Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Susanne Gabrielle DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14316)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)


Her position in the birth order has not been established, but her testament clearly identifies her as one of the children of Humbert Crousaz de Prélaz:

ACV Bg 13bis/7 fol. 28-29 (26 feb 1744).

Testament de Noble & Vertueuse Demoiselle Susane Gabrielle Crousaz de Prelaz.

Au nom de Dieu amen, à tous soit choise connue que ce jourd'huy vingt & sixiesme febvrier 1744 environ les neuf heures du mattin, Noble & Vertueuse Susane Gabrielle Crousaz citoyenne de Lausanne, souhaittant de faire son Testament et declaration de dernière volonté, a fait apeller le Notaire soussigné, lequel estant allé aupres d'elle, la trouvée par le vouloir de la Divine Providence, indisposée, toutefois de bon sens, mémoire et entendement, laquelle apres avoir instamment prié Dieu, que lors qu'il luy plaira de la retirer de ce monde, de recevoir son ame dans son St. Paradis, pour y jouir des delices qu'il a preparé à ses bienheureux eleus, a disposé de ses biens comme s'ensuit : Primo aux pauvres du charitable hospital de Lausanne, vingt ecusblancs. Item, aux pauvres Refugiés de cette ville, dix escublancs. Item, à l'honnorable commune de Prilly, une Bible, pour l'usage de l'Eglise dudit Prilly. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Dame Jeannoton Crousaz sa soeur, veuve de Monsieur le Banderet Bourgeois la somme de vingt pistoles soit deux cent francs. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Dame Susane Crousaz sa soeur, femme du Noble Seigneur de Froideville, aussi la somme de deux cent francs, reversibles cependant à Mademoiselle Lisette de Froideville sa fille. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Dame Jeanne Crousaz née D'Albenas sa belle soeur, un jong d'or. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Dame Elizabeth Crousaz née Seigneux sa belle soeur, sa thesière d'argent avec un cabaret des Indes. Item, à Noble & Vertueux Albert Crousaz son nepveu, la somme de deux cent francs, et sa caffetière d'argent. Item, à Noble & Vertueux Janot Crousaz aussi son nepveu, la somme de deux cent francs, avec un service d'argent, consistant à une cueillere, une fourchette & un couteau à manche d'argent. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Julie Crousaz sa niepce, une paire de chandeliers d'argent. Item, aux Nobles & Vertueuses Charlotte & Jeanneton Crousaz ses fillieulles, ses deux chambres garnies toutesfois ladicte Noble Demoiselle Charlotte aura son choix de prendre celle qu'elle trouvera à propos, avec sa garderobbe de noyer, oultre à chacune cent francs, legant de plus à laditte Noble Jeanneton une paire de chandeliers d'argent. Item, à Noble & Vertueux Samuel Monod son filliol, la somme de cent francs. Item, à Mademoiselle Susanne Muriset sa niepce la somme de cent francs. Item, à Mesdemoiselles Lisette et Henriette Muriset ses niepces une douzaine de tasses à caffé de pourcelaine, avec six petittes cueillers à caffé d'argent, qu'elles se partageront par egale portion. Item, à Mademoiselle Charlotte Muriset sa niepce, une vache qu'elle â à commande chez honnorable Borez qui demeure en Aeraz ( ?). Item, à Mademoiselle Jeanetton Muriset sa niece une vache qu'elle â à commande chez honnorable Pierre Baudet à Prilly. Item, à Mademoiselle Marianne Muriset aussi sa niece, une vache qu'elle a à commande chez honnorable Menestrey demeurant à Prilly, vigneron de Monsieur le Ministre DeMierre. Item, à Mademoiselle Elizabeth Muriset sa niepce, une de ses creances de la somme de vingt escublancs. Item, à Noble & Vertueuse Susane Albertine DeMartine sa fillieulle, la somme de cent francs. Item, à chacun ( ? illegible) qui se trouvera avoir soin d'elle à la fin de ses jours la somme de dix escublancs, tous lesquels legats faits cy devant en sommes d'argent, creances et en betail, seront payés & delivrés d'abord apres sa mort, aussi bien que la Bible leguée pour l'usage de l'Eglise de Prilly. Et quant à ses garnitures de chambres et aux legats faits en vaisselle d'argent, ne devront se delivrer (si les heritiers cy apres nommés le trouvent à propos) que lors que celles auxquelles elle fait lesdicts legats se marieront, ou se voudront mettre en menage. Et comme le chef de tous bons & valides Testaments est l'institution hereditaire, a ces fins elle a nommé et institué de sa propre bouche, pour ses vrais & legitimes heritiers en tous ses biens non legués cy devant, les Nobles & Genereux Jean Louis, Isaac & Pierre François Crousaz ses freres, ledit Noble Jean Louis, Seigneur Juge ordinaire de Lausanne, ledit Noble Isaac seigneur Conseiller de cette ville, & ledit Noble Pierre François Capitaine au service de Leurs Excellences de Berne nos Souverains Seigneurs, priant lesdits Nobles heritiers de vouloir faire parvenir leur portion de l'heritage qu'ils feront, à cause du present Testament, à leurs neveux & nieces Crousaz, toutesfois à ceux ou à celles qu'ils jugeront à propos, renvoyant tous autres pretendants en ses biens moyenant cinq sols, cassant & revoquant tous autres precedents Testaments, donations ou declarations de dernière volonté qu'elle pourrois avoir cy devant fait, voulant et entendant que le present Testament soit ponctuellement observé. Ainsi fait & passé à Lausanne, près du lit de ditte Noble Testatrice, sous toutes autres clauses requises, en presence d'honnorable Jean Philippe Baud Citoyen dudit Lausanne et du Sieur Jean Pierre Noé Jaquier y habitant, temoins.

