_Michel REVERDIL ____ | (1499 - 1556) _Nicolas REVERDIL _____| | (1531 - 1603) | | |_____________________ | _Jaques REVERDIL ____| | (1590 - 1641) m 1610| | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Jean Mathieu FORNIER _| | | (.... - 1623) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Claudine FORNIER ___| (1593 - 1641) m 1610| | _____________________ | | |_______________________| | |_____________________
_Michel REVERDIL ____ | (1499 - 1556) _Jaques REVERDIL ____| | (1531 - 1606) | | |_____________________ | _Guillaume REVERDIL _| | m 1621 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Alexandre COMBAZ ___| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Françoise COMBAZ ___| m 1621 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Michel REVERDIL ____ | (1499 - 1556) _Nicolas REVERDIL ___| | (1531 - 1603) | | |_____________________ | _Claude REVERDIL ____| | (1585 - ....) m 1605| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Jean WEISS _________| | | (.... - 1605) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther WEISS _______| m 1605 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1647 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | | __ | | | _Philibert MORÉ _____| | | (.... - 1647) | | | |__ | | |_Pernette MORÉ ______| m 1647 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
As the wife of Claude Tissot of Signiez, residing at Eysins, she made a reconnaissance 23 feb 1603 (ACV Fi 171, fol. 226). Her father in this transaction was identified as Maistre Aymé Reverdil:
ACV Fi 171, fols. 227-229v.
Confession de Janne Reverdil femme de Claude Tissot de Signiez residant Eysins.
A tous soit notoyre que l'an de grace courant mil six cent et trois et le vingtetrois jour du moys de febvrier aux poursuittes de moy notayre soubsigné commissayre dudit hospital [de Nyon] s'est constituée personellement Janne fille de feu maistre Aymé Reverdil luy vivant bourgeois de Nyon et demeurant Eysins et femme de Claude Tissot de Signiez sur Nyon demeurant audict Eysins, laquelle de sa certainne science sans contraincte à ce fere aulcunement induicte ains de sa liberale vollonté de ce faict plainnement informée et advisée pour elle et les siens hoyrs et quelconques suiccesseurs toutesfois de l'aucthorité, voulloir, et consentement dudict Claude Tissot son mary icy present et à ce fere l'aucthorisant, confesse et en chose de verité par ces presentes publicquement et manifestement recognoit toute ainsi que si elle estoit en jugement et pardevant son juge ordinayre à ce fere personnellement evoquée et appellée de debvoir elle et les siens hoyres et quelconques sucesseurs debvoir et estre tenue de bien payer a l'hospital de la ville de Nyon, Maistre Claude du Boulet bourgeois dudict Nyon comment gouverneur dudict hospital present et avecq moidict commissayre stipulant et sollennellement recepvant en faveur, ayde, et proffit d'icelluydict hospital et des successeurs en icelluy, asçavoir huyct florins petis poidz et de bonne monnoye en ce pays cursable de cense soit de revenu annuel tous les ans sus unchacung jour et terme feste Sainct Michiel Archange dans ladicte ville de Nyon poyables audict hospital soit aux exacteurs, recepveurs, et procureurs d'icelluy, laquelle cense revient à raison du huyctz pour cent et nonobstant que cydevant elle n'a revenoit que au cincz pourcent par ceulx que cydevant en ontz recogneu dont de dempuys par ordonnance faicte rendant des comptes dudict hospital seroit esté dut que telles censes se exigeroyent audict hiuctz pour centz dans l'esgard de l'augmentation du bien et revenu des pauvres, provenante ladicte cense de centz florins donnés et legués audict hospital par feu Honnorable Pierre Vuycheppard luy vivant bourgeois et marchant dudict Nyon à declaration faicte par son testament qu'iceulx debvoyent estre aplicqués à cense au proffit dudict hospital affin en suyt la memoyre à l'advenirs … ilz seroyentz estée provenus, ce qu'en ensuyvant telle vollonté et declaration du testateur et pour satiffere à ce honnorée Marie Maior sa vefve heretiere d'icelluy sondict mary les auroit presentés en conseil reellement et manuellement et commandé audit du Boulet gourverneur dudict hospital iceulx debvoir retirer et mettre en main asseurée et cappable tant pour le payement du principal que des cense d'icelluy avecq souffisante hypothecque, et ayant trouvée la sus nommée confessante cappable au respet qu'elle tient et possede asses de bon biens concistens riere le territoire ? et confins de ceste ville des biens à elle provenus pas loyalle succession dudict Aymé Reverdil son pere, et notament entre aultres une piece tant terre que utins sise au lieu appellé en Valers juxte la vigne desdictz conjoinctz à vent, la vy publicque à bize, la terre de honnorable Nycollas Reverdil oncle de la confessante à joux, et la vigne dudit Claude du Boulet gouverneur a lac, laquelle piece ladicte Janne Reverdil de l'aucthorité dudict son mary et pour elle et les siens que dessus, elle confesse tenir et possedir soub ladict cense et assigne et hypotheque tant pour icelle ense (=ains?) que pour cappital et ses fondz et appertenances… , faict et passé audict Nyon devant la maison de Maistre Jehan Joly que fust de Geroge Challamel presens Claud Brigaud ? d'Eysins, Jehan Matthieu Fornier, et Pierre Reverdil bourgeois dudict Nyon, with signature and paraphe of Jaques du Coster (notayre publicque bourgeois et secretayre de la dicte ville de Nyon).
