_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Paul BOISOT ________| | m 1650 | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Louise BOISOT | (1664 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean PECOLET _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___| m 1650 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Salomon BOISOT _____| | | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Louise BOISOT | | _____________________ | | | _Ferreol MARGEL _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne MARGEL ________| | | _____________________ | | |_Marguerite CRINSOZ _| | |_____________________
_Paul BOISOT ________+ | m 1650 _Jean Paul BOISOT ___| | | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___+ | m 1650 _Jean BOISOT ________| | (1720 - ....) m 1752| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise ROMAY ____| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Susanne BOISOT | (1753 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Samuel VIVIAN ______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Antoinette VIVIAN __| m 1752 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne LANGIN _____| | |_____________________
A transaction regarding her husband's estate was recorded 07 mar 1810 by the notary Jean Abraham Martin (ACV DG 159/1, p. 223), noting thather husband, aubergiste at the Auberge de la Couronne in Lausanne, had made his testament 10 apr 1803 (notary Bressenel), and that it was probated 13 may 1803. Their marriage contract had been recorded 02 nov 1795 by the notary Cuenod.
_Jean Baptiste BOISOT _ | m 1713 _Jean François BOISOT _| | m 1737 | | |_Judith HURTAULD ______ | m 1713 _Jean François Louis BOISOT _| | (1738 - 1782) m 1769 | | | _Abraham VALLECARD ____ | | | | |_Susanne VALLECARD ____| | m 1737 | | |_______________________ | | |--Julie Christine BOISOT | | _______________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise PETTER ______________| m 1769 | | _______________________ | | |_______________________| | |_______________________
_Jean Baptiste BOISOT _ | m 1713 _Jean François BOISOT _| | m 1737 | | |_Judith HURTAULD ______ | m 1713 _Jean François Louis BOISOT _| | (1738 - 1782) m 1769 | | | _Abraham VALLECARD ____ | | | | |_Susanne VALLECARD ____| | m 1737 | | |_______________________ | | |--Louis George Jonathan BOISOT | | _______________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise PETTER ______________| m 1769 | | _______________________ | | |_______________________| | |_______________________
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Paul BOISOT ________| | m 1650 | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Louise BOISOT | (1657 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean PECOLET _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___| m 1650 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Salomon BOISOT _____| | | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Marguerite BOISOT | (1660 - 1711) | _____________________ | | | _Ferreol MARGEL _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne MARGEL ________| | | _____________________ | | |_Marguerite CRINSOZ _| | |_____________________
Her testament dated 30 oct 1786 (Secrétan, notary) was probated at Lausanne 17 nov 1786 (ACV Bg 13bis/13 fol. 25). She was the widow of the late César Mennet, formerly secretary of the city of Lausanne. The testament names her four children: Eli, secrétaire de la noble justice de Lausanne, Françoise, wife of the minister Hurtault, and two unmarried daughters Marguerite and Rose.
_Jean BOISOT ________ | (.... - 1650) m 1616 _Paul BOISOT ________| | m 1650 | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____+ | m 1616 _Jean Paul BOISOT ___| | | | | _Jean PECOLET _______ | | | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___| | m 1650 | | |_____________________ | | |--Marianne BOISOT | (.... - 1786) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Françoise ROMAY ____| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Jean BOISOT ________ | (.... - 1650) m 1616 _Salomon BOISOT _____| | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____+ | m 1616 _Antoine Jacob BOISOT _| | (.... - 1723) m 1684 | | | _Ferreol MARGEL _____ | | | | |_Anne MARGEL ________| | | | |_Marguerite CRINSOZ _ | | |--Marie BOISOT | | _George MENNET ______ | | m 1629 | _Abraham MENNET _____| | | (1635 - 1688) | | | |_Judith SOLLIARD ____ | | m 1629 |_Jeanne MENNET ________| (1669 - 1736) m 1684 | | _____________________ | | |_Esther FRANÇOIS ____| (.... - 1717) | |_____________________
Régent d'école (schoolmaster) at Ouchy in 1699, according to his marriage record.
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Paul BOISOT ________| | m 1650 | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Noé BOISOT | (1669 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean PECOLET _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___| m 1650 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Minister at Cheseaux.
