Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Henriette Elizabeth DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14599)

Father: Pierre Etienne DE CROUSAZ (b. 9 JUN 1770, d. 15 DEC 1823)
Mother: Françoise Elizabeth Madelaine Pauline DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)


                                                                                          _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ______+
                                                                                         | (.... - 1725) m 1712           
                                                     _Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ _____________|
                                                    | (1721 - 1775)                      |
                                                    |                                    |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ________
                                                    |                                      (1688 - 1732) m 1712           
 _Pierre Etienne DE CROUSAZ ________________________|
| (1770 - 1823)                                     |
|                                                   |                                     _André PICOT ___________________
|                                                   |                                    |                                
|                                                   |_Louise PICOT ______________________|
|                                                                                        |
|                                                                                        |_Jeanne _____ __________________
|--Henriette Elizabeth DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1801 - 1801)
|                                                                                         _Pierre François DE CROUSAZ ____+
|                                                                                        | (1684 - 1769) m 1723           
|                                                    _Albert Jerome DE CROUSAZ __________|
|                                                   | (.... - 1788)                      |
|                                                   |                                    |_Estiennaz Elizabeth DESCOMBES _
|                                                   |                                       m 1723                        
|_Françoise Elizabeth Madelaine Pauline DE CROUSAZ _|
                                                    |                                     _Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ _________+
                                                    |                                    | (1690 - 1759) m 1727           
                                                    |_Jeanne Marie ("Manon") DE CROUSAZ _|
                                                      (1732 - ....)                      |
                                                                                         |_Magdelaine DE CHANDIEU ________+
                                                                                           (.... - 1786) m 1727           

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Henry DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14626)

Father: George DE CROUSAZ (b. 3 OCT 1788, d. 27 JUL 1825)
Mother: Marie BOTT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marianne COX (dates unknown)


                                                      _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________+
                                                     | (.... - 1773) m 1748                
                       _Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ _|
                      | (.... - 1810) m 1787         |
                      |                              |_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _+
                      |                                (1721 - 1793) m 1748                
 _George DE CROUSAZ __|
| (1788 - 1825) m 1811|
|                     |                               _____________________________________
|                     |                              |                                     
|                     |_Anne FENIEN _________________|
|                        m 1787                      |
|                                                    |_____________________________________
|--Henry DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1815 - ....)
|                                                     _____________________________________
|                                                    |                                     
|                      _François BOTT _______________|
|                     |                              |
|                     |                              |_____________________________________
|                     |                                                                    
|_Marie BOTT _________|
   m 1811             |
                      |                               _____________________________________
                      |                              |                                     

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Henry William DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14633)

Father: William de Prélaz DE CROUSAZ (b. 29 JUL 1851)
Mother: Emma Arnold LECAPPELAIN (dates unknown)


                                                                _George DE CROUSAZ __+
                                                               | (1788 - 1825) m 1811
                                 _William Anderson DE CROUSAZ _|
                                | (1816 - 1891) m 1850         |
                                |                              |_Marie BOTT _________+
                                |                                 m 1811             
 _William de Prélaz DE CROUSAZ _|
| (1851 - ....) m 1876          |
|                               |                               _Mosely GIBSON-MOSS _
|                               |                              |                     
|                               |_Juliana GIBSON-MOSS _________|
|                                  m 1850                      |
|                                                              |_Rosanna SWERTMANN __
|--Henry William DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1878 - ....)
|                                                               _____________________
|                                                              |                     
|                                ______________________________|
|                               |                              |
|                               |                              |_____________________
|                               |                                                    
|_Emma Arnold LECAPPELAIN ______|
   m 1876                       |
                                |                               _____________________
                                |                              |                     

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Humbert DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12440)

Father: François CROUSAZ (b. 1611, d. 1652)
Mother: Judith CERJAT (bp. 8 FEB 1614)

Family 1 : Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)
  1.  Jeanne Ursule DE CROUSAZ (b. abt 1672?, d. 3 NOV 1760)
  2.  Susanne Gabrielle DE CROUSAZ (b. abt 1674, d. 6 APR 1744)
  3.  Louise Françoise DE CROUSAZ (bp. 16 OCT 1675, d. 25 JAN 1732)
  4.  Jeanne Judith DE CROUSAZ (bp. 8 JUL 1677)
  5. +Susanne DE CROUSAZ DE PRÉLAZ (bp. 19 MAR 1679?, d. 7 DEC 1765)
  6. +Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ (d. 12 JUL 1744)
  7. +Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. MAR 1685, d. 17 OCT 1725)
  8.  Marc DE CROUSAZ (bp. 25 AUG 1686, d. bef 1744)
  9.  Isaac DE CROUSAZ (bp. 25 AUG 1686, bur. 20 MAY 1747)
  10.  François Louis DE CROUSAZ (bp. 18 SEP 1687, d. bef 1744)
  11.  Pierre Noé DE CROUSAZ (bp. 10 MAR 1690, d. bef 1744)
  12.  Pierre François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 23 APR 1693, bur. 27 JUN 1747)
  13.  Françoise Elizabeth DE CROUSAZ (bp. 24 MAY 1695, d. bef 1744)