Signé A ( ?) Courlat.

Omologué en Conseil le 7e Avril 1744.

Curiously, the baptism of her godson (Isaac) Samuel Monod seems to have been omitted and then a brief notation inserted after the fact, without the names of the sponsors. Perhaps some further details of her life can be detected in the baptisms of her other godchildren.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Susanne Gabrielle DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1674 - 1744)
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Susanne Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14609)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1724, d. 7 JAN 1773)
Mother: Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)

Family 1 : André GAMPS (dates unknown)


                                                                   _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ________________+
                                                                  | (1652 - 1725) m 1673               
                                       _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                      | (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
                                      |                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS ___________+
                                      |                             (1653 - ....) m 1673               
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________|
| (.... - 1773) m 1748                |
|                                     |                            ____________________________________
|                                     |                           |                                    
|                                     |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
|                                       (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
|                                                                 |____________________________________
|--Susanne Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1748 - 1784)
|                                                                  _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
|                                                                 | (1660 - ....)                      
|                                      _Jean Louis DE BONS _______|
|                                     | (1683 - 1759)             |
|                                     |                           |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
|                                     |                                                                
|_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _|
  (1721 - 1793) m 1748                |
                                      |                            ____________________________________
                                      |                           |                                    
                                      |_Susanne GAUDARD __________|

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William Anderson DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14628)

Father: George DE CROUSAZ (b. 3 OCT 1788, d. 27 JUL 1825)
Mother: Marie BOTT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Juliana GIBSON-MOSS (dates unknown)
  1. +William de Prélaz DE CROUSAZ (b. 29 JUL 1851)


                                                      _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________+
                                                     | (.... - 1773) m 1748                
                       _Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ _|
                      | (.... - 1810) m 1787         |
                      |                              |_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _+
                      |                                (1721 - 1793) m 1748                
 _George DE CROUSAZ __|
| (1788 - 1825) m 1811|
|                     |                               _____________________________________
|                     |                              |                                     
|                     |_Anne FENIEN _________________|
|                        m 1787                      |
|                                                    |_____________________________________
|--William Anderson DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1816 - 1891)
|                                                     _____________________________________
|                                                    |                                     
|                      _François BOTT _______________|
|                     |                              |
|                     |                              |_____________________________________
|                     |                                                                    
|_Marie BOTT _________|
   m 1811             |
                      |                               _____________________________________
                      |                              |                                     

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William de Prélaz DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14631)

Father: William Anderson DE CROUSAZ (b. 12 AUG 1816, d. 24 DEC 1891)
Mother: Juliana GIBSON-MOSS (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Emma Arnold LECAPPELAIN (dates unknown)
  1.  Henry William DE CROUSAZ (b. 23 JUL 1878)
  2.  Mary Mabel DE CROUSAZ (b. 13 APR 1881)
  3.  Auguste George DE CROUSAZ (b. 13 APR 1884)
  4.  Charles Edwin DE CROUSAZ (b. 19 APR 1886, d. 14 APR 1893)
  5.  Cecil Francis DE CROUSAZ (b. 7 DEC 1888)


