Early Records from the Districts of Aubonne and Morges, Canton Vaud, Switzerland

Johannetus CIGOEN       (ID #I16463)

Father: Girardus CIGOEN (b. bef 1427, d. aft 1452)
Mother: Roleta D'ESCHANDENS (d. aft 1452)


He made a "reconnaissance" on 28 may 1488 (ACV IB 295a/735) for property subject to the co-seigneur of Aubonne, Claude de Menthone (the property was a dependency of the Château d'Aubonne) previously recognized by his parents (first recorded by Aymonet Challet and later by Johannes Challet), including his house at Ballens. The document is incomplete; this folio is presently attached to the front of a small quire of earlier reconnaissances in a different hand (signed Fabri), including one by his parents Girardus Cigoen and Roleta d'Eschandens alias Bosson, 19 oct 1452. However, the document of 28 may 1488 now turns out to be the same "reconnaissance" found in ACV P de Mestral I 1507, a terrier compiled in 1488-1489 by Guilliermus Berardi for Claudius de Menthone (fol. 320, the texts need to be compared in detail).

                        _Hudrionius CIGOEN _______|
                       | (1410 - 1449)            |
                       |                          |_________________________
 _Girardus CIGOEN _____|
| (1427 - 1452)        |
|                      |                           _________________________
|                      |                          |                         
|                      |__________________________|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |_________________________
|--Johannetus CIGOEN 
|  (1463 - 1488)
|                                                  _Anthonius D'ESCHANDENS _
|                                                 |                         
|                       _Johannetus D'ESCHANDENS _|
|                      |                          |
|                      |                          |_Nycolleta SAUDAN _______+
|                      |                                                    
|_Roleta D'ESCHANDENS _|
  (.... - 1452)        |
                       |                           _________________________
                       |                          |                         

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Petrus CIGOEN       (ID #I14976)

Father: Girardus CIGOEN (b. bef 1427, d. aft 1452)
Mother: Roleta D'ESCHANDENS (d. aft 1452)

Family 1 : Stephana MAYOR (dates unknown)
  1. +Stephanus CIGOEN (b. aft 1498)
  2.  Johanneta CIGOEN (dates unknown)


He is the Petrus Bosson alias Cigoen who, with his wife Stephana daughter of the late Stephanus Mayor, made a reconnaissance (ACV P de Mestral I 1507, fol. 326v) on 23 jun 1488, as "tutor et administrator Petri filii (impuberis) quondam Mondeti Mayor dicti loci, de bonis que fuerunt quondam Johannodi et Cristini Vachetaz per Johannem filium Bisuncii de Frigidavilla et Stephanam eius uxorem filiam quondam Johannis de Eschandens bina vice alias recognitis, videlicet unam posam terre per dictum Johannem de Frigidavilla et Jacobum eius filium Aymoneto Mayor dictorum Stephane et quondam Mondeti avo venditam precio sexaginta solidorum bone monete constante lictera per Petrum recepta et per prefatum dominum in presenti extenta laudata." (There are difficulties with this passage, however, as Aymonetus Mayor does not in fact appear to be the grandfather of Mondetus and Stephana, but rather their great-uncle.) The alias Bosson comes from Roleta de Eschandens, wife of Girardus Cigoen.

                        _Hudrionius CIGOEN _______|
                       | (1410 - 1449)            |
                       |                          |_________________________
 _Girardus CIGOEN _____|
| (1427 - 1452)        |
|                      |                           _________________________
|                      |                          |                         
|                      |__________________________|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |_________________________
|--Petrus CIGOEN 
|                                                  _Anthonius D'ESCHANDENS _
|                                                 |                         
|                       _Johannetus D'ESCHANDENS _|
|                      |                          |
|                      |                          |_Nycolleta SAUDAN _______+
|                      |                                                    
|_Roleta D'ESCHANDENS _|
  (.... - 1452)        |
                       |                           _________________________
                       |                          |                         

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Stephanus CIGOEN       (ID #I14975)

Father: Petrus CIGOEN (d. aft 1488, BEF 1523)
Mother: Stephana MAYOR (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Claude MONOD (b. abt 1530, d. bef 1570)
  2. +Antoine MONOD (b. bef 1530, d. bef 1590)
  3. +Jaques MONOD (dates unknown)


He appears with his "nephew" Pierre Mayor/Monod son of Claude in 1530 and perhaps later. A key problem is to establish his dates and to determine whether he was survived by sons who took the family name Monod. There do not seem to be any later Cigoens.