Marriage record at Prilly calls him Noble Imbert de Crausa, fils de Monsieur de Corsi, Chatelain de Lustry. The baptisms of at least two of his children have not been found: He evidently had an additional son Jean Louis de Crousaz "de Prélaz", conseiller de Moudon (1730, cited in the church records there), unless one of the other baptisms in this family is actually his, listing him under some other name. We are also missing the baptism of his daughter Jeanne Ursule. It is only Humbert and his descendants who are identified as "de Crousaz de Prélaz". The registers of the commission on bourgeoisie (ACV RB 020/008) show his death date as 16 feb 1711, but this is obviouly incorrect, since his testament is dated 25 mar 1711. The source of this confusion is quickly found in the church records of Lausanne: the person who died on 16 feb 1711 was Humbert Benjamin, son of Jean François Crousaz, son of the present Humbert. The same records show that Humbert died 27 mar 1725, age 73.

The testament of Monsieur Humbert Crousaz is recorded at Lausanne (ACV Bg 13bis/4 fol. 97-98, dated 25 mar 1711 at Hermenches, and probated at Lausanne 10 apr 1725):

Testament de Monsieur Humbert Crousaz Citoyen de Lausanne.

Le vingt cinquiesme mars mille sept cent et onze, le notaire juré soussigné ayant esté appellé de la part de Noble et Vertueux Humbert Crousaz bourgeois de Lausanne d'aller à Hermenches, il a declaré en presence des tesmoins cy appres nommés qu'il vouloit faire son testament, faisant reflexion sur l'incertitude de la vie, si bien qu'estant dans une entiere liberté d'esprit, & sans aucune induction que soit apparue, appres avoir tesmoigné sa resignation à la Providence Divine; et desirant prevenir autant qu'il est en son pouvoir les difficultés qui pourroyent s'elever entre ses enfants au sujet de la succession de ses biens: il a premierement ordonné que tous ses biens fonds doivent rester à ses quattre enfants males, qui sont Jean Louys, Jean François, Isaac et Pierre Crousaz, qu'il nomme et institue ses heritiers, avec prerogative de la troisiesme partie de tous ses biens, et le droict de partager par egale portion les deux autres parties avec Jeane Ursulle, Louyse Françoise, Jeane Judith, Susanne Gabrielle, et Françoise Elizabeth Crousaz ses filles, qu'il nomme et institue ses heritieres avec ses fils cy devant nommés dans les deux tiers de ses biens, aux conditions suyvantes ; premierement, considerant que la devant nommée Jeane Ursulle femme de Mr. le Banderet Bourgeois de Lausanne a reçeu au delà de ce que ledict Noble Testateur veut et entend que ses fils payent à leurs dittes soeurs, pour leur portion dans les tiers de ses biens, il ordonne que ce qu'elle à reçeu luy doit rester pour payement de sadite portion, et quant à ses autres filles, il veut et entend que ses fils leur payent à chascune la somme de dix mille florins, payables en argent, creances ou fonds, ou que sesdits fils s'en obligent eux mesmes le tout à leur choix ; que si Louyse Françoise femme de provide Samuel DesCombes dudit Lausanne à laquelle il à esté remis par constitution de mariage des biens de la deffuncte Dame Espouse dudit Noble Testateur en jouissance, pretendroit estre lezée par rapport au contract de son mariage sur la somme cy devant ordonnée pour toute sa portion, il la laisse dans le benefice de se prevalloir autant que de droict, puis qu'il n'entend pas d'y rien deroger ny qu'il puisse d'ailleurs deroger au surplus de la presente disposition, et quant à Jeane Judith d'autant qu'elle s'est mariée avec un Estranger sans le consentement de son pere, il veut et ordonne que ny elle ny son mary ne puissent vendre ny allienner le capital de la portion qui luy est assignée sans l'aveu et consentement de ses freres, lesquels sur ce cas devront prendre toutes les precautions necessaires pour mettre ledit capital en seurté, afin qu'il soit preservé en faveur des enfants de leur ditte soeur, et à l'esgard des autres filles dudit Testateur qui ne sont pas encor mariées, il ordonne que ses fils leur feront outre ce qui leur est ordonné cy devant à chascune un trousseau selon leur condition, et comme ledit Noble Testateur croit que la portion assignée à ses dites filles surpasse leur legittime dans ses biens, il veut et entend que le surplus, arrivant que sesdittes filles meurent sans enfants legitimes, soit substitué en faveur de ses fils et filles qui leur survivront; que s'il arrivoit que quelques uns des enfants dudit Testateur voulut s'opposer à l'effect de ce testament et disposition de derniere volonté, et obliger sesdits fils à quelque manifestation sermentale, il veut et ordonne qu'il soit renvoyé à se contenter de leur simple legittime dans ses biens, d'autant qu'à l'esgard de tels contredisants, il declare qu'il preroge ses males dans tous ses dits biens selon le pouvoir que les loix luy permettent d'en disposer & qu'il peut estre d'ailleurs libre de le faire & si cette disposition n'est pas contreditte comme ledit Noble Testateur s'y attend, et qu'il arrive quelques difficultés au sujet du payement que les freres doivent faire à leurs soeurs, soit pour le partage des fonds entre lesdits freres, il ordonne que le tout doit estre reiglé par trois de ses plus proches parents, leguant aux pauvres de Lausanne cent florins, à ceux de Moudon cent florins, à ceux de Lustry cinquante florins, à ceux de Gumoens vingt florins, à ceux d'Escublens vingt florins, à ceux d'Hermenches vingt florins payables par ses heritiers prerogés, cassant et annullant tous precedents testaments, donations, et codicilles, voulant que celuy cy aye son plein et entier effect comme estant sa constante volonté qu'il à reconfirmé appres la lecture qui luy en a esté faitte en presence des Egrege vertueux et provide Phillippe Tacheron Juge Consistorial & Daniel Humbert Tacheron assesseur Ballival et Conseiller et d'honnorable Phillippe Guex bourgeois de Moudon le susdit jour 25me Mars 1711.

