Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Magdaleine VALIER       (ID #I10989)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
Mother: Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)


                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Pierre VALIER ______|
                      | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                     |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                     |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Magdaleine VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
  (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Magdelaine VALIER       (ID #I11649)

Father: Michel VALIER (bp. 30 MAR 1649)
Mother: Françoise BÉGOZ (b. abt 1659, d. DEC 1730)


                                                      _Benjamin VALIER ________+
                                                     | (.... - 1622) m 1621    
                       _Imbert VALIER _______________|
                      | (1608 - 1683) m 1646         |
                      |                              |_Jeanne Françoise BADEL _+
                      |                                 m 1621                 
 _Michel VALIER ______|
|  m 1679             |
|                     |                               _Abraham BLANCHENAY _____+
|                     |                              |                         
|                     |_Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY _|
|                        m 1646                      |
|                                                    |_________________________
|--Magdelaine VALIER 
|                                                     _________________________
|                                                    |                         
|                      ______________________________|
|                     |                              |
|                     |                              |_________________________
|                     |                                                        
|_Françoise BÉGOZ ____|
  (1659 - 1730) m 1679|
                      |                               _________________________
                      |                              |                         

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Marc VALIER       (ID #I6659)

Father: Estienne Vincent VALIER (d. bef 1660)
Mother: Gasparde GRIVEL (d. aft 1668)

Family 1 : Jeanne Peronne BÉGOZ (bp. 30 MAR 1655)
  1. +Imbert Estienne VALIER (bp. JUN 1677)


Educated at Lausanne, Montpellier, and Geneva, 1656-1667. Conseiller and justicier at Aubonne. He made a "reconnaissance" for property jointly owned with his brother Imbert Etienne in 1687, but in 1698, Imbert Etienne was sole owner of the same property.

                                                  _Jean VALIER ________+
                                                 | (1538 - 1588)       
                            _Pierre VALIER ______|
                           | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                           |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                           |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Estienne Vincent VALIER _|
| (.... - 1660)            |
|                          |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                          |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                          |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                            (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                                |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Marc VALIER 
|  (1640 - 1698)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                           _____________________|
|                          |                     |
|                          |                     |_____________________
|                          |                                           
|_Gasparde GRIVEL _________|
  (.... - 1668)            |
                           |                      _____________________
                           |                     |                     

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Marc VALIER       (ID #I11623)

Father: Imbert VALIER (b. aft 1608, d. aft 1683)
Mother: Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY (dates unknown)


                                                          _Jean VALIER __________+
                                                         | (1538 - 1588)         
                                _Benjamin VALIER ________|
                               | (.... - 1622) m 1621    |
                               |                         |_Pernette COLLAT ______+
                               |                           (.... - 1583)         
 _Imbert VALIER _______________|
| (1608 - 1683) m 1646         |
|                              |                          _Urbain BADEL _________
|                              |                         |                       
|                              |_Jeanne Françoise BADEL _|
|                                 m 1621                 |
|                                                        |_Claudine DE LIVRON ___
|--Marc VALIER 
|                                                         _Nicolas BLANCHENAY ___
|                                                        |  m 1589               
|                               _Abraham BLANCHENAY _____|
|                              |                         |
|                              |                         |_Françoise DEMARTINES _+
|                              |                            m 1589               
|_Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY _|
   m 1646                      |
                               |                          _______________________
                               |                         |                       

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Marie VALIER       (ID #I11683)

Father: Imbert Estienne VALIER (bp. JUN 1677)
Mother: Estiennaz Marie VOUCHY (dates unknown)


                                                   _Estienne Vincent VALIER ________+
                                                  | (.... - 1660)                   
                           _Marc VALIER __________|
                          | (1640 - 1698) m 1671  |
                          |                       |_Gasparde GRIVEL ________________
                          |                         (.... - 1668)                   
 _Imbert Estienne VALIER _|
|                         |
|                         |                        _Benjamin BÉGOZ _________________+
|                         |                       | (1597 - 1675) m 1654            
|                         |_Jeanne Peronne BÉGOZ _|
|                            m 1671               |
|                                                 |_Dorothée Marguerite DE LAVIGNY _+
|                                                    m 1654                         
|--Marie VALIER 
|                                                  _________________________________
|                                                 |                                 
|                          _______________________|
|                         |                       |
|                         |                       |_________________________________
|                         |                                                         
|_Estiennaz Marie VOUCHY _|
                          |                        _________________________________
                          |                       |                                 