He was a minor, represented by Petrus Mayor junior (relationship not precisely stated) on 30 nov 1523 (Fh 144, fol. 319v ff). That places his birth date after 1498. In other words, it is completely plausible that he is the "Thivent Monod" (alias Cigoen) who is cited at least into the 1550's at Ballens. By 1531 (Fg 52, fol. 170v), he was representing his "nephew" Petrus Monod filius quondam Glaudii Mayor alias Monod in a reconnaissance for property that had previously been recognized by Petrus Mayor junior, son of Mondetus Mayor.

Why would his children take the name Monod? They would be nephews of the late Petrus Mayor/Monod ("Petrus Mayor junior") whose only descendant was apparently Jacobus Mayor or Monod alias Noblet, who in turn seems to have left no children. In that case, the inheritance from" Petrus Mayor junior", including the name Monod may well have fallen to the children of Stephanus Cigoen.

The relationships gleaned from the terriers do not always appear to be consistent. In this case, we are not completely certain how Petrus Monod, son of Claudius, could be the nephew of Stephanus Cigoen, son of Petrus. Petrus son of Claudius should have been a minor in 1530 (thus born after 1505). For the moment, the best solution seems to be to emphasize the direct relationships stated in the terriers (such as parent, child, sibling, grandfather), and to treat the less direct relationships such as nephew, cousin, etc. less literally. The first inconsistency is a statement first encountered in Fg 52 (fol. 170v, 1531) that Petrus Mayor/Monod, son of the late Claude (and, in Fg 125, fol. 201, referring to exactly the same reconnaissance in Fg 52, that Claude was in turn the son of Stephanus or Thivent Mayor/Monod), was the nephew of Stephanus son of Petrus Cigoen and his wife Stephana Mayor, daughter of Stephanus Mayor. But the relationships stated would make Petrus Mayor a cousin of Stephanus Cigoen, not his nephew. Further, there is a very direct statement in P de Mestral I 1507 (fol. 326v, 1488) that Aymonetus Mayor is the grandfather both of Stephana Mayor (wife of Petrus Cigoen) and of Mondetus Mayor, while in Fg 125, Claude Mayor son of Stephanus (and thus Claude should be the brother of Stephana) is a "cousin" of Petrus son of Mondetus Mayor. Thus, P de Mestral I 1507 puts an extra generation between Aymonetus and Mondetus. We show Petrus Cigoen as the husband of Stephana (direct evidence for that, since they appear together as husband and wife in P. de Mestral I 1507), and Claude as Stephana's brother. We also show Mondetus as a son of Aymonetus, making him the brother of Stephanus Mayor, because of a lack of any other evidence that there was an intervening generation.

                                                              _Hudrionius CIGOEN _______
                                                             | (1410 - 1449)            
                       _Girardus CIGOEN _____________________|
                      | (1427 - 1452)                        |
                      |                                      |__________________________
 _Petrus CIGOEN ______|
|                     |
|                     |                                       _Johannetus D'ESCHANDENS _+
|                     |                                      |                          
|                     |_Roleta D'ESCHANDENS _________________|
|                       (.... - 1452)                        |
|                                                            |__________________________
|--Stephanus CIGOEN 
|  (1498 - ....)
|                                                             _Stephanodus MAYOR _______+
|                                                            | (.... - 1438)            
|                      _Stephanus (Estivent, Thivent) MAYOR _|
|                     | (.... - 1531)                        |
|                     |                                      |__________________________
|                     |                                                                 
|_Stephana MAYOR _____|
                      |                                       __________________________
                      |                                      |                          

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Julie CLAIX(?)       (ID #I5574)

Family 1 : Frédéric Henri BUVELOT (b. 11 MAR 1800)
  1.  Félix Samuel Henri BUVELOT (b. 24 NOV 1829)


Surname spelled Cliax in record copied into registers at Nyon in 1830, Ciliax in other places.

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Anne Marguerite CLAPARÈDE       (ID #I10021)

Father: David CLAPARÈDE (d. bef 1774)

Family 1 : Pierre Salomon CUGNY (d. bef 1774)
Family 2 : David Henri VULLYAMOZ (bp. 23 SEP 1729)
  1.  (child) VULLYAMOZ (b. 24 JUN 1774, d. 24 JUN 1774)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _David CLAPARÈDE ____|
| (.... - 1774)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Anne Marguerite CLAPARÈDE 
|  (1739 - 1803)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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David CLAPARÈDE       (ID #I10022)

Family 1 :
  1. +Anne Marguerite CLAPARÈDE (b. 1739, d. 28 NOV 1803)