Signé Burnand

Omologué en Conseil [de Lausanne] le 10e avril 1725.

An account of the Crousaz family in a volume published by the commune of Lutry (Lutry sous le régime bernois (1536-1798), Louis-Daniel Perret, editor, Commune de Lutry, 2000, pp. 153-184 ) includes a photograph and transcript of a summary of the descent of the family from their acquisition of citizenship in 1642 (signed by Boisot, secretary of the councils of Lausanne, 28 jan 1775). The discussion notes that Boisot's supposedly faithful extract from the church registers and other records has apparently confounded several individuals having similar names, but the last section gives the names of the (surviving?) sons of Humbert Crousaz:

Humbert, qui demeure en Prélaz, a quatre Mâles, Sçavoir, Jean Louis, Jean François, Isaac, et Pierre Crausaz.

This passage seems to imply that Jean Louis was the eldest son among those who survived to adulthood. The one cited as Pierre is apparently the one baptised as Pierre François in 1693. The question of the daughters is still unresolved. The copy of the testament recorded at Lausanne does not mention Susanne, wife of Gabriel Monod de Froideville, but it may be that the original testament, as recorded in Moudon, included a phrase such as "Susanne, Susanne Gabrielle" that was taken at Lausanne to be an erroneous duplication, and so the supposed extraneous word Susanne was removed. In addition, the wording of the testament as recorded at Lausanne is ambiguous in the passage relating to the unmarried daughters. Was it meant to say that both Susanne Gabrielle and Françoise Elizabeth were still unmarried? Or was it intended to refer to any of them who might happen to be unmarried at the time the testament was probated? The notary who recorded the testament could have been Denis Burnand, Philippe Burnand, or Sébastien Burnand, all of whom left at least some of their registers to posterity, or possibly some other member of the family whose registers have not survived. Thus, it may be possible to locate the original testament and perhaps resolve this problem.

The testament is helpful in one other respect: it distinguishes between Jeanne Ursule, who had married the Banneret Bourgeois (still not identified with certainty), and Jeanne Judith, who had married a "foreigner" without her father's permission. The baptism of Jeanne Judith has been located; the baptism of Jeanne Ursule has not.

                                               _Dominique CROUSAZ __+
                                              | (.... - 1592)       
                       _Pierre CROUSAZ _______|
                      |  m 1588               |
                      |                       |_____________________
 _François CROUSAZ ___|
| (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
|                     |                        _François MAYOR _____
|                     |                       |                     
|                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________|
|                        m 1588               |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Humbert DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1652 - 1725)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___|
|                     |                       |
|                     |                       |_____________________
|                     |                                             
|_Judith CERJAT ______|
   m 1633             |
                      |                        _____________________
                      |                       |                     
                      |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _|

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Isaac DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I13594)

Family 1 : Elizabeth MAYOR (bp. 26 JAN 1651)


In the "assignal" acknowledging receipt of his wife's dowry (06 oct 1683, Gaspard Mayor, notary, ACV DB 27), he appears to be called "Seigneur Raisin de Golion". There are some ink blots that make the reading somewhat uncertain, but "Raisin de Golion" is clear.

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Isaac DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12834)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)


Very little is known about him except for his testament:

ACV Bg 13bis/7 fol. 142-142v (undated holograph, copied into the register).

Testament de Monsieur le Conseiller Crousaz.

Au nom de Dieu le pere, le fils et le Sainct Esprit Amen.

Apres avoir recommandé mon ame a Dieu, j'ay disposé des biens qu'il a eu la bonté de me donner de la magnere (=manière) suivante.