                                                      _Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ _+
                                                     | (.... - 1810) m 1787         
                                _George DE CROUSAZ __|
                               | (1788 - 1825) m 1811|
                               |                     |_Anne FENIEN _________________
                               |                        m 1787                      
 _William Anderson DE CROUSAZ _|
| (1816 - 1891) m 1850         |
|                              |                      _François BOTT _______________
|                              |                     |                              
|                              |_Marie BOTT _________|
|                                 m 1811             |
|                                                    |______________________________
|--William de Prélaz DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1851 - ....)
|                                                     ______________________________
|                                                    |                              
|                               _Mosely GIBSON-MOSS _|
|                              |                     |
|                              |                     |______________________________
|                              |                                                    
|_Juliana GIBSON-MOSS _________|
   m 1850                      |
                               |                      ______________________________
                               |                     |                              
                               |_Rosanna SWERTMANN __|

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Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ       (ID #I12024)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)

Family 1 : Gabriel MONOD (bp. 17 JAN 1671, d. 13 DEC 1753)
  1.  Gabriel MONOD (bp. 12 APR 1711)
  2. +Isaac Samuel MONOD (b. 15 MAR 1712, d. 5 FEB 1795)
  3.  Benjamin Louis MONOD (bp. 21 JAN 1714, d. 16 JUL 1797)
  4.  Jeanne Louise MONOD (bp. 31 MAY 1718)
  5.  Marc Daniel MONOD (bp. 24 JAN 1717)
  6.  François Isaac MONOD (bp. 12 MAY 1720)
  7.  (son) MONOD (bp. 25 MAY 1724)


Sometimes cited in secondary sources as Susanne de Crousaz de Prélaz, and in the church records as Susanne Crousaz (Crouzaz) or Susanne de Prélaz. Secondary sources give her parentage (one possible version) as Humbert Crausaz, de Prélaz, and Elizabeth Marie Loys. A baptismal date listed in the margin in one such source, possibly referring to Susanne, says 19 mar 1679. Her death record at Ballens gives her age as "about 80", which places her date of birth about 1685.

A testament identified only by the reference "ACV Fichier général" is cited in a research report by F. Dumur for Carmen Winans-Monod, December, 1971. The testament, dated 26 feb 1744, is by Noble Susanne Gabrielle Crousaz, citizen of Lausanne, and names sisters Susanne, wife of the Seigneur de Froideville, and Jeanneton, widow of the Banneret Bourgeois. This testament is found in ACV Bg 13bis/7 fol. 28-29, and it was correctly quoted by Dumur. See our entry for Susanne Gabrielle for a transcript.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|  (.... - 1765)
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Susanne DE FALAISEAU       (ID #I16002)

Family 1 : Charles JANVRE (d. bef 1776)
  1. +Susanne Olympe JANVRE (dates unknown)


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Renée DE FERNEX       (ID #I15665)

Family 1 : Pierre CURNILLON (dates unknown)
  1. +Jeanne CURNILLON (dates unknown)


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Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ       (ID #I13457)

Father: Maire Olivier FILLIETTAZ (dates unknown)
Mother: Salomé Françoise PACCOTTON (bp. 19 DEC 1692)

Family 1 : Magdelaine du COMMUN (d. 6 JAN 1756)
  1. +Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ (b. 14 NOV 1741, d. 30 NOV 1811)


                                                      _Pierre FILLIETTAZ __
                                                     | (1607 - ....) m 1635
                               _Bernard FILLIETTAZ __|
                              | (.... - 1706) m 1677 |
                              |                      |_Claudine FOL _______+
                              |                         m 1635             
 _Maire Olivier FILLIETTAZ ___|
|                             |
|                             |                       _____________________
|                             |                      |                     
|                             |_Jeanne Louise VOLAT _|
|                                m 1677              |
|                                                    |_____________________
|--Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ 
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                              _Albert PACCOTTON ____|
|                             |                      |
|                             |                      |_____________________
|                             |                                            
|_Salomé Françoise PACCOTTON _|
                              |                       _____________________
                              |                      |                     
                              |_Catherine DE COPPET _|

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Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ       (ID #I13456)

Father: Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ (bp. 18 MAR 1717)
Mother: Magdelaine du COMMUN (d. 6 JAN 1756)