__ | _Michel REVERDIL ____| | (1499 - 1556) | | |__ | _Aymé REVERDIL ______| | (1531 - 1603) m 1555| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | (.... - 1610) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Françoise GRANGIER _| m 1555 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1590 - 1641) m 1610 _Jaques REVERDIL ____| | (1614 - 1651) m 1639| | |_Claudine FORNIER ___+ | (1593 - 1641) m 1610 _Urbain REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1728) m 1675| | | _Nicolas BUVELOT ____ | | | (.... - 1634) | |_Françoise BUVELOT __| | (.... - 1694) m 1639| | |_Claudine ANSERMET __ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | (1692 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne Marie DURAND __| m 1675 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean Jaques REVERDIL _| | (.... - 1719) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jeanne REVERDIL | (1702 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_______________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
[3872] "Jeanne Elizabeth Reverdil fille de Monsieur le Conseiller Reverdil morte en meme mois agée de six ans et 3 mois."
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1614 - 1651) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1728) | | |_Françoise BUVELOT __+ | (.... - 1694) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL _____| | (.... - 1754) m 1729 | | | _François NATTEY ____ | | | (.... - 1677) m 1638 | |_Marie NATTEY _______| | | | |_Nicolarde TISSOT ___ | m 1638 | |--Jeanne Elizabeth REVERDIL | (.... - 1749) | _____________________ | | | _Pierre MERSEILLE ___| | | (.... - 1729) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Henriette MERSEILLE _| (1705 - 1779) m 1729 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1647 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Jeanne Estienna REVERDIL | | __ | | | _Philibert MORÉ _____| | | (.... - 1647) | | | |__ | | |_Pernette MORÉ ______| m 1647 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1531 - 1606) _Guillaume REVERDIL _| | m 1621 | | |_____________________ | _Claude Pierre REVERDIL _| | (.... - 1712) m 1682 | | | _Alexandre COMBAZ ___ | | | | |_Françoise COMBAZ ___| | m 1621 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Françoise REVERDIL | (1695 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Nicolas LE MEUNIER _| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Pernette LE MEUNIER ____| m 1682 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
[3810] Witnesses include François Reverdil, frère du dict Jean Jaques.
_____________________ | _François REVERDIL __| | (.... - 1613) | | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques REVERDIL _| | (.... - 1662) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Guillaumaz REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Bernard DUNANT _____| | | (.... - 1631) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth DUNANT _____| (1610 - ....) | | _Jean GERVAIX _______ | | |_Andrée GERVAIX _____| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1647 | | |_____________________ | _Bernard REVERDIL ___________| | m 1703 | | | _Philibert MORÉ _____ | | | (.... - 1647) | |_Pernette MORÉ ______| | m 1647 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jeanne Marguerite REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Jaques du VILLARS __| | | (.... - 1703) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne Estienne du VILLARS _| (.... - 1730) m 1703 | | _____________________ | | |_Jeanne MAISTRE _____| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1647 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Louise REVERDIL | | __ | | | _Philibert MORÉ _____| | | (.... - 1647) | | | |__ | | |_Pernette MORÉ ______| m 1647 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1614 - 1651) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1728) | | |_Françoise BUVELOT __+ | (.... - 1694) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL _____| | (.... - 1754) m 1729 | | | _François NATTEY ____ | | | (.... - 1677) m 1638 | |_Marie NATTEY _______| | | | |_Nicolarde TISSOT ___ | m 1638 | |--Louise Adrienne Salomé REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Pierre MERSEILLE ___| | | (.... - 1729) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Henriette MERSEILLE _| (1705 - 1779) m 1729 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
[3873] "Dlle. Louise Catherine Reverdil est morte le 9 7bre 1783 agées de 34 ans."