Je donne aux pauvres de Lausanne deux cent cinquante florins, aux pauvres Refugié[s] cinquante florins. Item, je donne aux demoiselles Louise et Suson de Crousaz chacune six escusblancs par aimée. Item, je donne à ma soeur la Banderette Bourgeois et à ma soeur de Froideville vingt escusblancs par aimée, comme estant une petitte marque d'amitié, lesquelles pensions cy dessus se payront au bout de chaque année apres mon deceds, estant au choix de mes heritiers de payer les susdittes pensions en argent ou denrées au prix courant. Item, à mon neveu et filliol DeSaussure deux cent francs payable[s] dans une année, si le Seigneur le conserve. Je donne à chacun de nos vignerons que je vais nommer quatre escublancs à Jean François Girardet, 4 escusblancs à Samuel Girardet, 4 escublancs à la famille de Baudet 4 escublancs les fils de Joseph Girardet, 4 escusblancs à Marc & Jean David de la Raye chacun deux escublancs. J'establis mon seul et veritable heritier mon cher frere Pierre François Crousaz à la charge de payer tous mes debts une année apres mon deces. Je substitue mon neveur (=mes neveux) Albert et Jean Crousaz dans tous mes biens, et si mon frere venoit à ce (=se) remarier, et qu'il eut des enfans males, je les substitue par egale portion avec mesdits neveurs, cassant & anullant toute autre donation ou Testament que je pourrois avoir fait du pace (=passé), voulant que celuy cy aye son plin (=plein) et entier accomplissement, et c'est pour cela que je l'ai signé et cacheté.

Signé Isaac Crousaz, avec un cachet de ses armes en cire noire.

Omologué en Conseil le 20e Juin 1747.

Although it may not be obvious from the wording of the above testament, the testament of Isaac's brother Pierre François gives us additional clues that tell us the references to Louise and Suson "de Crousaz" concern the children of the sister of the wife of their late brother Jean Louis, who had married Jeanne D'Albenas. Further, the nephew DeSaussure was the son of Jeanne D'Albenas by her first husband, and thus also a nephew of Issac.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Isaac DE CROUSAZ 
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Isaac François DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14077)

Father: Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ (d. 12 JUL 1744)
Mother: Jeanne D'ALBENAS (b. 7 OCT 1704)


                                                     _François CROUSAZ ___+
                                                    | (1611 - 1652) m 1633
                          _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
                         | (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
                         |                          |_Judith CERJAT ______+
                         |                             m 1633             
 _Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ _|
| (.... - 1744) m 1733   |
|                        |                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _+
|                        |                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646
|                        |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
|                          (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
|                                                   |_Judith ROSSET ______+
|                                                      m 1646             
|--Isaac François DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1736)
|                                                    _Claude D'ALBENAS ___
|                                                   | (1629 - 1705) m 1655
|                         _Henri D'ALBENAS _________|
|                        | (1668 - ....) m 1701     |
|                        |                          |_Jeanne DE GUIRAUD __
|                        |                             m 1655             
|_Jeanne D'ALBENAS ______|
  (1704 - ....) m 1733   |
                         |                           _____________________
                         |                          |                     
                         |_Susanne NEGRET __________|
                            m 1701                  |

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Isbrand DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I15572)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jeanne DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)


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Jean André DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14595)

Father: Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ (b. 1721, d. 16 DEC 1775)
Mother: Louise PICOT (dates unknown)


Killed in a duel in Lausanne (AVL RB 020/008).

                                                      _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______+
                                                     | (1652 - 1725) m 1673     
                          _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
                         | (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
                         |                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _+
                         |                             (1653 - ....) m 1673     
 _Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ _|
| (1721 - 1775)          |
|                        |                            __________________________
|                        |                           |                          
|                        |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
|                          (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
|                                                    |__________________________
|--Jean André DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1757 - 1803)
|                                                     __________________________
|                                                    |                          
|                         _André PICOT ______________|
|                        |                           |
|                        |                           |__________________________
|                        |                                                      
|_Louise PICOT __________|
                         |                            __________________________
                         |                           |                          
                         |_Jeanne _____ _____________|

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Jean François DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12832)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marguerite LOYS (b. abt 1688, d. 4 SEP 1732)
  1.  Jeanne Julie DE CROUSAZ (bp. 18 JUN 1712?, d. 4 AUG 1712?)
  2.  Pierre Noé DE CROUSAZ (bp. 9 NOV 1713, d. 11 NOV 1715)
  3.  Catherine Julie DE CROUSAZ (bp. 9 APR 1715, d. 7 DEC 1786)
  4.  Daniel Louis DE CROUSAZ (bp. 14 JAN 1717)
  5. +Elizabeth Charlotte DE CROUSAZ (bp. 17 MAR 1718)
  6.  Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ (bp. 12 JAN 1720, d. 27 MAY 1720)
  7. +Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ (b. 1721, d. 16 DEC 1775)
  8. +Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1724, d. 7 JAN 1773)
  9.  Samuel Joseph DE CROUSAZ (bp. 15 JUN 1725, d. 25 SEP 1730)


He must have died before February, 1744, since he is not mentioned in the testament of his sister Susanne Gabrielle Crousaz. Some of his children are mentioned, though it is not completely clear which ones. Based on the death records in Lausanne, he must have been the métral who died in 1725, age36, followed in 1732 by his widow Jeanne Marguerite Loys.