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Abel CLAUDON       (ID #I6094)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Abel CLAUDON 
|  (1744 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON       (ID #I6088)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jean François HOBLER (bp. 28 FEB 1727, d. 1794?)
  1.  Jean Paul HOBLER (b. 5 JUL 1754, d. 1795?)
  2.  Marie Anne HOBLER (b. 3 FEB 1759)
  3.  Jaques François Helvétien HOBLER (b. 19 JUL 1765)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON 
|  (1729 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON       (ID #I6099)

Father: Jean George CLAUDON (b. 14 NOV 1739)
Mother: Anne PRATBERNON (dates unknown)


                                               _Paul CLAUDON _______
                                              | (1656 - 1711) m 1682
                        _Paul CLAUDON ________|
                       |  m 1728              |
                       |                      |_Marie HENRION ______
                       |                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682
 _Jean George CLAUDON _|
| (1739 - ....)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
|                         m 1728              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON 
|  (1767 - ....)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       ______________________|
|                      |                      |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Anne PRATBERNON _____|
                       |                       _____________________
                       |                      |                     

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François CLAUDON       (ID #I6091)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--François CLAUDON 
|  (1735 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Jaques CLAUDON       (ID #I6086)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Antoinette _____ (dates unknown)


                       _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                      | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                      |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
|                     |
|                     |                      __
|                     |                     |  
|                     |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                       (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                           |__
|--Jaques CLAUDON 
|  (1725 - ....)
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Antoinette _____ ___|
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Jean CLAUDON       (ID #I5990)

Family 1 : Marie MARTINET (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Suzanne CLAUDON (bp. 4 JAN 1696)
  2.  Jeanne CLAUDON (bp. 26 DEC 1696)


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Jean CLAUDON       (ID #I5988)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (b. 1656, d. aft 1711)
Mother: Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)


Witness at the baptism was the father, Paul Claudon, in the name of Jean Claudon the younger, refugee at Basel. (This may be the same Jean Claudon who later baptised his children at Morges.) The child apparently survived at least until 1698, as he would be the son aged 8 years in the reguee census of that year.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
| (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jean CLAUDON 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie HENRION ______|
  (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jean Gabriel CLAUDON       (ID #I5995)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (b. 1656, d. aft 1711)
Mother: Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)


Confirmed at Morges 30 mar 1714. He was presumably born about 1698 (so that the age at confirmation would be around 16), but we have not found a record of his birth. He probably was a son of Paul Claudon rather than Jean Claudon. The latter apparently removed to another parish in 1697.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
| (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jean Gabriel CLAUDON 
|  (1698 - ....)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie HENRION ______|
  (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jean George CLAUDON       (ID #I6092)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Anne PRATBERNON (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne CLAUDON (b. 14 FEB 1767)
  2.  Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON (b. 3 SEP 1767)


Sponsor at the baptism was Jeanne Marie Claudon, "tante" (aunt of the child, presumably).

                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Jean George CLAUDON 
|  (1739 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Jeanne CLAUDON       (ID #I5993)

Father: Jean CLAUDON (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie MARTINET (dates unknown)


A marginal notation beside the baptismal record notes that the record was copied and sent to another parish 28 nov 1697. This probably means that the family had moved, but we have not discovered their next destination.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Jean CLAUDON _______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jeanne CLAUDON 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie MARTINET _____|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jeanne CLAUDON       (ID #I6098)

Father: Jean George CLAUDON (b. 14 NOV 1739)
Mother: Anne PRATBERNON (dates unknown)


                                               _Paul CLAUDON _______
                                              | (1656 - 1711) m 1682
                        _Paul CLAUDON ________|
                       |  m 1728              |
                       |                      |_Marie HENRION ______
                       |                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682
 _Jean George CLAUDON _|
| (1739 - ....)        |
|                      |                       _____________________
|                      |                      |                     
|                      |_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
|                         m 1728              |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Jeanne CLAUDON 
|  (1767 - ....)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                       ______________________|
|                      |                      |
|                      |                      |_____________________
|                      |                                            
|_Anne PRATBERNON _____|
                       |                       _____________________
                       |                      |                     

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Jeanne Marie CLAUDON       (ID #I5987)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (b. 1656, d. aft 1711)
Mother: Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)


Witnesses at the baptism were Jean Buvelot and his daughter Marie.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
| (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jeanne Marie CLAUDON 
|  (.... - 1698)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie HENRION ______|
  (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jeanne Marie Françoise CLAUDON       (ID #I5994)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (b. 1656, d. aft 1711)
Mother: Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)


