Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Françoise DE BLONAY       (ID #I15408)

Father: Jean Michel DE BLONAY (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne JOFFREY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Cathelin DE LOYS (b. abt 1545, d. abt 1581)
  1. +Jeanne DE LOYS (b. abt 1571, d. abt 1599)
Family 2 : Philibert DE PRAROMAN (d. aft 1607)
  1. +Henri DE PRAROMAN (dates unknown)
  2. +François DE PRAROMAN (bp. 20 DEC 1587, d. 1650)


                         |  |
                         |  |__
 _Jean Michel DE BLONAY _|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|
|                           |
|                           |__
|--Françoise DE BLONAY 
|                            __
|                           |  
|                         __|
|                        |  |
|                        |  |__
|                        |     
|_Jeanne JOFFREY ________|
                         |   __
                         |  |  

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Jean Michel DE BLONAY       (ID #I15410)

Family 1 : Jeanne JOFFREY (dates unknown)
  1. +Françoise DE BLONAY (dates unknown)


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Marguerite DE BLONAY       (ID #I15604)

Family 1 : André D'AUBONNE (dates unknown)
  1.  Samuel D'AUBONNE (dates unknown)


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Marguerite DE BLONAY       (ID #I15632)

Father: François DE BLONAY (dates unknown)
Mother: Judith D'HARANS? (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Noé DE LOYS (b. abt 1589, d. abt 1640)
  1.  Judith DE LOYS (dates unknown)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _François DE BLONAY _|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Marguerite DE BLONAY 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Judith D'HARANS? ___|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Adam André DE BONS       (ID #I14170)

Father: Pierre DE BONS (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne Louise Berthé DE MARTINES (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Renée DE CHAPEAUROUGE (dates unknown)
  1.  Amélie Louise Marthe Sara DE BONS (dates unknown)
  2.  Antoine Jean Louis DE BONS (dates unknown)


                                                              _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                             | (.... - 1671)          
                                     _Jean François DE BONS _|
                                    | (.... - 1714)          |
                                    |                        |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___+
 _Pierre DE BONS ___________________|
|  m 1709                           |
|                                   |                         ________________________
|                                   |                        |                        
|                                   |_Louise DE PONCET ______|
|                                                            |
|                                                            |________________________
|--Adam André DE BONS 
|  (.... - 1789)
|                                                             ________________________
|                                                            |                        
|                                    ________________________|
|                                   |                        |
|                                   |                        |________________________
|                                   |                                                 
|_Jeanne Louise Berthé DE MARTINES _|
   m 1709                           |
                                    |                         ________________________
                                    |                        |                        

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Amé DE BONS       (ID #I14146)

Father: Amé DE BONS (d. 14 JUL 1652)
Mother: Judith VIVOT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Dorothée DE BORSAT (dates unknown)
  1.  Louise Esther DE BONS (bp. 21 FEB 1686)
  2.  Jean Philippe DE BONS (bp. 3 SEP 1688)
  3.  Louis Auguste DE BONS (bp. 9 AUG 1692)


Seigneur d'Asserens. About 1685 he settled in Lausanne.

                       _Anselme DE BONS ____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Amé DE BONS ________|
| (.... - 1652)       |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Amé DE BONS 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Judith VIVOT _______|
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Amé DE BONS       (ID #I14136)

Father: Anselme DE BONS (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Mye DE MAISONNEUVE (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Jeanne DE LIVRON (dates unknown)
  1.  Gabriel DE BONS (dates unknown)
  2. +Jean François DE BONS (d. 10 JAN 1671)
Family 3 : Judith VIVOT (dates unknown)
  1.  César DE BONS (b. abt 1644, d. 1654)
  2.  Samuel DE BONS (dates unknown)
  3. +Amé DE BONS (dates unknown)