The records of the commission on the bourgeoisie of Lausanne (ACV RB 020/008) give him an additional son Albert Noé, with a wife Louise Picot, and a number of descendants. The baptism of this son has not been located, but the other records seem to be in order.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Jean François DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1725)
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Jean François DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14126)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. MAR 1685, d. 17 OCT 1725)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite LOYS (b. abt 1688, d. 4 SEP 1732)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)
  1.  Susanne Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ (b. 6 OCT 1748, d. 14 AUG 1784)
  2.  Jeanne DE CROUSAZ (b. JAN 1750)
  3.  Marc Albert Louis DE CROUSAZ (b. 26 JAN 1751)
  4.  Marianne Charlotte Rose DE CROUSAZ (b. 22 SEP 1752)
  5.  François Etienne DE CROUSAZ (b. 5 APR 1754)
  6.  Samuel Louis Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ (b. 10 JUN 1755)
  7.  Marie Anne Catherine DE CROUSAZ (bp. 22 AUG 1756, d. 1813)
  8.  Louise Henriette DE CROUSAZ (bp. 13 AUG 1758)
  9. +Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ (bp. 21 SEP 1760, d. JUN 1810)
  10.  Elizabeth DE CROUSAZ (bp. 16 OCT 1761)
  11. +Julie Susanne Anthoinette DE CROUSAZ (bp. 20 MAR 1763)


                                                        _François CROUSAZ ___+
                                                       | (1611 - 1652) m 1633
                             _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
                            | (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
                            |                          |_Judith CERJAT ______+
                            |                             m 1633             
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
| (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
|                           |                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _+
|                           |                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646
|                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
|                             (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
|                                                      |_Judith ROSSET ______+
|                                                         m 1646             
|--Jean François DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1773)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                            __________________________|
|                           |                          |
|                           |                          |_____________________
|                           |                                                
|_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
  (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
                            |                           _____________________
                            |                          |                     

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Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14085)

Father: Pierre François DE CROUSAZ (b. 1684, d. 1769)
Mother: Estiennaz Elizabeth DESCOMBES (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Henriette DE SENARCLENS (dates unknown)


One of the sponsors at his baptism was Jeanne Crousaz née d'Albenaz, who was the wife of the judge Jean Louis Crousaz, apparently son of Humbert Crousaz "de Prélaz". However, there is also a "Madame de Crousaz de Mézery" née d'Albenaz at another baptism at Lausanne in 1744, which might suggest that Jeanne d'Albenaz was not affiliated with the Crousaz "de Prélaz" family at all. This apparent contradiction is explained by the marriage at Lausanne, 20 mar 1743, of Noble Rodolph de Crousaz, son of Benjamin (elsewhere identified as Seigneur de Mézery), to Susanne d'Albenaz of Nimes, born at Geneva, daughter of the late Noble Henri d'Albenaz, capitaine. Thus, there were two Crousaz wives née d'Albenaz (sisters, both daughters of Henri d'Albenaz of Geneva) associated with different Crousaz families.

Jean Louis de Crousaz died at Maastricht, having achieved the rank of Capitaine-Lieutenant. He was also known as an actor.

                                                         _Pierre CROUSAZ _________+
                                                        | (1636 - 1715) m 1658    
                                  _François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                 | (1660 - 1704)        |
                                 |                      |_Elizabeth DE PRAROMAN __+
                                 |                         m 1658                 
 _Pierre François DE CROUSAZ ____|
| (1684 - 1769) m 1723           |
|                                |                       _Jean François MANNLICH _+
|                                |                      |                         
|                                |_Jaqueline MANNLICH __|
|                                                       |
|                                                       |_________________________
|--Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1790)
|                                                        _________________________
|                                                       |                         
|                                 ______________________|
|                                |                      |
|                                |                      |_________________________
|                                |                                                
|_Estiennaz Elizabeth DESCOMBES _|
   m 1723                        |
                                 |                       _________________________
                                 |                      |                         

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Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14074)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)

Family 1 : Jeanne D'ALBENAS (b. 7 OCT 1704)
  1.  Isaac François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 26 JUL 1734, d. 27 FEB 1736)


His baptism has not been located. He appears a number of times in association with his siblings and other relatives. Unexpectedly, we found him also at Moudon, where he is identified as a city councillor. His widow Jeanne d'Albenas is also noted at Moudon. He died at Lausanne, but the record there does not give his age.

Citations at Moudon: 15 jan 1730, Noble Jean Louis Crousaz de Prelaz, sponsor at a baptism for the Poeterlin family; 11 may 1730, Jean Louis Crousaz de Prelaz, conseiller de Moudon, sponsor at a baptism for the Besançon family; 01 may 1734, Noble Jean Louis Crousaz conseiller de Moudon et juge de Lausanne, sponsor at a baptism for the Cerjat family; 08 feb 1746, Madame Jeanne née d'Albenaz veufve de Monsieur Jean Louis Crousaz juge de Lausanne, sponsor at a baptism for the Jossevel family.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Jean Louis DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1744)
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14132)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1724, d. 7 JAN 1773)
Mother: Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)

Family 1 : Anne FENIEN (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)
  2. +George DE CROUSAZ (b. 3 OCT 1788, d. 27 JUL 1825)


The register of the commission on the bourgeoisie of Lausanne (AVL RB 020/008) reports that "Issac Crousaz se rendit dans l'île de Guernesey en 1786 où il s'établit comme négociant en vins; il s'est marié en 1787 avec Anne Fenien d'une famille établie à Guernesey et propriétaire dans l'île. Anne Fenier était fille unique; elle est mort à 21 ans."