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Marie VALIER       (ID #I8407)

Father: Jean VALIER (b. abt 1538, d. abt 1588)
Mother: Pernette COLLAT (d. aft 1583)

Family 1 : Elie DE MOLERY (b. abt 1570, d. 6 MAR 1627)
  1.  Jean DE MOLERY (bp. 25 AUG 1592)
  2.  Marie DE MOLERY (bp. 27 MAR 1594)


                       _Jaques VALIER ______|
                      | (.... - 1560) m 1536|
                      |                     |__________________________________
 _Jean VALIER ________|
| (1538 - 1588)       |
|                     |                      __________________________________
|                     |                     |                                  
|                     |_Beatrice PIERRE ____|
|                       (.... - 1560) m 1536|
|                                           |__________________________________
|--Marie VALIER 
|                                            __________________________________
|                                           |                                  
|                      _Michel COLLAT ______|
|                     | (1517 - 1566) m 1543|
|                     |                     |__________________________________
|                     |                                                        
|_Pernette COLLAT ____|
  (.... - 1583)       |
                      |                      _Stephanus (Estienne) FILLIETTAZ _+
                      |                     | (.... - 1525)                    
                      |_Marie FILLIETTAZ ___|
                        (1525 - 1578) m 1543|

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Marie VALIER       (ID #I6637)

Father: Jaques VALIER (b. aft 1598)
Mother: Anne MATHEY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean BULARD (d. bef 1683)
Family 2 : Melchior CROUTAZ (dates unknown)


Curiously, both Marie Valier widow of Jean Bulard and Marie Valier widow of Félix Mayor and later of Philippe Mayor are found lending money in the records of the notaries around Ballens. It is possible some of these records are confused. Or, perhaps they are all one person!

                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Louis VALIER _______|
                      | (1566 - 1612)       |
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Jaques VALIER ______|
| (1598 - ....) m 1635|
|                     |                      _Jaques REBUT _______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Françoise REBUT ____|
|                       (.... - 1624)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Marie VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anne MATHEY ________|
   m 1635             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Marie VALIER       (ID #I10965)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
Mother: Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)

Family 1 : Félix MAYOR (bp. 7 MAY 1646, d. bef 1678)
  1. +Isaac MAYOR (b. abt 1667, d. 18 NOV 1737)
  2.  Jaqueline MAYOR (d. aft 1683)
  3.  Louise MAYOR (bp. 30 APR 1671)
  4.  Susanne MAYOR (bp. 25 MAY 1673)
Family 2 : Philippe MAYOR (b. bef 1653)
  1.  Jaques Louis MAYOR (bp. 28 FEB 1684)
  2.  Benjamin MAYOR (bp. 7 JUN 1685)
  3. +Jeanne Estienne MAYOR (bp. 16 JUL 1686)
  4. +Susanne MAYOR (dates unknown)
  5.  Marie MAYOR (dates unknown)
  6.  (son) MAYOR (bp. 21 MAR 1690)


Daughter of Pierre Valier, Chastellain de Gimel, according to marriage record. Baptismal record has parents as Pierre Valier and Françoise Tripod, their marriage not in Aubonne. Marie appears as widow of Felix Mayor at baptism on 27 may 1678. With consent of her husband Philippe Mayor, she buys a vineyard from André Hesse-Thuylier at Buchillon, 20 dec 1694, Daniel Marmet, notary.

A death record that could be hers is recorded at Mollens: "La veuve de feu le Sieur Lieutenant Mayor est morte le 19e 8bre [1738] agée de 83 ans" (ACV Eb 16/6 p. 24). If so, her age is in error—as are most ages recorded at this period—, but more study is needed to be sure.