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1614 - 1651) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1728) | | |_Françoise BUVELOT __+ | (.... - 1694) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL _____| | (.... - 1754) m 1729 | | | _François NATTEY ____ | | | (.... - 1677) m 1638 | |_Marie NATTEY _______| | | | |_Nicolarde TISSOT ___ | m 1638 | |--Louise Alexandrine Catherine REVERDIL | (.... - 1783) | _____________________ | | | _Pierre MERSEILLE ___| | | (.... - 1729) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Henriette MERSEILLE _| (1705 - 1779) m 1729 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jean JUNET _________| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Magdeleine REVERDIL | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Estienne REVERDIL __| | | __ | | |__| | |__
__ | _François REVERDIL __| | (.... - 1613) | | |__ | _Jaques REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1620) m 1613| | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Marc REVERDIL | | __ | | | _François du BOULET _| | | | | | |__ | | |_Esther du BOULET ___| m 1613 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Librarian to King Stanislaus of Poland, 1766 (Hist. Lexikon der Schweiz). Possibly granted arms, as he is cited as Marc Louis de Reverdil. Family tradition holds that he traveled to America and died there.
[14705] Married at Oratoire de la Communauté Evangélique à Varsovie, extract recorded at Nyon, from registers at the Chapelle of the King of Denmark at Warsaw.
_Jaques REVERDIL ____+ | (1614 - 1651) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL ____| | (.... - 1728) | | |_Françoise BUVELOT __+ | (.... - 1694) m 1639 _Urbain REVERDIL _____| | (.... - 1754) m 1729 | | | _François NATTEY ____ | | | (.... - 1677) m 1638 | |_Marie NATTEY _______| | | | |_Nicolarde TISSOT ___ | m 1638 | |--Marc Louis REVERDIL | (.... - 1793) | _____________________ | | | _Pierre MERSEILLE ___| | | (.... - 1729) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Henriette MERSEILLE _| (1705 - 1779) m 1729 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1647 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Marguerite REVERDIL | | __ | | | _Philibert MORÉ _____| | | (.... - 1647) | | | |__ | | |_Pernette MORÉ ______| m 1647 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Evidently not Egrège Michel Reverdil. This one is surely the son of one or the other of the Reverdil's of the generation of Egrège Michel, but we have not found any clear indication which one. Could he have been a son of the François Reverdil who
At least two daughters were baptised, but the given names were not recorded (1619 and 1620 at Nyon). The marriage record is not clearly legible, and even the year is in question.
__ | _Michel REVERDIL ____| | (1499 - 1556) | | |__ | _Nicolas REVERDIL ___| | (1531 - 1603) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Michel REVERDIL | | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
The archives of Geneva has several series of abstracts of the notaries there (and indexed by early archivists). Two transactions from 1533 were executed in the house of "Michel Reverdil, bourgeois de Nyon." The notary was Michel Try, active at Massongy and sometimes also at Nyon. Probably the same Michel Reverdil appears on the "taille" of 1550, a special tax on those citizens of the Pays de Vaud who had been subjects of Savoie prior to the occupation by Bern, for the purpose of paying off certain claims by Savoie for damages as a result of the occupation (Louis Junod, "La taille de 1550 à Nyon", Revue historique vaudoise 66:92-104, 1958). The "taille" is in effect a census of the heads of households. Michel is the only Reverdil to appear on this list, and he is thus presumed to be the ancestor of all later Reverdils of Nyon. His net worth was estimated at 2863 florins, making his the eighth richest household in the city. More details can probably be found in the terriers.