Protestant minister at Farges (Gex) in the 1620's and at Châlon-sur-Saone in 1635. He also served at Lyon (about 1648), Maringues (Auvergne), and probably elsewhere. He acquired the seigneurie of Farges in 1650. He died at Geneva 14 jul 1652.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Anselme DE BONS ____|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Amé DE BONS 
|  (.... - 1652)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Amélie Louise Marthe Sara DE BONS       (ID #I14173)

Father: Adam André DE BONS (d. 1789)
Mother: Renée DE CHAPEAUROUGE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Juste DE MARTINES (dates unknown)


                                                              _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                             | (.... - 1714)          
                          _Pierre DE BONS ___________________|
                         |  m 1709                           |
                         |                                   |_Louise DE PONCET ______
 _Adam André DE BONS ____|
| (.... - 1789) m 1771   |
|                        |                                    ________________________
|                        |                                   |                        
|                        |_Jeanne Louise Berthé DE MARTINES _|
|                           m 1709                           |
|                                                            |________________________
|--Amélie Louise Marthe Sara DE BONS 
|                                                             ________________________
|                                                            |                        
|                         ___________________________________|
|                        |                                   |
|                        |                                   |________________________
|                        |                                                            
   m 1771                |
                         |                                    ________________________
                         |                                   |                        

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Anselme DE BONS       (ID #I14134)

Family 1 :
  1.  François DE BONS (b. abt 1573, d. 1614)
  2. +Amé DE BONS (d. 14 JUL 1652)


De Bons genealogy from Eugène Haag, La France Protestante, second edition (vol. 2, 1879, 863-867). There are other genealogies of this family, not examined. We include the information here in order to point out some of the connections of this family with others in our database.

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Antoine Jean Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14175)

Father: Adam André DE BONS (d. 1789)
Mother: Renée DE CHAPEAUROUGE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise JAQUINOD (dates unknown)


                                                              _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                             | (.... - 1714)          
                          _Pierre DE BONS ___________________|
                         |  m 1709                           |
                         |                                   |_Louise DE PONCET ______
 _Adam André DE BONS ____|
| (.... - 1789) m 1771   |
|                        |                                    ________________________
|                        |                                   |                        
|                        |_Jeanne Louise Berthé DE MARTINES _|
|                           m 1709                           |
|                                                            |________________________
|--Antoine Jean Louis DE BONS 
|                                                             ________________________
|                                                            |                        
|                         ___________________________________|
|                        |                                   |
|                        |                                   |________________________
|                        |                                                            
   m 1771                |
                         |                                    ________________________
                         |                                   |                        

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Barthelemi DE BONS       (ID #I14159)

Father: Jean François DE BONS (d. 10 JAN 1671)
Mother: Catherine DE CASSOT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX (dates unknown)
  1. +Jean Louis DE BONS (b. 30 OCT 1683, d. abt 1759)
  2.  Pierre Louis DE BONS (dates unknown)
  3.  Samuel DE BONS (b. 1687, d. 1708)
  4.  Jeanne Louise DE BONS (dates unknown)


Bourgeois de Lausanne 1688.

                                                _Anselme DE BONS ______
                          _Amé DE BONS ________|
                         | (.... - 1652)       |
                         |                     |_______________________
 _Jean François DE BONS _|
| (.... - 1671)          |
|                        |                      _Philippe DE LIVRON ___
|                        |                     |                       
|                        |_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___|
|                                              |
|                                              |_Antoinette DE LIVRON _
|--Barthelemi DE BONS 
|  (1660 - ....)
|                                               _______________________
|                                              |                       
|                         _Antoine DE CASSOT __|
|                        |                     |
|                        |                     |_______________________
|                        |                                             
|_Catherine DE CASSOT ___|
                         |                      _______________________
                         |                     |                       

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César DE BONS       (ID #I14144)

Father: Amé DE BONS (d. 14 JUL 1652)
Mother: Judith VIVOT (dates unknown)


                       _Anselme DE BONS ____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Amé DE BONS ________|
| (.... - 1652)       |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--César DE BONS 
|  (1644 - 1654)
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Judith VIVOT _______|
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Charlotte DE BONS       (ID #I14192)