                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Pierre VALIER ______|
                      | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                     |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                     |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Marie VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
  (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Marie VALIER       (ID #I11657)

Father: Jaques VALIER (bp. 14 APR 1636)
Mother: Judith Estiennaz BÉGOZ (bp. 16 FEB 1638)


                                                 _Pierre VALIER ______+
                                                | (1573 - 1636) m 1603
                           _Pierre VALIER ______|
                          | (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
                          |                     |_Louise JAILLET _____+
                          |                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603
 _Jaques VALIER __________|
|  m 1658                 |
|                         |                      _____________________
|                         |                     |                     
|                         |_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
|                           (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
|                                               |_____________________
|--Marie VALIER 
|                                                _Julien BÉGOZ _______+
|                                               | (.... - 1620)       
|                          _Benjamin BÉGOZ _____|
|                         | (1597 - 1675) m 1620|
|                         |                     |_Rebecca OLIVIER ____
|                         |                       (.... - 1622)       
|_Judith Estiennaz BÉGOZ _|
   m 1658                 |
                          |                      _Benjamin VALIER ____+
                          |                     | (.... - 1622) m 1603
                          |_Anteine VALIER _____|
                            (1604 - ....) m 1620|
                                                |_Gasparde SORDET ____+
                                                  (1580 - ....) m 1603

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Marie Claudine VALIER       (ID #I10961)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
Mother: Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)

Family 1 : Salomon VALIER (dates unknown)
  1.  Susanne VALIER (bp. 16 DEC 1660)
  2.  Bernard VALIER (bp. 17 JAN 1664)


                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Pierre VALIER ______|
                      | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                     |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                     |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Marie Claudine VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
  (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Marie Magdaleine VALIER       (ID #I10990)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
Mother: Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)


                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Pierre VALIER ______|
                      | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                     |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                     |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Marie Magdaleine VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
  (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Michel VALIER       (ID #I11621)

Father: Imbert VALIER (b. aft 1608, d. aft 1683)
Mother: Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Françoise BÉGOZ (b. abt 1659, d. DEC 1730)
  1.  Daniel Théodore VALIER (bp. 14 AUG 1679)
  2.  Gabriel VALIER (dates unknown)
  3.  Magdelaine VALIER (dates unknown)
  4.  Jeanne Marie VALIER (dates unknown)


                                                          _Jean VALIER __________+
                                                         | (1538 - 1588)         
                                _Benjamin VALIER ________|
                               | (.... - 1622) m 1621    |
                               |                         |_Pernette COLLAT ______+
                               |                           (.... - 1583)         
 _Imbert VALIER _______________|
| (1608 - 1683) m 1646         |
|                              |                          _Urbain BADEL _________
|                              |                         |                       
|                              |_Jeanne Françoise BADEL _|
|                                 m 1621                 |
|                                                        |_Claudine DE LIVRON ___
|--Michel VALIER 
|                                                         _Nicolas BLANCHENAY ___
|                                                        |  m 1589               
|                               _Abraham BLANCHENAY _____|
|                              |                         |
|                              |                         |_Françoise DEMARTINES _+
|                              |                            m 1589               
|_Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY _|
   m 1646                      |
                               |                          _______________________
                               |                         |                       

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Nicolas VALIER       (ID #I9507)

Father: Louis VALIER (b. bef 1566, d. bef 1612)
Mother: Françoise REBUT (d. aft 1624)

Family 1 : Jeanne Françoise BÉGOZ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne VALIER (bp. 1 OCT 1636)


Identified on the occasion of his marriage in 1635 as the son of the late Louis Valier.

                                             _Jaques VALIER ______
                                            | (.... - 1560) m 1536
                       _Jean VALIER ________|
                      | (1538 - 1588)       |
                      |                     |_Beatrice PIERRE ____
                      |                       (.... - 1560) m 1536
 _Louis VALIER _______|
| (1566 - 1612)       |
|                     |                      _Michel COLLAT ______
|                     |                     | (1517 - 1566) m 1543
|                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____|
|                       (.... - 1583)       |
|                                           |_Marie FILLIETTAZ ___+
|                                             (1525 - 1578) m 1543
|--Nicolas VALIER 
|  (1598 - 1638)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jaques REBUT _______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise REBUT ____|
  (.... - 1624)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I8405)

Father: Jean VALIER (b. abt 1538, d. abt 1588)
Mother: Pernette COLLAT (d. aft 1583)

Family 1 : Louise JAILLET (b. bef 1575, d. aft 1645)
  1. +Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
  2. +Jeanne VALIER (b. bef 1610)
  3. +Estienne Vincent VALIER (d. bef 1660)