Family 1 : Isaac Samuel MONOD (b. 15 MAR 1712, d. 5 FEB 1795)
  1.  Isaac Emmanuel David Louis Constantin MONOD (b. 15 MAY 1761, d. 19 JUN 1845)
  2.  Jean Alexandre MONOD (bp. 7 SEP 1762)
  3.  Benjamin Marc Samuel MONOD (b. 4 JUL 1763)
  4.  Charles Louis MONOD (b. 22 JUN 1765, d. 15 SEP 1828)
  5. +Jeanne Françoise Marianne MONOD (b. 21 FEB 1771, d. 22 MAR 1847)


The birthdate is from secondary sources, the church record at Chavornay only gives the date of baptism. The sponsors for the baptism were François Ernst of Bern, David DuCommun of Boudry, Marianne Correvont of Yverdon, and Marianne DuCommon of Le Locle and La Chaux de Fonds, habitant at Yverdon.

                                                             _Bernard FILLIETTAZ __+
                                                            | (.... - 1706) m 1677 
                               _Maire Olivier FILLIETTAZ ___|
                              |                             |
                              |                             |_Jeanne Louise VOLAT _
                              |                                m 1677              
 _Jean Rodolphe DE FILLIETAZ _|
|                             |
|                             |                              _Albert PACCOTTON ____
|                             |                             |                      
|                             |_Salomé Françoise PACCOTTON _|
|                                                           |
|                                                           |_Catherine DE COPPET _
|--Marianne Louise DE FILLIETAZ 
|  (1741 - 1811)
|                                                            ______________________
|                                                           |                      
|                              _____________________________|
|                             |                             |
|                             |                             |______________________
|                             |                                                    
|_Magdelaine du COMMUN _______|
  (.... - 1756)               |
                              |                              ______________________
                              |                             |                      

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Estiennaz DE FRANCFORT       (ID #I2049)

Father: Isaac DE FRANCFORT (d. bef 1640)

Family 1 : Jonas ROCHAT (dates unknown)
  1.  Abraham ROCHAT (bp. 18 SEP 1642)
  2.  Jean Michel ROCHAT (bp. 13 SEP 1646)
  3.  Jean Baptiste ROCHAT (bp. 8 APR 1649)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
| (.... - 1640)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Estiennaz DE FRANCFORT 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Isaac DE FRANCFORT       (ID #I2050)

Family 1 :
  1. +Estiennaz DE FRANCFORT (dates unknown)


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Aymonetus DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I16477)

Family 1 :
  1.  Petrus DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1405)
  2.  Michael DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1405)


He and his sons are mentioned as property owners in document dated 18 feb 1405 (ACV C XX 18/2).

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Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14286)

Father: Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. bef 1452)

Family 1 :
  1. +Claude DE FROIDEVILLE (b. bef 1431, d. bef 1513)
  2.  Johannes DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1452)


He is cited as the father of the Claude de Froideville (or in Latin, de Frigidavilla) who was one of the governors of Ballens when a terrier was compiled by Jean Vullieti, about 1477.

The de Froideville family seems to have divided into two or more branches distinguished by their aliases: The descendants of Bisuncius, Bisoneti or Bissonczenus became alias Besanson, another branch became alias Cua de Loup. The remaining branches may have died out by about 1530.

Bisuncius made a "reconnaissance" 19 oct 1452 for various properties at Ballens subject to Johannes de Menthon, coseigneur d'Aubonne (ACV IB 296b/896).

                           _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
                          |                         |
                          |                         |_____________________
| (.... - 1452)           |
|                         |                          _Voucherius SAUDAN __
|                         |                         |                     
|                         |_Rolete SAUDAN __________|
|                                                   |
|                                                   |_____________________
|  (.... - 1456)
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                          _________________________|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |_____________________
|                         |                                               
                          |                          _____________________
                          |                         |                     

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Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14473)

Father: Michel DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Hugonet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)


                           _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
                          |                         |
                          |                         |_____________________
|                         |
|                         |                          _Voucherius SAUDAN __
|                         |                         |                     
|                         |_Rolete SAUDAN __________|
|                                                   |
|                                                   |_____________________
|                                                    _____________________
|                                                   |                     
|                          _________________________|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |_____________________
|                         |                                               
                          |                          _____________________
                          |                         |                     

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Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14465)

