DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Pierre GÉLIEU       (ID #I8142)

Father: François GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
Mother: Isabeau CAUMIERE (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1.  Françoise GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  2.  Felix GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  3.  Bernardin GÉLIEU (d. 1732)
  4.  Jeanne GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  5.  Marianne GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  6.  Marie GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  7.  Joseph GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  8.  Elizabeth GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)
  9.  Jean GÉLIEU (d. BEF 1730)


The LDS Family History Library has several dozen films of his records. The repertoires, filmed separately, span the years 1674-1716. They are extremely difficult to read, but the only document relating to the Gelieu family so far uncovered in them relates to Bernardin Gelieu, presumably his son.

[2799] Assuming he was at least 25 when he began his notarial duties. The earliest of his records date from 1674.

[2800] Based on the final date in his notarial registers. He is assumed to have been a notary until his death.

                                             _François GÉLIEU ____+
                                            | (1557 - 1571)       
                       _Pierre GÉLIEU ______|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _François GÉLIEU ____|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre GÉLIEU 
|  (1649 - 1716)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Isabeau CAUMIERE ___|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre GÉLIEU       (ID #I8100)

Father: Jean GÉLIEU (b. 1648, d. 13 JUN 1695)
Mother: Jeanne CLERMONT (d. BEF 1688)


                                             _Jean GÉLIEU ________+
                       _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
| (1648 - 1695)       |
|                     |                      ______ CLERMONT _____
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Marie CLERMONT _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre GÉLIEU 
|  (1682 - ....)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne CLERMONT ____|
  (.... - 1688)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre Jean GÉLIEU       (ID #I8102)

Father: Jean GÉLIEU (b. 1648, d. 13 JUN 1695)
Mother: Perside LE CANUS (dates unknown)


                                             _Jean GÉLIEU ________+
                       _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
| (1648 - 1695) m 1688|
|                     |                      ______ CLERMONT _____
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Marie CLERMONT _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre Jean GÉLIEU 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Perside LE CANUS ___|
   m 1688             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Rodolphe GÉLIEU       (ID #I8334)

Father: Jacob GÉLIEU (b. 1666, d. 1712)
Mother: Marguerite FAVRE (dates unknown)


Family notes indicate letter of Prussian nobility 1737, and known to be alive in 1777 "in a foreign country".

                                                   _Abraham GÉLIEU __________+
                                                  | (1594 - 1663)            
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU ___________|
                      | (.... - 1703)             |
                      |                           |__________________________
 _Jacob GÉLIEU _______|
| (1666 - 1712)       |
|                     |                            _Joseph DE TREYTORRENS ___+
|                     |                           | (.... - 1656)            
|                     |_Jaqueline DE TREYTORRENS _|
|                       (1653 - 1714)             |
|                                                 |_Susanne Françoise MEGNI _
|                                                   (.... - 1693)            
|--Rodolphe GÉLIEU 
|  (1708 - 1777)
|                                                  __________________________
|                                                 |                          
|                      ___________________________|
|                     |                           |
|                     |                           |__________________________
|                     |                                                      
|_Marguerite FAVRE ___|
                      |                            __________________________
                      |                           |                          

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Rose Albertine GÉLIEU       (ID #I8235)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 31 JAN 1798, d. 6 JAN 1879)
Mother: Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI (b. 1796, d. 1836)

Family 1 : Louis Constant HENRIOD (dates unknown)


                                                                      _Jaques GÉLIEU ______________+
                                                                     | (1696 - 1761) m 1726        
                                _Jonas GÉLIEU _______________________|
                               | (1740 - 1827) m 1778                |
                               |                                     |_Elizabeth WILLY ____________+
                               |                                       (1710 - ....) m 1726        
 _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________|
| (1798 - 1879) m 1823         |
|                              |                                      _Theophile Rémy FRÊNE _______
|                              |                                     |                             
|                              |_Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE __________|
|                                (1759 - ....) m 1778                |
|                                                                    |_Marie Marguerite IMMER _____
|--Rose Albertine GÉLIEU 
|  (1823 - 1898)
|                                                                     _Johann Emanuel VON BONDELI _+
|                                                                    | (1717 - ....)               
|                               _Ludwig Stephan Emanuel VON BONDELI _|
|                              | (1769 - 1828)                       |
|                              |                                     |_Emilie DE VISMES ___________
|                              |                                                                   
|_Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI _|
  (1796 - 1836) m 1823         |
                               |                                      _____________________________
                               |                                     |                             
                               |_Charlotte VON STEIGER ______________|
                                 (1769 - 1850)                       |