Birthdate estimated from mention as (adult?) brother of Benjamin Valier in 1598, in a document of Claude Mayor, notary. Also, he was apparently under the age of majority in 1594, when his brother Louis contracted an apprenticeship for him with Isaac Gradelle, cordonnier of Geneva (AEG Notaire Etienne DeMonthouz, vol. 11, fols. 99v-100, 25 may 1594). (Note, however, that the 1598 citation is ambiguous on the point of whether he had reached the age of majority, and that placement as an apprentice might be expected at the age of perhaps 14 or so. In that case, we would have to place his date of birth possibly as late as the early 1580's.) His marriage is found at Gimel (or perhaps one of its annexes, the registers at this point do not indicate clearly at which church the marriage took place). He is believed to be the one who was Secrétaire de la Baronnie d'Aubonne etc. While some accounts show a daughter Estiennaz marrying Gabriel Bégoz, Pierre and Louise seem much too old for Estiennaz to be their daughter. The Valier genealogy (Olivier Dessemontet, 1970) identifies Estiennaz as the daughter of Pierre's son Pierre.

The same problem affects the Jaques Valier who must be the brother of Estiennaz. Both of them would seem to have been born around 1630, and therefore they could not possibly be the children of Louise Jaillet, who was already a widow when she married (the elder?) Pierre Valier in 1603. Louise was first married in 1590, and even if she was then a child bride (age 15), her child-bearing years would have come to an end not later than 1620, while the spouses of her supposed children were born after 1630.

Therefore, we have attached both Estiennaz and Jaques to the Pierre Valier who married Françoise Tripod, in spite of what we see in other compiled genealogies, which make them children of Louise Jaillet. The carefully researched Valier genealogy of Olivier Dessemontet (1970, at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises) agrees with our conclusions and presents many lines of evidence from sources not previously available to us, such as the terriers of Aubonne.

We have found nothing to suggest that the known children were Pierre's only heirs. Perhaps he was also the father of the Jeanne Valier who married Benjamin Favre before 1626. If the surviving records can be taken at face value, both of Pierre's known brothers can be ruled out as the possible father of Jeanne, and so we have assigned her as another of Pierre's children.

While the baptisms of his children have not been found, he and his wife appeared as sponsors for a baptism at St. Livres, 28 aug 1614.

He made a "reconnaissance" 10 feb 1625 (ACV Fh 176bis, fol. 622) indicating that he had obtained some property from the estate of his brother Benjamin Valier. Further, Pierre is identified in this document as "bourgeois et conseiller de la ville d'Aulbonne et Chastellain de Gymel".

The apprenticeship of 1594 does not mention either of his parents, nor any other guardian. The implication is that both parents were deceased, and that his brother Louis was acting for him:

AEG Notaire Etienne DeMonthouz, vol. 11, fols. 99v-100.

[Date from fol. 99 : Du Sabmedi 25 de may 1594.]

[Margin : Apprentissage Valier. Levé aux parties.]

Honnorable Loys Vallier d'Aubonne baille met et afferme pour serviteur et apprenty Pierre Vallier son frere icy present et desirant ainsi estre faicte avec honnorable Isaac Gradelle maistre cordonnier citoyen aussi present et l'acceptant pour le temps et terme de deux ans entiers et continuelz ce jourd'huy commençantz et finissantz à semblable jour pendant lesquels ledict Gradelle maistre (?) sera tenu comme faire, il promet, en premier lieu d'instruire ledict apprentiy en la crainte de Dieu. Item de luy monstrer et de tout son pouvoir faire apprendre son estat et mestier de chappellier cordannier et tout ce qui en despend sans luy en rien cacher ny receller en tant toutesfois que ledict apprenty pourra cela comprendre, le nourrir de despens de bouche, l'entretenir de couche et luy tenir reblancy honnestement, et ledict apprenty de son costé sera aussi tenu comme faire, il promet s'aquiter fidellement de son debvoir de obeir audict Gradelle son maistre en toutes choses licites et honnestes et qu'il n'absentera le service d'icelluy sans legitime occasion durant lesdicts deux ans, à peyne etc., et ce est faict et accordé par le moyen de la somme de deux centz florins payables, en est à sçavoir, la moitié conten (=comptant) qu'il a levé et receue et l'aultre moytié dans ung an prochain datté des presentes avec ung escu pour espingles à la femme dudict Gradelle payable quand il sera marié ainsi comme faire promet ledict Vallier, lequel en oultre se constitue fiance de respondant seul et principal pour le tout sans division d'action tant de la loyaulté et preud'hommie dudict apprenty son frere que desdicts dommages et interestz devers ledict Gradelle soubz les mutuelles et respectives promesses par serment d'havoir agré[é] le present acte etc. obligations de leurs personnes et biens, submissions etc. renonciations [etc.] faict en mon banc presentz honnorables Jaques Renauld Tuffé marchand bourgeois et Jehan Renaud dudict Aubonne tesmoins requis.

