of St. Paul in Chablais that is intended here, in the seigneurie of Maxilly (derived from Latin Marcellius, explaining the spelling Marcille—we first read the name as Marcihle, but M. Favez, recognizing the ensemble of place names, determined that the name was first written by the notary as Marcigle, and then corrected to Marcille, leaving a word that looks very much like Marcihle). Thus, Estienne Dutruict was a notary living at Montigny in 1549, although he was also a citizen of Lutry. The phrase "de Saint Paul" could indicate that he was a native of that place, but the existence of earlier documents suggests that we may need to be open to other interpretations.
A document dated the Tuesday after Saint François, 1523, at the communal archives of Lutry, notes that Estienne and Claude Dutruit acknowledged owing payments to the Confrérie du Saint Esprit of Lutry (notation on the back of a document identified under the rubric "Noir C 81"). This probably indicates that they had purchased property originally acquired by or donated to the Confrérie, and thus had to pay annual fees either in money or in kind to that organization (see below, this property was previously in the hands of Noble Pierre de Saint Amour). The Confréries would have compiled a list of such properties—a "terrier"—about once a generation, and such a list may have survived. Other documents at the same archives, 1482-1485, show that the commune had dealings with a Jean Dutruit of St. Prex (or, could this be a misreading of St. Paul?).
Therefore, even though Estienne was living and working in Chablais, it is possible his family originated at St. Prex in the Pays de Vaud. In 1549, Maxilly was apparently Protestant, having fallen under the control of Bern in 1536. Montignier was an annex of the parish of Lugrin until the French Revolution. It remained Catholic, since all of this region apart from Maxilly had been occupied by Valais in 1536.
The terrier ACV FF 166, for property subject to the former Priory of Lutry, contains a "reconnaissance" for Samuel d'Erlach in the name of his children by his late wife Magdelaine Gachet (fol. 247). Dated 02 nov 1621, it shows that Noble Samuel d'Erlach bourgeois de la ville de Berne Seigneur de Pimpletz (=Bumplitz), tant à son nom que de ses enfans euz de feue Damoiselle Magdelaine Gaschet sa premiere femme, recognized property that had previously been recognized by Claude et Estienne du Truict (in a terrier compiled by Jean Gignilliat), and before that (in a terrier compiled by Pierre Marchand) by Noble Jehan Dutruict, "en Gravesse autrement en Cuen Neyr", la moytié devers occident of vines, jouxte l'autre moytié des enfans de Jaques Davel nouvellement partie de la present devers orient, vines of the ville de Lustrier et celles de Pierre du Plaict devers occident, N. Petter de Praroman de la part dessus, et plusieurs contours de vigne soit ung chemin publicq de la part dessoubz. Another property was "en Combarbey" jouxte Claude Marsens devers orient, Nosdictz Seigneurs à cause de l'Abbay d'Aulcrest devers occident, certain de riere Villette que fut de Jehan Branche devers bize, riaux devers vent. Another was "en Collonges" pour la moytié devers bize, jouxte l'autre moytié de Pierre Crausaz nouvellement partie devers vent, sentier publicq devers orient, Noz Seigneurs à cause de l'aumosnerie du prioré de Lustrier devers occident, Micher Vuagiere de la part dessus. Another was "au territoire de Savuit" (this ends a group of properties apparently all from the Dutruict family).
It is apparent that the Estienne and Claude Dutruict mentioned in 1523 are the same Estienne and Claude who had made the reconnaissance for Jean Gignilliat (circa 1540, based on the names of other people mentioned in FF 166). Further, we surmise that Claude had died by 1549, and probably without descendants, when Estienne sold his property to François Gachet. Since the property circa 1510 had been in the hands of Jean Dutruict, the simplest explanation is that Jean Dutruict, brother of Aymo de Torculari, was succeeded about 1523 by his sons Claude and Estienne, who would have been first cousins once removed of François Gachet. Or, put another way, they were first cousins of François Gachet's mother.
The terrier of Jean Gignilliat is probably AVL C 318, "terrier fait par Jean Gignillat à cause du prieuré de Lutry" containing reconnaissances dating from 1538 to 1546, or else one of the two other terriers believed to be closely related to this one, ACV Ff 76 and Ff 77. The terrier by Pierre Marchand might be the one now identified as ACV Ff 32 bis, dating from about 1502-1512, which, however, proves to be incomplete and which does not contain such a reconnaissance, although it does mention Johannes de Torculari once as an owner of adjacent property (fol. 98v, this property previously held by Petrus de Sancto Amore, see below). Pierre Marchand compiled several other terriers, which have not yet been examined.