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Paul BOISOT | | __ | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| m 1616 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Paul BOISOT ________+ | m 1650 _Jean Paul BOISOT ___| | | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___+ | m 1650 _Jean BOISOT ________| | (1720 - ....) m 1752| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise ROMAY ____| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Paul Ferdinand BOISOT | (1756 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Samuel VIVIAN ______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Antoinette VIVIAN __| m 1752 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne LANGIN _____| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Salomon BOISOT _____| | | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre Samuel BOISOT | | _____________________ | | | _Ferreol MARGEL _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne MARGEL ________| | | _____________________ | | |_Marguerite CRINSOZ _| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Salomon BOISOT | | __ | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______| | | | | | |__ | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| m 1616 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Paul BOISOT ________| | m 1650 | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Salomon BOISOT | | _____________________ | | | _Jean PECOLET _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___| m 1650 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Paul BOISOT ________+ | m 1650 _Jean Paul BOISOT ___| | | | |_Etiennaz PECOLET ___+ | m 1650 _Jean BOISOT ________| | (1720 - ....) m 1752| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Françoise ROMAY ____| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Samuel Benjamin BOISOT | (1760 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Samuel VIVIAN ______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Antoinette VIVIAN __| m 1752 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne LANGIN _____| | |_____________________
_Jean Baptiste BOISOT _ | m 1713 _Jean François BOISOT _| | m 1737 | | |_Judith HURTAULD ______ | m 1713 _Jean François Louis BOISOT _| | (1738 - 1782) m 1769 | | | _Abraham VALLECARD ____ | | | | |_Susanne VALLECARD ____| | m 1737 | | |_______________________ | | |--Susanne Louise BOISOT | (1770 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise PETTER ______________| m 1769 | | _______________________ | | |_______________________| | |_______________________
_____________________ | _Jean BOISOT ________| | (.... - 1650) m 1616| | |_____________________ | _Salomon BOISOT _____| | | | | _Paul FOGLIATO ______ | | | | |_Judith FOGLIATO ____| | m 1616 | | |_____________________ | | |--Théodore BOISOT | | _____________________ | | | _Ferreol MARGEL _____| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne MARGEL ________| | | _____________________ | | |_Marguerite CRINSOZ _| | |_____________________
In Switzerland County, the name was recorded as late as 1835 as Boisseaux (his will). But later records transformed the name into Bosaw, Bosseau, Boso, and Bosso — and possibly other spellings.
While there is no doubt that he lived in Switzerland Co., Indiana from at least 1820 until his death in 1835, the rest of his story is full of uncertainties. The story produced by descendants says he was born near Paris, France in 1756 and came to the American colonies with Lafayette, serving as a soldier in the American Revolution, including the battle of Yorktown. However, no sources have been cited that support this story, not even a citation that establishes the year of his birth.
While the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) granted admission to several members based on his reported military service, the current status in the DAR is that any applications for membership based on his service must be accompanied by documentation proving that service. And the lack of sources has not stopped the story from gathering further details. For example, some have supposed that he came from the village of Boisseaux, which internet sources have placed in the French département of Eure-et-Loire. (The village of Boisseaux is in fact now in the Département of Loiret. Whether there has ever been a family of that name who lived there will eventually be answered, when the records of the état-civil for Loiret are made available on the internet, probably in 2012. The problem of exactly who came from France "with Lafayette" or with any of the other French officers is commonly encountered, because the records are believed to be incomplete on both sides of the Atlantic.) Or, another detail likely added later, we can find the story that he was probably married in or near Pittsburgh. While these stories are entirely plausible, there does not appear to be any documentation to support them.
The process by which an incomplete family story acquires additional details is an interesting one. All that is required is some background reading about the history of the places and events that must have been associated with a particular person. The historical details which may be true in the abstract soon become attached to a specific individual as part of his personal story, and in turn lead to more interpolations. It does not take long for these details to become so completely integrated with the original family story that we can no longer detect the seams.
How can a genealogist help to improve the story of Jean Baptiste Boisseaux? One urgent need is to trace the story of his military service back to its source. How old is this story? What is the earliest mention of it in family records? He does not seem to be mentioned in the extant records of the French regiments that served in the American Revolution (known, however, to be significantly incomplete), nor is he mentioned in American military records. We have the same problem with the reported year and place of birth. Did this date come from a bible record? A biographical sketch in some county history? A mention in a newspaper? To put it another way, the next step is not fo look for his European roots, but rather to do a thorough inventory of the documentary sources in the US.
Perret Dufour's Swiss Settlement of Switzerland County mentions the brothers John and Joseph "Bosseau", giving their approximate ages, and placing their arrival in the area about 1813. But he does not mention their father.