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Rose Augusta Hedwige GÉLIEU       (ID #I8280)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 28 SEP 1828, d. 21 APR 1907)
Mother: Hedwig Caroline Augusta VON WITTKEN (b. 22 SEP 1838, d. 8 FEB 1924)

Family 1 : Fritz von Goetz und SCHWANENFLIES (b. 19 NOV 1871)


                                                                       _Jonas GÉLIEU _______________________+
                                                                      | (1740 - 1827) m 1778                
                                        _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________|
                                       | (1798 - 1879) m 1823         |
                                       |                              |_Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE __________+
                                       |                                (1759 - ....) m 1778                
 _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________________|
| (1828 - 1907) m 1860                 |
|                                      |                               _Ludwig Stephan Emanuel VON BONDELI _+
|                                      |                              | (1769 - 1828)                       
|                                      |_Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI _|
|                                        (1796 - 1836) m 1823         |
|                                                                     |_Charlotte VON STEIGER ______________
|                                                                       (1769 - 1850)                       
|--Rose Augusta Hedwige GÉLIEU 
|  (1878 - 1954)
|                                                                      _____________________________________
|                                                                     |                                     
|                                       _Heinrich VON WITTKEN ________|
|                                      | (1802 - 1879)                |
|                                      |                              |_____________________________________
|                                      |                                                                    
|_Hedwig Caroline Augusta VON WITTKEN _|
  (1838 - 1924) m 1860                 |
                                       |                               _____________________________________
                                       |                              |                                     
                                       |_Auguste DIETZ _______________|
                                         (1838 - 1924)                |

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Rose Marguerite GÉLIEU       (ID #I8287)

Father: Jaques GÉLIEU (b. 1696, d. 1761)
Mother: Elizabeth WILLY (b. ABT 1710, bur. 1 JUN 1791)

Family 1 : Charles Henry PRINCE (dates unknown)


                                                  _Jaques GÉLIEU ______+
                                                 | (1609 - 1664) m 1637
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU __________|
                      | (1649 - 1726) m 1681     |
                      |                          |_Marie FAVARGIER ____+
                      |                            (1619 - ....) m 1637
 _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
| (1696 - 1761) m 1726|
|                     |                           _Jonas WAVRE ________
|                     |                          |                     
|                     |_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _|
|                        m 1681                  |
|                                                |_Marie REDARD _______
|--Rose Marguerite GÉLIEU 
|  (1744 - 1830)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                      _Jean Henry WILLY ________|
|                     |                          |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Elizabeth WILLY ____|
  (1710 - ....) m 1726|
                      |                           _____________________
                      |                          |                     

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Rose Marguerite GÉLIEU       (ID #I8224)

Father: Jonas GÉLIEU (b. 1740, d. 1827)
Mother: Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE (b. 2 FEB 1759)

Family 1 : Charles Frederic IMER (b. 1790, d. 1828)
  1.  Virginia IMER (dates unknown)


                                                        _Bernard GÉLIEU __________+
                                                       | (1649 - 1726) m 1681     
                              _Jaques GÉLIEU __________|
                             | (1696 - 1761) m 1726    |
                             |                         |_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _+
                             |                            m 1681                  
 _Jonas GÉLIEU ______________|
| (1740 - 1827) m 1778       |
|                            |                          _Jean Henry WILLY ________
|                            |                         |                          
|                            |_Elizabeth WILLY ________|
|                              (1710 - ....) m 1726    |
|                                                      |__________________________
|--Rose Marguerite GÉLIEU 
|  (1793 - 1857)
|                                                       __________________________
|                                                      |                          
|                             _Theophile Rémy FRÊNE ___|
|                            |                         |
|                            |                         |__________________________
|                            |                                                    
|_Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE _|
  (1759 - ....) m 1778       |
                             |                          __________________________
                             |                         |                          
                             |_Marie Marguerite IMMER _|

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Salomé GÉLIEU       (ID #I8196)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 1649, d. 1726)
Mother: Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE (dates unknown)


Prussian nobility.