                       _Jaques VALIER ______|
                      | (.... - 1560) m 1536|
                      |                     |__________________________________
 _Jean VALIER ________|
| (1538 - 1588)       |
|                     |                      __________________________________
|                     |                     |                                  
|                     |_Beatrice PIERRE ____|
|                       (.... - 1560) m 1536|
|                                           |__________________________________
|--Pierre VALIER 
|  (1573 - 1636)
|                                            __________________________________
|                                           |                                  
|                      _Michel COLLAT ______|
|                     | (1517 - 1566) m 1543|
|                     |                     |__________________________________
|                     |                                                        
|_Pernette COLLAT ____|
  (.... - 1583)       |
                      |                      _Stephanus (Estienne) FILLIETTAZ _+
                      |                     | (.... - 1525)                    
                      |_Marie FILLIETTAZ ___|
                        (1525 - 1578) m 1543|

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I10951)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1573, d. aft 1636)
Mother: Louise JAILLET (b. bef 1575, d. aft 1645)

Family 1 : Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)
  1.  Anne Imberte VALIER (bp. 3 JAN 1632)
  2.  Jean VALIER (bp. 20 APR 1634)
  3. +Jaques VALIER (bp. 14 APR 1636)
  4.  Estienne VALIER (bp. 20 JUN 1640)
  5. +Marie Claudine VALIER (bp. 5 MAR 1643)
  6. +Pierre VALIER (bp. 20 MAR 1645, d. DEC 1712)
  7.  Isaac VALIER (b. aft 1645)
  8. +Marie VALIER (bp. 26 JAN 1647)
  9. +Louise VALIER (bp. 26 JAN 1647)
  10. +Benjamin VALIER (bp. 29 FEB 1648, bur. JAN 1714)
  11.  Magdaleine VALIER (bp. 29 FEB 1648)
  12.  Marie Magdaleine VALIER (bp. 8 OCT 1650)
  13.  Elizabeth VALIER (bp. 27 NOV 1651)
  14. +Jaqueline VALIER (bp. 28 FEB 1653)
  15.  Jeanne VALIER (bp. 29 APR 1654)


There were two persons named Pierre Valier, father and son, both serving various high offices at Aubonne, during the first half of the 17th Century. The first mention in the parish registers notes Pierre Valier Lt. of Aubonne and his wife (not named) (1629). These references continue for several years. Since the name of the mother is not given in the earliest baptismal records, it is possible that some of the early children listed here actually belong to a different Pierre, the father or uncle of the one who married Françoise Tripod.

Another possibility is that there was one notable Pierre Valier at this period, who married first Louise Jaillet, widow of Urbain de la Foge, and then, probably about 1630, Françoise Tripod. The second marriage, which has not been found, would probably have been celebrated at St. Livres, ancestral village of the Tripod family, where the surviving marriage records do not begin until 1640, or at Morges, where the records seem incomplete.

A mention of Egrège Pierre Vallier "le jeune" at Perroy in 1630, at the baptism of Pierre son of Egrège Reimond Favre, suggests that the first Pierre, if from a prior generation, would have been active about 1600, and that the children attributed here to Françoise Tripod belong to Pierre the younger. This record also suggests that references to Egrège Pierre Valier at this time refer to the younger man, also Secrétaire de la Baronnie d'Aubonne, and therefore, that the mentions of Pierre Valier Conseiller and Lieutenant d'Aubonne must refer to Pierre the elder. But which one was the husband of Françoise Tripod? So far, the only sensible conclusion is that her husband was Pierre the younger. This conclusion is supported by the Valier genealogy (Olivier Dessemontet, 1970).