The earliest membership application for the Daughters of the American Revolution appears to be National Number 533695. Based on comparisons with other membership numbers, this would appear to date from the late 1960's or early '70's. This, and a widely quoted but apparently anonymous newspaper article from 1959, are the earliest sources we have been able to find for the military service of Jean Baptiste Boisseaux.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean François BOITEUX _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Marie BOITEUX | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Pierre BOITEUX _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Sara BOITEUX | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
At the time of the 1850 census, he was a "law student". Evidently, he succeeded in his studies. A biographical sketch — still not revealing what his initials stood for — is in History of Washington and Ozaukee Counties, Wisconsin (Western Historical Co., 1881):
E.B. BOLENS, editor and publisher, Port Washington; is among the oldest editors in Wisconsin, having been engaged in printing and publishing since 1849. He is a native of Ohio, born in 1830; received a collegiate education, and early turned his attention to his present profession. His first newspaper venture was at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa, where, in 1856, he assisted in getting out the Toledo Tribune, the first paper in the county. He did the principal part of the editorial work, half of the typesetting, and all the press work. He sold out in 1858, and in 1860, went to Washington, Iowa, and established the Washington Democrat, which he continued until 1866, at which time he removed to Janesville, and established the Janesville Democrat. He continued its publication until 1869, when he removed to Juneau, and established the Dodge County Democrat, which he edited and published until October, 1874, when he leased the office for two years and went to Madison to enter upon the duties as State Printer, which office he filled for the years 1875 and 1876. In April, 1873, he established a monthly paper in the interest of the Granger movement, called the Beaver Dam Sun, which he moved with him to Madison, and continued for some time under the name of the Wisconsin Granger, as a weekly; then changed the name again to Statesman, dropping its grange feature, but discontinued its publication a few months thereafter. In 1877, he began the publication of the Wisconsin Farm Journal, a strictly agricultural and literary paper, but soon discontinued it for want of proper support. In January, 1879, he went to Fond du Lac and engaged in the publication of the People's Champion, but soon severed his connection with it, and removed to Milwaukee, and for a few months edited the Daily News and the Daily Dispatch, after which he came to Port Washington and revived the Weekly Star, which he now edits and publishes. Of the papers with which he has been connected as proprietor, the following are yet published by his successors: Toledo Tribune, changed to Chronical; Washington Democrat; Janesville Democrat, now Times; Dodge County Democrat, now Juneau Telephone; People's Champion, now Standard, published at Oshkosh; Weekly Star, Port Washington. He has held the office of Mayor of Eaton, the county seat of his native county; Postmaster in Iowa, and State Printer in Wisconsin. In politics he is a Democrat, and has been quite active, participating as a campaign speaker in the Presidential elections of 1852, 1856, 1860, 1864, and 1868. In the campaign of 1860, he spoke nearly every day for two months, and mostly at out-door meetings by which he contracted a throat and lung disease which still troubles him very much. In 1868, he was the Democratic candidate for State Senator in Rock County against Hon. Charles G. Williams, now a member of Congress, which gentleman he challenged to a public discussion. He made over thirty speeches in Rock County that fall, and increased the Democratic vote from 600 to over 1,100, which has been maintained since. The effect of this severe work has been such that he has been compelled to almost wholly abstain from public speaking and consequently has taken a less active post in politics. Mr. Bolens has been twice married. March 10, 1853, to Elizabeth M. Trewsdale, a native of Ohio; she died in Toledo, Iowa, May 11, 1859. In 1861, to Sarah M. Brown, then of Iowa City, but formerly of Pennsylvania. They have three children living *mdash; Albert D., Harry W., and Josephine.
Other sources, such as various biographical sketches of his son, Harry Wilbur Bolens (1864-1944), give his name as Eugene B. Bolens.
___________________________ | _Louis BOLENS ___________| | | | |___________________________ | _Jaques François BOLENS _______| | (1793 - 1860) m 1818 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_Magdelaine GLEYRE ______| | | | |___________________________ | | |--Eugene B. BOLENS | (1830 - ....) | _Samuel PERNET ____________+ | | (.... - 1778) m 1757 | _Jean PERNET ____________| | | m 1793 | | | |_Susanne Marie NICOLIER ___+ | | (.... - 1799) m 1757 |_Susanne Julie Eleanor PERNET _| (1796 - 1860) m 1818 | | _François Abraham GAUDIER _ | | |_Susanne Louise GAUDIER _| m 1793 | |_Susanne FALQUIER _________
A James Francis Bolens from Vaud arrived at Vevay about 1817, according to Perret Dufour. He is said to have paid for the passage of several men who traveled with him, including George Tardy, who was definitely from Pampigny. There was only one Jaques François Bolens at Pampigny, but so far, there is no proof that this is indeed the one who settled at Vevay.
However, the circumstantial evidence is encouraging. By 1850, James Bolens and his wife Julia, ages 57 and 53 respectively, were in Euphemia, Harrison Township, Preble Co., Ohio, where the 1850 census says they were both born in Switzerland.
He probably died in Preble Co., Ohio or else in Noble Co., Indiana before 1860.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Louis BOLENS _______| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jaques François BOLENS | (1793 - 1860) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Magdelaine GLEYRE __| | | __ | | |__| | |__