A family from Moudon, Switzerland
Occasional essays and documents.
Some of our essays and transcriptions can be accessed separately:
- Document in the hand of Isaac Dutoit, notary at Moudon,
part of ACV DO 33/1, approximately 1715-1725.
Contains a list of this notary's
properties and details about his family, as well as information about property owners at
He recorded this information in the unused portion of the "protocol"
or notarial register of another notary, so this document is not
catalogued under his name at the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises.
- Revolutionary War pension file of John Baird, Private,
from Somerset and Morris Counties, New
- The McDougalls of Argyle, New York, compiled by Jennie M. Patten, circa 1935. My family received
a very messy typescript from a Washington County, New York researcher many years ago, apparently transcribed from Jennie's notes after her
death. It has proven remarkably accurate. We put the typescript in a more publishable form for The Sleeper. This is the version
presented here.
- Régie des biens des Sieurs Gélieu, frères,
ministres fugitifs, 1715-1722.
- True Grit and Tall Tales: How Mary Ettie Coray
(1827-1867) Got Her Man. We have uncovered the story
behind the notorious
tell-all history, Fifteen Years Among the Mormons (Nelson Winch Green, 1858),
purporting to be the true story
of Mary Ettie Coray Smith and her husband Reuben
Peace Smith. Mary Ettie's account of dark deeds among the Mormon hierarchy, from their
at Nauvoo until about 1856, is emphatically not what it seems. It is
unfortunate that those who cite Mary Ettie today as an authentic
first-hand account of
history have not imagined how real events can be manipulated in the hands of a talented
story-teller to serve ends other
than the truth. Even the motive for the deception is not
what it seems: Mary Ettie was simply manipulating Reuben Smith's affections. This
not come as a surprise to any fan of Desperate Housewives! Mary Ettie was a
desperate Mormon housewife who turned out to have an
unexpected flair for narrative fiction.
Were it not for the fact that Reuben P. Smith's brother Hugh Darius Smith inscribed a copy
of this
book to his McCoy cousins in Brown Co., IL, we would have had no knowledge of
this intriguing chapter in Mormon history, nor would we have had
the means to
determine the actual course of events. It was the way the book came into our family
that gave us the imperative to discover the
- Notes sur la famille Chavannes (1882) by Ernest Chavannes (1821-1895), kindly
transcribed and prepared
for this site through the efforts of Arnaud Desmazières, Catherine Minck-Brandt, and Jean-Jacques
- L'immigration Suiss dans le comté de Hanau-Lichtenberg
au dix-septième siècle (Walter Bodmer, 1930), listing known Swiss immigrants extracted from church records and other sources for a large part
of the modern Département of Bas-Rhin, France.
- August, 1679: Bears in the Maison de Ville of Moudon!. A bizarre story found
in the records of the Cour
de Justice of Moudon. A traveling entertainer offended the notables of Moudon by
beating his dancing bears with sticks. The crowd jumped in
to defend the bears. A brawl ensued, spilling out onto the street.
The Baillif de Moudon (the appointed overseer from Bern) heard about it
at his residence (the Château de Lucens)
and requested an inquiry. The entertainer wanted compensation for his injuries, and he wanted his
trumpet back!
- The wife of the notary François Forestey is accused of eating a cow. The notary heard a rumor
to the effect
that his wife had eaten a cow that belonged to Gabriel Dumartherey. After claims and counterclaims, the parties
made peace and agreed never to
speak of the matter again (19 mar 1588).
- Power of Attorney for the Marcel Family, 1824. The family of Jean Pierre Samuel Marcel,
formerly of
Lausanne, needed to appoint a representative in Switzerland to obtain bequests from two different estates that
were being probated there. They
executed a "power of attorney" before the circuit court in Jessamine County, Kentucky. That
document was in turn endorsed by the circuit judge,
the district judge, the Governor of Kentucky, the US Secretary of State,
the American Ambassador in France, and the Swiss chargé d'affaires in
France. Eventually, the whole package was
recorded by the Justice of the Peace in Lausanne. The original document remained with the Marcel
family in Switzerland,
descending in the family from generation to generation, until it was discovered in papers of her father by Irène
of Haguenau, Bas-Rhin, France. Naturally, this discovery has caused a sensation among the American
descendants of the Marcel family, since it
bears the autograph signatures of several members of the family, and since
it reveals the name and place of residence of Louise Marcel's husband,
David McCoy. The related documents in
Switzerland — the probates of the two estates mentioned in the power of attorney — have not yet
been located
and will be the subject of our future searches. Was this sort of transaction required every time someone in the United
needed to claim an inheritance in Europe? Certainly some sort of power of attorney would have been required, but
we cannot yet conclude that
these were regularly transmitted through official diplomatic communications, as this one
was. Presumably the document was forwarded by the
Department of State with instructions to the Ambassador in Paris, and
the instructions and copies of the documents were filed in Washington. The vast
papers of the US Department of State are
not indexed in a way that would make such transactions easy to find. However, we think it likely that
they must contain
many thousands of similar examples that would be of great interest to genealogists. The volumes of instructions and
are part of Record Group 59 at the US National Archives. They have been microfilmed, but there is no index
apart from volume indexes or registers.
- Inventory and sale of personal estate of David McCoy deceased, from Will Book 1, Oldham County, Kentucky, October
3-12, 1829.
- Wills of Cecil County, Maryland 1777-1810, brief abstracts from the Family History Library microfilms. We found
so many discrepancies in the information about wills from this county on the internet that we decided to investigate further. The result is a PDF
document that should make these wills easier to find and easier to use. The abstracts were transcribed in haste, so please watch for typographical
errors! As time permits, we will add the rest of the Cecil County wills prior to 1850.
- Sources for the Jewish community of Pyrzyce, Poland, formerly known as Pyritz when it was part of Prussia: A group of vital records
covering the years
1840-1847 was discovered in the microfilms of the Lutheran "churchbook duplicates". There are also two population lists or "Matrikels" from 1853 and
1865 on Family History Library microfilm #1184446. We have transcribed or abstracted the vital records and the
Matrikels. Did my Victor family originate in Pyrzyce? New evidence seems to prove it! The surname Victor
was adopted by only about half a dozen families in Prussia, according to the "surname adoption lists" that are known today. So far, the family from Pyritz
is the only one for which I have found significant data, and, according to court testimony from 1870, my Solomon Victor was born there (see the next item).
- My ancestors Solomon Victor and his wife Marion Danson were very difficult to find. Thanks to newly-digitized newspapers, some of the gaps in their
story have been filled in. In 1870, Solomon Victor shot Alston Rich in Bloomington, Illinois, after Marion had run away with Mr. Rich. The shooting and the
subsequent trial were covered extensively in the Bloomington Pantagraph, and the story was also picked up in other newspapers. See the newspaper articles
and court records here. At some point, Solomon and Marion were divorced, and Solomon remarried in 1883
to Louise Feigel of Chicago, where they lived until Solomon's death in April, 1900. In December, 1900, the story of the conversion of Solomon's widow Louise
to Judaism was a minor sensation in newspapers from coast to coast. See the newspaper coverage here.
- Information on families of Vaud posted here in response to queries from other genealogists.
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