Another terrier, Ff 112, for the former Evêché de Lausanne, contains a reconnaissance for the city of Payerne for property in the vicinity of Lutry (fol. 707v, dated 16 feb 1586), in which some of the adjacent properties are attributed to the Dutruict family. Among others, one "en Grand Pont" was adjacent to the "enfans de Jehan du Truict heretier de Pierre de Sainct Amour". This passage suggests that Jean Dutruict was either a descendant of, or had married a daughter of, Noble Pierre de Saint-Amour, who is mentioned 17 may 1469 as a resident of Lutry (Ernest Chavannes, "Extraits des manuaux de conseil de Lausanne (1383 à 1511)", Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire de la Suisse Romande, 35:121-242, 1881, see page 153-154). Saint Amour is today a domaine and vineyard near Savigny, in the commune of Lutry. The archives of Lutry contain a document dated 27 feb 1470, in which Pierre de Saint-Amour sells property subject to the Confrérie du Saint Esprit de Lutry, at Savuit, "en Gravesses", that had been leased by the Confrérie to his father (ACLutry Noir C 81). This is the same property for which Claude and Estienne Dutruict later guaranteed payment of taxes to the Confrérie in 1523. A compiled account of the Saint-Amour family is among the papers of Benjamin Dumur (ACV P Dumur 65/42).
Part of the answer is found in the terrier ACV C318, which turns out to be a complete copy by Nicolas Bulet of the terrier, now incomplete, identified as ACV Ff 76 bis. The reconnaissance of Claude and Estienne "douz Truyct", dated 12 oct 1538, begins at fol. 1. They are the sons of the late Noble Jehan "dou Truyct" of St. Paul "outre le lac", who previously recognized these properties for a terrier compiled by Pierre Marchand. The properties had come from his wife, Pernette daughter of the late Noble Pierre de Sainct-Amour.
__ | __| | | | |__ | ______ DE TORCULARI _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean DU TRUICT | (.... - 1538) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
A record of her baptism, forwarded from Twann, is in the church books at Reutigen. The record at Twann calls her father "hiesiger Küeher", the same designation used a couple months later in his death record.
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Agatha DUBACH | | __ | | | _Hans RACHETER ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| (1739 - ....) m 1758| | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Anne Barbe DUBACH | (1758 - ....) | __ | | | _Hans RACHETER ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| (1739 - ....) m 1758| | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
A record of his death at St. Imier was added to the church books at Reutigen in 1824, "Anthonius Dubach Anthonii ehel. Sohn von Oberstocken", age 44. The same register noted that his widow Rosina Bärfuss, bore two illegitimate children on 21 dec 1826, one stillborn, and the other deceased on 24 dec 1824.
He appears to have married three times. The first marriage record, at Reutigen, says that he and his wife were living at La Chaux-de-Fonds.
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Anthoni DUBACH | (1774 - 1819) | __ | | | _Hans RACHETER ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| (1739 - ....) m 1758| | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
The baptisms of most of his children were recorded in his home parish of Reutigen, but not all of them. His children were born in several parishes in French-speaking areas, and some of these records did not find their way into the church books at Reutigen.
We have not yet established the parentage of Anthoni. Another Anthoni, son of Hans, was baptised in 1735 and married in 1759 to Catrina Theilkäs. The latter couple had several children, baptised at Reutigen. This second Anthoni held the position of Weibel, or officer of the local church consistory, as well as the position of Obmann, head of that consistory. He died in 1783, age 48. But if he is not the present Anthoni, then we have to look back to the previous Anthoni, baptised in 1709, son of Peter Dubach and Elsbeth Eigensatz. That Anthoni would seem to be too old to be the one who married Elisabeth Racheter in 1758, though such a marriage is not without precedent. It is possible more information can be found in the records of the various parishes where his children were baptised, such as Orvin (Illfingen), Nods, Péry, and Twann. He might also be the Anthoni whose marriage in July, 1749. "near Biel", to Elsbeth Hiltbrand of Aeschi, was recorded at Reutigen.