                                                                   _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ________________+
                                                                  | (1652 - 1725) m 1673               
                                       _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                      | (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
                                      |                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS ___________+
                                      |                             (1653 - ....) m 1673               
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________|
| (.... - 1773) m 1748                |
|                                     |                            ____________________________________
|                                     |                           |                                    
|                                     |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
|                                       (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
|                                                                 |____________________________________
|--Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1810)
|                                                                  _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
|                                                                 | (1660 - ....)                      
|                                      _Jean Louis DE BONS _______|
|                                     | (1683 - 1759)             |
|                                     |                           |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
|                                     |                                                                
|_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _|
  (1721 - 1793) m 1748                |
                                      |                            ____________________________________
                                      |                           |                                    
                                      |_Susanne GAUDARD __________|

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Jeanne DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I15571)

Father: Isbrand DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Philippe DE LOYS (b. abt 1578, d. abt 1630)
  1.  Jean Philippe DE LOYS (b. abt 1625)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Isbrand DE CROUSAZ _|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jeanne DE CROUSAZ 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jeanne DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14622)

Father: Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ (bp. 21 SEP 1760, d. JUN 1810)
Mother: Anne FENIEN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Henry DE MEURON (dates unknown)


                                                                      _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _+
                                                                     | (.... - 1725) m 1712      
                                _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________|
                               | (.... - 1773) m 1748                |
                               |                                     |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___
                               |                                       (1688 - 1732) m 1712      
 _Jean Louis Isaac DE CROUSAZ _|
| (.... - 1810) m 1787         |
|                              |                                      _Jean Louis DE BONS _______+
|                              |                                     | (1683 - 1759)             
|                              |_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _|
|                                (1721 - 1793) m 1748                |
|                                                                    |_Susanne GAUDARD __________
|--Jeanne DE CROUSAZ 
|                                                                     ___________________________
|                                                                    |                           
|                               _____________________________________|
|                              |                                     |
|                              |                                     |___________________________
|                              |                                                                 
|_Anne FENIEN _________________|
   m 1787                      |
                               |                                      ___________________________
                               |                                     |                           

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Jeanne DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14611)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1724, d. 7 JAN 1773)
Mother: Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)


                                                                   _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ________________+
                                                                  | (1652 - 1725) m 1673               
                                       _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                      | (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
                                      |                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS ___________+
                                      |                             (1653 - ....) m 1673               
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________|
| (.... - 1773) m 1748                |
|                                     |                            ____________________________________
|                                     |                           |                                    
|                                     |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
|                                       (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
|                                                                 |____________________________________
|--Jeanne DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1750 - ....)
|                                                                  _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
|                                                                 | (1660 - ....)                      
|                                      _Jean Louis DE BONS _______|
|                                     | (1683 - 1759)             |
|                                     |                           |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
|                                     |                                                                
|_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _|
  (1721 - 1793) m 1748                |
                                      |                            ____________________________________
                                      |                           |                                    
                                      |_Susanne GAUDARD __________|

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Jeanne Judith DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14424)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)


Her father's testament of 25 mar 1711 says that she had married a "foreigner" without his permission. The same testament mentions a sister of Jeanne Judith, Jeanne Ursule, who was at that time the wife of the Banneret (Jean Louis?) Bourgeois, thus telling us that Jeanne Judith and Jeanne Ursule must be two different persons.

Later references to "Jeanneton" Crousaz pertain to Jeanne Ursule, since "Jeanneton" is said to be the widow of the Banneret Bourgeois. Since there seem to be no later references to Jeanne Judith, it may be that she had already died, leaving no descendants, by the time her siblings made their testaments.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Jeanne Judith DE CROUSAZ 
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Jeanne Julie DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14121)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. MAR 1685, d. 17 OCT 1725)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite LOYS (b. abt 1688, d. 4 SEP 1732)


Her baptism appears to be recorded out of chronological order. The sponsors included Jeanne Ursule widow of Jean Louis Bourgeois, possibly significant in that a sister of Jean François Crousaz, "Jeanneton", is known to have been the widow of a former Banneret named Bourgeois. At least two such Bannerets are known: Jean Louis Bourgeois, Banneret du Bourg, died 25 mar 1710, and Abraham Bourgeois, Banneret de St. Laurent, died 01 nov 1727. There is also a death record for "Ursule" Crousaz, widow of the Banneret Bourgeois.

A death record for Julie, daughter of Monsieur le Justicier Crousaz 04 aug 1712 may be hers.