Father: Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)
Mother: Rolete SAUDAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1456)


                          |                     |
                          |                     |__
|                         |
|                         |                      __
|                         |                     |  
|                         |_____________________|
|                                               |
|                                               |__
|  (.... - 1452)
|                                                __
|                                               |  
|                          _Voucherius SAUDAN __|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |__
|                         |                        
|_Rolete SAUDAN __________|
                          |                      __
                          |                     |  

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Hugonet DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14469)

Father: Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)
Mother: Rolete SAUDAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jacob DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)


                          |                     |
                          |                     |__
|                         |
|                         |                      __
|                         |                     |  
|                         |_____________________|
|                                               |
|                                               |__
|                                                __
|                                               |  
|                          _Voucherius SAUDAN __|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |__
|                         |                        
|_Rolete SAUDAN __________|
                          |                      __
                          |                     |  

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Hugonet DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14474)

Father: Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jean DE FROIDEVILLE (dates unknown)


                                                     _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _
                           _Michel DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
                          |                         |
                          |                         |_Rolete SAUDAN __________+
|                         |
|                         |                          _________________________
|                         |                         |                         
|                         |_________________________|
|                                                   |
|                                                   |_________________________
|                                                    _________________________
|                                                   |                         
|                          _________________________|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |_________________________
|                         |                                                   
                          |                          _________________________
                          |                         |                         

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Jacob DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14470)

Father: Hugonet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jean DE FROIDEVILLE (dates unknown)


                            _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
                           |                         |
                           |                         |_____________________
|                          |
|                          |                          _Voucherius SAUDAN __
|                          |                         |                     
|                          |_Rolete SAUDAN __________|
|                                                    |
|                                                    |_____________________
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                           _________________________|
|                          |                         |
|                          |                         |_____________________
|                          |                                               
                           |                          _____________________
                           |                         |                     

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Johannes DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I16464)

Father: Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1456)

Family 1 : Stephaneta D'ESCHANDENS (dates unknown)


He and his wife made a "reconnaissance" 19 oct 1452 (ACV IB 295a/735, in two parts, both signed Fabri) for property at Ballens. At least some of the properties had been inherited from (or at least were from the estate of) Johannes and Cristinus Vachetaz of Ballens, and some of the property was held jointly with Girardus Cigoen and his wife Roleta d'Eschandens, who had held property from the Vachetaz family. At least one property was held jointly by Roleta and Stephaneta. It is possible, therefore, that the connection between the families is that Stephaneta was the sister of Roleta. Additional persons named as holders of adjacent parcels are: Nicoleta wife of Petrus Verneir (is this perhaps the same as Vernet? — the script is not very clear, but another reconnaissance in the same group calls him Verney), Perroneta wife of Mermetus Soliard, Francesia daughter of the late Mermetus dictus Mathey, Aymonodus Mayor, Huguetus Soudans, Bisuncius de Frigidavilla, Petrus Lamber (Lambert), Aymoneta wife of Claudius de Frigidavilla, Roletus Barbier (=Barbier). Witnesses included Perronetus de Mediavilla, his son Johannes de Mediavilla, and Aymonodus Mayor.

The same couple is named as a neighboring property owner in a mortgage of property at Ballens subject to the chapel of St. Blaise at Romainmôtier, 23 nov 1449 (ACV C XX 18/8).

                                                        _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _
                              _Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
                             | (.... - 1452)           |
                             |                         |_Rolete SAUDAN __________+
 _Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
| (.... - 1456)              |
|                            |                          _________________________
|                            |                         |                         
|                            |_________________________|
|                                                      |
|                                                      |_________________________
|  (.... - 1452)
|                                                       _________________________
|                                                      |                         
|                             _________________________|
|                            |                         |
|                            |                         |_________________________
|                            |                                                   
                             |                          _________________________
                             |                         |                         

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Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14466)

Family 1 : Rolete SAUDAN (dates unknown)
  1. +Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. bef 1452)
  2. +Hugonet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)
  3. +Michel DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)


Ancestor, and presumably the father of Claude de Frigidavilla whose son was Besanczonus, and of Hugonet whose son was Jacob, and of Michel, from whom the "Cua de Loup" branch descends. The terrier ACV Fg 52 describes these relationships, but not as clearly as we might wish. The earlier terriers, not yet examined, will probably clarify the situation. Another reconnaissance in the same terrier implies a connection between this couple and the Terraulx family (fol. 153).