Even earlier, Michel Reverdil was already a householder at Nyon in 1524, this fact mentioned in a lease of a small plot of land (about 4 poses) from Noble Andreas Festi, ACV Fi 32, fol. 32v, dated 01 jun 1524. We can assume from this transaction that Michel had already reached the age of majority, and so was born no later than 1499, Based on the rest of this terrier, the property itself must have ended up as part of a noble fief held by Aymonet Evrard in the 1570's. The house itself is briefly mentioned in the terrier Fi 56, fol. 238, in a reconnaissance dated 04 jun 1548 for the fief held by Noble André Guat of Lausanne (he had previously been exiled from Geneva about 1527 as a result of political conflicts there between the partisans of Savoie and those favoring the independence of Geneva, and by 1548, he had become the substituary heir of the Festi family, who had in turn inherited from the Evrard family). The property was half of a house "assise à Nyon en la Charriere Sainct Martin jouxte l'aultre moytié de ladicte maison devers la joux, la maison de Noble Fransçoys Peysat que fut de Noble Estienne d'Aulbonne ? devers la lac, la charriere publicque devers le vent, et la maison de Pierre Panissod que fut des heritiers de Estienne Levrat de la part de la bize", and the annual cense was only one denier. It is entirely possible that this was not the pricinpal residence of this family. The same dwelling, apparently, is found in what appears to be the immiediately previous reconnaissance, by Noble Jaques Evrard, 14 jun 1494, in the terrier Fi 27, fol. 613, the house then held by "Glaudia filia quondam Galliardi Vullieti et heredes Michaelis Cardete".
This Michel is probably the father or grandfather of the Nicolas Reverdil who baptised children at Nyon in the 1590's. One of the children of Nicolas was named Michel. As to the parentage of the present Michel, absolutely nothing is known. That he was a close relative of the priest Petrus Reverdil, director of the city hospital and later the leprosarium or "maladière" of Nyon from at least 1476 to 1502, seems certain (see E. Olivier, 1943, Menues notes sur le passé médical du Pays de Vaud. 16. Notes sur la maladière de Colovray près Nyon, Revue historique vaudoise 51:161-171). In 1476, Pierre Reverdil was rector for life of the charitable hospital of Nyon, and took the additional appointment as rector of the maladière in 1493. He was later deposed, as we understand it, due to long-running conflicts with the administration of the city, possibly as a result of his efforts to increase his personal income. He is cited at the maladière as late as 23 apr 1502. The dispute mentioned above appears to be that reflected in a document cited by François-Théodore-Louis, Baron de Grenus, 1817, Documents relatifs à l'histoire du Pays de Vaud, dès 1293 à 1750, Genève: Manget et Cherbuliez, p. 119, a document from the communal archives of Nyon (then catalogued as AA, no. 34) dated 19 jan 1499, consisting of an appeal to the Pope by the city of Nyon requesting revocation of a bull promulgated by the Pope in 1497 at the request of Pierre Reverdil as rector of the hospital, incorporating the three confréries of the city into the hospital, without proper consent of the confréries or of the city, noting, among other reasons, that the revenues of the hospital were sufficient to support the rector. It is to be noted, however, that the dispute does not seem to have involved the maladière. Another citation (Piera Borradori, 1992, Mourir au monde: les lépreux dans le Pays de Vaud, XIIIe-XVIIe siècle, Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale, 7, p. 139) states that Pierre Reverdil was one of two recteurs who "étaient chanoines de l'abbaye d'Abondance", which appears to be a serious misreading of Olivier's account (Olivier, pp. 163-164: "Deux au moins des recteurs étaient des chanoines de l'abbaye d'Abondance, Pierre Dumarest (1438) et Jean Durand (1450-1478). Pierre Reverdil, nommé en 1493, était déjà depuis 1476 recteur à vie de l'hôpital de Nyon...").
The terrier ACV Fj 77 notes that he was the late grandfather of a Jean Jaques Reverdil who was living in 1624.