Father: François Louis DE BONS (b. 17 FEB 1723, d. 8 JUL 1797)
Mother: Elizabeth LOUBIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Antoine HARDI (dates unknown)


                                                 _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
                                                | (1660 - ....)                      
                           _Jean Louis DE BONS _|
                          | (1683 - 1759)       |
                          |                     |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
 _François Louis DE BONS _|
| (1723 - 1797)           |
|                         |                      ____________________________________
|                         |                     |                                    
|                         |_Susanne GAUDARD ____|
|                                               |
|                                               |____________________________________
|--Charlotte DE BONS 
|                                                ____________________________________
|                                               |                                    
|                          _____________________|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |____________________________________
|                         |                                                          
|_Elizabeth LOUBIER ______|
                          |                      ____________________________________
                          |                     |                                    

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François DE BONS       (ID #I14135)

Father: Anselme DE BONS (dates unknown)


He published a number of works of philosophy under the name Bonnaeus: De methodo apodictica (1606); Problemata de principiis et definitione logicae (Geneva, 1607); De accidente (Geneva, 1608); De substantia (1607); De propositionibus necessariis (Geneva, 1607); De natura generis ex porphyrii philisophi commentatione; De motu (Geneva, 1608 and 1612); De formis rerum naturalium substantialibus (Geneva, 1612); and a posthumous work, Tractatus de ratione discendi (1619). He was a professor of law and philosophy at the Académie de Genève in 1611, and died in 1614. Descendants in Holland.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Anselme DE BONS ____|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--François DE BONS 
|  (1573 - 1614)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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François Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14133)

Father: Jean Louis DE BONS (b. 30 OCT 1683, d. abt 1759)
Mother: Susanne GAUDARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Elizabeth LOUBIER (dates unknown)
  1.  Charlotte DE BONS (dates unknown)
  2.  Jean Louis DE BONS (b. 1762)
  3.  Rose MADELEINE (dates unknown)
  4.  Charles Louis HUGUES (b. 1766)


He studied at Lausanne and Leyden. Minister at one of the French congregations in London (1751), then associated with the Académie de Lausanne

                                                            _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                           | (.... - 1671)          
                       _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________|
                      | (1660 - ....)                      |
                      |                                    |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___+
 _Jean Louis DE BONS _|
| (1683 - 1759)       |
|                     |                                     ________________________
|                     |                                    |                        
|                     |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |________________________
|--François Louis DE BONS 
|  (1723 - 1797)
|                                                           ________________________
|                                                          |                        
|                      ____________________________________|
|                     |                                    |
|                     |                                    |________________________
|                     |                                                             
|_Susanne GAUDARD ____|
                      |                                     ________________________
                      |                                    |                        

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Frédéric Louis Samuel DE BONS       (ID #I14183)

Father: Jean Louis DE BONS (b. 30 OCT 1683, d. abt 1759)
Mother: Susanne GAUDARD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne DE LORIOL (dates unknown)


Pastor at Rolle.

                                                            _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                           | (.... - 1671)          
                       _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________|
                      | (1660 - ....)                      |
                      |                                    |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___+
 _Jean Louis DE BONS _|
| (1683 - 1759)       |
|                     |                                     ________________________
|                     |                                    |                        
|                     |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |________________________
|--Frédéric Louis Samuel DE BONS 
|  (1718 - 1801)
|                                                           ________________________
|                                                          |                        
|                      ____________________________________|
|                     |                                    |
|                     |                                    |________________________
|                     |                                                             
|_Susanne GAUDARD ____|
                      |                                     ________________________
                      |                                    |                        

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Gabriel DE BONS       (ID #I14141)

Father: Amé DE BONS (d. 14 JUL 1652)
Mother: Jeanne DE LIVRON (dates unknown)


