Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Claudine DEGENÈVE       (ID #I13038)

Family 1 : Michel JOTTERAND (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne JOTTERAND (bp. 4 DEC 1687)
  2.  Pétran (?) François JOTTERAND (bp. 7 JAN 1692)
  3.  Jeanne Elizabeth JOTTERAND (bp. 25 AUG 1695)
  4.  Abraham JOTTERAND (bp. 14 MAY 1699)
  5.  Jeanne Pernette JOTTERAND (bp. 30 OCT 1701)


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Claudine DEGENÈVE       (ID #I416)

Father: François DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Jaquemaz CAGNEUX (dates unknown)


                      |                      |
                      |                      |_____________________
 _François DEGENÈVE __|
|  m 1569             |
|                     |                       _____________________
|                     |                      |                     
|                     |______________________|
|                                            |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Claudine DEGENÈVE 
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                      _François CAGNEUX ____|
|                     | (.... - 1568)        |
|                     |                      |_____________________
|                     |                                            
|_Jaquemaz CAGNEUX ___|
   m 1569             |
                      |                       _Vuilleme JOTTERAND _+
                      |                      |                     
                      |_Catherine JOTTERAND _|
                        (.... - 1540)        |

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Daniel DEGENÈVE       (ID #I1392)

Father: Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Michère ROQUILLON (dates unknown)


                                           _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____|
                                          | (1519 - 1569)       |
                                          |                     |__
 _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _|
|                                         |
|                                         |                      __
|                                         |                     |  
|                                         |_____________________|
|                                                               |
|                                                               |__
|--Daniel DEGENÈVE 
|                                                                __
|                                                               |  
|                                          _____________________|
|                                         |                     |
|                                         |                     |__
|                                         |                        
|_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________|
                                          |                      __
                                          |                     |  

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Daniel DEGENÈVE       (ID #I2444)

Father: Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE (bp. 8 FEB 1611)
Mother: Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ (dates unknown)


                                                                            _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____
                                                                           | (1519 - 1569)       
                                  _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _|
                                 |                                         |
                                 |                                         |_____________________
 _Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE _____|
|                                |
|                                |                                          _____________________
|                                |                                         |                     
|                                |_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________|
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |_____________________
|--Daniel DEGENÈVE 
|                                                                           _____________________
|                                                                          |                     
|                                 _________________________________________|
|                                |                                         |
|                                |                                         |_____________________
|                                |                                                               
|_Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ _|
                                 |                                          _____________________
                                 |                                         |                     

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Elizabeth DEGENÈVE       (ID #I154)

Father: Aimé DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Aimé DEGENÈVE ______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Elizabeth DEGENÈVE 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Elizabeth DEGENÈVE       (ID #I2549)

Father: Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE (bp. 8 FEB 1611)
Mother: Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ (dates unknown)


                                                                            _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____
                                                                           | (1519 - 1569)       
                                  _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _|
                                 |                                         |
                                 |                                         |_____________________
 _Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE _____|
|                                |
|                                |                                          _____________________
|                                |                                         |                     
|                                |_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________|
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |_____________________
|--Elizabeth DEGENÈVE 
|                                                                           _____________________
|                                                                          |                     
|                                 _________________________________________|
|                                |                                         |
|                                |                                         |_____________________
|                                |                                                               
|_Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ _|
                                 |                                          _____________________
                                 |                                         |                     

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François DEGENÈVE       (ID #I33)

Family 1 :
  1.  Bernarde DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)


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François DEGENÈVE       (ID #I184)

Family 1 : Jaquemaz CAGNEUX (dates unknown)
  1.  Sara DEGENÈVE (bp. 20 MAR 1580)
  2.  Claudine DEGENÈVE (bp. 17 NOV 1583)


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François DEGENÈVE       (ID #I16443)

Father: Jean DEGENÈVE (d. bef 1522)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jaques DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
  2.  Perrod DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
  3.  Aimé DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
  4.  Jeanton DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)


For lack of any better explanation of the ways that various properties were held by descendants of the de Genève (Billiard) family at Gimel toward the end of the 16th Century, the group of brothers described as "Jaques, Perrod, Discret Amyed (=Aimé or Amédée), Jeanton... filz de feu François Billiard aultrement de Geneve dudict Gymel" (ACV Fh 35, fol. 560v, and another parallel passage in Fh 34) are attached here. For this to be the correct solution, certain "partages" or "divisions" and other developments are assumed to have occurred. First, Pierre senior, son of Louis de Genève, appears to have left no heirs. Second, the son Claude de Genève dit Billiard who lived in Montherod, who is presumed to belong to this family, must have taken his share of his parents' estate, leaving the remainder held jointly by the two remaining sons, Jean and Pierre junior. Third, Jaques, son of Pierre junior appears to have ended up with all the property from the Vacherand family, while his brother Anthoine did not, suggesting that Jaques must have taken his share separately, thus leaving all of the remaining property from Louis de Genève and his wife held jointly between the François son of Jean, and Anthoine son of Pierre junior. Upon the deaths of François and Anthoine, then, the remaining estate would be held jointly, exactly as described in the terrier Fh 35. In order to test this theory, it will be necessary to follow the various properties held by the descendants of Louis through the terriers and other sources to check for consistency with this model. Additional information might be found in the records of the notaries of Aubonne and Rolle, although only a small portion of the registers of the notaries have survived.