                                                        _François CROUSAZ ___+
                                                       | (1611 - 1652) m 1633
                             _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
                            | (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
                            |                          |_Judith CERJAT ______+
                            |                             m 1633             
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
| (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
|                           |                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _+
|                           |                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646
|                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
|                             (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
|                                                      |_Judith ROSSET ______+
|                                                         m 1646             
|--Jeanne Julie DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1712)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                            __________________________|
|                           |                          |
|                           |                          |_____________________
|                           |                                                
|_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
  (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
                            |                           _____________________
                            |                          |                     

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Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14125)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. MAR 1685, d. 17 OCT 1725)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite LOYS (b. abt 1688, d. 4 SEP 1732)


                                                        _François CROUSAZ ___+
                                                       | (1611 - 1652) m 1633
                             _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
                            | (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
                            |                          |_Judith CERJAT ______+
                            |                             m 1633             
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
| (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
|                           |                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _+
|                           |                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646
|                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
|                             (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
|                                                      |_Judith ROSSET ______+
|                                                         m 1646             
|--Jeanne Louise DE CROUSAZ 
|  (.... - 1720)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                            __________________________|
|                           |                          |
|                           |                          |_____________________
|                           |                                                
|_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
  (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
                            |                           _____________________
                            |                          |                     

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Jeanne Marie ("Manon") DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12496)

Father: Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ (b. abt 1690, d. 29 JAN 1759)
Mother: Magdelaine DE CHANDIEU (d. 25 OCT 1786)

Family 1 : Albert Jerome DE CROUSAZ (bp. 22 APR 1731, d. 1788)
  1. +Françoise Elizabeth Madelaine Pauline DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)


Family records show one of the sponsors at her baptism was her father's step-mother Jeanne Marie Forestier. The same record identifies her father's mother as a "noble Manlich".

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _________+
                                                 | (1636 - 1715) m 1658    
                           _François DE CROUSAZ _|
                          | (1660 - 1704)        |
                          |                      |_Elizabeth DE PRAROMAN __+
                          |                         m 1658                 
 _Albert Noé DE CROUSAZ __|
| (1690 - 1759) m 1727    |
|                         |                       _Jean François MANNLICH _+
|                         |                      |                         
|                         |_Jaqueline MANNLICH __|
|                                                |
|                                                |_________________________
|--Jeanne Marie ("Manon") DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1732 - ....)
|                                                 _________________________
|                                                |                         
|                          _Paul DE CHANDIEU ____|
|                         |                      |
|                         |                      |_________________________
|                         |                                                
|_Magdelaine DE CHANDIEU _|
  (.... - 1786) m 1727    |
                          |                       _________________________
                          |                      |                         
                          |_Anne DE PÉLISSARY ___|

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Jeanne Susanne DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14084)

Father: Pierre François DE CROUSAZ (b. 1684, d. 1769)
Mother: Estiennaz Elizabeth DESCOMBES (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Albert MULLER (dates unknown)


                                                         _Pierre CROUSAZ _________+
                                                        | (1636 - 1715) m 1658    
                                  _François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                 | (1660 - 1704)        |
                                 |                      |_Elizabeth DE PRAROMAN __+
                                 |                         m 1658                 
 _Pierre François DE CROUSAZ ____|
| (1684 - 1769) m 1723           |
|                                |                       _Jean François MANNLICH _+
|                                |                      |                         
|                                |_Jaqueline MANNLICH __|
|                                                       |
|                                                       |_________________________
|--Jeanne Susanne DE CROUSAZ 
|                                                        _________________________
|                                                       |                         
|                                 ______________________|
|                                |                      |
|                                |                      |_________________________
|                                |                                                
|_Estiennaz Elizabeth DESCOMBES _|
   m 1723                        |
                                 |                       _________________________
                                 |                      |                         

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Jeanne Ursule DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12831)

Father: Humbert DE CROUSAZ (b. 31 MAR 1652, d. 27 MAR 1725)
Mother: Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS (b. abt 1653)

Family 1 : Jean Louis BOURGEOIS (d. 31 AUG 1711)


Her baptism has not been located. She is apparently the "Jeanneton" Crousaz mentioned in the testament of Susanne Gabrielle Crousaz as her sister, widow of the Banderet Bourgeois (1744). Her husband, therefore, may have been the Jean Louis Bourgeois, Banderet du Bourg, who died 30 aug 1711 or else Abraham Bourgeois, Banderet de St. Laurent, who died 01 nov 1727 age 69. The latter seems the most likely from the point of view of chronology.

However, there is also a death record at Lausanne 03 nov 1760 for Madame Ursule Crousaz widow of Mr. le Banneret Bourgeois, age 88 (implying a birth date in 1672). A further clue is the presence at the baptism of Jeanne Julie, daughter of Jean François Crousaz, justicier, and his wife Jeanne Marguerite Loys, of a sponsor Jeanne Ursule, widow of Jean Louis Bourgeois (18 jun 1712). Taken together, these records strongly suggest that the Banneret in question was Jean Louis Bourgeois, and that "Jeanneton" Crousaz was actually named Jeanne Ursule.

The testament of her father, Humbert Crousaz, was dictated at Hermenches 25 mar 1711. It mentions Jeanne Ursule, wife of the Banneret Bourgeois, as well as Jeanne Judith, who had married a "foreigner" without her father's permission. Thus, Jeanne Ursule cannot be the daughter baptised as Jeanne Judith in 1677. Jeanne Ursule must be a different person.