Pierre the notary, apparently the younger, was Châtelain de Lavigny in January 1632. By September, Noble Claude de Montricher, Secrétaire de la Baronnie d'Aubonne, had died, and by October, Pierre Valier had succeeded him.

A possible connection involving Jean Conod and Pierre Valier is the following: Jean Conod was the son of Francois Conod (d. bef. 1593) and Rose Tripod. Our Pierre Valier married Françoise Tripod in the next generation. What is the relationship of Françoise to Rose and Gabriel Tripod?

                                             _Jaques VALIER ______
                                            | (.... - 1560) m 1536
                       _Jean VALIER ________|
                      | (1538 - 1588)       |
                      |                     |_Beatrice PIERRE ____
                      |                       (.... - 1560) m 1536
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
|                     |                      _Michel COLLAT ______
|                     |                     | (1517 - 1566) m 1543
|                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____|
|                       (.... - 1583)       |
|                                           |_Marie FILLIETTAZ ___+
|                                             (1525 - 1578) m 1543
|--Pierre VALIER 
|  (1607 - 1656)
|                                            _Gabriel JAILLET ____+
|                                           | (.... - 1568)       
|                      _Estienne JAILLET ___|
|                     | (.... - 1603)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Louise JAILLET _____|
  (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Jeanne _____ _______|

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I10962)

Father: Pierre VALIER (b. bef 1607, d. aft 1656)
Mother: Françoise TRIPOD (b. aft 1609, d. aft 1671)

Family 1 : Jeanne Catherine WARNERY (dates unknown)
  1. +Pierre VALIER (bp. 22 NOV 1677)
  2.  Jeanne Françoise VALIER (bp. 26 NOV 1678)
  3. +Jean VALIER (bp. 17 NOV 1681, d. bef 1733)
Family 2 : Jeanne DE JOFFREY (dates unknown)


He was pastor at Etoy in 1680. His wife is at first Jeanne Warnery of Morges, then in 1684 Jeanne "du Josseran." A document of Jaques Besson, notary at Lausanne, relates that Spectable Docte et Sçavant Pierre Vallier, ministre d'Etoy, and his brother Isaac, settled a debt of 3,000 florins with Noble Elizabeth Mandrot, wife of Noble "Pillibert" Ripa, doctor of medicine and citizen of Lausanne, on 10 apr 1683, acting also for their brothers Jaques and Benjamin Valier (ACV Dg 18/14, FHL microfilm #0890679).

There is a significant difficulty with the genealogy in this generation of the Valier family. The minister at Etoy is identified in some sources as Pierre David, son of Gamaliel—but with many question marks! The Livre du recteur de l'Académie de Genève appears to base this identification on the fact that he died in December, 1712 at Aubonne, aged about 70 years. However, the age at death in this period, particularly when the age is a round number, is not very reliable. Further, the minister was supposed to have been admitted to the Académie de Lausanne in 1662, and presented a thesis in philosophy in 1665, seemingly implausible for a boy of only 13 years. Since Pierre David is the only known child of Gamaliel, the transaction recorded by the notary Jaques Besson appears to point to the correct parentage. No other Valier family at this period is known to have had the four sons Pierre, Isaac, Jaques, and Benjamin.

                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Pierre VALIER ______|
                      | (1573 - 1636) m 1603|
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
| (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                     |                      _Estienne JAILLET ___+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1603)       
|                     |_Louise JAILLET _____|
|                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|--Pierre VALIER 
|  (.... - 1712)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
  (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I11654)

Father: Jaques VALIER (bp. 14 APR 1636)
Mother: Judith Estiennaz BÉGOZ (bp. 16 FEB 1638)


                                                 _Pierre VALIER ______+
                                                | (1573 - 1636) m 1603
                           _Pierre VALIER ______|
                          | (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
                          |                     |_Louise JAILLET _____+
                          |                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603
 _Jaques VALIER __________|
|  m 1658                 |
|                         |                      _____________________
|                         |                     |                     
|                         |_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
|                           (1609 - 1671) m 1630|
|                                               |_____________________
|--Pierre VALIER 
|                                                _Julien BÉGOZ _______+
|                                               | (.... - 1620)       
|                          _Benjamin BÉGOZ _____|
|                         | (1597 - 1675) m 1620|
|                         |                     |_Rebecca OLIVIER ____
|                         |                       (.... - 1622)       
|_Judith Estiennaz BÉGOZ _|
   m 1658                 |
                          |                      _Benjamin VALIER ____+
                          |                     | (.... - 1622) m 1603
                          |_Anteine VALIER _____|
                            (1604 - ....) m 1620|
                                                |_Gasparde SORDET ____+
                                                  (1580 - ....) m 1603