                                             _Vulliermus REYMOND _+
                                            | (1410 - ....) m 1430
                       _Louis DEGENÈVE _____|
                      | (1430 - 1501) m 1468|
                      |                     |_Beatrix MOREL ______+
                      |                       (1415 - ....) m 1430
 _Jean DEGENÈVE ______|
| (.... - 1522)       |
|                     |                      _Pierre BILLIARD ____+
|                     |                     | (1419 - 1468) m 1444
|                     |_Anthoenne BILLIARD _|
|                       (1430 - ....) m 1468|
|                                           |_Mermeta GACHET _____+
|                                             (1403 - ....) m 1444
|--François DEGENÈVE 
|  (1504 - 1550)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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François DEGENÈVE       (ID #I16501)

Father: Pierre DEGENÈVE (d. bef 1568)


                                             _Nicolletus (Colletus) DEGENÈVE _+
                                            | (.... - 1507)                   
                       _Nicollet DEGENÈVE __|
                      | (.... - 1507)       |
                      |                     |_________________________________
 _Pierre DEGENÈVE ____|
| (.... - 1568)       |
|                     |                      _________________________________
|                     |                     |                                 
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_________________________________
|--François DEGENÈVE 
|  (.... - 1568)
|                                            _________________________________
|                                           |                                 
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_________________________________
|                     |                                                       
                      |                      _________________________________
                      |                     |                                 

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Gabriel DEGENÈVE       (ID #I16086)

Father: Jean Michel DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Michère DAYOUZ (bp. 12 FEB 1693, d. 21 FEB 1738)


                                                 _Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE _____+
                         _Jaques DEGENÈVE ______|
                        |  m 1671               |
                        |                       |_Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ _
 _Jean Michel DEGENÈVE _|
|  m 1723               |
|                       |                        _Remond MONTHOUX _______________+
|                       |                       |  m 1640                        
|                       |_Pernette MONTHOUX ____|
|                          m 1671               |
|                                               |_Jaquemaz MOCHON _______________
|                                                  m 1640                        
|--Gabriel DEGENÈVE 
|                                                ______ DAYOUZ __________________
|                                               |                                
|                        _Pierre Michel DAYOUZ _|
|                       | (.... - 1712) m 1692  |
|                       |                       |________________________________
|                       |                                                        
|_Michère DAYOUZ _______|
  (.... - 1738) m 1723  |
                        |                        ________________________________
                        |                       |                                
                        |_Jeanne GUIGNARD ______|
                           m 1692               |

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Gabriel DEGENÈVE       (ID #I15121)

Father: Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Pernette HUGUET (bp. 22 MAR 1590)


The baptism is undated, but the last previous entry in the register was a marriage at Ballens 22 jan 1609.

                                                          _Jaques DEGENÈVE ___________
                                                         | (1519 - 1569)              
                                  _Christophle DEGENÈVE _|
                                 | (1542 - 1606) m 1569  |
                                 |                       |____________________________
 _Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE _|
|  m 1608                        |
|                                |                        _Claude (dit Mathey) MAYOR _+
|                                |                       | (1504 - 1582)              
|                                |_Claudaz MAYOR ________|
|                                  (1548 - ....) m 1569  |
|                                                        |_Mermette MATHEY ___________+
|--Gabriel DEGENÈVE 
|                                                         ____________________________
|                                                        |                            
|                                 _Pierre HUGUET ________|
|                                |                       |
|                                |                       |____________________________
|                                |                                                    
|_Pernette HUGUET _______________|
   m 1608                        |
                                 |                        ____________________________
                                 |                       |                            

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Guillaume DEGENÈVE       (ID #I1885)

Father: Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE (bp. 8 FEB 1611)
Mother: Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ (dates unknown)


                                                                            _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____
                                                                           | (1519 - 1569)       
                                  _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _|
                                 |                                         |
                                 |                                         |_____________________
 _Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE _____|
|                                |
|                                |                                          _____________________
|                                |                                         |                     
|                                |_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________|
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |_____________________
|--Guillaume DEGENÈVE 
|                                                                           _____________________
|                                                                          |                     
|                                 _________________________________________|
|                                |                                         |
|                                |                                         |_____________________
|                                |                                                               
|_Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ _|
                                 |                                          _____________________
                                 |                                         |                     

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Henri DEGENÈVE       (ID #I605)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jaques DEGENÈVE (b. bef 1560)


He made a reconnaissance 28 may 1538 for property previously recognized by his "predecessor" Vullierme de Genève, for property at Féchy (possibly referring to a terrier compiled by Pierre Gos?).