                       _Anselme DE BONS ______|
                      |                       |
                      |                       |__
 _Amé DE BONS ________|
| (.... - 1652)       |
|                     |                        __
|                     |                       |  
|                     |_______________________|
|                                             |
|                                             |__
|--Gabriel DE BONS 
|                                              __
|                                             |  
|                      _Philippe DE LIVRON ___|
|                     |                       |
|                     |                       |__
|                     |                          
|_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___|
                      |                        __
                      |                       |  
                      |_Antoinette DE LIVRON _|

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Gabrielle DE BONS       (ID #I14160)

Father: Jean François DE BONS (d. 10 JAN 1671)
Mother: Catherine DE CASSOT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marc Antoine BLONDEL (dates unknown)


                                                _Anselme DE BONS ______
                          _Amé DE BONS ________|
                         | (.... - 1652)       |
                         |                     |_______________________
 _Jean François DE BONS _|
| (.... - 1671)          |
|                        |                      _Philippe DE LIVRON ___
|                        |                     |                       
|                        |_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___|
|                                              |
|                                              |_Antoinette DE LIVRON _
|--Gabrielle DE BONS 
|                                               _______________________
|                                              |                       
|                         _Antoine DE CASSOT __|
|                        |                     |
|                        |                     |_______________________
|                        |                                             
|_Catherine DE CASSOT ___|
                         |                      _______________________
                         |                     |                       

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Georges Guichard Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14185)

Father: Jean Louis DE BONS (b. 30 OCT 1683, d. abt 1759)
Mother: Susanne GAUDARD (dates unknown)


Served in the Dutch East Indies Company, indendant at Baada-Neyra.

                                                            _Jean François DE BONS _+
                                                           | (.... - 1671)          
                       _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________|
                      | (1660 - ....)                      |
                      |                                    |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___+
 _Jean Louis DE BONS _|
| (1683 - 1759)       |
|                     |                                     ________________________
|                     |                                    |                        
|                     |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |________________________
|--Georges Guichard Louis DE BONS 
|  (.... - 1753)
|                                                           ________________________
|                                                          |                        
|                      ____________________________________|
|                     |                                    |
|                     |                                    |________________________
|                     |                                                             
|_Susanne GAUDARD ____|
                      |                                     ________________________
                      |                                    |                        

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Jean François DE BONS       (ID #I14142)

Father: Amé DE BONS (d. 14 JUL 1652)
Mother: Jeanne DE LIVRON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Catherine DE CASSOT (dates unknown)
  1. +Jean François DE BONS (d. 1714)
  2. +Barthelemi DE BONS (b. 19 APR 1660)
  3.  Gabrielle DE BONS (dates unknown)
  4.  Marie DE BONS (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Jeanne Marie DE PONCET (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Louise DE BONS (dates unknown)
  2.  Susanne DE BONS (dates unknown)


Student in Geneva in 1638, therefore born perhaps about 1624. He became a lawyer at the parliament of Dijon and Seigneur de Farges.

                       _Anselme DE BONS ______|
                      |                       |
                      |                       |__
 _Amé DE BONS ________|
| (.... - 1652)       |
|                     |                        __
|                     |                       |  
|                     |_______________________|
|                                             |
|                                             |__
|--Jean François DE BONS 
|  (.... - 1671)
|                                              __
|                                             |  
|                      _Philippe DE LIVRON ___|
|                     |                       |
|                     |                       |__
|                     |                          
|_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___|
                      |                        __
                      |                       |  
                      |_Antoinette DE LIVRON _|

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Jean François DE BONS       (ID #I14158)

Father: Jean François DE BONS (d. 10 JAN 1671)
Mother: Catherine DE CASSOT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise DE PONCET (dates unknown)
  1. +Pierre DE BONS (dates unknown)
  2.  Jean Louis DE BONS (dates unknown)
  3.  Judith Catherine DE BONS (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Euphrosine FISCHER (dates unknown)