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I11659)

Father: Pierre VALIER (bp. 20 MAR 1645, d. DEC 1712)
Mother: Jeanne Catherine WARNERY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Susanne LIRON (b. abt 1682, d. DEC 1742)
  1.  Anne VALIER (bp. MAR 1708)
  2.  François Olivier VALIER (bp. 2 FEB 1711)
  3.  Susanne VALIER (bp. 12 DEC 1712)
  4.  Baptiste Félix VALIER (bp. 25 APR 1715)


                                                          _Pierre VALIER ______+
                                                         | (1573 - 1636) m 1603
                             _Pierre VALIER _____________|
                            | (1607 - 1656) m 1630       |
                            |                            |_Louise JAILLET _____+
                            |                              (1575 - 1645) m 1603
 _Pierre VALIER ____________|
| (.... - 1712) m 1677      |
|                           |                             _____________________
|                           |                            |                     
|                           |_Françoise TRIPOD __________|
|                             (1609 - 1671) m 1630       |
|                                                        |_____________________
|--Pierre VALIER 
|                                                         _____________________
|                                                        |                     
|                            _Jean WARNERY ______________|
|                           |                            |
|                           |                            |_____________________
|                           |                                                  
|_Jeanne Catherine WARNERY _|
   m 1677                   |
                            |                             _____________________
                            |                            |                     
                            |_Marie Claudine DE CRAUSAZ _|

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Pierre VALIER       (ID #I10259)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jean Baptiste Felix VALIER (dates unknown)


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Pierre David VALIER       (ID #I11625)

Father: Gamaliel VALIER (b. aft 1598, d. bef 1660)
Mother: Pernette COINSSINS (d. aft 1660)


                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Louis VALIER _______|
                      | (1566 - 1612)       |
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Gamaliel VALIER ____|
| (1598 - 1660) m 1651|
|                     |                      _Jaques REBUT _______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Françoise REBUT ____|
|                       (.... - 1624)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre David VALIER 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Pernette COINSSINS _|
  (.... - 1660) m 1651|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Salomon VALIER       (ID #I11636)

Father: Antoine VALIER (b. aft 1598, d. aft 1632)
Mother: Susanne FAVRE (d. 1658)

Family 1 : Marie Claudine VALIER (bp. 5 MAR 1643)
  1.  Susanne VALIER (bp. 16 DEC 1660)
  2.  Bernard VALIER (bp. 17 JAN 1664)


He seems to have resided mostly at Rolle.

                                             _Jean VALIER ________+
                                            | (1538 - 1588)       
                       _Louis VALIER _______|
                      | (1566 - 1612)       |
                      |                     |_Pernette COLLAT ____+
                      |                       (.... - 1583)       
 _Antoine VALIER _____|
| (1598 - 1632)       |
|                     |                      _Jaques REBUT _______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Françoise REBUT ____|
|                       (.... - 1624)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Salomon VALIER 
|                                            _Estienne FAVRE _____+
|                                           | (1540 - 1600)       
|                      _Michel FAVRE _______|
|                     | (.... - 1628)       |
|                     |                     |_Nicolarde CRISTIN __+
|                     |                       (.... - 1585)       
|_Susanne FAVRE ______|
  (.... - 1658)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Susanne VALIER       (ID #I7371)

Father: Jean VALIER (b. abt 1538, d. abt 1588)
Mother: Pernette COLLAT (d. aft 1583)

Family 1 : Thievent DELAFOGE (dates unknown)
  1.  Claudine FILLIETTAZ (bp. 5 JAN 1586)
  2.  Samuel FILLIETTAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1589)
  3.  Jaques FILLIETTAZ (bp. 26 JUN 1590)
  4.  Anthoine FILLIETTAZ (bp. 7 MAY 1594)
  5.  Théodore FILLIETTAZ (dates unknown)


Susanne's marriage is cited in the Valier genealogy by Olivier Dessemontet (typescript at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises). While we could clearly read the dates on the microfilm of the church books of Gimel, the only part of the names we could read were "de la" and "Vallier". The entry is accompanied by a notation "morte à Morges l'an 1603 en Mars".