The conclusion that he is the late Michel Reverdil whose sons Pierre, Aymé, Discret Jaques, and Nycolas are listed owing cense for certain properties in a rentier (ACV Fi 170, dating from about 1582 and in use at least until 1587) seems inescapable. The properties, subject to the Confrérie du Sainct Espryt de Nyon, were: (1) ung curtil situé sus la Muraz, cense une couppe vin blanc; and (2) une petite oche de pré située en Prelaz, cense iiii sous. A marginal notation appears to indicate that the cense was paid by Nicollet Reverdil annually 1583-1587. The rentier Fi 170 in turn appears to be based on the terrier Fi 161, where (fol. 30) we find a reconnaissance by Pierre, Aymé, Discret Jaques, et Nycollas, filz de feu Michiel Reverdil bourgeois de Nyon, 28 oct 1556, for the same properties and the same cense, which had been purchased from other parties. There is a similar reconnaissance in the terrier Fi 73, dated 14 mar 1556, in this case citing a sale by Aymé du Crest, recorded by the notary Pierre Coudurier. , However, in Fi 163, dating from about 1556, the index shows an entry (fol. 297) for François Reverdil. He could be another son of Michel, or a brother or cousin of Michel, who for some reason was not assessed for the "taille" of 1550, and who did not share an interest in the properties mentioned in Fi 170. However, the index for Fi 163 turns out to be something unexpected: it is an index of the subsequent "tenementiers" (tenants) of the properties that were enumerated in reconnaissances from about 1556. In this case, it is a reconnaissance by one Pierre Gabé, dated 24 jan 1564, with a single marginal notation "tenet François Reverdil" where the list of Gabé's properties begins. Thus, Fi 163 does not tell us when this François held the properties, apart from the fact that it was later than 1564. Nevertheless, we suspect that this is the François who baptised at least two children in the 1590's and that his son Jean Jaques Reverdil is the same Jean Jaques who is mentioned above as a grandson of (the present?) Michel. If that is the correct interpretation, then Michel must have had an additional son François.
There is also a Gasparde Reverdil mentioned in Fi 167 (fol. 226, not yet examined), dating from about the same period, and in Fi 168, we find that Pierre Reverdil, bourgeois de Nyon (presumably the one who was the son of the present Michel), was one of the two "syndics et gouverneurs" in 1556.
Surviving records of the notary Claude dez Prez (ACV Dm 27/1) include a sale dated 25 apr 1559, by Claude son of the late Humbert Johandoz, bourgeois de Nyon, and his brother Pierre Johandoz, to Pierre son of the late Michel Reverdil, bourgeois de Nyon, for property at Duillier. From this, we glean that Michel died before 1559.
The leprosarium of Nyon was located at Colovray. The ACV has a number of documents concerning it, notably an inventory of transactions dating from 1313 to 1555, Ai 1246/8, RMS 22002.7, not yet examined. (Items on microfilm: Ai 1246/8, 9, 10, 13, 23, 24 — all potentially of great interest.)
The terrier ACV Fi 68, fol. 55v, has a brief reconnaissance for this Michel Reverdil de Nion, 29 apr 1553, but without any further details.
As Michel Reverdil was an adult resident of Nyon prior to the occupation by the government of Bern, and before the imposition of the Reformation in the Pays de Vaud (1536), it seems logical to assume that he must have been a close relative of the original Pierre Reverdil, most likely a nephew. Since Pierre must have been an adult, and well recommended, in 1476 or even earlier (the actual date of his appointment as rector for life has not been discovered, as far as we know), we suppose he was born before 1450. Michel may have come to Nyon as a result of an inheritance from Pierre, although so far, no direct evidence has been discovered of the date of death or of a testament or inheritance from Pierre, nor even of the location or identity of the house of Michel mentioned in 1524.
Marriage record of 1662 names father. She appears as a witness for a baptism in Gingins 15 dec 1661, as Collarde Reverdil.
_____________________ | _François REVERDIL __| | (.... - 1613) | | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques REVERDIL _| | (.... - 1662) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Nicolarde REVERDIL | | _____________________ | | | _Bernard DUNANT _____| | | (.... - 1631) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth DUNANT _____| (1610 - ....) | | _Jean GERVAIX _______ | | |_Andrée GERVAIX _____| | |_____________________
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Pierre REVERDIL ____| | m 1641 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Nicolas REVERDIL | | __ | | | _André DONZEL _______| | | (.... - 1646) | | | |__ | | |_Jaquemine DONZEL ___| m 1641 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__