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Isaac DEGENÈVE       (ID #I15123)

Father: Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)


                                                          _Jaques DEGENÈVE ___________
                                                         | (1519 - 1569)              
                                  _Christophle DEGENÈVE _|
                                 | (1542 - 1606) m 1569  |
                                 |                       |____________________________
 _Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE _|
|                                |
|                                |                        _Claude (dit Mathey) MAYOR _+
|                                |                       | (1504 - 1582)              
|                                |_Claudaz MAYOR ________|
|                                  (1548 - ....) m 1569  |
|                                                        |_Mermette MATHEY ___________+
|--Isaac DEGENÈVE 
|                                                         ____________________________
|                                                        |                            
|                                 _______________________|
|                                |                       |
|                                |                       |____________________________
|                                |                                                    
                                 |                        ____________________________
                                 |                       |                            

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Jacob (Jaques) DEGENÈVE       (ID #I16441)

Father: Jean DEGENÈVE (d. bef 1522)


                                             _Vulliermus REYMOND _+
                                            | (1410 - ....) m 1430
                       _Louis DEGENÈVE _____|
                      | (1430 - 1501) m 1468|
                      |                     |_Beatrix MOREL ______+
                      |                       (1415 - ....) m 1430
 _Jean DEGENÈVE ______|
| (.... - 1522)       |
|                     |                      _Pierre BILLIARD ____+
|                     |                     | (1419 - 1468) m 1444
|                     |_Anthoenne BILLIARD _|
|                       (1430 - ....) m 1468|
|                                           |_Mermeta GACHET _____+
|                                             (1403 - ....) m 1444
|--Jacob (Jaques) DEGENÈVE 
|  (1504 - 1550)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaqueline DEGENÈVE       (ID #I14833)

Father: Jaques DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Pernette GINON (dates unknown)


She appears as one of the sponsors for the baptism of Jaquemine, daughter of Louis de Genève, at Ballens 24 jan 1636.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jaqueline DEGENÈVE 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Pernette GINON _____|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jaqueline DEGENÈVE       (ID #I10166)

Father: Michel DEGENÈVE (d. abt 1673)
Mother: Françoise JOTTERAND (dates unknown)


                       |  |
                       |  |__
 _Michel DEGENÈVE _____|
| (.... - 1673) m 1670 |
|                      |   __
|                      |  |  
|                      |__|
|                         |
|                         |__
|--Jaqueline DEGENÈVE 
|                          __
|                         |  
|                       __|
|                      |  |
|                      |  |__
|                      |     
|_Françoise JOTTERAND _|
   m 1670              |
                       |   __
                       |  |  

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Jaqueline DEGENÈVE       (ID #I10311)

Father: Jaques DEGENÈVE (bp. 5 NOV 1643)
Mother: Pernette MONTHOUX (bp. 24 SEP 1650)


                                                        _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _+
                       _Louis (dit Baud) DEGENÈVE _____|
                      |                                |
                      |                                |_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________
 _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____|
|  m 1671             |
|                     |                                 _________________________________________
|                     |                                |                                         
|                     |_Marie (dit Peloquin) CATHELAZ _|
|                                                      |
|                                                      |_________________________________________
|--Jaqueline DEGENÈVE 
|                                                       _Michel MONTHOUX ________________________
|                                                      |                                         
|                      _Remond MONTHOUX _______________|
|                     |  m 1640                        |
|                     |                                |_Jeannetan _____ ________________________
|                     |                                                                          
|_Pernette MONTHOUX __|
   m 1671             |
                      |                                 _________________________________________
                      |                                |                                         
                      |_Jaquemaz MOCHON _______________|
                         m 1640                        |

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Jaqueline DEGENÈVE       (ID #I12376)

Father: Jean Isaac DEGENÈVE (bp. 20 FEB 1648, d. abt 1725)
Mother: Gabrielle LAGNEL (bp. 22 DEC 1648)