                                                  _Bernard GÉLIEU _____+
                                                 | (1580 - 1654) m 1602
                            _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
                           | (1609 - 1664) m 1637|
                           |                     |_Sara DUMAYNE _______+
                           |                       (1584 - 1654) m 1602
 _Bernard GÉLIEU __________|
| (1649 - 1726) m 1681     |
|                          |                      _Jaques FAVARGIER ___
|                          |                     |                     
|                          |_Marie FAVARGIER ____|
|                            (1619 - ....) m 1637|
|                                                |_____________________
|--Salomé GÉLIEU 
|  (1690 - 1736)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                           _Jonas WAVRE ________|
|                          |                     |
|                          |                     |_____________________
|                          |                                           
|_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _|
   m 1681                  |
                           |                      _____________________
                           |                     |                     
                           |_Marie REDARD _______|

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Salomé GÉLIEU       (ID #I8286)

Father: Jaques GÉLIEU (b. 1696, d. 1761)
Mother: Elizabeth WILLY (b. ABT 1710, bur. 1 JUN 1791)


Governess of Louise, Queen of Prussia, and of the children of the Dutchess of Cumberland, who were Lady Marlborough and Lord Gallway. Death record indicates "ancienne gouvernante de sa majesté la reine de Prusse." Louise was Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz before her marriage to the King of Prussia.

                                                  _Jaques GÉLIEU ______+
                                                 | (1609 - 1664) m 1637
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU __________|
                      | (1649 - 1726) m 1681     |
                      |                          |_Marie FAVARGIER ____+
                      |                            (1619 - ....) m 1637
 _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
| (1696 - 1761) m 1726|
|                     |                           _Jonas WAVRE ________
|                     |                          |                     
|                     |_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _|
|                        m 1681                  |
|                                                |_Marie REDARD _______
|--Salomé GÉLIEU 
|  (1742 - 1820)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                      _Jean Henry WILLY ________|
|                     |                          |
|                     |                          |_____________________
|                     |                                                
|_Elizabeth WILLY ____|
  (1710 - ....) m 1726|
                      |                           _____________________
                      |                          |                     

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Samuel GÉLIEU       (ID #I8058)

Father: Michel GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
Mother: Esther PELISSIER (dates unknown)


                                                     _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________+
                                                    | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        
                       _Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU _|
                      | (1598 - 1664)               |
                      |                             |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _+
                      |                               (1563 - 1633) m 1593        
 _Michel GÉLIEU ______|
|  m 1668             |
|                     |                              _Gamaliel ROBERT ____________+
|                     |                             | (1570 - 1638)               
|                     |_Magdelaine ROBERT __________|
|                       (1605 - ....)               |
|                                                   |_____________________________
|--Samuel GÉLIEU 
|                                                    _____________________________
|                                                   |                             
|                      _____________________________|
|                     |                             |
|                     |                             |_____________________________
|                     |                                                           
|_Esther PELISSIER ___|
   m 1668             |
                      |                              _____________________________
                      |                             |                             

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Samuel GÉLIEU       (ID #I8044)

Father: Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU (b. 1598, d. 1664)
Mother: Magdelaine ROBERT (b. BEF 1605)


A secondary source has read the baptismal date as 30 May instead of 30 July.