This is probably the Marie Claudon confirmed 15 apr 1718 at Morges.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
| (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jeanne Marie Françoise CLAUDON 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie HENRION ______|
  (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jeanne Suzanne CLAUDON       (ID #I5992)

Father: Jean CLAUDON (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie MARTINET (dates unknown)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Jean CLAUDON _______|
|                     |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jeanne Suzanne CLAUDON 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie MARTINET _____|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Marguerite CLAUDON       (ID #I6089)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Marguerite CLAUDON 
|  (1731 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Marthe CLAUDON       (ID #I6090)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Marthe CLAUDON 
|  (1733 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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Paul CLAUDON       (ID #I5985)

Family 1 : Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)
  1.  Jeanne Marie CLAUDON (bp. 16 MAY 1688, d. bef 1698)
  2.  Jean CLAUDON (bp. 26 NOV 1690)
  3. +Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
  4.  Jean Gabriel CLAUDON (b. abt 1698)
  5.  Jeanne Marie Françoise CLAUDON (bp. 9 MAY 1702)


First noted in Morges in 1688, apparently worked as a shoemaker there until at least 1711, when he was a sponsor at a baptism. He died before 1726, as his wife was a widow when she died that year. He appears in the 1693 list of Huguenot refugees at Morges with wife and two children; also at Morges in that list is a Sarraz (Sarah) Claudon with a daughter, both of these families from Barrois.

The enumeration of 30 sep 1698 lists him among the shoemakers (cordonniers) as follows:

"Paul Claudon de Vaubecour en Barrois aagé de 42 ans, et Marie Henrion sa femme aagée de 38 ans avec 2 garçons de 8 et 5 ans."

The list of 1698 does not show any other refugees surnamed Claudon or Henrion, which tends to confirm our observation that the family of Jean Claudon had moved out of the area about 1697.

[2949] Microfilmed file card of the Leiden Collection is unfortunately out of focus, year uncertain. Elsewhere, we find that t Microfilmed file card of the Leiden Collection is unfortunately out of focus, year uncertain. Elsewhere, we find that the protestant register at Nettancourt runs only a few years, approximately 1680-1685.

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Paul CLAUDON       (ID #I5989)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (b. 1656, d. aft 1711)
Mother: Marie HENRION (b. 1660, d. 29 JAN 1726)

Family 1 : Antoinette _____ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jaques CLAUDON (b. 8 OCT 1725)
Family 2 : Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)
  1. +Charlotte Elizabeth CLAUDON (b. 10 MAY 1729)
  2.  Marguerite CLAUDON (b. 13 MAY 1731)
  3.  Marthe CLAUDON (b. 26 JAN 1733/34)
  4.  François CLAUDON (b. 5 FEB 1735/36)
  5. +Jean George CLAUDON (b. 14 NOV 1739)
  6.  Paul CLAUDON (b. 11 NOV 1741)
  7.  Abel CLAUDON (b. 5 APR 1744)


This would appear to be the Paul Claudon who appears in Huguenot records of London in the 1720's. He would be the son aged 5 years noted in the refugee census of 1698. The first appearance in London (records of the Leicester Fields Church) is a mention of "P. Claudon" as a witness at the wedding of Abel Panchaud and Marthe Calard 25 apr 1721. Two years later, 20 jun 1723, Paul Claudon is sponsor for the baptism of the same couple's first son, Paul.

This Paul appears to have been married twice, as he appears in 1725 with wife Antoinette (son Jaques b. 08 oct 1725, baptised at Leicester Fields 27 oct 1725). The second wife, Marie Anne Duvivier, is noted at Leicester Fields in 1729. Catherine Minck-Brandt discovered the second marriage at the French church of the Savoy (British National Archives RG4/4641).

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Paul CLAUDON _______|
| (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Paul CLAUDON 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Marie HENRION ______|
  (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Paul CLAUDON       (ID #I6093)

Father: Paul CLAUDON (bp. 31 MAY 1693)
Mother: Marie Anne DUVIVIER (dates unknown)


                        _Paul CLAUDON _______|
                       | (1656 - 1711) m 1682|
                       |                     |__
 _Paul CLAUDON ________|
|  m 1728              |
|                      |                      __
|                      |                     |  
|                      |_Marie HENRION ______|
|                        (1660 - 1726) m 1682|
|                                            |__
|--Paul CLAUDON 
|  (1741 - ....)
|                                             __
|                                            |  
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |__
|                      |                        
|_Marie Anne DUVIVIER _|
   m 1728              |
                       |                      __
                       |                     |  

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