In the birth order of this family, we suspect she is the eldest daughter. However, that raises the possibility that she was born before her father's marriage to Elizabeth Marie Loys. In other words, she might be the daughter of an earlier wife of Humbert who has so far escaped notice. Her death record in 1760 specifies that she was then 88 years old. Another indication that she might from a prior marriage is the statement in Humbert's testament that the property of his late wife (not named) had been passed to another daughter, Louise Françoise, in her marriage contract. However, the list of daughters in Humbert's testament (at least in the form it was recorded in Lausanne—the original has not been located) is clearly defective, since it omits Susanne, the daughter who married Gabriel Monod de Froideville, named as a sister of the others in the testaments of Humbert's children.

                                                  _Pierre CROUSAZ _______+
                                                 |  m 1588               
                            _François CROUSAZ ___|
                           | (1611 - 1652) m 1633|
                           |                     |_Rose MAYOR ___________+
                           |                        m 1588               
 _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ______|
| (1652 - 1725) m 1673     |
|                          |                      _Philippe DE CERJAT ___
|                          |                     |                       
|                          |_Judith CERJAT ______|
|                             m 1633             |
|                                                |_Jaqueline DE JOFFREY _
|--Jeanne Ursule DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1672 - 1760)
|                                                 _Isaac DE LOYS ________+
|                                                | (1588 - 1650)         
|                           _Jean Louis DE LOYS _|
|                          | (.... - 1673) m 1646|
|                          |                     |_Jeanne PRAYE _________+
|                          |                                             
|_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS _|
  (1653 - ....) m 1673     |
                           |                      _Daniel ROSSET ________
                           |                     |                       
                           |_Judith ROSSET ______|
                              m 1646             |

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Jérôme DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I12511)

Father: François DE CROUSAZ (b. 14 MAY 1660, d. APR 1704)
Mother: Jeanne Marie FORESTIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Elizabeth Charlotte DE CROUSAZ (bp. 17 MAR 1718)
  1.  François DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)
  2.  _____ DE CROUSAZ (dates unknown)


He achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Régiment de Moudon, serving in Holland.

                                                    _François CROUSAZ ______+
                                                   | (1611 - 1652) m 1633   
                           _Pierre CROUSAZ ________|
                          | (1636 - 1715) m 1658   |
                          |                        |_Judith CERJAT _________+
                          |                           m 1633                
 _François DE CROUSAZ ____|
| (1660 - 1704)           |
|                         |                         _Philibert DE PRAROMAN _+
|                         |                        | (1602 - ....) m 1623   
|                         |_Elizabeth DE PRAROMAN _|
|                            m 1658                |
|                                                  |_Esther MESTRAL ________+
|                                                     m 1623                
|--Jérôme DE CROUSAZ 
|  (1704 - 1785)
|                                                   ________________________
|                                                  |                        
|                          ________________________|
|                         |                        |
|                         |                        |________________________
|                         |                                                 
|_Jeanne Marie FORESTIER _|
                          |                         ________________________
                          |                        |                        

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Julie Susanne Anthoinette DE CROUSAZ       (ID #I14619)

Father: Jean François DE CROUSAZ (bp. 4 FEB 1724, d. 7 JAN 1773)
Mother: Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS (b. 1 SEP 1721, d. 10 AUG 1793)

Family 1 : Jean Samuel BERGIER (b. 4 JAN 1758, d. 6 AUG 1825)
  1.  Marie Françoise Catherine BERGIER (b. 16 NOV 1794, d. 11 APR 1858)
  2.  Susette Marie BERGIER (b. OCT 1796, d. 27 MAR 1815)
  3.  Charlotte Henriette BERGIER (b. 6 AUG 1798, d. JUL 1872)
  4.  Jean Isaac Samuel BERGIER (b. 14 DEC 1799, d. 6 APR 1800)
  5.  Jean Samuel BERGIER (b. 15 APR 1801, d. 1868)
  6.  Henri Charles Auguste BERGIER (b. 13 MAR 1803, d. 5 AUG 1820)
  7.  Pierre Etienne Charles BERGIER (b. 11 SEP 1805)


                                                                   _Humbert DE CROUSAZ ________________+
                                                                  | (1652 - 1725) m 1673               
                                       _Jean François DE CROUSAZ _|
                                      | (.... - 1725) m 1712      |
                                      |                           |_Elizabeth Marie DE LOYS ___________+
                                      |                             (1653 - ....) m 1673               
 _Jean François DE CROUSAZ ___________|
| (.... - 1773) m 1748                |
|                                     |                            ____________________________________
|                                     |                           |                                    
|                                     |_Jeanne Marguerite LOYS ___|
|                                       (1688 - 1732) m 1712      |
|                                                                 |____________________________________
|--Julie Susanne Anthoinette DE CROUSAZ 
|                                                                  _Barthelemi DE BONS ________________+
|                                                                 | (1660 - ....)                      
|                                      _Jean Louis DE BONS _______|
|                                     | (1683 - 1759)             |
|                                     |                           |_Judith Catherine MESTRAL DES VAUX _
|                                     |                                                                
|_Jeanne Marie (Magdelaine?) DE BONS _|
  (1721 - 1793) m 1748                |
                                      |                            ____________________________________
                                      |                           |                                    
                                      |_Susanne GAUDARD __________|

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