                                                             _Jean GÉLIEU _______________
                                                            | (.... - 1557)              
                               _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
                              | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
                              |                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________
                              |                               (.... - 1567)              
 _Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU _|
| (1598 - 1664)               |
|                             |                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____
|                             |                             | (.... - 1587)              
|                             |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
|                               (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
|                                                           |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _+
|--Samuel GÉLIEU 
|                                                            _François ROBERT ___________+
|                                                           |                            
|                              _Gamaliel ROBERT ____________|
|                             | (1570 - 1638)               |
|                             |                             |_Nicolarde CHALLET _________+
|                             |                               (.... - 1570)              
|_Magdelaine ROBERT __________|
  (1605 - ....)               |
                              |                              ____________________________
                              |                             |                            

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Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU       (ID #I8040)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. ABT 1548, d. 6 SEP 1618)
Mother: Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS (b. APR 1563, d. 21 APR 1633)

Family 1 : Estienna DESTALLENS (b. BEF 1605, d. 1626?)
  1.  Marie GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  2.  Nicolas GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  3.  Samuel Gamaliel GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Magdelaine ROBERT (b. BEF 1605)
  1.  Samuel GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  2.  David GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  3.  Pierre GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  4.  Susanne GÉLIEU (d. AFT 1686)
  5.  Magdelaine GÉLIEU (b. ABT 1636?, d. AFT 1657)
  6. +Anne GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  7.  Marie GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  8. +Michel GÉLIEU (dates unknown)
  9.  Jean François GÉLIEU (dates unknown)


Samuel was the minister at Apples 18 nov 1627 until 1664, when he was succeeded by Jean Gabriel de Beausobre on 14 aug 1664. His widow appears in a document of 18 aug 1669, Jean Croutaz notary, where the surname is Gelius. Family record (some in Elisée Gelieu's own hand) has Samuel as the brother of Elisée, not his son, and gives the birthdate. Samuel's wife was the sister of the husband of Samuel's niece. (Under the Bernese regime, Apples was in the bailliage of Romainmôtier; records of that district have not been searched.)

Samuel enrolled with his brother Elisée at the Académie de Lausanne (listed with his brother Elisée in the Livre de Recteur, 1609), then enrolled at the University of Basel in September, 1614.

[2764] Family record of Bernhard von Gélieu.

[2765] Family record of Bernhard von Gélieu.

[14619] Contract of 18 dec 1621 cited in "Le déstin des Gélieu", but the name of the notary is not reported in this source.

                               _Jean GÉLIEU _______________|
                              | (.... - 1557)              |
                              |                            |_____________________
 _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
| (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
|                             |                             _____________________
|                             |                            |                     
|                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________|
|                               (.... - 1567)              |
|                                                          |_____________________
|--Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU 
|  (1598 - 1664)
|                                                           _____________________
|                                                          |                     
|                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____|
|                             | (.... - 1587)              |
|                             |                            |_____________________
|                             |                                                  
|_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
  (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
                              |                             _Michel MONEDO ______
                              |                            | (.... - 1591)       
                              |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _|

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Samuel Gamaliel GÉLIEU       (ID #I8382)

Father: Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU (b. 1598, d. 1664)
Mother: Estienna DESTALLENS (b. BEF 1605, d. 1626?)


                                                             _Jean GÉLIEU _______________
                                                            | (.... - 1557)              
                               _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
                              | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
                              |                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________
                              |                               (.... - 1567)              
 _Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU _|
| (1598 - 1664) m 1621        |
|                             |                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____
|                             |                             | (.... - 1587)              
|                             |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
|                               (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
|                                                           |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _+
|--Samuel Gamaliel GÉLIEU 
|                                                            ____________________________
|                                                           |                            
|                              _Jean Benoict DESTALLENS ____|
|                             |                             |
|                             |                             |____________________________
|                             |                                                          
|_Estienna DESTALLENS ________|
  (1605 - 1626) m 1621        |
                              |                              ____________________________
                              |                             |                            
                              |_Marie DELALORE _____________|

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Samuel Henry GÉLIEU       (ID #I8294)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 1649, d. 1726)
Mother: Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE (dates unknown)


During his French service, while at Agen, in the south of the Perigord region, he is said to have encountered the last of the French Gélieu, one Bernard Gélieu, notary. Bernard greeted him warmly, and being rich and without heirs, offered to make the young officer his sole heir, on condition that he became Catholic. This was too much for the son of a protestant minister, and he refused the offer. (Henriod, La Genealogiste Suisse (1968), p. 83).