Laurentius de Frigidavilla, presumably from the same family, was the "guardian" of the Franciscans at Nyon intermittently from 1379 to 1409 (Helvetia Sacra V/1, 404-412).

In order to connect the generations with more assurance, we need to establish approximate dates for more members of this family.

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Michael DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I16479)

Father: Aymonetus DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. bef 1405)


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Michel DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I14472)

Father: Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)
Mother: Rolete SAUDAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA (dates unknown)


He is probably the one whose son Claude made a reconnaissance in the late 15th Century (see ACV Fh 211, fol. 232, reconnaissance for the du Sougey family, 20 jan 1569, referring back to earlier reconnaissances, one recorded by commissaire Jean Thomasset by "Jeannette fillie de Michiel de Freydevilla de Ballens femme de Jean Matthey habitateur de Feschie", the other recordedy by commissaire Jean Vulliet by "par Claude filz de Michiel de Freydeville). The terrier of Jean Thomasset may be ACV Fh 117, from about 1432, or Fh 119 or 112, from about 1437. The terrier of Jean Vulliet may be lost, but a quernet of "noble fiefs" by this commissaire, Fh 7, dates from about 1478-1488, heavily used, badly damaged, and in a very messy script, but naming many individuals in addition to the nobles themselves.

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Petrus DE FRIGIDAVILLA       (ID #I16478)

Father: Aymonetus DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. bef 1405)


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André DE FROIDEVILLE       (ID #I14295)

Father: Pierre DE FROIDEVILLE (d. bef 1506)


He is mentioned as a brother of Marie, wife of Jean Aymonaz, in a "reconnaissance" for André Barbie in the terrier ACV FH 137 (fol. 425v, 30 oct 1506), but it is possible that this and a few other isolated mentions in the same terrier are in error. Elsewhere in the same terrier, when Marie is mentioned, the brother mentioned with her is always Pierre. In the reconnaissance for involving Marie directly (fol. 413, 28 may 1506), she is joined by her husband Jean Aymonaz, her brother Pierre, and André son of the late Pierre son of the said Claude de Froideville. Unless this statement, repeated several times, is in error, the solution would be that Claude de Froideville must have had two sons named Pierre, one still living, the other the father of André.

                                                   _Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA _+
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Claude DE FROIDEVILLE       (ID #I14282)

Father: Bisuncius DE FRIGIDAVILLA (d. aft 1456)

Family 1 :
  1. +Pierre DE FROIDEVILLE (d. bef 1506)
  2. +Marie DE FROIDEVILLE (dates unknown)
  3.  Pierre DE FROIDEVILLE (dates unknown)
  4.  Mermete DE FROIDEVILLE (dates unknown)


Claudius de Frigidavilla filius quondam Bisuncii de Frigidavilla de Ballens made a reconnaissance 06 oct 1489 in a terrier for the co-seigneurie of Aubonne compiled by Guilliermus Berardi, ACV P de Mestral I 1507, fol. 369. The properties had previously recognized by his father Bisuncius, an extract of that reconnaissance preserved in a fragment from the Inventaire Blanc (IB 295a/735, dated 19 oct 1452, apparently extracted by a notary called Fabri from an unidentified terrier compiled by Johannes Challeti). As of 1489, the properties had "long ago" been abandoned (apparently by Bisuncius himself ?) "racione sterelitatis et nimie servitutis earundem" and then subsequently (or recently) re-leased to Claudius by the Seigneur, presumably with a reduction in the annual cense or rent, as had been done for other tenements in the area, cited in the same terrier of Berardi.

The earliest mention of the death of his father that we have located so far is in Fh 7, in the reconnaissance of Noble Petrus de Duyng, 21 oct 1478, mentioning property held by the heirs of Bisuncius de Frigidavilla. Bisuncius himself was clearly alive as late as 1456 (several mentions in Fh 123), but his son Claudius had reached the age of majority at least by 21 sep 1456 (Fh 123, fol. 219v [216v]), when he made a reconnaissance for property that had comme from the Rossectaz family. There is also a reference to Claudius son of the late Bicuncius having served as syndic of Ballens in the time of the notary Vullieti, probably around 1470-1478.

                                                        _Mermet DE FRIGIDAVILLA _
                              _Claude DE FRIGIDAVILLA _|
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                             |                         |_Rolete SAUDAN __________+
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