Habitant at Lausanne 1676, citizen of Bern 1691

                                                _Anselme DE BONS ______
                          _Amé DE BONS ________|
                         | (.... - 1652)       |
                         |                     |_______________________
 _Jean François DE BONS _|
| (.... - 1671)          |
|                        |                      _Philippe DE LIVRON ___
|                        |                     |                       
|                        |_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___|
|                                              |
|                                              |_Antoinette DE LIVRON _
|--Jean François DE BONS 
|  (.... - 1714)
|                                               _______________________
|                                              |                       
|                         _Antoine DE CASSOT __|
|                        |                     |
|                        |                     |_______________________
|                        |                                             
|_Catherine DE CASSOT ___|
                         |                      _______________________
                         |                     |                       

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Jean Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14167)

Father: Jean François DE BONS (d. 1714)
Mother: Louise DE PONCET (dates unknown)


                                                   _Amé DE BONS ________+
                                                  | (.... - 1652)       
                          _Jean François DE BONS _|
                         | (.... - 1671)          |
                         |                        |_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___+
 _Jean François DE BONS _|
| (.... - 1714)          |
|                        |                         _Antoine DE CASSOT __
|                        |                        |                     
|                        |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |_____________________
|--Jean Louis DE BONS 
|                                                  _____________________
|                                                 |                     
|                         ________________________|
|                        |                        |
|                        |                        |_____________________
|                        |                                              
|_Louise DE PONCET ______|
                         |                         _____________________
                         |                        |                     

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Jean Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14178)

Father: Barthelemi DE BONS (b. 19 APR 1660)
Mother: Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Susanne GAUDARD (dates unknown)
  1.  Frédéric Louis Samuel DE BONS (b. 5 NOV 1718, d. 20 JUL 1801)
  2.  Georges Guichard Louis DE BONS (d. 1753)
  3. +François Louis DE BONS (b. 17 FEB 1723, d. 8 JUL 1797)
  4. +Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)
  5.  Rose Julie DE BONS (b. abt 1724, d. 1811)
  6.  Rose Susanne DE BONS (dates unknown)
  7.  Jedide Catherine DE BONS (dates unknown)


Pastor at Denezy, Morat, and Payerne.

                                                               _Amé DE BONS ________+
                                                              | (.... - 1652)       
                                      _Jean François DE BONS _|
                                     | (.... - 1671)          |
                                     |                        |_Jeanne DE LIVRON ___+
 _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________|
| (1660 - ....)                      |
|                                    |                         _Antoine DE CASSOT __
|                                    |                        |                     
|                                    |_Catherine DE CASSOT ___|
|                                                             |
|                                                             |_____________________
|--Jean Louis DE BONS 
|  (1683 - 1759)
|                                                              _____________________
|                                                             |                     
|                                     ________________________|
|                                    |                        |
|                                    |                        |_____________________
|                                    |                                              
|_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _|
                                     |                         _____________________
                                     |                        |                     

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Jean Louis DE BONS       (ID #I14194)

Father: François Louis DE BONS (b. 17 FEB 1723, d. 8 JUL 1797)
Mother: Elizabeth LOUBIER (dates unknown)


Commander in chief of the troops of Vaud in 1798.

                                                 _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
                                                | (1660 - ....)                      
                           _Jean Louis DE BONS _|
                          | (1683 - 1759)       |
                          |                     |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
 _François Louis DE BONS _|
| (1723 - 1797)           |
|                         |                      ____________________________________
|                         |                     |                                    
|                         |_Susanne GAUDARD ____|
|                                               |
|                                               |____________________________________
|--Jean Louis DE BONS 
|  (1762 - ....)
|                                                ____________________________________
|                                               |                                    
|                          _____________________|
|                         |                     |
|                         |                     |____________________________________
|                         |                                                          
|_Elizabeth LOUBIER ______|
                          |                      ____________________________________
                          |                     |                                    

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Jean Philippe DE BONS       (ID #I14149)

Father: Amé DE BONS (dates unknown)
Mother: Dorothée DE BORSAT (dates unknown)


                                             _Anselme DE BONS ____
                       _Amé DE BONS ________|
                      | (.... - 1652)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Amé DE BONS ________|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Judith VIVOT _______|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jean Philippe DE BONS 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Dorothée DE BORSAT _|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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