                                              _Claude (petit dit Go or Baud) DEGENÈVE _+
                        _Abraham DEGENÈVE ___|
                       |  m 1642             |
                       |                     |_Michère ROQUILLON ______________________
 _Jean Isaac DEGENÈVE _|
| (.... - 1725) m 1678 |
|                      |                      _________________________________________
|                      |                     |                                         
|                      |_Jaquemaz GROZ ______|
|                         m 1642             |
|                                            |_________________________________________
|--Jaqueline DEGENÈVE 
|                                             _Pierre LAGNEL __________________________+
|                                            | (1568 - ....)                           
|                       _Joseph LAGNEL ______|
|                      |  m 1638             |
|                      |                     |_Sara BADEL _____________________________
|                      |                       (.... - 1605)                           
|_Gabrielle LAGNEL ____|
   m 1678              |
                       |                      _Michel MONTHOUX ________________________
                       |                     |                                         
                       |_Sara MONTHOUX ______|
                          m 1638             |
                                             |_Jeannetan _____ ________________________

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Jaquemaz DEGENÈVE       (ID #I244)

Father: Jean (dit Jaquet) DEGENÈVE (b. bef 1544, d. aft 1586)
Mother: Imbarde (Amblarde) FILLIETTAZ (b. aft 1541)


no "dit" name for parent.

                                  _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____|
                                 | (1519 - 1569)       |
                                 |                     |__
 _Jean (dit Jaquet) DEGENÈVE ____|
| (1544 - 1586) m 1569           |
|                                |                      __
|                                |                     |  
|                                |_____________________|
|                                                      |
|                                                      |__
|--Jaquemaz DEGENÈVE 
|                                                       __
|                                                      |  
|                                 _Jaques FILLIETTAZ __|
|                                | (.... - 1569)       |
|                                |                     |__
|                                |                        
|_Imbarde (Amblarde) FILLIETTAZ _|
  (1541 - ....) m 1569           |
                                 |                      __
                                 |                     |  

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Jaquemaz DEGENÈVE       (ID #I1363)

Father: Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Pernette HUGUET (bp. 22 MAR 1590)


                                                          _Jaques DEGENÈVE ___________
                                                         | (1519 - 1569)              
                                  _Christophle DEGENÈVE _|
                                 | (1542 - 1606) m 1569  |
                                 |                       |____________________________
 _Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE _|
|  m 1608                        |
|                                |                        _Claude (dit Mathey) MAYOR _+
|                                |                       | (1504 - 1582)              
|                                |_Claudaz MAYOR ________|
|                                  (1548 - ....) m 1569  |
|                                                        |_Mermette MATHEY ___________+
|--Jaquemaz DEGENÈVE 
|                                                         ____________________________
|                                                        |                            
|                                 _Pierre HUGUET ________|
|                                |                       |
|                                |                       |____________________________
|                                |                                                    
|_Pernette HUGUET _______________|
   m 1608                        |
                                 |                        ____________________________
                                 |                       |                            

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Jaquemine DEGENÈVE       (ID #I1315)

Father: Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)
Mother: Pernette HUGUET (bp. 22 MAR 1590)


                                                          _Jaques DEGENÈVE ___________
                                                         | (1519 - 1569)              
                                  _Christophle DEGENÈVE _|
                                 | (1542 - 1606) m 1569  |
                                 |                       |____________________________
 _Jaques (dit Jaquet?) DEGENÈVE _|
|  m 1608                        |
|                                |                        _Claude (dit Mathey) MAYOR _+
|                                |                       | (1504 - 1582)              
|                                |_Claudaz MAYOR ________|
|                                  (1548 - ....) m 1569  |
|                                                        |_Mermette MATHEY ___________+
|--Jaquemine DEGENÈVE 
|                                                         ____________________________
|                                                        |                            
|                                 _Pierre HUGUET ________|
|                                |                       |
|                                |                       |____________________________
|                                |                                                    
|_Pernette HUGUET _______________|
   m 1608                        |
                                 |                        ____________________________
                                 |                       |                            

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Jaquemine DEGENÈVE       (ID #I14834)

Father: Louis DEGENÈVE (bp. 29 AUG 1602)


                       _Jaques DEGENÈVE ____|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |__
 _Louis DEGENÈVE _____|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_Pernette GINON _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |__
|--Jaquemine DEGENÈVE 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Jaques DEGENÈVE       (ID #I1030)

Family 1 : Pernette GINON (dates unknown)
  1. +Louis DEGENÈVE (bp. 29 AUG 1602)
  2. +Jaques (or Jean Jaques) DEGENÈVE (bp. 22 OCT 1614)
  3.  Jean Jaques DEGENÈVE (bp. 11 MAY 1617)
  4.  Jean DEGENÈVE (bp. 27 DEC 1618)
  5.  Pernette DEGENÈVE (bp. 4 JUL 1620)
  6.  Jaqueline DEGENÈVE (dates unknown)


This may be the Jaques who appears without dit names in Ballens. Definite records in 1602 and 1617.

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