                                                  _Bernard GÉLIEU _____+
                                                 | (1580 - 1654) m 1602
                            _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
                           | (1609 - 1664) m 1637|
                           |                     |_Sara DUMAYNE _______+
                           |                       (1584 - 1654) m 1602
 _Bernard GÉLIEU __________|
| (1649 - 1726) m 1681     |
|                          |                      _Jaques FAVARGIER ___
|                          |                     |                     
|                          |_Marie FAVARGIER ____|
|                            (1619 - ....) m 1637|
|                                                |_____________________
|--Samuel Henry GÉLIEU 
|  (1700 - 1734)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                           _Jonas WAVRE ________|
|                          |                     |
|                          |                     |_____________________
|                          |                                           
|_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _|
   m 1681                  |
                           |                      _____________________
                           |                     |                     
                           |_Marie REDARD _______|

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Sara GÉLIEU       (ID #I8135)

Father: François GÉLIEU (b. BEF 1557, d. AFT 1571)


                       _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
                      | (.... - 1557)       |
                      |                     |__
 _François GÉLIEU ____|
| (1557 - 1571)       |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_Mariote GUYRAULD ___|
|                       (.... - 1567)       |
|                                           |__
|--Sara GÉLIEU 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Sara GÉLIEU       (ID #I8180)

Father: Jaques GÉLIEU (b. 1609, d. 28 DEC 1664)
Mother: Marie FAVARGIER (b. 1619)

Family 1 : Estienne BOLE (dates unknown)


                                             _Bernard GÉLIEU _____+
                                            | (1548 - 1618) m 1570
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU _____|
                      | (1580 - 1654) m 1602|
                      |                     |_Nicolle POTERAT ____+
                      |                       (1555 - 1593) m 1570
 _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
| (1609 - 1664) m 1637|
|                     |                      _Jean DUMAYNE _______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Sara DUMAYNE _______|
|                       (1584 - 1654) m 1602|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Sara GÉLIEU 
|  (1640 - 1660)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Jaques FAVARGIER ___|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marie FAVARGIER ____|
  (1619 - ....) m 1637|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Sara Marguerite GÉLIEU       (ID #I8375)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. ABT 1548, d. 6 SEP 1618)
Mother: Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS (b. APR 1563, d. 21 APR 1633)


                               _Jean GÉLIEU _______________|
                              | (.... - 1557)              |
                              |                            |_____________________
 _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
| (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
|                             |                             _____________________
|                             |                            |                     
|                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________|
|                               (.... - 1567)              |
|                                                          |_____________________
|--Sara Marguerite GÉLIEU 
|                                                           _____________________
|                                                          |                     
|                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____|
|                             | (.... - 1587)              |
|                             |                            |_____________________
|                             |                                                  
|_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
  (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
                              |                             _Michel MONEDO ______
                              |                            | (.... - 1591)       
                              |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _|

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Sara Marie Isabel GÉLIEU       (ID #I8343)

Father: Abraham GÉLIEU (b. ABT 1594, d. 1663)


                                                     _Jean GÉLIEU _______________
                                                    | (.... - 1557)              
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
                      | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
                      |                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________
                      |                               (.... - 1567)              
 _Abraham GÉLIEU _____|
| (1594 - 1663)       |
|                     |                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____
|                     |                             | (.... - 1587)              
|                     |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
|                       (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
|                                                   |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _+
|--Sara Marie Isabel GÉLIEU 
|                                                    ____________________________
|                                                   |                            
|                      _____________________________|
|                     |                             |
|                     |                             |____________________________
|                     |                                                          
                      |                              ____________________________
                      |                             |                            

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Sophie GÉLIEU       (ID #I8240)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 31 JAN 1798, d. 6 JAN 1879)
Mother: Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI (b. 1796, d. 1836)

Family 1 : James BARRELET (dates unknown)