                       _Jaques VALIER ______|
                      | (.... - 1560) m 1536|
                      |                     |__________________________________
 _Jean VALIER ________|
| (1538 - 1588)       |
|                     |                      __________________________________
|                     |                     |                                  
|                     |_Beatrice PIERRE ____|
|                       (.... - 1560) m 1536|
|                                           |__________________________________
|--Susanne VALIER 
|  (.... - 1603)
|                                            __________________________________
|                                           |                                  
|                      _Michel COLLAT ______|
|                     | (1517 - 1566) m 1543|
|                     |                     |__________________________________
|                     |                                                        
|_Pernette COLLAT ____|
  (.... - 1583)       |
                      |                      _Stephanus (Estienne) FILLIETTAZ _+
                      |                     | (.... - 1525)                    
                      |_Marie FILLIETTAZ ___|
                        (1525 - 1578) m 1543|

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Susanne VALIER       (ID #I10994)

Father: Imbert VALIER (b. aft 1608, d. aft 1683)
Mother: Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY (dates unknown)


                                                          _Jean VALIER __________+
                                                         | (1538 - 1588)         
                                _Benjamin VALIER ________|
                               | (.... - 1622) m 1621    |
                               |                         |_Pernette COLLAT ______+
                               |                           (.... - 1583)         
 _Imbert VALIER _______________|
| (1608 - 1683) m 1646         |
|                              |                          _Urbain BADEL _________
|                              |                         |                       
|                              |_Jeanne Françoise BADEL _|
|                                 m 1621                 |
|                                                        |_Claudine DE LIVRON ___
|--Susanne VALIER 
|                                                         _Nicolas BLANCHENAY ___
|                                                        |  m 1589               
|                               _Abraham BLANCHENAY _____|
|                              |                         |
|                              |                         |_Françoise DEMARTINES _+
|                              |                            m 1589               
|_Marie Magdelaine BLANCHENAY _|
   m 1646                      |
                               |                          _______________________
                               |                         |                       

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Susanne VALIER       (ID #I11652)

Father: Salomon VALIER (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie Claudine VALIER (bp. 5 MAR 1643)


                                                _Louis VALIER _______+
                                               | (1566 - 1612)       
                          _Antoine VALIER _____|
                         | (1598 - 1632)       |
                         |                     |_Françoise REBUT ____+
                         |                       (.... - 1624)       
 _Salomon VALIER ________|
|  m 1660                |
|                        |                      _Michel FAVRE _______+
|                        |                     | (.... - 1628)       
|                        |_Susanne FAVRE ______|
|                          (.... - 1658)       |
|                                              |_____________________
|--Susanne VALIER 
|                                               _Pierre VALIER ______+
|                                              | (1573 - 1636) m 1603
|                         _Pierre VALIER ______|
|                        | (1607 - 1656) m 1630|
|                        |                     |_Louise JAILLET _____+
|                        |                       (1575 - 1645) m 1603
|_Marie Claudine VALIER _|
   m 1660                |
                         |                      _____________________
                         |                     |                     
                         |_Françoise TRIPOD ___|
                           (1609 - 1671) m 1630|

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Susanne VALIER       (ID #I11664)

Father: Pierre VALIER (bp. 22 NOV 1677)
Mother: Susanne LIRON (b. abt 1682, d. DEC 1742)


                                                   _Pierre VALIER _____________+
                                                  | (1607 - 1656) m 1630       
                       _Pierre VALIER ____________|
                      | (.... - 1712) m 1677      |
                      |                           |_Françoise TRIPOD __________
                      |                             (1609 - 1671) m 1630       
 _Pierre VALIER ______|
|                     |
|                     |                            _Jean WARNERY ______________
|                     |                           |                            
|                     |_Jeanne Catherine WARNERY _|
|                        m 1677                   |
|                                                 |_Marie Claudine DE CRAUSAZ _
|--Susanne VALIER 
|                                                  ____________________________
|                                                 |                            
|                      ___________________________|
|                     |                           |
|                     |                           |____________________________
|                     |                                                        
|_Susanne LIRON ______|
  (1682 - 1742)       |
                      |                            ____________________________
                      |                           |                            

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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