He is noted as deceased in the record of the baptism of Marie, daughter of Benjamin son of the late Antoine Dubach, 26 apr 1817, at St. Imier. However, it is only at this point in the baptisms at St. Imier that the name of the grandfather is usually included, so it is possible Antoine had died much earlier. The record of the first communion of his daughter Elizabeth, at Christmas, 1792, says she is the daughter of the late Anthoine Doubach, but the word "feu" (late) was inserted later, and the first communion record for the next child, Cléophas, in 1794, does not say the father is deceased. The burial records of Orvin do not mention Antoine. It remains possible that the inserted "feu" in 1792 was incorrect, perhaps intended for someone else in the same list of catechumens. What appears to be the record of his death is at Twann, where we find the death on 12 sep 1784 and the subsequent burial on 15 (or 16?) sep 1784, for "Anthoni Tubach von Niederstoken, Kirchhärr Reutigen, hiesiger Küeher". The age is not given, but this is the same description given for Anthoni at the baptism of his last child, Agatha, just a couple months earlier. "Hiesiger Küeher" should probably be understood as "local cowherd"; the standard German word would be Kuhhirte. In some of the records in the French-speaking parishes, he is called "vacher", meaning someone who tends the cows.
The record of the marriage at Reutigen simply says 1758. We found the actual marriage record at Péry, with the exact date, but this record did not give the parentage of either party.
A possible clue is the presence at Péry from at least 1751of Hans (also called Johannes or Jean) Hirschi of Tschangnau, "demeurant depuis longtems sur la Metairie de Wert rière cette paroisse", whose wife was Elizabeth Dubach. Elizabeth Racheter and her husband Antoni "Racheter" (obvious error!) were sponsors at the baptism of Marie Marguerite, daughter of Johannes Hirschi and Elisabet "Tubac" on 22 jun 1763 at Péry. Was Elizabeth a sister of Anthoni?
The baptismal record at Reutigen specifies that he was born at St. Imier, but does not say that he was baptised there. However, we also found this baptism in the church books at St. Imier. Sponsors at his baptism included Cléophas Dubach, his father's brother, and Agathe Dubach, his father's sister.
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _________| | (1774 - 1819) m 1813 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Antoine DUBACH | (1813 - 1835) | _____________________ | | | _Christian BÄRFUSS __| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Rose Catherine BÄRFUSS _| m 1813 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
While his marriage is recorded at Reutigen 10 aug 1807, without an indication that it took place elsewhere, it may be that this information was simply omitted, or that the date reflects the completion of the marriage banns at Reutigen, regardless of where the marriage might eventually be celebrated. At St. Imier, in the baptism of a so Jean David, in 1816, the record says that Benjamin and Elizabeth were married at Mâche (the German name of this village is Mett, now a suburb of Biel) on 22 aug 1807. This baptism was also copied into the records at Reutigen, including the marriage date and place.
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Benjamin DUBACH | (1782 - 1819) | __ | | | _Hans RACHETER ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| (1739 - ....) m 1758| | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Benjamin DUBACH ______| | (1782 - 1819) m 1807 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Benjamin DUBACH | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth FANKHAUSER _| (1783 - 1850) m 1807 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Jean Cléophas DUBACH _| | (1777 - 1863) m 1804 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Caroline DUBACH | (1816 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Pierre PELOT __| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Charlotte PELOT ______| m 1804 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Johann Aaron DUBACH _______| | (1765 - 1822) m 1793 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Catherine Elizabeth DUBACH | (1795 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Maria Elisabeth BRECHBÜHL _| m 1793 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Jean Cléophas DUBACH _| | (1777 - 1863) m 1804 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Charlotte DUBACH | (1806 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Pierre PELOT __| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Charlotte PELOT ______| m 1804 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Anthoni DUBACH _____ | (.... - 1784) m 1758 _Johann Aaron DUBACH _______| | (1765 - 1822) m 1793 | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _+ | (1739 - ....) m 1758 _Johannes DUBACH ____________| | (1794 - 1837) m 1819 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Maria Elisabeth BRECHBÜHL _| | m 1793 | | |_____________________ | | |--Charlotte M. DUBACH | | _____________________ | | | _Johannes VON GUNTEN _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Maria Catherine VON GUNTEN _| (1800 - 1880) m 1819 | | _____________________ | | |____________________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Anthoni DUBACH _____| | (.... - 1784) m 1758| | |_____________________ | _Benjamin DUBACH ______| | (1782 - 1819) m 1807 | | | _Hans RACHETER ______ | | | | |_Elisabeth RACHETER _| | (1739 - ....) m 1758| | |_____________________ | | |--Chrétien DUBACH | (1818 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth FANKHAUSER _| (1783 - 1850) m 1807 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________