                                                                      _Jaques GÉLIEU ______________+
                                                                     | (1696 - 1761) m 1726        
                                _Jonas GÉLIEU _______________________|
                               | (1740 - 1827) m 1778                |
                               |                                     |_Elizabeth WILLY ____________+
                               |                                       (1710 - ....) m 1726        
 _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________|
| (1798 - 1879) m 1823         |
|                              |                                      _Theophile Rémy FRÊNE _______
|                              |                                     |                             
|                              |_Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE __________|
|                                (1759 - ....) m 1778                |
|                                                                    |_Marie Marguerite IMMER _____
|--Sophie GÉLIEU 
|  (1826 - 1914)
|                                                                     _Johann Emanuel VON BONDELI _+
|                                                                    | (1717 - ....)               
|                               _Ludwig Stephan Emanuel VON BONDELI _|
|                              | (1769 - 1828)                       |
|                              |                                     |_Emilie DE VISMES ___________
|                              |                                                                   
|_Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI _|
  (1796 - 1836) m 1823         |
                               |                                      _____________________________
                               |                                     |                             
                               |_Charlotte VON STEIGER ______________|
                                 (1769 - 1850)                       |

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Sophie Charlotte Emilie Augusta GÉLIEU       (ID #I8246)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 28 SEP 1828, d. 21 APR 1907)
Mother: Hedwig Caroline Augusta VON WITTKEN (b. 22 SEP 1838, d. 8 FEB 1924)

Family 1 : Auguste Wilhelm Julius VON SEEBECK (b. 16 APR 1834, d. 27 NOV 1914)


                                                                       _Jonas GÉLIEU _______________________+
                                                                      | (1740 - 1827) m 1778                
                                        _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________|
                                       | (1798 - 1879) m 1823         |
                                       |                              |_Marguerite Isabelle FRÊNE __________+
                                       |                                (1759 - ....) m 1778                
 _Bernard GÉLIEU ______________________|
| (1828 - 1907) m 1860                 |
|                                      |                               _Ludwig Stephan Emanuel VON BONDELI _+
|                                      |                              | (1769 - 1828)                       
|                                      |_Emilie Baronesse DE BONDELI _|
|                                        (1796 - 1836) m 1823         |
|                                                                     |_Charlotte VON STEIGER ______________
|                                                                       (1769 - 1850)                       
|--Sophie Charlotte Emilie Augusta GÉLIEU 
|  (1861 - 1944)
|                                                                      _____________________________________
|                                                                     |                                     
|                                       _Heinrich VON WITTKEN ________|
|                                      | (1802 - 1879)                |
|                                      |                              |_____________________________________
|                                      |                                                                    
|_Hedwig Caroline Augusta VON WITTKEN _|
  (1838 - 1924) m 1860                 |
                                       |                               _____________________________________
                                       |                              |                                     
                                       |_Auguste DIETZ _______________|
                                         (1838 - 1924)                |

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Susanne GÉLIEU       (ID #I8372)

Father: Elisée GÉLIEU (b. 13 FEB 1596, d. abt 1639)
Mother: Stephe DUMEURIER (b. 27 FEB 1609, d. AFT 1640)

Family 1 : Jaques DUBOZ (dates unknown)


[14628] Family record of Bernhard von Gélieu.

                                                     _Jean GÉLIEU _______________
                                                    | (.... - 1557)              
                       _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
                      | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
                      |                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________
                      |                               (.... - 1567)              
 _Elisée GÉLIEU ______|
| (1596 - 1639) m 1629|
|                     |                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____
|                     |                             | (.... - 1587)              
|                     |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
|                       (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
|                                                   |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _+
|--Susanne GÉLIEU 
|  (.... - 1660)
|                                                    ____________________________
|                                                   |                            
|                      _Timothée DUMEURIER _________|
|                     | (1580 - 1636) m 1604        |
|                     |                             |____________________________
|                     |                                                          
|_Stephe DUMEURIER ___|
  (1609 - 1640) m 1629|
                      |                              _Jaques GALTIER ____________
                      |                             |                            
                      |_Louise GALTIER _____________|
                         m 1604                     |

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Susanne GÉLIEU       (ID #I8101)

Father: Jean GÉLIEU (b. 1648, d. 13 JUN 1695)
Mother: Jeanne CLERMONT (d. BEF 1688)


                                             _Jean GÉLIEU ________+
                       _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jean GÉLIEU ________|
| (1648 - 1695)       |
|                     |                      ______ CLERMONT _____
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Marie CLERMONT _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Susanne GÉLIEU 
|  (1685 - 1714)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne CLERMONT ____|
  (.... - 1688)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Susanne GÉLIEU       (ID #I8379)

Father: Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU (b. 1598, d. 1664)
Mother: Magdelaine ROBERT (b. BEF 1605)

Family 1 : Isaac GIRARDET (b. BEF 1637, d. 1688)


We did not find her in the baptisms at Apples, where her father was minister until his death in 1664, but the pasteur Bron, acting on the request of the Jaïn family in 1801, reported such a baptism at Apples dated 08 may 1634 (his correspondence is in ACV P Jaïn / 31). Susanne is mentioned as the wife of Spectable Isaac Girardet of Orbe, suffragant at Apples in 1657. Isaac next held the post of deacon at Nyon, and ended his career as minister at Begnins. In none of these places do we find any evidence that this couple had children. There is a gap in the marriage records at Apples 01 jan 1643 - 21 nov 1659.

Why did we not find this baptism? The baptisms at Apples in their current state have a gap between page 8 (the verso of the fourth folio) and page 9, so that there are no baptisms recorded between 01 sep 1633 and 28 aug 1637. In other words, at least one leaf was lost from the register before the pages were numbered.

[2888] Perhaps born at Yverdon, where Samuel Gélieu was régent d'école (?) in 1623.

                                                             _Jean GÉLIEU _______________
                                                            | (.... - 1557)              
                               _Bernard GÉLIEU _____________|
                              | (1548 - 1618) m 1593        |
                              |                             |_Mariote GUYRAULD __________
                              |                               (.... - 1567)              
 _Samuel (dit Gautry) GÉLIEU _|
| (1598 - 1664)               |
|                             |                              _Mauricio DE FERRARIIS _____
|                             |                             | (.... - 1587)              
|                             |_Octavia Laura DE FERRARIIS _|
|                               (1563 - 1633) m 1593        |
|                                                           |_Francesca (Luisa?) MONEDO _+
|--Susanne GÉLIEU 
|  (.... - 1686)
|                                                            _François ROBERT ___________+
|                                                           |                            
|                              _Gamaliel ROBERT ____________|
|                             | (1570 - 1638)               |
|                             |                             |_Nicolarde CHALLET _________+
|                             |                               (.... - 1570)              
|_Magdelaine ROBERT __________|
  (1605 - ....)               |
                              |                              ____________________________
                              |                             |                            

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Susanne GÉLIEU       (ID #I8295)

Father: Bernard GÉLIEU (b. 1649, d. 1726)
Mother: Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE (dates unknown)


                                                  _Bernard GÉLIEU _____+
                                                 | (1580 - 1654) m 1602
                            _Jaques GÉLIEU ______|
                           | (1609 - 1664) m 1637|
                           |                     |_Sara DUMAYNE _______+
                           |                       (1584 - 1654) m 1602
 _Bernard GÉLIEU __________|
| (1649 - 1726) m 1681     |
|                          |                      _Jaques FAVARGIER ___
|                          |                     |                     
|                          |_Marie FAVARGIER ____|
|                            (1619 - ....) m 1637|
|                                                |_____________________
|--Susanne GÉLIEU 
|  (1703 - 1704)
|                                                 _____________________
|                                                |                     
|                           _Jonas WAVRE ________|
|                          |                     |
|                          |                     |_____________________
|                          |                                           
|_Susanne Elizabeth WAVRE _|
   m 1681                  |
                           |                      _____________________
                           |                     |                     
                           |_Marie REDARD _______|

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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